path: root/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core
diff options
authorAlkalus <3060479+draknyte1@users.noreply.github.com>2022-01-29 19:15:48 +0000
committerAlkalus <3060479+draknyte1@users.noreply.github.com>2022-01-29 19:15:48 +0000
commitc0da5cc4ea19dfb2a05e64ce09d808b4efdc95b1 (patch)
tree2b549b5dfe3f80421ae2d45e041f929ea46d59aa /src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core
parentb926dfb3bc67b74b53749a3e420a8a6ce0fba6a7 (diff)
parent0de849179b344dfddc68393aaa23b3b75b307670 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GTplusplus into St00f
# Conflicts: # .gitignore # dependencies.gradle # src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/config/ConfigHandler.java # src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/BaseItemComponent.java # src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/basic/GregtechMetaWirelessCharger.java # src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/production/GregtechMetaTileEntity_MassFabricator.java # src/main/resources/assets/miscutils/lang/en_US.lang
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core')
37 files changed, 1886 insertions, 1958 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/ModBlocks.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/ModBlocks.java
index b51915bb7b..5b29d9a636 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/ModBlocks.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/ModBlocks.java
@@ -13,11 +13,22 @@ import gtPlusPlus.core.block.general.PlayerDoors;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.general.antigrief.BlockWitherProof;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.general.redstone.BlockGenericRedstoneDetector;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.general.redstone.BlockGenericRedstoneTest;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.*;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.CircuitProgrammer;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.DecayablesChest;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.EggBox;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.FishTrap;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.HeliumGenerator;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.Machine_ModularityTable;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.Machine_PestKiller;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.Machine_PooCollector;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.Machine_ProjectTable;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.Machine_RoundRobinator;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.Machine_SuperJukebox;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.Machine_TradeTable;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.VolumetricFlaskSetter;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.bedrock.Mining_Head_Fake;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.bedrock.Mining_Pipe_Fake;
import gtPlusPlus.core.fluids.FluidRegistryHandler;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.Meta_GT_Proxy;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
@@ -32,8 +43,6 @@ public final class ModBlocks {
public static Block blockFakeMiningHead;
public static Block blockFishTrap;
- public static Block blockWorkbench;
- public static Block blockWorkbenchAdvanced;
public static Block blockDecayablesChest;
public static Block blockEggBox;
@@ -50,6 +59,7 @@ public final class ModBlocks {
public static Block blockCasings5Misc;
public static Block blockCasingsTieredGTPP;
public static Block blockSpecialMultiCasings;
+ public static Block blockSpecialMultiCasings2;
public static Block blockCustomMachineCasings;
public static Block blockMetaTileEntity;
@@ -109,8 +119,6 @@ public final class ModBlocks {
- blockWorkbench = new Machine_Workbench().setHardness(1.5F);
- blockWorkbenchAdvanced = new Machine_WorkbenchAdvanced().setHardness(2.5F);
blockHeliumGenerator = new HeliumGenerator();
blockFirePit = new FirePit();
blockFishTrap = new FishTrap();
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/general/BlockCompressedObsidian.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/general/BlockCompressedObsidian.java
index 03ca846b7d..2cf40160a3 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/general/BlockCompressedObsidian.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/general/BlockCompressedObsidian.java
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
public class BlockCompressedObsidian extends BlockObsidian {
- private final IIcon textureArray[] = new IIcon[6];
+ private final IIcon textureArray[] = new IIcon[11];
public BlockCompressedObsidian() {
@@ -36,9 +36,12 @@ public class BlockCompressedObsidian extends BlockObsidian {
public MapColor getMapColor(final int meta) {
- if (meta != 5) {
+ if (meta < 5) {
return MapColor.obsidianColor;
+ if (meta > 5) {
+ return MapColor.goldColor;
+ }
else {
return MapColor.sandColor;
@@ -53,6 +56,11 @@ public class BlockCompressedObsidian extends BlockObsidian {
this.textureArray[3] = iicon.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "compressed/" + "obsidian4");
this.textureArray[4] = iicon.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "compressed/" + "obsidian5");
this.textureArray[5] = iicon.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "compressed/" + "obsidian_invert");
+ this.textureArray[6] = iicon.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "compressed/" + "glowstone1");
+ this.textureArray[7] = iicon.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "compressed/" + "glowstone2");
+ this.textureArray[8] = iicon.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "compressed/" + "glowstone3");
+ this.textureArray[9] = iicon.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "compressed/" + "glowstone4");
+ this.textureArray[10] = iicon.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "compressed/" + "glowstone5");
@@ -71,7 +79,7 @@ public class BlockCompressedObsidian extends BlockObsidian {
public void getSubBlocks(final Item item, final CreativeTabs tab, final List list) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
list.add(new ItemStack(item, 1, i));
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/machine/Machine_Workbench.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/machine/Machine_Workbench.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c08612042..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/machine/Machine_Workbench.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.Optional;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
-import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
-import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
-import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
-import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureType;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
-import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
-import net.minecraft.world.IBlockAccess;
-import net.minecraft.world.World;
-import gtPlusPlus.GTplusplus;
-import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.creative.AddToCreativeTab;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbench;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.PlayerUtils;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.util.reflect.ReflectionUtils;
-import ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrench;
-@Optional.Interface(iface = "crazypants.enderio.api.tool.ITool", modid = "EnderIO")
-public class Machine_Workbench extends BlockContainer
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- private IIcon textureTop;
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- private IIcon textureBottom;
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- private IIcon textureFront;
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
- public Machine_Workbench()
- {
- super(Material.iron);
- this.setBlockName("blockWorkbenchGT");
- this.setCreativeTab(AddToCreativeTab.tabMachines);
- GameRegistry.registerBlock(this, "blockWorkbenchGT");
- LanguageRegistry.addName(this, "Bronze Workbench");
- }
- /**
- * Gets the block's texture. Args: side, meta
- */
- @Override
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- public IIcon getIcon(final int p_149691_1_, final int p_149691_2_)
- {
- return p_149691_1_ == 1 ? this.textureTop : (p_149691_1_ == 0 ? this.textureBottom : ((p_149691_1_ != 2) && (p_149691_1_ != 4) ? this.blockIcon : this.textureFront));
- }
- @Override
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- public void registerBlockIcons(final IIconRegister p_149651_1_)
- {
- this.blockIcon = p_149651_1_.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "TileEntities/" + "bronze_side_cabinet");
- this.textureTop = p_149651_1_.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "TileEntities/" + "bronze_top_crafting");
- this.textureBottom = p_149651_1_.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "TileEntities/" + "bronze_side");
- this.textureFront = p_149651_1_.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "TileEntities/" + "bronze_side_cabinet");
- }
- /**
- * Called upon block activation (right click on the block.)
- */
- @Override
- public boolean onBlockActivated(final World world, final int x, final int y, final int z, final EntityPlayer player, final int side, final float lx, final float ly, final float lz)
- {
- ItemStack heldItem = null;
- if (world.isRemote){
- heldItem = PlayerUtils.getItemStackInPlayersHand();
- }
- boolean holdingWrench = false;
- if (heldItem != null){
- holdingWrench = isWrench(heldItem);
- }
- if (world.isRemote) {
- return true;
- }
- final TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
- if ((te != null) && (te instanceof TileEntityWorkbench))
- {
- if (!holdingWrench){
- player.openGui(GTplusplus.instance, 3, world, x, y, z);
- return true;
- }
- Logger.INFO("Holding a Wrench, doing wrench things instead.");
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(final World world, final int p_149915_2_) {
- return new TileEntityWorkbench();
- }
- public static boolean isWrench(final ItemStack item){
- if (item.getItem() instanceof ItemToolWrench){
- return true;
- }
- if (LoadedMods.BuildCraft){
- return checkBuildcraftWrench(item);
- }
- if (LoadedMods.EnderIO){
- return checkEnderIOWrench(item);
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Optional.Method(modid = "EnderIO")
- private static boolean checkEnderIOWrench(final ItemStack item) {
- if (ReflectionUtils.doesClassExist("crazypants.enderio.api.tool.ITool")) {
- Class<?> wrenchClass;
- wrenchClass = ReflectionUtils.getClass("crazypants.enderio.api.tool.ITool");
- if (wrenchClass.isInstance(item.getItem())) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Optional.Method(modid = "Buildcraft")
- private static boolean checkBuildcraftWrench(final ItemStack item) {
- if (ReflectionUtils.doesClassExist("buildcraft.api.tools.IToolWrench")) {
- Class<?> wrenchClass;
- wrenchClass = ReflectionUtils.getClass("buildcraft.api.tools.IToolWrench");
- if (wrenchClass.isInstance(item.getItem())) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean canCreatureSpawn(final EnumCreatureType type, final IBlockAccess world, final int x, final int y, final int z) {
- return false;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/machine/Machine_WorkbenchAdvanced.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/machine/Machine_WorkbenchAdvanced.java
deleted file mode 100644
index af2f9f82e0..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/block/machine/Machine_WorkbenchAdvanced.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
-import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
-import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
-import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
-import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
-import net.minecraft.world.World;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.creative.AddToCreativeTab;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced;
-public class Machine_WorkbenchAdvanced extends BlockContainer
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- private IIcon textureTop;
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- private IIcon textureBottom;
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- private IIcon textureFront;
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
- public Machine_WorkbenchAdvanced()
- {
- super(Material.iron);
- this.setBlockName("blockWorkbenchGTAdvanced");
- this.setCreativeTab(AddToCreativeTab.tabMachines);
- GameRegistry.registerBlock(this, "blockWorkbenchGTAdvanced");
- LanguageRegistry.addName(this, "Advanced Workbench");
- }
- /**
- * Gets the block's texture. Args: side, meta
- */
- @Override
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- public IIcon getIcon(final int p_149691_1_, final int p_149691_2_)
- {
- return p_149691_1_ == 1 ? this.textureTop : (p_149691_1_ == 0 ? this.textureBottom : ((p_149691_1_ != 2) && (p_149691_1_ != 4) ? this.blockIcon : this.textureFront));
- }
- @Override
- @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
- public void registerBlockIcons(final IIconRegister p_149651_1_)
- {
- this.blockIcon = p_149651_1_.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "TileEntities/" + "machine_top");
- this.textureTop = p_149651_1_.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "TileEntities/" + "cover_crafting");
- this.textureBottom = p_149651_1_.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "TileEntities/" + "machine_top");
- this.textureFront = p_149651_1_.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "TileEntities/" + "machine_top");
- }
- /**
- * Called upon block activation (right click on the block.)
- */
- @Override
- public boolean onBlockActivated(final World world, final int x, final int y, final int z, final EntityPlayer player, final int side, final float lx, final float ly, final float lz)
- {
- /*final ItemStack heldItem = PlayerUtils.getItemStackInPlayersHand(player);
- if (world.isRemote) {
- return true;
- }
- boolean holdingWrench = false;
- if (heldItem != null){
- if (heldItem.getItem() instanceof ItemToolWrench){
- holdingWrench = true;
- }
- else if (heldItem.getItem() instanceof IToolWrench){
- holdingWrench = true;
- }
- else if (heldItem.getItem() instanceof ITool){
- holdingWrench = true;
- }
- else if (heldItem.getItem() instanceof GT_MetaGenerated_Tool){
- GT_MetaGenerated_Tool testTool = (GT_MetaGenerated_Tool) heldItem.getItem();
- if (testTool.canWrench(player, x, y, z)){
- holdingWrench = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- holdingWrench = false;
- }
- }
- final TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
- if ((te != null) && (te instanceof TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced))
- {
- if (!holdingWrench){
- player.openGui(GTplusplus.instance, 4, world, x, y, z);
- return true;
- }
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Holding a Wrench, doing wrench things instead.");
- }*/
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(final World world, final int p_149915_2_) {
- return new TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced(128000, 2);
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/config/ConfigHandler.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/config/ConfigHandler.java
index d89d320da5..951b10b432 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/config/ConfigHandler.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/config/ConfigHandler.java
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class ConfigHandler {
disableZombieReinforcement = config.getBoolean("disableZombieReinforcement", "features", false, "Disables Zombie Reinforcement on hard difficutly.");
enableWatchdogBGM = config.getInt("enableWatchdogBGM", "features", 0, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE, "Set to a value greater than 0 to reduce the ticks taken to delay between BGM tracks. Acceptable Values are 1-32767, where 0 is disabled. Vanilla Uses 12,000 & 24,000. 200 is 10s.");
hideUniversalCells = config.getBoolean("hideUniversalCells", "features", true, "Hides every filled IC2 Universal Cell from NEI.");
// Biomes
EVERGLADES_ID = config.getInt("darkworld_ID", "worldgen", 227, 1, 254, "The ID of the Dark Dimension.");
EVERGLADESBIOME_ID = config.getInt("darkbiome_ID", "worldgen", 238, 1, 254, "The biome within the Dark Dimension.");
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ public class ConfigHandler {
pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMultiMachine_ModeMisc = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMultiMachine_ModeMisc", pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMultiMachine_ModeMisc, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large processing factory in misc mode").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMultiMachine_ModeMisc);
pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeForming = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeForming", pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeForming, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial material press in forming mode").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeForming);
pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeBending = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeBending", pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeBending, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial material press in bending mode").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeBending);
+ pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialForgeHammer = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialForgeHammer", pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialForgeHammer, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial Forge Hammer").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialForgeHammer);
pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialSifter = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialSifter", pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialSifter, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large Sifter").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialSifter);
pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialThermalCentrifuge = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialThermalCentrifuge", pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialThermalCentrifuge, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large thermal refinery").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialThermalCentrifuge);
pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialVacuumFreezer = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialVacuumFreezer", pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialVacuumFreezer, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Cryogenic freezer").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialVacuumFreezer);
@@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ public class ConfigHandler {
pollutionPerSecondMultiTreeFarm = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiTreeFarm", pollutionPerSecondMultiTreeFarm, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Tree growth simulator").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiTreeFarm);
pollutionPerSecondMultiFrothFlotationCell = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiFrothFlotationCell", pollutionPerSecondMultiFrothFlotationCell, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Flotation cell regulator").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiFrothFlotationCell);
pollutionPerSecondMultiAutoCrafter = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiAutoCrafter", pollutionPerSecondMultiAutoCrafter, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large-Scale auto assembler v1.01").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiAutoCrafter);
+ pollutionPerSecondMultiMolecularTransformer = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiMolecularTransformer", pollutionPerSecondMultiMolecularTransformer, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Multiblock Molecular Transformer").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiMolecularTransformer);
pollutionPerSecondMultiThermalBoiler = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiThermalBoiler", pollutionPerSecondMultiThermalBoiler, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Thermal boiler").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiThermalBoiler);
pollutionPerSecondMultiAlgaePond = config.get("pollution", "pollutionPerSecondMultiAlgaePond", pollutionPerSecondMultiAlgaePond, "pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Algae farm").getInt(pollutionPerSecondMultiAlgaePond);
basePollutionPerSecondSemiFluidGenerator = config.get("pollution", "basePollutionPerSecondSemiFluidGenerator", basePollutionPerSecondSemiFluidGenerator, "base pollution rate in gibbl/s for the single block semi fluid generators").getInt(basePollutionPerSecondSemiFluidGenerator);
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/container/Container_Workbench.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/container/Container_Workbench.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 55ef1a3d0c..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/container/Container_Workbench.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.core.container;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.inventory.*;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager;
-import net.minecraft.world.World;
-import gregtech.api.gui.GT_Slot_Holo;
-import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.block.ModBlocks;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.interfaces.IItemBlueprint;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.InventoryWorkbenchChest;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.InventoryWorkbenchHoloSlots;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.InventoryWorkbenchTools;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.item.general.ItemBlueprint;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.slots.*;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbench;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
-public class Container_Workbench extends Container {
- protected TileEntityWorkbench tile_entity;
- public InventoryCrafting craftMatrix = new InventoryCrafting(this, 3, 3);
- public final InventoryWorkbenchChest inventoryChest;
- public final InventoryWorkbenchTools inventoryTool;
- public final InventoryWorkbenchHoloSlots inventoryHolo;
- //public final InventoryWorkbenchHoloCrafting inventoryCrafting;
- private final World worldObj;
- private final int posX;
- private final int posY;
- private final int posZ;
- public static int HoloSlotNumber = 6;
- public static int InputSlotNumber = 0; //Number of Slots in the Crafting Grid
- public static int StorageSlotNumber = 16; //Number of slots in storage area
- public static int ToolSlotNumber = 5; // Number of slots in the tool area up top
- public static int InOutputSlotNumber = InputSlotNumber + StorageSlotNumber + ToolSlotNumber + HoloSlotNumber; //Same plus Output Slot
- public static int InventorySlotNumber = 36; //Inventory Slots (Inventory and Hotbar)
- public static int InventoryOutSlotNumber = InventorySlotNumber + 1; //Inventory Slot Number + Output
- public static int FullSlotNumber = InventorySlotNumber + InOutputSlotNumber; //All slots
- private final int slotOutput = 0;
- private final int[] slotHolo = new int[5];
- private final int[] slotCrafting = new int[9];
- private final int[] slotStorage = new int[16];
- private final int[] slotTools = new int[5];
- public void moveCraftingToChest(){
- //Check Chest Space
- for (int i=0;i<9;i++){
- if (this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i) != null){
- for (int r=0;r<16;r++){
- if ((this.inventoryChest.getStackInSlot(r) == null) || ((this.inventoryChest.getStackInSlot(r).getItem() == this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i).getItem()) && ((64-this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i).stackSize) <= (64-this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i).stackSize)))){
- this.inventoryChest.setInventorySlotContents(r, this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i));
- this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(i, null);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //For Each Space or already existing itemstack, move one itemstack or fill current partial stack
- //Remove old itemstack or partial stack from crafting grid
- }
- public void moveChestToCrafting(){
- //Check Crafting items and slots
- for (int i=0;i<9;i++){
- if ((this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i) == null) || (this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i).stackSize > 0)){
- for (int r=0;r<16;r++){
- if (this.inventoryChest.getStackInSlot(r) != null){
- this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(i, this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(r));
- this.inventoryChest.setInventorySlotContents(r, null);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //For Each already existing itemstack, fill current partial stack
- //Remove partial stack from chest area
- }
- public Container_Workbench(final InventoryPlayer inventory, final TileEntityWorkbench tile){
- this.tile_entity = tile;
- this.inventoryChest = tile.inventoryChest;
- this.inventoryTool = tile.inventoryTool;
- this.inventoryHolo = tile.inventoryHolo;
- //this.inventoryCrafting = tile.inventoryCrafting;
- int var6;
- int var7;
- this.worldObj = tile.getWorldObj();
- this.posX = tile.xCoord;
- this.posY = tile.yCoord;
- this.posZ = tile.zCoord;
- int o=0;
- //Output slot
- this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotOutput(inventory.player, this.craftMatrix, tile.inventoryCraftResult, 0, 136, 64));
- //Util Slots
- this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotBlueprint(this.inventoryHolo, 1, 136, 28)); //Blueprint
- this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(this.inventoryHolo, 2, 154, 28)); //Hopper
- this.addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(this.inventoryHolo, 3, 154, 64, false, false, 64)); //Parking
- //Holo Slots
- this.addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(this.inventoryHolo, 4, 154, 46, false, false, 1));
- this.addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(this.inventoryHolo, 5, 136, 46, false, false, 1));
- for (int i=1; i<6; i++){
- this.slotHolo[o] = o+1;
- o++;
- }
- o=0;
- this.updateCraftingMatrix();
- //Crafting Grid
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 3; ++var6)
- {
- for (var7 = 0; var7 < 3; ++var7)
- {
- //this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(this.craftMatrix, var7 + (var6 * 3), 82 + (var7 * 18), 28 + (var6 * 18)));
- /*if (this.inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(o) != null){
- this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(o, inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(o));
- this.inventoryCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(o, null);
- } */
- this.slotCrafting[o] = o+6;
- o++;
- }
- }
- o=0;
- //Storage Side
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 4; ++var6)
- {
- for (var7 = 0; var7 < 4; ++var7)
- {
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("Adding slots at var:"+(var7 + var6 * 4)+" x:"+(8 + var7 * 18)+" y:"+(7 + var6 * 18));
- this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(this.inventoryChest, var7 + (var6 * 4), 8 + (var7 * 18), 7 + (var6 * 18)));
- this.slotStorage[o] = o+15;
- o++;
- }
- }
- o=0;
- //Tool Slots
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 1; ++var6)
- {
- for (var7 = 0; var7 < 5; ++var7)
- {
- this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotGtTool(this.inventoryTool, var7 + (var6 * 3), 82 + (var7 * 18), 8 + (var6 * 18)));
- this.slotTools[o] = o+31;
- o++;
- }
- }
- //Player Inventory
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 3; ++var6)
- {
- for (var7 = 0; var7 < 9; ++var7)
- {
- this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(inventory, var7 + (var6 * 9) + 9, 8 + (var7 * 18), 84 + (var6 * 18)));
- }
- }
- //Player Hotbar
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 9; ++var6)
- {
- this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(inventory, var6, 8 + (var6 * 18), 142));
- }
- this.onCraftMatrixChanged(this.craftMatrix);
- }
- @Override
- public ItemStack slotClick(final int aSlotIndex, final int aMouseclick, final int aShifthold, final EntityPlayer aPlayer){
- if (!aPlayer.worldObj.isRemote){
- if ((aSlotIndex == 999) || (aSlotIndex == -999)){
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("??? - "+aSlotIndex);
- }
- if (aSlotIndex == this.slotOutput){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked on the output slot");
- //TODO
- }
- for (final int x : this.slotHolo){
- if (aSlotIndex == x){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the Holo Grid");
- if (x == 1){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Blueprint slot in the Holo Grid");
- }
- else if (x == 2){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Right Arrow slot in the Holo Grid");
- if (this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(1) != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Found an ItemStack.");
- if (this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(1).getItem() instanceof IItemBlueprint){
- Logger.WARNING("Found a blueprint.");
- final ItemStack tempBlueprint = this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(1);
- final ItemBlueprint tempItemBlueprint = (ItemBlueprint) tempBlueprint.getItem();
- if ((this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(0) != null) && !tempItemBlueprint.hasBlueprint(tempBlueprint)){
- Logger.WARNING("Output slot was not empty.");
- Logger.WARNING("Trying to manipulate NBT data on the blueprint stack, then replace it with the new one.");
- tempItemBlueprint.setBlueprint(this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(1), this.craftMatrix, this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(0));
- final ItemStack newTempBlueprint = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(tempItemBlueprint);
- this.inventoryHolo.setInventorySlotContents(1, newTempBlueprint);
- Logger.WARNING(ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(tempItemBlueprint.getBlueprint(newTempBlueprint)));
- }
- else {
- if (tempItemBlueprint.hasBlueprint(tempBlueprint)){
- Logger.WARNING("Blueprint already holds a recipe.");
- }
- else {
- Logger.WARNING("Output slot was empty.");
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- Logger.WARNING("ItemStack found was not a blueprint.");
- }
- }
- else {
- Logger.WARNING("No ItemStack found in Blueprint slot.");
- }
- }
- else if (x == 3){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Big [P] slot in the Holo Grid");
- }
- else if (x == 4){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Transfer to Crafting Grid slot in the Holo Grid");
- }
- else if (x == 5){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Transfer to Storage Grid slot in the Holo Grid");
- }
- }
- }
- for (final int x : this.slotCrafting){
- if (aSlotIndex == x){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the crafting Grid");
- }
- }
- for (final int x : this.slotStorage){
- if (aSlotIndex == x){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the storage Grid");
- }
- }
- for (final int x : this.slotTools){
- if (aSlotIndex == x){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the tool Grid");
- }
- }
- }
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the Grid");
- return super.slotClick(aSlotIndex, aMouseclick, aShifthold, aPlayer);
- }
- private void updateCraftingMatrix() {
- for (int i = 0; i < this.craftMatrix.getSizeInventory(); i++) {
- //this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(i, this.tile_entity.inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(i));
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onCraftMatrixChanged(final IInventory iiventory) {
- this.tile_entity.inventoryCraftResult.setInventorySlotContents(0, CraftingManager.getInstance().findMatchingRecipe(this.craftMatrix, this.worldObj));
- }
- @Override
- public void onContainerClosed(final EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
- {
- super.onContainerClosed(par1EntityPlayer);
- this.saveCraftingMatrix();
- }
- private void saveCraftingMatrix() {
- for (int i = 0; i < this.craftMatrix.getSizeInventory(); i++) {
- //this.tile_entity.inventoryCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(i, this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i));
- }
- }
- /*@Override
- public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory par1IInventory){
- //Custom Recipe Handler
- //craftResult.setInventorySlotContents(0, Workbench_CraftingHandler.getInstance().findMatchingRecipe(craftMatrix, worldObj));
- //Vanilla CraftingManager
- Utils.LOG_WARNING("checking crafting grid for a valid output.");
- ItemStack temp = CraftingManager.getInstance().findMatchingRecipe(craftMatrix, worldObj);
- if (temp != null){
- Utils.LOG_WARNING("Output found. "+temp.getDisplayName()+" x"+temp.stackSize);
- craftResult.setInventorySlotContents(slotOutput, temp);
- }
- else {
- Utils.LOG_WARNING("No Valid output found.");
- craftResult.setInventorySlotContents(slotOutput, null);
- }
- }*/
- /*@Override
- public void onContainerClosed(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
- {
- for (int o=0; o<craftMatrix.getSizeInventory(); o++){
- this.inventoryCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(o, craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(o));
- this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(o, null);
- }*/
- //super.onContainerClosed(par1EntityPlayer);
- /*if (worldObj.isRemote)
- {
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < InputSlotNumber; i++)
- {
- ItemStack itemstack = craftMatrix.getStackInSlotOnClosing(i);
- if (itemstack != null)
- {
- par1EntityPlayer.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(itemstack, false);
- }
- }*/
- @Override
- public boolean canInteractWith(final EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer){
- if (this.worldObj.getBlock(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ) != ModBlocks.blockWorkbench){
- return false;
- }
- return par1EntityPlayer.getDistanceSq(this.posX + 0.5D, this.posY + 0.5D, this.posZ + 0.5D) <= 64D;
- }
- @Override
- public ItemStack transferStackInSlot(final EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, final int par2)
- {
- ItemStack var3 = null;
- final Slot var4 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(par2);
- if ((var4 != null) && var4.getHasStack())
- {
- final ItemStack var5 = var4.getStack();
- var3 = var5.copy();
- if (par2 == 0)
- {
- if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, InOutputSlotNumber, FullSlotNumber, true))
- {
- return null;
- }
- var4.onSlotChange(var5, var3);
- }
- else if ((par2 >= InOutputSlotNumber) && (par2 < InventoryOutSlotNumber))
- {
- if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, InventoryOutSlotNumber, FullSlotNumber, false))
- {
- return null;
- }
- }
- else if ((par2 >= InventoryOutSlotNumber) && (par2 < FullSlotNumber))
- {
- if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, InOutputSlotNumber, InventoryOutSlotNumber, false))
- {
- return null;
- }
- }
- else if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, InOutputSlotNumber, FullSlotNumber, false))
- {
- return null;
- }
- if (var5.stackSize == 0)
- {
- var4.putStack((ItemStack)null);
- }
- else
- {
- var4.onSlotChanged();
- }
- if (var5.stackSize == var3.stackSize)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var4.onPickupFromSlot(par1EntityPlayer, var5);
- }
- return var3;
- }
- //Can merge Slot
- @Override
- public boolean func_94530_a(final ItemStack p_94530_1_, final Slot p_94530_2_) {
- return (p_94530_2_.inventory != this.tile_entity.inventoryCraftResult) && super.func_94530_a(p_94530_1_, p_94530_2_);
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/container/Container_WorkbenchAdvanced.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/container/Container_WorkbenchAdvanced.java
deleted file mode 100644
index dc499c570f..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/container/Container_WorkbenchAdvanced.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.core.container;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.inventory.*;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager;
-import net.minecraft.world.World;
-import gregtech.api.gui.GT_Slot_Holo;
-import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.block.ModBlocks;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.interfaces.IItemBlueprint;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.*;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.item.general.ItemBlueprint;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.slots.*;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
-public class Container_WorkbenchAdvanced extends Container {
- protected TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced tile_entity;
- public InventoryCrafting craftMatrix = new InventoryCrafting(this, 3, 3);
- public final InventoryWorkbenchChest inventoryChest;
- public final InventoryWorkbenchToolsElectric inventoryTool;
- public final InventoryWorkbenchHoloSlots inventoryHolo;
- public final InventoryWorkbenchHoloCrafting inventoryCrafting;
- private final World worldObj;
- private final int posX;
- private final int posY;
- private final int posZ;
- public static int HoloSlotNumber = 6;
- public static int InputSlotNumber = 9; //Number of Slots in the Crafting Grid
- public static int StorageSlotNumber = 16; //Number of slots in storage area
- public static int ToolSlotNumber = 5; // Number of slots in the tool area up top
- public static int InOutputSlotNumber = InputSlotNumber + StorageSlotNumber + ToolSlotNumber + HoloSlotNumber; //Same plus Output Slot
- public static int InventorySlotNumber = 36; //Inventory Slots (Inventory and Hotbar)
- public static int InventoryOutSlotNumber = InventorySlotNumber + 1; //Inventory Slot Number + Output
- public static int FullSlotNumber = InventorySlotNumber + InOutputSlotNumber; //All slots
- private final int slotOutput = 0;
- private final int[] slotHolo = new int[5];
- private final int[] slotCrafting = new int[9];
- private final int[] slotStorage = new int[16];
- private final int[] slotTools = new int[5];
- public Container_WorkbenchAdvanced(final InventoryPlayer inventory, final TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced tile){
- this.tile_entity = tile;
- this.inventoryChest = tile.inventoryChest;
- this.inventoryTool = tile.inventoryTool;
- this.inventoryHolo = tile.inventoryHolo;
- this.inventoryCrafting = tile.inventoryCrafting;
- int var6;
- int var7;
- this.worldObj = tile.getWorldObj();
- this.posX = tile.xCoord;
- this.posY = tile.yCoord;
- this.posZ = tile.zCoord;
- int o=0;
- //Output slot
- this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotOutput(inventory.player, this.craftMatrix, tile.inventoryCraftResult, 0, 136, 64));
- //Util Slots
- this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotBlueprint(this.inventoryHolo, 1, 136, 28)); //Blueprint
- this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(this.inventoryHolo, 2, 154, 28)); //Hopper
- this.addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(this.inventoryHolo, 3, 154, 64, false, false, 64)); //Parking
- //Holo Slots
- this.addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(this.inventoryHolo, 4, 154, 46, false, false, 1));
- this.addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(this.inventoryHolo, 5, 136, 46, false, false, 1));
- for (int i=1; i<6; i++){
- this.slotHolo[o] = o+1;
- o++;
- }
- o=0;
- this.updateCraftingMatrix();
- //Crafting Grid
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 3; ++var6)
- {
- for (var7 = 0; var7 < 3; ++var7)
- {
- this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(this.craftMatrix, var7 + (var6 * 3), 82 + (var7 * 18), 28 + (var6 * 18)));
- /*if (this.inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(o) != null){
- this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(o, inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(o));
- this.inventoryCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(o, null);
- } */
- this.slotCrafting[o] = o+6;
- o++;
- }
- }
- o=0;
- //Storage Side
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 4; ++var6)
- {
- for (var7 = 0; var7 < 4; ++var7)
- {
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("Adding slots at var:"+(var7 + var6 * 4)+" x:"+(8 + var7 * 18)+" y:"+(7 + var6 * 18));
- this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(this.inventoryChest, var7 + (var6 * 4), 8 + (var7 * 18), 7 + (var6 * 18)));
- this.slotStorage[o] = o+15;
- o++;
- }
- }
- o=0;
- //Tool Slots
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 1; ++var6)
- {
- for (var7 = 0; var7 < 5; ++var7)
- {
- this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotGtToolElectric(this.inventoryTool, var7 + (var6 * 3), 82 + (var7 * 18), 8 + (var6 * 18), 3, false));
- this.slotTools[o] = o+31;
- o++;
- }
- }
- //Player Inventory
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 3; ++var6)
- {
- for (var7 = 0; var7 < 9; ++var7)
- {
- this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(inventory, var7 + (var6 * 9) + 9, 8 + (var7 * 18), 84 + (var6 * 18)));
- }
- }
- //Player Hotbar
- for (var6 = 0; var6 < 9; ++var6)
- {
- this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(inventory, var6, 8 + (var6 * 18), 142));
- }
- this.onCraftMatrixChanged(this.craftMatrix);
- }
- @Override
- public ItemStack slotClick(final int aSlotIndex, final int aMouseclick, final int aShifthold, final EntityPlayer aPlayer){
- if (!aPlayer.worldObj.isRemote){
- if ((aSlotIndex == 999) || (aSlotIndex == -999)){
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("??? - "+aSlotIndex);
- }
- if (aSlotIndex == this.slotOutput){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked on the output slot");
- //TODO
- }
- for (final int x : this.slotHolo){
- if (aSlotIndex == x){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the Holo Grid");
- if (x == 1){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Blueprint slot in the Holo Grid");
- }
- else if (x == 2){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Right Arrow slot in the Holo Grid");
- if (this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(1) != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Found an ItemStack.");
- if (this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(1).getItem() instanceof IItemBlueprint){
- Logger.WARNING("Found a blueprint.");
- final ItemStack tempBlueprint = this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(1);
- final ItemBlueprint tempItemBlueprint = (ItemBlueprint) tempBlueprint.getItem();
- if ((this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(0) != null) && !tempItemBlueprint.hasBlueprint(tempBlueprint)){
- Logger.WARNING("Output slot was not empty.");
- Logger.WARNING("Trying to manipulate NBT data on the blueprint stack, then replace it with the new one.");
- tempItemBlueprint.setBlueprint(this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(1), this.craftMatrix, this.inventoryHolo.getStackInSlot(0));
- final ItemStack newTempBlueprint = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(tempItemBlueprint);
- this.inventoryHolo.setInventorySlotContents(1, newTempBlueprint);
- Logger.WARNING(ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(tempItemBlueprint.getBlueprint(newTempBlueprint)));
- }
- else {
- if (tempItemBlueprint.hasBlueprint(tempBlueprint)){
- Logger.WARNING("Blueprint already holds a recipe.");
- }
- else {
- Logger.WARNING("Output slot was empty.");
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- Logger.WARNING("ItemStack found was not a blueprint.");
- }
- }
- else {
- Logger.WARNING("No ItemStack found in Blueprint slot.");
- }
- }
- else if (x == 3){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Big [P] slot in the Holo Grid");
- }
- else if (x == 4){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Transfer to Crafting Grid slot in the Holo Grid");
- }
- else if (x == 5){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked Transfer to Storage Grid slot in the Holo Grid");
- }
- }
- }
- for (final int x : this.slotCrafting){
- if (aSlotIndex == x){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the crafting Grid");
- }
- }
- for (final int x : this.slotStorage){
- if (aSlotIndex == x){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the storage Grid");
- }
- }
- for (final int x : this.slotTools){
- if (aSlotIndex == x){
- Logger.WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the tool Grid");
- }
- }
- }
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("Player Clicked slot "+aSlotIndex+" in the Grid");
- return super.slotClick(aSlotIndex, aMouseclick, aShifthold, aPlayer);
- }
- private void updateCraftingMatrix() {
- for (int i = 0; i < this.craftMatrix.getSizeInventory(); i++) {
- this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(i, this.tile_entity.inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(i));
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onCraftMatrixChanged(final IInventory iiventory) {
- this.tile_entity.inventoryCraftResult.setInventorySlotContents(0, CraftingManager.getInstance().findMatchingRecipe(this.craftMatrix, this.worldObj));
- }
- @Override
- public void onContainerClosed(final EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
- {
- super.onContainerClosed(par1EntityPlayer);
- this.saveCraftingMatrix();
- }
- private void saveCraftingMatrix() {
- for (int i = 0; i < this.craftMatrix.getSizeInventory(); i++) {
- this.tile_entity.inventoryCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(i, this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i));
- }
- }
- /*@Override
- public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory par1IInventory){
- //Custom Recipe Handler
- //craftResult.setInventorySlotContents(0, Workbench_CraftingHandler.getInstance().findMatchingRecipe(craftMatrix, worldObj));
- //Vanilla CraftingManager
- Utils.LOG_WARNING("checking crafting grid for a valid output.");
- ItemStack temp = CraftingManager.getInstance().findMatchingRecipe(craftMatrix, worldObj);
- if (temp != null){
- Utils.LOG_WARNING("Output found. "+temp.getDisplayName()+" x"+temp.stackSize);
- craftResult.setInventorySlotContents(slotOutput, temp);
- }
- else {
- Utils.LOG_WARNING("No Valid output found.");
- craftResult.setInventorySlotContents(slotOutput, null);
- }
- }*/
- /*@Override
- public void onContainerClosed(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
- {
- for (int o=0; o<craftMatrix.getSizeInventory(); o++){
- this.inventoryCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(o, craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(o));
- this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(o, null);
- }*/
- //super.onContainerClosed(par1EntityPlayer);
- /*if (worldObj.isRemote)
- {
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < InputSlotNumber; i++)
- {
- ItemStack itemstack = craftMatrix.getStackInSlotOnClosing(i);
- if (itemstack != null)
- {
- par1EntityPlayer.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(itemstack, false);
- }
- }*/
- @Override
- public boolean canInteractWith(final EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer){
- if (this.worldObj.getBlock(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ) != ModBlocks.blockWorkbench){
- return false;
- }
- return par1EntityPlayer.getDistanceSq(this.posX + 0.5D, this.posY + 0.5D, this.posZ + 0.5D) <= 64D;
- }
- @Override
- public ItemStack transferStackInSlot(final EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, final int par2)
- {
- ItemStack var3 = null;
- final Slot var4 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(par2);
- if ((var4 != null) && var4.getHasStack())
- {
- final ItemStack var5 = var4.getStack();
- var3 = var5.copy();
- if (par2 == 0)
- {
- if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, InOutputSlotNumber, FullSlotNumber, true))
- {
- return null;
- }
- var4.onSlotChange(var5, var3);
- }
- else if ((par2 >= InOutputSlotNumber) && (par2 < InventoryOutSlotNumber))
- {
- if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, InventoryOutSlotNumber, FullSlotNumber, false))
- {
- return null;
- }
- }
- else if ((par2 >= InventoryOutSlotNumber) && (par2 < FullSlotNumber))
- {
- if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, InOutputSlotNumber, InventoryOutSlotNumber, false))
- {
- return null;
- }
- }
- else if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, InOutputSlotNumber, FullSlotNumber, false))
- {
- return null;
- }
- if (var5.stackSize == 0)
- {
- var4.putStack((ItemStack)null);
- }
- else
- {
- var4.onSlotChanged();
- }
- if (var5.stackSize == var3.stackSize)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var4.onPickupFromSlot(par1EntityPlayer, var5);
- }
- return var3;
- }
- //Can merge Slot
- @Override
- public boolean func_94530_a(final ItemStack p_94530_1_, final Slot p_94530_2_) {
- return (p_94530_2_.inventory != this.tile_entity.inventoryCraftResult) && super.func_94530_a(p_94530_1_, p_94530_2_);
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/gui/machine/GUI_Workbench.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/gui/machine/GUI_Workbench.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 861c2ba6b6..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/gui/machine/GUI_Workbench.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine;
-import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_Workbench;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbench;
-public class GUI_Workbench extends GuiContainer {
- private static final ResourceLocation craftingTableGuiTextures = new ResourceLocation(CORE.MODID, "textures/gui/BronzeCraftingTable.png");
- public boolean moveItemsToChest = false;
- public boolean moveItemsToCrafting = false;
- public GUI_Workbench(final InventoryPlayer player_inventory, final TileEntityWorkbench tile){
- super(new Container_Workbench(player_inventory, tile));
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(final int i, final int j){
- //this.fontRendererObj.drawString(I18n.format("Workbench", new Object[0]), 28, 6, 4210752);
- //this.fontRendererObj.drawString(I18n.format("container.inventory", new Object[0]), 8, this.ySize - 96 + 2, 4210752);
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(final float f, final int i, final int j){
- GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- this.mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(craftingTableGuiTextures);
- final int x = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2;
- final int y = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2;
- this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize);
- }
- //This method is called when the Gui is first called!
- @Override
- public void initGui()
- {
- //You have to add this line for the Gui to function properly!
- super.initGui();
- //The parameters of GuiButton are(id, x, y, width, height, text);
- //this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton( 1, 367, 132, 18, 18, "X"));
- //this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton( 2, 385, 132, 18, 18, "Y"));
- //NOTE: the id always has to be different or else it might get called twice or never!
- //Add any other buttons here too!
- }
- @Override
- protected void actionPerformed(final GuiButton B)
- {
- //If the button id is different, or you have mrs buttons, create another if block for that too!
- if(B.id == 1){
- System.out.println("Trying to empty crafting grid to the storage compartment.");
- //moveItemsToChest = true;
- ((Container_Workbench) this.inventorySlots).moveCraftingToChest();
- }
- else if(B.id == 2){
- System.out.println("Trying to move items into the crafting grid.");
- //moveItemsToCrafting = true;
- ((Container_Workbench) this.inventorySlots).moveChestToCrafting();
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/gui/machine/GUI_WorkbenchAdvanced.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/gui/machine/GUI_WorkbenchAdvanced.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 20183eb0b0..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/gui/machine/GUI_WorkbenchAdvanced.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine;
-import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_WorkbenchAdvanced;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced;
-public class GUI_WorkbenchAdvanced extends GuiContainer {
- private static final ResourceLocation craftingTableGuiTextures = new ResourceLocation(CORE.MODID, "textures/gui/AdvancedCraftingTable.png");
- public GUI_WorkbenchAdvanced(final InventoryPlayer player_inventory, final TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced tile){
- super(new Container_WorkbenchAdvanced(player_inventory, tile));
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(final int i, final int j){
- //this.fontRendererObj.drawString(I18n.format("Workbench", new Object[0]), 28, 6, 4210752);
- //this.fontRendererObj.drawString(I18n.format("container.inventory", new Object[0]), 8, this.ySize - 96 + 2, 4210752);
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(final float f, final int i, final int j){
- GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- this.mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(craftingTableGuiTextures);
- final int x = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2;
- final int y = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2;
- this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize);
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_HANDLER.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_HANDLER.java
index bb47bb2380..1db54a4933 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_HANDLER.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_HANDLER.java
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public class COMPAT_HANDLER {
- //GregtechTeslaTower.run();
+ GregtechTeslaTower.run();
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public class COMPAT_HANDLER {
- //GregtechSolarTower.run();
+ GregtechSolarTower.run();
@@ -159,7 +159,9 @@ public class COMPAT_HANDLER {
- //GregtechIndustrialElementDuplicator.run();
+ GregtechIndustrialForgeHammer.run();
+ GregtechMolecularTransformer.run();
+ GregtechIndustrialElementDuplicator.run();
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_IntermodStaging.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_IntermodStaging.java
index 9a1b551d30..166c0f228b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_IntermodStaging.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_IntermodStaging.java
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLLoadCompleteEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;
+import gtPlusPlus.xmod.advsolar.HANDLER_AdvSolar;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.bartcrops.HANDLER_CropsPlusPlus;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.bop.HANDLER_BiomesOPlenty;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.computronics.HANDLER_Computronics;
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ public class COMPAT_IntermodStaging {
+ HANDLER_AdvSolar.postInit();
public static void onLoadComplete(FMLLoadCompleteEvent event) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/GuiHandler.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/GuiHandler.java
index 0567d6c5dd..1be3578ed0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/GuiHandler.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/GuiHandler.java
@@ -5,7 +5,19 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkRegistry;
import gtPlusPlus.GTplusplus;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.Machine_SuperJukebox.TileEntitySuperJukebox;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.container.*;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_BackpackBase;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_CircuitProgrammer;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_DecayablesChest;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_EggBox;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_FishTrap;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_Grindle;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_ModularityTable;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_PestKiller;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_ProjectTable;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_RoundRobinator;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_SuperJukebox;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_TradeTable;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.container.Container_VolumetricFlaskSetter;
import gtPlusPlus.core.container.box.LunchBoxContainer;
import gtPlusPlus.core.container.box.MagicBagContainer;
import gtPlusPlus.core.container.box.ToolBoxContainer;
@@ -16,7 +28,17 @@ import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.item.GuiBaseGrindle;
import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.item.box.LunchBoxGui;
import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.item.box.MagicBagGui;
import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.item.box.ToolBoxGui;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.*;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_CircuitProgrammer;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_DecayablesChest;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_EggBox;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_FishTrap;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_ModularityTable;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_PestKiller;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_ProjectTable;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_RoundRobinator;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_SuperJukebox;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_TradeTable;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.gui.machine.GUI_VolumetricFlaskSetter;
import gtPlusPlus.core.interfaces.IGuiManager;
import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.BaseInventoryBackpack;
import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.BaseInventoryGrindle;
@@ -24,14 +46,16 @@ import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.box.LunchBoxInventory;
import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.box.MagicBagInventory;
import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.box.ToolBoxInventory;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.base.TileEntityBase;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.*;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityCircuitProgrammer;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityDecayablesChest;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityEggBox;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityFishTrap;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityVolumetricFlaskSetter;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityModularityTable;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityPestKiller;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityProjectTable;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityRoundRobinator;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityTradeTable;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbench;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ChunkCoordinates;
@@ -88,11 +112,10 @@ public class GuiHandler implements IGuiHandler {
if (te != null) {
if (ID == GUI4) {
- return new Container_Workbench(player.inventory, (TileEntityWorkbench) te);
+ //return new Container_Workbench(player.inventory, (TileEntityWorkbench) te);
} else if (ID == GUI5) {
- return new Container_WorkbenchAdvanced(player.inventory, (TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced) te);
+ //return new Container_WorkbenchAdvanced(player.inventory, (TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced) te);
} else if (ID == GUI6) {
return new Container_FishTrap(player.inventory, (TileEntityFishTrap) te);
} else if (ID == GUI7) {
@@ -154,10 +177,10 @@ public class GuiHandler implements IGuiHandler {
if (te != null) {
if (ID == GUI4) {
- return new GUI_Workbench(player.inventory, (TileEntityWorkbench) te);
+ //return new GUI_Workbench(player.inventory, (TileEntityWorkbench) te);
} else if (ID == GUI5) {
- return new GUI_WorkbenchAdvanced(player.inventory, (TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced) te);
+ //return new GUI_WorkbenchAdvanced(player.inventory, (TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced) te);
} else if (ID == GUI6) {
return new GUI_FishTrap(player.inventory, (TileEntityFishTrap) te);
} else if (ID == GUI7) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/events/GeneralTooltipEventHandler.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/events/GeneralTooltipEventHandler.java
index 10dea8a7bf..de3e958b2d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/events/GeneralTooltipEventHandler.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/events/GeneralTooltipEventHandler.java
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
package gtPlusPlus.core.handler.events;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.MOD_ID_APC;
+import advsolar.common.AdvancedSolarPanel;
+import cpw.mods.fml.common.Optional;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList;
import gtPlusPlus.GTplusplus;
import gtPlusPlus.GTplusplus.INIT_PHASE;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.ModBlocks;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.math.MathUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.sys.KeyboardUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.enums.GregtechItemList;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
+import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.ItemTooltipEvent;
@@ -80,6 +86,10 @@ public class GeneralTooltipEventHandler {
event.toolTip.add("Max Capacity: "+MathUtils.formatNumbers(32000)+"L");
+ if (LoadedMods.AdvancedSolarPanel) {
+ molecularTransformer(event);
+ }
if (CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableAnimatedTurbines) {
boolean shift = false;
@@ -114,4 +124,11 @@ public class GeneralTooltipEventHandler {
+ @Optional.Method(modid = "AdvancedSolarPanel")
+ public static void molecularTransformer(ItemTooltipEvent event) {
+ if (event.itemStack.getItem() == Item.getItemFromBlock(AdvancedSolarPanel.blockMolecularTransformer)) {
+ event.toolTip.add(""+EnumChatFormatting.RED+"Disabled, Use the multiblock");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/ModItems.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/ModItems.java
index 7342c55939..8b72b9c7c9 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/ModItems.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/ModItems.java
@@ -310,6 +310,8 @@ public final class ModItems {
public static ItemGenericToken itemGenericToken;
public static Item itemControlCore;
+ public static Item itemSunnariumBit;
public static ItemStack itemHotTitaniumIngot;
@@ -447,27 +449,8 @@ public final class ModItems {
- /**
- * Try generate dusts for missing rare earth materials if they don't exist
- */
- if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustGadolinium", 1))){
- ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Gadolinium", "Gadolinium", Materials.Gadolinium.mElement.name(), Utils.rgbtoHexValue(226, 172, 9));
- }
- if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustYtterbium", 1))){
- ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Ytterbium", "Ytterbium", Materials.Ytterbium.mElement.name(), Utils.rgbtoHexValue(Materials.Yttrium.mRGBa[0]-60, Materials.Yttrium.mRGBa[1]-60, Materials.Yttrium.mRGBa[2]-60));
- }
- if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustSamarium", 1))){
- ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Samarium", "Samarium", Materials.Samarium.mElement.name(), Utils.rgbtoHexValue(161, 168, 114));
- }
- if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustLanthanum", 1))){
- ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Lanthanum", "Lanthanum", Materials.Lanthanum.mElement.name(), Utils.rgbtoHexValue(106, 127, 163));
- }
- if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustGermanium", 1))){
- ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Germanium", "Germanium", "Ge", ELEMENT.getInstance().GERMANIUM.getRgbAsHex());
- }
+ registerCustomMaterialComponents();
//Elements generate first so they can be used in compounds.
//Missing Elements
@@ -855,36 +838,6 @@ public final class ModItems {
if (!FluidRegistry.isFluidRegistered("xpjuice")){
FluidUtils.generateFluidNoPrefix("xpjuice", "xpjuice", 0, new short[]{50, 150, 50, 100});
- //Just an unusual plate needed for some black magic.
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateClay", 1) == null){
- itemPlateClay = new BaseItemPlate(NONMATERIAL.CLAY);
- }
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateDoubleClay", 1) == null){
- itemDoublePlateClay = new BaseItemPlateDouble(NONMATERIAL.CLAY);
- }
- //Need this for Mutagenic Frames
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("foilUranium235", 1) == null){
- itemFoilUranium235 = new BaseItemFoil(ELEMENT.getInstance().URANIUM235);
- }
- //A small gear needed for wizardry.
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("gearGtSmallWroughtIron", 1) == null){
- itemSmallWroughtIronGear = new BaseItemSmallGear(NONMATERIAL.WROUGHT_IRON);
- }
- //Krypton Processing
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("ingotHotTitanium", 1) == null){
- itemHotTitaniumIngot = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(new BaseItemIngot(ELEMENT.getInstance().TITANIUM, ComponentTypes.HOTINGOT));
- }
- else {
- itemHotTitaniumIngot = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("ingotHotTitanium", 1);
- }
- //Need this for Laurenium
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustIndium", 1) == null){
- itemDustIndium = new BaseItemDust(ELEMENT.getInstance().INDIUM);
- }
//Industrial Diamonds
itemExquisiteIndustrialDiamond = new CoreItem("IndustrialDiamondExquisite", "High Quality Industrial Diamond", tabMisc);
@@ -894,97 +847,7 @@ public final class ModItems {
ItemUtils.addItemToOreDictionary(tempStack, "gemExquisiteDiamond");
ItemUtils.addItemToOreDictionary(tempStack, "craftingExquisiteIndustrialDiamond");
- //Custom GT++ Crafting Components
- //Springs
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.CELESTIAL_TUNGSTEN);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.WHITE_METAL);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ALLOY.NITINOL_60);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ALLOY.AQUATIC_STEEL);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ALLOY.EGLIN_STEEL);
- //Small Springs
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.MARAGING250);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.NICHROME);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.STABALLOY);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.STEEL_BLACK);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.BLACK_TITANIUM);
- //Fine Wire
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.WHITE_METAL);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ELEMENT.getInstance().PALLADIUM);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ELEMENT.getInstance().ZIRCONIUM);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.LEAGRISIUM);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.BABBIT_ALLOY);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.KOBOLDITE);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.HG1223);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.QUANTUM);
- //Dense Plates
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.POTIN);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.AQUATIC_STEEL);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.BRONZE);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.OSMIRIDIUM);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.QUANTUM);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.STEEL_BLACK);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.STAINLESS_STEEL);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.EGLIN_STEEL);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.MARAGING300);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.TALONITE);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.HYPOGEN);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.RHUGNOR);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.ADVANCED_NITINOL);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.ASTRAL_TITANIUM);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.CELESTIAL_TUNGSTEN);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.WHITE_METAL);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.BLACK_METAL);
- MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.GRANITE);
- //Special Sillyness
- if (true) {
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateSodium", 1) == null){
- new BaseItemPlate(ELEMENT.getInstance().SODIUM);
- }
- Material meatRaw = NONMATERIAL.MEAT;
- // A plate of Meat.
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateMeatRaw", 1) == null){
- itemPlateRawMeat = new BaseItemPlate(meatRaw);
- ItemUtils.registerFuel(ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(itemPlateRawMeat), 100);
- }
- // A Block of Meat.
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("blockMeatRaw", 1) == null){
- blockRawMeat = new BlockBaseModular(meatRaw, BlockTypes.STANDARD);
- ItemUtils.registerFuel(ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(blockRawMeat), 900);
- }
- }
- // A plate of Vanadium.
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateVanadium", 1) == null){
- itemPlateVanadium = new BaseItemPlate(ELEMENT.getInstance().VANADIUM);
- }
- //A plate of Lithium.
- if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateLithium", 1) == null){
- itemPlateLithium = new BaseItemPlate(ELEMENT.getInstance().LITHIUM);
- }
- //A plate of Europium.
- if ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateEuropium", 1) == null) && CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableCustom_Pipes){
- itemPlateEuropium = new BaseItemPlate(ELEMENT.getInstance().EUROPIUM);
- }
- if ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateDoubleEuropium", 1) == null) && CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableCustom_Pipes){
- itemDoublePlateEuropium = new BaseItemPlateDouble(ELEMENT.getInstance().EUROPIUM);
- }
- //Tumbaga Mix (For Simple Crafting)
- dustTumbagaMix = ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("MixTumbaga", "Tumbaga Mix", "Au2Cu", Utils.rgbtoHexValue(255, 150, 80))[0];
* Decayable Materials
@@ -1018,6 +881,8 @@ public final class ModItems {
itemDragonJar = new ItemEntityCatcher();
itemControlCore = new ItemControlCore();
+ itemSunnariumBit = new ItemSunnariumBit();
new CoalTar();
@@ -1241,4 +1106,148 @@ public final class ModItems {
itemGenericToken.register(3, "Hand Pump Trade Token III", 1, "Craft into a Tier III Hand pump");
itemGenericToken.register(4, "Hand Pump Trade Token IV", 1, "Craft into a Tier IV Hand pump");
+ public static void registerCustomMaterialComponents() {
+ //Custom GT++ Crafting Components
+ /**
+ * Try generate dusts for missing rare earth materials if they don't exist
+ */
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustGadolinium", 1))){
+ ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Gadolinium", "Gadolinium", Materials.Gadolinium.mElement.name(), Utils.rgbtoHexValue(226, 172, 9));
+ }
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustYtterbium", 1))){
+ ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Ytterbium", "Ytterbium", Materials.Ytterbium.mElement.name(), Utils.rgbtoHexValue(Materials.Yttrium.mRGBa[0]-60, Materials.Yttrium.mRGBa[1]-60, Materials.Yttrium.mRGBa[2]-60));
+ }
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustSamarium", 1))){
+ ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Samarium", "Samarium", Materials.Samarium.mElement.name(), Utils.rgbtoHexValue(161, 168, 114));
+ }
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustLanthanum", 1))){
+ ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Lanthanum", "Lanthanum", Materials.Lanthanum.mElement.name(), Utils.rgbtoHexValue(106, 127, 163));
+ }
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustGermanium", 1))){
+ ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Germanium", "Germanium", "Ge", ELEMENT.getInstance().GERMANIUM.getRgbAsHex());
+ }
+ //Just an unusual plate needed for some black magic.
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateClay", 1) == null){
+ itemPlateClay = new BaseItemPlate(NONMATERIAL.CLAY);
+ }
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateDoubleClay", 1) == null){
+ itemDoublePlateClay = new BaseItemPlateDouble(NONMATERIAL.CLAY);
+ }
+ //Need this for Mutagenic Frames
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("foilUranium235", 1) == null){
+ itemFoilUranium235 = new BaseItemFoil(ELEMENT.getInstance().URANIUM235);
+ }
+ //A small gear needed for wizardry.
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("gearGtSmallWroughtIron", 1) == null){
+ itemSmallWroughtIronGear = new BaseItemSmallGear(NONMATERIAL.WROUGHT_IRON);
+ }
+ //Krypton Processing
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("ingotHotTitanium", 1) == null){
+ itemHotTitaniumIngot = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(new BaseItemIngot(ELEMENT.getInstance().TITANIUM, ComponentTypes.HOTINGOT));
+ }
+ else {
+ itemHotTitaniumIngot = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("ingotHotTitanium", 1);
+ }
+ //Need this for Laurenium
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustIndium", 1) == null){
+ itemDustIndium = new BaseItemDust(ELEMENT.getInstance().INDIUM);
+ }
+ //Springs
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.CELESTIAL_TUNGSTEN);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.WHITE_METAL);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ALLOY.NITINOL_60);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ALLOY.AQUATIC_STEEL);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SPRING, ALLOY.EGLIN_STEEL);
+ //Small Springs
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.MARAGING250);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.NICHROME);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.STABALLOY);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.STEEL_BLACK);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.SMALLSPRING, ALLOY.BLACK_TITANIUM);
+ //Fine Wire
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.WHITE_METAL);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ELEMENT.getInstance().PALLADIUM);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ELEMENT.getInstance().ZIRCONIUM);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.LEAGRISIUM);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.BABBIT_ALLOY);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.KOBOLDITE);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.HG1223);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE, ALLOY.QUANTUM);
+ //Dense Plates
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.POTIN);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.AQUATIC_STEEL);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.BRONZE);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.OSMIRIDIUM);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.QUANTUM);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.STEEL_BLACK);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.STAINLESS_STEEL);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.EGLIN_STEEL);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.MARAGING300);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ALLOY.TALONITE);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.HYPOGEN);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.RHUGNOR);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.ADVANCED_NITINOL);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.ASTRAL_TITANIUM);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.CELESTIAL_TUNGSTEN);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.WHITE_METAL);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.BLACK_METAL);
+ MaterialUtils.generateComponentAndAssignToAMaterial(ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY, ELEMENT.STANDALONE.GRANITE);
+ //Special Sillyness
+ if (true) {
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateSodium", 1) == null){
+ new BaseItemPlate(ELEMENT.getInstance().SODIUM);
+ }
+ Material meatRaw = NONMATERIAL.MEAT;
+ // A plate of Meat.
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateMeatRaw", 1) == null){
+ itemPlateRawMeat = new BaseItemPlate(meatRaw);
+ ItemUtils.registerFuel(ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(itemPlateRawMeat), 100);
+ }
+ // A Block of Meat.
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("blockMeatRaw", 1) == null){
+ blockRawMeat = new BlockBaseModular(meatRaw, BlockTypes.STANDARD);
+ ItemUtils.registerFuel(ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(blockRawMeat), 900);
+ }
+ }
+ // A plate of Vanadium.
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateVanadium", 1) == null){
+ itemPlateVanadium = new BaseItemPlate(ELEMENT.getInstance().VANADIUM);
+ }
+ //A plate of Lithium.
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateLithium", 1) == null){
+ itemPlateLithium = new BaseItemPlate(ELEMENT.getInstance().LITHIUM);
+ }
+ //A plate of Europium.
+ if ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateEuropium", 1) == null) && CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableCustom_Pipes){
+ itemPlateEuropium = new BaseItemPlate(ELEMENT.getInstance().EUROPIUM);
+ }
+ if ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plateDoubleEuropium", 1) == null) && CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableCustom_Pipes){
+ itemDoublePlateEuropium = new BaseItemPlateDouble(ELEMENT.getInstance().EUROPIUM);
+ }
+ //Tumbaga Mix (For Simple Crafting)
+ dustTumbagaMix = ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("MixTumbaga", "Tumbaga Mix", "Au2Cu", Utils.rgbtoHexValue(255, 150, 80))[0];
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/BaseItemComponent.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/BaseItemComponent.java
index 1dc9996cde..9590ec2848 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/BaseItemComponent.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/BaseItemComponent.java
@@ -5,15 +5,19 @@ import java.util.*;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
+import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
import gregtech.api.enums.TextureSet;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_LanguageManager;
+import gregtech.api.objects.GT_RenderedTexture;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
import gtPlusPlus.core.creative.AddToCreativeTab;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.Material;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.state.MaterialState;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.data.StringUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.math.MathUtils;
@@ -118,6 +122,12 @@ public class BaseItemComponent extends Item{
aMap.put(aKey, ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(this));
Logger.MATERIALS("Registering a material component. Item: ["+componentMaterial.getUnlocalizedName()+"] Map: ["+aKey+"]");
Material.mComponentMap.put(componentMaterial.getUnlocalizedName(), aMap);
+ if (componentType == ComponentTypes.PLATE) {
+ GregTech_API.registerCover(componentMaterial.getPlate(1), new GT_RenderedTexture(componentMaterial.getTextureSet().mTextures[71], componentMaterial.getRGBA(), false), null);
+ }
+ else if (componentType == ComponentTypes.PLATEDOUBLE) {
+ GregTech_API.registerCover(componentMaterial.getPlateDouble(1), new GT_RenderedTexture(componentMaterial.getTextureSet().mTextures[72], componentMaterial.getRGBA(), false), null);
+ }
return true;
else {
@@ -341,38 +351,39 @@ public class BaseItemComponent extends Item{
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put((int) Short.MAX_VALUE, new Short[] {0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put((int) Short.MAX_VALUE-1, new Short[] {0});
short[] er = this.componentMaterial.getRGBA();
- short value = 1;
+ short value = 0;
Short[] ht = new Short[] {er[0], er[1], er[2]};
- for (int y = 0; y < 40; y++) {
- if (y < 20) {
+ int aMaxCycles = 200;
+ for (int y = 0; y < aMaxCycles; y++) {
+ if (y < (50)) {
value = 1;
- else {
+ else if (y < (100)) {
+ value = 0;
+ }
+ else if (y < (150)) {
value = -1;
- short r = (short) (ht[0] + value);
- short g = (short) (ht[1] + value);
- short b = (short) (ht[2] + value);
+ else {
+ value = 0;
+ }
+ short r = (short) Math.max(Math.min(255, (ht[0] + value)), 0);
+ short g = (short) Math.max(Math.min(255, (ht[1] + value)), 0);
+ short b = (short) Math.max(Math.min(255, (ht[2] + value)), 0);
Short[] qq = new Short[] {(short) Math.min(255, r), (short) Math.min(255, g), (short) Math.min(255, b)};
ht = qq;
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(y, qq);
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put((int) Short.MAX_VALUE-2, new Short[] {(short) (((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).size()-1)});
if (extraData != null) {
Short aCurrentFrame = ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).get((int) Short.MAX_VALUE)[0];
- Short aSize = 40;
+ Short aSize = (short) (((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).size() - 3);
short nextFrame = (short) ((aCurrentFrame < aSize) ? (aCurrentFrame+1) : 0);
Short[] aCurrentFrameRGB = ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).get(aCurrentFrame < aSize ? (int) aCurrentFrame : 0);
- ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put((int) Short.MAX_VALUE, new Short[] {nextFrame});
- return Utils.rgbtoHexValue(aCurrentFrameRGB[0], aCurrentFrameRGB[1], aCurrentFrameRGB[2]);
- /*Short aCurrentFrame = ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).get((int) Short.MAX_VALUE)[0];
- Short[] aCurrentFrameRGB = ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).get((int) aCurrentFrame);
- short nextFrame = aCurrentFrame < 40 ? aCurrentFrame++ : 0;
- ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put((int) Short.MAX_VALUE, new Short[] {nextFrame});
- return Utils.rgbtoHexValue(aCurrentFrameRGB[0], aCurrentFrameRGB[1], aCurrentFrameRGB[2]);*/
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put((int) Short.MAX_VALUE, new Short[] {nextFrame});
+ return Utils.rgbtoHexValue(aCurrentFrameRGB[0], aCurrentFrameRGB[1], aCurrentFrameRGB[2]);
@@ -388,35 +399,200 @@ public class BaseItemComponent extends Item{
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 0});
//Slowly start adding in some red to get to yellow:
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 255, 0});
//Then, take out the green to get to red:
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 204, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 153, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 102, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 51, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 0});
@@ -424,15 +600,90 @@ public class BaseItemComponent extends Item{
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {255, 0, 255});
@@ -440,15 +691,90 @@ public class BaseItemComponent extends Item{
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {204, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {153, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] {102, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 51, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 0, 255});
@@ -456,15 +782,90 @@ public class BaseItemComponent extends Item{
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 51, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 102, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 153, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 204, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 255});
@@ -472,16 +873,76 @@ public class BaseItemComponent extends Item{
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 204});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 153});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 102});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put(aSlot++, new Short[] { 0, 255, 51});
- ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put((int) Byte.MAX_VALUE, new Short[] {(short) (((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).size()-1)});
+ ((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).put((int) Short.MAX_VALUE-2, new Short[] {(short) (((Map<Integer, Short[]>) extraData).size()-1)});
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/wire/BaseItemFineWire.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/wire/BaseItemFineWire.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..846c282af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/wire/BaseItemFineWire.java
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.core.item.base.wire;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.item.base.BaseItemComponent;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.Material;
+public class BaseItemFineWire extends BaseItemComponent{
+ public BaseItemFineWire(final Material material) {
+ super(material, BaseItemComponent.ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/crafting/ItemDummyResearch.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/crafting/ItemDummyResearch.java
index d8ddb26675..b7bf8a7c8e 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/crafting/ItemDummyResearch.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/crafting/ItemDummyResearch.java
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ public class ItemDummyResearch extends ItemGenericToken {
RESEARCH_7_ADV_METALLURGY("Advanced Metallurgy", "Advanced Material Sciences!"),
RESEARCH_8_TURBINE_AUTOMATION("Turbine Automation", "You really don't want to share this with anyone!"),
RESEARCH_9_CLOAKING("Cloaking Technologies", "Sneaking around like a mouse"),
- RESEARCH_10_SPARGING("Gas Sparging", "Blowing gas for results");
+ RESEARCH_10_SPARGING("Gas Sparging", "Blowing gas for results"),
+ RESEARCH_11_MOLECULAR_TRANSFORMER("Molecular Transformation", "Turning things into something better");
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemAreaClear.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemAreaClear.java
index 5be184b3db..16d0c0253b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemAreaClear.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemAreaClear.java
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class ItemAreaClear extends CoreItem {
public IIcon[] mIcon = new IIcon[1];
public ItemAreaClear() {
- super("itemDebugClearing", AddToCreativeTab.tabMachines, 1, 100, new String[] {EnumChatFormatting.OBFUSCATED+"F A M C Y N A M E"}, EnumRarity.rare,
+ super("itemDebugClearing", AddToCreativeTab.tabMachines, 1, 100, new String[] {EnumChatFormatting.OBFUSCATED+"F A N C Y N A M E"}, EnumRarity.rare,
EnumChatFormatting.BOLD, false, null);
@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@ public class ItemAreaClear extends CoreItem {
int y1 = pos.yPos;
int z1 = pos.zPos;
- int x2 = (x1-10);
+ int x2 = (x1-15);
int y2 = (y1-1);
- int z2 = (z1-10);
+ int z2 = (z1-15);
fillBlockColumn(world, new BlockPos(x2, y2, z2, world));
return true;
public boolean fillBlockColumn(World world, BlockPos pos){
- for (int i=0; i<21; i++){
+ for (int i=0; i<30; i++){
fillBlockRow(world, new BlockPos(pos.xPos, pos.yPos, pos.zPos+i, world));
return true;
@@ -177,9 +177,10 @@ public class ItemAreaClear extends CoreItem {
public boolean fillBlockRow(World world, BlockPos pos){
for (int j=0; j<2; j++){
- for (int i=0; i<21; i++){
+ for (int i=0; i<30; i++){
if (world.getBlock(pos.xPos+i, pos.yPos+j, pos.zPos) != Blocks.bedrock){
- world.setBlock(pos.xPos+i, pos.yPos+j, pos.zPos, Blocks.grass);
+ world.setBlock(pos.xPos+i, pos.yPos+j, pos.zPos, Blocks.dirt);
+ world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(pos.xPos+i, pos.yPos+j, pos.zPos, 2, 2);
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemBlueprint.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemBlueprint.java
index eded4e2585..5df17979a9 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemBlueprint.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemBlueprint.java
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class ItemBlueprint extends Item implements IItemBlueprint{
public String getItemStackDisplayName(final ItemStack p_77653_1_) {
- return "Blueprint [I am useless]";
+ return "Blueprint";
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public class ItemBlueprint extends Item implements IItemBlueprint{
ItemStack[] blueprint = new ItemStack[9];
if (itemStack.hasTagCompound()){
final NBTTagCompound nbt = itemStack.getTagCompound();
- final NBTTagList list = nbt.getTagList("Items", 10);
+ final NBTTagList list = nbt.getTagList("Inventory", 10);
blueprint = new ItemStack[INV_SIZE];
for(int i = 0;i<list.tagCount();i++)
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public class ItemBlueprint extends Item implements IItemBlueprint{
- nbt.setTag("Items", list);
+ nbt.setTag("Inventory", list);
return itemStack;
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemSunnariumBit.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemSunnariumBit.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b61a06934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemSunnariumBit.java
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.core.item.general;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.creative.AddToCreativeTab;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.item.base.CoreItem;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import net.minecraft.item.EnumRarity;
+import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
+public class ItemSunnariumBit extends CoreItem {
+ public ItemSunnariumBit() {
+ super("SunnariumBit", "Sunnarium Bit", AddToCreativeTab.tabMisc, 64, 0, new String[] {}, EnumRarity.uncommon, EnumChatFormatting.GOLD, false, null);
+ this.setTextureName(CORE.MODID+":"+"itemSunnariumBit");
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/CORE.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/CORE.java
index 9ae37ff0a2..076616f569 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/CORE.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/CORE.java
@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ public class CORE {
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMultiMachine_ModeMisc = 600;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeForming = 240;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeBending = 480;
+ public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialForgeHammer = 250;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialSifter = 40;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialThermalCentrifuge = 1000;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialVacuumFreezer = 500;
@@ -300,6 +301,7 @@ public class CORE {
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiFrothFlotationCell = 0;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiAutoCrafter = 500;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiThermalBoiler = 700;
+ public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiMolecularTransformer = 1000;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiAlgaePond = 0;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialRockBreaker = 100;
public static int pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialChisel = 50;
@@ -334,28 +336,33 @@ public class CORE {
public static final void crash(String aReason) {
- Logger.INFO("==========================================================");
- Logger.INFO("[GT++ CRASH]");
- Logger.INFO("==========================================================");
- Logger.INFO("Oooops...");
- Logger.INFO("This should only happy in a development environment or when something really bad happens.");
- Logger.INFO("Reason: "+aReason);
- Logger.INFO("==========================================================");
- Logger.INFO("Called from: "+ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(1));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(2));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(3));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(4));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(5));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(6));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(7));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(8));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(9));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(10));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(11));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(12));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(13));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(14));
- Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(15));
+ try {
+ Logger.INFO("==========================================================");
+ Logger.INFO("[GT++ CRASH]");
+ Logger.INFO("==========================================================");
+ Logger.INFO("Oooops...");
+ Logger.INFO("This should only happy in a development environment or when something really bad happens.");
+ Logger.INFO("Reason: "+aReason);
+ Logger.INFO("==========================================================");
+ Logger.INFO("Called from: "+ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(1));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(2));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(3));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(4));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(5));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(6));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(7));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(8));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(9));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(10));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(11));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(12));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(13));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(14));
+ Logger.INFO(ReflectionUtils.getMethodName(15));
+ }
+ catch (Throwable t) {
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ }
FMLCommonHandler.instance().exitJava(0, true);
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/LoadedMods.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/LoadedMods.java
index 4f7a10be78..9f5882c5ea 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/LoadedMods.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/LoadedMods.java
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ public class LoadedMods {
public static boolean Simply_Jetpacks = false;
public static boolean RFTools = false;
public static boolean Thaumcraft = false;
+ public static boolean ThaumicBases = false;
public static boolean Baubles = false;
public static boolean Extra_Utils = false;
public static boolean PneumaticCraft = false;
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ public class LoadedMods {
public static boolean MiscUtils = true; //Dummy For MetaData Lookups in MT Wrapper
public static boolean ThermalFoundation = false;
public static boolean IHL = false;
+ public static boolean AdvancedSolarPanel = false;
public static boolean OpenComputers = false; //OpenComputers
public static boolean OpenBlocks = false;
public static boolean Computronics = false; //computronics
@@ -61,8 +63,8 @@ public class LoadedMods {
public static boolean Reliquary = false;
public static boolean SpiceOfLife = false;
public static boolean RemoteIO = false;
+ public static boolean BartWorks = false;
+ public static boolean GoodGenerator = false;
private static int totalMods;
@@ -118,6 +120,21 @@ public class LoadedMods {
Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Tinkers Construct");
+ if (isModLoaded("AdvancedSolarPanel")){
+ AdvancedSolarPanel = true;
+ Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Advanced Solar Panels");
+ totalMods++;
+ }
+ if (isModLoaded("GoodGenerator")) {
+ GoodGenerator = true;
+ Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: GoodGenerator");
+ totalMods++;
+ }
+ if (isModLoaded("bartworks")) {
+ BartWorks = true;
+ Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: BartWorks");
+ totalMods++;
+ }
if (isModLoaded("BuildCraft")){
BuildCraft = true;
Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: BuildCraft");
@@ -168,6 +185,11 @@ public class LoadedMods {
Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Thaumcraft");
+ if (isModLoaded("thaumicbases")){
+ ThaumicBases = true;
+ Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Thaumic Bases");
+ totalMods++;
+ }
if (isModLoaded("BiomesOPlenty")){
BiomesOPlenty = true;
Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: BiomesOPlenty");
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ALLOY.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ALLOY.java
index fd7547970c..ba0963397c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ALLOY.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ALLOY.java
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ public final class ALLOY {
"Energy Crystal", //Material Name
MaterialState.SOLID, //State
new short[]{228, 255, 0, 0}, //Material Colour
- 5660, //Melting Point in C
- 7735, //Boiling Point in C
- 150, //Protons
- 80, //Neutrons
+ 4660, //Melting Point in C
+ 5735, //Boiling Point in C
+ 90, //Protons
+ 40, //Neutrons
true, //Uses Blast furnace?
"⬟ ⯂ ⬢ ⬣ ⯃ ⯄",
//Material Stacks with Percentage of required elements.
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/MISC_MATERIALS.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/MISC_MATERIALS.java
index 2740f49d71..31ad5e466b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/MISC_MATERIALS.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/MISC_MATERIALS.java
@@ -15,11 +15,82 @@ public final class MISC_MATERIALS {
public static void run() {
+ MaterialUtils.generateSpecialDustAndAssignToAMaterial(POTASSIUM_NITRATE, false);
+ MaterialUtils.generateSpecialDustAndAssignToAMaterial(SODIUM_NITRATE, false);
MaterialUtils.generateSpecialDustAndAssignToAMaterial(STRONTIUM_OXIDE, false);
MaterialUtils.generateSpecialDustAndAssignToAMaterial(STRONTIUM_HYDROXIDE, false);
+ public static final Material POTASSIUM_NITRATE = new Material(
+ "Potassium Nitrate",
+ MaterialState.SOLID, //State
+ null,
+ null,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ false,
+ "KNO3",
+ 0,
+ false,
+ new MaterialStack[]{
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().POTASSIUM, 1),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().NITROGEN, 1),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().OXYGEN, 3)
+ });
+ public static final Material SODIUM_NITRATE = new Material(
+ "Sodium Nitrate",
+ MaterialState.SOLID, //State
+ null,
+ null,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ false,
+ "NaNO3",
+ 0,
+ false,
+ new MaterialStack[]{
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().SODIUM, 1),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().NITROGEN, 1),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().OXYGEN, 3)
+ });
+ public static final Material SOLAR_SALT_COLD = new Material(
+ "Solar Salt (Cold)",
+ MaterialState.PURE_LIQUID, //State
+ null, //Material Colour
+ -1, //Melting Point in C
+ -1, //Boiling Point in C
+ -1, //Protons
+ -1,
+ false, //Uses Blast furnace?
+ //Material Stacks with Percentage of required elements.
+ new MaterialStack[]{
+ new MaterialStack(POTASSIUM_NITRATE, 4),
+ new MaterialStack(SODIUM_NITRATE, 6)
+ });
+ public static final Material SOLAR_SALT_HOT = new Material(
+ "Solar Salt (Hot)",
+ MaterialState.PURE_LIQUID, //State
+ new short[] {200, 25, 25}, //Material Colour
+ 1200, //Melting Point in C
+ 3300, //Boiling Point in C
+ -1, //Protons
+ -1,
+ false, //Uses Blast furnace?
+ //Material Stacks with Percentage of required elements.
+ new MaterialStack[]{
+ new MaterialStack(POTASSIUM_NITRATE, 4),
+ new MaterialStack(SODIUM_NITRATE, 6)
+ });
public static final Material STRONTIUM_OXIDE = new Material(
"Strontium Oxide",
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
index 0e9eb9b376..64b705629e 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.FluidUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.MaterialUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.enums.CustomOrePrefix;
+import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.registration.gregtech.GregtechConduits;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.thaumcraft.objects.wrapper.aspect.TC_Aspect_Wrapper;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.tinkers.material.BaseTinkersMaterial;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ public class Material {
private TextureSet textureSet;
private Fluid mFluid;
- private Fluid vPlasma;
+ private Fluid mPlasma;
private boolean vGenerateCells;
@@ -493,11 +494,14 @@ public class Material {
mFluid = generateFluid();
- this.vPlasma = this.generatePlasma();
+ // Don't generate plasma for composites
+ if (this.getComposites().isEmpty()) {
+ this.mPlasma = this.generatePlasma();
+ }
else {
this.mFluid = null;
- this.vPlasma = null;
+ this.mPlasma = null;
String ratio = "";
if (this.vSmallestRatio != null) {
@@ -869,6 +873,14 @@ public class Material {
public final ItemStack getScrew(final int stacksize){
return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.screw, stacksize);
+ public final ItemStack getFineWire(final int stacksize){
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.wireFine, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getFoil(final int stacksize){
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.foil, stacksize);
+ }
public final ItemStack getRing(final int stacksize){
return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.ring, stacksize);
@@ -893,6 +905,59 @@ public class Material {
public final ItemStack getNugget(final int stacksize){
return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.nugget, stacksize);
+ public final ItemStack getWire01(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.wireGt01, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getWire02(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.wireGt02, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getWire04(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.wireGt04, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getWire08(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.wireGt08, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getWire12(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.wireGt12, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getWire16(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.wireGt16, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getCable01(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.cableGt01, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getCable02(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.cableGt02, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getCable04(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.cableGt04, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getCable08(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.cableGt08, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getCable12(final int stacksize) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.cableGt12, stacksize);
+ }
+ public final ItemStack getCable16(final int stacksize) {
+ if (GregtechConduits.cableGt16 != null) {
+ return getComponentByPrefix(GregtechConduits.cableGt16, stacksize);
+ }
+ else {
+ return ItemUtils.getErrorStack(stacksize);
+ }
+ }
* Ore Components
@@ -1281,6 +1346,10 @@ public class Material {
public Fluid getFluid() {
return mFluid;
+ public Fluid getPlasma() {
+ return mPlasma;
+ }
final public FluidStack getFluidStack(final int fluidAmount) {
if (this.mFluid == null){
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/MaterialGenerator.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/MaterialGenerator.java
index d1ea784b81..aac3bc3e92 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/MaterialGenerator.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/MaterialGenerator.java
@@ -67,26 +67,6 @@ public class MaterialGenerator {
private static volatile Item temp;
private static volatile Block tempBlock;
- public static boolean addFluidExtractionRecipe(ItemStack aEmpty, ItemStack aRemains, FluidStack aFluid) {
- return addFluidExtractionRecipe(aEmpty, aRemains, aFluid, null, null);
- }
- /**
- * Called Reflectively from CORE.RA.addFluidExtractionRecipe
- * @param aSpecial
- * @return
- */
- public static boolean addFluidExtractionRecipe(ItemStack aEmpty, ItemStack aRemains, FluidStack aFluid, Integer aDuration, Integer aEU) {
- RecipeGen_FluidCanning g = new RecipeGen_FluidCanning(true, aEmpty, aRemains, aFluid, aDuration, aEU);
- if (g != null && g.valid()) {
- //Logger.INFO("[FIND] Adding Extraction recipe for "+ItemUtils.getItemName(aEmpty)+", "+ItemUtils.getItemName(aRemains)+", "+ItemUtils.getFluidName(aFluid));
- return true;
- }
- Logger.INFO("[ERROR] FAILED adding Extraction recipe for "+ItemUtils.getItemName(aEmpty)+", "+ItemUtils.getItemName(aRemains)+", "+ItemUtils.getFluidName(aFluid));
- return false;
- }
public static boolean addFluidCannerRecipe(ItemStack aEmpty, ItemStack aFullContainer, FluidStack aFluidIn, FluidStack rFluidOut) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_GREGTECH.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_GREGTECH.java
index 3cc48ba345..808c977ef0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_GREGTECH.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_GREGTECH.java
@@ -4,15 +4,13 @@ import static gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE.GTNH;
import java.util.ArrayList;
+import advsolar.common.AdvancedSolarPanel;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader;
import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values;
import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList;
import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
-import gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler;
-import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator;
-import gregtech.api.util.HotFuel;
-import gregtech.api.util.ThermalFuel;
+import gregtech.api.util.*;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.ModBlocks;
import gtPlusPlus.core.item.ModItems;
@@ -94,6 +92,7 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
+ implosionRecipes();
@@ -102,14 +101,9 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
private static void alloySmelterRecipes() {
//Wood's Glass Laser Lens
@@ -119,12 +113,23 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
20 * 300,
private static void packagerRecipes() {
+ }
+ private static void implosionRecipes() {
+ GT_Values.RA.addImplosionRecipe(
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModItems.itemSunnariumBit, 9),
+ 16,
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(AdvancedSolarPanel.itemSunnariumPart, 1),
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, Materials.Glowstone, 8));
private static void chemplantRecipes() {
@@ -479,21 +484,21 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
//Hypogen Creation
- Materials.Neutronium.getMolten(128),
- ALLOY.QUANTUM.getFluidStack(256),
2048 * 4,
- (int) MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(9),
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(9),
600000000 * 2);
- GenericChem.TEFLON.getFluidStack(64),
- ALLOY.PIKYONIUM.getFluidStack(128),
- 2048 * 4,
- (int) MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(7),
- 150000000 * 2);
+ MaterialUtils.getMaterial("Infinity", "Neutronium").getMolten(144),
+ ALLOY.QUANTUM.getFluidStack(288),
+ 512,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(8),
+ 2000000000);
@@ -884,7 +889,12 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
20 * 60 * 5,
+ GT_Values.RA.addLaserEngraverRecipe(
+ GregtechItemList.Laser_Lens_WoodsGlass.get(0),
+ ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(ModBlocks.blockCompressedObsidian, 8, 1),
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModItems.itemSunnariumBit, 3),
+ 20 * 60 * 5,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(3));
@@ -1690,7 +1700,7 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
GT_Values.RA.addFuel(ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack("EnderIO:bucketHootch", 0, 1), null, 36, 0);
- HotFuel.addNewHotFuel(GT_ModHandler.getLava(83), GT_Values.NF,
+ HotFuel.addNewHotFuel(FluidUtils.getLava(83), FluidUtils.getPahoehoeLava(83),
new ItemStack[] { ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("nuggetCopper", 1),
ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("nuggetTin", 1),
ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("nuggetGold", 1),
@@ -1700,7 +1710,7 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Blocks.obsidian) },
new int[] { 2000, 1000, 250, 250, 250, 250, 500 }, 0);
- HotFuel.addNewHotFuel(FluidUtils.getFluidStack("ic2pahoehoelava", 83), GT_Values.NF,
+ HotFuel.addNewHotFuel(FluidUtils.getPahoehoeLava(83), GT_Values.NF,
new ItemStack[] {
ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("nuggetBronze", 1),
ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("nuggetElectrum", 1),
@@ -1709,6 +1719,12 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Blocks.obsidian) },
new int[] { 750, 250, 250, 250, 1850 }, 0);
+ HotFuel.addNewHotFuel(
+ FluidUtils.getSuperHeatedSteam(10000),
+ 0);
* HotFuel.addNewHotFuel( FluidUtils.getFluidStack("ic2hotcoolant",
* 100), GT_Values.NF, new ItemStack[]{}, new int[]{}, 0);
@@ -1743,7 +1759,22 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
private static void centrifugeRecipes() {
+ GT_Values.RA.addCentrifugeRecipe(
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(2),
+ null,
+ null,
+ CI.emptyCells(10),
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ 20 * 30,
+ 120);
private static void mixerRecipes() {
@@ -1758,7 +1789,20 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
+ GT_Values.RA.addMixerRecipe(
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(2),
+ CI.emptyCells(10),
+ null,
+ null,
+ 20 * 10,
+ 120);
private static void chemicalReactorRecipes() {
@@ -1786,7 +1830,26 @@ public class RECIPES_GREGTECH {
FluidUtils.getFluidStack("sulfuricacid", 4000),
FluidUtils.getFluidStack("sulfuricapatite", 8000),
ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("dustSmallSulfur", 8),
- 20 * 20);
+ 20 * 20);
+ GT_Values.RA.addChemicalRecipe(
+ Materials.Potassium.getDust(1),
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(1),
+ Materials.NitricAcid.getFluid(1000),
+ GT_Values.NF,
+ 100,
+ 30);
+ GT_Values.RA.addChemicalRecipe(
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(AgriculturalChem.mSodiumCarbonate, 1),
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(1),
+ Materials.NitricAcid.getFluid(1000),
+ GT_Values.NF,
+ 100,
+ 30);
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_General.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_General.java
index 0482921c9a..25c5ee5f9e 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_General.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_General.java
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.ALLOY;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.ELEMENT;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.MISC_MATERIALS;
import gtPlusPlus.core.recipe.common.CI;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.*;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.gregtech.PollutionUtils;
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.helpers.VolumetricFlaskHelper;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
public class RECIPES_General {
@@ -40,8 +42,10 @@ public class RECIPES_General {
static ItemStack OUTPUT_Blueprint;
static ItemStack RECIPE_CraftingTable;
static String RECIPE_BronzePlate = "plateBronze";
+ static String RECIPE_StainlessPlate = "plateStainlessSteel";
static ItemStack RECIPE_BasicCasingIC2;
static ItemStack OUTPUT_Workbench_Bronze;
+ static ItemStack OUTPUT_Workbench_Advanced;
static ItemStack RECIPE_HydrogenDust;
public static void loadRecipes(){
@@ -53,8 +57,9 @@ public class RECIPES_General {
RECIPE_CraftingTable = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Blocks.crafting_table);
RECIPE_HydrogenDust = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModItems.itemHydrogenBlob);
RECIPE_BasicCasingIC2 = ItemUtils.getItemStackFromFQRN("IC2:blockMachine", 1);
- OUTPUT_Workbench_Bronze = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModBlocks.blockWorkbench);
- OUTPUT_Blueprint = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModItems.itemBlueprintBase);
+ OUTPUT_Workbench_Bronze = GregtechItemList.GT4_Workbench_Bronze.get(1);
+ OUTPUT_Workbench_Advanced = GregtechItemList.GT4_Workbench_Advanced.get(1);
+ OUTPUT_Blueprint = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModItems.itemBlueprintBase, 2);
@@ -63,18 +68,24 @@ public class RECIPES_General {
private static void run() {
//Workbench Blueprint
- /*RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
RECIPE_LapisDust, RECIPE_LapisDust, NULL,
- OUTPUT_Blueprint);*/
+ OUTPUT_Blueprint);
//Bronze Workbench
- /*RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
RECIPE_BronzePlate, RECIPE_CraftingTable, RECIPE_BronzePlate,
RECIPE_BronzePlate, RECIPE_BasicCasingIC2, RECIPE_BronzePlate,
- RECIPE_BronzePlate, RECIPE_BronzePlate, RECIPE_BronzePlate,
- OUTPUT_Workbench_Bronze);*/
+ RECIPE_BronzePlate, CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(0), RECIPE_BronzePlate,
+ OUTPUT_Workbench_Bronze);
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ RECIPE_StainlessPlate, CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(3), RECIPE_StainlessPlate,
+ RECIPE_StainlessPlate, OUTPUT_Workbench_Bronze, RECIPE_StainlessPlate,
+ RECIPE_StainlessPlate, CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(3), RECIPE_StainlessPlate,
+ OUTPUT_Workbench_Advanced);
//Generates recipes for the Dull shard when TC is not installed.
if (!LoadedMods.Thaumcraft) {
@@ -110,6 +121,25 @@ public class RECIPES_General {
+ if (OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist("dustPotassiumNitrade")) {
+ ItemStack aDustKNO3 = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("dustPotassiumNitrade", 1);
+ if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ null, null, null,
+ null, "dustPotassiumNitrade", null,
+ null, null, null,
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(aDustGtppKNO3, 1))) {
+ Logger.INFO("Add conversion recipe (GT Potassium Nitrade -> GT++ Potassium Nitrate)");
+ }
+ if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ null, null, null,
+ null, "dustPotassiumNitrate", null,
+ null, null, null,
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(aDustKNO3, 1))) {
+ Logger.INFO("Add conversion recipe (GT++ Potassium Nitrate -> GT Potassium Nitrade)");
+ }
+ }
//Rainforest oak Sapling
if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
"stickWood", "stickWood", "stickWood",
@@ -366,11 +396,12 @@ public class RECIPES_General {
private static boolean addCompressedObsidian(){
//Invert Obsidian
+ ItemStack aInvertedObsidian = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(ModBlocks.blockCompressedObsidian, 5, 1);
if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
getSimpleStack(Items.redstone), getSimpleStack(Items.glowstone_dust), getSimpleStack(Items.redstone),
getSimpleStack(Items.glowstone_dust), ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(ModBlocks.blockCompressedObsidian, 1, 1), getSimpleStack(Items.glowstone_dust),
getSimpleStack(Items.redstone), getSimpleStack(Items.glowstone_dust), getSimpleStack(Items.redstone),
- ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(ModBlocks.blockCompressedObsidian, 5, 1))){
+ aInvertedObsidian)){
Logger.INFO("Added a recipe for Inverted Obsidian.");
@@ -379,6 +410,12 @@ public class RECIPES_General {
for (int r=0;r<5;r++){
mItems[r+1] = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(ModBlocks.blockCompressedObsidian, r, 1);
+ final ItemStack[] mItems2 = new ItemStack[6];
+ mItems2[0] = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Blocks.glowstone);
+ for (int r=0;r<5;r++){
+ mItems2[r+1] = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(ModBlocks.blockCompressedObsidian, 6+r, 1);
+ }
//Compressed Obsidian 1-5
for (int r=0;r<5;r++){
@@ -399,6 +436,26 @@ public class RECIPES_General {
+ //Compressed Glowstone 1-5
+ for (int r=0;r<5;r++){
+ final ItemStack input = mItems2[r];
+ final ItemStack output = mItems2[r+1];
+ if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ input, input, input,
+ input, r == 2 ? aInvertedObsidian : input, input,
+ input, input, input,
+ output)){
+ Logger.INFO("Added a recipe for Compressed Glowstone ["+r+"]");
+ }
+ if (RecipeUtils.addShapelessGregtechRecipe(new ItemStack[]{output}, ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(input, 9))){
+ Logger.INFO("Added a shapeless recipe for Compressed Glowstone ["+r+"]");
+ }
+ }
return true;
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_Machines.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_Machines.java
index cd8d9311c0..e2cd1daeb3 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_Machines.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/RECIPES_Machines.java
@@ -253,18 +253,628 @@ public class RECIPES_Machines {
- sparging();
+ sparging();
+ gt4FarmManager();
+ gt4Redstone();
+ gt4Inventory();
+ multiGeneratorArray();
+ multiForgeHammer();
+ multiMolecularTransformer();
+ multiXlTurbines();
+ multiSolarTower();
+ multiElementalDuplicator();
+ computerCube();
+ resonanceChambers();
+ modulators();
+ }
+ private static void computerCube() {
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(20),
+ CI.getTieredGTPPMachineCasing(4, 1),
+ CI.getCircuit(4, 8),
+ CI.getFieldGenerator(2, 4),
+ CI.getDoublePlate(4, 8),
+ CI.getRobotArm(4, 8)
+ },
+ Materials.Redstone.getMolten(144 * 32),
+ GregtechItemList.Gregtech_Computer_Cube_Machine.get(1),
+ 20 * 60 * 10,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(4));
+ }
+ private static void gt4FarmManager() {
+ ItemList[] aInputHatches = new ItemList[] {
+ ItemList.Hatch_Input_LV, ItemList.Hatch_Input_MV, ItemList.Hatch_Input_HV,
+ ItemList.Hatch_Input_EV, ItemList.Hatch_Input_IV, ItemList.Hatch_Input_LuV,
+ ItemList.Hatch_Input_ZPM, ItemList.Hatch_Input_UV
+ };
+ GregtechItemList[] aOutputMachines = new GregtechItemList[] {
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Crop_Harvester_LV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Crop_Harvester_MV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Crop_Harvester_HV,
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Crop_Harvester_EV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Crop_Harvester_IV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Crop_Harvester_LuV,
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Crop_Harvester_ZPM, GregtechItemList.GT4_Crop_Harvester_UV
+ };
+ int aTier = 1;
+ for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ CI.getRobotArm(aTier, 1), CI.getSensor(aTier, 1), CI.getRobotArm(aTier, 1),
+ ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(OrePrefixes.toolHeadSense, CI.tieredMaterials[aTier], 1), CI.getTieredMachineHull(aTier, 1), ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(OrePrefixes.toolHeadSense, CI.tieredMaterials[aTier], 1),
+ CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aTier), aInputHatches[i].get(1), CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aTier),
+ aOutputMachines[i].get(1));
+ aTier++;
+ }
+ }
+ private static void gt4Redstone() {
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ "plateIron", "plateGlass", "plateIron",
+ "plateGlass", ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Blocks.redstone_lamp), "plateGlass",
+ "plateIron", "plateGlass", "plateIron",
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Redstone_Lamp.get(2));
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ "plateAluminium", "plateGlass", "plateAluminium",
+ "plateGlass", ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Blocks.redstone_lamp), "plateGlass",
+ "plateAluminium", "plateGlass", "plateAluminium",
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Redstone_Lamp.get(8));
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ "plateIron", "plateIron", "plateIron",
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator), ItemList.Cover_Screen.get(1), ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator),
+ "plateIron", "plateIron", "plateIron",
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Redstone_Display.get(2));
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ "plateAluminium", "plateAluminium", "plateAluminium",
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator), ItemList.Cover_Screen.get(1), ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator),
+ "plateAluminium", "plateAluminium", "plateAluminium",
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Redstone_Display.get(8));
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ "plateIron", "plateIron", "plateIron",
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator), ItemList.Cover_EnergyDetector.get(1), ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator),
+ "plateIron", "plateIron", "plateIron",
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Redstone_Scale.get(2));
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ "plateAluminium", "plateAluminium", "plateAluminium",
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator), ItemList.Cover_EnergyDetector.get(1), ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator),
+ "plateAluminium", "plateAluminium", "plateAluminium",
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Redstone_Scale.get(8));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getTieredMachineHull(1),
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Blocks.stone_button, 16)
+ },
+ null,
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Redstone_Button_Panel.get(1),
+ 800,
+ 4);
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ "plateIron", ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.repeater), "plateIron",
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator), CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(1), ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator),
+ "plateIron", ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.repeater), "plateIron",
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Redstone_Circuit.get(1));
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ "plateAluminium", ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.repeater), "plateAluminium",
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator), CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(1), ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.comparator),
+ "plateAluminium", ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.repeater), "plateAluminium",
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Redstone_Circuit.get(2));
+ }
+ private static void gt4Inventory() {
+ ItemList[] aEnergyHatches = new ItemList[] {
+ ItemList.Hatch_Energy_LV, ItemList.Hatch_Energy_MV, ItemList.Hatch_Energy_HV,
+ ItemList.Hatch_Energy_EV, ItemList.Hatch_Energy_IV, ItemList.Hatch_Energy_LuV,
+ ItemList.Hatch_Energy_ZPM, ItemList.Hatch_Energy_UV
+ };
+ ItemList[] aRegulators = new ItemList[] {
+ ItemList.Automation_Regulator_LV, ItemList.Automation_Regulator_MV, ItemList.Automation_Regulator_HV,
+ ItemList.Automation_Regulator_EV, ItemList.Automation_Regulator_IV, ItemList.Automation_Regulator_LuV,
+ ItemList.Automation_Regulator_ZPM, ItemList.Automation_Regulator_UV
+ };
+ GregtechItemList[] aOutputInventoryManager = new GregtechItemList[] {
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Inventory_Manager_LV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Inventory_Manager_MV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Inventory_Manager_HV,
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Inventory_Manager_EV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Inventory_Manager_IV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Inventory_Manager_LuV,
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Inventory_Manager_ZPM, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Inventory_Manager_UV
+ };
+ int aTier = 1;
+ for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aTier), aRegulators[i].get(1), CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aTier),
+ CI.getRobotArm(aTier, 1), CI.getTieredMachineHull(aTier), CI.getRobotArm(aTier, 1),
+ CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aTier), aEnergyHatches[i].get(1), CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aTier),
+ aOutputInventoryManager[i].get(1));
+ aTier++;
+ }
+ GregtechItemList[] aOutputElectricCraftingTable = new GregtechItemList[] {
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Auto_Workbench_LV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Auto_Workbench_MV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Auto_Workbench_HV,
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Auto_Workbench_EV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Auto_Workbench_IV, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Auto_Workbench_LuV,
+ GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Auto_Workbench_ZPM, GregtechItemList.GT4_Electric_Auto_Workbench_UV
+ };
+ aTier = 1;
+ for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(OrePrefixes.plate, CI.tieredMaterials[aTier], 1), ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Blocks.crafting_table), ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(OrePrefixes.plate, CI.tieredMaterials[aTier], 1),
+ CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aTier), CI.getTieredMachineHull(aTier), CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aTier),
+ ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(OrePrefixes.plate, CI.tieredMaterials[aTier], 1), CI.getRobotArm(aTier, 1), ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(OrePrefixes.plate, CI.tieredMaterials[aTier], 1),
+ aOutputElectricCraftingTable[i].get(1));
+ aTier++;
+ }
+ }
+ private static void multiGeneratorArray() {
+ GT_ModHandler.addCraftingRecipe(
+ ItemList.Processing_Array.get(1L),
+ CI.bitsd,
+ new Object[]{"CTC", "FMF", "CBC",
+ 'M', CI.getTieredGTPPMachineCasing(4, 1),
+ 'B', OrePrefixes.pipeHuge.get(Materials.StainlessSteel),
+ 'C', OrePrefixes.circuit.get(Materials.Data),
+ 'F', ItemList.Electric_Pump_EV,
+ 'T', CI.getSensor(4, 1)});
+ }
+ private static void multiForgeHammer() {
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getTieredGTPPMachineCasing(4, 1),
+ ItemList.Machine_IV_Hammer.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(4, 8),
+ CI.getBolt(5, 32),
+ ELEMENT.getInstance().ZIRCONIUM.getFineWire(32),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("circuitElite", 4)
+ },
+ CI.getTieredFluid(4, 144 * 12),
+ GregtechItemList.Controller_IndustrialForgeHammer.get(1),
+ 20 * 30,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(5));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getTieredGTPPMachineCasing(3, 1),
+ ItemList.Casing_HeatProof.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(4, 2),
+ CI.getBolt(4, 8),
+ ALLOY.BABBIT_ALLOY.getFineWire(16),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("circuitGood", 4)
+ },
+ CI.getTieredFluid(4, 144 * 2),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_IndustrialForgeHammer.get(1),
+ 20 * 30,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(4));
+ private static void multiMolecularTransformer() {
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getTieredGTPPMachineCasing(6, 1),
+ CI.getPlate(5, 16),
+ CI.getBolt(5, 32),
+ ALLOY.HG1223.getFineWire(64),
+ CI.getEmitter(4, 8),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("circuitMaster", 10)
+ },
+ CI.getTieredFluid(5, 144 * 16),
+ 20 * 60,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(5));
+ CORE.RA.addAssemblylineRecipe(
+ 20 * 60 * 30,
+ new Object[] {
+ ALLOY.HG1223.getFineWire(64),
+ ALLOY.HG1223.getFineWire(64),
+ ItemList.Electric_Motor_IV.get(GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ ItemList.Energy_LapotronicOrb.get(GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ CI.getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes.cableGt12, 6, GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ CI.getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes.wireGt16, 5, GTNH ? 64 : 32),
+ ALLOY.ZERON_100.getFrameBox(4),
+ ALLOY.BABBIT_ALLOY.getPlate(64),
+ ALLOY.LEAGRISIUM.getGear(GTNH ? 16 : 8),
+ new Object[] {CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(4), 64},
+ new Object[] {CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(5), 32},
+ new Object[] {CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(6), 16},
+ GregtechItemList.Laser_Lens_WoodsGlass.get(1),
+ },
+ new FluidStack[] {
+ ALLOY.NITINOL_60.getFluidStack(144 * 9 * (GTNH ? 4 : 2)),
+ ALLOY.INCOLOY_MA956.getFluidStack(144 * 9 * (GTNH ? 32 : 8)),
+ ALLOY.KANTHAL.getFluidStack(144 * 1 * (GTNH ? 16 : 4)),
+ },
+ GregtechItemList.Controller_MolecularTransformer.get(1),
+ 20 * 60 * 10 * (GTNH ? 2 : 1),
+ (int) MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(6));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(16),
+ CI.getPlate(6, 4),
+ CI.getScrew(6, 8),
+ ELEMENT.getInstance().PALLADIUM.getFineWire(16),
+ CI.getSensor(5, 2),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("circuitElite", 4)
+ },
+ CI.getTieredFluid(5, 144 * 4),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_Molecular_Transformer_1.get(1),
+ 20 * 20,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(5));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(16),
+ CI.getPlate(5, 4),
+ CI.getScrew(5, 8),
+ ItemList.Casing_Coil_Nichrome.get(2),
+ CI.getFieldGenerator(3, 2),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("circuitData", 8)
+ },
+ CI.getTieredFluid(5, 144 * 4),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_Molecular_Transformer_2.get(1),
+ 20 * 20,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(5));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(16),
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Blocks.glowstone, 16),
+ CI.getGear(5, 8),
+ ELEMENT.getInstance().TITANIUM.getWire04(4),
+ CI.getFieldGenerator(4, 2),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("circuitData", 8)
+ },
+ CI.getTieredFluid(5, 144 * 4),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_Molecular_Transformer_3.get(1),
+ 20 * 60,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(5));
+ }
+ private static void multiXlTurbines() {
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ CI.getDoublePlate(4, 1), CI.getElectricMotor(3, 1), CI.getDoublePlate(4, 1),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("cellLubricant", 1), ItemList.Casing_Gearbox_Titanium.get(1), ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("cellLubricant", 1),
+ CI.getDoublePlate(4, 1), CI.getElectricMotor(3, 1), CI.getDoublePlate(4, 1),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_Turbine_Shaft.get(1));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(18),
+ ItemList.Casing_Turbine.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(4, 4),
+ CI.getScrew(4, 8),
+ CI.getCircuit(4, 4),
+ CI.getGear(3, 8)
+ },
+ CI.tieredMaterials[3].getMolten(144 * 8),
+ GregtechItemList.Hatch_Turbine_Rotor.get(1),
+ 20 * 60,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(4));
+ // Steam
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(18),
+ ItemList.Casing_Turbine.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(3, 4),
+ CI.getScrew(3, 8),
+ },
+ CI.tieredMaterials[2].getMolten(144 * 2),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_Turbine_LP.get(1),
+ 20 * 5,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(3));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(18),
+ ItemList.LargeSteamTurbine.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(4, 8),
+ CI.getScrew(4, 16),
+ CI.getGear(4, 4),
+ CI.getCircuit(4, 8)
+ },
+ CI.tieredMaterials[4].getMolten(144 * 8),
+ GregtechItemList.Large_Steam_Turbine.get(1),
+ 20 * 60,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(4));
+ // Gas
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(18),
+ ItemList.Casing_Turbine1.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(4, 4),
+ CI.getScrew(4, 8),
+ },
+ CI.tieredMaterials[3].getMolten(144 * 2),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_Turbine_Gas.get(1),
+ 20 * 5,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(4));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(18),
+ ItemList.LargeGasTurbine.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(5, 8),
+ CI.getScrew(5, 16),
+ CI.getGear(5, 4),
+ CI.getCircuit(5, 8)
+ },
+ CI.tieredMaterials[5].getMolten(144 * 8),
+ GregtechItemList.Large_Gas_Turbine.get(1),
+ 20 * 60,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(5));
+ // HP Steam
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(18),
+ ItemList.Casing_Turbine2.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(5, 4),
+ CI.getScrew(5, 8),
+ },
+ CI.tieredMaterials[4].getMolten(144 * 2),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_Turbine_HP.get(1),
+ 20 * 5,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(5));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(18),
+ ItemList.LargeHPSteamTurbine.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(6, 8),
+ CI.getScrew(6, 16),
+ CI.getGear(6, 4),
+ CI.getCircuit(6, 8)
+ },
+ CI.tieredMaterials[6].getMolten(144 * 8),
+ GregtechItemList.Large_HPSteam_Turbine.get(1),
+ 20 * 60,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(6));
+ // Plasma
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(18),
+ ItemList.Casing_Turbine3.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(6, 4),
+ CI.getScrew(6, 8),
+ },
+ CI.tieredMaterials[5].getMolten(144 * 2),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_Turbine_Plasma.get(1),
+ 20 * 5,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(6));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(18),
+ ItemList.LargePlasmaTurbine.get(1),
+ CI.getPlate(7, 8),
+ CI.getScrew(7, 16),
+ CI.getGear(7, 4),
+ CI.getCircuit(7, 8)
+ },
+ CI.tieredMaterials[7].getMolten(144 * 8),
+ GregtechItemList.Large_Plasma_Turbine.get(1),
+ 20 * 60,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(7));
+ }
+ private static void multiSolarTower() {
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(17),
+ CI.getTieredGTPPMachineCasing(3, 4),
+ ALLOY.MARAGING250.getPlate(8),
+ ALLOY.MARAGING250.getBolt(8),
+ ALLOY.MARAGING250.getScrew(8),
+ CI.getCircuit(5, 8)
+ },
+ CI.getTieredFluid(3, 144 * 16),
+ GregtechItemList.Industrial_Solar_Tower.get(1),
+ 20 * 30,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(4));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(17),
+ ALLOY.MARAGING350.getFrameBox(1),
+ ALLOY.MARAGING350.getScrew(8)
+ },
+ CI.getTieredFluid(3, 144 * 4),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_SolarTower_Structural.get(1),
+ 20 * 30,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(3));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(17),
+ ALLOY.MARAGING250.getFrameBox(1),
+ ALLOY.MARAGING250.getBolt(16),
+ ELEMENT.getInstance().ALUMINIUM.getScrew(8)
+ },
+ CI.getTieredFluid(3, 144 * 4),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_SolarTower_SaltContainment.get(1),
+ 20 * 30,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(3));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(17),
+ ALLOY.MARAGING250.getFrameBox(1),
+ ALLOY.STEEL_BLACK.getPlate(4),
+ ALLOY.MARAGING250.getScrew(8)
+ },
+ CI.getAlternativeTieredFluid(3, 144 * 4),
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_SolarTower_HeatContainment.get(1),
+ 20 * 30,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(3));
+ CORE.RA.addSixSlotAssemblingRecipe(
+ new ItemStack[] {
+ CI.getNumberedAdvancedCircuit(17),
+ CI.getTieredGTPPMachineCasing(2, 1),
+ CI.getPlate(3, 2),
+ CI.getGear(3, 4),
+ CI.getElectricMotor(3, 2),
+ CI.getCircuit(3, 4)
+ },
+ CI.getTertiaryTieredFluid(3, 144 * 4),
+ GregtechItemList.Solar_Tower_Reflector.get(1),
+ 20 * 60,
+ MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(3));
+ }
+ private static void multiElementalDuplicator() {
+ CORE.RA.addAssemblylineRecipe(
+ ItemList.Machine_IV_Replicator.get(1),
+ 20 * 60 * 60 * 12,
+ new Object[] {
+ CI.getTieredMachineHull(7, 4),
+ CI.getFieldGenerator(5, GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ CI.getElectricMotor(7, GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ CI.getElectricPiston(7, GTNH ? 16 : 4),
+ CI.getEnergyCore(6, GTNH ? 8 : 2),
+ CI.getPlate(7, GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ CI.getScrew(7, GTNH ? 64 : 32),
+ CI.getBolt(6, GTNH ? 64 : 32),
+ CI.getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes.rod, 6, GTNH ? 20 : 10),
+ new Object[] {CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(7), 20},
+ ItemList.Tool_DataOrb.get(32),
+ GregtechItemList.Laser_Lens_Special.get(1)
+ },
+ new FluidStack[] {
+ CI.getTieredFluid(7, 144 * 32),
+ CI.getAlternativeTieredFluid(6, 144 * 16),
+ CI.getTertiaryTieredFluid(6, 144 * 16),
+ ALLOY.BABBIT_ALLOY.getFluidStack(128 * 144),
+ },
+ GregtechItemList.Controller_ElementalDuplicator.get(1),
+ 20 * 60 * 60 * (GTNH ? 2 : 1),
+ (int) MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(7));
+ CORE.RA.addAssemblylineRecipe(
+ GregtechItemList.Modulator_III.get(1),
+ 20 * 60 * 60 * 4,
+ new Object[] {
+ CI.getTieredGTPPMachineCasing(7, 2),
+ CI.getFieldGenerator(4, GTNH ? 8 : 4),
+ CI.getEnergyCore(4, GTNH ? 8 : 2),
+ CI.getPlate(7, GTNH ? 16 : 8),
+ CI.getScrew(6, GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ CI.getBolt(6, GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ CI.getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes.rod, 5, GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ new Object[] {CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(6), 32},
+ ItemList.Tool_DataOrb.get(32),
+ },
+ new FluidStack[] {
+ CI.getTieredFluid(6, 144 * 16),
+ CI.getAlternativeTieredFluid(5, 144 * 8),
+ CI.getTertiaryTieredFluid(5, 144 * 8),
+ ALLOY.BABBIT_ALLOY.getFluidStack(64 * 144),
+ },
+ GregtechItemList.Hatch_Input_Elemental_Duplicator.get(1),
+ 20 * 60 * 60 * (GTNH ? 4 : 2),
+ (int) MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(6));
+ CORE.RA.addAssemblylineRecipe(
+ GregtechItemList.ResonanceChamber_III.get(1),
+ 20 * 60 * 60 * 2,
+ new Object[] {
+ CI.getTieredMachineHull(6, 5),
+ CI.getFieldGenerator(3, GTNH ? 32 : 16),
+ CI.getEnergyCore(2, GTNH ? 8 : 2),
+ CI.getPlate(7, GTNH ? 8 : 4),
+ CI.getScrew(7, GTNH ? 8 : 4),
+ CI.getBolt(6, GTNH ? 16 : 8),
+ CI.getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes.rod, 5, GTNH ? 8 : 4),
+ new Object[] {CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(5), 4},
+ ItemList.Tool_DataStick.get(4),
+ },
+ new FluidStack[] {
+ CI.getTieredFluid(5, 144 * 16),
+ CI.getAlternativeTieredFluid(4, 144 * 8),
+ CI.getTertiaryTieredFluid(4, 144 * 8),
+ ALLOY.BABBIT_ALLOY.getFluidStack(16 * 144),
+ },
+ GregtechItemList.Casing_ElementalDuplicator.get(1),
+ 20 * 60 * (GTNH ? 20 : 10),
+ (int) MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(6));
+ }
+ private static void resonanceChambers() {
+ int aFieldTier = 1;
+ int aCasingTier = 4;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ CI.getDoublePlate(aCasingTier, 1), CI.getFieldGenerator(aFieldTier, 1), CI.getDoublePlate(aCasingTier, 1),
+ CI.getFieldGenerator(aFieldTier, 1), CI.getTieredMachineCasing(aCasingTier), CI.getFieldGenerator(aFieldTier, 1),
+ CI.getDoublePlate(aCasingTier, 1), CI.getFieldGenerator(aFieldTier, 1), CI.getDoublePlate(aCasingTier, 1),
+ ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(ModBlocks.blockSpecialMultiCasings2, i, 1));
+ aCasingTier++;
+ aFieldTier++;
+ }
+ }
+ private static void modulators() {
+ int aCasingTier = 4;
+ for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aCasingTier), CI.getPlate(aCasingTier, 1), CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aCasingTier),
+ CI.getPlate(aCasingTier, 1), CI.getTieredMachineCasing(aCasingTier), CI.getPlate(aCasingTier, 1),
+ CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aCasingTier), CI.getPlate(aCasingTier, 1), CI.getTieredCircuitOreDictName(aCasingTier),
+ ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(ModBlocks.blockSpecialMultiCasings2, i, 1));
+ aCasingTier++;
+ }
+ }
private static void zyngen() {
new ItemStack[] {
- ItemList.Machine_EV_AlloySmelter.get(1),
+ ItemList.Machine_IV_AlloySmelter.get(1),
CI.getGear(3, 16),
CI.getBolt(3, 64),
CI.getPlate(4, 16)
@@ -925,6 +1535,21 @@ public class RECIPES_Machines {
if (CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableMachine_FluidTanks){
Logger.WARNING("Is New Horizons Loaded? "+GTNH);
if (!GTNH){
+ // Allows clearing stored fluids.
+ GregtechItemList[] aTanks = new GregtechItemList[] {
+ GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_ULV, GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_LV, GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_MV,
+ GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_HV, GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_EV, GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_IV,
+ GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_LuV, GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_ZPM, GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_UV,
+ GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_MAX};
+ for (GregtechItemList aTank : aTanks) {
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedGregtechRecipe(
+ aTank.get(1), null, null,
+ null, null, null,
+ null, null, null,
+ aTank.get(1));
+ }
CI.component_Plate[1], CI.component_Plate[1], CI.component_Plate[1],
CI.component_Plate[1], pipeTier1, CI.component_Plate[1],
@@ -993,6 +1618,16 @@ public class RECIPES_Machines {
CI.component_Plate[8] = "plateDarkSteel";
ItemStack waterBucket = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(Items.water_bucket);
+ // Allows clearing stored fluids.
+ GregtechItemList[] aTanks = new GregtechItemList[] {GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_ULV, GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_LV, GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_MV, GregtechItemList.GT_FluidTank_HV};
+ for (GregtechItemList aTank : aTanks) {
+ RecipeUtils.addShapedGregtechRecipe(
+ aTank.get(1), null, null,
+ null, null, null,
+ null, null, null,
+ aTank.get(1));
+ }
CI.component_Plate[1], CI.component_Plate[5], CI.component_Plate[1],
CI.component_Plate[4], pipeTier1, CI.component_Plate[4],
@@ -1406,6 +2041,8 @@ public class RECIPES_Machines {
//Air Intake Hatch
+ ItemList FluidRegulator_IV = ItemUtils.getValueOfItemList("FluidRegulator_IV", ItemList.Pump_IV);
+ ItemStack aTieredFluidRegulator = CORE.MAIN_GREGTECH_5U_EXPERIMENTAL_FORK ? FluidRegulator_IV.get(1) : ItemList.Pump_IV.get(1);
CI.component_Plate[6], ItemList.Casing_Grate.get(1), CI.component_Plate[6],
CI.component_Plate[6], CI.getFluidRegulator(5, 1), CI.component_Plate[6],
@@ -1424,6 +2061,7 @@ public class RECIPES_Machines {
CI.getPlate(7, 1), CI.getFluidRegulator(7, 1), CI.getPlate(7, 1),
CI.getTieredCircuit(7), ItemList.Hatch_Input_ZPM.get(1), CI.getTieredCircuit(7),
if (CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableMultiblock_LiquidFluorideThoriumReactor){
//Thorium Reactor
@@ -2796,7 +3434,8 @@ public class RECIPES_Machines {
for (int a=0;a<5;a++) {
- for (int i = 0;i<16;i++) {
+ for (int i = 0;i<16;i++) {
+ if (GTNH) continue;
ItemStack aInput = aInputs[a][i];
ItemStack aOutput = aOutputs[a][i];
if (GT_Values.RA.addCutterRecipe(
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common/CI.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common/CI.java
index f6af91a040..f656cfe9f0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common/CI.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe/common/CI.java
@@ -190,6 +190,13 @@ public class CI {
public static ItemStack explosiveTNT;
public static ItemStack explosiveITNT;
+ public static Materials[] tieredMaterials = new Materials[] {
+ Materials.Iron, Materials.Steel, Materials.Aluminium,
+ Materials.StainlessSteel, Materials.Titanium, Materials.TungstenSteel,
+ Materials.Chrome, Materials.Iridium, Materials.Osmium,
+ Materials.Neutronium
+ };;
public static void preInit(){
//Tiered Components
@@ -543,7 +550,7 @@ public class CI {
@@ -572,7 +579,7 @@ public class CI {
- ELEMENT.getInstance().TUNGSTEN,
+ ELEMENT.getInstance().TITANIUM,
@@ -681,6 +688,14 @@ public class CI {
public static ItemStack getBolt(int aTier, int aAmount) {
return getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes.bolt, aTier, aAmount);
+ public static ItemStack getScrew(int aTier, int aAmount) {
+ return getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes.screw, aTier, aAmount);
+ }
+ public static ItemStack getCircuit(int aTier, int aAmount) {
+ return getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes.circuit, aTier, aAmount);
+ }
public static ItemStack getTieredComponent(OrePrefixes aPrefix, int aTier, int aAmount) {
aTier = Math.max(0, aTier);
@@ -694,12 +709,12 @@ public class CI {
if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.circuit) {
- if (aTier == 4) {
+ /*if (aTier == 4) {
return ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(CI.getDataStick(), aAmount);
else if (aTier == 5) {
return ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(CI.getDataOrb(), aAmount);
- }
+ }*/
return ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(OrePrefixes.circuit, aMaterial_Circuits[aTier], aAmount);
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/ModTileEntities.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/ModTileEntities.java
index 62b545c5c8..0fcbb6a576 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/ModTileEntities.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/ModTileEntities.java
@@ -5,7 +5,15 @@ import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.general.BlockSuperLight.TileEntitySuperLight;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.machine.Machine_SuperJukebox.TileEntitySuperJukebox;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.*;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityCircuitProgrammer;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityDecayablesChest;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityEggBox;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityFirepit;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityFishTrap;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityInfiniteFluid;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityPlayerDoorBase;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityVolumetricFlaskSetter;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityXpConverter;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityAdvPooCollector;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityModularityTable;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityPestKiller;
@@ -13,8 +21,6 @@ import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityPooCollector;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityProjectTable;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityRoundRobinator;
import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityTradeTable;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbench;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines.TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced;
import gtPlusPlus.plugin.villagers.tile.TileEntityGenericSpawner;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.Meta_GT_Proxy;
@@ -24,8 +30,6 @@ public class ModTileEntities {
Logger.INFO("Registering Tile Entities.");
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityPooCollector.class, "TileEntityPooCollector");
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityAdvPooCollector.class, "TileEntityAdvPooCollector");
- GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityWorkbench.class, "TileWorkbench");
- GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced.class, "TileWorkbenchAdvanced");
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityFishTrap.class, "TileFishTrap");
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityFirepit.class, "TileFirePit");
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityInfiniteFluid.class, "TileInfiniteFluid");
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/machines/TileEntityWorkbench.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/machines/TileEntityWorkbench.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a2db2326a9..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/machines/TileEntityWorkbench.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
-import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCraftResult;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
-import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
-import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.InventoryWorkbenchChest;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.InventoryWorkbenchHoloSlots;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.InventoryWorkbenchTools;
-import ic2.api.network.INetworkDataProvider;
-import ic2.api.network.INetworkUpdateListener;
-import ic2.api.tile.IWrenchable;
-import ic2.core.IC2;
-public class TileEntityWorkbench extends TileEntity implements INetworkDataProvider, INetworkUpdateListener, IWrenchable{
- //Credit to NovaViper in http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=26439.0 - Helped me restructure my Inventory system and now the crafting matrix works better.
- public InventoryWorkbenchChest inventoryChest;
- public InventoryWorkbenchTools inventoryTool;
- public InventoryWorkbenchHoloSlots inventoryHolo;
- //public InventoryWorkbenchHoloCrafting inventoryCrafting;
- public IInventory inventoryCraftResult = new InventoryCraftResult();
- public TileEntityWorkbench(){
- this.inventoryTool = new InventoryWorkbenchTools();//number of slots - without product slot
- this.inventoryChest = new InventoryWorkbenchChest();//number of slots - without product slot
- this.inventoryHolo = new InventoryWorkbenchHoloSlots();
- //this.inventoryCrafting = new InventoryWorkbenchHoloCrafting();
- this.canUpdate();
- }
- public NBTTagCompound getTag(final NBTTagCompound nbt, final String tag)
- {
- if(!nbt.hasKey(tag))
- {
- nbt.setTag(tag, new NBTTagCompound());
- }
- return nbt.getCompoundTag(tag);
- }
- @Override
- public void writeToNBT(final NBTTagCompound nbt)
- {
- super.writeToNBT(nbt);
- nbt.setShort("facing", this.facing);
- this.inventoryChest.writeToNBT(this.getTag(nbt, "ContentsChest"));
- this.inventoryTool.writeToNBT(this.getTag(nbt, "ContentsTools"));
- //inventoryCrafting.writeToNBT(getTag(nbt, "ContentsCrafting"));
- this.inventoryHolo.writeToNBT(this.getTag(nbt, "ContentsHolo"));
- // Write Crafting Matrix to NBT
- final NBTTagList craftingTag = new NBTTagList();
- /*for (int currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < this.inventoryCrafting.getSizeInventory(); ++currentIndex) {
- if (this.inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(currentIndex) != null) {
- final NBTTagCompound tagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();
- tagCompound.setByte("Slot", (byte) currentIndex);
- this.inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(currentIndex).writeToNBT(tagCompound);
- craftingTag.appendTag(tagCompound);
- }
- }*/
- nbt.setTag("CraftingMatrix", craftingTag);
- // Write craftingResult to NBT
- if (this.inventoryCraftResult.getStackInSlot(0) != null) {
- nbt.setTag("CraftingResult", this.inventoryCraftResult.getStackInSlot(0).writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void readFromNBT(final NBTTagCompound nbt)
- {
- super.readFromNBT(nbt);
- this.prevFacing = (this.facing = nbt.getShort("facing"));
- this.inventoryChest.readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("ContentsChest"));
- this.inventoryTool.readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("ContentsTools"));
- //inventoryCrafting.readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("ContentsCrafting"));
- this.inventoryHolo.readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("ContentsHolo"));
- // Read in the Crafting Matrix from NBT
- final NBTTagList craftingTag = nbt.getTagList("CraftingMatrix", 10);
- /*this.inventoryCrafting = new InventoryWorkbenchHoloCrafting(); //TODO: magic number
- for (int i = 0; i < craftingTag.tagCount(); ++i) {
- final NBTTagCompound tagCompound = craftingTag.getCompoundTagAt(i);
- final byte slot = tagCompound.getByte("Slot");
- if ((slot >= 0) && (slot < this.inventoryCrafting.getSizeInventory())) {
- this.inventoryCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(slot, ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(tagCompound));
- }
- }*/
- // Read craftingResult from NBT
- final NBTTagCompound tagCraftResult = nbt.getCompoundTag("CraftingResult");
- this.inventoryCraftResult.setInventorySlotContents(0, ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(tagCraftResult));
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> getNetworkedFields(){
- final List<String> ret = new Vector(2);
- ret.add("facing");
- return ret;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean wrenchCanSetFacing(final EntityPlayer entityPlayer, final int side)
- {
- return false;
- }
- private short facing = 0;
- public short prevFacing = 0;
- @Override
- public void setFacing(final short facing1)
- {
- this.facing = facing1;
- if (this.prevFacing != facing1) {
- IC2.network.get().updateTileEntityField(this, "facing");
- }
- this.prevFacing = facing1;
- }
- @Override
- public short getFacing()
- {
- return this.facing;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean wrenchCanRemove(final EntityPlayer entityPlayer)
- {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public float getWrenchDropRate()
- {
- return 1.0F;
- }
- @Override
- public ItemStack getWrenchDrop(final EntityPlayer entityPlayer)
- {
- return new ItemStack(this.worldObj.getBlock(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord), 1, this.worldObj.getBlockMetadata(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord));
- }
- @Override
- public void onNetworkUpdate(final String field) {
- this.prevFacing = this.facing;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/machines/TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/machines/TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 264323388f..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/tileentities/machines/TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.machines;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
-import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCraftResult;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
-import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
-import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.inventories.*;
-import ic2.api.energy.event.EnergyTileLoadEvent;
-import ic2.api.energy.event.EnergyTileUnloadEvent;
-import ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergySink;
-import ic2.api.network.INetworkDataProvider;
-import ic2.api.network.INetworkUpdateListener;
-import ic2.api.tile.IWrenchable;
-import ic2.core.IC2;
-import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
-import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
-public class TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink, INetworkDataProvider, INetworkUpdateListener, IWrenchable{
- //Credit to NovaViper in http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=26439.0 - Helped me restructure my Inventory system and now the crafting matrix works better.
- public InventoryWorkbenchChest inventoryChest;
- public InventoryWorkbenchToolsElectric inventoryTool;
- public InventoryWorkbenchHoloSlots inventoryHolo;
- public InventoryWorkbenchHoloCrafting inventoryCrafting;
- public IInventory inventoryCraftResult = new InventoryCraftResult();
- //Wrench Code
- private short facing = 0;
- public short prevFacing = 0;
- //E-Net Code
- public double energy = 0.0D;
- public int maxEnergy;
- private boolean addedToEnergyNet = false;
- private int tier;
- private float guiChargeLevel;
- public TileEntityWorkbenchAdvanced(final int maxenergy, final int tier1){
- this.inventoryTool = new InventoryWorkbenchToolsElectric();//number of slots - without product slot
- this.inventoryChest = new InventoryWorkbenchChest();//number of slots - without product slot
- this.inventoryHolo = new InventoryWorkbenchHoloSlots();
- this.inventoryCrafting = new InventoryWorkbenchHoloCrafting();
- this.canUpdate();
- //Electric Stats
- this.maxEnergy = maxenergy;
- this.tier = tier1;
- }
- public NBTTagCompound getTag(final NBTTagCompound nbt, final String tag)
- {
- if(!nbt.hasKey(tag))
- {
- nbt.setTag(tag, new NBTTagCompound());
- }
- return nbt.getCompoundTag(tag);
- }
- @Override
- public void writeToNBT(final NBTTagCompound nbt)
- {
- super.writeToNBT(nbt);
- nbt.setDouble("energy", this.energy);
- nbt.setShort("facing", this.facing);
- this.inventoryChest.writeToNBT(this.getTag(nbt, "ContentsChest"));
- this.inventoryTool.writeToNBT(this.getTag(nbt, "ContentsTools"));
- //inventoryCrafting.writeToNBT(getTag(nbt, "ContentsCrafting"));
- this.inventoryHolo.writeToNBT(this.getTag(nbt, "ContentsHolo"));
- // Write Crafting Matrix to NBT
- final NBTTagList craftingTag = new NBTTagList();
- for (int currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < this.inventoryCrafting.getSizeInventory(); ++currentIndex) {
- if (this.inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(currentIndex) != null) {
- final NBTTagCompound tagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();
- tagCompound.setByte("Slot", (byte) currentIndex);
- this.inventoryCrafting.getStackInSlot(currentIndex).writeToNBT(tagCompound);
- craftingTag.appendTag(tagCompound);
- }
- }
- nbt.setTag("CraftingMatrix", craftingTag);
- // Write craftingResult to NBT
- if (this.inventoryCraftResult.getStackInSlot(0) != null) {
- nbt.setTag("CraftingResult", this.inventoryCraftResult.getStackInSlot(0).writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void readFromNBT(final NBTTagCompound nbt)
- {
- super.readFromNBT(nbt);
- this.energy = nbt.getDouble("energy");
- this.prevFacing = (this.facing = nbt.getShort("facing"));
- this.inventoryChest.readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("ContentsChest"));
- this.inventoryTool.readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("ContentsTools"));
- //inventoryCrafting.readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("ContentsCrafting"));
- this.inventoryHolo.readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("ContentsHolo"));
- // Read in the Crafting Matrix from NBT
- final NBTTagList craftingTag = nbt.getTagList("CraftingMatrix", 10);
- this.inventoryCrafting = new InventoryWorkbenchHoloCrafting(); //TODO: magic number
- for (int i = 0; i < craftingTag.tagCount(); ++i) {
- final NBTTagCompound tagCompound = craftingTag.getCompoundTagAt(i);
- final byte slot = tagCompound.getByte("Slot");
- if ((slot >= 0) && (slot < this.inventoryCrafting.getSizeInventory())) {
- this.inventoryCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(slot, ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(tagCompound));
- }
- }
- // Read craftingResult from NBT
- final NBTTagCompound tagCraftResult = nbt.getCompoundTag("CraftingResult");
- this.inventoryCraftResult.setInventorySlotContents(0, ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(tagCraftResult));
- }
- @Override
- public boolean acceptsEnergyFrom(final TileEntity emitter, final ForgeDirection direction)
- {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public double getDemandedEnergy()
- {
- return this.maxEnergy - this.energy;
- }
- @Override
- public int getSinkTier()
- {
- return this.tier;
- }
- @Override
- public double injectEnergy(final ForgeDirection directionFrom, final double amount, final double voltage)
- {
- if (this.energy >= this.maxEnergy) {
- return amount;
- }
- this.energy += amount;
- return 0.0D;
- }
- public final float getChargeLevel()
- {
- return this.guiChargeLevel;
- }
- public void setTier(final int tier1)
- {
- if (this.tier == tier1) {
- return;
- }
- final boolean addedToENet = this.addedToEnergyNet;
- if (addedToENet)
- {
- MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new EnergyTileUnloadEvent(this));
- this.addedToEnergyNet = false;
- }
- this.tier = tier1;
- for (int i=0; i<this.inventoryTool.getSizeInventory(); i++){
- //this.inventoryTool..setTier(tier1); TODO
- }
- if (addedToENet)
- {
- MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new EnergyTileLoadEvent(this));
- this.addedToEnergyNet = true;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> getNetworkedFields(){
- final List<String> ret = new Vector(2);
- ret.add("facing");
- return ret;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean wrenchCanSetFacing(final EntityPlayer entityPlayer, final int side)
- {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public void setFacing(final short facing1)
- {
- this.facing = facing1;
- if (this.prevFacing != facing1) {
- IC2.network.get().updateTileEntityField(this, "facing");
- }
- this.prevFacing = facing1;
- }
- @Override
- public short getFacing()
- {
- return this.facing;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean wrenchCanRemove(final EntityPlayer entityPlayer)
- {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public float getWrenchDropRate()
- {
- return 1.0F;
- }
- @Override
- public ItemStack getWrenchDrop(final EntityPlayer entityPlayer)
- {
- return new ItemStack(this.worldObj.getBlock(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord), 1, this.worldObj.getBlockMetadata(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord));
- }
- @Override
- public void onNetworkUpdate(final String field) {
- this.prevFacing = this.facing;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/math/MathUtils.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/math/MathUtils.java
index ef5db6e4e0..4ff929c643 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/math/MathUtils.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/math/MathUtils.java
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ public class MathUtils {
final static Random rand = CORE.RANDOM;
- /** Formats a number with group separator and at most 2 fraction digits. */
- private static final NumberFormat sNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
- static {
- sNumberFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
- }
+ /** Formats a number with group separator and at most 2 fraction digits. */
+ private static final NumberFormat sNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
+ static {
+ sNumberFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
+ }
* Returns a psuedo-random number between min and max, inclusive.
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ public class MathUtils {
return 0;
public static <V> V safeCast(Object aNumberType) {
long a1;
double a2;
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ public class MathUtils {
String s = ""+a1;
Short s1 = Short.valueOf(s);
return (V) s1;
else if ((aNumberType.getClass() == int.class) || (aNumberType instanceof Integer)){
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ public class MathUtils {
String s = ""+a1;
Integer s1 = Integer.valueOf(s);
return (V) s1;
else if ((aNumberType.getClass() == long.class) || (aNumberType instanceof Long)){
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ public class MathUtils {
String s = ""+a1;
Float s1 = Float.valueOf(s);
return (V) s1;
else if ((aNumberType.getClass() == double.class) || (aNumberType instanceof Double)){
@@ -617,40 +617,40 @@ public class MathUtils {
String s = ""+a1;
Double s1 = Double.valueOf(s);
return (V) s1;
Integer o = 0;
return (V) o;
public static byte getSafeByte(Byte b) {
Byte a = safeCast(b);
return a.byteValue();
public static short getSafeShort(Short b) {
Short a = safeCast(b);
return a.shortValue();
public static int getSafeInt(Integer b) {
Integer a = safeCast(b);
return a.intValue();
public static long getSafeLong(Long b) {
Long a = safeCast(b);
return a.longValue();
public static float getSafeFloat(Float b) {
Float a = safeCast(b);
return a.floatValue();
public static double getSafeDouble(Double b) {
Double a = safeCast(b);
return a.doubleValue();
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ public class MathUtils {
public static int balance(int aInput, int aMin, int aMax) {
return Math.max(Math.min(aInput, aMax), aMin);
* Balances a number within a range.
* @param aInput - The number to balance
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ public class MathUtils {
public static Number balance(Number aInput, Number aMin, Number aMax) {
return max(min(aInput, aMax), aMin);
* Balances a number within a range.
* @param aInput - The number to balance
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ public class MathUtils {
public static int balanceInt(Number aInput, Number aMin, Number aMax) {
return MathUtils.safeCast_LongToInt((long) balance(max(min(aInput, aMax), aMin), Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
* Balances a number within a range.
* @param aInput - The number to balance
@@ -750,51 +750,62 @@ public class MathUtils {
int aAmount = Math.max(Math.min(i, aMax), aMin);
return aAmount;
public static Pair<Integer, Integer> splitLongIntoIntegers(long aLong){
int aIntMaxInLong = (int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Math.floor(aLong/Integer.MAX_VALUE));
int aRemainder = (int) (aLong - (aIntMaxInLong * Integer.MAX_VALUE));
return new Pair<Integer, Integer>(aIntMaxInLong, aRemainder);
- /**
- * Returns the smaller of two {@code Number}s. That is,
- * the result the argument closer to the value of
- * {@link Long#MIN_VALUE}. If the arguments have the same
- * value, the result is that same value.
- *
- * @param a an argument.
- * @param b another argument.
- * @return the smaller of {@code a} and {@code b}.
- */
- public static Number min(Number a, Number b) {
- return (a.longValue() <= b.longValue()) ? a : b;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the greater of two {@code Number}s. That is, the
- * result is the argument closer to the value of
- * {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}. If the arguments have the same value,
- * the result is that same value.
- *
- * @param a an argument.
- * @param b another argument.
- * @return the larger of {@code a} and {@code b}.
- */
- public static Number max(Number a, Number b) {
- return (a.longValue() >= b.longValue()) ? a : b;
- }
- public static String formatNumbers(long aNumber) {
- return sNumberFormat.format(aNumber);
- }
- public static String formatNumbers(double aNumber) {
- return sNumberFormat.format(aNumber);
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the smaller of two {@code Number}s. That is,
+ * the result the argument closer to the value of
+ * {@link Long#MIN_VALUE}. If the arguments have the same
+ * value, the result is that same value.
+ *
+ * @param a an argument.
+ * @param b another argument.
+ * @return the smaller of {@code a} and {@code b}.
+ */
+ public static Number min(Number a, Number b) {
+ return (a.longValue() <= b.longValue()) ? a : b;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the greater of two {@code Number}s. That is, the
+ * result is the argument closer to the value of
+ * {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}. If the arguments have the same value,
+ * the result is that same value.
+ *
+ * @param a an argument.
+ * @param b another argument.
+ * @return the larger of {@code a} and {@code b}.
+ */
+ public static Number max(Number a, Number b) {
+ return (a.longValue() >= b.longValue()) ? a : b;
+ }
+ public static long combineTwoIntegersToLong(int a, int b) {
+ long val = (((long) a) << 32) | (b & 0xffffffffL);
+ return val;
+ }
+ public static int[] splitLongIntoTwoIntegers(long aNum) {
+ int a = (int) (aNum >> 32);
+ int b = (int) aNum;
+ return new int[] {a, b};
+ }
+ public static String formatNumbers(long aNumber) {
+ return sNumberFormat.format(aNumber);
+ }
+ public static String formatNumbers(double aNumber) {
+ return sNumberFormat.format(aNumber);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/MaterialUtils.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/MaterialUtils.java
index 0323bf0161..0ccd752775 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/MaterialUtils.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/MaterialUtils.java
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import gtPlusPlus.core.client.CustomTextureSet.TextureSets;
import gtPlusPlus.core.item.base.BaseItemComponent;
import gtPlusPlus.core.item.base.BaseItemComponent.ComponentTypes;
import gtPlusPlus.core.item.base.plates.BaseItemPlateHeavy;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.item.base.wire.BaseItemFineWire;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.Material;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.MaterialStack;
@@ -457,6 +458,9 @@ public class MaterialUtils {
if (aType == ComponentTypes.PLATEHEAVY) {
aGC = new BaseItemPlateHeavy(aMaterial);
+ else if (aType == ComponentTypes.FINEWIRE) {
+ aGC = new BaseItemFineWire(aMaterial);
+ }
else {
aGC = new BaseItemComponent(aMaterial, aType);
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/RecipeUtils.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/RecipeUtils.java
index da5bc071bc..595635d411 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/RecipeUtils.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/RecipeUtils.java
@@ -703,14 +703,14 @@ public static int mInvalidID = 1;
CORE.crash("Bad Shaped Recipe.");
- Logger.INFO("Using String: "+aFullString);
+ Logger.RECIPE("Using String: "+aFullString);
String aRow1 = aFullString.substring(0, 3);
String aRow2 = aFullString.substring(3, 6);
String aRow3 = aFullString.substring(6, 9);
- Logger.INFO(""+aRow1);
- Logger.INFO(""+aRow2);
- Logger.INFO(""+aRow3);
+ Logger.RECIPE(""+aRow1);
+ Logger.RECIPE(""+aRow2);
+ Logger.RECIPE(""+aRow3);
String[] aStringData = new String[] {aRow1, aRow2, aRow3};
Object[] aDataObject = new Object[19];
@@ -730,10 +730,10 @@ public static int mInvalidID = 1;
- Logger.INFO("Data Size: "+aDataObject.length);
+ Logger.RECIPE("Data Size: "+aDataObject.length);
aDataObject = ArrayUtils.removeNulls(aDataObject);
- Logger.INFO("Clean Size: "+aDataObject.length);
- Logger.INFO("ArrayData: "+Arrays.toString(aDataObject));
+ Logger.RECIPE("Clean Size: "+aDataObject.length);
+ Logger.RECIPE("ArrayData: "+Arrays.toString(aDataObject));
ShapedOreRecipe aRecipe = new ShapedOreRecipe(aOutputStack, aDataObject);
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/reflect/ReflectionUtils.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/reflect/ReflectionUtils.java
index 48cdb18d7c..a5e0bea0cb 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/reflect/ReflectionUtils.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/reflect/ReflectionUtils.java
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import com.google.common.reflect.ClassPath;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.data.StringUtils;
-import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.StaticFields59;
public class ReflectionUtils {
@@ -271,6 +270,21 @@ public class ReflectionUtils {
+ public static Field[] getAllFields(final Class<?> aClass) {
+ if (aClass == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ Field[] aFields = aClass.getDeclaredFields();
+ for (Field f : aFields) {
+ CachedField y = mCachedFields.get(aClass.getName()+"."+f.getName());
+ if (y == null) {
+ makeFieldAccessible(f);
+ cacheField(aClass, f);
+ }
+ }
+ return aFields;
+ }
* Returns a cached {@link Field} object.
* @param aInstance - {@link Object} to get the field instance from.
@@ -335,6 +349,9 @@ public class ReflectionUtils {
public static String getMethodName(final int depth) {
final StackTraceElement[] ste = new Throwable().getStackTrace();
//System. out.println(ste[ste.length-depth].getClassName()+"#"+ste[ste.length-depth].getMethodName());
+ if (ste.length < depth) {
+ return "No valid stack.";
+ }
return ste[depth+1].getMethodName();
@@ -441,7 +458,7 @@ public class ReflectionUtils {
* Allows to change the state of an immutable instance. Huh?!?
@@ -529,7 +546,7 @@ public class ReflectionUtils {
Logger.REFLECTION("Invoke failed or did something wrong.");
return false;
public static boolean invokeVoid(Object objectInstance, Method method, Object[] values){
if (method == null || values == null || (!ReflectionUtils.isStaticMethod(method) && objectInstance == null)){
//Logger.REFLECTION("Null value when trying to Dynamically invoke "+methodName+" on an object of type: "+objectInstance.getClass().getName());
@@ -543,8 +560,8 @@ public class ReflectionUtils {
if (mInvokingMethod != null){
Logger.REFLECTION(methodName+" was not null.");
mInvokingMethod.invoke(objectInstance, values);
- Logger.REFLECTION("Successfully invoked "+methodName+".");
- return true;
+ Logger.REFLECTION("Successfully invoked "+methodName+".");
+ return true;
catch (SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
@@ -589,7 +606,7 @@ public class ReflectionUtils {
String classname = objectInstance != null ? objectInstance.getClass().getCanonicalName() : method.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName();
Logger.REFLECTION("Trying to invoke "+methodName+" on an instance of "+classname+".");
try {
- return method.invoke(objectInstance, values);
+ return method.invoke(objectInstance, values);
catch (SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
Logger.REFLECTION("Failed to Dynamically invoke "+methodName+" on an object of type: "+classname);