path: root/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner
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authorJakub <53441451+kuba6000@users.noreply.github.com>2022-08-29 16:04:28 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-08-29 16:04:28 +0200
commit7d1f51a8937e0a86486267437d444696e81e8aa0 (patch)
treea5b145e7271998f7b4b968a2212ed487e54a92b5 /src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner
parent5267969156d30b4bb5f4cb2279ebb49db6bd40e2 (diff)
Buildscript + Spotless (#318)
* Convert AES.java to readable class * Buildscript * Spotless
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner')
14 files changed, 2270 insertions, 1550 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/AutomationSimulator.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/AutomationSimulator.java
index 729642e837..e83e46ce59 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/AutomationSimulator.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/AutomationSimulator.java
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner;
-import java.text.DecimalFormat;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components.ReactorItem;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.math.MathUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.tileentities.misc.GT_TileEntity_ComputerCube;
+import java.text.DecimalFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
@@ -15,677 +14,693 @@ import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.tileentities.misc.GT_TileEntity_ComputerC
public class AutomationSimulator {
- private final Reactor reactor;
+ private final Reactor reactor;
- private final ArrayList<String> output;
+ private final ArrayList<String> output;
- private final GT_TileEntity_ComputerCube mReactor;
+ private final GT_TileEntity_ComputerCube mReactor;
- private final boolean[][] needsCooldown = new boolean[6][9];
+ private final boolean[][] needsCooldown = new boolean[6][9];
- private final int initialHeat;
+ private final int initialHeat;
- private double minEUoutput = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- private double maxEUoutput = 0.0;
- private double minHeatOutput = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- private double maxHeatOutput = 0.0;
+ private double minEUoutput = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ private double maxEUoutput = 0.0;
+ private double minHeatOutput = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ private double maxHeatOutput = 0.0;
- private final int onPulseDuration;
- private final int offPulseDuration;
- private final int clockPeriod;
- private final int suspendTemp;
- private final int resumeTemp;
- private final int maxSimulationTicks;
+ private final int onPulseDuration;
+ private final int offPulseDuration;
+ private final int clockPeriod;
+ private final int suspendTemp;
+ private final int resumeTemp;
+ private final int maxSimulationTicks;
- private boolean reachedBelow50;
- private boolean reachedBurn;
- private boolean reachedEvaporate;
- private boolean reachedHurt;
- private boolean reachedLava;
- private boolean reachedExplode;
+ private boolean reachedBelow50;
+ private boolean reachedBurn;
+ private boolean reachedEvaporate;
+ private boolean reachedHurt;
+ private boolean reachedLava;
+ private boolean reachedExplode;
- private boolean allFuelRodsDepleted = false;
- private boolean componentsIntact = true;
- private boolean anyRodsDepleted = false;
+ private boolean allFuelRodsDepleted = false;
+ private boolean componentsIntact = true;
+ private boolean anyRodsDepleted = false;
- private int activeTime = 0;
- private int inactiveTime = 0;
- private int currentActiveTime = 0;
- private int minActiveTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- private int maxActiveTime = 0;
- private int currentInactiveTime = 0;
- private int minInactiveTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- private int maxInactiveTime = 0;
+ private int activeTime = 0;
+ private int inactiveTime = 0;
+ private int currentActiveTime = 0;
+ private int minActiveTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ private int maxActiveTime = 0;
+ private int currentInactiveTime = 0;
+ private int minInactiveTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ private int maxInactiveTime = 0;
- private double totalHullHeating = 0;
- private double totalComponentHeating = 0;
- private double totalHullCooling = 0;
- private double totalVentCooling = 0;
+ private double totalHullHeating = 0;
+ private double totalComponentHeating = 0;
+ private double totalHullCooling = 0;
+ private double totalVentCooling = 0;
- private boolean showHeatingCoolingCalled = false;
+ private boolean showHeatingCoolingCalled = false;
- private boolean active = true;
+ private boolean active = true;
- private int pauseTimer = 0;
+ private int pauseTimer = 0;
- private int redstoneUsed = 0;
+ private int redstoneUsed = 0;
- private int lapisUsed = 0;
+ private int lapisUsed = 0;
+ private boolean completed = false;
- private boolean completed = false;
- private boolean mRunning = false;
+ private boolean mRunning = false;
private static final DecimalFormat DECIMAL_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.##");
- private final SimulationData data = new SimulationData();
- public SimulationData getData() {
- if (completed) {
- return data;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public AutomationSimulator(final Reactor reactor, final ArrayList<String> output2, final GT_TileEntity_ComputerCube aTile) {
- this.reactor = reactor;
- this.output = output2;
- this.mReactor = aTile;
- this.initialHeat = (int) reactor.getCurrentHeat();
- this.onPulseDuration = reactor.getOnPulse();
- this.offPulseDuration = reactor.getOffPulse();
- this.clockPeriod = onPulseDuration + offPulseDuration;
- this.suspendTemp = reactor.getSuspendTemp();
- this.resumeTemp = reactor.getResumeTemp();
- this.maxSimulationTicks = reactor.getMaxSimulationTicks();
- }
- public void process() {
- mRunning = true;
- completed = false;
- long startTime = System.nanoTime();
- int reactorTicks = 0;
- int cooldownTicks = 0;
- int totalRodCount = 0;
- publish(""); // NOI18N
- publish("Simulation.Started");
- reactor.setCurrentHeat(initialHeat);
- reactor.clearVentedHeat();
- double minReactorHeat = initialHeat;
- double maxReactorHeat = initialHeat;
- reachedBelow50 = false;
- reachedBurn = initialHeat >= 0.4 * reactor.getMaxHeat();
- reachedEvaporate = initialHeat >= 0.5 * reactor.getMaxHeat();
- reachedHurt = initialHeat >= 0.7 * reactor.getMaxHeat();
- reachedLava = initialHeat >= 0.85 * reactor.getMaxHeat();
- reachedExplode = false;
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null) {
- component.clearCurrentHeat();
- component.clearDamage();
- totalRodCount += component.getRodCount();
- }
- publish(String.format("R%dC%d:0xC0C0C0", row, col)); // NOI18N
- }
- }
- data.totalRodCount = totalRodCount;
- double lastEUoutput = 0.0;
- double totalEUoutput = 0.0;
- double lastHeatOutput = 0.0;
- double totalHeatOutput = 0.0;
- double maxGeneratedHeat = 0.0;
- double explosionPower = 10.0;
- allFuelRodsDepleted = false;
- componentsIntact = true;
- anyRodsDepleted = false;
- Logger.INFO("Reactor Current Heat: "+reactor.getCurrentHeat());
- Logger.INFO("Reactor Max Heat: "+reactor.getMaxHeat());
- Logger.INFO("Least EU Output: "+lastEUoutput);
- Logger.INFO("Least Heat Output: "+lastHeatOutput);
- Logger.INFO("Reactor Max Ticks: "+maxSimulationTicks);
- Logger.INFO("All Fuel Depleted: "+allFuelRodsDepleted);
- Logger.INFO("Running: "+isRunning());
- Logger.INFO("Stopped: "+hasStopped());
- while (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat() && (!allFuelRodsDepleted || lastEUoutput > 0 || lastHeatOutput > 0) && reactorTicks < maxSimulationTicks && isRunning()) {
- //Logger.INFO("Reactor Tick: "+reactorTicks);
- reactorTicks++;
- reactor.clearEUOutput();
- reactor.clearVentedHeat();
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null) {
- component.preReactorTick();
- }
- }
- }
- if (active) {
- allFuelRodsDepleted = true; // assume rods depleted until one is
- // found that isn't.
- }
- double generatedHeat = 0.0;
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
- if (allFuelRodsDepleted && component.getRodCount() > 0) {
- allFuelRodsDepleted = false;
- }
- if (active) {
- generatedHeat += component.generateHeat();
- }
- component.dissipate();
- component.transfer();
- }
- }
- }
- maxReactorHeat = Math.max(reactor.getCurrentHeat(), maxReactorHeat);
- minReactorHeat = Math.min(reactor.getCurrentHeat(), minReactorHeat);
- checkReactorTemperature(reactorTicks);
- maxGeneratedHeat = Math.max(generatedHeat, maxGeneratedHeat);
- if (active) {
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
- component.generateEnergy();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- lastEUoutput = reactor.getCurrentEUoutput();
- totalEUoutput += lastEUoutput;
- lastHeatOutput = reactor.getVentedHeat();
- totalHeatOutput += lastHeatOutput;
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() <= reactor.getMaxHeat()) {
- if (reactor.isPulsed() || reactor.isAutomated()) {
- if (active) {
- activeTime++;
- currentActiveTime++;
- if (reactor.isPulsed() && (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= suspendTemp || (reactorTicks % clockPeriod) >= onPulseDuration)) {
- active = false;
- minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime);
- maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
- currentActiveTime = 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- inactiveTime++;
- currentInactiveTime++;
- if (reactor.isAutomated() && pauseTimer > 0) {
- pauseTimer--;
- }
- else if ((reactor.isPulsed() && reactor.getCurrentHeat() <= resumeTemp && (reactorTicks % clockPeriod) < onPulseDuration)) {
- active = true;
- minInactiveTime = Math.min(currentInactiveTime, minInactiveTime);
- maxInactiveTime = Math.max(currentInactiveTime, maxInactiveTime);
- currentInactiveTime = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- minEUoutput = Math.min(lastEUoutput, minEUoutput);
- maxEUoutput = Math.max(lastEUoutput, maxEUoutput);
- minHeatOutput = Math.min(lastHeatOutput, minHeatOutput);
- maxHeatOutput = Math.max(lastHeatOutput, maxHeatOutput);
- }
- calculateHeatingCooling(reactorTicks);
- handleAutomation(reactorTicks);
- }
- if (hasStopped()) {
- publish("Simulation.CancelledAtTick", reactorTicks);
- }
- data.minTemp = (int) minReactorHeat;
- data.maxTemp = (int) maxReactorHeat;
- publish("Simulation.ReactorMinTemp", minReactorHeat);
- publish("Simulation.ReactorMaxTemp", maxReactorHeat);
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()) {
- publish("Simulation.TimeWithoutExploding", reactorTicks);
- if (reactor.isPulsed()) {
- String rangeString = "";
- if (maxActiveTime > minActiveTime) {
- rangeString = rangeString("Simulation.ActiveTimeRange", minActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
- }
- else if (minActiveTime < activeTime) {
- rangeString = "Simulation.ActiveTimeSingle "+minActiveTime;
- }
- publish("Simulation.ActiveTime", activeTime, rangeString);
- rangeString = "";
- if (maxInactiveTime > minInactiveTime) {
- rangeString = rangeString("Simulation.InactiveTimeRange", minInactiveTime, maxInactiveTime);
- }
- else if (minInactiveTime < inactiveTime) {
- rangeString = "Simulation.InactiveTimeSingle " + minInactiveTime;
- }
- publish("Simulation.InactiveTime", inactiveTime, rangeString);
- }
- if (reactorTicks > 0) {
- data.totalReactorTicks = reactorTicks;
- if (reactor.isFluid()) {
- data.totalHUoutput = (int) (40 * totalHeatOutput);
- data.avgHUoutput = (int) (2 * totalHeatOutput / reactorTicks);
- data.minHUoutput = 2 * minHeatOutput;
- data.maxHUoutput = (int) (2 * maxHeatOutput);
- if (totalHeatOutput > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.HeatOutputs", DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(40 * totalHeatOutput), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(2 * totalHeatOutput / reactorTicks), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(2
- * minHeatOutput), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(2 * maxHeatOutput));
- if (totalRodCount > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.Efficiency", totalHeatOutput / reactorTicks / 4 / totalRodCount, minHeatOutput / 4 / totalRodCount, maxHeatOutput / 4 / totalRodCount);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- data.totalEUoutput = (int) totalEUoutput;
- data.avgEUoutput = MathUtils.roundToClosestInt(Math.ceil(totalEUoutput / (reactorTicks * 20)));
- data.minEUoutput = minEUoutput / 20.0;
- data.maxEUoutput = (int) (maxEUoutput / 20.0);
- if (totalEUoutput > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.EUOutputs", DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(totalEUoutput), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(totalEUoutput / (reactorTicks * 20)), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(minEUoutput
- / 20.0), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(maxEUoutput / 20.0));
- if (totalRodCount > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.Efficiency", totalEUoutput / reactorTicks / 100 / totalRodCount, minEUoutput / 100 / totalRodCount, maxEUoutput / 100 / totalRodCount);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() > 0.0) {
- publish("Simulation.ReactorRemainingHeat", reactor.getCurrentHeat());
- }
- double prevReactorHeat = reactor.getCurrentHeat();
- double prevTotalComponentHeat = 0.0;
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
- if (component.getCurrentHeat() > 0.0) {
- prevTotalComponentHeat += component.getCurrentHeat();
- publish(String.format("R%dC%d:0xFFA500", row, col)); // NOI18N
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.RemainingHeat " + component.getCurrentHeat());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevReactorHeat == 0.0 && prevTotalComponentHeat == 0.0) {
- publish("Simulation.NoCooldown");
- }
- else if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()) {
- double currentTotalComponentHeat = prevTotalComponentHeat;
- int reactorCooldownTime = 0;
- do {
- reactor.clearVentedHeat();
- prevReactorHeat = reactor.getCurrentHeat();
- if (prevReactorHeat == 0.0) {
- reactorCooldownTime = cooldownTicks;
- }
- prevTotalComponentHeat = currentTotalComponentHeat;
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
- component.dissipate();
- component.transfer();
- }
- }
- }
- lastHeatOutput = reactor.getVentedHeat();
- totalHeatOutput += lastHeatOutput;
- minEUoutput = Math.min(lastEUoutput, minEUoutput);
- maxEUoutput = Math.max(lastEUoutput, maxEUoutput);
- minHeatOutput = Math.min(lastHeatOutput, minHeatOutput);
- maxHeatOutput = Math.max(lastHeatOutput, maxHeatOutput);
- cooldownTicks++;
- currentTotalComponentHeat = 0.0;
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
- currentTotalComponentHeat += component.getCurrentHeat();
- if (component.getCurrentHeat() == 0.0 && needsCooldown[row][col]) {
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.CooldownTime " + cooldownTicks);
- needsCooldown[row][col] = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while (lastHeatOutput > 0 && cooldownTicks < 50000);
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()) {
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() == 0.0) {
- publish("Simulation.ReactorCooldownTime", reactorCooldownTime);
- }
- else if (reactorCooldownTime > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.ReactorResidualHeat", reactor.getCurrentHeat(), reactorCooldownTime);
- }
- publish("Simulation.TotalCooldownTime", cooldownTicks);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- publish("Simulation.ReactorOverheatedTime", reactorTicks);
- explosionPower = 10.0;
- double explosionPowerMult = 1.0;
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null) {
- explosionPower += component.getExplosionPowerOffset();
- explosionPowerMult *= component.getExplosionPowerMultiplier();
- }
- }
- }
- explosionPower *= explosionPowerMult;
- publish("Simulation.ExplosionPower", explosionPower);
- }
- double totalEffectiveVentCooling = 0.0;
- double totalVentCoolingCapacity = 0.0;
- double totalCellCooling = 0.0;
- double totalCondensatorCooling = 0.0;
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null) {
- if (component.getVentCoolingCapacity() > 0) {
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.UsedCooling " + component.getBestVentCooling() + " | " + component.getVentCoolingCapacity());
- totalEffectiveVentCooling += component.getBestVentCooling();
- totalVentCoolingCapacity += component.getVentCoolingCapacity();
- }
- else if (component.getBestCellCooling() > 0) {
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReceivedHeat " + component.getBestCellCooling());
- totalCellCooling += component.getBestCellCooling();
- }
- else if (component.getBestCondensatorCooling() > 0) {
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReceivedHeat " + component.getBestCondensatorCooling());
- totalCondensatorCooling += component.getBestCondensatorCooling();
- }
- else if (component.getMaxHeatGenerated() > 0) {
- if (!reactor.isFluid() && component.getMaxEUGenerated() > 0) {
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.GeneratedEU " + component.getMinEUGenerated() + " | " + component.getMaxEUGenerated());
- }
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.GeneratedHeat " + component.getMinHeatGenerated() + " | " + component.getMaxHeatGenerated());
- }
- if (component.getMaxReachedHeat() > 0) {
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReachedHeat " + component.getMaxReachedHeat() + " | " + component.getMaxHeat());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // if (totalVentCoolingCapacity > 0) {
- // publish("Simulation.TotalVentCooling",
- // totalEffectiveVentCooling, totalVentCoolingCapacity);
- // }
- showHeatingCooling(reactorTicks); // Call to show this info in case it
- // hasn't already been shown, such
- // as for an automated reactor.
- if (totalCellCooling > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.TotalCellCooling", totalCellCooling);
- }
- if (totalCondensatorCooling > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.TotalCondensatorCooling", totalCondensatorCooling);
- }
- if (maxGeneratedHeat > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.MaxHeatGenerated", maxGeneratedHeat);
- }
- if (redstoneUsed > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.RedstoneUsed", redstoneUsed);
- }
- if (lapisUsed > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.LapisUsed", lapisUsed);
- }
- // double totalCooling = totalEffectiveVentCooling + totalCellCooling +
- // totalCondensatorCooling;
- // if (totalCooling >= maxGeneratedHeat) {
- // publish("Simulation.ExcessCooling", totalCooling -
- // maxGeneratedHeat);
- // } else {
- // publish("Simulation.ExcessHeating", maxGeneratedHeat -
- // totalCooling);
- // }
- // return null;
- /* catch (Throwable e) {
- if (cooldownTicks == 0) {
- publish("Simulation.ErrorReactor", reactorTicks);
- } else {
- publish("Simulation.ErrorCooldown", cooldownTicks);
- }
- publish(e.toString(), " ", Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()); // NO18N
- }*/
- data.explosionPower = (int) explosionPower;
- data.totalReactorTicks = reactorTicks;
- long endTime = System.nanoTime();
- publish("Simulation.ElapsedTime", (endTime - startTime) / 1e9);
- mRunning = false;
- completed = true;
- }
- public boolean hasStopped() {
- return !mRunning;
- }
- public boolean isRunning() {
- return mRunning;
- }
- private void handleAutomation(final int reactorTicks) {
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null && reactor.isAutomated()) {
- if (component.getMaxHeat() > 1) {
- if (component.getAutomationThreshold() > component.getInitialHeat() && component.getCurrentHeat() >= component.getAutomationThreshold()) {
- component.clearCurrentHeat();
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime | " + reactorTicks);
- if (component.getReactorPause() > 0) {
- active = false;
- pauseTimer = Math.max(pauseTimer, component.getReactorPause());
- minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime);
- maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
- currentActiveTime = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (component.getAutomationThreshold() < component.getInitialHeat() && component.getCurrentHeat() <= component.getAutomationThreshold()) {
- component.clearCurrentHeat();
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime | " +reactorTicks);
- if (component.getReactorPause() > 0) {
- active = false;
- pauseTimer = Math.max(pauseTimer, component.getReactorPause());
- minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime);
- maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
- currentActiveTime = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (component.isBroken() || (component.getMaxDamage() > 1 && component.getCurrentDamage() >= component.getAutomationThreshold())) {
- component.clearDamage();
- component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime | " +reactorTicks);
- if (component.getReactorPause() > 0) {
- active = false;
- pauseTimer = Math.max(pauseTimer, component.getReactorPause());
- minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime);
- maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
- currentActiveTime = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (reactor.isUsingReactorCoolantInjectors() && component != null && component.needsCoolantInjected()) {
- component.injectCoolant();
- if ("rshCondensator".equals(component.baseName)) {
- redstoneUsed++;
- }
- else if ("lzhCondensator".equals(component.baseName)) {
- lapisUsed++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void checkReactorTemperature(final int reactorTicks) {
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < 0.5 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedBelow50 && reachedEvaporate) {
- publish("Simulation.TimeToBelow50", reactorTicks);
- reachedBelow50 = true;
- data.timeToBelow50 = reactorTicks;
- }
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.4 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedBurn) {
- publish("Simulation.TimeToBurn", reactorTicks);
- reachedBurn = true;
- data.timeToBurn = reactorTicks;
- }
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.5 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedEvaporate) {
- publish("Simulation.TimeToEvaporate", reactorTicks);
- reachedEvaporate = true;
- data.timeToEvaporate = reactorTicks;
- }
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.7 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedHurt) {
- publish("Simulation.TimeToHurt", reactorTicks);
- reachedHurt = true;
- data.timeToHurt = reactorTicks;
- }
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.85 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedLava) {
- publish("Simulation.TimeToLava", reactorTicks);
- reachedLava = true;
- data.timeToLava = reactorTicks;
- }
- if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedExplode) {
- publish("Simulation.TimeToXplode", reactorTicks);
- reachedExplode = true;
- data.timeToXplode = reactorTicks;
- }
- }
- private void calculateHeatingCooling(final int reactorTicks) {
- if (reactorTicks > 20) {
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null) {
- totalHullHeating += component.getCurrentHullHeating();
- totalComponentHeating += component.getCurrentComponentHeating();
- totalHullCooling += component.getCurrentHullCooling();
- totalVentCooling += component.getCurrentVentCooling();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void showHeatingCooling(final int reactorTicks) {
- if (!showHeatingCoolingCalled) {
- showHeatingCoolingCalled = true;
- if (reactorTicks >= 40) {
- double totalHullCoolingCapacity = 0;
- double totalVentCoolingCapacity = 0;
- for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
- ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
- if (component != null) {
- totalHullCoolingCapacity += component.getHullCoolingCapacity();
- totalVentCoolingCapacity += component.getVentCoolingCapacity();
- }
- }
- }
- data.hullHeating = totalHullHeating / (reactorTicks - 20);
- data.componentHeating = totalComponentHeating / (reactorTicks - 20);
- data.hullCooling = totalHullCooling / (reactorTicks - 20);
- data.hullCoolingCapacity = totalHullCoolingCapacity;
- data.ventCooling = totalVentCooling / (reactorTicks - 20);
- data.ventCoolingCapacity = totalVentCoolingCapacity;
- if (totalHullHeating > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.HullHeating", totalHullHeating / (reactorTicks - 20));
- }
- if (totalComponentHeating > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.ComponentHeating", totalComponentHeating / (reactorTicks - 20));
- }
- if (totalHullCoolingCapacity > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.HullCooling | " +totalHullCooling / (reactorTicks - 20), totalHullCoolingCapacity);
- }
- if (totalVentCoolingCapacity > 0) {
- publish("Simulation.VentCooling | " +totalVentCooling / (reactorTicks - 20), totalVentCoolingCapacity);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void publish(String string, double currentHeat, int reactorCooldownTime) {
- publish(string + " | "+currentHeat+" | "+reactorCooldownTime);
- }
- private void publish(String string, double d, double e, double f) {
- publish(string + " | "+d+" | "+e+" | "+f);
- }
- private void publish(String string, String format, String format2, String format3, String format4) {
- publish(string + " | "+format+" | "+format2+" | "+format3+" | "+format4);
- }
- private void publish(String string, int activeTime2, String rangeString) {
- publish(string + " | "+activeTime2+" | "+rangeString);
- }
- private void publish(String aString, double aData) {
- publish(aString+":"+aData);
- }
- private void publish(String aString, long aData) {
- publish(aString+":"+aData);
- }
- private void publish(String aString) {
- output.add(aString);
- }
- private String rangeString(String string, int aMin, int aMax) {
- return string+" ("+aMin+"-"+aMax+")";
- }
- protected void process(List<String> chunks) {
- /*
- for (String chunk : chunks) {
- if (chunk.isEmpty()) {
- output.add(""); // NO18N
- }
- else {
- if (chunk.matches("R\\dC\\d:.*")) { // NO18N
- String temp = chunk.substring(5);
- int row = chunk.charAt(1) - '0';
- int col = chunk.charAt(3) - '0';
- if (temp.startsWith("0x")) { // NO18N
- mReactorComponents[row][col].setBackground(Color.decode(temp));
- if ("0xC0C0C0".equals(temp)) {
- mReactorComponents[row][col].setToolTipText(null);
- }
- else if ("0xFF0000".equals(temp)) {
- mReactorComponents[row][col].setToolTipText(getI18n("ComponentTooltip.Broken"));
- }
- else if ("0xFFA500".equals(temp)) {
- mReactorComponents[row][col].setToolTipText(getI18n("ComponentTooltip.ResidualHeat"));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- output.add(chunk);
- }
- }
- }
- */
- }
- public void cancel() {
- Logger.INFO("Stopping Simulation.");
- mRunning = false;
- completed = true;
- }
+ private final SimulationData data = new SimulationData();
+ public SimulationData getData() {
+ if (completed) {
+ return data;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public AutomationSimulator(
+ final Reactor reactor, final ArrayList<String> output2, final GT_TileEntity_ComputerCube aTile) {
+ this.reactor = reactor;
+ this.output = output2;
+ this.mReactor = aTile;
+ this.initialHeat = (int) reactor.getCurrentHeat();
+ this.onPulseDuration = reactor.getOnPulse();
+ this.offPulseDuration = reactor.getOffPulse();
+ this.clockPeriod = onPulseDuration + offPulseDuration;
+ this.suspendTemp = reactor.getSuspendTemp();
+ this.resumeTemp = reactor.getResumeTemp();
+ this.maxSimulationTicks = reactor.getMaxSimulationTicks();
+ }
+ public void process() {
+ mRunning = true;
+ completed = false;
+ long startTime = System.nanoTime();
+ int reactorTicks = 0;
+ int cooldownTicks = 0;
+ int totalRodCount = 0;
+ publish(""); // NOI18N
+ publish("Simulation.Started");
+ reactor.setCurrentHeat(initialHeat);
+ reactor.clearVentedHeat();
+ double minReactorHeat = initialHeat;
+ double maxReactorHeat = initialHeat;
+ reachedBelow50 = false;
+ reachedBurn = initialHeat >= 0.4 * reactor.getMaxHeat();
+ reachedEvaporate = initialHeat >= 0.5 * reactor.getMaxHeat();
+ reachedHurt = initialHeat >= 0.7 * reactor.getMaxHeat();
+ reachedLava = initialHeat >= 0.85 * reactor.getMaxHeat();
+ reachedExplode = false;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null) {
+ component.clearCurrentHeat();
+ component.clearDamage();
+ totalRodCount += component.getRodCount();
+ }
+ publish(String.format("R%dC%d:0xC0C0C0", row, col)); // NOI18N
+ }
+ }
+ data.totalRodCount = totalRodCount;
+ double lastEUoutput = 0.0;
+ double totalEUoutput = 0.0;
+ double lastHeatOutput = 0.0;
+ double totalHeatOutput = 0.0;
+ double maxGeneratedHeat = 0.0;
+ double explosionPower = 10.0;
+ allFuelRodsDepleted = false;
+ componentsIntact = true;
+ anyRodsDepleted = false;
+ Logger.INFO("Reactor Current Heat: " + reactor.getCurrentHeat());
+ Logger.INFO("Reactor Max Heat: " + reactor.getMaxHeat());
+ Logger.INFO("Least EU Output: " + lastEUoutput);
+ Logger.INFO("Least Heat Output: " + lastHeatOutput);
+ Logger.INFO("Reactor Max Ticks: " + maxSimulationTicks);
+ Logger.INFO("All Fuel Depleted: " + allFuelRodsDepleted);
+ Logger.INFO("Running: " + isRunning());
+ Logger.INFO("Stopped: " + hasStopped());
+ while (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()
+ && (!allFuelRodsDepleted || lastEUoutput > 0 || lastHeatOutput > 0)
+ && reactorTicks < maxSimulationTicks
+ && isRunning()) {
+ // Logger.INFO("Reactor Tick: "+reactorTicks);
+ reactorTicks++;
+ reactor.clearEUOutput();
+ reactor.clearVentedHeat();
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null) {
+ component.preReactorTick();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (active) {
+ allFuelRodsDepleted = true; // assume rods depleted until one is
+ // found that isn't.
+ }
+ double generatedHeat = 0.0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
+ if (allFuelRodsDepleted && component.getRodCount() > 0) {
+ allFuelRodsDepleted = false;
+ }
+ if (active) {
+ generatedHeat += component.generateHeat();
+ }
+ component.dissipate();
+ component.transfer();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ maxReactorHeat = Math.max(reactor.getCurrentHeat(), maxReactorHeat);
+ minReactorHeat = Math.min(reactor.getCurrentHeat(), minReactorHeat);
+ checkReactorTemperature(reactorTicks);
+ maxGeneratedHeat = Math.max(generatedHeat, maxGeneratedHeat);
+ if (active) {
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
+ component.generateEnergy();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lastEUoutput = reactor.getCurrentEUoutput();
+ totalEUoutput += lastEUoutput;
+ lastHeatOutput = reactor.getVentedHeat();
+ totalHeatOutput += lastHeatOutput;
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() <= reactor.getMaxHeat()) {
+ if (reactor.isPulsed() || reactor.isAutomated()) {
+ if (active) {
+ activeTime++;
+ currentActiveTime++;
+ if (reactor.isPulsed()
+ && (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= suspendTemp
+ || (reactorTicks % clockPeriod) >= onPulseDuration)) {
+ active = false;
+ minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime);
+ maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
+ currentActiveTime = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ inactiveTime++;
+ currentInactiveTime++;
+ if (reactor.isAutomated() && pauseTimer > 0) {
+ pauseTimer--;
+ } else if ((reactor.isPulsed()
+ && reactor.getCurrentHeat() <= resumeTemp
+ && (reactorTicks % clockPeriod) < onPulseDuration)) {
+ active = true;
+ minInactiveTime = Math.min(currentInactiveTime, minInactiveTime);
+ maxInactiveTime = Math.max(currentInactiveTime, maxInactiveTime);
+ currentInactiveTime = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minEUoutput = Math.min(lastEUoutput, minEUoutput);
+ maxEUoutput = Math.max(lastEUoutput, maxEUoutput);
+ minHeatOutput = Math.min(lastHeatOutput, minHeatOutput);
+ maxHeatOutput = Math.max(lastHeatOutput, maxHeatOutput);
+ }
+ calculateHeatingCooling(reactorTicks);
+ handleAutomation(reactorTicks);
+ }
+ if (hasStopped()) {
+ publish("Simulation.CancelledAtTick", reactorTicks);
+ }
+ data.minTemp = (int) minReactorHeat;
+ data.maxTemp = (int) maxReactorHeat;
+ publish("Simulation.ReactorMinTemp", minReactorHeat);
+ publish("Simulation.ReactorMaxTemp", maxReactorHeat);
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()) {
+ publish("Simulation.TimeWithoutExploding", reactorTicks);
+ if (reactor.isPulsed()) {
+ String rangeString = "";
+ if (maxActiveTime > minActiveTime) {
+ rangeString = rangeString("Simulation.ActiveTimeRange", minActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
+ } else if (minActiveTime < activeTime) {
+ rangeString = "Simulation.ActiveTimeSingle " + minActiveTime;
+ }
+ publish("Simulation.ActiveTime", activeTime, rangeString);
+ rangeString = "";
+ if (maxInactiveTime > minInactiveTime) {
+ rangeString = rangeString("Simulation.InactiveTimeRange", minInactiveTime, maxInactiveTime);
+ } else if (minInactiveTime < inactiveTime) {
+ rangeString = "Simulation.InactiveTimeSingle " + minInactiveTime;
+ }
+ publish("Simulation.InactiveTime", inactiveTime, rangeString);
+ }
+ if (reactorTicks > 0) {
+ data.totalReactorTicks = reactorTicks;
+ if (reactor.isFluid()) {
+ data.totalHUoutput = (int) (40 * totalHeatOutput);
+ data.avgHUoutput = (int) (2 * totalHeatOutput / reactorTicks);
+ data.minHUoutput = 2 * minHeatOutput;
+ data.maxHUoutput = (int) (2 * maxHeatOutput);
+ if (totalHeatOutput > 0) {
+ publish(
+ "Simulation.HeatOutputs",
+ DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(40 * totalHeatOutput),
+ DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(2 * totalHeatOutput / reactorTicks),
+ DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(2 * minHeatOutput),
+ DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(2 * maxHeatOutput));
+ if (totalRodCount > 0) {
+ publish(
+ "Simulation.Efficiency",
+ totalHeatOutput / reactorTicks / 4 / totalRodCount,
+ minHeatOutput / 4 / totalRodCount,
+ maxHeatOutput / 4 / totalRodCount);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ data.totalEUoutput = (int) totalEUoutput;
+ data.avgEUoutput = MathUtils.roundToClosestInt(Math.ceil(totalEUoutput / (reactorTicks * 20)));
+ data.minEUoutput = minEUoutput / 20.0;
+ data.maxEUoutput = (int) (maxEUoutput / 20.0);
+ if (totalEUoutput > 0) {
+ publish(
+ "Simulation.EUOutputs",
+ DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(totalEUoutput),
+ DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(totalEUoutput / (reactorTicks * 20)),
+ DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(minEUoutput / 20.0),
+ DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(maxEUoutput / 20.0));
+ if (totalRodCount > 0) {
+ publish(
+ "Simulation.Efficiency",
+ totalEUoutput / reactorTicks / 100 / totalRodCount,
+ minEUoutput / 100 / totalRodCount,
+ maxEUoutput / 100 / totalRodCount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() > 0.0) {
+ publish("Simulation.ReactorRemainingHeat", reactor.getCurrentHeat());
+ }
+ double prevReactorHeat = reactor.getCurrentHeat();
+ double prevTotalComponentHeat = 0.0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
+ if (component.getCurrentHeat() > 0.0) {
+ prevTotalComponentHeat += component.getCurrentHeat();
+ publish(String.format("R%dC%d:0xFFA500", row, col)); // NOI18N
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.RemainingHeat " + component.getCurrentHeat());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevReactorHeat == 0.0 && prevTotalComponentHeat == 0.0) {
+ publish("Simulation.NoCooldown");
+ } else if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()) {
+ double currentTotalComponentHeat = prevTotalComponentHeat;
+ int reactorCooldownTime = 0;
+ do {
+ reactor.clearVentedHeat();
+ prevReactorHeat = reactor.getCurrentHeat();
+ if (prevReactorHeat == 0.0) {
+ reactorCooldownTime = cooldownTicks;
+ }
+ prevTotalComponentHeat = currentTotalComponentHeat;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
+ component.dissipate();
+ component.transfer();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lastHeatOutput = reactor.getVentedHeat();
+ totalHeatOutput += lastHeatOutput;
+ minEUoutput = Math.min(lastEUoutput, minEUoutput);
+ maxEUoutput = Math.max(lastEUoutput, maxEUoutput);
+ minHeatOutput = Math.min(lastHeatOutput, minHeatOutput);
+ maxHeatOutput = Math.max(lastHeatOutput, maxHeatOutput);
+ cooldownTicks++;
+ currentTotalComponentHeat = 0.0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) {
+ currentTotalComponentHeat += component.getCurrentHeat();
+ if (component.getCurrentHeat() == 0.0 && needsCooldown[row][col]) {
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.CooldownTime " + cooldownTicks);
+ needsCooldown[row][col] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (lastHeatOutput > 0 && cooldownTicks < 50000);
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()) {
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() == 0.0) {
+ publish("Simulation.ReactorCooldownTime", reactorCooldownTime);
+ } else if (reactorCooldownTime > 0) {
+ publish("Simulation.ReactorResidualHeat", reactor.getCurrentHeat(), reactorCooldownTime);
+ }
+ publish("Simulation.TotalCooldownTime", cooldownTicks);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ publish("Simulation.ReactorOverheatedTime", reactorTicks);
+ explosionPower = 10.0;
+ double explosionPowerMult = 1.0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null) {
+ explosionPower += component.getExplosionPowerOffset();
+ explosionPowerMult *= component.getExplosionPowerMultiplier();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ explosionPower *= explosionPowerMult;
+ publish("Simulation.ExplosionPower", explosionPower);
+ }
+ double totalEffectiveVentCooling = 0.0;
+ double totalVentCoolingCapacity = 0.0;
+ double totalCellCooling = 0.0;
+ double totalCondensatorCooling = 0.0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null) {
+ if (component.getVentCoolingCapacity() > 0) {
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.UsedCooling " + component.getBestVentCooling() + " | "
+ + component.getVentCoolingCapacity());
+ totalEffectiveVentCooling += component.getBestVentCooling();
+ totalVentCoolingCapacity += component.getVentCoolingCapacity();
+ } else if (component.getBestCellCooling() > 0) {
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReceivedHeat " + component.getBestCellCooling());
+ totalCellCooling += component.getBestCellCooling();
+ } else if (component.getBestCondensatorCooling() > 0) {
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReceivedHeat " + component.getBestCondensatorCooling());
+ totalCondensatorCooling += component.getBestCondensatorCooling();
+ } else if (component.getMaxHeatGenerated() > 0) {
+ if (!reactor.isFluid() && component.getMaxEUGenerated() > 0) {
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.GeneratedEU " + component.getMinEUGenerated() + " | "
+ + component.getMaxEUGenerated());
+ }
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.GeneratedHeat " + component.getMinHeatGenerated() + " | "
+ + component.getMaxHeatGenerated());
+ }
+ if (component.getMaxReachedHeat() > 0) {
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReachedHeat " + component.getMaxReachedHeat() + " | "
+ + component.getMaxHeat());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if (totalVentCoolingCapacity > 0) {
+ // publish("Simulation.TotalVentCooling",
+ // totalEffectiveVentCooling, totalVentCoolingCapacity);
+ // }
+ showHeatingCooling(reactorTicks); // Call to show this info in case it
+ // hasn't already been shown, such
+ // as for an automated reactor.
+ if (totalCellCooling > 0) {
+ publish("Simulation.TotalCellCooling", totalCellCooling);
+ }
+ if (totalCondensatorCooling > 0) {
+ publish("Simulation.TotalCondensatorCooling", totalCondensatorCooling);
+ }
+ if (maxGeneratedHeat > 0) {
+ publish("Simulation.MaxHeatGenerated", maxGeneratedHeat);
+ }
+ if (redstoneUsed > 0) {
+ publish("Simulation.RedstoneUsed", redstoneUsed);
+ }
+ if (lapisUsed > 0) {
+ publish("Simulation.LapisUsed", lapisUsed);
+ }
+ // double totalCooling = totalEffectiveVentCooling + totalCellCooling +
+ // totalCondensatorCooling;
+ // if (totalCooling >= maxGeneratedHeat) {
+ // publish("Simulation.ExcessCooling", totalCooling -
+ // maxGeneratedHeat);
+ // } else {
+ // publish("Simulation.ExcessHeating", maxGeneratedHeat -
+ // totalCooling);
+ // }
+ // return null;
+ /* catch (Throwable e) {
+ if (cooldownTicks == 0) {
+ publish("Simulation.ErrorReactor", reactorTicks);
+ } else {
+ publish("Simulation.ErrorCooldown", cooldownTicks);
+ }
+ publish(e.toString(), " ", Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()); // NO18N
+ }*/
+ data.explosionPower = (int) explosionPower;
+ data.totalReactorTicks = reactorTicks;
+ long endTime = System.nanoTime();
+ publish("Simulation.ElapsedTime", (endTime - startTime) / 1e9);
+ mRunning = false;
+ completed = true;
+ }
+ public boolean hasStopped() {
+ return !mRunning;
+ }
+ public boolean isRunning() {
+ return mRunning;
+ }
+ private void handleAutomation(final int reactorTicks) {
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null && reactor.isAutomated()) {
+ if (component.getMaxHeat() > 1) {
+ if (component.getAutomationThreshold() > component.getInitialHeat()
+ && component.getCurrentHeat() >= component.getAutomationThreshold()) {
+ component.clearCurrentHeat();
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime | " + reactorTicks);
+ if (component.getReactorPause() > 0) {
+ active = false;
+ pauseTimer = Math.max(pauseTimer, component.getReactorPause());
+ minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime);
+ maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
+ currentActiveTime = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (component.getAutomationThreshold() < component.getInitialHeat()
+ && component.getCurrentHeat() <= component.getAutomationThreshold()) {
+ component.clearCurrentHeat();
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime | " + reactorTicks);
+ if (component.getReactorPause() > 0) {
+ active = false;
+ pauseTimer = Math.max(pauseTimer, component.getReactorPause());
+ minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime);
+ maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
+ currentActiveTime = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (component.isBroken()
+ || (component.getMaxDamage() > 1
+ && component.getCurrentDamage() >= component.getAutomationThreshold())) {
+ component.clearDamage();
+ component.info.append("ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime | " + reactorTicks);
+ if (component.getReactorPause() > 0) {
+ active = false;
+ pauseTimer = Math.max(pauseTimer, component.getReactorPause());
+ minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime);
+ maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime);
+ currentActiveTime = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (reactor.isUsingReactorCoolantInjectors() && component != null && component.needsCoolantInjected()) {
+ component.injectCoolant();
+ if ("rshCondensator".equals(component.baseName)) {
+ redstoneUsed++;
+ } else if ("lzhCondensator".equals(component.baseName)) {
+ lapisUsed++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkReactorTemperature(final int reactorTicks) {
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < 0.5 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedBelow50 && reachedEvaporate) {
+ publish("Simulation.TimeToBelow50", reactorTicks);
+ reachedBelow50 = true;
+ data.timeToBelow50 = reactorTicks;
+ }
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.4 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedBurn) {
+ publish("Simulation.TimeToBurn", reactorTicks);
+ reachedBurn = true;
+ data.timeToBurn = reactorTicks;
+ }
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.5 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedEvaporate) {
+ publish("Simulation.TimeToEvaporate", reactorTicks);
+ reachedEvaporate = true;
+ data.timeToEvaporate = reactorTicks;
+ }
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.7 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedHurt) {
+ publish("Simulation.TimeToHurt", reactorTicks);
+ reachedHurt = true;
+ data.timeToHurt = reactorTicks;
+ }
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.85 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedLava) {
+ publish("Simulation.TimeToLava", reactorTicks);
+ reachedLava = true;
+ data.timeToLava = reactorTicks;
+ }
+ if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedExplode) {
+ publish("Simulation.TimeToXplode", reactorTicks);
+ reachedExplode = true;
+ data.timeToXplode = reactorTicks;
+ }
+ }
+ private void calculateHeatingCooling(final int reactorTicks) {
+ if (reactorTicks > 20) {
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null) {
+ totalHullHeating += component.getCurrentHullHeating();
+ totalComponentHeating += component.getCurrentComponentHeating();
+ totalHullCooling += component.getCurrentHullCooling();
+ totalVentCooling += component.getCurrentVentCooling();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void showHeatingCooling(final int reactorTicks) {
+ if (!showHeatingCoolingCalled) {
+ showHeatingCoolingCalled = true;
+ if (reactorTicks >= 40) {
+ double totalHullCoolingCapacity = 0;
+ double totalVentCoolingCapacity = 0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
+ ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col);
+ if (component != null) {
+ totalHullCoolingCapacity += component.getHullCoolingCapacity();
+ totalVentCoolingCapacity += component.getVentCoolingCapacity();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ data.hullHeating = totalHullHeating / (reactorTicks - 20);
+ data.componentHeating = totalComponentHeating / (reactorTicks - 20);
+ data.hullCooling = totalHullCooling / (reactorTicks - 20);
+ data.hullCoolingCapacity = totalHullCoolingCapacity;
+ data.ventCooling = totalVentCooling / (reactorTicks - 20);
+ data.ventCoolingCapacity = totalVentCoolingCapacity;
+ if (totalHullHeating > 0) {
+ publish("Simulation.HullHeating", totalHullHeating / (reactorTicks - 20));
+ }
+ if (totalComponentHeating > 0) {
+ publish("Simulation.ComponentHeating", totalComponentHeating / (reactorTicks - 20));
+ }
+ if (totalHullCoolingCapacity > 0) {
+ publish(
+ "Simulation.HullCooling | " + totalHullCooling / (reactorTicks - 20),
+ totalHullCoolingCapacity);
+ }
+ if (totalVentCoolingCapacity > 0) {
+ publish(
+ "Simulation.VentCooling | " + totalVentCooling / (reactorTicks - 20),
+ totalVentCoolingCapacity);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void publish(String string, double currentHeat, int reactorCooldownTime) {
+ publish(string + " | " + currentHeat + " | " + reactorCooldownTime);
+ }
+ private void publish(String string, double d, double e, double f) {
+ publish(string + " | " + d + " | " + e + " | " + f);
+ }
+ private void publish(String string, String format, String format2, String format3, String format4) {
+ publish(string + " | " + format + " | " + format2 + " | " + format3 + " | " + format4);
+ }
+ private void publish(String string, int activeTime2, String rangeString) {
+ publish(string + " | " + activeTime2 + " | " + rangeString);
+ }
+ private void publish(String aString, double aData) {
+ publish(aString + ":" + aData);
+ }
+ private void publish(String aString, long aData) {
+ publish(aString + ":" + aData);
+ }
+ private void publish(String aString) {
+ output.add(aString);
+ }
+ private String rangeString(String string, int aMin, int aMax) {
+ return string + " (" + aMin + "-" + aMax + ")";
+ }
+ protected void process(List<String> chunks) {
+ /*
+ for (String chunk : chunks) {
+ if (chunk.isEmpty()) {
+ output.add(""); // NO18N
+ }
+ else {
+ if (chunk.matches("R\\dC\\d:.*")) { // NO18N
+ String temp = chunk.substring(5);
+ int row = chunk.charAt(1) - '0';
+ int col = chunk.charAt(3) - '0';
+ if (temp.startsWith("0x")) { // NO18N
+ mReactorComponents[row][col].setBackground(Color.decode(temp));
+ if ("0xC0C0C0".equals(temp)) {
+ mReactorComponents[row][col].setToolTipText(null);
+ }
+ else if ("0xFF0000".equals(temp)) {
+ mReactorComponents[row][col].setToolTipText(getI18n("ComponentTooltip.Broken"));
+ }
+ else if ("0xFFA500".equals(temp)) {
+ mReactorComponents[row][col].setToolTipText(getI18n("ComponentTooltip.ResidualHeat"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ output.add(chunk);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ public void cancel() {
+ Logger.INFO("Stopping Simulation.");
+ mRunning = false;
+ completed = true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/BigintStorage.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/BigintStorage.java
index 03960cd7b1..b9ca1760c6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/BigintStorage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/BigintStorage.java
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import java.util.Base64;
public class BigintStorage {
private BigInteger storedValue = BigInteger.ZERO;
* Stores the specified value. Requires that 0 &lt;= value &lt;= max.
* @param value the value to store.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class BigintStorage {
storedValue = storedValue.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(max + 1)).add(BigInteger.valueOf(value));
* Extracts a value based on the specified maximum.
* @param max the expected maximum for the value.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class BigintStorage {
storedValue = values[0];
return values[1].intValue();
* Takes input of a Base64 string, and converts it to a BigintStorage.
* @param code the Base64-encoded string (presumed to be from @outputBase64)
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class BigintStorage {
result.storedValue = new BigInteger(temp);
return result;
* Outputs the current value of this BigintStorage as a Base64-encoded string.
* @return the Base64-encoded string.
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/ComponentFactory.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/ComponentFactory.java
index c613f27a32..865c3d7c41 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/ComponentFactory.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/ComponentFactory.java
@@ -5,12 +5,6 @@
package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components.Condensator;
import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components.CoolantCell;
import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components.Exchanger;
@@ -28,204 +22,823 @@ import gtPlusPlus.xmod.bartworks.BW_Utils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.bartworks.BW_Utils.NonMeta_MaterialItem;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.goodgenerator.GG_Utils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.goodgenerator.GG_Utils.GG_Fuel_Rod;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
* Factory class to handle creating components by id or name.
* @author Brian McCloud
public class ComponentFactory {
- public static int MAX_COMPONENT_ID = 64;
- static ItemList[] aGtItems = new ItemList[]{
- ItemList.Neutron_Reflector,
- ItemList.Moxcell_1,
- ItemList.Moxcell_2,
- ItemList.Moxcell_4
- };
- private ComponentFactory() {
- // do nothing, this class should not be instantiated.
- }
- private static LinkedHashMap<Integer, ReactorItem> ITEM_LIST = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, ReactorItem>();
- static {
- int aID = 0;
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, null);
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(1, "fuelRodUranium", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorUraniumSimple", 1).copy()), 20e3, 1, null, 100, 2, 1, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(2, "dualFuelRodUranium", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorUraniumDual", 1).copy()), 20e3, 1, null, 200, 4, 2, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(3, "quadFuelRodUranium", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorUraniumQuad", 1).copy()), 20e3, 1, null, 400, 8, 4, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(4, "fuelRodMox", new GT_ItemStack(aGtItems[1].get(1).copy()), 10e3, 1, null, 100, 2, 1, true));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(5, "dualFuelRodMox", new GT_ItemStack(aGtItems[2].get(1).copy()), 10e3, 1, null, 200, 4, 2, true));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(6, "quadFuelRodMox", new GT_ItemStack(aGtItems[3].get(1).copy()), 10e3, 1, null, 400, 8, 4, true));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Reflector(7, "neutronReflector", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorReflector", 1).copy()), 30e3, 1, null));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Reflector(8, "thickNeutronReflector", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorReflectorThick", 1).copy()), 120e3, 1, null));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Vent(9, "heatVent", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVent", 1).copy()), 1, 1000, null, 6, 0, 0));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Vent(10, "advancedHeatVent", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVentDiamond", 1).copy()), 1, 1000, null, 12, 0, 0));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Vent(11, "reactorHeatVent", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVentCore", 1).copy()), 1, 1000, null, 5, 5, 0));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Vent(12, "componentHeatVent", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVentSpread", 1).copy()), 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 4));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Vent(13, "overclockedHeatVent", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVentGold", 1).copy()), 1, 1000, null, 20, 36, 0));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(14, "coolantCell10k", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCoolantSimple", 1).copy()), 1, 10e3, null));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(15, "coolantCell30k", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCoolantTriple", 1).copy()), 1, 30e3, null));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(16, "coolantCell60k", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCoolantSix", 1).copy()), 1, 60e3, null));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Exchanger(17, "heatExchanger", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorHeatSwitch", 1).copy()), 1, 2500, null, 12, 4));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Exchanger(18, "advancedHeatExchanger", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorHeatSwitchDiamond", 1).copy()), 1, 10e3, null, 24, 8));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Exchanger(19, "coreHeatExchanger", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorHeatSwitchCore", 1).copy()), 1, 5000, null, 0, 72));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Exchanger(20, "componentHeatExchanger", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorHeatSwitchSpread", 1).copy()), 1, 5000, null, 36, 0));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Plating(21, "reactorPlating", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorPlating", 1).copy()), 1, 1, null, 1000, 0.9025));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Plating(22, "heatCapacityReactorPlating", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorPlatingHeat", 1).copy()), 1, 1, null, 1700, 0.9801));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Plating(23, "containmentReactorPlating", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorPlatingExplosive", 1).copy()), 1, 1, null, 500, 0.81));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Condensator(24, "rshCondensator", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCondensator", 1).copy()), 1, 20e3, null));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Condensator(25, "lzhCondensator", new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCondensatorLap", 1).copy()), 1, 100e3, null));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(26, "fuelRodThorium", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.ThoriumCell_1.get(1).copy()), 50e3, 1, "GregTech", 20, 0.5, 1, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(27, "dualFuelRodThorium", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.ThoriumCell_2.get(1).copy()), 50e3, 1, "GregTech", 40, 1, 2, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(28, "quadFuelRodThorium", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.ThoriumCell_4.get(1).copy()), 50e3, 1, "GregTech", 80, 2, 4, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(29, "coolantCellHelium60k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_He_1.get(1).copy()), 1, 60e3, "GregTech"));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(30, "coolantCellHelium180k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_He_3.get(1).copy()), 1, 180e3, "GregTech"));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(31, "coolantCellHelium360k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_He_6.get(1).copy()), 1, 360e3, "GregTech"));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(32, "coolantCellNak60k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_NaK_1.get(1).copy()), 1, 60e3, "GregTech"));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(33, "coolantCellNak180k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_NaK_3.get(1).copy()), 1, 180e3, "GregTech"));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(34, "coolantCellNak360k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_NaK_3.get(1).copy()), 1, 360e3, "GregTech"));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new Reflector(35, "iridiumNeutronReflector", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Neutron_Reflector.get(1).copy()), 1, 1, null));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(36, "fuelRodNaquadah", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_1.get(1).copy()), 100e3, 1, "GregTech", 100, 2, 1, true));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(37, "dualFuelRodNaquadah", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_2.get(1).copy()), 100e3, 1, "GregTech", 200, 4, 2, true));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(38, "quadFuelRodNaquadah", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_4.get(1).copy()), 100e3, 1, "GregTech", 400, 8, 4, true));
- //aID = 39;
- //ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(39, "fuelRodCoaxium", null, 20e3, 1, "Coaxium", 100, 0, 1, false));
- //ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(40, "dualFuelRodCoaxium", null, 20e3, 1, "Coaxium", 200, 0, 2, false));
- //ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(41, "quadFuelRodCoaxium", null, 20e3, 1, "Coaxium", 400, 0, 4, false));
- //ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(42, "fuelRodCesium", null, 10861, 1, "Coaxium", 200, 1, 1, false));
- //ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(43, "dualFuelRodCesium", null, 10861, 1, "Coaxium", 400, 6, 2, false));
- //ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(44, "quadFuelRodCesium", null, 10861, 1, "Coaxium", 800, 24, 4, false));
- aID = 45;
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(45, "fuelRodNaquadahGTNH", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_1.get(1).copy()), 100e3, 1, "GTNH", 100, 2, 1, false));//Naq rods are not MOX-like in GTNH,
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(46, "dualFuelRodNaquadahGTNH", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_2.get(1).copy()), 100e3, 1, "GTNH", 200, 4, 2, false));//we have naquadria for that
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(47, "quadFuelRodNaquadahGTNH", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_4.get(1).copy()), 100e3, 1, "GTNH", 400, 8, 4, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(48, "fuelRodNaquadria", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.MNqCell_1.get(1).copy()), 100e3, 1, "GTNH", 100, 2, 1, true));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(49, "dualFuelRodNaquadria", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.MNqCell_2.get(1).copy()), 100e3, 1, "GTNH", 200, 4, 2, true));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(50, "quadFuelRodNaquadria", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.MNqCell_4.get(1).copy()), 100e3, 1, "GTNH", 400, 8, 4, true));
- aID = 51;
- if (LoadedMods.BartWorks) {
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(51, "fuelRodTiberium", new GT_ItemStack(BW_Utils.getBW_NonMeta_MaterialItems(NonMeta_MaterialItem.TiberiumCell_1, 1)), 50e3, 1, "Bartworks", 100, 1, 1, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(52, "dualFuelRodTiberium", new GT_ItemStack(BW_Utils.getBW_NonMeta_MaterialItems(NonMeta_MaterialItem.TiberiumCell_2, 1)), 50e3, 1, "Bartworks", 200, 2, 2, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(53, "quadFuelRodTiberium", new GT_ItemStack(BW_Utils.getBW_NonMeta_MaterialItems(NonMeta_MaterialItem.TiberiumCell_4, 1)), 50e3, 1, "Bartworks", 400, 4, 4, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(54, "fuelRodTheCore", new GT_ItemStack(BW_Utils.getBW_NonMeta_MaterialItems(NonMeta_MaterialItem.TheCoreCell, 1)), 100e3, 1, "Bartworks", 72534, 816, 32, false));
- }
- aID = 55;
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(55, "coolantCellSpace180k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_Sp_1.get(1).copy()), 1, 180e3, "GTNH"));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(56, "coolantCellSpace360k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_Sp_2.get(1).copy()), 1, 360e3, "GTNH"));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(57, "coolantCellSpace540k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_Sp_3.get(1).copy()), 1, 540e3, "GTNH"));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new CoolantCell(58, "coolantCellSpace1080k", new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_Sp_6.get(1).copy()), 1, 1080e3, "GTNH"));
- aID = 59;
- if (LoadedMods.GoodGenerator) {
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(59, "fuelRodCompressedUranium", new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedUranium, 1)), 50e3, 1, "GoodGenerator", 100, 1, 1, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(60, "fuelRodDoubleCompressedUranium", new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedUranium_2, 1)), 50e3, 1, "GoodGenerator", 100, 1, 2, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(61, "fuelRodQuadCompressedUranium", new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedUranium_4, 1)), 50e3, 1, "GoodGenerator", 100, 1, 4, false));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(62, "fuelRodCompressedPlutonium", new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedPlutonium, 1)), 50e3, 1, "GoodGenerator", 50, 1, 1, true));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(63, "fuelRodDoubleCompressedPlutonium", new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedPlutonium_2, 1)), 50e3, 1, "GoodGenerator", 50, 1, 2, true));
- ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(64, "fuelRodQuadCompressedPlutonium", new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedPlutonium_4, 1)), 50e3, 1, "GoodGenerator", 50, 1, 4, true));
- }
- }
- private static final Map<String, ReactorItem> ITEM_MAP = makeItemMap();
- private static Map<String, ReactorItem> makeItemMap() {
- Map<String, ReactorItem> result = new HashMap<>((int)(ITEM_LIST.size() * 1.5));
- for (ReactorItem reactorItem : ITEM_LIST.values()) {
- if (reactorItem != null) {
- result.put(reactorItem.baseName, reactorItem);
- }
- }
- return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result);
- }
- private static ReactorItem copy(ReactorItem source) {
- if (source != null) {
- Class<? extends ReactorItem> aClass = source.getClass();
- if (aClass == Condensator.class) {
- return new Condensator((Condensator) source);
- } else if (aClass == CoolantCell.class) {
- return new CoolantCell((CoolantCell) source);
- } else if (aClass == Exchanger.class) {
- return new Exchanger((Exchanger) source);
- } else if (aClass == FuelRod.class) {
- return new FuelRod((FuelRod) source);
- } else if (aClass == Plating.class) {
- return new Plating((Plating) source);
- } else if (aClass == Reflector.class) {
- return new Reflector((Reflector) source);
- } else if (aClass == Vent.class) {
- return new Vent((Vent) source);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a default instances of the specified component (such as for drawing button images)
- * @param id the id of the component.
- * @return the component with the specified id, or null if the id is out of range.
- */
- public static ReactorItem getDefaultComponent(int id) {
- ReactorItem aItem = ITEM_LIST.get(id);
- if (aItem != null) {
- return aItem;
- }
- Logger.INFO("Tried to get default component with ID "+id+". This is invalid.");
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a default instances of the specified component (such as for drawing button images)
- * @param name the name of the component.
- * @return the component with the specified name, or null if the name is not found.
- */
- public static ReactorItem getDefaultComponent(String name) {
- if (name != null) {
- return ITEM_MAP.get(name);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new instance of the specified component.
- * @param id the id of the component to create.
- * @return a new instance of the specified component, or null if the id is out of range.
- */
- public static ReactorItem createComponent(int id) {
- ReactorItem aItem = ITEM_LIST.get(id);
- if (aItem != null) {
- return copy(aItem);
- }
- Logger.INFO("Tried to create component with ID "+id+". This is invalid.");
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new instance of the specified component.
- * @param name the name of the component to create.
- * @return a new instance of the specified component, or null if the name is not found.
- */
- public static ReactorItem createComponent(String name) {
- if (name != null) {
- return copy(ITEM_MAP.get(name));
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get the number of defined components.
- * @return the number of defined components.
- */
- public static int getComponentCount() {
- return ITEM_LIST.size();
- }
+ public static int MAX_COMPONENT_ID = 64;
+ static ItemList[] aGtItems =
+ new ItemList[] {ItemList.Neutron_Reflector, ItemList.Moxcell_1, ItemList.Moxcell_2, ItemList.Moxcell_4};
+ private ComponentFactory() {
+ // do nothing, this class should not be instantiated.
+ }
+ private static LinkedHashMap<Integer, ReactorItem> ITEM_LIST = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, ReactorItem>();
+ static {
+ int aID = 0;
+ ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, null);
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 1,
+ "fuelRodUranium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorUraniumSimple", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 20e3,
+ 1,
+ null,
+ 100,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 2,
+ "dualFuelRodUranium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorUraniumDual", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 20e3,
+ 1,
+ null,
+ 200,
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 3,
+ "quadFuelRodUranium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorUraniumQuad", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 20e3,
+ 1,
+ null,
+ 400,
+ 8,
+ 4,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 4, "fuelRodMox", new GT_ItemStack(aGtItems[1].get(1).copy()), 10e3, 1, null, 100, 2, 1, true));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 5,
+ "dualFuelRodMox",
+ new GT_ItemStack(aGtItems[2].get(1).copy()),
+ 10e3,
+ 1,
+ null,
+ 200,
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ true));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 6,
+ "quadFuelRodMox",
+ new GT_ItemStack(aGtItems[3].get(1).copy()),
+ 10e3,
+ 1,
+ null,
+ 400,
+ 8,
+ 4,
+ true));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Reflector(
+ 7,
+ "neutronReflector",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorReflector", 1).copy()),
+ 30e3,
+ 1,
+ null));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Reflector(
+ 8,
+ "thickNeutronReflector",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorReflectorThick", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 120e3,
+ 1,
+ null));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Vent(
+ 9,
+ "heatVent",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVent", 1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1000,
+ null,
+ 6,
+ 0,
+ 0));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Vent(
+ 10,
+ "advancedHeatVent",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVentDiamond", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1000,
+ null,
+ 12,
+ 0,
+ 0));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Vent(
+ 11,
+ "reactorHeatVent",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVentCore", 1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1000,
+ null,
+ 5,
+ 5,
+ 0));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Vent(
+ 12,
+ "componentHeatVent",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVentSpread", 1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ null,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 4));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Vent(
+ 13,
+ "overclockedHeatVent",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorVentGold", 1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1000,
+ null,
+ 20,
+ 36,
+ 0));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 14,
+ "coolantCell10k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCoolantSimple", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 10e3,
+ null));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 15,
+ "coolantCell30k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCoolantTriple", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 30e3,
+ null));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 16,
+ "coolantCell60k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCoolantSix", 1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 60e3,
+ null));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Exchanger(
+ 17,
+ "heatExchanger",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorHeatSwitch", 1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 2500,
+ null,
+ 12,
+ 4));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Exchanger(
+ 18,
+ "advancedHeatExchanger",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorHeatSwitchDiamond", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 10e3,
+ null,
+ 24,
+ 8));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Exchanger(
+ 19,
+ "coreHeatExchanger",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorHeatSwitchCore", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 5000,
+ null,
+ 0,
+ 72));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Exchanger(
+ 20,
+ "componentHeatExchanger",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorHeatSwitchSpread", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 5000,
+ null,
+ 36,
+ 0));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Plating(
+ 21,
+ "reactorPlating",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorPlating", 1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ null,
+ 1000,
+ 0.9025));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Plating(
+ 22,
+ "heatCapacityReactorPlating",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorPlatingHeat", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ null,
+ 1700,
+ 0.9801));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Plating(
+ 23,
+ "containmentReactorPlating",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorPlatingExplosive", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ null,
+ 500,
+ 0.81));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Condensator(
+ 24,
+ "rshCondensator",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCondensator", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 20e3,
+ null));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Condensator(
+ 25,
+ "lzhCondensator",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item("reactorCondensatorLap", 1)
+ .copy()),
+ 1,
+ 100e3,
+ null));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 26,
+ "fuelRodThorium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.ThoriumCell_1.get(1).copy()),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "GregTech",
+ 20,
+ 0.5,
+ 1,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 27,
+ "dualFuelRodThorium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.ThoriumCell_2.get(1).copy()),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "GregTech",
+ 40,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 28,
+ "quadFuelRodThorium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.ThoriumCell_4.get(1).copy()),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "GregTech",
+ 80,
+ 2,
+ 4,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 29,
+ "coolantCellHelium60k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_He_1.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 60e3,
+ "GregTech"));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 30,
+ "coolantCellHelium180k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_He_3.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 180e3,
+ "GregTech"));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 31,
+ "coolantCellHelium360k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_He_6.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 360e3,
+ "GregTech"));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 32,
+ "coolantCellNak60k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_NaK_1.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 60e3,
+ "GregTech"));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 33,
+ "coolantCellNak180k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_NaK_3.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 180e3,
+ "GregTech"));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 34,
+ "coolantCellNak360k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_NaK_3.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 360e3,
+ "GregTech"));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new Reflector(
+ 35,
+ "iridiumNeutronReflector",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Neutron_Reflector.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ null));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 36,
+ "fuelRodNaquadah",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_1.get(1).copy()),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "GregTech",
+ 100,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ true));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 37,
+ "dualFuelRodNaquadah",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_2.get(1).copy()),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "GregTech",
+ 200,
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ true));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 38,
+ "quadFuelRodNaquadah",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_4.get(1).copy()),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "GregTech",
+ 400,
+ 8,
+ 4,
+ true));
+ // aID = 39;
+ // ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(39, "fuelRodCoaxium", null, 20e3, 1, "Coaxium", 100, 0, 1, false));
+ // ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(40, "dualFuelRodCoaxium", null, 20e3, 1, "Coaxium", 200, 0, 2, false));
+ // ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(41, "quadFuelRodCoaxium", null, 20e3, 1, "Coaxium", 400, 0, 4, false));
+ // ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(42, "fuelRodCesium", null, 10861, 1, "Coaxium", 200, 1, 1, false));
+ // ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(43, "dualFuelRodCesium", null, 10861, 1, "Coaxium", 400, 6, 2, false));
+ // ITEM_LIST.put(aID++, new FuelRod(44, "quadFuelRodCesium", null, 10861, 1, "Coaxium", 800, 24, 4, false));
+ aID = 45;
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 45,
+ "fuelRodNaquadahGTNH",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_1.get(1).copy()),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "GTNH",
+ 100,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ false)); // Naq rods are not MOX-like in GTNH,
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 46,
+ "dualFuelRodNaquadahGTNH",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_2.get(1).copy()),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "GTNH",
+ 200,
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ false)); // we have naquadria for that
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 47,
+ "quadFuelRodNaquadahGTNH",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.NaquadahCell_4.get(1).copy()),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "GTNH",
+ 400,
+ 8,
+ 4,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 48,
+ "fuelRodNaquadria",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.MNqCell_1.get(1).copy()),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "GTNH",
+ 100,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ true));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 49,
+ "dualFuelRodNaquadria",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.MNqCell_2.get(1).copy()),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "GTNH",
+ 200,
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ true));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 50,
+ "quadFuelRodNaquadria",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.MNqCell_4.get(1).copy()),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "GTNH",
+ 400,
+ 8,
+ 4,
+ true));
+ aID = 51;
+ if (LoadedMods.BartWorks) {
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 51,
+ "fuelRodTiberium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ BW_Utils.getBW_NonMeta_MaterialItems(NonMeta_MaterialItem.TiberiumCell_1, 1)),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "Bartworks",
+ 100,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 52,
+ "dualFuelRodTiberium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ BW_Utils.getBW_NonMeta_MaterialItems(NonMeta_MaterialItem.TiberiumCell_2, 1)),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "Bartworks",
+ 200,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 53,
+ "quadFuelRodTiberium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(
+ BW_Utils.getBW_NonMeta_MaterialItems(NonMeta_MaterialItem.TiberiumCell_4, 1)),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "Bartworks",
+ 400,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 54,
+ "fuelRodTheCore",
+ new GT_ItemStack(BW_Utils.getBW_NonMeta_MaterialItems(NonMeta_MaterialItem.TheCoreCell, 1)),
+ 100e3,
+ 1,
+ "Bartworks",
+ 72534,
+ 816,
+ 32,
+ false));
+ }
+ aID = 55;
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 55,
+ "coolantCellSpace180k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_Sp_1.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 180e3,
+ "GTNH"));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 56,
+ "coolantCellSpace360k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_Sp_2.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 360e3,
+ "GTNH"));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 57,
+ "coolantCellSpace540k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_Sp_3.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 540e3,
+ "GTNH"));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new CoolantCell(
+ 58,
+ "coolantCellSpace1080k",
+ new GT_ItemStack(ItemList.Reactor_Coolant_Sp_6.get(1).copy()),
+ 1,
+ 1080e3,
+ "GTNH"));
+ aID = 59;
+ if (LoadedMods.GoodGenerator) {
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 59,
+ "fuelRodCompressedUranium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedUranium, 1)),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "GoodGenerator",
+ 100,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 60,
+ "fuelRodDoubleCompressedUranium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedUranium_2, 1)),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "GoodGenerator",
+ 100,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 61,
+ "fuelRodQuadCompressedUranium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedUranium_4, 1)),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "GoodGenerator",
+ 100,
+ 1,
+ 4,
+ false));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 62,
+ "fuelRodCompressedPlutonium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedPlutonium, 1)),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "GoodGenerator",
+ 50,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ true));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 63,
+ "fuelRodDoubleCompressedPlutonium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedPlutonium_2, 1)),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "GoodGenerator",
+ 50,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ true));
+ ITEM_LIST.put(
+ aID++,
+ new FuelRod(
+ 64,
+ "fuelRodQuadCompressedPlutonium",
+ new GT_ItemStack(GG_Utils.getGG_Fuel_Rod(GG_Fuel_Rod.rodCompressedPlutonium_4, 1)),
+ 50e3,
+ 1,
+ "GoodGenerator",
+ 50,
+ 1,
+ 4,
+ true));
+ }
+ }
+ private static final Map<String, ReactorItem> ITEM_MAP = makeItemMap();
+ private static Map<String, ReactorItem> makeItemMap() {
+ Map<String, ReactorItem> result = new HashMap<>((int) (ITEM_LIST.size() * 1.5));
+ for (ReactorItem reactorItem : ITEM_LIST.values()) {
+ if (reactorItem != null) {
+ result.put(reactorItem.baseName, reactorItem);
+ }
+ }
+ return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result);
+ }
+ private static ReactorItem copy(ReactorItem source) {
+ if (source != null) {
+ Class<? extends ReactorItem> aClass = source.getClass();
+ if (aClass == Condensator.class) {
+ return new Condensator((Condensator) source);
+ } else if (aClass == CoolantCell.class) {
+ return new CoolantCell((CoolantCell) source);
+ } else if (aClass == Exchanger.class) {
+ return new Exchanger((Exchanger) source);
+ } else if (aClass == FuelRod.class) {
+ return new FuelRod((FuelRod) source);
+ } else if (aClass == Plating.class) {
+ return new Plating((Plating) source);
+ } else if (aClass == Reflector.class) {
+ return new Reflector((Reflector) source);
+ } else if (aClass == Vent.class) {
+ return new Vent((Vent) source);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets a default instances of the specified component (such as for drawing button images)
+ * @param id the id of the component.
+ * @return the component with the specified id, or null if the id is out of range.
+ */
+ public static ReactorItem getDefaultComponent(int id) {
+ ReactorItem aItem = ITEM_LIST.get(id);
+ if (aItem != null) {
+ return aItem;
+ }
+ Logger.INFO("Tried to get default component with ID " + id + ". This is invalid.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets a default instances of the specified component (such as for drawing button images)
+ * @param name the name of the component.
+ * @return the component with the specified name, or null if the name is not found.
+ */
+ public static ReactorItem getDefaultComponent(String name) {
+ if (name != null) {
+ return ITEM_MAP.get(name);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new instance of the specified component.
+ * @param id the id of the component to create.
+ * @return a new instance of the specified component, or null if the id is out of range.
+ */
+ public static ReactorItem createComponent(int id) {
+ ReactorItem aItem = ITEM_LIST.get(id);
+ if (aItem != null) {
+ return copy(aItem);
+ }
+ Logger.INFO("Tried to create component with ID " + id + ". This is invalid.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new instance of the specified component.
+ * @param name the name of the component to create.
+ * @return a new instance of the specified component, or null if the name is not found.
+ */
+ public static ReactorItem createComponent(String name) {
+ if (name != null) {
+ return copy(ITEM_MAP.get(name));
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the number of defined components.
+ * @return the number of defined components.
+ */
+ public static int getComponentCount() {
+ return ITEM_LIST.size();
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/Reactor.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/Reactor.java
index 83b6c511ad..6dfc379b8d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/Reactor.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/Reactor.java
@@ -5,66 +5,64 @@
package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner;
+import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components.ReactorItem;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
-import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components.ReactorItem;
* Represents an IndustrialCraft2 Nuclear Reactor.
* @author Brian McCloud
public class Reactor {
private final ReactorItem[][] grid = new ReactorItem[6][9];
private double currentEUoutput = 0.0;
private double currentHeat = 0.0;
private double maxHeat = 10000.0;
private double ventedHeat = 0.0;
private boolean fluid = false;
private boolean pulsed = false;
private boolean automated = false;
private boolean usingReactorCoolantInjectors = false;
- private static final int DEFAULT_ON_PULSE = (int)5e6;
+ private static final int DEFAULT_ON_PULSE = (int) 5e6;
private int onPulse = DEFAULT_ON_PULSE;
private static final int DEFAULT_OFF_PULSE = 0;
private int offPulse = DEFAULT_OFF_PULSE;
- private static final int DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TEMP = (int)120e3;
+ private static final int DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TEMP = (int) 120e3;
private int suspendTemp = DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TEMP;
- private static final int DEFAULT_RESUME_TEMP = (int)120e3;
+ private static final int DEFAULT_RESUME_TEMP = (int) 120e3;
private int resumeTemp = DEFAULT_RESUME_TEMP;
- private int maxSimulationTicks = (int)5e6;
+ private int maxSimulationTicks = (int) 5e6;
// maximum paramatter types for a reactor component (current initial heat, automation threshold, reactor pause
private static final int MAX_PARAM_TYPES = 3;
public static final int MAX_COMPONENT_HEAT = 1_080_000;
public ReactorItem getComponentAt(final int row, final int column) {
if (row >= 0 && row < grid.length && column >= 0 && column < grid[row].length) {
return grid[row][column];
return null;
public void setComponentAt(final int row, final int column, final ReactorItem component) {
if (row >= 0 && row < grid.length && column >= 0 && column < grid[row].length) {
if (grid[row][column] != null) {
@@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ public class Reactor {
* @return the amount of EU output in the reactor tick just simulated.
@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ public class Reactor {
public double getMaxHeat() {
return maxHeat;
* Adjust the maximum heat
* @param adjustment the adjustment amount (negative values decrease the max heat).
@@ -121,7 +119,7 @@ public class Reactor {
public void setCurrentHeat(final double currentHeat) {
this.currentHeat = currentHeat;
* Adjusts the reactor's current heat by a specified amount
* @param adjustment the adjustment amount.
@@ -132,7 +130,7 @@ public class Reactor {
currentHeat = 0.0;
* add some EU output.
* @param amount the amount of EU to output over 1 reactor tick (20 game ticks).
@@ -140,14 +138,14 @@ public class Reactor {
public void addEUOutput(final double amount) {
currentEUoutput += amount;
* clears the EU output (presumably to start simulating a new reactor tick).
public void clearEUOutput() {
currentEUoutput = 0.0;
* Gets a list of the materials needed to build the components.
* @return a list of the materials needed to build the components.
@@ -157,7 +155,7 @@ public class Reactor {
public ArrayList<ReactorItem> getComponentList() {
- ArrayList<ReactorItem> result = new ArrayList<ReactorItem>();
+ ArrayList<ReactorItem> result = new ArrayList<ReactorItem>();
for (int col = 0; col < grid[0].length; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
if (getComponentAt(row, col) != null) {
@@ -167,14 +165,14 @@ public class Reactor {
return result;
* @return the amount of heat vented this reactor tick.
public double getVentedHeat() {
return ventedHeat;
* Adds to the amount of heat vented this reactor tick, in case it is a new-style reactor with a pressure vessel and outputting heat to fluid instead of EU.
* @param amount the amount to add.
@@ -182,14 +180,14 @@ public class Reactor {
public void ventHeat(final double amount) {
ventedHeat += amount;
* Clears the amount of vented heat, in case a new reactor tick is starting.
public void clearVentedHeat() {
ventedHeat = 0;
* Get a code that represents the component set, which can be passed between forum users, etc.
* @return a code representing some ids for the components and arrangement. Passing the same code to setCode() should re-create an identical reactor setup, even if other changes have happened in the meantime.
@@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ public class Reactor {
public String getCode() {
return "erp=" + buildCodeString();
* Sets a code to configure the entire grid all at once. Expects the code to have originally been output by getCode().
* @param code the code of the reactor setup to use.
@@ -209,7 +207,7 @@ public class Reactor {
int[][][] params = new int[grid.length][grid[0].length][MAX_PARAM_TYPES];
if (code.startsWith("erp=")) {
- } else if (code.length() >= 108 && code.matches("[0-9A-Za-z(),|]+")) { //NOI18N
+ } else if (code.length() >= 108 && code.matches("[0-9A-Za-z(),|]+")) { // NOI18N
try {
for (int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
@@ -330,17 +328,19 @@ public class Reactor {
} else {
String tempCode = code;
- if (code.startsWith("http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/v3/reactorplanner.html?")) { //NOI18N
- tempCode = code.replace("http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/v3/reactorplanner.html?", ""); //NOI18N
+ if (code.startsWith("http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/v3/reactorplanner.html?")) { // NOI18N
+ tempCode = code.replace(
+ "http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/v3/reactorplanner.html?", ""); // NOI18N
- if (tempCode.matches("[0-9a-z]+")) { //NOI18N
+ if (tempCode.matches("[0-9a-z]+")) { // NOI18N
// Possibly a code from Talonius's old planner
- } else if (code.matches("[0-9A-Za-z+/=]+")) { //NOI18N
+ } else if (code.matches("[0-9A-Za-z+/=]+")) { // NOI18N
// Try to handle it as a newer code with the "erp=" prefix stripped
} else if (!code.isEmpty()) {
- //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, String.format(getI18n("Warning.InvalidReactorCode"), code), getI18n("Warning.Title"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
+ // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, String.format(getI18n("Warning.InvalidReactorCode"), code),
+ // getI18n("Warning.Title"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
@@ -354,12 +354,13 @@ public class Reactor {
for (int x = 8; x >= 0; x--) {
for (int y = 5; y >= 0; y--) {
int nextValue = decoder.readInt(7);
- // items are no longer stackable in IC2 reactors, but stack sizes from the planner code still need to be handled
+ // items are no longer stackable in IC2 reactors, but stack sizes from the planner code still need to be
+ // handled
if (nextValue > 64) {
nextValue = decoder.readInt(7);
switch (nextValue) {
case 0:
setComponentAt(y, x, null);
@@ -479,8 +480,8 @@ public class Reactor {
if (warnings.length() > 0) {
- warnings.setLength(warnings.length() - 1); // to remove last newline character
- //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, warnings, "Warning.Title", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
+ warnings.setLength(warnings.length() - 1); // to remove last newline character
+ // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, warnings, "Warning.Title", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
@@ -490,10 +491,8 @@ public class Reactor {
// read the code revision from the code itself instead of making it part of the prefix.
int codeRevision = storage.extract(255);
int maxComponentHeat;
- if (codeRevision == 3)
- maxComponentHeat = (int)1080e3;
- else
- maxComponentHeat = (int)360e3;
+ if (codeRevision == 3) maxComponentHeat = (int) 1080e3;
+ else maxComponentHeat = (int) 360e3;
// Check if the code revision is supported yet.
if (codeRevision > 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported code revision in reactor code.");
@@ -507,7 +506,8 @@ public class Reactor {
for (int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
int componentId = 0;
- // Changes may be coming to the number of components available, so make sure to check the code revision number.
+ // Changes may be coming to the number of components available, so make sure to check the code revision
+ // number.
if (codeRevision <= 1) {
componentId = storage.extract(38);
} else if (codeRevision == 2) {
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ public class Reactor {
if (codeRevision == 0 || (codeRevision >= 1 && automated)) {
- component.setReactorPause(storage.extract((int)10e3));
+ component.setReactorPause(storage.extract((int) 10e3));
setComponentAt(row, col, component);
@@ -532,12 +532,12 @@ public class Reactor {
// next, read the inital temperature and other details.
- currentHeat = storage.extract((int)120e3);
+ currentHeat = storage.extract((int) 120e3);
if (codeRevision == 0 || (codeRevision >= 1 && pulsed)) {
- onPulse = storage.extract((int)5e6);
- offPulse = storage.extract((int)5e6);
- suspendTemp = storage.extract((int)120e3);
- resumeTemp = storage.extract((int)120e3);
+ onPulse = storage.extract((int) 5e6);
+ offPulse = storage.extract((int) 5e6);
+ suspendTemp = storage.extract((int) 120e3);
+ resumeTemp = storage.extract((int) 120e3);
fluid = storage.extract(1) > 0;
usingReactorCoolantInjectors = storage.extract(1) > 0;
@@ -545,36 +545,41 @@ public class Reactor {
pulsed = storage.extract(1) > 0;
automated = storage.extract(1) > 0;
- maxSimulationTicks = storage.extract((int)5e6);
+ maxSimulationTicks = storage.extract((int) 5e6);
// builds a Base64 code string, not including the prefix.
private String buildCodeString() {
BigintStorage storage = new BigintStorage();
// first, store the extra details, in reverse order of expected reading.
- storage.store(maxSimulationTicks, (int)5e6);
+ storage.store(maxSimulationTicks, (int) 5e6);
storage.store(usingReactorCoolantInjectors ? 1 : 0, 1);
storage.store(fluid ? 1 : 0, 1);
if (pulsed) {
- storage.store(resumeTemp, (int)120e3);
- storage.store(suspendTemp, (int)120e3);
- storage.store(offPulse, (int)5e6);
- storage.store(onPulse, (int)5e6);
+ storage.store(resumeTemp, (int) 120e3);
+ storage.store(suspendTemp, (int) 120e3);
+ storage.store(offPulse, (int) 5e6);
+ storage.store(onPulse, (int) 5e6);
- storage.store((int)currentHeat, (int)120e3);
+ storage.store((int) currentHeat, (int) 120e3);
// grid is read (almost) first, so written (almost) last, and in reverse order
for (int row = grid.length - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
for (int col = grid[row].length - 1; col >= 0; col--) {
ReactorItem component = grid[row][col];
if (component != null) {
int id = component.id;
- // only store automation details for a component if non-default, and add a flag bit to indicate their presence. null components don't even need the flag bit.
- if (component.getInitialHeat() > 0 || component.getAutomationThreshold() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getAutomationThreshold() || component.getReactorPause() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getReactorPause()) {
+ // only store automation details for a component if non-default, and add a flag bit to indicate
+ // their presence. null components don't even need the flag bit.
+ if (component.getInitialHeat() > 0
+ || component.getAutomationThreshold()
+ != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getAutomationThreshold()
+ || component.getReactorPause()
+ != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getReactorPause()) {
if (automated) {
- storage.store(component.getReactorPause(), (int)10e3);
- storage.store(component.getAutomationThreshold(), (int)1080e3);
+ storage.store(component.getReactorPause(), (int) 10e3);
+ storage.store(component.getAutomationThreshold(), (int) 1080e3);
- storage.store((int)component.getInitialHeat(), (int)1080e3);
+ storage.store((int) component.getInitialHeat(), (int) 1080e3);
storage.store(1, 1);
} else {
storage.store(0, 1);
@@ -599,21 +604,35 @@ public class Reactor {
for (int col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
final ReactorItem component = getComponentAt(row, col);
final int id = (component != null) ? component.id : 0;
- result.append(String.format("%02X", id)); //NOI18N
- if (component != null && (component.getInitialHeat() > 0
- || (automated && component.getAutomationThreshold() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getAutomationThreshold())
- || (automated && component.getReactorPause() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getReactorPause()))) {
+ result.append(String.format("%02X", id)); // NOI18N
+ if (component != null
+ && (component.getInitialHeat() > 0
+ || (automated
+ && component.getAutomationThreshold()
+ != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id)
+ .getAutomationThreshold())
+ || (automated
+ && component.getReactorPause()
+ != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id)
+ .getReactorPause()))) {
if (component.getInitialHeat() > 0) {
- result.append(String.format("h%s,", Integer.toString((int) component.getInitialHeat(), 36))); //NOI18N
+ result.append(String.format(
+ "h%s,", Integer.toString((int) component.getInitialHeat(), 36))); // NOI18N
- if (automated && component.getAutomationThreshold() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getAutomationThreshold()) {
- result.append(String.format("a%s,", Integer.toString(component.getAutomationThreshold(), 36))); //NOI18N
+ if (automated
+ && component.getAutomationThreshold()
+ != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getAutomationThreshold()) {
+ result.append(String.format(
+ "a%s,", Integer.toString(component.getAutomationThreshold(), 36))); // NOI18N
- if (automated && component.getReactorPause() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getReactorPause()) {
- result.append(String.format("p%s,", Integer.toString(component.getReactorPause(), 36))); //NOI18N
+ if (automated
+ && component.getReactorPause()
+ != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getReactorPause()) {
+ result.append(
+ String.format("p%s,", Integer.toString(component.getReactorPause(), 36))); // NOI18N
- result.setLength(result.length() - 1); // remove the last comma, whichever parameter it came from.
+ result.setLength(result.length() - 1); // remove the last comma, whichever parameter it came from.
@@ -653,7 +672,7 @@ public class Reactor {
return result.toString();
* Checks whether the reactor is to simulate a fluid-style reactor, rather than a direct EU-output reactor.
* @return true if this was set to be a fluid-style reactor, false if this was set to be direct EU-output reactor.
@@ -669,7 +688,7 @@ public class Reactor {
public void setFluid(final boolean fluid) {
this.fluid = fluid;
* Checks whether the reactor is using Reactor Coolant Injectors (RCIs)
* @return true if this reactor was set to use RCIs, false otherwise.
@@ -677,7 +696,7 @@ public class Reactor {
public boolean isUsingReactorCoolantInjectors() {
return usingReactorCoolantInjectors;
* Sets whether the reactor is to use Reactor Coolant Injectors (RCIs)
* @param usingReactorCoolantInjectors true if this reactor should use RCIs, false otherwise.
@@ -685,35 +704,35 @@ public class Reactor {
public void setUsingReactorCoolantInjectors(final boolean usingReactorCoolantInjectors) {
this.usingReactorCoolantInjectors = usingReactorCoolantInjectors;
public int getOnPulse() {
return onPulse;
public void setOnPulse(final int onPulse) {
this.onPulse = onPulse;
public int getOffPulse() {
return offPulse;
public void setOffPulse(final int offPulse) {
this.offPulse = offPulse;
public int getSuspendTemp() {
return suspendTemp;
public void setSuspendTemp(final int suspendTemp) {
this.suspendTemp = suspendTemp;
public int getResumeTemp() {
return resumeTemp;
public void setResumeTemp(final int resumeTemp) {
this.resumeTemp = resumeTemp;
@@ -741,12 +760,11 @@ public class Reactor {
public void setMaxSimulationTicks(int maxSimulationTicks) {
this.maxSimulationTicks = maxSimulationTicks;
public void resetPulseConfig() {
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/SimulationData.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/SimulationData.java
index 39ecdbc5f5..0e32a186cb 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/SimulationData.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/SimulationData.java
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner;
* @author Brian McCloud
public class SimulationData {
- // Values should only be written to by the simulator class and read by other classes, but this is not yet strictly enforced.
+ // Values should only be written to by the simulator class and read by other classes, but this is not yet strictly
+ // enforced.
// Enforcement might require refactoring this to be an inner class of the simulator.
// Times to temperature thresholds
public int timeToBelow50 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public int timeToBurn = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@@ -20,10 +21,10 @@ public class SimulationData {
public int timeToHurt = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public int timeToLava = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public int timeToXplode = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Special, for calculating efficiency
public int totalRodCount = 0;
// First component broken details
public int firstComponentBrokenTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public int firstComponentBrokenRow = -1;
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ public class SimulationData {
public double prebreakAvgHUoutput = 0;
public double prebreakMinHUoutput = Double.MAX_VALUE;
public double prebreakMaxHUoutput = 0;
// First rod depleted details
public int firstRodDepletedTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public int firstRodDepletedRow = -1;
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ public class SimulationData {
public double predepleteMaxHUoutput = 0;
public double predepleteMinTemp = Double.MAX_VALUE;
public double predepleteMaxTemp = 0;
// Completed-simulation details
public int totalReactorTicks = 0;
public int totalEUoutput = 0;
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ public class SimulationData {
public int minTemp = (int) Double.MAX_VALUE;
public int maxTemp = 0;
public int explosionPower = 0;
// Heating and Cooling details
public double hullHeating = 0;
public double componentHeating = 0;
@@ -75,5 +76,4 @@ public class SimulationData {
public double hullCoolingCapacity = 0;
public double ventCooling = 0;
public double ventCoolingCapacity = 0;
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/TaloniusDecoder.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/TaloniusDecoder.java
index 89232eb007..13d73a3df6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/TaloniusDecoder.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/TaloniusDecoder.java
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner;
import java.math.BigInteger;
@@ -9,15 +8,15 @@ import java.math.BigInteger;
public class TaloniusDecoder {
private BigInteger dataStack = null;
public TaloniusDecoder(final String dataCode) {
dataStack = new BigInteger(dataCode, 36);
public int readInt(final int bits) {
return readBigInteger(bits).intValue();
private BigInteger readBigInteger(final int bits) {
BigInteger data = dataStack.and(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(bits).subtract(BigInteger.ONE));
dataStack = dataStack.shiftRight(bits);
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Condensator.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Condensator.java
index d38db4c704..e4b73aa838 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Condensator.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Condensator.java
@@ -12,15 +12,21 @@ import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
* @author Brian McCloud
public class Condensator extends ReactorItem {
- public Condensator(final int id, final String baseName, GT_ItemStack aItem, final double maxDamage, final double maxHeat, final String sourceMod) {
+ public Condensator(
+ final int id,
+ final String baseName,
+ GT_ItemStack aItem,
+ final double maxDamage,
+ final double maxHeat,
+ final String sourceMod) {
super(id, baseName, aItem, maxDamage, maxHeat, sourceMod);
public Condensator(final Condensator other) {
public double adjustCurrentHeat(final double heat) {
if (heat < 0.0) {
@@ -39,10 +45,9 @@ public class Condensator extends ReactorItem {
public boolean needsCoolantInjected() {
return currentHeat > 0.85 * getMaxHeat();
public void injectCoolant() {
currentHeat = 0;
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/CoolantCell.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/CoolantCell.java
index f152b49985..a9a90ceb6b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/CoolantCell.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/CoolantCell.java
@@ -12,20 +12,25 @@ import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
* @author Brian McCloud
public class CoolantCell extends ReactorItem {
- public CoolantCell(final int id, final String baseName, GT_ItemStack aItem, final double maxDamage, final double maxHeat, final String sourceMod) {
+ public CoolantCell(
+ final int id,
+ final String baseName,
+ GT_ItemStack aItem,
+ final double maxDamage,
+ final double maxHeat,
+ final String sourceMod) {
super(id, baseName, aItem, maxDamage, maxHeat, sourceMod);
public CoolantCell(final CoolantCell other) {
public double adjustCurrentHeat(final double heat) {
currentCellCooling += heat;
bestCellCooling = Math.max(currentCellCooling, bestCellCooling);
return super.adjustCurrentHeat(heat);
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Exchanger.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Exchanger.java
index efb9a826e2..9c2f470eba 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Exchanger.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Exchanger.java
@@ -5,32 +5,39 @@
package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components;
+import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
-import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
* Represents a heat exchanger of some sort in a reactor.
* @author Brian McCloud
public class Exchanger extends ReactorItem {
private final int switchSide;
private final int switchReactor;
- public Exchanger(final int id, final String baseName, GT_ItemStack aItem, final double maxDamage, final double maxHeat, final String sourceMod, final int switchSide, final int switchReactor) {
+ public Exchanger(
+ final int id,
+ final String baseName,
+ GT_ItemStack aItem,
+ final double maxDamage,
+ final double maxHeat,
+ final String sourceMod,
+ final int switchSide,
+ final int switchReactor) {
super(id, baseName, aItem, maxDamage, maxHeat, sourceMod);
this.switchSide = switchSide;
this.switchReactor = switchReactor;
public Exchanger(final Exchanger other) {
this.switchSide = other.switchSide;
this.switchReactor = other.switchReactor;
public void transfer() {
List<ReactorItem> heatableNeighbors = new ArrayList<>(4);
@@ -121,10 +128,9 @@ public class Exchanger extends ReactorItem {
public double getHullCoolingCapacity() {
return switchReactor;
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/FuelRod.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/FuelRod.java
index 588e221424..abeea45a37 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/FuelRod.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/FuelRod.java
@@ -5,42 +5,50 @@
package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components;
+import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
-import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
* Represents some form of fuel rod (may be single, dual, or quad).
* @author Brian McCloud
public class FuelRod extends ReactorItem {
private final int energyMult;
private final double heatMult;
private final int rodCount;
private final boolean moxStyle;
private static boolean GT509behavior = false;
private static boolean GTNHbehavior = false;
public static void setGT509Behavior(boolean value) {
GT509behavior = value;
public static void setGTNHBehavior(boolean value) {
GTNHbehavior = value;
- public FuelRod(final int id, final String baseName, GT_ItemStack aItem, final double maxDamage, final double maxHeat, final String sourceMod,
- final int energyMult, final double heatMult, final int rodCount, final boolean moxStyle) {
+ public FuelRod(
+ final int id,
+ final String baseName,
+ GT_ItemStack aItem,
+ final double maxDamage,
+ final double maxHeat,
+ final String sourceMod,
+ final int energyMult,
+ final double heatMult,
+ final int rodCount,
+ final boolean moxStyle) {
super(id, baseName, aItem, maxDamage, maxHeat, sourceMod);
this.energyMult = energyMult;
this.heatMult = heatMult;
this.rodCount = rodCount;
this.moxStyle = moxStyle;
public FuelRod(final FuelRod other) {
this.energyMult = other.energyMult;
@@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ public class FuelRod extends ReactorItem {
this.rodCount = other.rodCount;
this.moxStyle = other.moxStyle;
public boolean isNeutronReflector() {
return !isBroken();
@@ -74,7 +82,7 @@ public class FuelRod extends ReactorItem {
return neutronNeighbors;
protected void handleHeat(final int heat) {
List<ReactorItem> heatableNeighbors = new ArrayList<>(4);
ReactorItem component = parent.getComponentAt(row + 1, col);
@@ -105,11 +113,11 @@ public class FuelRod extends ReactorItem {
public double generateHeat() {
int pulses = countNeutronNeighbors() + (rodCount == 1 ? 1 : (rodCount == 2) ? 2 : 3);
- int heat = (int)(heatMult * pulses * (pulses + 1));
+ int heat = (int) (heatMult * pulses * (pulses + 1));
if (moxStyle && parent.isFluid() && (parent.getCurrentHeat() / parent.getMaxHeat()) > 0.5) {
heat *= 2;
@@ -125,13 +133,12 @@ public class FuelRod extends ReactorItem {
int pulses = countNeutronNeighbors() + (rodCount == 1 ? 1 : (rodCount == 2) ? 2 : 3);
double energy = energyMult * pulses;
if (GT509behavior || "GT5".equals(sourceMod)) {
- energy *= 2;//EUx2 if from GT5.09 or in GT5.09 mode
+ energy *= 2; // EUx2 if from GT5.09 or in GT5.09 mode
if (moxStyle) {
energy *= (1 + 1.5 * parent.getCurrentHeat() / parent.getMaxHeat());
- }
- else if (GTNHbehavior || "GTNH".equals(sourceMod)) {
- energy *= 10;//EUx10 if from GTNH or in GTNH mode
+ } else if (GTNHbehavior || "GTNH".equals(sourceMod)) {
+ energy *= 10; // EUx10 if from GTNH or in GTNH mode
if (moxStyle) {
energy *= (1 + 1.5 * parent.getCurrentHeat() / parent.getMaxHeat());
@@ -145,12 +152,12 @@ public class FuelRod extends ReactorItem {
return energy;
public int getRodCount() {
return rodCount;
public double getCurrentOutput() {
if (parent != null) {
@@ -162,5 +169,4 @@ public class FuelRod extends ReactorItem {
return 0;
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Plating.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Plating.java
index d792e06035..de49dfa13c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Plating.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Plating.java
@@ -15,21 +15,29 @@ import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
* @author Brian McCloud
public class Plating extends ReactorItem {
private final int heatAdjustment;
- public Plating(final int id, final String baseName, GT_ItemStack aItem, final double maxDamage, final double maxHeat, final String sourceMod, final int heatAdjustment, final double explosionPowerMultiplier) {
+ public Plating(
+ final int id,
+ final String baseName,
+ GT_ItemStack aItem,
+ final double maxDamage,
+ final double maxHeat,
+ final String sourceMod,
+ final int heatAdjustment,
+ final double explosionPowerMultiplier) {
super(id, baseName, aItem, maxDamage, maxHeat, sourceMod);
this.heatAdjustment = heatAdjustment;
this.explosionPowerMultiplier = explosionPowerMultiplier;
public Plating(Plating other) {
this.heatAdjustment = other.heatAdjustment;
this.explosionPowerMultiplier = other.explosionPowerMultiplier;
public void addToReactor(final Reactor parent, final int row, final int col) {
super.addToReactor(parent, row, col);
@@ -45,5 +53,4 @@ public class Plating extends ReactorItem {
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/ReactorItem.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/ReactorItem.java
index 9a9b1ce341..aee7f1c441 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/ReactorItem.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/ReactorItem.java
@@ -5,527 +5,560 @@
package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.Reactor;
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
+import java.util.HashMap;
* Represents an item (component) in an IndustrialCraft2 Experimental Nuclear
* Reactor.
- *
+ *
* @author Brian McCloud
public class ReactorItem {
- public static HashMap<String, ReactorItem> sComponentMap = new HashMap<String, ReactorItem>();
- // Fundamental values, set at object instantiation, should never need to be
- // changed.
- public final int id;
- public final String baseName; // this is the non-localized version, for
- // internal program use
- public final String name; // this is expected to be localized, for display
- // usage.
- protected double maxDamage;
- public double getMaxDamage() {
- return maxDamage;
- }
- protected double maxHeat;
- public double getMaxHeat() {
- return maxHeat;
- }
- public final String sourceMod; // for potentially adjusting controls based
- // on whether the mod is in use, will be
- // null to indicate the item is part of base
- // IC2.
- public final GT_ItemStack mItem;
- // Simulation setting values
- private double initialHeat = 0;
- public double getInitialHeat() {
- return initialHeat;
- }
- public void setInitialHeat(final double value) {
- if (this.isHeatAcceptor() && value >= 0 && value < this.maxHeat) {
- initialHeat = value;
- }
- }
- private int automationThreshold = 9000;
- public int getAutomationThreshold() {
- return automationThreshold;
- }
- public void setAutomationThreshold(final int value) {
- if (maxHeat > 1 || maxDamage > 1) {
- automationThreshold = value;
- }
- }
- private int reactorPause = 0;
- public int getReactorPause() {
- return reactorPause;
- }
- public void setReactorPause(final int value) {
- if (maxHeat > 1 || maxDamage > 1) {
- reactorPause = value;
- }
- }
- // fields below here are not to be copied by the copy constructor.
- // Parent reactor and position
- protected Reactor parent = null;
- protected int row = -10;
- protected int col = -10;
- // Special variable for holding information about this item from last
- // simulation.
- // Usage of StringBuffer instead of StringBuilder is deliberate - this may
- // be accessed by
- // both the simulation worker thread and the event dispatch thread.
- public final StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(1000);
- // Calculated values - readable from outside, but only writable by
- // subclasses.
- protected double currentDamage = 0;
- public double getCurrentDamage() {
- return currentDamage;
- }
- protected double currentHeat = 0;
- public double getCurrentHeat() {
- return currentHeat;
- }
- protected double maxReachedHeat = 0;
- public double getMaxReachedHeat() {
- return maxReachedHeat;
- }
- protected double currentEUGenerated = 0;
- public double getCurrentEUGenerated() {
- return currentEUGenerated;
- }
- protected double minEUGenerated = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- public double getMinEUGenerated() {
- return minEUGenerated;
- }
- protected double maxEUGenerated = 0;
- public double getMaxEUGenerated() {
- return maxEUGenerated;
- }
- protected double currentHeatGenerated = 0;
- public double getCurrentHeatGenerated() {
- return currentHeatGenerated;
- }
- protected double minHeatGenerated = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- public double getMinHeatGenerated() {
- return minHeatGenerated;
- }
- protected double maxHeatGenerated = 0;
- public double getMaxHeatGenerated() {
- return maxHeatGenerated;
- }
- protected double currentHullHeating = 0;
- public double getCurrentHullHeating() {
- return currentHullHeating;
- }
- protected double currentComponentHeating = 0;
- public double getCurrentComponentHeating() {
- return currentComponentHeating;
- }
- protected double currentHullCooling = 0;
- public double getCurrentHullCooling() {
- return currentHullCooling;
- }
- protected double currentVentCooling = 0;
- public double getCurrentVentCooling() {
- return currentVentCooling;
- }
- protected double bestVentCooling = 0;
- public double getBestVentCooling() {
- return bestVentCooling;
- }
- protected double currentCellCooling = 0;
- public double getCurrentCellCooling() {
- return currentCellCooling;
- }
- protected double bestCellCooling = 0;
- public double getBestCellCooling() {
- return bestCellCooling;
- }
- protected double currentCondensatorCooling = 0;
- public double getCurrentCondensatorCooling() {
- return currentCondensatorCooling;
- }
- protected double bestCondensatorCooling = 0;
- public double getBestCondensatorCooling() {
- return bestCondensatorCooling;
- }
- protected double explosionPowerMultiplier = 1;
- protected ReactorItem(final int id, final String baseName, GT_ItemStack aItem, final double maxDamage, final double maxHeat, String sourceMod) {
- this.id = id;
- this.baseName = baseName;
- this.name = aItem.mItem.getItemStackDisplayName(aItem.toStack());
- this.mItem = aItem;
- this.maxDamage = maxDamage;
- this.maxHeat = maxHeat;
- if (maxHeat > 1) {
- automationThreshold = (int) (maxHeat * 0.9);
- }
- else if (maxDamage > 1) {
- automationThreshold = (int) (maxDamage * 1.1);
- }
- if (sourceMod == null) {
- sourceMod = "IC2";
- }
- this.sourceMod = sourceMod;
- sComponentMap.put(sourceMod+"."+aItem.mItem.getUnlocalizedName()+"."+aItem.mMetaData, this);
- }
- // Protected copy constructor for use by subclasses. Generalized copying
- // should be done with a method in ComponentFactory (which can check which
- // subclass copy constructor to use).
- protected ReactorItem(final ReactorItem other) {
- this.id = other.id;
- this.baseName = other.baseName;
- this.name = other.name;
- this.mItem = other.mItem;
- this.maxDamage = other.maxDamage;
- this.maxHeat = other.maxHeat;
- this.initialHeat = other.initialHeat;
- this.automationThreshold = other.automationThreshold;
- this.reactorPause = other.reactorPause;
- this.sourceMod = other.sourceMod;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the name of the component, and the initial heat (if applicable).
- *
- * @return the name of this component, and potentially initial heat.
- */
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- String result = name;
- if (initialHeat > 0) {
- result += String.format("\u0020(initial heat: %,d)", (int) initialHeat);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if this component can accept heat. (e.g. from adjacent fuel rods,
- * or from an exchanger)
- *
- * @return true if this component can accept heat, false otherwise.
- */
- public boolean isHeatAcceptor() {
- // maxHeat of 1 means this component never accepts heat (though it might
- // take damage instead)
- return maxHeat > 1 && !isBroken();
- }
- /**
- * Determines if this component can be cooled down, such as by a component
- * heat vent.
- *
- * @return true if this component can be cooled down, false otherwise.
- */
- public boolean isCoolable() {
- return maxHeat > 1 && !(this instanceof Condensator);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if this component acts as a neutron reflector, and boosts
- * performance of adjacent fuel rods, either by being a "neutron reflector"
- * item or by being a fuel rod.
- *
- * @return true if this component reflects neutrons, false otherwise.
- */
- public boolean isNeutronReflector() {
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Prepare for a new reactor tick.
- */
- public void preReactorTick() {
- currentHullHeating = 0.0;
- currentComponentHeating = 0.0;
- currentHullCooling = 0.0;
- currentVentCooling = 0.0;
- currentCellCooling = 0.0;
- currentCondensatorCooling = 0.0;
- currentEUGenerated = 0;
- currentHeatGenerated = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Generate heat if appropriate for component type, and spread to reactor or
- * adjacent cells.
- *
- * @return the amount of heat generated by this component.
- */
- public double generateHeat() {
- return 0.0;
- }
- /**
- * Generate energy if appropriate for component type.
- *
- * @return the number of EU generated by this component during the current
- * reactor tick.
- */
- public double generateEnergy() {
- return 0.0;
- }
- /**
- * Dissipate (aka vent) heat if appropriate for component type.
- *
- * @return the amount of heat successfully vented during the current reactor
- * tick.
- */
- public double dissipate() {
- return 0.0;
- }
- /**
- * Transfer heat between component, neighbors, and/or reactor, if
- * appropriate for component type.
- */
- public void transfer() {
- // do nothing by default.
- }
- /**
- * Adds this component to a new reactor, and applies changes to the reactor
- * when adding this component if appropriate, such as for reactor plating.
- *
- * @param parent
- * the reactor to add this component to.
- * @param row
- * the row this component will be in.
- * @param col
- * the column this component will be in.
- */
- public void addToReactor(final Reactor parent, final int row, final int col) {
- // call removeFromReactor first, in case it had previously been added to
- // a different reactor (unlikely)
- removeFromReactor();
- this.parent = parent;
- this.row = row;
- this.col = col;
- }
- /**
- * Removes this component from its reactor (if any), and applies changes to
- * the reactor when removing this component if appropriate, such as for
- * reactor plating.
- */
- public void removeFromReactor() {
- parent = null;
- this.row = -10;
- this.col = -10;
- }
- /**
- * Resets heat to 0 (used when resetting simulation).
- */
- public final void clearCurrentHeat() {
- currentHeat = initialHeat;
- bestVentCooling = 0.0;
- bestCondensatorCooling = 0.0;
- bestCellCooling = 0.0;
- minEUGenerated = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- maxEUGenerated = 0.0;
- minHeatGenerated = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- maxHeatGenerated = 0.0;
- maxReachedHeat = initialHeat;
- }
- /**
- * Adjusts the component heat up or down
- *
- * @param heat
- * the amount of heat to adjust by (positive to add heat,
- * negative to remove heat).
- * @return the amount of heat adjustment refused. (e.g. due to going below
- * minimum heat, breaking due to excessive heat, or attempting to
- * remove heat from a condensator)
- */
- public double adjustCurrentHeat(final double heat) {
- if (isHeatAcceptor()) {
- double result = 0.0;
- double tempHeat = getCurrentHeat();
- tempHeat += heat;
- if (tempHeat > getMaxHeat()) {
- result = getMaxHeat() - tempHeat + 1;
- tempHeat = getMaxHeat();
- }
- else if (tempHeat < 0.0) {
- result = tempHeat;
- tempHeat = 0.0;
- }
- currentHeat = tempHeat;
- maxReachedHeat = Math.max(maxReachedHeat, currentHeat);
- return result;
- }
- return heat;
- }
- /**
- * Clears the damage back to 0 (used when resetting simulation, or replacing
- * the component in an automation simulation).
- */
- public final void clearDamage() {
- currentDamage = 0.0;
- }
- /**
- * Applies damage to the component, as opposed to heat. Mainly used for fuel
- * rods and neutron reflectors that lose durability as the reactor runs, but
- * can't recover it via cooling.
- *
- * @param damage
- * the damage to apply (only used if positive).
- */
- public final void applyDamage(final double damage) {
- // maxDamage of 1 is treated as meaning the component doesn't accept
- // damage (though it might accept heat instead)
- // if someone actually writes a mod with such a flimsy component, I
- // might have to rethink this.
- if (maxDamage > 1 && damage > 0.0) {
- currentDamage += damage;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Determines if this component is broken in the current tick of the
- * simulation
- *
- * @return true if the component has broken either from damage (e.g. neutron
- * reflectors, fuel rods) or from heat (e.g. heat vents, coolant
- * cells), false otherwise.
- */
- public boolean isBroken() {
- return currentHeat >= getMaxHeat() || currentDamage >= getMaxDamage();
- }
- /**
- * The number of fuel rods in this component (0 for non-fuel-rod
- * components).
- *
- * @return The number of fuel rods in this component, or 0 if this component
- * has no fuel rods.
- */
- public int getRodCount() {
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a value added in the formula for calculating explosion power.
- *
- * @return the additive value for explosion power caused by this component,
- * or 0 if this component doesn't affect the addition part of the
- * explosion calculation.
- */
- public double getExplosionPowerOffset() {
- if (!isBroken()) {
- if (getRodCount() == 0 && isNeutronReflector()) {
- return -1;
- }
- return 2 * getRodCount(); // all known fuel rods (including those
- // from GT) use this formula, and
- // non-rod components return 0 for
- // getRodCount
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a value multiplied in the formula for calculating explosion power.
- *
- * @return the multiplier value for explosion power caused by this
- * component, or 1 if this component doesn't affect the
- * multiplication part of the explosion calculation.
- */
- public double getExplosionPowerMultiplier() {
- return explosionPowerMultiplier;
- }
- /**
- * Finds the theoretical maximum venting of this component, regardless of
- * whether this venting is from itself, directly from the reactor, or from
- * adjacent components.
- *
- * @return the capacity of this component to vent heat.
- */
- public double getVentCoolingCapacity() {
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Finds the theoretical maximum hull cooling of this component.
- *
- * @return the capacity of this component to remove heat from the reactor
- * hull.
- */
- public double getHullCoolingCapacity() {
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the current "output" of this component, presumably for writing to
- * CSV data. What this "output" means may vary by component type or reactor
- * type.
- *
- * @return the output of this component for the current reactor tick.
- */
- public double getCurrentOutput() {
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Determines whether this component expects to produces some sort of output
- * each reactor tick, e.g. for purposes of tracking in a CSV file.
- *
- * @return true if this component produces output (such as EU or vented
- * heat), false otherwise.
- */
- public boolean producesOutput() {
- return getVentCoolingCapacity() > 0 || getRodCount() > 0;
- }
- /**
- * Determines if this component needs input from a Reactor Coolant Injector.
- * Simply returns false for non-condensator items.
- *
- * @return true if this is a condensator that has absorbed enough heat to
- * require the appropriate item added to repair it, false otherwise.
- */
- public boolean needsCoolantInjected() {
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Simulates having a coolant item added by a Reactor Coolant Injector.
- */
- public void injectCoolant() {
- // do nothing by default.
- }
+ public static HashMap<String, ReactorItem> sComponentMap = new HashMap<String, ReactorItem>();
+ // Fundamental values, set at object instantiation, should never need to be
+ // changed.
+ public final int id;
+ public final String baseName; // this is the non-localized version, for
+ // internal program use
+ public final String name; // this is expected to be localized, for display
+ // usage.
+ protected double maxDamage;
+ public double getMaxDamage() {
+ return maxDamage;
+ }
+ protected double maxHeat;
+ public double getMaxHeat() {
+ return maxHeat;
+ }
+ public final String sourceMod; // for potentially adjusting controls based
+ // on whether the mod is in use, will be
+ // null to indicate the item is part of base
+ // IC2.
+ public final GT_ItemStack mItem;
+ // Simulation setting values
+ private double initialHeat = 0;
+ public double getInitialHeat() {
+ return initialHeat;
+ }
+ public void setInitialHeat(final double value) {
+ if (this.isHeatAcceptor() && value >= 0 && value < this.maxHeat) {
+ initialHeat = value;
+ }
+ }
+ private int automationThreshold = 9000;
+ public int getAutomationThreshold() {
+ return automationThreshold;
+ }
+ public void setAutomationThreshold(final int value) {
+ if (maxHeat > 1 || maxDamage > 1) {
+ automationThreshold = value;
+ }
+ }
+ private int reactorPause = 0;
+ public int getReactorPause() {
+ return reactorPause;
+ }
+ public void setReactorPause(final int value) {
+ if (maxHeat > 1 || maxDamage > 1) {
+ reactorPause = value;
+ }
+ }
+ // fields below here are not to be copied by the copy constructor.
+ // Parent reactor and position
+ protected Reactor parent = null;
+ protected int row = -10;
+ protected int col = -10;
+ // Special variable for holding information about this item from last
+ // simulation.
+ // Usage of StringBuffer instead of StringBuilder is deliberate - this may
+ // be accessed by
+ // both the simulation worker thread and the event dispatch thread.
+ public final StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(1000);
+ // Calculated values - readable from outside, but only writable by
+ // subclasses.
+ protected double currentDamage = 0;
+ public double getCurrentDamage() {
+ return currentDamage;
+ }
+ protected double currentHeat = 0;
+ public double getCurrentHeat() {
+ return currentHeat;
+ }
+ protected double maxReachedHeat = 0;
+ public double getMaxReachedHeat() {
+ return maxReachedHeat;
+ }
+ protected double currentEUGenerated = 0;
+ public double getCurrentEUGenerated() {
+ return currentEUGenerated;
+ }
+ protected double minEUGenerated = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ public double getMinEUGenerated() {
+ return minEUGenerated;
+ }
+ protected double maxEUGenerated = 0;
+ public double getMaxEUGenerated() {
+ return maxEUGenerated;
+ }
+ protected double currentHeatGenerated = 0;
+ public double getCurrentHeatGenerated() {
+ return currentHeatGenerated;
+ }
+ protected double minHeatGenerated = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ public double getMinHeatGenerated() {
+ return minHeatGenerated;
+ }
+ protected double maxHeatGenerated = 0;
+ public double getMaxHeatGenerated() {
+ return maxHeatGenerated;
+ }
+ protected double currentHullHeating = 0;
+ public double getCurrentHullHeating() {
+ return currentHullHeating;
+ }
+ protected double currentComponentHeating = 0;
+ public double getCurrentComponentHeating() {
+ return currentComponentHeating;
+ }
+ protected double currentHullCooling = 0;
+ public double getCurrentHullCooling() {
+ return currentHullCooling;
+ }
+ protected double currentVentCooling = 0;
+ public double getCurrentVentCooling() {
+ return currentVentCooling;
+ }
+ protected double bestVentCooling = 0;
+ public double getBestVentCooling() {
+ return bestVentCooling;
+ }
+ protected double currentCellCooling = 0;
+ public double getCurrentCellCooling() {
+ return currentCellCooling;
+ }
+ protected double bestCellCooling = 0;
+ public double getBestCellCooling() {
+ return bestCellCooling;
+ }
+ protected double currentCondensatorCooling = 0;
+ public double getCurrentCondensatorCooling() {
+ return currentCondensatorCooling;
+ }
+ protected double bestCondensatorCooling = 0;
+ public double getBestCondensatorCooling() {
+ return bestCondensatorCooling;
+ }
+ protected double explosionPowerMultiplier = 1;
+ protected ReactorItem(
+ final int id,
+ final String baseName,
+ GT_ItemStack aItem,
+ final double maxDamage,
+ final double maxHeat,
+ String sourceMod) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.baseName = baseName;
+ this.name = aItem.mItem.getItemStackDisplayName(aItem.toStack());
+ this.mItem = aItem;
+ this.maxDamage = maxDamage;
+ this.maxHeat = maxHeat;
+ if (maxHeat > 1) {
+ automationThreshold = (int) (maxHeat * 0.9);
+ } else if (maxDamage > 1) {
+ automationThreshold = (int) (maxDamage * 1.1);
+ }
+ if (sourceMod == null) {
+ sourceMod = "IC2";
+ }
+ this.sourceMod = sourceMod;
+ sComponentMap.put(sourceMod + "." + aItem.mItem.getUnlocalizedName() + "." + aItem.mMetaData, this);
+ }
+ // Protected copy constructor for use by subclasses. Generalized copying
+ // should be done with a method in ComponentFactory (which can check which
+ // subclass copy constructor to use).
+ protected ReactorItem(final ReactorItem other) {
+ this.id = other.id;
+ this.baseName = other.baseName;
+ this.name = other.name;
+ this.mItem = other.mItem;
+ this.maxDamage = other.maxDamage;
+ this.maxHeat = other.maxHeat;
+ this.initialHeat = other.initialHeat;
+ this.automationThreshold = other.automationThreshold;
+ this.reactorPause = other.reactorPause;
+ this.sourceMod = other.sourceMod;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the name of the component, and the initial heat (if applicable).
+ *
+ * @return the name of this component, and potentially initial heat.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ String result = name;
+ if (initialHeat > 0) {
+ result += String.format("\u0020(initial heat: %,d)", (int) initialHeat);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if this component can accept heat. (e.g. from adjacent fuel rods,
+ * or from an exchanger)
+ *
+ * @return true if this component can accept heat, false otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean isHeatAcceptor() {
+ // maxHeat of 1 means this component never accepts heat (though it might
+ // take damage instead)
+ return maxHeat > 1 && !isBroken();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines if this component can be cooled down, such as by a component
+ * heat vent.
+ *
+ * @return true if this component can be cooled down, false otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean isCoolable() {
+ return maxHeat > 1 && !(this instanceof Condensator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if this component acts as a neutron reflector, and boosts
+ * performance of adjacent fuel rods, either by being a "neutron reflector"
+ * item or by being a fuel rod.
+ *
+ * @return true if this component reflects neutrons, false otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean isNeutronReflector() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare for a new reactor tick.
+ */
+ public void preReactorTick() {
+ currentHullHeating = 0.0;
+ currentComponentHeating = 0.0;
+ currentHullCooling = 0.0;
+ currentVentCooling = 0.0;
+ currentCellCooling = 0.0;
+ currentCondensatorCooling = 0.0;
+ currentEUGenerated = 0;
+ currentHeatGenerated = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate heat if appropriate for component type, and spread to reactor or
+ * adjacent cells.
+ *
+ * @return the amount of heat generated by this component.
+ */
+ public double generateHeat() {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate energy if appropriate for component type.
+ *
+ * @return the number of EU generated by this component during the current
+ * reactor tick.
+ */
+ public double generateEnergy() {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dissipate (aka vent) heat if appropriate for component type.
+ *
+ * @return the amount of heat successfully vented during the current reactor
+ * tick.
+ */
+ public double dissipate() {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Transfer heat between component, neighbors, and/or reactor, if
+ * appropriate for component type.
+ */
+ public void transfer() {
+ // do nothing by default.
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds this component to a new reactor, and applies changes to the reactor
+ * when adding this component if appropriate, such as for reactor plating.
+ *
+ * @param parent
+ * the reactor to add this component to.
+ * @param row
+ * the row this component will be in.
+ * @param col
+ * the column this component will be in.
+ */
+ public void addToReactor(final Reactor parent, final int row, final int col) {
+ // call removeFromReactor first, in case it had previously been added to
+ // a different reactor (unlikely)
+ removeFromReactor();
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.row = row;
+ this.col = col;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes this component from its reactor (if any), and applies changes to
+ * the reactor when removing this component if appropriate, such as for
+ * reactor plating.
+ */
+ public void removeFromReactor() {
+ parent = null;
+ this.row = -10;
+ this.col = -10;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resets heat to 0 (used when resetting simulation).
+ */
+ public final void clearCurrentHeat() {
+ currentHeat = initialHeat;
+ bestVentCooling = 0.0;
+ bestCondensatorCooling = 0.0;
+ bestCellCooling = 0.0;
+ minEUGenerated = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ maxEUGenerated = 0.0;
+ minHeatGenerated = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ maxHeatGenerated = 0.0;
+ maxReachedHeat = initialHeat;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adjusts the component heat up or down
+ *
+ * @param heat
+ * the amount of heat to adjust by (positive to add heat,
+ * negative to remove heat).
+ * @return the amount of heat adjustment refused. (e.g. due to going below
+ * minimum heat, breaking due to excessive heat, or attempting to
+ * remove heat from a condensator)
+ */
+ public double adjustCurrentHeat(final double heat) {
+ if (isHeatAcceptor()) {
+ double result = 0.0;
+ double tempHeat = getCurrentHeat();
+ tempHeat += heat;
+ if (tempHeat > getMaxHeat()) {
+ result = getMaxHeat() - tempHeat + 1;
+ tempHeat = getMaxHeat();
+ } else if (tempHeat < 0.0) {
+ result = tempHeat;
+ tempHeat = 0.0;
+ }
+ currentHeat = tempHeat;
+ maxReachedHeat = Math.max(maxReachedHeat, currentHeat);
+ return result;
+ }
+ return heat;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clears the damage back to 0 (used when resetting simulation, or replacing
+ * the component in an automation simulation).
+ */
+ public final void clearDamage() {
+ currentDamage = 0.0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Applies damage to the component, as opposed to heat. Mainly used for fuel
+ * rods and neutron reflectors that lose durability as the reactor runs, but
+ * can't recover it via cooling.
+ *
+ * @param damage
+ * the damage to apply (only used if positive).
+ */
+ public final void applyDamage(final double damage) {
+ // maxDamage of 1 is treated as meaning the component doesn't accept
+ // damage (though it might accept heat instead)
+ // if someone actually writes a mod with such a flimsy component, I
+ // might have to rethink this.
+ if (maxDamage > 1 && damage > 0.0) {
+ currentDamage += damage;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines if this component is broken in the current tick of the
+ * simulation
+ *
+ * @return true if the component has broken either from damage (e.g. neutron
+ * reflectors, fuel rods) or from heat (e.g. heat vents, coolant
+ * cells), false otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean isBroken() {
+ return currentHeat >= getMaxHeat() || currentDamage >= getMaxDamage();
+ }
+ /**
+ * The number of fuel rods in this component (0 for non-fuel-rod
+ * components).
+ *
+ * @return The number of fuel rods in this component, or 0 if this component
+ * has no fuel rods.
+ */
+ public int getRodCount() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets a value added in the formula for calculating explosion power.
+ *
+ * @return the additive value for explosion power caused by this component,
+ * or 0 if this component doesn't affect the addition part of the
+ * explosion calculation.
+ */
+ public double getExplosionPowerOffset() {
+ if (!isBroken()) {
+ if (getRodCount() == 0 && isNeutronReflector()) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 2 * getRodCount(); // all known fuel rods (including those
+ // from GT) use this formula, and
+ // non-rod components return 0 for
+ // getRodCount
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets a value multiplied in the formula for calculating explosion power.
+ *
+ * @return the multiplier value for explosion power caused by this
+ * component, or 1 if this component doesn't affect the
+ * multiplication part of the explosion calculation.
+ */
+ public double getExplosionPowerMultiplier() {
+ return explosionPowerMultiplier;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds the theoretical maximum venting of this component, regardless of
+ * whether this venting is from itself, directly from the reactor, or from
+ * adjacent components.
+ *
+ * @return the capacity of this component to vent heat.
+ */
+ public double getVentCoolingCapacity() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds the theoretical maximum hull cooling of this component.
+ *
+ * @return the capacity of this component to remove heat from the reactor
+ * hull.
+ */
+ public double getHullCoolingCapacity() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the current "output" of this component, presumably for writing to
+ * CSV data. What this "output" means may vary by component type or reactor
+ * type.
+ *
+ * @return the output of this component for the current reactor tick.
+ */
+ public double getCurrentOutput() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether this component expects to produces some sort of output
+ * each reactor tick, e.g. for purposes of tracking in a CSV file.
+ *
+ * @return true if this component produces output (such as EU or vented
+ * heat), false otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean producesOutput() {
+ return getVentCoolingCapacity() > 0 || getRodCount() > 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines if this component needs input from a Reactor Coolant Injector.
+ * Simply returns false for non-condensator items.
+ *
+ * @return true if this is a condensator that has absorbed enough heat to
+ * require the appropriate item added to repair it, false otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean needsCoolantInjected() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Simulates having a coolant item added by a Reactor Coolant Injector.
+ */
+ public void injectCoolant() {
+ // do nothing by default.
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Reflector.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Reflector.java
index 7851a62804..bca0e9f43a 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Reflector.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Reflector.java
@@ -12,17 +12,23 @@ import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
* @author Brian McCloud
public class Reflector extends ReactorItem {
private static String mcVersion = "1.12.2";
- public Reflector(final int id, final String baseName, final GT_ItemStack aStack, final double maxDamage, final double maxHeat, final String sourceMod) {
+ public Reflector(
+ final int id,
+ final String baseName,
+ final GT_ItemStack aStack,
+ final double maxDamage,
+ final double maxHeat,
+ final String sourceMod) {
super(id, baseName, aStack, maxDamage, maxHeat, sourceMod);
public Reflector(final Reflector other) {
public boolean isNeutronReflector() {
return !isBroken();
@@ -48,7 +54,7 @@ public class Reflector extends ReactorItem {
return 0;
public double getMaxDamage() {
if (maxDamage > 1 && "1.7.10".equals(mcVersion)) {
@@ -56,7 +62,7 @@ public class Reflector extends ReactorItem {
return maxDamage;
public static void setMcVersion(String newVersion) {
mcVersion = newVersion;
diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Vent.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Vent.java
index a43383f694..9eb9f3aa66 100644
--- a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Vent.java
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/components/Vent.java
@@ -5,36 +5,43 @@
package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components;
+import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
-import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
* Represents some kind of vent in a reactor.
* @author Brian McCloud
public class Vent extends ReactorItem {
private final int selfVent;
private final int hullDraw;
private final int sideVent;
- public Vent(final int id, final String baseName, GT_ItemStack aItem, final double maxDamage, final double maxHeat, final String sourceMod,
- final int selfVent, final int hullDraw, final int sideVent) {
+ public Vent(
+ final int id,
+ final String baseName,
+ GT_ItemStack aItem,
+ final double maxDamage,
+ final double maxHeat,
+ final String sourceMod,
+ final int selfVent,
+ final int hullDraw,
+ final int sideVent) {
super(id, baseName, aItem, maxDamage, maxHeat, sourceMod);
this.selfVent = selfVent;
this.hullDraw = hullDraw;
this.sideVent = sideVent;
public Vent(final Vent other) {
this.selfVent = other.selfVent;
this.hullDraw = other.hullDraw;
this.sideVent = other.sideVent;
public double dissipate() {
double deltaHeat = Math.min(hullDraw, parent.getCurrentHeat());
@@ -73,7 +80,7 @@ public class Vent extends ReactorItem {
bestVentCooling = Math.max(bestVentCooling, currentVentCooling);
return currentDissipation;
public double getVentCoolingCapacity() {
double result = selfVent;
@@ -97,14 +104,14 @@ public class Vent extends ReactorItem {
return result;
public double getHullCoolingCapacity() {
return hullDraw;
public double getCurrentOutput() {
return currentVentCooling;
- }