path: root/main/java/gregtech/loaders/oreprocessing/ProcessingPlateAlloy.java
diff options
authorBlood Asp <Blood@Asp>2015-04-23 18:14:22 +0200
committerBlood Asp <Blood@Asp>2015-04-23 18:14:22 +0200
commit7224ac4299098c70efae9dbd04c50a97e3f5f583 (patch)
treec739bb7d176a9735bc8e598063918023de32330c /main/java/gregtech/loaders/oreprocessing/ProcessingPlateAlloy.java
Initial Commit
Diffstat (limited to 'main/java/gregtech/loaders/oreprocessing/ProcessingPlateAlloy.java')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/java/gregtech/loaders/oreprocessing/ProcessingPlateAlloy.java b/main/java/gregtech/loaders/oreprocessing/ProcessingPlateAlloy.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77ff13fa38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/java/gregtech/loaders/oreprocessing/ProcessingPlateAlloy.java
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+/* 1: */ package gregtech.loaders.oreprocessing;
+/* 2: */
+/* 3: */ import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values;
+/* 4: */ import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
+/* 5: */ import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
+/* 6: */ import gregtech.api.interfaces.IOreRecipeRegistrator;
+/* 7: */ import gregtech.api.interfaces.internal.IGT_RecipeAdder;
+/* 8: */ import gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler;
+/* 9: */ import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator;
+/* 10: */ import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
+/* 11: */ import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
+/* 12: */ import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+/* 13: */
+/* 14: */ public class ProcessingPlateAlloy
+/* 15: */ implements IOreRecipeRegistrator
+/* 16: */ {
+/* 17: */ public ProcessingPlateAlloy()
+/* 18: */ {
+/* 19:17 */ OrePrefixes.plateAlloy.add(this);
+/* 20: */ }
+/* 21: */
+/* 22: */ public void registerOre(OrePrefixes aPrefix, Materials aMaterial, String aOreDictName, String aModName, ItemStack aStack)
+/* 23: */ {
+/* 24:22 */ if (aOreDictName.equals("plateAlloyCarbon"))
+/* 25: */ {
+/* 26:23 */ GT_Values.RA.addAssemblerRecipe(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("generator", 1L), GT_Utility.copyAmount(4L, new Object[] { aStack }), GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("windMill", 1L), 6400, 8);
+/* 27: */ }
+/* 28:25 */ else if (aOreDictName.equals("plateAlloyAdvanced"))
+/* 29: */ {
+/* 30:26 */ GT_ModHandler.addAlloySmelterRecipe(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] { aStack }), new ItemStack(Blocks.glass, 3, 32767), GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reinforcedGlass", 4L), 400, 4, false);
+/* 31:27 */ GT_ModHandler.addAlloySmelterRecipe(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] { aStack }), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.Glass, 3L), GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reinforcedGlass", 4L), 400, 4, false);
+/* 32: */ }
+/* 33:29 */ else if (aOreDictName.equals("plateAlloyIridium"))
+/* 34: */ {
+/* 35:30 */ GT_ModHandler.removeRecipeByOutput(aStack);
+/* 36: */ }
+/* 37: */ }
+/* 38: */ }
+/* Location: F:\Torrent\minecraft\jd-gui-0.3.6.windows\gregtech_1.7.10-5.07.07-dev.jar
+ * Qualified Name: gregtech.loaders.oreprocessing.ProcessingPlateAlloy
+ * JD-Core Version:
+ */ \ No newline at end of file