path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui
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authorPrometheus0000 <prometheus0000000@gmail.com>2021-02-11 14:29:19 -0500
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-02-11 14:29:19 -0500
commit3a027e939e2c18e165b2f1405637c92f25736582 (patch)
tree1d75209cd6c074313f0e3f15bc989f7b258a57bd /src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui
parentc6324633a4491296c0505e59aa7f8747af0c640a (diff)
parente0c1f654b17d901d018603912bf32c32bd136bad (diff)
Merge pull request #23 from GTNewHorizons/experimental
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GT_Container_BasicMachine.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GT_Container_BasicMachine.java
index 7e14061d2f..38f8bd3b35 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GT_Container_BasicMachine.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GT_Container_BasicMachine.java
@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.inventory.ICrafting;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidContainerItem;
+import static gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine.OTHER_SLOT_COUNT;
@@ -179,17 +184,159 @@ public class GT_Container_BasicMachine extends GT_Container_BasicTank {
public ItemStack slotClick(int aSlotIndex, int aMouseclick, int aShifthold, EntityPlayer aPlayer) {
+ GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine machine = (GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity();
+ if (machine == null) return null;
+ ItemStack tResultStack;
switch (aSlotIndex) {
case 0:
- if (mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity() == null) return null;
- ((GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).mFluidTransfer = !((GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).mFluidTransfer;
+ machine.mFluidTransfer = !machine.mFluidTransfer;
return null;
case 1:
if (mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity() == null) return null;
- ((GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).mItemTransfer = !((GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).mItemTransfer;
+ machine.mItemTransfer = !machine.mItemTransfer;
return null;
+ case 2:
+ if (aMouseclick > 1)
+ return null;
+ tResultStack = pickupFluid(machine.getDrainableStack(), aPlayer, aMouseclick == 0);
+ if (machine.getDrainableStack() != null && machine.getDrainableStack().amount == 0)
+ machine.setDrainableStack(null);
+ return tResultStack;
- return super.slotClick(aSlotIndex, aMouseclick, aShifthold, aPlayer);
+ if (aSlotIndex == OTHER_SLOT_COUNT + 1 + machine.mInputSlotCount + machine.mOutputItems.length) {
+ if (aMouseclick > 1)
+ return null;
+ // input fluid slot
+ ItemStack tStackHeld = aPlayer.inventory.getItemStack();
+ ItemStack tStackSizedOne = GT_Utility.copyAmount(1, tStackHeld);
+ if (tStackSizedOne == null || tStackHeld.stackSize == 0) return null;
+ FluidStack tInputFluid = machine.getFillableStack();
+ FluidStack tFluidHeld = GT_Utility.getFluidForFilledItem(tStackSizedOne, true);
+ if (tInputFluid == null) {
+ if (tFluidHeld == null)
+ // both null -> no op
+ return null;
+ return fillFluid(machine, aPlayer, tFluidHeld, aMouseclick == 0);
+ } else {
+ if (tFluidHeld != null) {
+ // both nonnull. actually both pickup and fill is reasonable, but I'll go with fill here
+ return fillFluid(machine, aPlayer, tFluidHeld, aMouseclick == 0);
+ } else {
+ tResultStack = pickupFluid(tInputFluid, aPlayer, aMouseclick == 0);
+ if (tInputFluid.amount == 0)
+ machine.setFillableStack(null);
+ return tResultStack;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return super.slotClick(aSlotIndex, aMouseclick, aShifthold, aPlayer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private ItemStack pickupFluid(FluidStack aTankStack, EntityPlayer aPlayer, boolean aProcessFullStack) {
+ if (aTankStack == null) return null;
+ ItemStack tStackHeld = aPlayer.inventory.getItemStack();
+ ItemStack tStackSizedOne = GT_Utility.copyAmount(1, tStackHeld);
+ if (tStackSizedOne == null || tStackHeld.stackSize == 0) return null;
+ int tOriginalFluidAmount = aTankStack.amount;
+ ItemStack tFilled = GT_Utility.fillFluidContainer(aTankStack, tStackSizedOne, true, false);
+ if (tFilled == null && tStackSizedOne.getItem() instanceof IFluidContainerItem) {
+ IFluidContainerItem tContainerItem = (IFluidContainerItem) tStackSizedOne.getItem();
+ int tFilledAmount = tContainerItem.fill(tStackSizedOne, aTankStack, true);
+ if (tFilledAmount > 0) {
+ tFilled = tStackSizedOne;
+ aTankStack.amount -= tFilledAmount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tFilled != null) {
+ if (aProcessFullStack) {
+ int tFilledAmount = tOriginalFluidAmount - aTankStack.amount;
+ /*
+ work out how many more items we can fill
+ one cell is already used, so account for that
+ the round down behavior will left over a fraction of a cell worth of fluid
+ the user then get to decide what to do with it
+ it will not be too fancy if it spills out partially filled cells
+ */
+ int tAdditionalParallel = Math.min(tStackHeld.stackSize - 1, aTankStack.amount / tFilledAmount);
+ aTankStack.amount -= tFilledAmount * tAdditionalParallel;
+ tFilled.stackSize += tAdditionalParallel;
+ }
+ replaceCursorItemStack(aPlayer, tFilled);
+ }
+ return tFilled;
+ }
+ private ItemStack fillFluid(GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine aMachine, EntityPlayer aPlayer, FluidStack aFluidHeld, boolean aProcessFullStack) {
+ // we are not using aMachine.fill() here any more, so we need to check for fluid type here ourselves
+ if (aMachine.getFillableStack() != null && !aMachine.getFillableStack().isFluidEqual(aFluidHeld))
+ return null;
+ ItemStack tStackHeld = aPlayer.inventory.getItemStack();
+ ItemStack tStackSizedOne = GT_Utility.copyAmount(1, tStackHeld);
+ if (tStackSizedOne == null)
+ return null;
+ int tFreeSpace = aMachine.getCapacity() - (aMachine.getFillableStack() != null ? aMachine.getFillableStack().amount : 0);
+ if (tFreeSpace <= 0)
+ // no space left
+ return null;
+ // find out how much fluid can be taken
+ // some cells cannot be partially filled
+ ItemStack tStackEmptied = null;
+ int tAmountTaken = 0;
+ if (tFreeSpace >= aFluidHeld.amount) {
+ // fully accepted - try take it from item now
+ // IFluidContainerItem is intentionally not checked here. it will be checked later
+ tStackEmptied = GT_Utility.getContainerForFilledItem(tStackSizedOne, false);
+ tAmountTaken = aFluidHeld.amount;
+ }
+ if (tStackEmptied == null && tStackSizedOne.getItem() instanceof IFluidContainerItem) {
+ // either partially accepted, or is IFluidContainerItem
+ IFluidContainerItem container = (IFluidContainerItem) tStackSizedOne.getItem();
+ FluidStack tDrained = container.drain(tStackSizedOne, tFreeSpace, true);
+ if (tDrained != null && tDrained.amount > 0) {
+ // something is actually drained - change the cell and drop it to player
+ tStackEmptied = tStackSizedOne;
+ tAmountTaken = tDrained.amount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tStackEmptied == null)
+ // somehow the cell refuse to give out that amount of fluid, no op then
+ return null;
+ // find out how many fill can we do
+ // same round down behavior as above
+ // however here the fluid stack is not changed at all, so the exact code will slightly differ
+ int tParallel = aProcessFullStack ? Math.min(tFreeSpace / tAmountTaken, tStackHeld.stackSize) : 1;
+ if (aMachine.getFillableStack() == null) {
+ FluidStack tNewFillableStack = aFluidHeld.copy();
+ tNewFillableStack.amount = tAmountTaken * tParallel;
+ aMachine.setFillableStack(tNewFillableStack);
+ } else {
+ aMachine.getFillableStack().amount += tAmountTaken * tParallel;
+ }
+ tStackEmptied.stackSize = tParallel;
+ replaceCursorItemStack(aPlayer, tStackEmptied);
+ return tStackEmptied;
+ }
+ private void replaceCursorItemStack(EntityPlayer aPlayer, ItemStack tStackResult) {
+ int tStackResultMaxStackSize = tStackResult.getMaxStackSize();
+ while (tStackResult.stackSize > tStackResultMaxStackSize) {
+ aPlayer.inventory.getItemStack().stackSize -= tStackResultMaxStackSize;
+ GT_Utility.addItemToPlayerInventory(aPlayer, tStackResult.splitStack(tStackResultMaxStackSize));
+ }
+ if (aPlayer.inventory.getItemStack().stackSize == tStackResult.stackSize) {
+ // every cell is mutated. it could just stay on the cursor.
+ aPlayer.inventory.setItemStack(tStackResult);
+ } else {
+ // some cells not mutated. The mutated cells must go into the inventory
+ // or drop into the world if there isn't enough space.
+ ItemStack tStackHeld = aPlayer.inventory.getItemStack();
+ tStackHeld.stackSize -= tStackResult.stackSize;
+ GT_Utility.addItemToPlayerInventory(aPlayer, tStackResult);