path: root/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java
diff options
authorRaven Szewczyk <git@eigenraven.me>2024-05-23 17:41:55 +0100
committerRaven Szewczyk <git@eigenraven.me>2024-05-23 17:41:55 +0100
commitdc9f68ad0ab8ce378a1680da0d59510de1f7236c (patch)
treea8ff3976cef19443247f200fd69451884e79bf67 /src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java
parent0cce27d780a9fa7afc2e7673c5ba590eaa27ead9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java b/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java
index de2071329d..be0446c8ad 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ import mcp.mobius.waila.api.IWailaDataAccessor;
* Dev note: 1. This multi will be an assline but with greater throughput. it will take one input every 2.
public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBase<MTE_AdvAssLine>
- implements ISurvivalConstructable {
+ implements ISurvivalConstructable {
private static final ItemStack NOT_CHECKED = new ItemStack(Blocks.dirt);
private static final String STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST = "first";
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
public static final String TAG_KEY_CURRENT_STICK = "mCurrentStick";
public static final String TAG_KEY_PROGRESS_TIMES = "mProgressTimeArray";
private static final IStructureDefinition<MTE_AdvAssLine> STRUCTURE_DEFINITION = StructureDefinition
- .<MTE_AdvAssLine>builder()
- // @formatter:off
+ .<MTE_AdvAssLine>builder()
+ // @formatter:off
transpose(new String[][] {
@@ -142,44 +142,52 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
{ "o", "i", "b" },
// @formatter:on
- .addElement('G', ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings3, 10)) // grate machine casing
- .addElement('l', ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings2, 9)) // assembler machine casing
- .addElement('m', ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings2, 5)) // assembling line casing
- .addElement(
- 'g',
- ofChain(
- ofBlockUnlocalizedName("IC2", "blockAlloyGlass", 0, true),
- ofBlockUnlocalizedName("bartworks", "BW_GlasBlocks", 0, true),
- // warded glass
- ofBlockUnlocalizedName("Thaumcraft", "blockCosmeticOpaque", 2, false)))
- .addElement(
- 'e',
- ofChain(
- Energy.or(ExoticEnergy)
- .newAny(16, 1, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.NORTH, ForgeDirection.SOUTH),
- ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings2, 0)))
- .addElement(
- 'd',
- buildHatchAdder(MTE_AdvAssLine.class).atLeast(DataHatchElement.DataAccess).dot(2).casingIndex(42)
- .allowOnly(ForgeDirection.NORTH).buildAndChain(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings3, 10))
- .addElement(
- 'b',
- buildHatchAdder(MTE_AdvAssLine.class)
- .atLeast(InputHatch, InputHatch, InputHatch, InputHatch, Maintenance).casingIndex(16).dot(3)
- .allowOnly(ForgeDirection.DOWN).buildAndChain(
- ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings2, 0),
- ofHatchAdder(MTE_AdvAssLine::addOutputToMachineList, 16, 4)))
- .addElement(
- 'I',
- ofChain(
- // all blocks nearby use solid steel casing, so let's use the texture of that
- InputBus.newAny(16, 5, ForgeDirection.DOWN),
- ofHatchAdder(MTE_AdvAssLine::addOutputToMachineList, 16, 4)))
- .addElement('i', InputBus.newAny(16, 5, ForgeDirection.DOWN))
- .addElement('o', OutputBus.newAny(16, 4, ForgeDirection.DOWN)).build();
+ .addElement('G', ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings3, 10)) // grate machine casing
+ .addElement('l', ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings2, 9)) // assembler machine casing
+ .addElement('m', ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings2, 5)) // assembling line casing
+ .addElement(
+ 'g',
+ ofChain(
+ ofBlockUnlocalizedName("IC2", "blockAlloyGlass", 0, true),
+ ofBlockUnlocalizedName("bartworks", "BW_GlasBlocks", 0, true),
+ // warded glass
+ ofBlockUnlocalizedName("Thaumcraft", "blockCosmeticOpaque", 2, false)))
+ .addElement(
+ 'e',
+ ofChain(
+ Energy.or(ExoticEnergy)
+ .newAny(16, 1, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.NORTH, ForgeDirection.SOUTH),
+ ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings2, 0)))
+ .addElement(
+ 'd',
+ buildHatchAdder(MTE_AdvAssLine.class).atLeast(DataHatchElement.DataAccess)
+ .dot(2)
+ .casingIndex(42)
+ .allowOnly(ForgeDirection.NORTH)
+ .buildAndChain(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings3, 10))
+ .addElement(
+ 'b',
+ buildHatchAdder(MTE_AdvAssLine.class).atLeast(InputHatch, InputHatch, InputHatch, InputHatch, Maintenance)
+ .casingIndex(16)
+ .dot(3)
+ .allowOnly(ForgeDirection.DOWN)
+ .buildAndChain(
+ ofBlock(GregTech_API.sBlockCasings2, 0),
+ ofHatchAdder(MTE_AdvAssLine::addOutputToMachineList, 16, 4)))
+ .addElement(
+ 'I',
+ ofChain(
+ // all blocks nearby use solid steel casing, so let's use the texture of that
+ InputBus.newAny(16, 5, ForgeDirection.DOWN),
+ ofHatchAdder(MTE_AdvAssLine::addOutputToMachineList, 16, 4)))
+ .addElement('i', InputBus.newAny(16, 5, ForgeDirection.DOWN))
+ .addElement('o', OutputBus.newAny(16, 4, ForgeDirection.DOWN))
+ .build();
private ItemStack currentStick;
private GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine currentRecipe;
- private final Slice[] slices = IntStream.range(0, 16).mapToObj(Slice::new).toArray(Slice[]::new);
+ private final Slice[] slices = IntStream.range(0, 16)
+ .mapToObj(Slice::new)
+ .toArray(Slice[]::new);
private boolean processing;
private long inputVoltage;
// surely no one is using more EUt than this, no?
@@ -232,7 +240,7 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
if (!checkPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_LATER, leftToRight ? -i : i, 1, 0)) return false;
if (!mOutputBusses.isEmpty())
return (!mEnergyHatches.isEmpty() || !mExoticEnergyHatches.isEmpty()) && mMaintenanceHatches.size() == 1
- && mDataAccessHatches.size() <= 1;
+ && mDataAccessHatches.size() <= 1;
return false;
@@ -273,7 +281,8 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
List<EntityPlayerMP> l = server.getConfigurationManager().playerEntityList;
for (EntityPlayerMP p : l) {
- if (p.getUniqueID().equals(ownerUuid)) {
+ if (p.getUniqueID()
+ .equals(ownerUuid)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
// switch is stupid, but I have no better idea
Object[] args;
@@ -283,8 +292,8 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
case 8:
args = new Object[] { (int) (factor * 100) + 400,
- (int) ((4 + factor) * (4 + factor + factor) * 100), 4 + factor,
- 4 + factor + factor };
+ (int) ((4 + factor) * (4 + factor + factor) * 100), 4 + factor,
+ 4 + factor + factor };
args = new Object[0];
@@ -298,21 +307,37 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
public ITexture[] getTexture(IGregTechTileEntity aBaseMetaTileEntity, ForgeDirection side, ForgeDirection facing,
- int colorIndex, boolean aActive, boolean aRedstone) {
+ int colorIndex, boolean aActive, boolean aRedstone) {
if (side == facing) {
if (stuck) {
- return new ITexture[] { casingTexturePages[0][16],
- TextureFactory.builder().addIcon(OVERLAY_FRONT_ADV_ASSLINE_STUCK).extFacing().build(),
- TextureFactory.builder().addIcon(OVERLAY_FRONT_ADV_ASSLINE_STUCK_GLOW).extFacing().glow()
- .build() };
+ return new ITexture[] { casingTexturePages[0][16], TextureFactory.builder()
+ .extFacing()
+ .build(),
+ TextureFactory.builder()
+ .extFacing()
+ .glow()
+ .build() };
- if (aActive) return new ITexture[] { casingTexturePages[0][16],
- TextureFactory.builder().addIcon(OVERLAY_FRONT_ADV_ASSLINE_ACTIVE).extFacing().build(),
- TextureFactory.builder().addIcon(OVERLAY_FRONT_ADV_ASSLINE_ACTIVE_GLOW).extFacing().glow()
- .build() };
- return new ITexture[] { casingTexturePages[0][16],
- TextureFactory.builder().addIcon(OVERLAY_FRONT_ADV_ASSLINE).extFacing().build(),
- TextureFactory.builder().addIcon(OVERLAY_FRONT_ADV_ASSLINE_GLOW).extFacing().glow().build() };
+ if (aActive) return new ITexture[] { casingTexturePages[0][16], TextureFactory.builder()
+ .extFacing()
+ .build(),
+ TextureFactory.builder()
+ .extFacing()
+ .glow()
+ .build() };
+ return new ITexture[] { casingTexturePages[0][16], TextureFactory.builder()
+ .extFacing()
+ .build(),
+ TextureFactory.builder()
+ .extFacing()
+ .glow()
+ .build() };
return new ITexture[] { casingTexturePages[0][16] };
@@ -320,27 +345,32 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
protected GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder createTooltip() {
final GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder tt = new GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder();
- tt.addMachineType("Assembling Line").addInfo("Controller block for the Advanced Assembling Line")
- .addInfo("Built exactly the same as standard Assembling Line")
- .addInfo("Place in world to get more info. It will be a lengthy read.")
- .addInfo("Assembling Line with item pipelining").addInfo("All fluids are however consumed at start")
- .addInfo("Use voltage of worst energy hatch for overclocking")
- .addInfo("EU/t is (number of slices working) * (overclocked EU/t)").addSeparator()
- .beginVariableStructureBlock(5, 16, 4, 4, 3, 3, false)
- .addStructureInfo("From Bottom to Top, Left to Right")
- .addStructureInfo(
- "Layer 1 - Solid Steel Machine Casing, Input Bus (last can be Output Bus), Solid Steel Machine Casing")
- .addStructureInfo(
- "Layer 2 - Borosilicate Glass(any)/Warded Glass/Reinforced Glass, Assembling Line Casing, Reinforced Glass")
- .addStructureInfo("Layer 3 - Grate Machine Casing, Assembler Machine Casing, Grate Machine Casing")
- .addStructureInfo("Layer 4 - Empty, Solid Steel Machine Casing, Empty")
- .addStructureInfo("Up to 16 repeating slices, each one allows for 1 more item in recipes")
- .addController("Either Grate on layer 3 of the first slice").addEnergyHatch("Any layer 4 casing", 1)
- .addMaintenanceHatch("Any layer 1 casing", 3).addInputBus("As specified on layer 1", 4, 5)
- .addInputHatch("Any layer 1 casing", 3)
- .addOutputBus("Replaces Input Bus on final slice or on any solid steel casing on layer 1", 4)
- .addOtherStructurePart("Data Access Hatch", "Optional, next to controller", 2)
- .toolTipFinisher(GGConstants.GGMARK);
+ tt.addMachineType("Assembling Line")
+ .addInfo("Controller block for the Advanced Assembling Line")
+ .addInfo("Built exactly the same as standard Assembling Line")
+ .addInfo("Place in world to get more info. It will be a lengthy read.")
+ .addInfo("Assembling Line with item pipelining")
+ .addInfo("All fluids are however consumed at start")
+ .addInfo("Use voltage of worst energy hatch for overclocking")
+ .addInfo("EU/t is (number of slices working) * (overclocked EU/t)")
+ .addSeparator()
+ .beginVariableStructureBlock(5, 16, 4, 4, 3, 3, false)
+ .addStructureInfo("From Bottom to Top, Left to Right")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ "Layer 1 - Solid Steel Machine Casing, Input Bus (last can be Output Bus), Solid Steel Machine Casing")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ "Layer 2 - Borosilicate Glass(any)/Warded Glass/Reinforced Glass, Assembling Line Casing, Reinforced Glass")
+ .addStructureInfo("Layer 3 - Grate Machine Casing, Assembler Machine Casing, Grate Machine Casing")
+ .addStructureInfo("Layer 4 - Empty, Solid Steel Machine Casing, Empty")
+ .addStructureInfo("Up to 16 repeating slices, each one allows for 1 more item in recipes")
+ .addController("Either Grate on layer 3 of the first slice")
+ .addEnergyHatch("Any layer 4 casing", 1)
+ .addMaintenanceHatch("Any layer 1 casing", 3)
+ .addInputBus("As specified on layer 1", 4, 5)
+ .addInputHatch("Any layer 1 casing", 3)
+ .addOutputBus("Replaces Input Bus on final slice or on any solid steel casing on layer 1", 4)
+ .addOtherStructurePart("Data Access Hatch", "Optional, next to controller", 2)
+ .toolTipFinisher(GGConstants.GGMARK);
return tt;
@@ -376,8 +406,11 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
aNBT.setTag(TAG_KEY_CURRENT_STICK, currentStick.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
aNBT.setInteger("mRecipeHash", currentRecipe.getPersistentHash());
- Arrays.stream(slices).limit(currentInputLength).mapToInt(s -> s.progress).toArray());
+ Arrays.stream(slices)
+ .limit(currentInputLength)
+ .mapToInt(s -> s.progress)
+ .toArray());
aNBT.setBoolean("stuck", stuck);
aNBT.setLong("inputV", inputVoltage);
aNBT.setLong("inputEU", inputEUt);
@@ -406,7 +439,7 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
loadedStack = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(aNBT.getCompoundTag(TAG_KEY_CURRENT_STICK));
GT_AssemblyLineUtils.LookupResult lookupResult = GT_AssemblyLineUtils
- .findAssemblyLineRecipeFromDataStick(loadedStack, false);
+ .findAssemblyLineRecipeFromDataStick(loadedStack, false);
switch (lookupResult.getType()) {
recipe = lookupResult.getRecipe();
@@ -526,19 +559,20 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
* l -> { currentInputLength = l; for (SliceStatusWidget w : arr) { w.updateText(); } }));
- new TextWidget(Text.localised("ggfab.gui.advassline.shutdown"))
- .setEnabled(this::hasAbnormalStopReason));
+ new TextWidget(Text.localised("ggfab.gui.advassline.shutdown")).setEnabled(this::hasAbnormalStopReason));
- new TextWidget().setTextSupplier(() -> Text.localised(lastStopReason))
- .attachSyncer(
- new FakeSyncWidget.StringSyncer(() -> lastStopReason, r -> this.lastStopReason = r),
- screenElements)
- .setEnabled(this::hasAbnormalStopReason));
+ new TextWidget().setTextSupplier(() -> Text.localised(lastStopReason))
+ .attachSyncer(
+ new FakeSyncWidget.StringSyncer(() -> lastStopReason, r -> this.lastStopReason = r),
+ screenElements)
+ .setEnabled(this::hasAbnormalStopReason));
- new ClickableTextWidget(
- Text.localised("ggfab.gui.advassline.shutdown_clear").alignment(Alignment.CenterLeft))
- .setMarginInLines(0).setOnClick((d, w) -> lastStopReason = "").setSize(36, 20)
- .setEnabled(this::hasAbnormalStopReason));
+ new ClickableTextWidget(
+ Text.localised("ggfab.gui.advassline.shutdown_clear")
+ .alignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)).setMarginInLines(0)
+ .setOnClick((d, w) -> lastStopReason = "")
+ .setSize(36, 20)
+ .setEnabled(this::hasAbnormalStopReason));
private Boolean hasAbnormalStopReason(Widget w) {
@@ -578,8 +612,8 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
if (getBaseMetaTileEntity().isAllowedToWork() && slices[0].progress < 0) {
if (hasAllItems(currentRecipe, this.currentRecipeParallel)
- && hasAllFluids(currentRecipe, this.currentRecipeParallel)
- && slices[0].start()) {
+ && hasAllFluids(currentRecipe, this.currentRecipeParallel)
+ && slices[0].start()) {
drainAllFluids(currentRecipe, this.currentRecipeParallel);
mProgresstime = 0;
@@ -648,7 +682,7 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
private GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine findRecipe(ItemStack tDataStick) {
GT_AssemblyLineUtils.LookupResult tLookupResult = GT_AssemblyLineUtils
- .findAssemblyLineRecipeFromDataStick(tDataStick, false);
+ .findAssemblyLineRecipeFromDataStick(tDataStick, false);
if (tLookupResult.getType() == GT_AssemblyLineUtils.LookupResultType.INVALID_STICK) return null;
@@ -690,18 +724,15 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
return false;
int maxParallel = (int) GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine
- .maxParallelCalculatedByInputItems(mInputBusses, parallel, itemConsumptions, curBatchItemsFromME);
+ .maxParallelCalculatedByInputItems(mInputBusses, parallel, itemConsumptions, curBatchItemsFromME);
return maxParallel >= parallel;
private boolean hasAllFluids(GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine tRecipe, int parallel) {
int aFluidCount = tRecipe.mFluidInputs.length;
if (mInputHatches.size() < aFluidCount) return false;
- int maxParallel = (int) GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine.maxParallelCalculatedByInputFluids(
- mInputHatches,
- parallel,
- tRecipe.mFluidInputs,
- curBatchFluidsFromME);
+ int maxParallel = (int) GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine
+ .maxParallelCalculatedByInputFluids(mInputHatches, parallel, tRecipe.mFluidInputs, curBatchFluidsFromME);
return maxParallel >= parallel;
@@ -724,10 +755,16 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
for (GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_DataAccess tHatch : mDataAccessHatches) {
if (tHatch.isValid()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getSizeInventory(); i++) {
- if (tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getStackInSlot(i) != null
- && isCorrectDataItem(tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getStackInSlot(i), state))
- rList.add(tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getStackInSlot(i));
+ for (int i = 0; i < tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity()
+ .getSizeInventory(); i++) {
+ if (tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity()
+ .getStackInSlot(i) != null && isCorrectDataItem(
+ tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity()
+ .getStackInSlot(i),
+ state))
+ rList.add(
+ tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity()
+ .getStackInSlot(i));
@@ -772,18 +809,19 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
// calculateOverclockedNessMulti from super class has a mysterious 5% cable loss thing at the moment
// of writing
GT_OverclockCalculator ocCalc = new GT_OverclockCalculator().setRecipeEUt(currentRecipe.mEUt)
- .setDuration(Math.max(recipe.mDuration / recipe.mInputs.length, 1)).setEUt(inputVoltage)
- .calculate();
+ .setDuration(Math.max(recipe.mDuration / recipe.mInputs.length, 1))
+ .setEUt(inputVoltage)
+ .calculate();
// since we already checked mEUt <= inputVoltage, no need to check if recipe is too OP
lEUt = ocCalc.getConsumption();
mMaxProgresstime = ocCalc.getDuration();
// then laser overclock if needed
if (!mExoticEnergyHatches.isEmpty()) {
OverclockHelper.OverclockOutput laserOverclock = OverclockHelper.laserOverclock(
- lEUt,
- mMaxProgresstime,
- inputEUt / recipe.mInputs.length,
- ConfigurationHandler.INSTANCE.getLaserOCPenaltyFactor());
+ lEUt,
+ mMaxProgresstime,
+ inputEUt / recipe.mInputs.length,
+ ConfigurationHandler.INSTANCE.getLaserOCPenaltyFactor());
if (laserOverclock != null) {
lEUt = laserOverclock.getEUt();
mMaxProgresstime = laserOverclock.getDuration();
@@ -896,13 +934,13 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
public void getWailaBody(ItemStack itemStack, List<String> currentTip, IWailaDataAccessor accessor,
- IWailaConfigHandler config) {
+ IWailaConfigHandler config) {
super.getWailaBody(itemStack, currentTip, accessor, config);
NBTTagCompound tag = accessor.getNBTData();
String machineProgressString = GT_Waila.getMachineProgressString(
- tag.getBoolean("isActive"),
- tag.getInteger("maxProgress"),
- tag.getInteger("progress"));
+ tag.getBoolean("isActive"),
+ tag.getInteger("maxProgress"),
+ tag.getInteger("progress"));
int duration = tag.getInteger("mDuration");
@@ -919,14 +957,10 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
currentTip.add(I18n.format("ggfab.waila.advassline.slice.idle", i + 1));
} else if (duration > 40) {
- I18n.format(
- "ggfab.waila.advassline.slice",
- i + 1,
- (duration - progress) / 20,
- duration / 20));
+ I18n.format("ggfab.waila.advassline.slice", i + 1, (duration - progress) / 20, duration / 20));
} else {
- currentTip.add(
- I18n.format("ggfab.waila.advassline.slice.small", i + 1, duration - progress, duration));
+ currentTip
+ .add(I18n.format("ggfab.waila.advassline.slice.small", i + 1, duration - progress, duration));
@@ -934,7 +968,7 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
public void getWailaNBTData(EntityPlayerMP player, TileEntity tile, NBTTagCompound tag, World world, int x, int y,
- int z) {
+ int z) {
super.getWailaNBTData(player, tile, tag, world, x, y, z);
if (currentRecipe == null || !getBaseMetaTileEntity().isActive()) return;
NBTTagList l = new NBTTagList();
@@ -951,7 +985,7 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
private void drainAllFluids(GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine recipe, int parallel) {
- .consumeInputFluids(mInputHatches, parallel, recipe.mFluidInputs, curBatchFluidsFromME);
+ .consumeInputFluids(mInputHatches, parallel, recipe.mFluidInputs, curBatchFluidsFromME);
for (GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Input tHatch : filterValidMTEs(mInputHatches)) tHatch.updateSlots();
@@ -968,7 +1002,7 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
public boolean onWireCutterRightClick(ForgeDirection side, ForgeDirection wrenchingSide, EntityPlayer aPlayer,
- float aX, float aY, float aZ) {
+ float aX, float aY, float aZ) {
if (aPlayer.isSneaking()) {
batchMode = !batchMode;
if (batchMode) {
@@ -1073,11 +1107,12 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
ItemStack stack = getInputBusContent(id);
if (stack == null) return false;
int size = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine
- .getMatchedIngredientAmount(stack, currentRecipe.mInputs[id], currentRecipe.mOreDictAlt[id]);
+ .getMatchedIngredientAmount(stack, currentRecipe.mInputs[id], currentRecipe.mOreDictAlt[id]);
if (size < 0 || stack.stackSize < size * currentRecipeParallel) return false;
progress = mMaxProgresstime / currentInputLength;
stack.stackSize -= size * currentRecipeParallel;
- mInputBusses.get(id).updateSlots();
+ mInputBusses.get(id)
+ .updateSlots();
return true;