path: root/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/SingleUseToolRecipeLoader.java
diff options
authorNotAPenguin <michiel.vandeginste@gmail.com>2024-09-02 23:17:17 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-09-02 23:17:17 +0200
commit1b820de08a05070909a267e17f033fcf58ac8710 (patch)
tree02831a025986a06b20f87e5bcc69d1e0c639a342 /src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/SingleUseToolRecipeLoader.java
parentafd3fd92b6a6ab9ab0d0dc3214e6bc8ff7a86c9b (diff)
The Great Renaming (#3014)
* move kekztech to a single root dir * move detrav to a single root dir * move gtnh-lanthanides to a single root dir * move tectech and delete some gross reflection in gt++ * remove more reflection inside gt5u * delete more reflection in gt++ * fix imports * move bartworks and bwcrossmod * fix proxies * move galactigreg and ggfab * move gtneioreplugin * try to fix gt++ bee loader * apply the rename rules to BW * apply rename rules to bwcrossmod * apply rename rules to detrav scanner mod * apply rename rules to galacticgreg * apply rename rules to ggfab * apply rename rules to goodgenerator * apply rename rules to gtnh-lanthanides * apply rename rules to gt++ * apply rename rules to kekztech * apply rename rules to kubatech * apply rename rules to tectech * apply rename rules to gt apply the rename rules to gt * fix tt import * fix mui hopefully * fix coremod except intergalactic * rename assline recipe class * fix a class name i stumbled on * rename StructureUtility to GTStructureUtility to prevent conflict with structurelib * temporary rename of GTTooltipDataCache to old name * fix gt client/server proxy names
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/SingleUseToolRecipeLoader.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/SingleUseToolRecipeLoader.java b/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/SingleUseToolRecipeLoader.java
deleted file mode 100644
index aa2a72f71c..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/SingleUseToolRecipeLoader.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-package net.glease.ggfab;
-import static gregtech.api.enums.ToolDictNames.*;
-import static gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeBuilder.SECONDS;
-import net.glease.ggfab.api.GGFabRecipeMaps;
-import net.glease.ggfab.api.GigaGramFabAPI;
-import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values;
-import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList;
-import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
-import gregtech.api.enums.TierEU;
-import gregtech.api.enums.ToolDictNames;
-import gregtech.api.interfaces.IToolStats;
-import gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler;
-import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
-class SingleUseToolRecipeLoader implements Runnable {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- ToolDictNames[] hardTools = new ToolDictNames[] { craftingToolHardHammer, craftingToolScrewdriver,
- craftingToolWrench, craftingToolCrowbar, craftingToolWireCutter, craftingToolFile, craftingToolSaw };
- ToolDictNames[] softTools = new ToolDictNames[] { craftingToolSoftHammer };
- addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials.Steel, hardTools);
- addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials.Silver, 5000, hardTools);
- addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials.VanadiumSteel, hardTools);
- addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials.TungstenSteel, hardTools);
- addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials.HSSG, hardTools);
- addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials.Rubber, softTools);
- addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials.StyreneButadieneRubber, softTools);
- addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials.Polybenzimidazole, softTools);
- String prefix = "Shape_One_Use_";
- for (GGItemList value : GGItemList.values()) {
- if (!value.name()
- .startsWith(prefix)) {
- continue;
- }
- ToolDictNames type = ToolDictNames.valueOf(
- value.name()
- .substring(prefix.length()));
- GT_ModHandler
- .addCraftingRecipe(value.get(1L), new Object[] { "h", "P", "I", 'P', ItemList.Shape_Empty, 'I', type });
- }
- }
- private void addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials material, ToolDictNames... types) {
- addSingleUseToolRecipe(material, 10000, types);
- }
- private static long findNiceFactor(long fluids, long count) {
- long end = Math.min(fluids, count);
- for (long i = count / 256; i < end; i++) {
- if (fluids % i == 0 && count % i == 0 && count / i < 256) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- private void addSingleUseToolRecipe(Materials material, int outputModifier, ToolDictNames... types) {
- if (material.mStandardMoltenFluid == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("material does not have molten fluid form");
- }
- for (ToolDictNames type : types) {
- IToolStats stats = GigaGramFabAPI.SINGLE_USE_TOOLS.get(type);
- Long cost = GigaGramFabAPI.COST_SINGLE_USE_TOOLS.get(type);
- if (stats == null || cost == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(type + " not registered");
- }
- long fluids = cost * GT_Values.L / GT_Values.M, duration = 6 * SECONDS;
- long count = (long) (material.mDurability * stats.getMaxDurabilityMultiplier()
- * outputModifier
- * 100
- / stats.getToolDamagePerContainerCraft()
- / 10000);
- if (count > 64 * 4) {
- long niceFactor = findNiceFactor(fluids, count);
- if (niceFactor < 0) {
- double mod = (double) count / (64 * 4L);
- fluids = Math.max((long) (fluids / mod), 1L);
- duration = Math.max((long) (duration / mod), 1L);
- count = 64 * 4;
- } else {
- fluids /= niceFactor;
- duration = Math.max(duration / niceFactor, 1);
- count /= niceFactor;
- }
- } else if (count < 128) {
- long mod = GT_Utility.ceilDiv(128, count);
- fluids *= mod;
- duration *= mod;
- count *= mod;
- }
- GT_Values.RA.stdBuilder()
- .fluidInputs(material.getMolten(fluids)) //
- .metadata(GGFabRecipeMaps.OUTPUT_TYPE, type) //
- .metadata(GGFabRecipeMaps.OUTPUT_COUNT, (int) count) //
- .eut(TierEU.RECIPE_MV)
- .duration(duration) //
- .addTo(GGFabRecipeMaps.toolCastRecipes);
- }
- }