path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/common/covers/GT_Cover_Pump.java
diff options
authorShawn Buckley <shawntbuckley@gmail.com>2015-10-21 20:46:52 -0400
committerShawn Buckley <shawntbuckley@gmail.com>2015-10-21 20:46:52 -0400
commit1185424fa7c692f9932623b965a99392d969e3c5 (patch)
tree39e19727dac27a4eff09a036fc27a1ee827d18a7 /src/main/java/gregtech/common/covers/GT_Cover_Pump.java
parent9d85f43d5642c7683ad2877c66c6fc70b5be8928 (diff)
Move source files
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/common/covers/GT_Cover_Pump.java')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/covers/GT_Cover_Pump.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/covers/GT_Cover_Pump.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a97211d846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/covers/GT_Cover_Pump.java
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+package gregtech.common.covers;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.ICoverable;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IMachineProgress;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_CoverBehavior;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
+import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidHandler;
+public class GT_Cover_Pump
+ extends GT_CoverBehavior
+ public final int mTransferRate;
+ public GT_Cover_Pump(int aTransferRate)
+ {
+ this.mTransferRate = aTransferRate;
+ }
+ public int doCoverThings(byte aSide, byte aInputRedstone, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, long aTimer)
+ {
+ if ((aCoverVariable % 6 > 1) && ((aTileEntity instanceof IMachineProgress))) {
+ if (((IMachineProgress)aTileEntity).isAllowedToWork() != aCoverVariable % 6 < 4) {
+ return aCoverVariable;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((aTileEntity instanceof IFluidHandler))
+ {
+ IFluidHandler tTank2 = aTileEntity.getITankContainerAtSide(aSide);
+ if (tTank2 != null)
+ {
+ aTileEntity.decreaseStoredEnergyUnits(GT_Utility.getTier(this.mTransferRate), true);
+ IFluidHandler tTank1 = (IFluidHandler)aTileEntity;
+ if (aCoverVariable % 2 == 0)
+ {
+ FluidStack tLiquid = tTank1.drain(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide), this.mTransferRate, false);
+ if (tLiquid != null)
+ {
+ tLiquid = tLiquid.copy();
+ tLiquid.amount = tTank2.fill(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide).getOpposite(), tLiquid, false);
+ if (tLiquid.amount > 0) {
+ if (((aCoverVariable % 2 != 1) || (aSide != 1)) && ((aCoverVariable % 2 != 0) || (aSide != 0)) && (aTileEntity.getUniversalEnergyCapacity() >= Math.min(1, tLiquid.amount / 10)))
+ {
+ if (aTileEntity.isUniversalEnergyStored(Math.min(1, tLiquid.amount / 10)))
+ {
+ aTileEntity.decreaseStoredEnergyUnits(Math.min(1, tLiquid.amount / 10), true);
+ tTank2.fill(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide).getOpposite(), tTank1.drain(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide), tLiquid.amount, true), true);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tTank2.fill(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide).getOpposite(), tTank1.drain(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide), tLiquid.amount, true), true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FluidStack tLiquid = tTank2.drain(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide).getOpposite(), this.mTransferRate, false);
+ if (tLiquid != null)
+ {
+ tLiquid = tLiquid.copy();
+ tLiquid.amount = tTank1.fill(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide), tLiquid, false);
+ if (tLiquid.amount > 0) {
+ if (((aCoverVariable % 2 != 1) || (aSide != 1)) && ((aCoverVariable % 2 != 0) || (aSide != 0)) && (aTileEntity.getUniversalEnergyCapacity() >= Math.min(1, tLiquid.amount / 10)))
+ {
+ if (aTileEntity.isUniversalEnergyStored(Math.min(1, tLiquid.amount / 10)))
+ {
+ aTileEntity.decreaseStoredEnergyUnits(Math.min(1, tLiquid.amount / 10), true);
+ tTank1.fill(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide), tTank2.drain(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide).getOpposite(), tLiquid.amount, true), true);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tTank1.fill(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide), tTank2.drain(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide).getOpposite(), tLiquid.amount, true), true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aCoverVariable;
+ }
+ public int onCoverScrewdriverclick(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ)
+ {
+ aCoverVariable = (aCoverVariable + 1) % 12;
+ if (aCoverVariable == 0) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Export");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 1) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Import");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 2) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Export (conditional)");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 3) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Import (conditional)");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 4) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Export (invert cond)");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 5) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Import (invert cond)");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 6) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Export allow Input");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 7) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Import allow Output");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 8) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Export allow Input (conditional)");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 9) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Import allow Output (conditional)");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 10) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Export allow Input (invert cond)");
+ }
+ if (aCoverVariable == 11) {
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Import allow Output (invert cond)");
+ }
+ return aCoverVariable;
+ }
+ public boolean letsRedstoneGoIn(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean letsRedstoneGoOut(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean letsEnergyIn(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean letsEnergyOut(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean letsItemsIn(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, int aSlot, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean letsItemsOut(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, int aSlot, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean letsFluidIn(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, Fluid aFluid, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ if ((aCoverVariable > 1) && ((aTileEntity instanceof IMachineProgress))) {
+ if (((IMachineProgress)aTileEntity).isAllowedToWork() != aCoverVariable % 6 < 4) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return (aCoverVariable >= 6) || (aCoverVariable % 2 != 0);
+ }
+ public boolean letsFluidOut(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, Fluid aFluid, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ if ((aCoverVariable > 1) && ((aTileEntity instanceof IMachineProgress))) {
+ if (((IMachineProgress)aTileEntity).isAllowedToWork() != aCoverVariable % 6 < 4) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return (aCoverVariable >= 6) || (aCoverVariable % 2 == 0);
+ }
+ public boolean alwaysLookConnected(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public int getTickRate(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+/* Location: F:\Torrent\minecraft\jd-gui-0.3.6.windows\gregtech_1.7.10-5.07.07-dev.jar
+ * Qualified Name: gregtech.common.covers.GT_Cover_Pump
+ * JD-Core Version:
+ */ \ No newline at end of file