path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common
diff options
authorAlkalus <3060479+draknyte1@users.noreply.github.com>2019-01-25 04:34:06 +0000
committerAlkalus <3060479+draknyte1@users.noreply.github.com>2019-01-25 04:34:06 +0000
commit499411aa21ac4a742b6d51ef3ce9c4046d0a22c1 (patch)
tree98b94f327948b00e962ea0c7146dbd0034b4ede3 /src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common
parent86bf45662a877c8ce9ca9551b41c789c098dc698 (diff)
+ Added recipes to obtain Astral Titanium, Celestial Tungsten Advanced Nitinol and Chromatic Glass.
+ Added Particle Physics, so some basic extent. + Added new textures for some Meta items. + Added new textures for all particles and ions. + Added Custom Debug NBT to error ingots, in the event one is obtained by a player. + Added more information to the tooltip of Control Cores. + Added more uniform ways to obtain tiered item components to CI. - Hard disable of GC Fuel tweaks for the moment. % Hopefully greatly improved the cape handler. Cape list is now stored on Overmind's site, meaning it can be updated outside of the mod. % Cape Handler now will store the cape data locally in a .dat for offline use, this can be updated anytime by removing it, or once a week if outdated) % Tweaked Cyclotron Recipe map to support new changes to functionality. % Tweaked RTG fuel pellet production time in Cyclotron to be 100x. % Adjusted requirements for Quicklime to generate (It may vanish after this commit, May be worth rolling back if an issue.). % Adjusted code to use checkForInvalidItems instead of direct item comparisons in several places. % Renamed Buffer Cores to Energy Cores. % Adjusted recipes for Energy Cores and Energy Buffers, they now require 6 slot assembly. $ Fixed Multiblock handling during structure checks, they'd accidentally detect the controller as an invalid block.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common/CI.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common/CI.java
index dc156c6f91..5f334cdc71 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common/CI.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common/CI.java
@@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
package gtPlusPlus.core.recipe.common;
-import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
-import net.minecraft.init.Items;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList;
import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.item.ModItems;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.ALLOY;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.ELEMENT;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.Material;
import gtPlusPlus.core.recipe.LOADER_Machine_Components;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
+import gtPlusPlus.xmod.eio.material.MaterialEIO;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.enums.GregtechItemList;
import ic2.core.Ic2Items;
+import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
+import net.minecraft.init.Items;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
public class CI {
- public static ItemStack _NULL = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModItems.AAA_Broken);
+ public static ItemStack _NULL = ItemUtils.getErrorStack(1);
public static long bits = GT_ModHandler.RecipeBits.NOT_REMOVABLE | GT_ModHandler.RecipeBits.REVERSIBLE
@@ -520,5 +522,265 @@ public class CI {
public static ItemStack emptyCells(int i) {
return ItemUtils.getEmptyCell(i);
+ /*
+ *
+ */
+ private static final Material[] aMaterial_Main = new Material[] {
+ };
+ private static final Material[] aMaterial_Secondary = new Material[] {
+ ELEMENT.getInstance().LEAD,
+ };
+ private static final Material[] aMaterial_Tertiary = new Material[] {
+ ELEMENT.getInstance().IRON,
+ ELEMENT.getInstance().ALUMINIUM,
+ ELEMENT.getInstance().TUNGSTEN,
+ };
+ private static final Materials[] aMaterial_Cables = new Materials[] {
+ (CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableCustom_Cables && LoadedMods.EnderIO) ? Materials.RedstoneAlloy : CORE.GTNH ? Materials.Lead : Materials.Tin,
+ Materials.Cobalt,
+ Materials.AnnealedCopper,
+ Materials.Gold,
+ Materials.Titanium,
+ Materials.Nichrome,
+ Materials.Platinum,
+ Materials.YttriumBariumCuprate,
+ Materials.Naquadah,
+ Materials.Duranium,
+ Materials.Superconductor,
+ };
+ private static final Materials[] aMaterial_Circuits = new Materials[] {
+ Materials.Primitive,
+ Materials.Basic,
+ Materials.Good,
+ Materials.Advanced,
+ Materials.Data,
+ Materials.Data,
+ Materials.Elite,
+ Materials.Master,
+ Materials.Ultimate,
+ Materials.Superconductor,
+ Materials.Infinite,
+ };
+ private static final Material[][] aMaster = new Material[][] {aMaterial_Main, aMaterial_Secondary, aMaterial_Tertiary};
+ public static FluidStack getTieredFluid(int aTier, int aAmount) {
+ ItemStack aCell = getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes.liquid, aTier, 1);
+ FluidStack a = GT_Utility.getFluidForFilledItem(aCell, true);
+ if (a == null) {
+ a = aMaster[0][aTier].getFluid(aAmount);
+ }
+ a.amount = aAmount;
+ return a;
+ }
+ public static ItemStack getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes aPrefix, int aTier, int aAmount) {
+ aTier = Math.max(0, aTier);
+ Material m = null;
+ if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.liquid) {
+ int aMatID = (aTier == 0 || aTier == 2 || aTier == 5 || aTier == 8 ? 0 : (aTier == 1 || aTier == 3 || aTier == 6 || aTier == 9 ? 1 : 2));
+ ItemStack aCell = aMaster[aMatID][aTier].getCell(aAmount);
+ return aCell;
+ }
+ if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.circuit) {
+ if (aTier == 4) {
+ return ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(CI.getDataStick(), aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 5) {
+ return ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(CI.getDataOrb(), aAmount);
+ }
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(OrePrefixes.circuit, aMaterial_Circuits[aTier], aAmount);
+ }
+ //Check for Cables first, catch SuperConductor case and swap to wire.
+ if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt01 || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt02 || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt04 || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt08 || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt12) {
+ //Special Handler
+ if (aTier == 10) {
+ if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt01) {
+ aPrefix = OrePrefixes.wireGt02;
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt02) {
+ aPrefix = OrePrefixes.wireGt04;
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt04) {
+ aPrefix = OrePrefixes.wireGt08;
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt08) {
+ aPrefix = OrePrefixes.wireGt12;
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cableGt12) {
+ aPrefix = OrePrefixes.wireGt16;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, aMaterial_Cables[aTier], aAmount);
+ }
+ }
+ if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.wireGt01 || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.wireGt02 || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.wireGt04 || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.wireGt08 || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.wireGt12 || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.wireGt16) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, aMaterial_Cables[aTier], aAmount);
+ }
+ if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.pipeTiny || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.pipeSmall || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.pipe || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.pipeMedium || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.pipeLarge || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.pipeHuge) {
+ if (aTier == 0) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, Materials.Lead, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 1) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, Materials.Steel, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 2) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, Materials.StainlessSteel, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 3) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, Materials.Tungsten, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 4) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, Materials.TungstenSteel, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 5) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, ALLOY.MARAGING350, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 6) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, ALLOY.STABALLOY, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 7) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, ALLOY.HASTELLOY_X, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 8) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, Materials.Ultimate, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 9) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(OrePrefixes.pipeMedium, Materials.Superconductor, aAmount);
+ }
+ else if (aTier == 10) {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, Materials.Europium, aAmount);
+ }
+ else {
+ return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, Materials.Titanium, aAmount);
+ }
+ }
+ ItemStack aTempStack = null;
+ if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.gear || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.gearGt) {
+ m = aMaster[0][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.rod || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.stick) {
+ m = aMaster[0][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.stickLong) {
+ m = aMaster[1][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.bolt) {
+ m = aMaster[2][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.screw) {
+ m = aMaster[0][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.rotor) {
+ m = aMaster[1][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.frame || aPrefix == OrePrefixes.frameGt) {
+ m = aMaster[2][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.ingot) {
+ m = aMaster[1][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.plate) {
+ m = aMaster[0][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.plateDouble) {
+ m = aMaster[0][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.ring) {
+ m = aMaster[2][aTier];
+ }
+ else if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.cell) {
+ m = aMaster[1][aTier];
+ }
+ else {
+ m = aMaterial_Main[aTier];
+ }
+ ItemStack aReturn = ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, m, aAmount);
+ //If Invalid, Try First Material
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(aReturn)) {
+ m = aMaster[0][aTier];
+ aReturn = ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, m, aAmount);
+ //If Invalid, Try Second Material
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(aReturn)) {
+ m = aMaster[1][aTier];
+ aReturn = ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, m, aAmount);
+ //If Invalid, Try Third Material
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(aReturn)) {
+ m = aMaster[2][aTier];
+ aReturn = ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, m, aAmount);
+ //All Invalid? Ok, shit.
+ //Let's add a special error ingot.
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(aReturn)) {
+ aReturn = ItemUtils.getErrorStack(1, (aPrefix.toString()+m.getLocalizedName()+" x"+aAmount));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aReturn;
+ }