path: root/src/Java/gregtech
diff options
authorAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-11-27 13:10:57 +1000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-11-27 13:10:57 +1000
commita42842e4e93525a64d0b2efc0d68115a59acb20c (patch)
tree55f4c3c6635c1d94ff22abf90b486638661b930f /src/Java/gregtech
parent5d4d3fb679c8af83ed5ee14430c6cde0b16cfcc6 (diff)
parent066bd6475ce142f405d521975b1d4105ccaddf0d (diff)
Merge pull request #156 from draknyte1/Multiblock-Fix
Multiblock fix for #141, other misc. fixes & a few new additions.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/gregtech')
2 files changed, 52 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/Recipe_GT.java b/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/Recipe_GT.java
index b63a259f9c..082dc6e264 100644
--- a/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/Recipe_GT.java
+++ b/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/Recipe_GT.java
@@ -239,10 +239,11 @@ public class Recipe_GT extends GT_Recipe{
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sMatterFab2Recipes = new GT_Recipe_Map(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(200), "gt.recipe.matterfab2", "Matter Fabricator", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/Default", 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, E, 1, E, true, true);
//public static final Gregtech_Recipe_Map sMatterFabRecipes = new Gregtech_Recipe_Map(new HashSet<GregtechRecipe>(200), "gt.recipe.matterfab", "Matter Fabricator", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/Massfabricator", 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, E, 1, E, true, true);
public static final Gregtech_Recipe_Map_Fuel sRocketFuels = new Gregtech_Recipe_Map_Fuel(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(10), "gt.recipe.rocketenginefuel", "Rocket Engine Fuel", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/Default", 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, "Fuel Value: ", 3000, " EU", true, true);
- public static final Gregtech_Recipe_Map_Fuel sGeoThermalFuels = new Gregtech_Recipe_Map_Fuel(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(10), "gt.recipe.geothermalfuel", "GeoThermal Fuel", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/Default", 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, "Fuel Value: ", 1000, " EU", true, true);
+ public static final GT_Recipe_Map sGeoThermalFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(10), "gt.recipe.geothermalfuel", "GeoThermal Fuel", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/Default", 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, "Fuel Value: ", 1000, " EU", true, true);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sChemicalDehydratorRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(200), "gt.recipe.chemicaldehydrator", "Chemical Dehydrator", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/Dehydrator", 2, 9, 0, 0, 1, E, 1, E, true, true);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sAlloyBlastSmelterRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(200), "gt.recipe.alloyblastsmelter", "Alloy Blast Smelter", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/BlastSmelter", 9, 1, 1, 0, 1, E, 1, E, true, true);
+ public static final GT_Recipe_Map sSteamTurbineFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(10), "gt.recipe.geothermalfuel", "GeoThermal Fuel", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/Default", 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, "Fuel Value: ", 1000, " EU", true, true);
//LFTR recipes
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sLiquidFluorineThoriumReactorRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(50), "gt.recipe.lftr", "Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/LFTR", 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, "Start: ", 1, " EU", true, true);
//Fission Fuel Plant Recipes
@@ -270,6 +271,12 @@ public class Recipe_GT extends GT_Recipe{
"Advanced Material Combiner", null, "gregtech:textures/gui/basicmachines/MixerAdvanced", 4, 4, 1, 0, 2, "", 1, "", true, true);
+ //Mini Fusion
+ public static final GT_Recipe_Map sSlowFusionRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map(new HashSet(50), "gt.recipe.slowfusionreactor",
+ "Slow Fusion Reactor", null, "gregtech:textures/gui/basicmachines/Default", 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, "Start: ", 1,
+ " EU", true, false);
* HashMap of Recipes based on their Items
diff --git a/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/ThermalFuel.java b/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/ThermalFuel.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f6637e13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/ThermalFuel.java
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package gregtech.api.util;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.math.MathUtils;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
+public class ThermalFuel {
+ public static void addThermalFuel(FluidStack aInput1, FluidStack aInput2, FluidStack aOutput1, int euValue, int aSpecialValue) {
+ GT_Recipe x = new GT_Recipe(
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ new FluidStack[]{aInput1, aInput2},
+ new FluidStack[]{aOutput1},
+ 20, //1 Tick
+ euValue, //No Eu produced
+ aSpecialValue //Magic Number
+ );
+ Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sGeoThermalFuels.addRecipe(x);
+ }
+ public static void addSteamTurbineFuel(FluidStack aInput1) {
+ GT_Recipe x = new GT_Recipe(
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ new FluidStack[]{aInput1},
+ null,
+ 20, //1 Tick
+ MathUtils.findPercentageOfInt((aInput1.amount/2), 95), //No Eu produced
+ 0 //Magic Number
+ );
+ Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sSteamTurbineFuels.addRecipe(x);
+ }