path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/nei/GT_NEI_AssLineHandler.java
diff options
authorGlease <4586901+Glease@users.noreply.github.com>2022-08-14 14:54:42 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-08-14 08:54:42 +0200
commitcb9274cacbed31df2169438c2d0ffcb2bb9471b6 (patch)
tree607e4e6955c72364eaf45fe5a49824111f57baa6 /src/main/java/gregtech/nei/GT_NEI_AssLineHandler.java
parent35c9f23b9c7667250ebd589a52c2f2b1cc01bb62 (diff)
do not cache result of GuiColors if the object is not short-lived (#1254)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/nei/GT_NEI_AssLineHandler.java')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/nei/GT_NEI_AssLineHandler.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/nei/GT_NEI_AssLineHandler.java
index df4c61dee7..35da96918f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/nei/GT_NEI_AssLineHandler.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/nei/GT_NEI_AssLineHandler.java
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class GT_NEI_AssLineHandler extends RecipeMapHandler {
* Can be referenced from cached recipes.
public static int cycleTicksStatic = Math.abs((int) System.currentTimeMillis());
- private final int textColor = GuiColors.NEIText.getColor();
+ private final GuiColors textColor = GuiColors.NEIText;
static {
GuiContainerManager.addInputHandler(new GT_RectHandler());
@@ -245,66 +245,66 @@ public class GT_NEI_AssLineHandler extends RecipeMapHandler {
String[] recipeDesc = recipe.getNeiDesc();
if (recipeDesc == null) {
if (tEUt != 0) {
- drawText(10, 73, trans("152","Total: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers((long) tDuration * tEUt) + " EU", textColor);
- drawText(10, 83, trans("153","Usage: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(tEUt) + " EU/t", textColor);
+ drawText(10, 73, trans("152","Total: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers((long) tDuration * tEUt) + " EU", textColor.getColor());
+ drawText(10, 83, trans("153","Usage: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(tEUt) + " EU/t", textColor.getColor());
if (this.mRecipeMap.mShowVoltageAmperageInNEI) {
int voltage = tEUt / this.mRecipeMap.mAmperage;
byte tier = GT_Utility.getTier(voltage);
if (tier < 0 || tier >= 16) {
- drawText(10, 93, trans("154", "Voltage: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(voltage) + " EU", textColor);
+ drawText(10, 93, trans("154", "Voltage: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(voltage) + " EU", textColor.getColor());
} else {
- drawText(10, 93, trans("154","Voltage: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(voltage) + " EU (" + GT_Values.VN[tier] + ")", textColor);
+ drawText(10, 93, trans("154","Voltage: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(voltage) + " EU (" + GT_Values.VN[tier] + ")", textColor.getColor());
- drawText(10, 103, trans("155","Amperage: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(this.mRecipeMap.mAmperage), textColor);
+ drawText(10, 103, trans("155","Amperage: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(this.mRecipeMap.mAmperage), textColor.getColor());
} else {
- drawText(10, 93, trans("156","Voltage: unspecified"), textColor);
- drawText(10, 103, trans("157","Amperage: unspecified"), textColor);
+ drawText(10, 93, trans("156","Voltage: unspecified"), textColor.getColor());
+ drawText(10, 103, trans("157","Amperage: unspecified"), textColor.getColor());
if (tDuration > 0) {
- drawText(10, 113, trans("158","Time: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(0.05d * tDuration) + trans("161"," secs"), textColor);
+ drawText(10, 113, trans("158","Time: ") + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(0.05d * tDuration) + trans("161"," secs"), textColor.getColor());
int tSpecial = ((CachedDefaultRecipe) this.arecipes.get(aRecipeIndex)).mRecipe.mSpecialValue;
boolean specialDrew = false;
if (tSpecial == -100 && GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mLowGravProcessing) {
- drawText(10, 123, trans("159","Needs Low Gravity"), textColor);
+ drawText(10, 123, trans("159","Needs Low Gravity"), textColor.getColor());
specialDrew = true;
} else if (tSpecial == -200 && GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mEnableCleanroom) {
- drawText(10, 123, trans("160","Needs Cleanroom"), textColor);
+ drawText(10, 123, trans("160","Needs Cleanroom"), textColor.getColor());
specialDrew = true;
} else if (tSpecial == -201) {
- drawText(10, 123, trans("206","Scan for Assembly Line"), textColor);
+ drawText(10, 123, trans("206","Scan for Assembly Line"), textColor.getColor());
specialDrew = true;
} else if ((GT_Utility.isStringValid(this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePre)) || (GT_Utility.isStringValid(this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePost))) {
- drawText(10, 123, this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePre + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(tSpecial * this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValueMultiplier) + this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePost, textColor);
+ drawText(10, 123, this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePre + GT_Utility.formatNumbers(tSpecial * this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValueMultiplier) + this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePost, textColor.getColor());
specialDrew = true;
int y = 123 + (specialDrew ? 10 : 0);
if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNEIRecipeOwner) {
if (recipe.owners.size() > 1) {
- drawText(10, y, EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + GT_Utility.trans("226", "Original Recipe by: ") + recipe.owners.get(0).getName(), textColor);
+ drawText(10, y, EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + GT_Utility.trans("226", "Original Recipe by: ") + recipe.owners.get(0).getName(), textColor.getColor());
y += 10;
for (int i = 1; i < recipe.owners.size(); i++) {
- drawText(10, y, EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + GT_Utility.trans("227", "Modified by: ") + recipe.owners.get(i).getName(), textColor);
+ drawText(10, y, EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + GT_Utility.trans("227", "Modified by: ") + recipe.owners.get(i).getName(), textColor.getColor());
y += 10;
} else if (recipe.owners.size() > 0) {
- drawText(10, y, EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + GT_Utility.trans("225", "Recipe by: ") + recipe.owners.get(0).getName(), textColor);
+ drawText(10, y, EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + GT_Utility.trans("225", "Recipe by: ") + recipe.owners.get(0).getName(), textColor.getColor());
y += 10;
if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNEIRecipeOwnerStackTrace && recipe.stackTraces != null && !recipe.stackTraces.isEmpty()) {
- drawText(10, y, "stackTrace:", textColor);
+ drawText(10, y, "stackTrace:", textColor.getColor());
y += 10;
for (StackTraceElement stackTrace : recipe.stackTraces.get(0)) {
- drawText(10, y, stackTrace.toString(), textColor);
+ drawText(10, y, stackTrace.toString(), textColor.getColor());
y += 10;
} else {
int i = 0;
for (String descLine : recipeDesc) {
- drawText(10, 73 + 10 * i, descLine, textColor);
+ drawText(10, 73 + 10 * i, descLine, textColor.getColor());