path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Recipe.java
diff options
authorShawn Buckley <shawntbuckley@gmail.com>2015-10-21 20:47:13 -0400
committerShawn Buckley <shawntbuckley@gmail.com>2015-10-21 20:47:13 -0400
commitbea4cfc54566b4f3b9971d1da93782b03410f669 (patch)
tree0c736c222d38dcc1d016fd5318790c583e1bdf98 /src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Recipe.java
parent1185424fa7c692f9932623b965a99392d969e3c5 (diff)
Bring in experimental branch
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Recipe.java')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Recipe.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Recipe.java
index 130a63d7b6..1941ceef24 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Recipe.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Recipe.java
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidContainerItem;
* I know this File causes some Errors, because of missing Main Functions, but if you just need to compile Stuff, then remove said erroreous Functions.
public class GT_Recipe {
- public static volatile int VERSION = 508;
+ public static volatile int VERSION = 509;
public static class GT_Recipe_Map {
/** Contains all Recipe Maps */
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class GT_Recipe {
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sRockBreakerFakeRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 3), "gt.recipe.rockbreaker" , "Rock Breaker" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/RockBreaker" , 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sByProductList = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 1000), "gt.recipe.byproductlist" , "Ore Byproduct List" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/Default" , 1, 6, 1, 0, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sRepicatorFakeRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 100), "gt.recipe.replicator" , "Replicator" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/Replicator" , 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sPlasmaArcFurnaceRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(10000), "gt.recipe.plasmaarcfurnace" , "Plasma Arc Furnace" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/PlasmaArcFurnace" , 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sArcFurnaceRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(10000), "gt.recipe.arcfurnace" , "Arc Furnace" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/ArcFurnace" , 1, 4, 1, 1, 3, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sPrinterRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Printer (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 100), "gt.recipe.printer" , "Printer" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/Printer" , 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ public class GT_Recipe {
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sVacuumRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 100), "gt.recipe.vacuumfreezer" , "Vacuum Freezer" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/Default" , 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sChemicalRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 100), "gt.recipe.chemicalreactor" , "Chemical Reactor" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/ChemicalReactor" , 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sDistillationRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 50), "gt.recipe.distillationtower" , "Distillation Tower" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/Default" , 2, 4, 0, 0, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
+ public static final GT_Recipe_Map sCrakingRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 50), "gt.recipe.craker" , "Oil Cracker" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/Default" , 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
+ public static final GT_Recipe_Map sPyrolyseRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 50), "gt.recipe.pyro" , "Pyrolyse Oven" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/Default" , 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sWiremillRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 50), "gt.recipe.wiremill" , "Wiremill" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/Wiremill" , 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sBenderRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 400), "gt.recipe.metalbender" , "Metal Bender" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/Bender" , 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sAlloySmelterRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map (new HashSet<GT_Recipe>( 3000), "gt.recipe.alloysmelter" , "Alloy Smelter" , null , RES_PATH_GUI+"basicmachines/AlloySmelter" , 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, E , 1, E , T, T);