path: root/src/main/java/kubatech/loaders/MobRecipeLoader.java
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authorJakub <53441451+kuba6000@users.noreply.github.com>2022-08-14 15:19:13 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-08-14 15:19:13 +0200
commit6d436a2c6a5d9b51070b8399c4fdb196603a8e82 (patch)
tree0ac08abe69626ad89e25eb9b0c7aadb7e5243dac /src/main/java/kubatech/loaders/MobRecipeLoader.java
parentd8d8a462a25a29a9640f6c038ced50a570255e6e (diff)
Add "Mob Drops" NEI page + Extreme Extermination Chamber (#1)
* First commit * Mixins * Merge the same items with diffrent damage * Faster random in NEI * More accuracy ? * Update ClientProxy.java * Renaming * Update buildscript * Use reserved MTE ID's * EEC work * Rework NEI page * Fix inaccurate chances * Basic equipment spawn * Add config options * Translations * Add infernal drops * Witchery fix * Forestry fixes * More fixes * Default blacklist * NEI sorting * Comment out testing deps * Clientsided check * Blood Magic support * LoaderReference * Check if peacefull is allowed * Add some XP output * Add recipe * Send Server config to Client * Add command to reload config * Translations * Process MT additions
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/kubatech/loaders/MobRecipeLoader.java')
1 files changed, 973 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/kubatech/loaders/MobRecipeLoader.java b/src/main/java/kubatech/loaders/MobRecipeLoader.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..033beb49fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/kubatech/loaders/MobRecipeLoader.java
@@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
+ * KubaTech - Gregtech Addon
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 kuba6000
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+package kubatech.loaders;
+import static kubatech.api.utils.ModUtils.isClientSided;
+import static kubatech.api.utils.ModUtils.isDeobfuscatedEnvironment;
+import static kubatech.common.tileentity.gregtech.multiblock.GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtremeExterminationChamber.MobNameToRecipeMap;
+import atomicstryker.infernalmobs.common.InfernalMobsCore;
+import atomicstryker.infernalmobs.common.MobModifier;
+import atomicstryker.infernalmobs.common.mods.api.ModifierLoader;
+import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
+import gregtech.common.GT_DummyWorld;
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import kubatech.Config;
+import kubatech.Tags;
+import kubatech.api.LoaderReference;
+import kubatech.api.utils.InfernalHelper;
+import kubatech.common.tileentity.gregtech.multiblock.GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtremeExterminationChamber;
+import kubatech.nei.Mob_Handler;
+import kubatech.network.LoadConfigPacket;
+import minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI;
+import minetweaker.api.entity.IEntityDefinition;
+import minetweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
+import minetweaker.mc1710.item.MCItemStack;
+import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment;
+import net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper;
+import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
+import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList;
+import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving;
+import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
+import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
+import net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySlime;
+import net.minecraft.entity.monster.IMob;
+import net.minecraft.init.Items;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
+import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
+import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
+import net.minecraft.world.World;
+import net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiOpenEvent;
+import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
+import stanhebben.zenscript.value.IntRange;
+import thaumcraft.common.items.wands.ItemWandCasting;
+public class MobRecipeLoader {
+ private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(Tags.MODID + "[Mob Handler]");
+ public static final MobRecipeLoader instance = new MobRecipeLoader();
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ @SubscribeEvent
+ public void onOpenGui(GuiOpenEvent event) {
+ MobRecipeLoader.generateMobRecipeMap();
+ MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.unregister(instance);
+ }
+ private static final String dropFewItemsName = isDeobfuscatedEnvironment ? "dropFewItems" : "func_70628_a";
+ private static final String dropRareDropName = isDeobfuscatedEnvironment ? "dropRareDrop" : "func_70600_l";
+ private static final String setSlimeSizeName = isDeobfuscatedEnvironment ? "setSlimeSize" : "func_70799_a";
+ private static final String addRandomArmorName = isDeobfuscatedEnvironment ? "addRandomArmor" : "func_82164_bB";
+ private static final String enchantEquipmentName = isDeobfuscatedEnvironment ? "enchantEquipment" : "func_82162_bC";
+ private static final String randName = isDeobfuscatedEnvironment ? "rand" : "field_70146_Z";
+ private static boolean alreadyGenerated = false;
+ public static boolean isInGenerationProcess = false;
+ public static final String randomEnchantmentDetectedString = "RandomEnchantmentDetected";
+ public static class MobRecipe {
+ public final ArrayList<MobDrop> mOutputs;
+ public final int mEUt = 2000;
+ public final int mDuration;
+ public final int mMaxDamageChance;
+ public final boolean infernalityAllowed;
+ public final boolean alwaysinfernal;
+ public static droplist infernaldrops;
+ public final boolean isPeacefulAllowed;
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public MobRecipe copy() {
+ return new MobRecipe(
+ (ArrayList<MobDrop>) mOutputs.clone(),
+ mDuration,
+ mMaxDamageChance,
+ infernalityAllowed,
+ alwaysinfernal,
+ isPeacefulAllowed);
+ }
+ private MobRecipe(
+ ArrayList<MobDrop> mOutputs,
+ int mDuration,
+ int mMaxDamageChance,
+ boolean infernalityAllowed,
+ boolean alwaysinfernal,
+ boolean isPeacefulAllowed) {
+ this.mOutputs = mOutputs;
+ this.mDuration = mDuration;
+ this.mMaxDamageChance = mMaxDamageChance;
+ this.infernalityAllowed = infernalityAllowed;
+ this.alwaysinfernal = alwaysinfernal;
+ this.isPeacefulAllowed = isPeacefulAllowed;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public MobRecipe(EntityLiving e, ArrayList<MobDrop> outputs) {
+ if (infernaldrops == null && LoaderReference.InfernalMobs) {
+ infernaldrops = new droplist();
+ LOG.info("Generating Infernal drops");
+ ArrayList<ModifierLoader<?>> modifierLoaders = (ArrayList<ModifierLoader<?>>)
+ InfernalHelper.getModifierLoaders().clone();
+ int i = 0;
+ for (ModifierLoader<?> modifierLoader : modifierLoaders) {
+ MobModifier nextMod = modifierLoader.make(null);
+ if (nextMod.getBlackListMobClasses() != null)
+ for (Class<?> cl : nextMod.getBlackListMobClasses())
+ if (e.getClass().isAssignableFrom(cl)) break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i > 0) {
+ double chance =
+ InfernalHelper.checkEntityClassForced(e) ? 1d : (1d / InfernalHelper.getEliteRarity());
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> elitelist = InfernalHelper.getDropIdListElite();
+ for (ItemStack stack : elitelist) {
+ dropinstance instance = infernaldrops.add(
+ new dropinstance(stack.copy(), infernaldrops), chance / elitelist.size());
+ instance.isEnchatmentRandomized = true;
+ instance.enchantmentLevel = stack.getItem().getItemEnchantability();
+ }
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> ultralist = InfernalHelper.getDropIdListUltra();
+ chance *= 1d / InfernalHelper.getUltraRarity();
+ for (ItemStack stack : ultralist) {
+ dropinstance instance = infernaldrops.add(
+ new dropinstance(stack.copy(), infernaldrops), chance / ultralist.size());
+ instance.isEnchatmentRandomized = true;
+ instance.enchantmentLevel = stack.getItem().getItemEnchantability();
+ }
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> infernallist = InfernalHelper.getDropIdListInfernal();
+ chance *= 1d / InfernalHelper.getInfernoRarity();
+ for (ItemStack stack : infernallist) {
+ dropinstance instance = infernaldrops.add(
+ new dropinstance(stack.copy(), infernaldrops), chance / infernallist.size());
+ instance.isEnchatmentRandomized = true;
+ instance.enchantmentLevel = stack.getItem().getItemEnchantability();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (infernaldrops == null) infernaldrops = new droplist();
+ infernalityAllowed = InfernalHelper.isClassAllowed(e);
+ alwaysinfernal = InfernalHelper.checkEntityClassForced(e);
+ isPeacefulAllowed = !(e instanceof IMob);
+ mOutputs = outputs;
+ int maxdamagechance = 0;
+ for (MobDrop o : mOutputs) {
+ if (o.damages != null) for (int v : o.damages.values()) maxdamagechance += v;
+ }
+ mMaxDamageChance = maxdamagechance;
+ // Powered spawner with octadic capacitor spawns ~22/min ~= 0.366/sec ~= 2.72s/spawn ~= 54.54t/spawn
+ mDuration = 55 + 10 + (((int) e.getMaxHealth() / 5) * 10);
+ }
+ public ItemStack[] generateOutputs(Random rnd, GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtremeExterminationChamber MTE) {
+ MTE.mEUt = mEUt;
+ MTE.mMaxProgresstime = mDuration;
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> stacks = new ArrayList<>(mOutputs.size());
+ for (MobDrop o : mOutputs) {
+ if (o.chance == 10000 || rnd.nextInt(10000) < o.chance) {
+ ItemStack s = o.stack.copy();
+ if (o.enchantable != null) EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(rnd, s, o.enchantable);
+ if (o.damages != null) {
+ int rChance = rnd.nextInt(mMaxDamageChance);
+ int cChance = 0;
+ for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> damage : o.damages.entrySet()) {
+ cChance += damage.getValue();
+ if (rChance <= cChance) {
+ s.setItemDamage(damage.getKey());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stacks.add(s);
+ }
+ }
+ if (infernalityAllowed
+ && mEUt * 8 < MTE.getMaxInputVoltage()
+ && !InfernalHelper.getDimensionBlackList()
+ .contains(MTE.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getWorld().provider.dimensionId)) {
+ int p = 0;
+ int mods = 0;
+ if (alwaysinfernal || rnd.nextInt(InfernalHelper.getEliteRarity()) == 0) {
+ p = 1;
+ if (rnd.nextInt(InfernalHelper.getUltraRarity()) == 0) {
+ p = 2;
+ if (rnd.nextInt(InfernalHelper.getInfernoRarity()) == 0) p = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> infernalstacks = null;
+ if (p > 0)
+ if (p == 1) {
+ infernalstacks = InfernalHelper.getDropIdListElite();
+ mods = InfernalHelper.getMinEliteModifiers();
+ } else if (p == 2) {
+ infernalstacks = InfernalHelper.getDropIdListUltra();
+ mods = InfernalHelper.getMinUltraModifiers();
+ } else if (p == 3) {
+ infernalstacks = InfernalHelper.getDropIdListInfernal();
+ mods = InfernalHelper.getMinInfernoModifiers();
+ }
+ if (infernalstacks != null) {
+ ItemStack infernalstack = infernalstacks
+ .get(rnd.nextInt(infernalstacks.size()))
+ .copy();
+ EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(
+ rnd, infernalstack, infernalstack.getItem().getItemEnchantability());
+ stacks.add(infernalstack);
+ MTE.mEUt *= 8;
+ MTE.mMaxProgresstime *= mods * InfernalMobsCore.instance().getMobModHealthFactor();
+ }
+ }
+ return stacks.toArray(new ItemStack[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ public static class MobDrop {
+ public enum DropType {
+ Normal,
+ Rare,
+ Additional,
+ Infernal
+ }
+ public ItemStack stack;
+ public DropType type;
+ public int chance;
+ public Integer enchantable;
+ public HashMap<Integer, Integer> damages;
+ public MobDrop(
+ ItemStack stack, DropType type, int chance, Integer enchantable, HashMap<Integer, Integer> damages) {
+ this.stack = stack;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.chance = chance;
+ this.enchantable = enchantable;
+ this.damages = damages;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class fakeRand extends Random {
+ private static class nexter {
+ private final int type;
+ private final int bound;
+ private int next;
+ public nexter(int type, int bound) {
+ this.next = 0;
+ this.bound = bound;
+ this.type = type;
+ }
+ private int getType() {
+ return type;
+ }
+ private boolean getBoolean() {
+ return next == 1;
+ }
+ private int getInt() {
+ return next;
+ }
+ private float getFloat() {
+ return next * 0.1f;
+ }
+ private boolean next() {
+ next++;
+ return next >= bound;
+ }
+ }
+ private final ArrayList<nexter> nexts = new ArrayList<>();
+ private int walkCounter = 0;
+ private double chance;
+ private boolean exceptionOnEnchantTry = false;
+ private int maxWalkCount = -1;
+ private float forceFloatValue = -1.f;
+ @Override
+ public int nextInt(int bound) {
+ if (exceptionOnEnchantTry && bound == Enchantment.enchantmentsBookList.length) return -1;
+ if (nexts.size() <= walkCounter) { // new call
+ if (maxWalkCount == walkCounter) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ nexts.add(new nexter(0, bound));
+ walkCounter++;
+ chance /= bound;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ chance /= bound;
+ return nexts.get(walkCounter++).getInt();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public float nextFloat() {
+ if (forceFloatValue != -1f) return forceFloatValue;
+ if (nexts.size() <= walkCounter) { // new call
+ if (maxWalkCount == walkCounter) {
+ return 0f;
+ }
+ nexts.add(new nexter(2, 10));
+ walkCounter++;
+ chance /= 10;
+ return 0f;
+ }
+ chance /= 10;
+ return nexts.get(walkCounter++).getFloat();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean nextBoolean() {
+ if (nexts.size() <= walkCounter) { // new call
+ if (maxWalkCount == walkCounter) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ nexts.add(new nexter(1, 2));
+ walkCounter++;
+ chance /= 2;
+ return false;
+ }
+ chance /= 2;
+ return nexts.get(walkCounter++).getBoolean();
+ }
+ public void newRound() {
+ walkCounter = 0;
+ nexts.clear();
+ chance = 1d;
+ maxWalkCount = -1;
+ exceptionOnEnchantTry = false;
+ forceFloatValue = -1f;
+ }
+ public boolean nextRound() {
+ walkCounter = 0;
+ chance = 1d;
+ while (nexts.size() > 0 && nexts.get(nexts.size() - 1).next()) nexts.remove(nexts.size() - 1);
+ return nexts.size() > 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class dropinstance {
+ public boolean isDamageRandomized = false;
+ public HashMap<Integer, Integer> damagesPossible = new HashMap<>();
+ public boolean isEnchatmentRandomized = false;
+ public int enchantmentLevel = 0;
+ public final ItemStack stack;
+ public final GT_Utility.ItemId itemId;
+ private double dropchance = 0d;
+ private int dropcount = 1;
+ private final droplist owner;
+ public dropinstance(ItemStack s, droplist owner) {
+ this.owner = owner;
+ stack = s;
+ itemId = GT_Utility.ItemId.createNoCopy(stack);
+ }
+ public int getchance(int chancemodifier) {
+ dropchance = (double) Math.round(dropchance * 100000) / 100000d;
+ return (int) (dropchance * chancemodifier);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return itemId.hashCode();
+ }
+ }
+ public static class droplist {
+ private final ArrayList<dropinstance> drops = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final HashMap<GT_Utility.ItemId, Integer> dropschecker = new HashMap<>();
+ public dropinstance add(dropinstance i, double chance) {
+ if (contains(i)) {
+ int ssize = i.stack.stackSize;
+ i = get(dropschecker.get(i.itemId));
+ i.dropchance += chance * ssize;
+ i.dropcount += ssize;
+ return i;
+ }
+ drops.add(i);
+ i.dropchance += chance * i.stack.stackSize;
+ i.dropcount += i.stack.stackSize - 1;
+ i.stack.stackSize = 1;
+ dropschecker.put(i.itemId, drops.size() - 1);
+ return i;
+ }
+ public dropinstance get(int index) {
+ return drops.get(index);
+ }
+ public dropinstance get(dropinstance i) {
+ if (!contains(i)) return null;
+ return get(dropschecker.get(i.itemId));
+ }
+ public boolean contains(dropinstance i) {
+ return dropschecker.containsKey(i.itemId);
+ }
+ public boolean contains(ItemStack stack) {
+ return dropschecker.containsKey(GT_Utility.ItemId.createNoCopy(stack));
+ }
+ public boolean isEmpty() {
+ return drops.isEmpty();
+ }
+ public int size() {
+ return drops.size();
+ }
+ public int indexOf(dropinstance i) {
+ if (!contains(i)) return -1;
+ return dropschecker.get(i.itemId);
+ }
+ }
+ private static class dropCollector {
+ HashMap<GT_Utility.ItemId, Integer> damagableChecker = new HashMap<>();
+ private boolean booksAlwaysRandomlyEnchanted = false;
+ public void addDrop(droplist fdrops, ArrayList<EntityItem> listToParse, double chance) {
+ for (EntityItem entityItem : listToParse) {
+ ItemStack ostack = entityItem.getEntityItem();
+ if (ostack == null) continue;
+ dropinstance drop;
+ boolean randomchomenchantdetected =
+ ostack.hasTagCompound() && ostack.stackTagCompound.hasKey(randomEnchantmentDetectedString);
+ int randomenchantmentlevel = 0;
+ if (randomchomenchantdetected) {
+ randomenchantmentlevel = ostack.stackTagCompound.getInteger(randomEnchantmentDetectedString);
+ ostack.stackTagCompound.removeTag("ench");
+ }
+ if ((booksAlwaysRandomlyEnchanted || randomchomenchantdetected)
+ && Items.enchanted_book == ostack.getItem()) {
+ NBTTagCompound tagCompound = (NBTTagCompound) ostack.stackTagCompound.copy();
+ tagCompound.removeTag("StoredEnchantments");
+ ostack = new ItemStack(Items.book, ostack.stackSize, 0);
+ if (!tagCompound.hasNoTags()) ostack.stackTagCompound = tagCompound;
+ if (randomenchantmentlevel == 0) randomenchantmentlevel = 1;
+ randomchomenchantdetected = true;
+ }
+ boolean randomdamagedetected = false;
+ int newdamage = -1;
+ if (ostack.isItemStackDamageable()) {
+ int odamage = ostack.getItemDamage();
+ ostack.setItemDamage(1);
+ GT_Utility.ItemId id = GT_Utility.ItemId.createNoCopy(ostack);
+ damagableChecker.putIfAbsent(id, odamage);
+ int check = damagableChecker.get(id);
+ if (check != odamage) {
+ randomdamagedetected = true;
+ newdamage = odamage;
+ ostack.setItemDamage(check);
+ } else ostack.setItemDamage(odamage);
+ }
+ drop = fdrops.add(new dropinstance(ostack.copy(), fdrops), chance);
+ if (!drop.isEnchatmentRandomized && randomchomenchantdetected) {
+ drop.isEnchatmentRandomized = true;
+ drop.enchantmentLevel = randomenchantmentlevel;
+ }
+ if (drop.isDamageRandomized && !randomdamagedetected) {
+ drop.damagesPossible.merge(drop.stack.getItemDamage(), 1, Integer::sum);
+ }
+ if (randomdamagedetected) {
+ if (!drop.isDamageRandomized) {
+ drop.isDamageRandomized = true;
+ drop.damagesPossible.merge(drop.stack.getItemDamage(), drop.dropcount - 1, Integer::sum);
+ }
+ if (newdamage == -1) newdamage = drop.stack.getItemDamage();
+ drop.damagesPossible.merge(newdamage, 1, Integer::sum);
+ }
+ }
+ listToParse.clear();
+ }
+ public void newRound() {
+ damagableChecker.clear();
+ booksAlwaysRandomlyEnchanted = false;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class GeneralMappedMob {
+ public final EntityLiving mob;
+ public final MobRecipe recipe;
+ public final ArrayList<MobDrop> drops;
+ public GeneralMappedMob(EntityLiving mob, MobRecipe recipe, ArrayList<MobDrop> drops) {
+ this.mob = mob;
+ this.recipe = recipe;
+ this.drops = drops;
+ }
+ }
+ public static final HashMap<String, GeneralMappedMob> GeneralMobList = new HashMap<>();
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public static void generateMobRecipeMap() {
+ if (alreadyGenerated) return;
+ alreadyGenerated = true;
+ if (!Config.mobHandlerEnabled) return;
+ World f = new GT_DummyWorld() {
+ @Override
+ public boolean blockExists(int p_72899_1_, int p_72899_2_, int p_72899_3_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List getEntitiesWithinAABB(Class p_72872_1_, AxisAlignedBB p_72872_2_) {
+ return new ArrayList();
+ }
+ };
+ f.isRemote = true; // quick hack to get around achievements
+ fakeRand frand = new fakeRand();
+ f.rand = frand;
+ isInGenerationProcess = true;
+ LOG.info("Generating Recipe Map for Mob Handler and EEC");
+ long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ Method setSlimeSize;
+ Method dropFewItems;
+ Method dropRareDrop;
+ Method addRandomArmor;
+ Method enchantEquipment;
+ Field rand;
+ try {
+ setSlimeSize = EntitySlime.class.getDeclaredMethod(setSlimeSizeName, int.class);
+ setSlimeSize.setAccessible(true);
+ dropFewItems = EntityLivingBase.class.getDeclaredMethod(dropFewItemsName, boolean.class, int.class);
+ dropFewItems.setAccessible(true);
+ dropRareDrop = EntityLivingBase.class.getDeclaredMethod(dropRareDropName, int.class);
+ dropRareDrop.setAccessible(true);
+ addRandomArmor = EntityLiving.class.getDeclaredMethod(addRandomArmorName);
+ addRandomArmor.setAccessible(true);
+ enchantEquipment = EntityLiving.class.getDeclaredMethod(enchantEquipmentName);
+ enchantEquipment.setAccessible(true);
+ rand = Entity.class.getDeclaredField(randName);
+ rand.setAccessible(true);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ LOG.error("Failed to obtain methods");
+ isInGenerationProcess = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ dropCollector collector = new dropCollector();
+ // Stupid MC code, I need to cast myself
+ ((Map<String, Class<? extends Entity>>) EntityList.stringToClassMapping).forEach((k, v) -> {
+ if (v == null) return;
+ LOG.info("Generating entry for mob: " + k);
+ if (Modifier.isAbstract(v.getModifiers())) {
+ LOG.info("Entity " + k + " is abstract, skipping");
+ return;
+ }
+ EntityLiving e;
+ try {
+ e = (EntityLiving) v.getConstructor(new Class[] {World.class}).newInstance(new Object[] {f});
+ } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
+ // not a EntityLiving
+ LOG.info("Entity " + k + " is not a LivingEntity, skipping");
+ return;
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
+ // No constructor ?
+ LOG.info("Entity " + k + " doesn't have constructor, skipping");
+ return;
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (StatCollector.translateToLocal("entity." + k + ".name").equals("entity." + k + ".name")) {
+ LOG.info("Entity " + k + " does't have localized name, skipping");
+ return;
+ }
+ e.captureDrops = true;
+ if (e instanceof EntitySlime)
+ try {
+ setSlimeSize.invoke(e, 1);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ rand.set(e, frand);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return;
+ }
+ droplist drops = new droplist();
+ droplist raredrops = new droplist();
+ droplist additionaldrops = new droplist();
+ LOG.info("Generating normal drops");
+ frand.newRound();
+ collector.newRound();
+ if (v.getName().startsWith("com.emoniph.witchery")) {
+ try {
+ dropFewItems.invoke(e, true, 0);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return;
+ }
+ frand.newRound();
+ frand.exceptionOnEnchantTry = true;
+ boolean enchantmentDetected = false;
+ try {
+ dropFewItems.invoke(e, true, 0);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ enchantmentDetected = true;
+ }
+ int w = frand.walkCounter;
+ frand.newRound();
+ if (enchantmentDetected) {
+ frand.maxWalkCount = w;
+ collector.booksAlwaysRandomlyEnchanted = true;
+ }
+ e.capturedDrops.clear();
+ }
+ do {
+ try {
+ dropFewItems.invoke(e, true, 0);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return;
+ }
+ collector.addDrop(drops, e.capturedDrops, frand.chance);
+ if (frand.chance < 0.0000001d) {
+ LOG.info("Skipping " + k + " normal dropmap because it's too randomized");
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (frand.nextRound());
+ LOG.info("Generating rare drops");
+ frand.newRound();
+ collector.newRound();
+ do {
+ try {
+ dropRareDrop.invoke(e, 0);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return;
+ }
+ collector.addDrop(raredrops, e.capturedDrops, frand.chance);
+ if (frand.chance < 0.0000001d) {
+ LOG.info("Skipping " + k + " rare dropmap because it's too randomized");
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (frand.nextRound());
+ LOG.info("Generating additional drops");
+ frand.newRound();
+ collector.newRound();
+ try {
+ Class<?> cl = e.getClass();
+ boolean detectedException = false;
+ do {
+ detectedException = false;
+ try {
+ cl.getDeclaredMethod(addRandomArmorName);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ detectedException = true;
+ cl = cl.getSuperclass();
+ }
+ } while (detectedException && !cl.equals(Entity.class));
+ if (cl.equals(EntityLiving.class) || cl.equals(Entity.class)) throw new Exception();
+ cl = e.getClass();
+ do {
+ detectedException = false;
+ try {
+ cl.getDeclaredMethod(enchantEquipmentName);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ detectedException = true;
+ cl = cl.getSuperclass();
+ }
+ } while (detectedException && !cl.equals(EntityLiving.class));
+ boolean usingVanillaEnchantingMethod = cl.equals(EntityLiving.class);
+ double chanceModifierLocal = 1f;
+ if (v.getName().startsWith("twilightforest.entity")) {
+ frand.forceFloatValue = 0f;
+ chanceModifierLocal = 0.25f;
+ }
+ do {
+ addRandomArmor.invoke(e);
+ if (!usingVanillaEnchantingMethod) enchantEquipment.invoke(e);
+ ItemStack[] lastActiveItems = e.getLastActiveItems();
+ for (int j = 0, lastActiveItemsLength = lastActiveItems.length; j < lastActiveItemsLength; j++) {
+ ItemStack stack = lastActiveItems[j];
+ if (stack != null) {
+ if (LoaderReference.Thaumcraft)
+ if (stack.getItem() instanceof ItemWandCasting)
+ continue; // crashes the game when rendering in GUI
+ int randomenchant = -1;
+ if (stack.hasTagCompound()
+ && stack.stackTagCompound.hasKey(randomEnchantmentDetectedString)) {
+ randomenchant = stack.stackTagCompound.getInteger(randomEnchantmentDetectedString);
+ stack.stackTagCompound.removeTag("ench");
+ }
+ dropinstance i = additionaldrops.add(
+ new dropinstance(stack.copy(), additionaldrops),
+ frand.chance
+ * chanceModifierLocal
+ * (usingVanillaEnchantingMethod ? (j == 0 ? 0.75d : 0.5d) : 1d));
+ if (!i.isDamageRandomized && i.stack.isItemStackDamageable()) {
+ i.isDamageRandomized = true;
+ int maxdamage = i.stack.getMaxDamage();
+ int max = Math.max(maxdamage - 25, 1);
+ for (int d = Math.min(max, 25); d <= max; d++) i.damagesPossible.put(d, 1);
+ }
+ if (!i.isEnchatmentRandomized && randomenchant != -1) {
+ i.isEnchatmentRandomized = true;
+ i.enchantmentLevel = randomenchant;
+ }
+ if (usingVanillaEnchantingMethod) {
+ if (!stack.hasTagCompound()) stack.stackTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();
+ stack.stackTagCompound.setInteger(randomEnchantmentDetectedString, 14);
+ dropinstance newdrop = additionaldrops.add(
+ new dropinstance(stack.copy(), additionaldrops),
+ frand.chance * chanceModifierLocal * (j == 0 ? 0.25d : 0.5d));
+ newdrop.isEnchatmentRandomized = true;
+ newdrop.enchantmentLevel = 14;
+ newdrop.isDamageRandomized = i.isDamageRandomized;
+ newdrop.damagesPossible = (HashMap<Integer, Integer>) i.damagesPossible.clone();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Arrays.fill(e.getLastActiveItems(), null);
+ if (frand.chance < 0.0000001d) {
+ LOG.info("Skipping " + k + " additional dropmap because it's too randomized");
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (frand.nextRound());
+ } catch (Exception ignored) {
+ }
+ frand.newRound();
+ collector.newRound();
+ if (drops.isEmpty() && raredrops.isEmpty() && additionaldrops.isEmpty()) {
+ GeneralMobList.put(k, new GeneralMappedMob(e, null, new ArrayList<>()));
+ LOG.info("Entity " + k + " doesn't drop any items, skipping EEC Recipe map");
+ return;
+ }
+ ArrayList<MobDrop> moboutputs = new ArrayList<>(drops.size() + raredrops.size() + additionaldrops.size());
+ for (dropinstance drop : drops.drops) {
+ ItemStack stack = drop.stack;
+ if (stack.hasTagCompound()) stack.stackTagCompound.removeTag(randomEnchantmentDetectedString);
+ int chance = drop.getchance(10000);
+ while (chance > 10000) {
+ stack.stackSize *= 2;
+ chance /= 2;
+ }
+ moboutputs.add(new MobDrop(
+ stack,
+ MobDrop.DropType.Normal,
+ chance,
+ drop.isEnchatmentRandomized ? drop.enchantmentLevel : null,
+ drop.isDamageRandomized ? drop.damagesPossible : null));
+ }
+ for (dropinstance drop : raredrops.drops) {
+ ItemStack stack = drop.stack;
+ if (stack.hasTagCompound()) stack.stackTagCompound.removeTag(randomEnchantmentDetectedString);
+ int chance = drop.getchance(250);
+ while (chance > 10000) {
+ stack.stackSize *= 2;
+ chance /= 2;
+ }
+ moboutputs.add(new MobDrop(
+ stack,
+ MobDrop.DropType.Rare,
+ chance,
+ drop.isEnchatmentRandomized ? drop.enchantmentLevel : null,
+ drop.isDamageRandomized ? drop.damagesPossible : null));
+ }
+ for (dropinstance drop : additionaldrops.drops) {
+ ItemStack stack = drop.stack;
+ if (stack.hasTagCompound()) stack.stackTagCompound.removeTag(randomEnchantmentDetectedString);
+ int chance = drop.getchance(850);
+ while (chance > 10000) {
+ stack.stackSize *= 2;
+ chance /= 2;
+ }
+ moboutputs.add(new MobDrop(
+ stack,
+ MobDrop.DropType.Additional,
+ chance,
+ drop.isEnchatmentRandomized ? drop.enchantmentLevel : null,
+ drop.isDamageRandomized ? drop.damagesPossible : null));
+ }
+ GeneralMobList.put(k, new GeneralMappedMob(e, new MobRecipe(e, moboutputs), moboutputs));
+ LOG.info("Mapped " + k);
+ });
+ time -= System.currentTimeMillis();
+ time = -time;
+ LOG.info("Recipe map generated ! It took " + time + "ms");
+ isInGenerationProcess = false;
+ }
+ public static void processMobRecipeMap() {
+ LOG.info("Loading config");
+ if (isClientSided) Mob_Handler.clearRecipes();
+ MobNameToRecipeMap.clear();
+ LoadConfigPacket.instance.mobsToLoad.clear();
+ GeneralMobList.forEach((k, v) -> {
+ if (Arrays.asList(Config.mobBlacklist).contains(k)) {
+ LOG.info("Entity " + k + " is blacklisted, skipping");
+ return;
+ }
+ MobRecipe recipe = v.recipe;
+ if (recipe != null) recipe = recipe.copy();
+ ArrayList<MobDrop> drops = (ArrayList<MobDrop>) v.drops.clone();
+ // MT Scripts should already be loaded here
+ if (LoaderReference.MineTweaker) {
+ Optionals.parseMTAdditions(k, drops, recipe);
+ }
+ if (drops.isEmpty()) {
+ LOG.info("Entity " + k + " doesn't drop any items, skipping EEC map");
+ if (!Config.includeEmptyMobs) return;
+ LoadConfigPacket.instance.mobsToLoad.add(k);
+ LOG.info("Registered " + k);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (v.recipe != null) MobNameToRecipeMap.put(k, recipe);
+ LoadConfigPacket.instance.mobsToLoad.add(k);
+ LOG.info("Registered " + k);
+ });
+ }
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ public static void processMobRecipeMap(HashSet<String> mobs) {
+ if (isClientSided) Mob_Handler.clearRecipes();
+ MobNameToRecipeMap.clear();
+ mobs.forEach(k -> {
+ GeneralMappedMob v = GeneralMobList.get(k);
+ MobRecipe recipe = v.recipe;
+ if (recipe != null) recipe = recipe.copy();
+ ArrayList<MobDrop> drops = (ArrayList<MobDrop>) v.drops.clone();
+ // MT Scripts should already be loaded here
+ if (LoaderReference.MineTweaker) {
+ Optionals.parseMTAdditions(k, drops, recipe);
+ }
+ Mob_Handler.addRecipe(v.mob, drops);
+ if (recipe != null) MobNameToRecipeMap.put(k, recipe);
+ LOG.info("Registered " + k);
+ });
+ LOG.info("Sorting NEI map");
+ Mob_Handler.sortCachedRecipes();
+ }
+ private static class Optionals {
+ private static void parseMTAdditions(String k, ArrayList<MobDrop> drops, MobRecipe recipe) {
+ IEntityDefinition ie = MineTweakerAPI.game.getEntity(k);
+ if (ie != null) {
+ for (Map.Entry<IItemStack, IntRange> entry : ie.getDropsToAdd().entrySet()) {
+ IntRange r = entry.getValue();
+ // Get average chance
+ double chance;
+ if (r.getFrom() == 0 && r.getTo() == 0) chance = 1d;
+ else chance = (((double) r.getTo() - (double) r.getFrom()) / 2d) + (double) r.getFrom();
+ ItemStack stack = ((ItemStack) entry.getKey().getInternal()).copy();
+ MobDrop drop = new MobDrop(stack, MobDrop.DropType.Normal, (int) (chance * 10000), null, null);
+ drops.add(drop);
+ if (recipe != null) recipe.mOutputs.add(drop);
+ }
+ for (Map.Entry<IItemStack, IntRange> entry :
+ ie.getDropsToAddPlayerOnly().entrySet()) {
+ IntRange r = entry.getValue();
+ // Get average chance
+ double chance;
+ if (r.getFrom() == 0 && r.getTo() == 0) chance = 1d;
+ else chance = (((double) r.getTo() - (double) r.getFrom()) / 2d) + (double) r.getFrom();
+ ItemStack stack = ((ItemStack) entry.getKey().getInternal()).copy();
+ MobDrop drop = new MobDrop(stack, MobDrop.DropType.Normal, (int) (chance * 10000), null, null);
+ drops.add(drop);
+ if (recipe != null) recipe.mOutputs.add(drop);
+ }
+ for (IItemStack istack : ie.getDropsToRemove()) {
+ List<MobDrop> toRemove = drops.stream()
+ .filter(d -> istack.matches(new MCItemStack(d.stack)))
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ drops.removeAll(toRemove);
+ if (recipe != null) recipe.mOutputs.removeAll(toRemove);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }