path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod
diff options
authorAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-08-05 16:27:23 +1000
committerAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-08-05 16:27:23 +1000
commit8aa1b1fdcdc906f607624c05f43367e9b5d23620 (patch)
tree58b7e317040d855579fcac85ccbbca2039469472 /src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod
parent3584f0d256962fcbac4e33f08c61a2f5b53e522a (diff)
% Refined the tooltips on Tesseracts.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod')
2 files changed, 44 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/automation/GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractGenerator.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/automation/GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractGenerator.java
index 35ff70d775..f044cdd9b8 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/automation/GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractGenerator.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/automation/GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractGenerator.java
@@ -188,41 +188,38 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractGenerator extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Basi
- if (aPlayer.getUniqueID().compareTo(this.mOwner) == 0) {
- if (aSide == this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getFrontFacing()) {
- if (aPlayer.getUniqueID().compareTo(this.mOwner) == 0) {
- final float[] tCoords = GT_Utility.getClickedFacingCoords(aSide, aX, aY, aZ);
- switch ((byte) ((byte) (int) (tCoords[0] * 2.0F) + (2 * (byte) (int) (tCoords[1] * 2.0F)))) {
- case 0:
- Utils.LOG_WARNING("Freq. -1 | " + this.mFrequency);
- try {
- CORE.sTesseractGeneratorOwnershipMap.get(mOwner).remove(this.mFrequency);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- }
- this.mFrequency -= 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- Utils.LOG_WARNING("Freq. +1 | " + this.mFrequency);
- try {
- CORE.sTesseractGeneratorOwnershipMap.get(mOwner).remove(this.mFrequency);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- }
- this.mFrequency += 1;
- default:
- // Utils.LOG_WARNING("Did not click the correct place.");
- break;
- }
- if (getGeneratorEntity(this.mFrequency) != null && getGeneratorEntity(this.mFrequency) != this){
- GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Frequency: " + this.mFrequency + EnumChatFormatting.RED + " (Occupied)");
+ if (aSide == this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getFrontFacing()) {
+ if (aPlayer.getUniqueID().compareTo(this.mOwner) == 0) {
+ final float[] tCoords = GT_Utility.getClickedFacingCoords(aSide, aX, aY, aZ);
+ switch ((byte) ((byte) (int) (tCoords[0] * 2.0F) + (2 * (byte) (int) (tCoords[1] * 2.0F)))) {
+ case 0:
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Freq. -1 | " + this.mFrequency);
+ try {
+ CORE.sTesseractGeneratorOwnershipMap.get(mOwner).remove(this.mFrequency);
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
- else {
- GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Frequency: " + this.mFrequency);
+ this.mFrequency -= 1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ Utils.LOG_WARNING("Freq. +1 | " + this.mFrequency);
+ try {
+ CORE.sTesseractGeneratorOwnershipMap.get(mOwner).remove(this.mFrequency);
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
- } else {
- PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "This is not your Tesseract Generator to configure.");
+ this.mFrequency += 1;
+ default:
+ // Utils.LOG_WARNING("Did not click the correct place.");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (getGeneratorEntity(this.mFrequency) != null && getGeneratorEntity(this.mFrequency) != this){
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Frequency: " + this.mFrequency + EnumChatFormatting.RED + " (Occupied)");
+ }
+ else {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Frequency: " + this.mFrequency);
+ } else if (aPlayer.getUniqueID().compareTo(this.mOwner) != 0){
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "This is not your Tesseract Generator to configure.");
@@ -268,12 +265,11 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractGenerator extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Basi
GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Frequency: " + this.mFrequency + EnumChatFormatting.RED + " (Occupied)");
else {
GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Frequency: " + this.mFrequency);
} else {
- PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "This is not your Tesseract Generator to configure.");
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "This is not your Tesseract Generator to configure.");
@@ -609,7 +605,10 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractGenerator extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Basi
public String[] getDescription() {
- return new String[] { this.mDescription, "Generates a Tesseract for the attached Inventory", CORE.GT_Tooltip };
+ return new String[] { this.mDescription,
+ "Generates a Tesseract for the attached Inventory",
+ "Connect with pipes to insert items",
+ CORE.GT_Tooltip };
@@ -635,8 +634,8 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractGenerator extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Basi
return aSide == aFacing
? new ITexture[] { new GT_RenderedTexture(TexturesGtBlock.Casing_Machine_Dimensional),
new GT_RenderedTexture(TexturesGtBlock.Casing_Machine_Screen_Frequency) }
- : new ITexture[] { new GT_RenderedTexture(TexturesGtBlock.Casing_Machine_Dimensional),
- new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.VOID) };
+ : new ITexture[] { new GT_RenderedTexture(TexturesGtBlock.Casing_Machine_Dimensional),
+ new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.VOID) };
// To-Do?
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/automation/GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractTerminal.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/automation/GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractTerminal.java
index 01b7a371ea..2dce17a98c 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/automation/GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractTerminal.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/automation/GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractTerminal.java
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractTerminal extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Basic
new StringBuilder().append(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN).append(" (Connected)").toString());
- } else {
- PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "This is not your Tesseract Terminal to configure.");
+ } else if (aPlayer.getUniqueID().compareTo(this.mOwner) != 0){
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "This is not your Tesseract Terminal to configure.");
return true;
@@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractTerminal extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Basic
: new StringBuilder().append(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN).append(" (Connected)")
- } else {
- PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "This is not your Tesseract Terminal to configure.");
+ } else if (aPlayer.getUniqueID().compareTo(this.mOwner) != 0){
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "This is not your Tesseract Terminal to configure.");
@@ -479,7 +479,10 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TesseractTerminal extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Basic
public String[] getDescription() {
- return new String[] { this.mDescription, "Accesses Tesseract Generators remotely", CORE.GT_Tooltip };
+ return new String[] { this.mDescription,
+ "Accesses Tesseract Generators remotely",
+ "Connect with pipes to extract items",
+ CORE.GT_Tooltip };