path: root/build.gradle
diff options
authorMartin Robertz <dream-master@gmx.net>2022-08-20 11:31:46 +0200
committerMartin Robertz <dream-master@gmx.net>2022-08-20 11:31:46 +0200
commita65cf3279824a483730afb31bccfeb7b03a56584 (patch)
treed747288e655a0134367f8fc446bfafd3261a1fbc /build.gradle
parentb2cf4d3c2753db93180203fc205bbda1f546ffea (diff)
update buildscript
Diffstat (limited to 'build.gradle')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 5073008f95..1f363c02bc 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-//version: 1656760732
+//version: 1660899027
-Also, you may replace this file at any time if there is an update available.
-Please check https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/ExampleMod1.7.10/blob/main/build.gradle for updates.
+ Also, you may replace this file at any time if there is an update available.
+ Please check https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/ExampleMod1.7.10/blob/main/build.gradle for updates.
+ */
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ConfigureShadowRelocation
@@ -21,6 +20,8 @@ import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream
buildscript {
repositories {
+ mavenCentral()
maven {
name 'forge'
url 'https://maven.minecraftforge.net'
@@ -42,7 +43,6 @@ buildscript {
classpath 'com.github.GTNewHorizons:ForgeGradle:1.2.7'
plugins {
id 'java-library'
id 'idea'
@@ -57,8 +57,15 @@ plugins {
id 'com.palantir.git-version' version '0.13.0' apply false
id 'de.undercouch.download' version '5.0.1'
id 'com.github.gmazzo.buildconfig' version '3.0.3' apply false
- id "com.diffplug.spotless" version "6.7.2"
+ id 'com.diffplug.spotless' version '6.7.2' apply false
+dependencies {
+ implementation 'com.diffplug:blowdryer:1.6.0'
+apply plugin: 'com.diffplug.blowdryer'
if (project.file('.git/HEAD').isFile()) {
apply plugin: 'com.palantir.git-version'
@@ -84,35 +91,11 @@ idea {
-// Spotless autoformatter
-// See https://github.com/diffplug/spotless/tree/main/plugin-gradle
-// Can be locally toggled via spotless:off/spotless:on comments
-spotless {
- encoding 'UTF-8'
+boolean disableSpotless = project.hasProperty("disableSpotless") ? project.disableSpotless.toBoolean() : false
- format 'misc', {
- target '.gitignore'
- trimTrailingWhitespace()
- indentWithSpaces(4)
- endWithNewline()
- }
- java {
- toggleOffOn()
- importOrder()
- removeUnusedImports()
- palantirJavaFormat('1.1.0') // last version supporting jvm 8
- }
- kotlin {
- toggleOffOn()
- ktfmt('0.39')
- }
- groovyGradle {
- toggleOffOn()
- importOrder()
- target '*.gradle'
- greclipse('4.19.0') // last version supporting jvm 8
- }
+if (!disableSpotless) {
+ apply plugin: 'com.diffplug.spotless'
+ apply from: Blowdryer.file('spotless.gradle')
if(JavaVersion.current() != JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
@@ -140,13 +123,11 @@ checkPropertyExists("containsMixinsAndOrCoreModOnly")
-boolean noPublishedSources = project.findProperty("noPublishedSources") ? project.noPublishedSources.toBoolean() : false
-boolean usesMixinDebug = project.findProperty('usesMixinDebug') ?: project.usesMixins.toBoolean()
-boolean forceEnableMixins = project.findProperty('forceEnableMixins') ? project.forceEnableMixins.toBoolean() : false
-String channel = project.findProperty('channel') ? project.channel : 'stable'
-String mappingsVersion = project.findProperty('mappingsVersion') ? project.mappingsVersion : '12'
-String remoteMappings = project.findProperty('remoteMappings') ? project.remoteMappings : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MinecraftForge/FML/1.7.10/conf/'
+boolean noPublishedSources = project.hasProperty("noPublishedSources") ? project.noPublishedSources.toBoolean() : false
+boolean usesMixinDebug = project.hasProperty('usesMixinDebug') ?: project.usesMixins.toBoolean()
+boolean forceEnableMixins = project.hasProperty('forceEnableMixins') ? project.forceEnableMixins.toBoolean() : false
+String channel = project.hasProperty('channel') ? project.channel : 'stable'
+String mappingsVersion = project.hasProperty('mappingsVersion') ? project.mappingsVersion : '12'
String javaSourceDir = "src/main/java/"
String scalaSourceDir = "src/main/scala/"
String kotlinSourceDir = "src/main/kotlin/"
@@ -229,10 +210,10 @@ try {
catch (Exception ignored) {
- 'This mod must be version controlled by Git AND the repository must provide at least one tag,\n' +
- 'or the VERSION override must be set! ').style(Style.SuccessHeader).text('(Do NOT download from GitHub using the ZIP option, instead\n' +
- 'clone the repository, see ').style(Style.Info).text('https://gtnh.miraheze.org/wiki/Development').style(Style.SuccessHeader).println(' for details.)'
- )
+ 'This mod must be version controlled by Git AND the repository must provide at least one tag,\n' +
+ 'or the VERSION override must be set! ').style(Style.SuccessHeader).text('(Do NOT download from GitHub using the ZIP option, instead\n' +
+ 'clone the repository, see ').style(Style.Info).text('https://gtnh.miraheze.org/wiki/Development').style(Style.SuccessHeader).println(' for details.)'
+ )
versionOverride = 'NO-GIT-TAG-SET'
identifiedVersion = versionOverride
@@ -397,7 +378,10 @@ shadowJar {
minimize() // This will only allow shading for actually used classes
- configurations = [project.configurations.shadowImplementation, project.configurations.shadowCompile]
+ configurations = [
+ project.configurations.shadowImplementation,
+ project.configurations.shadowCompile
+ ]
@@ -419,7 +403,7 @@ jar {
reobf {
- if(usesMixins.toBoolean()) {
+ if(usesMixins.toBoolean() && file(mixinSrg).exists()) {
addExtraSrgFile mixinSrg
@@ -428,12 +412,12 @@ afterEvaluate {
if(usesMixins.toBoolean()) {
tasks.compileJava {
options.compilerArgs += [
- "-AreobfSrgFile=${tasks.reobf.srg}",
- "-AoutSrgFile=${mixinSrg}",
- "-AoutRefMapFile=${refMap}",
- // Elan: from what I understand they are just some linter configs so you get some warning on how to properly code
- "-XDenableSunApiLintControl",
- "-XDignore.symbol.file"
+ "-AreobfSrgFile=${tasks.reobf.srg}",
+ "-AoutSrgFile=${mixinSrg}",
+ "-AoutRefMapFile=${refMap}",
+ // Elan: from what I understand they are just some linter configs so you get some warning on how to properly code
+ "-XDenableSunApiLintControl",
+ "-XDignore.symbol.file"
@@ -442,8 +426,8 @@ afterEvaluate {
runClient {
if(developmentEnvironmentUserName) {
arguments += [
- "--username",
- developmentEnvironmentUserName
+ "--username",
+ developmentEnvironmentUserName
@@ -461,13 +445,14 @@ tasks.withType(JavaExec).configureEach {
javaToolchains.launcherFor {
languageVersion = projectJavaVersion
- )
+ )
processResources {
// this will ensure that this task is redone when the versions change.
inputs.property "version", project.version
inputs.property "mcversion", project.minecraft.version
+ exclude("spotless.gradle")
// replace stuff in mcmod.info, nothing else
from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
@@ -475,9 +460,9 @@ processResources {
// replace modVersion and minecraftVersion
expand "minecraftVersion": project.minecraft.version,
- "modVersion": modVersion,
- "modId": modId,
- "modName": modName
+ "modVersion": modVersion,
+ "modId": modId,
+ "modName": modName
if(usesMixins.toBoolean()) {
@@ -487,6 +472,7 @@ processResources {
// copy everything else that's not the mcmod.info
from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
exclude 'mcmod.info'
+ exclude 'spotless.gradle'
@@ -506,9 +492,9 @@ def getManifestAttributes() {
if(usesMixins.toBoolean()) {
manifestAttributes += [
- "TweakClass" : "org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker",
- "MixinConfigs" : "mixins." + modId + ".json",
- "ForceLoadAsMod" : !containsMixinsAndOrCoreModOnly.toBoolean()
+ "TweakClass" : "org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker",
+ "MixinConfigs" : "mixins." + modId + ".json",
+ "ForceLoadAsMod" : !containsMixinsAndOrCoreModOnly.toBoolean()
return manifestAttributes
@@ -535,7 +521,10 @@ task shadowDevJar(type: ShadowJar) {
minimize() // This will only allow shading for actually used classes
- configurations = [project.configurations.shadowImplementation, project.configurations.shadowCompile]
+ configurations = [
+ project.configurations.shadowImplementation,
+ project.configurations.shadowCompile
+ ]
task relocateShadowDevJar(type: ConfigureShadowRelocation) {
@@ -627,7 +616,10 @@ publishing {
// remove extra garbage from minecraft and minecraftDeps configuration
pom.withXml {
def badArtifacts = [:].withDefault {[] as Set<String>}
- for (configuration in [projectConfigs.minecraft, projectConfigs.minecraftDeps]) {
+ for (configuration in [
+ projectConfigs.minecraft,
+ projectConfigs.minecraftDeps
+ ]) {
for (dependency in configuration.allDependencies) {
badArtifacts[dependency.group == null ? "" : dependency.group] += dependency.name
@@ -661,11 +653,11 @@ task updateBuildScript {
doLast {
if (performBuildScriptUpdate(projectDir.toString())) return
- print("Build script already up-to-date!")
+ print("Build script already up-to-date!")
-if (isNewBuildScriptVersionAvailable(projectDir.toString())) {
+if (!project.getGradle().startParameter.isOffline() && isNewBuildScriptVersionAvailable(projectDir.toString())) {
if (autoUpdateBuildScript.toBoolean()) {
} else {
@@ -676,12 +668,26 @@ if (isNewBuildScriptVersionAvailable(projectDir.toString())) {
static URL availableBuildScriptUrl() {
new URL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GTNewHorizons/ExampleMod1.7.10/main/build.gradle")
+static URL exampleSettingsGradleUrl() {
+ new URL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GTNewHorizons/ExampleMod1.7.10/main/settings.gradle.example")
+def verifySettingsGradle() {
+ def settingsFile = getFile("settings.gradle")
+ if (!settingsFile.exists()) {
+ println("Downloading default settings.gradle")
+ exampleSettingsGradleUrl().withInputStream { i -> settingsFile.withOutputStream { it << i } }
+ throw new GradleException("Settings.gradle has been updated, please re-run task.")
+ }
boolean performBuildScriptUpdate(String projectDir) {
if (isNewBuildScriptVersionAvailable(projectDir)) {
def buildscriptFile = getFile("build.gradle")
availableBuildScriptUrl().withInputStream { i -> buildscriptFile.withOutputStream { it << i } }
out.style(Style.Success).print("Build script updated. Please REIMPORT the project or RESTART your IDE!")
+ verifySettingsGradle()
return true
return false
@@ -742,194 +748,195 @@ task deobfParams {
out.style(Style.Success).println("Modified ${replaceParams(file("$projectDir/src/main/java"), params)} files!")
- out.style(Style.Failure).println("Don't forget to verify that the code still works as before!\n It could be broken due to duplicate variables existing now\n or parameters taking priority over other variables.")
- }
+ out.style(Style.Failure).println("Don't forget to verify that the code still works as before!\n It could be broken due to duplicate variables existing now\n or parameters taking priority over other variables.")
static int replaceParams(File file, Map<String, String> params) {
- int fileCount = 0
+int fileCount = 0
- if(file.isDirectory()) {
- for(File f : file.listFiles()) {
- fileCount += replaceParams(f, params)
- }
- return fileCount
- }
- println("Visiting ${file.getName()} ...")
- try {
- String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()))
- int hash = content.hashCode()
- params.forEach{key, value ->
- content = content.replaceAll(key, value)
- }
- if(hash != content.hashCode()) {
- Files.write(file.toPath(), content.getBytes("UTF-8"))
- return 1
- }
- } catch(Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace()
+if(file.isDirectory()) {
+ for(File f : file.listFiles()) {
+ fileCount += replaceParams(f, params)
- return 0
+ return fileCount
+println("Visiting ${file.getName()} ...")
+try {
+ String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()))
+ int hash = content.hashCode()
+ params.forEach{key, value ->
+ content = content.replaceAll(key, value)
+ }
+ if(hash != content.hashCode()) {
+ Files.write(file.toPath(), content.getBytes("UTF-8"))
+ return 1
+ }
+} catch(Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace()
+return 0
// Credit: bitsnaps (https://gist.github.com/bitsnaps/00947f2dce66f4bbdabc67d7e7b33681)
static unzip(String zipFileName, String outputDir) {
- byte[] buffer = new byte[16384]
- ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(zipFileName))
- ZipEntry zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry()
- while (zipEntry != null) {
- File newFile = new File(outputDir + File.separator, zipEntry.name)
- if (zipEntry.isDirectory()) {
- if (!newFile.isDirectory() && !newFile.mkdirs()) {
- throw new IOException("Failed to create directory $newFile")
- }
- } else {
- // fix for Windows-created archives
- File parent = newFile.parentFile
- if (!parent.isDirectory() && !parent.mkdirs()) {
- throw new IOException("Failed to create directory $parent")
- }
- // write file content
- FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile)
- int len = 0
- while ((len = zis.read(buffer)) > 0) {
- fos.write(buffer, 0, len)
- }
- fos.close()
- }
- zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry()
- }
- zis.closeEntry()
- zis.close()
+byte[] buffer = new byte[16384]
+ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(zipFileName))
+ZipEntry zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry()
+while (zipEntry != null) {
+ File newFile = new File(outputDir + File.separator, zipEntry.name)
+ if (zipEntry.isDirectory()) {
+ if (!newFile.isDirectory() && !newFile.mkdirs()) {
+ throw new IOException("Failed to create directory $newFile")
+ }
+ } else {
+ // fix for Windows-created archives
+ File parent = newFile.parentFile
+ if (!parent.isDirectory() && !parent.mkdirs()) {
+ throw new IOException("Failed to create directory $parent")
+ }
+ // write file content
+ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile)
+ int len = 0
+ while ((len = zis.read(buffer)) > 0) {
+ fos.write(buffer, 0, len)
+ }
+ fos.close()
+ }
+ zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry()
configure(deobfParams) {
- group = 'forgegradle'
- description = 'Rename all obfuscated parameter names inherited from Minecraft classes'
+group = 'forgegradle'
+description = 'Rename all obfuscated parameter names inherited from Minecraft classes'
// Dependency Deobfuscation
def deobf(String sourceURL) {
- try {
- URL url = new URL(sourceURL)
- String fileName = url.getFile()
- //get rid of directories:
- int lastSlash = fileName.lastIndexOf("/")
- if(lastSlash > 0) {
- fileName = fileName.substring(lastSlash + 1)
- }
- //get rid of extension:
- if(fileName.endsWith(".jar") || fileName.endsWith(".litemod")) {
- fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("."))
- }
+try {
+ URL url = new URL(sourceURL)
+ String fileName = url.getFile()
- String hostName = url.getHost()
- if(hostName.startsWith("www.")) {
- hostName = hostName.substring(4)
- }
- List parts = Arrays.asList(hostName.split("\\."))
- Collections.reverse(parts)
- hostName = String.join(".", parts)
+ //get rid of directories:
+ int lastSlash = fileName.lastIndexOf("/")
+ if(lastSlash > 0) {
+ fileName = fileName.substring(lastSlash + 1)
+ }
+ //get rid of extension:
+ if(fileName.endsWith(".jar") || fileName.endsWith(".litemod")) {
+ fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("."))
+ }
- return deobf(sourceURL, "$hostName/$fileName")
- } catch(Exception e) {
- return deobf(sourceURL, "deobf/${sourceURL.hashCode()}")
+ String hostName = url.getHost()
+ if(hostName.startsWith("www.")) {
+ hostName = hostName.substring(4)
+ List parts = Arrays.asList(hostName.split("\\."))
+ Collections.reverse(parts)
+ hostName = String.join(".", parts)
+ return deobf(sourceURL, "$hostName/$fileName")
+} catch(Exception e) {
+ return deobf(sourceURL, "deobf/${sourceURL.hashCode()}")
// The method above is to be preferred. Use this method if the filename is not at the end of the URL.
def deobf(String sourceURL, String rawFileName) {
- String bon2Version = "2.5.1"
- String fileName = URLDecoder.decode(rawFileName, "UTF-8")
- String cacheDir = "$project.gradle.gradleUserHomeDir/caches"
- String bon2Dir = "$cacheDir/forge_gradle/deobf"
- String bon2File = "$bon2Dir/BON2-${bon2Version}.jar"
- String obfFile = "$cacheDir/modules-2/files-2.1/${fileName}.jar"
- String deobfFile = "$cacheDir/modules-2/files-2.1/${fileName}-deobf.jar"
- if(file(deobfFile).exists()) {
- return files(deobfFile)
- }
+String bon2Version = "2.5.1"
+String fileName = URLDecoder.decode(rawFileName, "UTF-8")
+String cacheDir = "$project.gradle.gradleUserHomeDir/caches"
+String bon2Dir = "$cacheDir/forge_gradle/deobf"
+String bon2File = "$bon2Dir/BON2-${bon2Version}.jar"
+String obfFile = "$cacheDir/modules-2/files-2.1/${fileName}.jar"
+String deobfFile = "$cacheDir/modules-2/files-2.1/${fileName}-deobf.jar"
+if(file(deobfFile).exists()) {
+ return files(deobfFile)
- String mappingsVer
- if(remoteMappings) {
- String id = "${forgeVersion.split("\\.")[3]}-$minecraftVersion"
- String mappingsZIP = "$cacheDir/forge_gradle/maven_downloader/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp_snapshot_nodoc/$id/mcp_snapshot_nodoc-${id}.zip"
+String mappingsVer
+String remoteMappings = project.hasProperty('remoteMappings') ? project.remoteMappings : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MinecraftForge/FML/1.7.10/conf/'
+if(remoteMappings) {
+ String id = "${forgeVersion.split("\\.")[3]}-$minecraftVersion"
+ String mappingsZIP = "$cacheDir/forge_gradle/maven_downloader/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp_snapshot_nodoc/$id/mcp_snapshot_nodoc-${id}.zip"
- zipMappings(mappingsZIP, remoteMappings, bon2Dir)
+ zipMappings(mappingsZIP, remoteMappings, bon2Dir)
- mappingsVer = "snapshot_$id"
- } else {
- mappingsVer = "${channel}_$mappingsVersion"
- }
+ mappingsVer = "snapshot_$id"
+} else {
+ mappingsVer = "${channel}_$mappingsVersion"
- download.run {
- src "http://jenkins.usrv.eu:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases/com/github/parker8283/BON2/$bon2Version-CUSTOM/BON2-$bon2Version-CUSTOM-all.jar"
- dest bon2File
- quiet true
- overwrite false
- }
+download.run {
+ src "http://jenkins.usrv.eu:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases/com/github/parker8283/BON2/$bon2Version-CUSTOM/BON2-$bon2Version-CUSTOM-all.jar"
+ dest bon2File
+ quiet true
+ overwrite false
- download.run {
- src sourceURL
- dest obfFile
- quiet true
- overwrite false
- }
+download.run {
+ src sourceURL
+ dest obfFile
+ quiet true
+ overwrite false
- exec {
- commandLine 'java', '-jar', bon2File, '--inputJar', obfFile, '--outputJar', deobfFile, '--mcVer', minecraftVersion, '--mappingsVer', mappingsVer, '--notch'
- workingDir bon2Dir
- standardOutput = new FileOutputStream("${deobfFile}.log")
- }
+exec {
+ commandLine 'java', '-jar', bon2File, '--inputJar', obfFile, '--outputJar', deobfFile, '--mcVer', minecraftVersion, '--mappingsVer', mappingsVer, '--notch'
+ workingDir bon2Dir
+ standardOutput = new FileOutputStream("${deobfFile}.log")
- return files(deobfFile)
+return files(deobfFile)
def zipMappings(String zipPath, String url, String bon2Dir) {
- File zipFile = new File(zipPath)
- if(zipFile.exists()) {
- return
- }
+File zipFile = new File(zipPath)
+if(zipFile.exists()) {
+ return
- String fieldsCache = "$bon2Dir/data/fields.csv"
- String methodsCache = "$bon2Dir/data/methods.csv"
+String fieldsCache = "$bon2Dir/data/fields.csv"
+String methodsCache = "$bon2Dir/data/methods.csv"
- download.run {
- src "${url}fields.csv"
- dest fieldsCache
- quiet true
- }
- download.run {
- src "${url}methods.csv"
- dest methodsCache
- quiet true
- }
+download.run {
+ src "${url}fields.csv"
+ dest fieldsCache
+ quiet true
+download.run {
+ src "${url}methods.csv"
+ dest methodsCache
+ quiet true
- zipFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()
- ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile))
+ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile))
- zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("fields.csv"))
- Files.copy(Paths.get(fieldsCache), zos)
- zos.closeEntry()
+zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("fields.csv"))
+Files.copy(Paths.get(fieldsCache), zos)
- zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("methods.csv"))
- Files.copy(Paths.get(methodsCache), zos)
- zos.closeEntry()
+zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("methods.csv"))
+Files.copy(Paths.get(methodsCache), zos)
- zos.close()
// Helper methods
def checkPropertyExists(String propertyName) {
- if (!project.hasProperty(propertyName)) {
- throw new GradleException("This project requires a property \"" + propertyName + "\"! Please add it your \"gradle.properties\". You can find all properties and their description here: https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/ExampleMod1.7.10/blob/main/gradle.properties")
- }
+if (!project.hasProperty(propertyName)) {
+ throw new GradleException("This project requires a property \"" + propertyName + "\"! Please add it your \"gradle.properties\". You can find all properties and their description here: https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/ExampleMod1.7.10/blob/main/gradle.properties")
def getFile(String relativePath) {
- return new File(projectDir, relativePath)
+return new File(projectDir, relativePath)