path: root/config/GregTech/GregTech.cfg
diff options
authorChristina Berchtold <kekzdealer@gmail.com>2019-06-08 00:22:03 +0200
committerChristina Berchtold <kekzdealer@gmail.com>2019-06-08 00:22:03 +0200
commit528d3633ab5b7534325281759ffeec4772f68da9 (patch)
tree478a79f7eefa827f7e3752c6483a1880652ed96c /config/GregTech/GregTech.cfg
parent57c5da35a3a6b5cbf6cf36d6ab9e4886fc1e6342 (diff)
I haven't commited in a while D;
Diffstat (limited to 'config/GregTech/GregTech.cfg')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/GregTech/GregTech.cfg b/config/GregTech/GregTech.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18c05f910b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/GregTech/GregTech.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# Configuration file
+features {
+ I:MaxLogStackSize=64
+ I:MaxOreStackSize=64
+ I:MaxOtherBlockStackSize=64
+ I:MaxPlankStackSize=64
+ I:UpgradeStacksize=4
+general {
+ B:AFK_Hunger=false
+ B:AddGTRecipesToIC2Machines=true
+ B:AdventureModeStartingAxe=true
+ B:AllowAutoMaintenanceHatchInteraction=false
+ B:ArcSmeltIntoAnnealedWrought=true
+ B:BrickedBlastFurnace=true
+ B:CraftingUnification=true
+ B:CropNeedBlockBelow=true
+ B:Debug=false
+ B:Debug2=false
+ B:DisableIC2Cables=true
+ B:DisableOldChemicalRecipes=false
+ B:DisableVanillaOres=true
+ B:EasierIVPlusCables=false
+ B:EnableAchievements=true
+ B:EnableAllComponents=false
+ B:EnableAllMaterials=false
+ B:EnableCleanroom=true
+ B:EnableImmersiveEngineeringRSupport=true
+ B:EnableMagneticraftSupport=true
+ B:EnsureToBeLoadedLast=true
+ B:ExplosionItemDrops=false
+ I:FlintAndSteelChance=30
+ B:GTBees=true
+ B:HardCoreCableLoss=false
+ B:HideRecyclingRecipes=true
+ B:HideUnusedOres=true
+ B:IncreaseDungeonLoot=true
+ B:InventoryUnification=true
+ I:ItemDespawnTime=6000
+ B:LoggingPlayerActivity=true
+ D:MagneticraftBonusOutputPercent=100.0
+ I:MaxEqualEntitiesAtOneSpot=3
+ I:MillisecondsPassedInGTTileEntityUntilLagWarning=100
+ B:MixedOreOnlyYieldsTwoThirdsOfPureOre=false
+ B:NerfCombs=true
+ B:NerfCrops=true
+ B:NerfDustCrafting=true
+ I:SkeletonsShootGTArrows=16
+ B:TEMachineRecipes=false
+ I:TicksForLagAveragingWithScanner=25
+ B:WoodNeedsSawForCrafting=true
+ B:disable_STDERR=false
+ B:disable_STDOUT=false
+ B:drinks_always_drinkable=false
+ B:forceAdventureMode=false
+ B:hardermobspawners=true
+ B:harderstone=false
+ B:online=true
+ B:show_all_metaitems_in_creative_and_NEI=false
+ B:smallerVanillaToolDurability=true
+ B:sound_multi_threading=false
+ B:timber_axe=true
+machines {
+ B:colored_guis_when_painted=true
+ B:constant_need_of_energy=true
+ B:explosions_on_nonwrenching=true
+ B:fire_causes_explosions=true
+ B:lightning_causes_explosions=true
+ B:machines_explosion_damage=true
+ B:machines_flammable=true
+ B:rain_causes_explosions=true
+ B:wirefire_on_explosion=true
+pollution {
+ B:EnablePollution=true
+ I:PoisonLimit=750000
+ I:SmogLimit=500000
+ I:SourRainLimit=2000000
+ I:VegetationLimit=1000000
+# undergroundfluid
+# Config Underground Fluids (Delete this Category for regenerate)
+undergroundfluid {
+ # Dimension IDs Black List
+ I:DimBlackList <
+ -1
+ 1
+ >
+ ##########################################################################################################
+ # overworld
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ # Set Overworld Generating
+ ##########################################################################################################
+ overworld {
+ # Dimension ID or Class Name
+ S:Dimension=0
+ gas_natural_gas {
+ # Chance generating (weighted chance!, there will be a fluid in chunk always!)
+ I:Chance=20
+ # Decrease per operation (actual fluid gained works like (Litre)VeinData/5000)
+ I:DecreasePerOperationAmount=7
+ # Max amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 80000 MAX
+ I:MaxAmount=625
+ # Min amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 0 MIN
+ I:MinAmount=0
+ # Fluid registry name
+ S:Registry=gas_natural_gas
+ }
+ liquid_light_oil {
+ # Chance generating (weighted chance!, there will be a fluid in chunk always!)
+ I:Chance=20
+ # Decrease per operation (actual fluid gained works like (Litre)VeinData/5000)
+ I:DecreasePerOperationAmount=6
+ # Max amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 80000 MAX
+ I:MaxAmount=625
+ # Min amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 0 MIN
+ I:MinAmount=0
+ # Fluid registry name
+ S:Registry=liquid_light_oil
+ }
+ liquid_medium_oil {
+ # Chance generating (weighted chance!, there will be a fluid in chunk always!)
+ I:Chance=20
+ # Decrease per operation (actual fluid gained works like (Litre)VeinData/5000)
+ I:DecreasePerOperationAmount=5
+ # Max amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 80000 MAX
+ I:MaxAmount=625
+ # Min amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 0 MIN
+ I:MinAmount=0
+ # Fluid registry name
+ S:Registry=liquid_medium_oil
+ }
+ liquid_heavy_oil {
+ # Chance generating (weighted chance!, there will be a fluid in chunk always!)
+ I:Chance=20
+ # Decrease per operation (actual fluid gained works like (Litre)VeinData/5000)
+ I:DecreasePerOperationAmount=4
+ # Max amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 80000 MAX
+ I:MaxAmount=625
+ # Min amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 0 MIN
+ I:MinAmount=0
+ # Fluid registry name
+ S:Registry=liquid_heavy_oil
+ }
+ oil {
+ # Chance generating (weighted chance!, there will be a fluid in chunk always!)
+ I:Chance=20
+ # Decrease per operation (actual fluid gained works like (Litre)VeinData/5000)
+ I:DecreasePerOperationAmount=5
+ # Max amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 80000 MAX
+ I:MaxAmount=625
+ # Min amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 0 MIN
+ I:MinAmount=0
+ # Fluid registry name
+ S:Registry=oil
+ }
+ }
+ ##########################################################################################################
+ # moon
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ # Set Moon Generating
+ ##########################################################################################################
+ moon {
+ # Dimension ID or Class Name
+ S:Dimension=Moon
+ helium-3 {
+ # Chance generating (weighted chance!, there will be a fluid in chunk always!)
+ I:Chance=100
+ # Decrease per operation (actual fluid gained works like (Litre)VeinData/5000)
+ I:DecreasePerOperationAmount=1
+ # Max amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 80000 MAX
+ I:MaxAmount=128
+ # Min amount generation (per operation, sets the VeinData) 0 MIN
+ I:MinAmount=24
+ # Fluid registry name
+ S:Registry=helium-3
+ }
+ }
+ ##########################################################################################################
+ # default
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ # Set Default Generating (Use this Category for Default settings)
+ ##########################################################################################################
+ default {
+ }