path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common
diff options
authorAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-09-12 11:19:33 +1000
committerAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-09-12 11:19:33 +1000
commitf91fdfd23342cb2b3d759fe2c317ab632352d0b5 (patch)
tree6b2b893886ce519ba782dfb960cdd5dc3538c79b /src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common
parent7721a5dd91d121a0921350572a45a1a39ee1ecfe (diff)
+ Basic support for Project Table results within the large Auto-Crafter.
% More Project Table work.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT4Entity_AutoCrafter.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT4Entity_AutoCrafter.java
index 5a0d966073..471976ded3 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT4Entity_AutoCrafter.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT4Entity_AutoCrafter.java
@@ -25,10 +25,33 @@ public class GT4Entity_AutoCrafter
extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase
- private boolean isDisassembling = false;
+ private MODE mMachineMode = MODE.ASSEMBLY;
private byte mTier = 1;
private final int mHeatingCapacity = 4700;
+ public static enum MODE{
+ private final String lastMode;
+ private final String nextMode;
+ MODE(String previous, String next){
+ this.lastMode = previous;
+ this.nextMode = next;
+ }
+ public MODE nextMode(){
+ return MODE.valueOf(this.nextMode);
+ }
+ public MODE lastMode(){
+ return MODE.valueOf(this.lastMode);
+ }
+ }
public boolean isFacingValid(byte aFacing)
@@ -184,12 +207,15 @@ extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase
public void onScrewdriverRightClick(byte aSide, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ) {
- isDisassembling = Utils.invertBoolean(isDisassembling);
- if (this.isDisassembling){
- PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "You are now running the Auto-Crafter in mode: §cDisassembly");
+ mMachineMode = mMachineMode.nextMode();
+ if (mMachineMode == MODE.CRAFTING){
+ PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "You are now running the Auto-Crafter in mode: §dAuto-Crafting");
+ }
+ else if (mMachineMode == MODE.ASSEMBLY){
+ PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "You are now running the Auto-Crafter in mode: §aAssembly");
else {
- PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "You are now running the Auto-Crafter in mode: §aAssembly");
+ PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "You are now running the Auto-Crafter in mode: §cDisassembly");
super.onScrewdriverRightClick(aSide, aPlayer, aX, aY, aZ);
@@ -200,9 +226,12 @@ extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase
final long tVoltage = this.getMaxInputVoltage();
final byte tTier = this.mTier = (byte) Math.max(1, GT_Utility.getTier(tVoltage));
- if (this.isDisassembling){
+ if (mMachineMode == MODE.DISASSEMBLY){
return doDisassembly();
+ else if (mMachineMode == MODE.CRAFTING){
+ return false;
+ }
else {
final ArrayList<ItemStack> tInputList = this.getStoredInputs();
for (int tInputList_sS = tInputList.size(), i = 0; i < tInputList_sS - 1; ++i) {
@@ -346,11 +375,15 @@ extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase
final String tRunning = (this.mMaxProgresstime>0 ? "Auto-Crafter running":"Auto-Crafter stopped");
final String tMaintainance = (this.getIdealStatus() == this.getRepairStatus() ? "No Maintainance issues" : "Needs Maintainance");
String tMode;
- if (this.isDisassembling){
+ if (mMachineMode == MODE.DISASSEMBLY){
tMode = "§cDisassembly";
- else {
- tMode = "§aAssembly";
+ else if (mMachineMode == MODE.ASSEMBLY){
+ tMode = "§aAssembly";
+ }
+ else {
+ tMode = "§dAuto-Crafting";
return new String[]{
@@ -365,15 +398,26 @@ extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase
return true;
+ //else if (mMachineMode == MODE.ASEEMBLY){
+ private String getMode(){
+ return this.mMachineMode.name();
+ }
public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
- aNBT.setBoolean("isDisassembling", this.isDisassembling);
+ String mMode = getMode();
+ aNBT.setString("mMode", mMode);
public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
- this.isDisassembling = aNBT.getBoolean("isDisassembling");
+ String modeString = aNBT.getString("mMode");
+ MODE newMode = MODE.valueOf(modeString);
+ this.mMachineMode = newMode;