path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/recipe
diff options
authorAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-09-09 16:36:36 +1000
committerAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-09-09 16:36:36 +1000
commit075706790f74323a3a532321c3e39e49ed6e31d2 (patch)
tree7e0d0ea3492b640c5be34a6170b424043113bb32 /src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/recipe
parentc4ccc73b6e8259df2a569644d9bdfb78c641e4b6 (diff)
$ Fixed Quantum not having a recipe.
- Removed a lot of logging during start-up.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/recipe')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/recipe/RecipeUtils.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/recipe/RecipeUtils.java
index 72c33a2011..f4b6640668 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/recipe/RecipeUtils.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/recipe/RecipeUtils.java
@@ -23,20 +23,20 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
final ArrayList<Object> validSlots = new ArrayList<>();
if (resultItem == null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Found a recipe with an invalid output, yet had a valid inputs. Skipping.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Found a recipe with an invalid output, yet had a valid inputs. Skipping.");
return false;
if ((slot_1 == null) && (slot_2 == null) && (slot_3 == null) &&
(slot_4 == null) && (slot_5 == null) && (slot_6 == null) &&
(slot_7 == null) && (slot_8 == null) && (slot_9 == null)){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Found a recipe with 0 inputs, yet had a valid output.");
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Error found while adding a recipe for: "+resultItem.getDisplayName()+" | Please report this issue on Github.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Found a recipe with 0 inputs, yet had a valid output.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Error found while adding a recipe for: "+resultItem.getDisplayName()+" | Please report this issue on Github.");
return false;
- //Utils.LOG_INFO("Trying to add a recipe for "+resultItem.toString());
+ //Utils.LOG_WARNING("Trying to add a recipe for "+resultItem.toString());
String a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;
if (slot_1 == null){ a = " ";} else { a = "1";validSlots.add('1');validSlots.add(slot_1);}
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
try {
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(resultItem.copy(), validSlots.toArray()));
- //Utils.LOG_INFO("Success! Added a recipe for "+resultItem.getDisplayName());
+ //Utils.LOG_WARNING("Success! Added a recipe for "+resultItem.getDisplayName());
if (!COMPAT_HANDLER.areInitItemsLoaded){
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
final ArrayList<Object> validSlots = new ArrayList<>();
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Trying to add a recipe for "+Output.toString());
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Trying to add a recipe for "+Output.toString());
String a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;
if (slot_1 == null){ a = " ";} else { a = "1";validSlots.add('1');validSlots.add(slot_1);}
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
//GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(Output, outputAmount), (Object[]) validSlots.toArray());
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(Output, validSlots.toArray()));
//GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(output_ITEM, 1), new Object[] {slot_1, slot_2});
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Success! Added a recipe for "+Output.getDisplayName());
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Success! Added a recipe for "+Output.getDisplayName());
catch(final RuntimeException k){
@@ -263,10 +263,10 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
if ((x instanceof Item) || (x instanceof ItemStack)){
if (x instanceof Item){
final ItemStack r = new ItemStack((Item) x);
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Removing Recipe for "+r.getUnlocalizedName());
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Removing Recipe for "+r.getUnlocalizedName());
else {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Removing Recipe for "+((ItemStack) x).getUnlocalizedName());
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Removing Recipe for "+((ItemStack) x).getUnlocalizedName());
if (x instanceof ItemStack){
final Item r = ((ItemStack) x).getItem();
@@ -274,15 +274,15 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
x = r;
else {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe removal failed - Tell Alkalus.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Recipe removal failed - Tell Alkalus.");
return false;
if (RecipeUtils.attemptRecipeRemoval((Item) x)){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe removal successful");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Recipe removal successful");
return true;
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe removal failed - Tell Alkalus.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Recipe removal failed - Tell Alkalus.");
return false;
return false;
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
final ItemStack is = items.next().getRecipeOutput();
if ((is != null) && (is.getItem() == I)){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Remove a recipe with "+I.getUnlocalizedName()+" as output.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Remove a recipe with "+I.getUnlocalizedName()+" as output.");
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
Utils.LOG_WARNING("Should be all gone now after double checking, so return true.");
return true;
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Return false, because something went wrong.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Return false, because something went wrong.");
return false;
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
else {
if (OutputItem != null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Adding recipe for "+OutputItem.getDisplayName()+" failed. Error 62.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Adding recipe for "+OutputItem.getDisplayName()+" failed. Error 62.");
return false;
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
public static boolean addShapedGregtechRecipe(final Object[] inputs, ItemStack output){
if (inputs.length != 9){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Input array for "+output.getDisplayName()+" does not equal 9. "+inputs.length+" is the actual size.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Input array for "+output.getDisplayName()+" does not equal 9. "+inputs.length+" is the actual size.");
return false;
@@ -361,17 +361,17 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
for (int x=0;x<9;x++){
if (inputs[x] == null){
inputs[x] = " ";
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Input slot "+x+" changed from NULL to a blank space.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Input slot "+x+" changed from NULL to a blank space.");
else if (!(inputs[x] instanceof ItemStack) && !(inputs[x] instanceof String)){
if (output != null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Invalid Item inserted into inputArray. Item:"+output.getDisplayName()+" has a bad recipe. Please report to Alkalus.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Invalid Item inserted into inputArray. Item:"+output.getDisplayName()+" has a bad recipe. Please report to Alkalus.");
return false;
else {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Output is Null for a recipe. Report to Alkalus.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Output is Null for a recipe. Report to Alkalus.");
output = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("sadibasdkjnad", 1);
@@ -390,13 +390,13 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
'G', inputs[6],
'H', inputs[7],
'I', inputs[8]})){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Success! Added a recipe for "+output.getDisplayName());
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Success! Added a recipe for "+output.getDisplayName());
return true;
else {
if (output != null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Adding recipe for "+output.getDisplayName()+" failed. Error 61.");
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Adding recipe for "+output.getDisplayName()+" failed. Error 61.");
return false;
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ public class RecipeUtils {
//Catch Invalid Recipes
if (inputItems.length > 9 || inputItems.length < 1){
if (OutputItem != null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Invalid input array for shapeless recipe, which should output "+OutputItem.getDisplayName());
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Invalid input array for shapeless recipe, which should output "+OutputItem.getDisplayName());
return false;