path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/api
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authorKpoxaPy <kpoxapy@gmail.com>2017-01-05 02:45:01 +0300
committerKpoxaPy <kpoxapy@gmail.com>2017-01-05 02:45:01 +0300
commit4aa8fd45c4258b183e86c95ea79c57e9aa24400e (patch)
treef170b1cd41b5dd2d609bf5c6adc089b559316e3b /src/main/java/gregtech/api
parentb794aac1d0bbb92ebef1fe278181c7a9528e2fe2 (diff)
Add advanced seismic prospector
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/api')
2 files changed, 166 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/ItemList.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/ItemList.java
index f68ecbade8..7998ba7de3 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/ItemList.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/ItemList.java
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ public enum ItemList implements IItemContainer {
Casing_Coil_Cupronickel, Casing_Coil_Kanthal, Casing_Coil_Nichrome, Casing_Coil_TungstenSteel, Casing_Coil_HSSG, Casing_Coil_Naquadah, Casing_Coil_NaquadahAlloy,
MobRep_LV, MobRep_MV, MobRep_HV, MobRep_EV, MobRep_IV, MobRep_LuV, MobRep_ZPM, MobRep_UV, Cover_PlayerDetector, Machine_Multi_HeatExchanger,
Block_BronzePlate, Block_IridiumTungstensteel, Block_Plascrete, Block_TungstenSteelReinforced,
- Honeycomb, Charcoal_Pile, Block_BrittleCharcoal, Seismic_Prospector, OilDrill, AdvancedMiner2, PyrolyseOven, OilCracker, Crop_Drop_UUMBerry, Crop_Drop_UUABerry, Empty_Board_Basic, Empty_Board_Elite,
+ Honeycomb, Charcoal_Pile, Block_BrittleCharcoal, Seismic_Prospector, Seismic_Prospector_Adv, OilDrill, AdvancedMiner2, PyrolyseOven, OilCracker, Crop_Drop_UUMBerry, Crop_Drop_UUABerry, Empty_Board_Basic, Empty_Board_Elite,
Battery_Charger_4by4_ULV, Battery_Charger_4by4_LV, Battery_Charger_4by4_MV, Battery_Charger_4by4_HV, Battery_Charger_4by4_EV, Battery_Charger_4by4_IV, Battery_Charger_4by4_LuV, Battery_Charger_4by4_ZPM, Battery_Charger_4by4_UV, Battery_Charger_4by4_MAX,
MicroTransmitter_HV, MicroTransmitter_EV, MicroTransmitter_IV, MicroTransmitter_LUV, MicroTransmitter_ZPM,
Crop_Drop_Bauxite, Crop_Drop_Ilmenite, Crop_Drop_Pitchblende, Crop_Drop_Uraninite, Crop_Drop_Thorium, Crop_Drop_Nickel, Crop_Drop_Zinc, Crop_Drop_Manganese, Crop_Drop_Scheelite, Crop_Drop_Platinum, Crop_Drop_Iridium, Crop_Drop_Osmium, Crop_Drop_Naquadah, Uraniumcell_1, Uraniumcell_2, Uraniumcell_4, Moxcell_1, Moxcell_2, Moxcell_4,
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Utility.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Utility.java
index 25703274ff..b652696d16 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Utility.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util/GT_Utility.java
@@ -1867,6 +1867,58 @@ public class GT_Utility {
return formatter.format(aNumber);
+ /*
+ * Check if stack has enough items of given type and subtract from stack, if there's no creative or 111 stack.
+ */
+ public static boolean consumeItems(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack, Item item, int count) {
+ if (stack != null && stack.getItem() == item && stack.stackSize >= count) {
+ if ((!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) && (stack.stackSize != 111))
+ stack.stackSize -= count;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check if stack has enough items of given gregtech material (will be oredicted)
+ * and subtract from stack, if there's no creative or 111 stack.
+ */
+ public static boolean consumeItems(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack, gregtech.api.enums.Materials mat, int count) {
+ if (stack != null
+ && GT_OreDictUnificator.getItemData(stack).mMaterial.mMaterial == mat
+ && stack.stackSize >= count) {
+ if ((!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) && (stack.stackSize != 111))
+ stack.stackSize -= count;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static ArrayList<String> sortByValueToList( Map<String, Integer> map )
+ {
+ List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> list =
+ new LinkedList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>( map.entrySet() );
+ Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>()
+ {
+ public int compare( Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2 )
+ {
+ return o2.getValue() - o1.getValue();
+ }
+ } );
+ ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
+ for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : list)
+ result.add(e.getKey());
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static String joinListToString(List<String> list) {
+ String result = "";
+ for (String s : list)
+ result += (result.isEmpty() ? "" : "|") + s;
+ return result;
+ }
public static class ItemNBT {
public static void setNBT(ItemStack aStack, NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
if (aNBT == null) {
@@ -1954,21 +2006,124 @@ public class GT_Utility {
setNBT(aStack, tNBT);
+ public static void setAdvancedProspectionData(
+ byte aTier,
+ ItemStack aStack,
+ int aX, short aY, int aZ, int aDim,
+ ArrayList<String> aOils,
+ ArrayList<String> aNearOres,
+ ArrayList<String> aMiddleOres,
+ ArrayList<String> aFarOres,
+ int aNear, int aMiddle, int aRadius) {
+ setBookTitle(aStack, "Raw Prospection Data");
+ NBTTagCompound tNBT = GT_Utility.ItemNBT.getNBT(aStack);
+ tNBT.setByte("prospection_tier", aTier);
+ tNBT.setString("prospection_pos", "X: " + aX + " Y: " + aY + " Z: " + aZ + " Dim: " + aDim);
+ // ores
+ tNBT.setString("prospection_near", joinListToString(aNearOres));
+ tNBT.setString("prospection_middle", joinListToString(aMiddleOres));
+ tNBT.setString("prospection_far", joinListToString(aFarOres));
+ // oils
+ ArrayList<String> tOilsTransformed = new ArrayList<String>(aOils.size());
+ for (String aStr : aOils) {
+ String[] aStats = aStr.split(",");
+ tOilsTransformed.add(aStats[3] + " " + aStats[2] + "L");
+ }
+ tNBT.setString("prospection_oils", joinListToString(tOilsTransformed));
+ tNBT.setString("prospection_bounds", aNear + "|" + aMiddle + "|" + aRadius);
+ setNBT(aStack, tNBT);
+ }
public static void convertProspectionData(ItemStack aStack) {
NBTTagCompound tNBT = getNBT(aStack);
- String tData = tNBT.getString("prospection");
- String[] tDataArray = tData.split(",");
- if (tDataArray.length > 6) {
- tNBT.setString("author", "X: " + tDataArray[0] + " Y: " + tDataArray[1] + " Z: " + tDataArray[2] + " Dim: " + tDataArray[3]);
- NBTTagList tNBTList = new NBTTagList();
- String tOres = " Prospected Ores: ";
- for (int i = 6; tDataArray.length > i; i++) {
- tOres += (tDataArray[i] + " ");
+ byte tTier = tNBT.getByte("prospection_tier");
+ if (tTier == 0) { // basic prospection data
+ String tData = tNBT.getString("prospection");
+ String[] tDataArray = tData.split(",");
+ if (tDataArray.length > 6) {
+ tNBT.setString("author", "X: " + tDataArray[0] + " Y: " + tDataArray[1] + " Z: " + tDataArray[2] + " Dim: " + tDataArray[3]);
+ NBTTagList tNBTList = new NBTTagList();
+ String tOres = " Prospected Ores: ";
+ for (int i = 6; tDataArray.length > i; i++) {
+ tOres += (tDataArray[i] + " ");
+ }
+ tNBTList.appendTag(new NBTTagString("Prospection Data From: X" + tDataArray[0] + " Z:" + tDataArray[2] + " Dim:" + tDataArray[3] + " Produces " + tDataArray[4] + "L " + tDataArray[5] + " " + tOres));
+ tNBT.setTag("pages", tNBTList);
- tNBTList.appendTag(new NBTTagString("Prospection Data From: X" + tDataArray[0] + " Z:" + tDataArray[2] + " Dim:" + tDataArray[3] + " Produces " + tDataArray[4] + "L " + tDataArray[5] + " " + tOres));
+ setNBT(aStack, tNBT);
+ } else { // advanced prospection data
+ String tPos = tNBT.getString("prospection_pos");
+ String[] tBounds = tNBT.getString("prospection_bounds").split("\\|");
+ String tNearOresStr = tNBT.getString("prospection_near");
+ String tMiddleOresStr = tNBT.getString("prospection_middle");
+ String tFarOresStr = tNBT.getString("prospection_far");
+ String tOilsStr = tNBT.getString("prospection_oils");
+ String[] tNearOres = tNearOresStr.isEmpty() ? null : tNearOresStr.split("\\|");
+ String[] tMiddleOres = tMiddleOresStr.isEmpty() ? null : tMiddleOresStr.split("\\|");
+ String[] tFarOres = tFarOresStr.isEmpty() ? null : tFarOresStr.split("\\|");
+ String[] tOils = tOilsStr.isEmpty() ? null : tOilsStr.split("\\|");
+ NBTTagList tNBTList = new NBTTagList();
+ String tPageText = "Advanced prospection\n"
+ + tPos + "\n"
+ + "Results:\n"
+ + "- Close Range Ores: " + (tNearOres != null ? tNearOres.length : 0) + "\n"
+ + "- Mid Range Ores: " + (tMiddleOres != null ? tMiddleOres.length : 0) + "\n"
+ + "- Far Range Ores: " + (tFarOres != null ? tFarOres.length : 0) + "\n"
+ + "- Oils: " + (tOils != null ? tOils.length : 0) + "\n\n"
+ + "Lists was sorted by volume";
+ tNBTList.appendTag(new NBTTagString(tPageText));
+ if (tNearOres != null)
+ fillBookWithList(tNBTList, "Close Range Ores%s\n\n", ", ", 20, tNearOres);
+ if (tMiddleOres != null)
+ fillBookWithList(tNBTList, "Mid Range Ores%s\n\n", ", ", 20, tMiddleOres);
+ if (tFarOres != null)
+ fillBookWithList(tNBTList, "Far Range Ores%s\n\n", ", ", 20, tFarOres);
+ if (tOils != null)
+ fillBookWithList(tNBTList, "Oils%s\n\n", "\n", 9, tOils);
+ tPageText = "Notes\n\n"
+ + "Close range:\nR <= " + tBounds[0] + "\n"
+ + "Mid range:\n" + tBounds[0] + " < R <= " + tBounds[1] + "\n"
+ + "Far range:\n" + tBounds[1] + " < R <= " + tBounds[2];
+ tNBTList.appendTag(new NBTTagString(tPageText));
+ tNBT.setString("author", tPos);
tNBT.setTag("pages", tNBTList);
+ setNBT(aStack, tNBT);
- setNBT(aStack, tNBT);
+ }
+ public static void fillBookWithList(NBTTagList aBook, String aPageHeader, String aListDelimiter, int aItemsPerPage, String[] list) {
+ String aPageFormatter = " %d/%d";
+ int tTotalPages = list.length / aItemsPerPage + (list.length % aItemsPerPage > 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ int tPage = 0;
+ String tPageText;
+ do {
+ tPageText = "";
+ for (int i = tPage*aItemsPerPage; i < (tPage+1)*aItemsPerPage && i < list.length; i += 1)
+ tPageText += (tPageText.isEmpty() ? "" : aListDelimiter) + list[i];
+ if (!tPageText.isEmpty()) {
+ String tPageCounter = tTotalPages > 1 ? String.format(aPageFormatter, tPage + 1, tTotalPages) : "";
+ NBTTagString tPageTag = new NBTTagString(String.format(aPageHeader, tPageCounter) + tPageText);
+ aBook.appendTag(tPageTag);
+ }
+ ++tPage;
+ } while (!tPageText.isEmpty());
public static void addEnchantment(ItemStack aStack, Enchantment aEnchantment, int aLevel) {