diff options
authorbasdxz <tudurap.com@gmail.com>2020-07-19 08:26:15 +0100
committerbasdxz <tudurap.com@gmail.com>2020-07-19 08:26:45 +0100
commit05b7f7d4111926d1eef68c7643c09f0cac5e09c5 (patch)
parentf2cbb5c88aff3b3f0f3908601328c53ee652f9dd (diff)
Implement Tesla Global List
And then when I do it with lists the way Bart suggested it, I have Tec tell me to rewrite everything using interfaces
4 files changed, 145 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/loader/TecTechConfig.java b/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/loader/TecTechConfig.java
index 030be65f3b..ae9da94b02 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/loader/TecTechConfig.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/loader/TecTechConfig.java
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ public class TecTechConfig extends ConfigManager {
- public int TESLA_MULTI_SCAN_RANGE;//TODO delete
public boolean TESLA_MULTI_GAS_OUTPUT;
@@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ public class TecTechConfig extends ConfigManager {
@@ -93,7 +91,6 @@ public class TecTechConfig extends ConfigManager {
TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T1 = _mainConfig.getInt("TeslaMultiLossPerBlockT1", "Balance Tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T1, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower power transmission loss per block per amp using helium or nitrogen plasma");
TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T2 = _mainConfig.getInt("TeslaMultiLossPerBlockT1", "Balance Tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T2, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Tower power transmission loss per block per amp using radon plasma");
TESLA_MULTI_OVERDRIVE_LOSS_FACTOR = _mainConfig.getFloat("TeslaMultiOverdriveLossFactor", "Balance Tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_OVERDRIVE_LOSS_FACTOR, 0, 1, "Additional Tesla Tower power loss per amp as a factor of the tier voltage");
- TESLA_MULTI_SCAN_RANGE = _mainConfig.getInt("TeslaMultiScanRange", "Balance Tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_SCAN_RANGE, 4, 256, "The horizontal radius scanned by the Tesla Tower");
TESLA_MULTI_GAS_OUTPUT = _mainConfig.getBoolean("TeslaMultiMoltenOutput", "Balance Tweaks", TESLA_MULTI_GAS_OUTPUT, "Set to true to enable outputting plasmas as gasses from the tesla tower with a 1:1 ratio");
TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_PER_BLOCK = _mainConfig.getInt("TeslaSingleLossPerBlock", "Balance Tweaks", TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_PER_BLOCK, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Tesla Transceiver power transmission loss per block per amp");
TESLA_SINGLE_OVERDRIVE_LOSS_FACTOR = _mainConfig.getFloat("TeslaSingleOverdriveLossFactor", "Balance Tweaks", TESLA_SINGLE_OVERDRIVE_LOSS_FACTOR, 0, 1, "Additional Tesla Transceiver power loss per amp as a factor of the tier voltage");
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/cover/GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil.java b/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/cover/GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil.java
index 8be875ff4f..6442ba51b6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/cover/GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/cover/GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil.java
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package com.github.technus.tectech.thing.cover;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.ICoverable;
-import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_CoverBehavior;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil.java b/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil.java
index 7d12302477..eca70ca63f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil.java
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ import static com.github.technus.tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.base.LedStat
import static com.github.technus.tectech.util.CommonValues.V;
import static com.github.technus.tectech.util.Util.entriesSortedByValues;
import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.E;
-import static java.lang.Math.max;
-import static java.lang.Math.min;
+import static java.lang.Math.*;
import static net.minecraft.util.StatCollector.translateToLocal;
public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiblockBase_EM implements IConstructable {
@@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
private static final int[] plasmaTierLoss = new int[]{TecTech.configTecTech.TESLA_MULTI_LOSS_PER_BLOCK_T0,
private static final float overDriveLoss = TecTech.configTecTech.TESLA_MULTI_OVERDRIVE_LOSS_FACTOR;//Default is 0.25F;
- private static final int scanRangeXZ = TecTech.configTecTech.TESLA_MULTI_SCAN_RANGE;//Default is 40
private static final boolean doFluidOutput = TecTech.configTecTech.TESLA_MULTI_GAS_OUTPUT; //Default is false
//Face icons
@@ -73,12 +71,12 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
private FluidStack[] mOutputFluidsQueue; //Used to buffer the fluid outputs, so the tesla takes a second to 'cool' any plasma it would output as a gas
- public static final HashSet<IGregTechTileEntity> teslaNodeSet = new HashSet<>(); //Targets for power transmission //TODO Make this fill more efficently and globally
+ public static final HashSet<IGregTechTileEntity> teslaNodeSet = new HashSet<>(); //Targets for power transmission
private final HashSet<ThaumSpark> sparkList = new HashSet<>(); //Thaumcraft lighting coordinate pairs, so we can send them in bursts and save on lag
- private final Map<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> eTeslaMap = new HashMap<>(); //Targets for power transmission
+ private Map<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> teslaNodeMap = new HashMap<>(); //Targets for power transmission
private final ArrayList<GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Capacitor> eCapacitorHatches = new ArrayList<>(); //Capacitor hatches which determine the max voltage tier and count of amps
- private int scanTime = 0; //Scan timer used for tesla search intervals //TODO Replace with something that fetches from a global map
+ private int sortTime = 0; //Scan timer used for tesla search intervals
private long energyCapacity = 0; //Total energy storage limited by capacitors
private long outputVoltageMax = 0; //Tesla voltage output limited by capacitors
@@ -88,11 +86,8 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
//Prevents unnecessary offset calculation, saving on lag
private byte oldRotation = -1;
private byte oldOrientation = -1;
- //Coordinate Arrays
- private final Vec3Impl[] scanPosOffsets = new Vec3Impl[10];
- private Vec3Impl posZap = Vec3Impl.NULL_VECTOR;//Location of the bottom middle of the tower, used as the power transfer origin
- public Vec3Impl posTop = Vec3Impl.NULL_VECTOR;//Location of the center of the sphere on top of the tower, used as theThaumcraft lightning origin
+ //Location of the center of the sphere on top of the tower, used as the Thaumcraft lightning and origin
+ public Vec3Impl posTop = Vec3Impl.NULL_VECTOR;
//region structure
@@ -128,8 +123,8 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
//region parameters
- protected Parameters.Group.ParameterIn popogaSetting, histLowSetting, histHighSetting, transferRadiusTowerSetting, transferRadiusTransceiverSetting, transferRadiusCoverUltimateSetting, outputVoltageSetting, outputCurrentSetting, scanTimeMinSetting, overDriveSetting;
- protected Parameters.Group.ParameterOut popogaDisplay, transferRadiusTowerDisplay, transferRadiusTransceiverDisplay, transferRadiusCoverUltimateDisplay, outputVoltageDisplay, outputCurrentDisplay, energyCapacityDisplay, energyStoredDisplay, energyFractionDisplay, scanTimeDisplay;
+ protected Parameters.Group.ParameterIn popogaSetting, histLowSetting, histHighSetting, transferRadiusTowerSetting, transferRadiusTransceiverSetting, transferRadiusCoverUltimateSetting, outputVoltageSetting, outputCurrentSetting, sortTimeMinSetting, overDriveSetting;
+ protected Parameters.Group.ParameterOut popogaDisplay, transferRadiusTowerDisplay, transferRadiusTransceiverDisplay, transferRadiusCoverUltimateDisplay, outputVoltageDisplay, outputCurrentDisplay, energyCapacityDisplay, energyStoredDisplay, energyFractionDisplay, sortTimeDisplay;
private static final INameFunction<GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil> HYSTERESIS_LOW_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.tm.teslaCoil.cfgi.0");//Hysteresis low setting
private static final INameFunction<GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil> HYSTERESIS_HIGH_SETTING_NAME = (base, p) -> translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.tm.teslaCoil.cfgi.1");//Hysteresis high setting
@@ -294,37 +289,6 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
return 1F * plasmaBoost;
- private void scanForTransmissionTargets(Vec3Impl coordsMin, Vec3Impl coordsMax) {
- //This makes sure the minimums are actually smaller than the maximums
- int xMin = min(coordsMin.get0(), coordsMax.get0());
- int yMin = min(coordsMin.get1(), coordsMax.get1());
- int zMin = min(coordsMin.get2(), coordsMax.get2());
- //And vice versa
- int xMax = max(coordsMin.get0(), coordsMax.get0());
- int yMax = max(coordsMin.get1(), coordsMax.get1());
- int zMax = max(coordsMin.get2(), coordsMax.get2());
- for (int xPos = xMin; xPos <= xMax; xPos++) {
- for (int yPos = yMin; yPos <= yMax; yPos++) {
- for (int zPos = zMin; zPos <= zMax; zPos++) {
- if (xPos == 0 && yPos == 0 && zPos == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- IGregTechTileEntity node = getBaseMetaTileEntity().getIGregTechTileEntityOffset(xPos, yPos, zPos);
- if (node != null) {
- IMetaTileEntity nodeInside = node.getMetaTileEntity();
- if (nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil ||
- nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil && node.isActive() ||
- (node.getCoverBehaviorAtSide((byte) 1) instanceof GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil)) {
- eTeslaMap.put(node, (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xPos, 2) + Math.pow(yPos, 2) + Math.pow(zPos, 2))));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
private void thaumLightning(IGregTechTileEntity mte, IGregTechTileEntity node) {
byte xR = (byte) (node.getXCoord() - posTop.get0());
byte yR = (byte) (node.getYCoord() - posTop.get1());
@@ -405,26 +369,10 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
oldOrientation = iGregTechTileEntity.getFrontFacing();
//Calculate coordinates of the middle bottom
- posZap = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(0, 0, 2)).add(getBaseMetaTileEntity());
+ posTop = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(0, 0, 2)).add(getBaseMetaTileEntity());
//Calculate coordinates of the top sphere
posTop = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(0, -14, 2)).add(getBaseMetaTileEntity());
- //Calculate offsets for scanning
- scanPosOffsets[0] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(scanRangeXZ, 0, scanRangeXZ + 3));
- scanPosOffsets[1] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(-1 * scanRangeXZ, -4, -1 * scanRangeXZ + 3));
- scanPosOffsets[2] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(scanRangeXZ, -5, scanRangeXZ + 3));
- scanPosOffsets[3] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(-1 * scanRangeXZ, -8, -1 * scanRangeXZ + 3));
- scanPosOffsets[4] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(scanRangeXZ, -9, scanRangeXZ + 3));
- scanPosOffsets[5] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(-1 * scanRangeXZ, -12, -1 * scanRangeXZ + 3));
- scanPosOffsets[6] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(scanRangeXZ, -13, scanRangeXZ + 3));
- scanPosOffsets[7] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(-1 * scanRangeXZ, -16, -1 * scanRangeXZ + 3));
- scanPosOffsets[8] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(scanRangeXZ, -17, scanRangeXZ + 3));
- scanPosOffsets[9] = getExtendedFacing().getWorldOffset(new Vec3Impl(-1 * scanRangeXZ, -20, -1 * scanRangeXZ + 3));
return true;
@@ -442,7 +390,7 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
!transferRadiusCoverUltimateSetting.getStatus(false).isOk ||
!outputVoltageSetting.getStatus(false).isOk ||
!outputCurrentSetting.getStatus(false).isOk ||
- !scanTimeMinSetting.getStatus(false).isOk ||
+ !sortTimeMinSetting.getStatus(false).isOk ||
) return false;
@@ -558,7 +506,7 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
popogaSetting = hatch_5.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS);
popogaSetting = hatch_6.makeInParameter(0, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS);
popogaSetting = hatch_6.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS);
- scanTimeMinSetting = hatch_7.makeInParameter(0, 100, SCAN_TIME_MIN_SETTING_NAME, SCAN_TIME_MIN_STATUS);
+ sortTimeMinSetting = hatch_7.makeInParameter(0, 100, SCAN_TIME_MIN_SETTING_NAME, SCAN_TIME_MIN_STATUS);
popogaSetting = hatch_7.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS);
overDriveSetting = hatch_8.makeInParameter(0, 0, OVERDRIVE_SETTING_NAME, OVERDRIVE_STATUS);
popogaSetting = hatch_8.makeInParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS);
@@ -579,7 +527,7 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
energyCapacityDisplay = hatch_5.makeOutParameter(1, 0, ENERGY_CAPACITY_DISPLAY_NAME, ENERGY_STATUS);
energyStoredDisplay = hatch_6.makeOutParameter(0, 0, ENERGY_STORED_DISPLAY_NAME, ENERGY_STATUS);
energyFractionDisplay = hatch_6.makeOutParameter(1, 0, ENERGY_FRACTION_DISPLAY_NAME, ENERGY_STATUS);
- scanTimeDisplay = hatch_7.makeOutParameter(0, 0, SCAN_TIME_DISPLAY_NAME, SCAN_TIME_STATUS);
+ sortTimeDisplay = hatch_7.makeOutParameter(0, 0, SCAN_TIME_DISPLAY_NAME, SCAN_TIME_STATUS);
popogaDisplay = hatch_7.makeOutParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS);
popogaDisplay = hatch_8.makeOutParameter(0, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS);
popogaDisplay = hatch_8.makeOutParameter(1, 0, POPOGA_NAME, POPOGA_STATUS);
@@ -621,120 +569,135 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
- @Override
- public boolean onRunningTick(ItemStack aStack) {
- IGregTechTileEntity mte = getBaseMetaTileEntity();
- //Hysteresis based ePowerPass setting
- long energyStored = getEUVar();
- float energyFrac = (float) energyStored / energyCapacity;
+ public static Map<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> generateTeslaNodeMap(IGregTechTileEntity orgin){
+ Map<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> generatedNodeMap = new HashMap<>();
+ IMetaTileEntity orginInside = orgin.getMetaTileEntity();
+ int orginX;
+ int orginY;
+ int orginZ;
+ if (orginInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil) {
+ GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil teslaTower = (GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil) orginInside;
+ orginX = teslaTower.posTop.get0();
+ orginY = teslaTower.posTop.get1();
+ orginZ = teslaTower.posTop.get2();
+ } else {
+ orginX = orgin.getXCoord();
+ orginY = orgin.getYCoord();
+ orginZ = orgin.getZCoord();
+ }
- energyCapacityDisplay.set(energyCapacity);
- energyStoredDisplay.set(energyStored);
- energyFractionDisplay.set(energyFrac);
+ for (IGregTechTileEntity node : teslaNodeSet) {
+ if (node == null) {
+ //Technically, the Tesla Covers do not remove themselves from the list and this is the code that does
+ teslaNodeSet.remove(null);
+ continue;
+ } else if (node == orgin || orgin.getWorld().provider.dimensionId != node.getWorld().provider.dimensionId) {
+ //Skip if looking at myself and skip if not in the same dimention
+ continue;
+ }
- if (!ePowerPass && energyFrac > histHighSetting.get()) {
- ePowerPass = true;
- } else if (ePowerPass && energyFrac < histLowSetting.get()) {
- ePowerPass = false;
+ //Makes the target coordinates the center of the sphere of the tower if it has one
+ IMetaTileEntity nodeInside = node.getMetaTileEntity();
+ int targetX;
+ int targetY;
+ int targetZ;
+ if (nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil) {
+ GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil teslaTower = (GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil) nodeInside;
+ targetX = teslaTower.posTop.get0();
+ targetY = teslaTower.posTop.get1();
+ targetZ = teslaTower.posTop.get2();
+ } else {
+ targetX = node.getXCoord();
+ targetY = node.getYCoord();
+ targetZ = node.getZCoord();
+ }
+ //Find the xyz offsets and calculate the distance between us and the target
+ int xPosOffset = targetX - orginX;
+ int yPosOffset = targetY - orginY;
+ int zPosOffset = targetZ - orginZ;
+ int distance = (int) ceil(sqrt(pow(xPosOffset, 2) + pow(yPosOffset, 2) + pow(zPosOffset, 2)));
+ //Thought we need abs here, we don't. An Integer to the power of two is going to be either 0 or positive.
+ //We also can just put stuff here without further checks, as we always check the next section
+ generatedNodeMap.put(node, distance);
+ return generatedNodeMap;
+ }
+ public static Map<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> cleanTeslaNodeMap(Map<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> nodeMap, IGregTechTileEntity orgin) {
+ IMetaTileEntity orginInside = orgin.getMetaTileEntity();
+ //Assumes that if the orgin is not a Tesla Tower, it mus be a single block.
+ boolean isMulti = orginInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil;
- //Clean the eTeslaMap
- for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> Rx : eTeslaMap.entrySet()) {
+ for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> Rx : nodeMap.entrySet()) {
+ //All the checks need to pass or the target gets removed from the transmission list
IGregTechTileEntity node = Rx.getKey();
+ //Null check
if (node != null) {
IMetaTileEntity nodeInside = node.getMetaTileEntity();
+ //We need this in a try catch, just as a precaution that a chunk had unloaded or a machine was removed
try {
+ //Is it an Active Tesla Tower with at least some energy capacity?
+ //Singles and Multis can send power here, so we don't check
if (nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil && node.isActive()) {
GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil teslaTower = (GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil) nodeInside;
if (teslaTower.maxEUStore() > 0) {
- } else if (nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil) {
+ //Is it a Tesla Transceiver with at least one battery?
+ //Only multis can send power to singles
+ } else if (isMulti && nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil) {
GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil teslaTransceiver = (GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil) nodeInside;
if (teslaTransceiver.mBatteryCount > 0) {
- } else if ((node.getCoverBehaviorAtSide((byte) 1) instanceof GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil) && node.getEUCapacity() > 0) {
+ //Is it a tile entity with a Tesla Coil Cover?
+ //Only single can send power to non-Rich edition covers
+ //Since Rich edition inherits from regular, we need the final check
+ } else if (!isMulti && node.getCoverBehaviorAtSide((byte) 1) instanceof GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil &&
+ node.getEUCapacity() > 0 && !(node.getCoverBehaviorAtSide((byte) 1) instanceof GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil_Ultimate)) {
+ continue;
+ //Is it a tile entity with a Tesla Coil Cover Rich edition?
+ //Only multis can send power to Rich edition covers
+ } else if (isMulti && node.getCoverBehaviorAtSide((byte) 1) instanceof GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil_Ultimate && node.getEUCapacity() > 0) {
- } catch (Exception e) {
+ } catch (Exception ignored) {
- eTeslaMap.remove(Rx.getKey());
+ nodeMap.remove(Rx.getKey());
+ return nodeMap;
+ }
- //Scan for transmission targets
- switch (scanTime) {
- case 0:
- scanTimeDisplay.updateStatus();
- scanForTransmissionTargets(scanPosOffsets[0], scanPosOffsets[1]);
- break;
- case 20:
- scanTimeDisplay.updateStatus();
- scanForTransmissionTargets(scanPosOffsets[2], scanPosOffsets[3]);
- break;
- case 40:
- scanTimeDisplay.updateStatus();
- scanForTransmissionTargets(scanPosOffsets[4], scanPosOffsets[5]);
- break;
- case 60:
- scanTimeDisplay.updateStatus();
- scanForTransmissionTargets(scanPosOffsets[6], scanPosOffsets[7]);
- break;
- case 80:
- scanTimeDisplay.updateStatus();
- scanForTransmissionTargets(scanPosOffsets[8], scanPosOffsets[9]);
- break;
- default:
- if (scanTime == (int) scanTimeMinSetting.get() - 1) {
- scanTime = -1;
- for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> Rx : eTeslaMap.entrySet()) {
- IGregTechTileEntity node = Rx.getKey();
- if (node != null) {
- IMetaTileEntity nodeInside = node.getMetaTileEntity();
- try {
- if (nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil) {
- GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil teslaCoil = (GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil) nodeInside;
- int tX = node.getXCoord();
- int tY = node.getYCoord();
- int tZ = node.getZCoord();
- int tXN = posZap.get0();
- int tYN = posZap.get1();
- int tZN = posZap.get2();
- int tOffset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(tX - tXN, 2) + Math.pow(tY - tYN, 2) + Math.pow(tZ - tZN, 2)));
- teslaCoil.eTeslaMap.put(mte, tOffset);
- for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> RRx : eTeslaMap.entrySet()) {
- IGregTechTileEntity nodeN = RRx.getKey();
- if (nodeN == node) {
- continue;
- }
- tXN = nodeN.getXCoord();
- tYN = nodeN.getYCoord();
- tZN = nodeN.getZCoord();
- tOffset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(tX - tXN, 2) + Math.pow(tY - tYN, 2) + Math.pow(tZ - tZN, 2)));
- if (tOffset > 20) {
- continue;
- }
- teslaCoil.eTeslaMap.put(nodeN, tOffset);
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- eTeslaMap.remove(Rx.getKey());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
+ @Override
+ public boolean onRunningTick(ItemStack aStack) {
+ IGregTechTileEntity mte = getBaseMetaTileEntity();
+ //Hysteresis based ePowerPass setting
+ float energyFrac = (float) getEUVar() / energyCapacity;
+ energyCapacityDisplay.set(energyCapacity);
+ energyStoredDisplay.set(getEUVar());
+ energyFractionDisplay.set(energyFrac);
+ if (!ePowerPass && energyFrac > histHighSetting.get()) {
+ ePowerPass = true;
+ } else if (ePowerPass && energyFrac < histLowSetting.get()) {
+ ePowerPass = false;
- scanTime++;
- scanTimeDisplay.set(scanTime);
+ //Create the teslaNodeMap
+ if (sortTime == sortTimeMinSetting.get()) {
+ sortTime = 0;
+ sortTimeDisplay.updateStatus();
+ teslaNodeMap = generateTeslaNodeMap(mte);
+ }
+ sortTime++;
+ sortTimeDisplay.set(sortTime);
//Power Limit Settings
long outputVoltage;
@@ -756,46 +719,23 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
//Stuff to do if ePowerPass
if (ePowerPass) {
//Range calculation and display
- float rangeFrac = (float) ((-0.5 * Math.pow(energyFrac, 2)) + (1.5 * energyFrac));
- int transferRadiusTower = (int) (transferRadiusTowerSetting.get() * getRangeMulti(mTier, vTier) * rangeFrac);
+ int transferRadiusTower = (int) (transferRadiusTowerSetting.get() * getRangeMulti(mTier, vTier));
- int transferRadiusTransceiver = (int) (transferRadiusTransceiverSetting.get() * getRangeMulti(mTier, vTier) * rangeFrac);
+ int transferRadiusTransceiver = (int) (transferRadiusTransceiverSetting.get() * getRangeMulti(mTier, vTier));
- int transferRadiusCoverUltimate = (int) (transferRadiusCoverUltimateSetting.get() * getRangeMulti(mTier, vTier) * rangeFrac);
+ int transferRadiusCoverUltimate = (int) (transferRadiusCoverUltimateSetting.get() * getRangeMulti(mTier, vTier));
- //Clean the eTeslaMap
- for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> Rx : eTeslaMap.entrySet()) {
- IGregTechTileEntity node = Rx.getKey();
- if (node != null) {
- IMetaTileEntity nodeInside = node.getMetaTileEntity();
- try {
- if (nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil && node.isActive()) {
- GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil teslaTower = (GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil) nodeInside;
- if (teslaTower.maxEUStore() > 0) {
- continue;
- }
- } else if (nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil) {
- GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil teslaCoil = (GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil) nodeInside;
- if (teslaCoil.getStoredEnergy()[1] > 0) {
- continue;
- }
- } else if ((node.getCoverBehaviorAtSide((byte) 1) instanceof GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil) && node.getEUCapacity() > 0) {
- continue;
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- }
- }
- eTeslaMap.remove(Rx.getKey());
- }
+ //Clean the teslaNodeMap
+ teslaNodeMap = cleanTeslaNodeMap(teslaNodeMap, mte);
//Power transfer
long sparks = outputCurrent;
while (sparks > 0) {
boolean overdriveToggle = overDriveSetting.get() > 0;
boolean idle = true;
- for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> Rx : entriesSortedByValues(eTeslaMap)) {
- if (energyStored >= (overdriveToggle ? outputVoltage * 2 : outputVoltage)) {
+ for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> Rx : entriesSortedByValues(teslaNodeMap)) {
+ if (getEUVar() >= (overdriveToggle ? outputVoltage * 2 : outputVoltage)) {
IGregTechTileEntity node = Rx.getKey();
IMetaTileEntity nodeInside = node.getMetaTileEntity();
@@ -845,12 +785,12 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Multiblock
outputCurrentDisplay.set(outputCurrent - sparks);
- if (scanTime % 60 == 0 && !sparkList.isEmpty()) {
+ if (sortTime % 60 == 0 && !sparkList.isEmpty()) {
NetworkDispatcher.INSTANCE.sendToAllAround(new RendererMessage.RendererData(sparkList),
- mte.getXCoord(),
- mte.getYCoord(),
- mte.getZCoord(),
+ posTop.get0(),
+ posTop.get1(),
+ posTop.get2(),
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/single/GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil.java b/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/single/GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil.java
index 47625b999f..657bf6b01a 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/single/GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/github/technus/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/single/GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil.java
@@ -27,32 +27,25 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
-import static com.github.technus.tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil.teslaNodeSet;
+import static com.github.technus.tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil.*;
import static com.github.technus.tectech.util.CommonValues.V;
import static com.github.technus.tectech.util.Util.entriesSortedByValues;
-import static com.github.technus.tectech.util.Util.map;
import static com.github.technus.tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.Textures.*;
import static java.lang.Math.round;
import static net.minecraft.util.StatCollector.translateToLocal;
import static net.minecraft.util.StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted;
public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicBatteryBuffer {
private final static int perBlockLoss = TecTech.configTecTech.TESLA_SINGLE_LOSS_PER_BLOCK;//Default is 1
private final static float overDriveLoss = TecTech.configTecTech.TESLA_SINGLE_OVERDRIVE_LOSS_FACTOR;//Default is 0.25F
- public Map<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> eTeslaMap = new HashMap<>();//Tesla Map to map them tesla bois!
+ private Map<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> teslaNodeMap = new HashMap<>();//Tesla Map to map them tesla bois!
private final static HashSet<ThaumSpark> sparkList = new HashSet<>();
private byte sparkCount = 0;
- private final static int maxTier = 4; //Max tier of transceiver
- private final static int minTier = 0; //Min tier of transceiver
- private final static int transferRadiusMax = 20;
- private final static int transferRadiusMin = 4;
- private final int transferRadiusLimitTop = (int) map(mTier + 1, minTier + 1, maxTier + 1, transferRadiusMin, transferRadiusMax);
- private final static int transferRadiusLimitBottom = 1; //Minimum user configurable
- private int transferRadius = transferRadiusLimitTop; //Default transferRadius setting
+ private final static int transferRadiusMax = 20; //Maximum user configurable
+ private final static int transferRadiusMin = 4; //Minimum user configurable
+ private int transferRadius = 16; //Default transferRadius setting
public boolean powerPassToggle = false; //Power Pass for public viewing
private final static int histSteps = 20; //Hysteresis Resolution
@@ -68,6 +61,9 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicBatteryB
private String clientLocale = "en_US";
+ private int sortTime = 0;//Sorting tick counter
+ private final static int sortTimeMax = 100;//Sorting tick counter limit, so we only sort once every 5 seconds
public GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil(int aID, String aName, String aNameRegional, int aTier, int aSlotCount) {
super(aID, aName, aNameRegional, aTier, "", aSlotCount);
Util.setTier(aTier, this);
@@ -125,11 +121,11 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicBatteryB
public boolean onWireCutterRightClick(byte aSide, byte aWrenchingSide, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ) {
if (aPlayer.isSneaking()) {
- if (transferRadius > transferRadiusLimitBottom) {
+ if (transferRadius > transferRadiusMin) {
} else {
- if (transferRadius < 0) {
+ if (transferRadius < transferRadiusMax) {
@@ -171,13 +167,11 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicBatteryB
public ITexture[][][] getTextureSet(ITexture[] aTextures) {
ITexture[][][] rTextures = new ITexture[3][17][];
for (byte i = -1; i < 16; ++i) {
rTextures[0][i + 1] = new ITexture[]{MACHINE_CASINGS_TT[this.mTier][i + 1]};
rTextures[1][i + 1] = new ITexture[]{MACHINE_CASINGS_TT[this.mTier][i + 1], TESLA_TRANSCEIVER_TOP_BA};
rTextures[2][i + 1] = new ITexture[]{MACHINE_CASINGS_TT[this.mTier][i + 1], this.mInventory.length == 16 ? OVERLAYS_ENERGY_OUT_POWER_TT[this.mTier] : (this.mInventory.length > 4 ? OVERLAYS_ENERGY_OUT_MULTI_TT[this.mTier] : OVERLAYS_ENERGY_OUT_TT[this.mTier])};
return rTextures;
@@ -273,6 +267,13 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicBatteryB
powerPassToggle = false;
+ //Create the teslaNodeMap
+ if (sortTime == sortTimeMax) {
+ sortTime = 0;
+ teslaNodeMap = generateTeslaNodeMap(aBaseMetaTileEntity);
+ }
+ sortTime++;
//Stuff to do if ePowerPass
if (powerPassToggle) {
float rangeFrac = (float) ((-0.5 * Math.pow(energyFrac, 2)) + (1.5 * energyFrac));
@@ -282,30 +283,13 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TeslaCoil extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicBatteryB
//Radius for transceiver to cover transfers
int transferRadiusCover = (int) (transferRadiusTower / 1.25);
- //Clean the eTeslaMap
- for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> Rx : eTeslaMap.entrySet()) {
- IGregTechTileEntity node = Rx.getKey();
- if (node != null) {
- IMetaTileEntity nodeInside = node.getMetaTileEntity();
- try {
- if (nodeInside instanceof GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil && node.isActive()) {
- GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil teslaTower = (GT_MetaTileEntity_TM_teslaCoil) nodeInside;
- if (teslaTower.maxEUStore() > 0) {
- continue;
- }
- } else if ((node.getCoverBehaviorAtSide((byte) 1) instanceof GT_Cover_TM_TeslaCoil) && node.getEUCapacity() > 0) {
- continue;
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- }
- }
- eTeslaMap.remove(Rx.getKey());
- }
+ //Clean the teslaNodeMap
+ teslaNodeMap = cleanTeslaNodeMap(teslaNodeMap, aBaseMetaTileEntity);
//Power transfer
while (outputCurrent > 0) {
boolean idle = true;
- for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> Rx : entriesSortedByValues(eTeslaMap)) {
+ for (Map.Entry<IGregTechTileEntity, Integer> Rx : entriesSortedByValues(teslaNodeMap)) {
if (getEUVar() >= (overdriveToggle ? outputVoltage * 2 : outputVoltage)) {
IGregTechTileEntity node = Rx.getKey();
IMetaTileEntity nodeInside = node.getMetaTileEntity();