path: root/src/Java
diff options
authorAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-07-13 09:18:41 +1000
committerAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-07-13 09:18:41 +1000
commit27864fd0afce4fca6db97eb542c91abdaec9893e (patch)
treecb3aad87b0aef0fe839a93334567f268bc97c76e /src/Java
parent536aad631a6492b6b4da9df40c9cdfc5f6ad21ee (diff)
+ More WorldGen work.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java')
5 files changed, 609 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/biome/BiomeGenerator_Custom.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/biome/BiomeGenerator_Custom.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ac656a795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/biome/BiomeGenerator_Custom.java
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.core.world.darkworld.biome;
+import java.util.Random;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.world.darkworld.gen.WorldGenDeadLilly;
+import net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower;
+import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
+import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
+import net.minecraft.world.World;
+import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeDecorator;
+import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenAbstractTree;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenBigMushroom;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenCactus;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenClay;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenDeadBush;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenFlowers;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenLiquids;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenMinable;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenPumpkin;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenReed;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenSand;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenWaterlily;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenerator;
+import static net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.DecorateBiomeEvent.Decorate.EventType.*;
+import static net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.OreGenEvent.GenerateMinable.EventType.*;
+import net.minecraftforge.common.*;
+import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.*;
+public class BiomeGenerator_Custom extends BiomeDecorator {
+ /** The world the BiomeDecorator is currently decorating */
+ public World currentWorld;
+ /** The Biome Decorator's random number generator. */
+ public Random randomGenerator;
+ /** The X-coordinate of the chunk currently being decorated */
+ public int chunk_X;
+ /** The Z-coordinate of the chunk currently being decorated */
+ public int chunk_Z;
+ /** The clay generator. */
+ public WorldGenerator clayGen = new WorldGenClay(4);
+ /** The sand generator. */
+ public WorldGenerator sandGen;
+ /** The gravel generator. */
+ public WorldGenerator gravelAsSandGen;
+ /** The dirt generator. */
+ public WorldGenerator dirtGen;
+ public WorldGenerator gravelGen;
+ public WorldGenerator coalGen;
+ public WorldGenerator ironGen;
+ /** Field that holds gold WorldGenMinable */
+ public WorldGenerator goldGen;
+ /** Field that holds redstone WorldGenMinable */
+ public WorldGenerator redstoneGen;
+ /** Field that holds diamond WorldGenMinable */
+ public WorldGenerator diamondGen;
+ /** Field that holds Lapis WorldGenMinable */
+ public WorldGenerator lapisGen;
+ public WorldGenFlowers yellowFlowerGen;
+ /** Field that holds mushroomBrown WorldGenFlowers */
+ public WorldGenerator mushroomBrownGen;
+ /** Field that holds mushroomRed WorldGenFlowers */
+ public WorldGenerator mushroomRedGen;
+ /** Field that holds big mushroom generator */
+ public WorldGenerator bigMushroomGen;
+ /** Field that holds WorldGenReed */
+ public WorldGenerator reedGen;
+ /** Field that holds WorldGenCactus */
+ public WorldGenerator cactusGen;
+ /** The water lily generation! */
+ public WorldGenerator waterlilyGen;
+ /** Amount of waterlilys per chunk. */
+ public int waterlilyPerChunk;
+ /** The number of trees to attempt to generate per chunk. Up to 10 in forests, none in deserts. */
+ public int treesPerChunk;
+ /**
+ * The number of yellow flower patches to generate per chunk. The game generates much less than this number, since
+ * it attempts to generate them at a random altitude.
+ */
+ public int flowersPerChunk;
+ /** The amount of tall grass to generate per chunk. */
+ public int grassPerChunk;
+ /** The number of dead bushes to generate per chunk. Used in deserts and swamps. */
+ public int deadBushPerChunk;
+ /**
+ * The number of extra mushroom patches per chunk. It generates 1/4 this number in brown mushroom patches, and 1/8
+ * this number in red mushroom patches. These mushrooms go beyond the default base number of mushrooms.
+ */
+ public int mushroomsPerChunk;
+ /** The number of reeds to generate per chunk. Reeds won't generate if the randomly selected placement is unsuitable. */
+ public int reedsPerChunk;
+ /** The number of cactus plants to generate per chunk. Cacti only work on sand. */
+ public int cactiPerChunk;
+ /** The number of sand patches to generate per chunk. Sand patches only generate when part of it is underwater. */
+ public int sandPerChunk;
+ /**
+ * The number of sand patches to generate per chunk. Sand patches only generate when part of it is underwater. There
+ * appear to be two separate fields for this.
+ */
+ public int sandPerChunk2;
+ /** The number of clay patches to generate per chunk. Only generates when part of it is underwater. */
+ public int clayPerChunk;
+ /** Amount of big mushrooms per chunk */
+ public int bigMushroomsPerChunk;
+ /** True if decorator should generate surface lava & water */
+ public boolean generateLakes;
+ public BiomeGenerator_Custom(){
+ //Basic Blocks
+ this.sandGen = new WorldGenSand(Blocks.sand, 12);
+ this.gravelAsSandGen = new WorldGenSand(Blocks.gravel, 8);
+ this.dirtGen = new WorldGenMinable(Blocks.dirt, 32);
+ this.gravelGen = new WorldGenMinable(Blocks.gravel, 12);
+ //Oregen
+ this.coalGen = new WorldGenMinable(Blocks.coal_ore, 16);
+ this.ironGen = new WorldGenMinable(Blocks.iron_ore, 12);
+ this.goldGen = new WorldGenMinable(Blocks.gold_ore, 12);
+ this.redstoneGen = new WorldGenMinable(Blocks.redstone_ore, 10);
+ this.diamondGen = new WorldGenMinable(Blocks.diamond_ore, 12);
+ this.lapisGen = new WorldGenMinable(Blocks.lapis_ore, 8);
+ //Nature
+ /*this.yellowFlowerGen = new WorldGenFlowers(Blocks.yellow_flower);
+ this.mushroomBrownGen = new WorldGenFlowers(Blocks.brown_mushroom);
+ this.mushroomRedGen = new WorldGenFlowers(Blocks.red_mushroom);
+ this.bigMushroomGen = new WorldGenBigMushroom();*/
+ this.reedGen = new WorldGenReed();
+ this.cactusGen = new WorldGenCactus();
+ this.waterlilyGen = new WorldGenDeadLilly();
+ this.flowersPerChunk = 2;
+ this.grassPerChunk = 5;
+ this.sandPerChunk = 3;
+ this.sandPerChunk2 = 5;
+ this.clayPerChunk = 7;
+ this.generateLakes = true;
+ }
+ public void decorateChunk(World p_150512_1_, Random p_150512_2_, BiomeGenBase p_150512_3_, int p_150512_4_, int p_150512_5_)
+ {
+ if (this.currentWorld != null)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Already decorating!!");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.currentWorld = p_150512_1_;
+ this.randomGenerator = p_150512_2_;
+ this.chunk_X = p_150512_4_;
+ this.chunk_Z = p_150512_5_;
+ this.genDecorations(p_150512_3_);
+ this.currentWorld = null;
+ this.randomGenerator = null;
+ }
+ }
+ protected void genDecorations(BiomeGenBase p_150513_1_)
+ {
+ MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new DecorateBiomeEvent.Pre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z));
+ this.generateOres();
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int k;
+ boolean doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, SAND);
+ for (i = 0; doGen && i < this.sandPerChunk2; ++i)
+ {
+ j = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ k = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ this.sandGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, j, this.currentWorld.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(j, k), k);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, CLAY);
+ for (i = 0; doGen && i < this.clayPerChunk; ++i)
+ {
+ j = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ k = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ this.clayGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, j, this.currentWorld.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(j, k), k);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, SAND_PASS2);
+ for (i = 0; doGen && i < this.sandPerChunk; ++i)
+ {
+ j = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ k = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ this.gravelAsSandGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, j, this.currentWorld.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(j, k), k);
+ }
+ i = this.treesPerChunk;
+ if (this.randomGenerator.nextInt(10) == 0)
+ {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ int l;
+ int i1;
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, TREE);
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < i; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ i1 = this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l);
+ WorldGenAbstractTree worldgenabstracttree = p_150513_1_.func_150567_a(this.randomGenerator);
+ worldgenabstracttree.setScale(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
+ if (worldgenabstracttree.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l))
+ {
+ worldgenabstracttree.func_150524_b(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, BIG_SHROOM);
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < this.bigMushroomsPerChunk; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ this.bigMushroomGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l), l);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, FLOWERS);
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < this.flowersPerChunk; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ i1 = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l) + 32);
+ String s = p_150513_1_.func_150572_a(this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ BlockFlower blockflower = BlockFlower.func_149857_e(s);
+ if (blockflower.getMaterial() != Material.air)
+ {
+ this.yellowFlowerGen.func_150550_a(blockflower, BlockFlower.func_149856_f(s));
+ this.yellowFlowerGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, GRASS);
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < this.grassPerChunk; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ i1 = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l) * 2);
+ WorldGenerator worldgenerator = p_150513_1_.getRandomWorldGenForGrass(this.randomGenerator);
+ worldgenerator.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, DEAD_BUSH);
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < this.deadBushPerChunk; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ i1 = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l) * 2);
+ (new WorldGenDeadBush(Blocks.deadbush)).generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, LILYPAD);
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < this.waterlilyPerChunk; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ for (i1 = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l) * 2); i1 > 0 && this.currentWorld.isAirBlock(k, i1 - 1, l); --i1)
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ this.waterlilyGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, SHROOM);
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < this.mushroomsPerChunk; ++j)
+ {
+ if (this.randomGenerator.nextInt(4) == 0)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ i1 = this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l);
+ this.mushroomBrownGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ if (this.randomGenerator.nextInt(8) == 0)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ i1 = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l) * 2);
+ this.mushroomRedGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ }
+ if (doGen && this.randomGenerator.nextInt(4) == 0)
+ {
+ j = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ k = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(j, k) * 2);
+ this.mushroomBrownGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, j, l, k);
+ }
+ if (doGen && this.randomGenerator.nextInt(8) == 0)
+ {
+ j = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ k = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(j, k) * 2);
+ this.mushroomRedGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, j, l, k);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, REED);
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < this.reedsPerChunk; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ i1 = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l) * 2);
+ this.reedGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < 10; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ i1 = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l) * 2);
+ this.reedGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, PUMPKIN);
+ if (doGen && this.randomGenerator.nextInt(32) == 0)
+ {
+ j = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ k = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(j, k) * 2);
+ (new WorldGenPumpkin()).generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, j, l, k);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, CACTUS);
+ for (j = 0; doGen && j < this.cactiPerChunk; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ i1 = nextInt(this.currentWorld.getHeightValue(k, l) * 2);
+ this.cactusGen.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, i1, l);
+ }
+ doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, LAKE);
+ if (doGen && this.generateLakes)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < 50; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.randomGenerator.nextInt(this.randomGenerator.nextInt(248) + 8);
+ i1 = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ (new WorldGenLiquids(Blocks.flowing_water)).generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, l, i1);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 20; ++j)
+ {
+ k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ l = this.randomGenerator.nextInt(this.randomGenerator.nextInt(this.randomGenerator.nextInt(240) + 8) + 8);
+ i1 = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
+ (new WorldGenLiquids(Blocks.flowing_lava)).generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, l, i1);
+ }
+ }
+ MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new DecorateBiomeEvent.Post(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Standard ore generation helper. Generates most ores.
+ */
+ protected void genStandardOre1(int p_76795_1_, WorldGenerator p_76795_2_, int p_76795_3_, int p_76795_4_)
+ {
+ for (int l = 0; l < p_76795_1_; ++l)
+ {
+ int i1 = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16);
+ int j1 = this.randomGenerator.nextInt(p_76795_4_ - p_76795_3_) + p_76795_3_;
+ int k1 = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16);
+ p_76795_2_.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, i1, j1, k1);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Standard ore generation helper. Generates Lapis Lazuli.
+ */
+ protected void genStandardOre2(int p_76793_1_, WorldGenerator p_76793_2_, int p_76793_3_, int p_76793_4_)
+ {
+ for (int l = 0; l < p_76793_1_; ++l)
+ {
+ int i1 = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16);
+ int j1 = this.randomGenerator.nextInt(p_76793_4_) + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(p_76793_4_) + (p_76793_3_ - p_76793_4_);
+ int k1 = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16);
+ p_76793_2_.generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, i1, j1, k1);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates ores in the current chunk
+ */
+ protected void generateOres()
+ {
+ MinecraftForge.ORE_GEN_BUS.post(new OreGenEvent.Pre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z));
+ if (TerrainGen.generateOre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, dirtGen, chunk_X, chunk_Z, DIRT))
+ this.genStandardOre1(20, this.dirtGen, 0, 256);
+ if (TerrainGen.generateOre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, gravelGen, chunk_X, chunk_Z, GRAVEL))
+ this.genStandardOre1(10, this.gravelGen, 0, 256);
+ if (TerrainGen.generateOre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, coalGen, chunk_X, chunk_Z, COAL))
+ this.genStandardOre1(20, this.coalGen, 0, 128);
+ if (TerrainGen.generateOre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, ironGen, chunk_X, chunk_Z, IRON))
+ this.genStandardOre1(20, this.ironGen, 0, 64);
+ if (TerrainGen.generateOre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, goldGen, chunk_X, chunk_Z, GOLD))
+ this.genStandardOre1(2, this.goldGen, 0, 32);
+ if (TerrainGen.generateOre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, redstoneGen, chunk_X, chunk_Z, REDSTONE))
+ this.genStandardOre1(8, this.redstoneGen, 0, 16);
+ if (TerrainGen.generateOre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, diamondGen, chunk_X, chunk_Z, DIAMOND))
+ this.genStandardOre1(1, this.diamondGen, 0, 16);
+ if (TerrainGen.generateOre(currentWorld, randomGenerator, lapisGen, chunk_X, chunk_Z, LAPIS))
+ this.genStandardOre2(1, this.lapisGen, 16, 16);
+ MinecraftForge.ORE_GEN_BUS.post(new OreGenEvent.Post(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z));
+ }
+ private int nextInt(int i) {
+ if (i <= 1)
+ return 0;
+ return this.randomGenerator.nextInt(i);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/biome/Biome_DarkWorld.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/biome/Biome_DarkWorld.java
index d3629ff139..3eadb6116e 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/biome/Biome_DarkWorld.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/biome/Biome_DarkWorld.java
@@ -56,25 +56,16 @@ public class Biome_DarkWorld {
public BiomeGenbiomeDarkWorld() {
+ this.theBiomeDecorator = new BiomeGenerator_Custom();
Utils.LOG_INFO("Dark World Temperature Category: "+getTempCategory());
this.setBiomeName("Dark World");
this.topBlock = Dimension_DarkWorld.blockTopLayer;
this.fillerBlock = Dimension_DarkWorld.blockSecondLayer;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.generateLakes = true;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk = 35;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.flowersPerChunk = 4;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.grassPerChunk = 15;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.deadBushPerChunk = 15;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.mushroomsPerChunk = 2;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.reedsPerChunk = 1;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.cactiPerChunk = 1;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.sandPerChunk = 8;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.clayPerChunk = 12;
- this.theBiomeDecorator.waterlilyPerChunk = 10;
this.enableRain = true;
this.enableSnow = false;
this.rainfall = 0.7F;
- this.setHeight(new BiomeGenBase.Height(0.35F, 0.65F));
+ this.setHeight(new BiomeGenBase.Height(0.3F, 0.5F));
+ this.heightVariation = 0.4F;
this.waterColorMultiplier = 0x17290A;
this.rootHeight = -0.25f; //Ground level
@@ -84,22 +75,22 @@ public class Biome_DarkWorld {
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityBlaze.class, 5, 1, 5));
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityCaveSpider.class, 5, 1, 5));
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityCreeper.class, 4, 1, 2));
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityEnderman.class, 5, 1, 5));
this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityGhast.class, 5, 1, 5));
this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityGiantZombie.class, 20, 1, 1));
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityMagmaCube.class, 5, 1, 5));
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityPigZombie.class, 5, 1, 5));
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySkeleton.class, 5, 1, 5));
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySpider.class, 5, 1, 5));
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityWolf.class, 5, 4, 10));
- this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityZombie.class, 5, 1, 5));
+ addToMonsterSpawnLists(EntityBlaze.class, 5, 1, 5);
+ addToMonsterSpawnLists(EntityCaveSpider.class, 5, 1, 5);
+ addToMonsterSpawnLists(EntityCreeper.class, 4, 1, 2);
+ addToMonsterSpawnLists(EntityEnderman.class, 5, 1, 5);
+ addToMonsterSpawnLists(EntityMagmaCube.class, 5, 1, 5);
+ addToMonsterSpawnLists(EntityPigZombie.class, 5, 1, 5);
+ addToMonsterSpawnLists(EntitySkeleton.class, 5, 1, 5);
+ addToMonsterSpawnLists(EntitySpider.class, 5, 1, 5);
+ addToMonsterSpawnLists(EntityZombie.class, 5, 1, 5);
this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityCow.class, 5, 5, 10));
this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityBat.class, 4, 4, 8));
+ this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityWolf.class, 5, 4, 10));
this.spawnableWaterCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySquid.class, 5, 1, 10));
@@ -119,7 +110,13 @@ public class Biome_DarkWorld {
public int getSkyColorByTemp(float par1) {
- return 0x333333;
+ return 0xF67A14;
+ }
+ private boolean addToMonsterSpawnLists(Class EntityClass, int a, int b, int c){
+ this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityClass, a, b, c));
+ this.spawnableCaveCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityClass, a, b, c));
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/block/blockDarkWorldPollutedDirt.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/block/blockDarkWorldPollutedDirt.java
index f95e9a7fb9..2168677d56 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/block/blockDarkWorldPollutedDirt.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/block/blockDarkWorldPollutedDirt.java
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
package gtPlusPlus.core.world.darkworld.block;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import gtPlusPlus.core.creative.AddToCreativeTab;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockDirt;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass;
+import net.minecraft.world.ColorizerGrass;
+import net.minecraft.world.IBlockAccess;
public class blockDarkWorldPollutedDirt extends BlockDirt {
@@ -15,4 +19,46 @@ public class blockDarkWorldPollutedDirt extends BlockDirt {
LanguageRegistry.addName(this, "Polluted Soil");
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ public int getBlockColor()
+ {
+ double d0 = 0.5D;
+ double d1 = 1.0D;
+ return ColorizerGrass.getGrassColor(d0, d1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the color this block should be rendered. Used by leaves.
+ */
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ public int getRenderColor(int p_149741_1_)
+ {
+ return this.getBlockColor();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a integer with hex for 0xrrggbb with this color multiplied against the blocks color. Note only called
+ * when first determining what to render.
+ */
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ public int colorMultiplier(IBlockAccess p_149720_1_, int p_149720_2_, int p_149720_3_, int p_149720_4_)
+ {
+ int l = 0;
+ int i1 = 0;
+ int j1 = 0;
+ for (int k1 = -1; k1 <= 1; ++k1)
+ {
+ for (int l1 = -1; l1 <= 1; ++l1)
+ {
+ int i2 = p_149720_1_.getBiomeGenForCoords(p_149720_2_ + l1, p_149720_4_ + k1).getBiomeGrassColor(p_149720_2_ + l1, p_149720_3_, p_149720_4_ + k1);
+ l += (i2 & 16711680) >> 16;
+ i1 += (i2 & 65280) >> 8;
+ j1 += i2 & 255;
+ }
+ }
+ return (l / 9 & 255) << 16 | (i1 / 9 & 255) << 8 | j1 / 9 & 255;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/gen/WorldGenDeadLilly.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/gen/WorldGenDeadLilly.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..292eff3289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/gen/WorldGenDeadLilly.java
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.core.world.darkworld.gen;
+import java.util.Random;
+import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
+import net.minecraft.world.World;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenWaterlily;
+public class WorldGenDeadLilly extends WorldGenWaterlily {
+ public boolean generate(World world, Random rand, int x, int y, int z)
+ {
+ for (int l = 0; l < 10; ++l)
+ {
+ int i1 = x + rand.nextInt(8) - rand.nextInt(8);
+ int j1 = y + rand.nextInt(4) - rand.nextInt(4);
+ int k1 = z + rand.nextInt(8) - rand.nextInt(8);
+ if (world.isAirBlock(i1, j1, k1) && Blocks.waterlily.canPlaceBlockAt(world, i1, j1, k1))
+ {
+ world.setBlock(i1, j1, k1, Blocks.waterlily, 0, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/gen/WorldGenMinable_Custom.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/gen/WorldGenMinable_Custom.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dc033214f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/world/darkworld/gen/WorldGenMinable_Custom.java
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.core.world.darkworld.gen;
+import java.util.Random;
+import net.minecraft.block.Block;
+import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
+import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
+import net.minecraft.world.World;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenMinable;
+public class WorldGenMinable_Custom extends WorldGenMinable
+ /** The block to generate. */
+ private Block oreToGenerate;
+ /** The number of blocks to generate. */
+ private int numberOfBlocks;
+ /** The block to replace. */
+ private Block blockToReplace;
+ /** The meta of the block. */
+ private int mineableBlockMeta;
+ public WorldGenMinable_Custom(Block block, int count){
+ super(block, count, Blocks.stone);
+ }
+ public WorldGenMinable_Custom(Block block, int count, Block target){
+ super(block, count, target);
+ this.oreToGenerate = block;
+ this.numberOfBlocks = count;
+ this.blockToReplace = target;
+ }
+ public WorldGenMinable_Custom(Block block, int meta, int number, Block target){
+ this(block, number, target);
+ this.mineableBlockMeta = meta;
+ }
+ public boolean generate(World world, Random rand, int x, int y, int z)
+ {
+ float f = rand.nextFloat() * (float)Math.PI;
+ double d0 = (double)((float)(x + 16) + MathHelper.sin(f) * (float)this.numberOfBlocks / 4.0F);
+ double d1 = (double)((float)(x + 16) - MathHelper.sin(f) * (float)this.numberOfBlocks / 4.0F);
+ double d2 = (double)((float)(z + 16) + MathHelper.cos(f) * (float)this.numberOfBlocks / 4.0F);
+ double d3 = (double)((float)(z + 16) - MathHelper.cos(f) * (float)this.numberOfBlocks / 4.0F);
+ double d4 = (double)(y + rand.nextInt(5) - 2);
+ double d5 = (double)(y + rand.nextInt(5) - 2);
+ for (int l = 0; l <= this.numberOfBlocks; ++l)
+ {
+ double d6 = d0 + (d1 - d0) * (double)l / (double)this.numberOfBlocks;
+ double d7 = d4 + (d5 - d4) * (double)l / (double)this.numberOfBlocks;
+ double d8 = d2 + (d3 - d2) * (double)l / (double)this.numberOfBlocks;
+ double d9 = rand.nextDouble() * (double)this.numberOfBlocks / 8.0D;
+ double d10 = (double)(MathHelper.sin((float)l * (float)Math.PI / (float)this.numberOfBlocks) + 1.0F) * d9 + 1.0D;
+ double d11 = (double)(MathHelper.sin((float)l * (float)Math.PI / (float)this.numberOfBlocks) + 1.0F) * d9 + 1.0D;
+ int i1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 - d10 / 2.0D);
+ int j1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 - d11 / 2.0D);
+ int k1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 - d10 / 2.0D);
+ int l1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 + d10 / 2.0D);
+ int i2 = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 + d11 / 2.0D);
+ int j2 = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 + d10 / 2.0D);
+ for (int k2 = i1; k2 <= l1; ++k2)
+ {
+ double d12 = ((double)k2 + 0.5D - d6) / (d10 / 2.0D);
+ if (d12 * d12 < 1.0D)
+ {
+ for (int l2 = j1; l2 <= i2; ++l2)
+ {
+ double d13 = ((double)l2 + 0.5D - d7) / (d11 / 2.0D);
+ if (d12 * d12 + d13 * d13 < 1.0D)
+ {
+ for (int i3 = k1; i3 <= j2; ++i3)
+ {
+ double d14 = ((double)i3 + 0.5D - d8) / (d10 / 2.0D);
+ if (d12 * d12 + d13 * d13 + d14 * d14 < 1.0D && world.getBlock(k2, l2, i3).isReplaceableOreGen(world, k2, l2, i3, blockToReplace))
+ {
+ world.setBlock(k2, l2, i3, this.oreToGenerate, mineableBlockMeta, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file