path: root/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGenDustGeneration.java
diff options
authorNotAPenguin <michiel.vandeginste@gmail.com>2024-09-02 23:17:17 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-09-02 23:17:17 +0200
commit1b820de08a05070909a267e17f033fcf58ac8710 (patch)
tree02831a025986a06b20f87e5bcc69d1e0c639a342 /src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGenDustGeneration.java
parentafd3fd92b6a6ab9ab0d0dc3214e6bc8ff7a86c9b (diff)
The Great Renaming (#3014)
* move kekztech to a single root dir * move detrav to a single root dir * move gtnh-lanthanides to a single root dir * move tectech and delete some gross reflection in gt++ * remove more reflection inside gt5u * delete more reflection in gt++ * fix imports * move bartworks and bwcrossmod * fix proxies * move galactigreg and ggfab * move gtneioreplugin * try to fix gt++ bee loader * apply the rename rules to BW * apply rename rules to bwcrossmod * apply rename rules to detrav scanner mod * apply rename rules to galacticgreg * apply rename rules to ggfab * apply rename rules to goodgenerator * apply rename rules to gtnh-lanthanides * apply rename rules to gt++ * apply rename rules to kekztech * apply rename rules to kubatech * apply rename rules to tectech * apply rename rules to gt apply the rename rules to gt * fix tt import * fix mui hopefully * fix coremod except intergalactic * rename assline recipe class * fix a class name i stumbled on * rename StructureUtility to GTStructureUtility to prevent conflict with structurelib * temporary rename of GTTooltipDataCache to old name * fix gt client/server proxy names
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGenDustGeneration.java')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGenDustGeneration.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGenDustGeneration.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c77e31cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGenDustGeneration.java
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.loaders;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.GTValues.RA;
+import static gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMaps.blastFurnaceRecipes;
+import static gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMaps.maceratorRecipes;
+import static gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMaps.mixerRecipes;
+import static gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMaps.packagerRecipes;
+import static gregtech.api.util.GTRecipeBuilder.SECONDS;
+import static gregtech.api.util.GTRecipeConstants.COIL_HEAT;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Set;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
+import gregtech.api.enums.GTValues;
+import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList;
+import gregtech.api.util.GTModHandler;
+import gregtech.api.util.GTUtility;
+import gtPlusPlus.api.interfaces.RunnableWithInfo;
+import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.Material;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.MaterialGenerator;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.MaterialStack;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.state.MaterialState;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.RecipeUtils;
+public class RecipeGenDustGeneration extends RecipeGenBase {
+ public static final Set<RunnableWithInfo<Material>> mRecipeGenMap = new HashSet<>();
+ static {
+ MaterialGenerator.mRecipeMapsToGenerate.put(mRecipeGenMap);
+ }
+ public RecipeGenDustGeneration(final Material M) {
+ this(M, false);
+ }
+ public RecipeGenDustGeneration(final Material M, final boolean O) {
+ this.toGenerate = M;
+ this.disableOptional = O;
+ mRecipeGenMap.add(this);
+ final ItemStack normalDust = M.getDust(1);
+ final ItemStack smallDust = M.getSmallDust(1);
+ final ItemStack tinyDust = M.getTinyDust(1);
+ if (tinyDust != null && normalDust != null) {
+ if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ tinyDust,
+ tinyDust,
+ tinyDust,
+ tinyDust,
+ tinyDust,
+ tinyDust,
+ tinyDust,
+ tinyDust,
+ tinyDust,
+ normalDust)) {
+ Logger.INFO("9 Tiny dust to 1 Dust Recipe: " + M.getLocalizedName() + " - Success");
+ } else {
+ Logger.INFO("9 Tiny dust to 1 Dust Recipe: " + M.getLocalizedName() + " - Failed");
+ }
+ if (RecipeUtils
+ .addShapedRecipe(normalDust, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, M.getTinyDust(9))) {
+ Logger.INFO("9 Tiny dust from 1 Recipe: " + M.getLocalizedName() + " - Success");
+ } else {
+ Logger.INFO("9 Tiny dust from 1 Recipe: " + M.getLocalizedName() + " - Failed");
+ }
+ }
+ if (smallDust != null && normalDust != null) {
+ if (RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
+ smallDust,
+ smallDust,
+ null,
+ smallDust,
+ smallDust,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ normalDust)) {
+ Logger.INFO("4 Small dust to 1 Dust Recipe: " + M.getLocalizedName() + " - Success");
+ } else {
+ Logger.INFO("4 Small dust to 1 Dust Recipe: " + M.getLocalizedName() + " - Failed");
+ }
+ if (RecipeUtils
+ .addShapedRecipe(null, normalDust, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, M.getSmallDust(4))) {
+ Logger.INFO("4 Small dust from 1 Dust Recipe: " + M.getLocalizedName() + " - Success");
+ } else {
+ Logger.INFO("4 Small dust from 1 Dust Recipe: " + M.getLocalizedName() + " - Failed");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ generateRecipes(this.toGenerate, this.disableOptional);
+ }
+ private void generateRecipes(final Material material, final boolean disableOptional) {
+ Logger.INFO("Generating Shaped Crafting recipes for " + material.getLocalizedName());
+ final ItemStack normalDust = material.getDust(1);
+ final ItemStack smallDust = material.getSmallDust(1);
+ final ItemStack tinyDust = material.getTinyDust(1);
+ final ItemStack[] inputStacks = material.getMaterialComposites();
+ final ItemStack outputStacks = material.getDust(material.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing);
+ // Macerate blocks back to dusts.
+ final ItemStack materialBlock = material.getBlock(1);
+ final ItemStack materialFrameBox = material.getFrameBox(1);
+ if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(materialBlock)) {
+ RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(materialBlock)
+ .itemOutputs(material.getDust(9))
+ .eut(2)
+ .duration(20 * SECONDS)
+ .addTo(maceratorRecipes);
+ }
+ if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(materialFrameBox)) {
+ RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(materialFrameBox)
+ .itemOutputs(material.getDust(2))
+ .eut(2)
+ .duration(20 * SECONDS)
+ .addTo(maceratorRecipes);
+ }
+ if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(smallDust) && ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(tinyDust)) {
+ generatePackagerRecipes(material);
+ }
+ ItemStack ingot = material.getIngot(1);
+ if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(normalDust) && ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(ingot)) {
+ addFurnaceRecipe(material);
+ addMacerationRecipe(material);
+ }
+ // Is this a composite?
+ if ((inputStacks == null) || disableOptional) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Is this a composite?
+ Logger.WARNING("mixer length: " + inputStacks.length);
+ if (!((inputStacks.length != 0) && (inputStacks.length <= 4))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Log Input items
+ Logger.WARNING(ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(inputStacks));
+ final long[] inputStackSize = material.vSmallestRatio;
+ Logger.WARNING("mixer is stacksizeVar null? " + (inputStackSize != null));
+ // Is smallest ratio invalid?
+ if (inputStackSize == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // set stack sizes on an input ItemStack[]
+ for (short x = 0; x < inputStacks.length; x++) {
+ if ((inputStacks[x] != null) && (inputStackSize[x] != 0)) {
+ inputStacks[x].stackSize = (int) inputStackSize[x];
+ }
+ }
+ // Relog input values, with stack sizes
+ Logger.WARNING(ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(inputStacks));
+ // Get us four ItemStacks to input into the mixer
+ ItemStack[] input = new ItemStack[4];
+ input[0] = (inputStacks.length >= 1) ? ((inputStacks[0] == null) ? null : inputStacks[0]) : null;
+ input[1] = (inputStacks.length >= 2) ? ((inputStacks[1] == null) ? null : inputStacks[1]) : null;
+ input[2] = (inputStacks.length >= 3) ? ((inputStacks[2] == null) ? null : inputStacks[2]) : null;
+ input[3] = (inputStacks.length >= 4) ? ((inputStacks[3] == null) ? null : inputStacks[3]) : null;
+ if (inputStacks.length == 1) {
+ input[1] = input[0];
+ input[0] = GTUtility.getIntegratedCircuit(inputStacks.length + 10);
+ } else if (inputStacks.length == 2) {
+ input[2] = input[1];
+ input[1] = input[0];
+ input[0] = GTUtility.getIntegratedCircuit(inputStacks.length + 10);
+ } else if (inputStacks.length == 3) {
+ input[3] = input[2];
+ input[2] = input[1];
+ input[1] = input[0];
+ input[0] = GTUtility.getIntegratedCircuit(inputStacks.length + 10);
+ }
+ // Add mixer Recipe
+ FluidStack oxygen = GTValues.NF;
+ if (material.getComposites() != null) {
+ for (final MaterialStack x : material.getComposites()) {
+ if (material.getComposites()
+ .isEmpty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (x == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (x.getStackMaterial() == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (x.getStackMaterial()
+ .getDust(1) != null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (x.getStackMaterial()
+ .getState() != MaterialState.SOLID
+ && x.getStackMaterial()
+ .getState() != MaterialState.ORE
+ && x.getStackMaterial()
+ .getState() != MaterialState.PLASMA) {
+ oxygen = x.getStackMaterial()
+ .getFluidStack(1000);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input = ItemUtils.cleanItemStackArray(input);
+ // Add mixer Recipe
+ List<ItemStack> inputs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(input));
+ inputs.removeIf(Objects::isNull);
+ if (oxygen == null) {
+ GTValues.RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(inputs.toArray(new ItemStack[0]))
+ .itemOutputs(outputStacks)
+ .duration((int) Math.max(material.getMass() * 2L * 1, 1))
+ .eut(material.vVoltageMultiplier)
+ .addTo(mixerRecipes);
+ } else {
+ GTValues.RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(inputs.toArray(new ItemStack[0]))
+ .itemOutputs(outputStacks)
+ .fluidInputs(oxygen)
+ .duration((int) Math.max(material.getMass() * 2L * 1, 1))
+ .eut(material.vVoltageMultiplier)
+ .addTo(mixerRecipes);
+ }
+ Logger.WARNING("Dust Mixer Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Success");
+ }
+ public static boolean addMixerRecipe_Standalone(final Material material) {
+ final ItemStack[] inputStacks = material.getMaterialComposites();
+ final ItemStack outputStacks = material.getDust(material.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing);
+ // Is this a composite?
+ if (inputStacks == null) {
+ Logger.WARNING("InputStacks == NUll - " + material.getLocalizedName());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Is this a composite?
+ Logger.WARNING("mixer length: " + inputStacks.length);
+ if (!((inputStacks.length >= 1) && (inputStacks.length <= 4))) {
+ Logger.WARNING("InputStacks is out range 1-4 - " + material.getLocalizedName());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Log Input items
+ Logger.WARNING(ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(inputStacks));
+ final long[] inputStackSize = material.vSmallestRatio;
+ Logger.WARNING("mixer is stacksizeVar not null? " + (inputStackSize != null));
+ // Is smallest ratio invalid?
+ if (inputStackSize == null) {
+ Logger.WARNING("inputStackSize == NUll - " + material.getLocalizedName());
+ return true;
+ }
+ // set stack sizes on an input ItemStack[]
+ for (short x = 0; x < inputStacks.length; x++) {
+ if ((inputStacks[x] != null) && (inputStackSize[x] != 0)) {
+ inputStacks[x].stackSize = (int) inputStackSize[x];
+ }
+ }
+ // Relog input values, with stack sizes
+ Logger.WARNING(ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(inputStacks));
+ // Get us four ItemStacks to input into the mixer
+ ItemStack input1, input2, input3, input4;
+ input1 = inputStacks[0];
+ input2 = (inputStacks.length >= 2) ? (input2 = (inputStacks[1] == null) ? null : inputStacks[1]) : null;
+ input3 = (inputStacks.length >= 3) ? (input3 = (inputStacks[2] == null) ? null : inputStacks[2]) : null;
+ input4 = (inputStacks.length >= 4) ? (input4 = (inputStacks[3] == null) ? null : inputStacks[3]) : null;
+ if (inputStacks.length == 1) {
+ input2 = input1;
+ input1 = GTUtility.getIntegratedCircuit(20);
+ } else if (inputStacks.length == 2) {
+ input3 = input2;
+ input2 = input1;
+ input1 = GTUtility.getIntegratedCircuit(20);
+ } else if (inputStacks.length == 3) {
+ input4 = input3;
+ input3 = input2;
+ input2 = input1;
+ input1 = GTUtility.getIntegratedCircuit(20);
+ }
+ // Add mixer Recipe
+ FluidStack oxygen = GTValues.NF;
+ if (material.getComposites() != null) {
+ int compSlot = 0;
+ for (final MaterialStack x : material.getComposites()) {
+ if (material.getComposites()
+ .isEmpty()) {
+ compSlot++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (x == null) {
+ compSlot++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (x.getStackMaterial() == null) {
+ compSlot++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (x.getStackMaterial()
+ .getDust(1) == null) {
+ compSlot++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ MaterialState f = x.getStackMaterial()
+ .getState();
+ if (f == MaterialState.GAS || f == MaterialState.LIQUID
+ || f == MaterialState.PURE_LIQUID
+ || f == MaterialState.PURE_GAS) {
+ oxygen = x.getStackMaterial()
+ .getFluidStack((int) (material.vSmallestRatio[compSlot] * 1000));
+ }
+ compSlot++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add mixer Recipe
+ try {
+ if (oxygen == null) {
+ GTValues.RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(input1, input2, input3, input4)
+ .itemOutputs(outputStacks)
+ .duration((int) Math.max(material.getMass() * 2L * 1, 1))
+ .eut(material.vVoltageMultiplier)
+ .addTo(mixerRecipes);
+ } else {
+ GTValues.RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(input1, input2, input3, input4)
+ .itemOutputs(outputStacks)
+ .fluidInputs(oxygen)
+ .duration((int) Math.max(material.getMass() * 2L * 1, 1))
+ .eut(material.vVoltageMultiplier)
+ .addTo(mixerRecipes);
+ }
+ Logger.WARNING("Dust Mixer Recipe: " + material.getLocalizedName() + " - Success");
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static boolean generatePackagerRecipes(Material aMatInfo) {
+ // Small Dust
+ GTValues.RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(GTUtility.copyAmount(4, aMatInfo.getSmallDust(4)), ItemList.Schematic_Dust.get(0))
+ .itemOutputs(aMatInfo.getDust(1))
+ .duration(5 * SECONDS)
+ .eut(4)
+ .addTo(packagerRecipes);
+ // Tiny Dust
+ GTValues.RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(GTUtility.copyAmount(4, aMatInfo.getTinyDust(9)), ItemList.Schematic_Dust.get(0))
+ .itemOutputs(aMatInfo.getDust(1))
+ .duration(5 * SECONDS)
+ .eut(4)
+ .addTo(packagerRecipes);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void addMacerationRecipe(Material aMatInfo) {
+ try {
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Adding Maceration recipe for " + aMatInfo.getLocalizedName() + " Ingot -> Dusts");
+ RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(aMatInfo.getIngot(1))
+ .itemOutputs(aMatInfo.getDust(1))
+ .eut(2)
+ .duration(20 * SECONDS)
+ .addTo(maceratorRecipes);
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ private void addFurnaceRecipe(Material aMatInfo) {
+ ItemStack aDust = aMatInfo.getDust(1);
+ ItemStack aOutput;
+ try {
+ if (aMatInfo.requiresBlastFurnace()) {
+ aOutput = aMatInfo.getHotIngot(1);
+ if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(aOutput)) {
+ if (addBlastFurnaceRecipe(aMatInfo, aDust, aOutput, aMatInfo.getMeltingPointK())) {
+ Logger
+ .MATERIALS("Successfully added a blast furnace recipe for " + aMatInfo.getLocalizedName());
+ } else {
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Failed to add a blast furnace recipe for " + aMatInfo.getLocalizedName());
+ }
+ } else {
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Failed to add a blast furnace recipe for " + aMatInfo.getLocalizedName());
+ }
+ } else {
+ aOutput = aMatInfo.getIngot(1);
+ if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(aOutput)) {
+ if (GTModHandler.addSmeltingAndAlloySmeltingRecipe(aDust, aOutput, false)) {
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Successfully added a furnace recipe for " + aMatInfo.getLocalizedName());
+ } else {
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Failed to add a furnace recipe for " + aMatInfo.getLocalizedName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean addBlastFurnaceRecipe(Material aMatInfo, final ItemStack input1, final ItemStack output1,
+ final int tempRequired) {
+ int timeTaken;
+ if (aMatInfo.vTier <= 4) {
+ timeTaken = 25 * aMatInfo.vTier * 10;
+ } else {
+ timeTaken = 125 * aMatInfo.vTier * 10;
+ }
+ long aVoltage = aMatInfo.vVoltageMultiplier;
+ GTValues.RA.stdBuilder()
+ .itemInputs(input1)
+ .itemOutputs(output1)
+ .duration(timeTaken)
+ .eut(aVoltage)
+ .metadata(COIL_HEAT, tempRequired)
+ .addTo(blastFurnaceRecipes);
+ return true;
+ }