path: root/src/main
diff options
authorLéa Gris <lea.gris@noiraude.net>2021-05-06 16:30:50 +0200
committerLéa Gris <lea.gris@noiraude.net>2021-05-21 13:38:33 +0200
commitf3ed9e448ffe260a22a61abca69eb65dd67c42d1 (patch)
tree114e8553f5e3fc4d8c7df1e8d6c021769a03ad5b /src/main
parent4623671cf66fd100a36016057ae42b81c58ca0f4 (diff)
feat(render): processing array glow
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
-rw-r--r--src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY.pngbin439 -> 382 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_ACTIVE.pngbin457 -> 389 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_ACTIVE_GLOW.pngbin0 -> 379 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_GLOW.pngbin0 -> 378 bytes
6 files changed, 179 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Textures.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Textures.java
index cc0964870d..5b91e95168 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Textures.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Textures.java
@@ -906,8 +906,10 @@ public class Textures {
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray.java
index d86e8cf7f8..4e8f4412bd 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray.java
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import gregtech.GT_Mod;
import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values;
import gregtech.api.enums.Textures;
+import gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons;
import gregtech.api.gui.GT_GUIContainer_MultiMachine;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.ITexture;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.metatileentity.IMetaTileEntity;
@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Energy;
import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_InputBus;
import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase;
+import gregtech.api.objects.GT_RenderedGlowTexture;
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_RenderedTexture;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_ProcessingArray_Manager;
@@ -34,6 +36,10 @@ import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.VN;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_ACTIVE;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_ACTIVE_GLOW;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_GLOW;
import static gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicMachine.isValidForLowGravity;
public class GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase {
@@ -51,45 +57,56 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBl
+ @Override
public IMetaTileEntity newMetaEntity(IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity) {
return new GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray(this.mName);
+ @Override
public String[] getDescription() {
- final GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder tt = new GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder();
- tt.addMachineType("Processing Array")
- .addInfo("Runs supplied machines as if placed in the world")
- .addInfo("Place up to 64 singleblock GT machines into the controller")
- .addInfo("Note that tou still need to supply power to them all")
- .addInfo("Use a screwdriver to enable separate input busses")
- .addInfo("Maximal overclockedness of machines inside: Tier 9")
- .addInfo("Doesn't work on certain machines, deal with it")
- .addInfo("Use it if you hate GT++, or want even more speed later on")
- .addSeparator()
- .beginStructureBlock(3, 3, 3, true)
- .addController("Front center")
- .addCasingInfo("Robust Tungstensteel Machine Casing", 14)
- .addEnergyHatch("Any casing")
- .addMaintenanceHatch("Any casing")
- .addInputBus("Any casing")
- .addInputHatch("Any casing")
- .addOutputBus("Any casing")
- .addOutputHatch("Any casing")
- .toolTipFinisher("Gregtech");
- if (!Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) {
- return tt.getInformation();
- } else {
- return tt.getStructureInformation();
- }
+ final GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder tt = new GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder();
+ tt.addMachineType("Processing Array")
+ .addInfo("Runs supplied machines as if placed in the world")
+ .addInfo("Place up to 64 singleblock GT machines into the controller")
+ .addInfo("Note that tou still need to supply power to them all")
+ .addInfo("Use a screwdriver to enable separate input busses")
+ .addInfo("Maximal overclockedness of machines inside: Tier 9")
+ .addInfo("Doesn't work on certain machines, deal with it")
+ .addInfo("Use it if you hate GT++, or want even more speed later on")
+ .addSeparator()
+ .beginStructureBlock(3, 3, 3, true)
+ .addController("Front center")
+ .addCasingInfo("Robust Tungstensteel Machine Casing", 14)
+ .addEnergyHatch("Any casing")
+ .addMaintenanceHatch("Any casing")
+ .addInputBus("Any casing")
+ .addInputHatch("Any casing")
+ .addOutputBus("Any casing")
+ .addOutputHatch("Any casing")
+ .toolTipFinisher("Gregtech");
+ if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) {
+ return tt.getStructureInformation();
+ } else {
+ return tt.getInformation();
+ }
+ @Override
public ITexture[] getTexture(IGregTechTileEntity aBaseMetaTileEntity, byte aSide, byte aFacing, byte aColorIndex, boolean aActive, boolean aRedstone) {
if (aSide == aFacing) {
- return new ITexture[]{Textures.BlockIcons.casingTexturePages[0][48], new GT_RenderedTexture(aActive ? Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_ACTIVE : Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY)};
+ if (aActive) return new ITexture[]{
+ BlockIcons.casingTexturePages[0][48],
+ return new ITexture[]{
+ BlockIcons.casingTexturePages[0][48],
return new ITexture[]{Textures.BlockIcons.casingTexturePages[0][48]};
+ @Override
public Object getClientGUI(int aID, InventoryPlayer aPlayerInventory, IGregTechTileEntity aBaseMetaTileEntity) {
return new GT_GUIContainer_MultiMachine(aPlayerInventory, aBaseMetaTileEntity, getLocalName(), "ProcessingArray.png");
@@ -117,29 +134,27 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBl
+ @Override
public GT_Recipe_Map getRecipeMap() {
if (isCorrectMachinePart(mInventory[1])) {
- GT_Recipe_Map aTemp = GT_ProcessingArray_Manager.getRecipeMapForMeta(mInventory[1].getItemDamage());
- if (aTemp != null) {
- return aTemp;
- }
+ return GT_ProcessingArray_Manager.getRecipeMapForMeta(mInventory[1].getItemDamage());
return null;
+ @Override
public boolean isCorrectMachinePart(ItemStack aStack) {
- if (aStack != null && aStack.getUnlocalizedName().startsWith("gt.blockmachines.basicmachine.")) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ return aStack != null && aStack.getUnlocalizedName().startsWith("gt.blockmachines.basicmachine.");
+ @Override
public boolean isFacingValid(byte aFacing) {
return aFacing > 1;
private String mMachine = "";
+ @Override
public boolean checkRecipe(ItemStack aStack) {
if (!isCorrectMachinePart(mInventory[1])) {
return false;
@@ -160,7 +175,8 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBl
machineTier = Integer.parseInt(mMachine.substring(length - 2));
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
+ /* do nothing */
switch (machineTier) {
@@ -199,122 +215,120 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBl
ArrayList<FluidStack> tFluidList = getStoredFluids();
- FluidStack[] tFluids = (FluidStack[]) tFluidList.toArray(new FluidStack[tFluidList.size()]);
+ FluidStack[] tFluids = tFluidList.toArray(new FluidStack[0]);
if (mSeparate) {
- ArrayList<ItemStack> tInputList = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
- for (GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_InputBus tHatch : mInputBusses) {
- IGregTechTileEntity tInputBus = tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity();
- for (int i = tInputBus.getSizeInventory() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (tInputBus.getStackInSlot(i) != null)
- tInputList.add(tInputBus.getStackInSlot(i));
- }
- ItemStack[] tInputs = (ItemStack[]) tInputList.toArray(new ItemStack[tInputList.size()]);
- if (processRecipe(tInputs, tFluids, map))
- return true;
- else
- tInputList.clear();
- }
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> tInputList = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_InputBus tHatch : mInputBusses) {
+ IGregTechTileEntity tInputBus = tHatch.getBaseMetaTileEntity();
+ for (int i = tInputBus.getSizeInventory() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (tInputBus.getStackInSlot(i) != null)
+ tInputList.add(tInputBus.getStackInSlot(i));
+ }
+ ItemStack[] tInputs = tInputList.toArray(new ItemStack[0]);
+ if (processRecipe(tInputs, tFluids, map))
+ return true;
+ else
+ tInputList.clear();
+ }
} else {
- ArrayList<ItemStack> tInputList = getStoredInputs();
- ItemStack[] tInputs = (ItemStack[]) tInputList.toArray(new ItemStack[tInputList.size()]);
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> tInputList = getStoredInputs();
+ ItemStack[] tInputs = tInputList.toArray(new ItemStack[0]);
return processRecipe(tInputs, tFluids, map);
return false;
public boolean processRecipe(ItemStack[] tInputs, FluidStack[] tFluids, GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map map) {
- if (tInputs.length > 0 || tFluids.length > 0) {
- GT_Recipe tRecipe = map.findRecipe(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), mLastRecipe, false, gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.V[tTier], tFluids, tInputs);
- if (tRecipe != null) {
- if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mLowGravProcessing && tRecipe.mSpecialValue == -100 &&
- !isValidForLowGravity(tRecipe, getBaseMetaTileEntity().getWorld().provider.dimensionId))
- return false;
+ if (tInputs.length <= 0 && tFluids.length <= 0) return false;
+ GT_Recipe tRecipe = map.findRecipe(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), mLastRecipe, false, gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.V[tTier], tFluids, tInputs);
+ if (tRecipe == null) return false;
+ if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mLowGravProcessing && tRecipe.mSpecialValue == -100 &&
+ !isValidForLowGravity(tRecipe, getBaseMetaTileEntity().getWorld().provider.dimensionId))
+ return false;
- mLastRecipe = tRecipe;
- this.mEUt = 0;
- this.mOutputItems = null;
- this.mOutputFluids = null;
- int machines = Math.min(64, mInventory[1].stackSize << mMult); //Upped max Cap to 64
- int i = 0;
- for (; i < machines; i++) {
- if (!tRecipe.isRecipeInputEqual(true, tFluids, tInputs)) {
- if (i == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- this.mMaxProgresstime = tRecipe.mDuration;
- this.mEfficiency = (10000 - (getIdealStatus() - getRepairStatus()) * 1000);
- this.mEfficiencyIncrease = 10000;
- calculateOverclockedNessMulti(tRecipe.mEUt, tRecipe.mDuration, map.mAmperage, GT_Values.V[tTier]);
- //In case recipe is too OP for that machine
- if (mMaxProgresstime == Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 && mEUt == Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)
- return false;
- this.mEUt = GT_Utility.safeInt(((long) this.mEUt * i) >> mMult, 1);
- if (mEUt == Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)
+ mLastRecipe = tRecipe;
+ this.mEUt = 0;
+ this.mOutputItems = null;
+ this.mOutputFluids = null;
+ int machines = Math.min(64, mInventory[1].stackSize << mMult); //Upped max Cap to 64
+ int i = 0;
+ for (; i < machines; i++) {
+ if (!tRecipe.isRecipeInputEqual(true, tFluids, tInputs)) {
+ if (i == 0) {
return false;
- if (this.mEUt > 0) {
- this.mEUt = (-this.mEUt);
- ItemStack[] tOut = new ItemStack[tRecipe.mOutputs.length];
- for (int h = 0; h < tRecipe.mOutputs.length; h++) {
- if (tRecipe.getOutput(h) != null) {
- tOut[h] = tRecipe.getOutput(h).copy();
- tOut[h].stackSize = 0;
- }
- }
- FluidStack tFOut = null;
- if (tRecipe.getFluidOutput(0) != null) tFOut = tRecipe.getFluidOutput(0).copy();
- for (int f = 0; f < tOut.length; f++) {
- if (tRecipe.mOutputs[f] != null && tOut[f] != null) {
- for (int g = 0; g < i; g++) {
- if (getBaseMetaTileEntity().getRandomNumber(10000) < tRecipe.getOutputChance(f))
- tOut[f].stackSize += tRecipe.mOutputs[f].stackSize;
- }
- }
- }
- if (tFOut != null) {
- int tSize = tFOut.amount;
- tFOut.amount = tSize * i;
- }
- tOut = clean(tOut);
- this.mMaxProgresstime = Math.max(1, this.mMaxProgresstime);
- List<ItemStack> overStacks = new ArrayList<>();
- for (ItemStack itemStack : tOut) {
- while (itemStack != null && itemStack.getMaxStackSize() < itemStack.stackSize) {
- ItemStack tmp = itemStack.copy();
- tmp.stackSize = tmp.getMaxStackSize();
- itemStack.stackSize = itemStack.stackSize - itemStack.getMaxStackSize();
- overStacks.add(tmp);
- }
- }
- if (overStacks.size() > 0) {
- ItemStack[] tmp = new ItemStack[overStacks.size()];
- tmp = overStacks.toArray(tmp);
- tOut = ArrayUtils.addAll(tOut, tmp);
- }
- List<ItemStack> tSList = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
- for (ItemStack tS : tOut) {
- if (tS.stackSize > 0) tSList.add(tS);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this.mMaxProgresstime = tRecipe.mDuration;
+ this.mEfficiency = (10000 - (getIdealStatus() - getRepairStatus()) * 1000);
+ this.mEfficiencyIncrease = 10000;
+ calculateOverclockedNessMulti(tRecipe.mEUt, tRecipe.mDuration, map.mAmperage, GT_Values.V[tTier]);
+ //In case recipe is too OP for that machine
+ if (mMaxProgresstime == Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 && mEUt == Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)
+ return false;
+ this.mEUt = GT_Utility.safeInt(((long) this.mEUt * i) >> mMult, 1);
+ if (mEUt == Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)
+ return false;
+ if (this.mEUt > 0) {
+ this.mEUt = (-this.mEUt);
+ }
+ ItemStack[] tOut = new ItemStack[tRecipe.mOutputs.length];
+ for (int h = 0; h < tRecipe.mOutputs.length; h++) {
+ if (tRecipe.getOutput(h) != null) {
+ tOut[h] = tRecipe.getOutput(h).copy();
+ tOut[h].stackSize = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ FluidStack tFOut = null;
+ if (tRecipe.getFluidOutput(0) != null) tFOut = tRecipe.getFluidOutput(0).copy();
+ for (int f = 0; f < tOut.length; f++) {
+ if (tRecipe.mOutputs[f] != null && tOut[f] != null) {
+ for (int g = 0; g < i; g++) {
+ if (getBaseMetaTileEntity().getRandomNumber(10000) < tRecipe.getOutputChance(f))
+ tOut[f].stackSize += tRecipe.mOutputs[f].stackSize;
- tOut = tSList.toArray(new ItemStack[tSList.size()]);
- this.mOutputItems = tOut;
- this.mOutputFluids = new FluidStack[]{tFOut};
- updateSlots();
- return true;
- return false;
+ if (tFOut != null) {
+ int tSize = tFOut.amount;
+ tFOut.amount = tSize * i;
+ }
+ tOut = clean(tOut);
+ this.mMaxProgresstime = Math.max(1, this.mMaxProgresstime);
+ List<ItemStack> overStacks = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (ItemStack itemStack : tOut) {
+ while (itemStack != null && itemStack.getMaxStackSize() < itemStack.stackSize) {
+ ItemStack tmp = itemStack.copy();
+ tmp.stackSize = tmp.getMaxStackSize();
+ itemStack.stackSize = itemStack.stackSize - itemStack.getMaxStackSize();
+ overStacks.add(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!overStacks.isEmpty()) {
+ ItemStack[] tmp = new ItemStack[overStacks.size()];
+ tmp = overStacks.toArray(tmp);
+ tOut = ArrayUtils.addAll(tOut, tmp);
+ }
+ List<ItemStack> tSList = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (ItemStack tS : tOut) {
+ if (tS.stackSize > 0) tSList.add(tS);
+ }
+ tOut = tSList.toArray(new ItemStack[0]);
+ this.mOutputItems = tOut;
+ this.mOutputFluids = new FluidStack[]{tFOut};
+ updateSlots();
+ return true;
public static ItemStack[] clean(final ItemStack[] v) {
- List<ItemStack> list = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(Arrays.asList(v));
+ List<ItemStack> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(v));
- return list.toArray(new ItemStack[list.size()]);
+ return list.toArray(new ItemStack[0]);
+ @Override
public boolean checkMachine(IGregTechTileEntity aBaseMetaTileEntity, ItemStack aStack) {
int xDir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aBaseMetaTileEntity.getBackFacing()).offsetX;
int zDir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aBaseMetaTileEntity.getBackFacing()).offsetZ;
@@ -345,34 +359,38 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBl
public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
- super.saveNBTData(aNBT);
- aNBT.setBoolean("mSeparate", mSeparate);
+ super.saveNBTData(aNBT);
+ aNBT.setBoolean("mSeparate", mSeparate);
- public void loadNBTData(final NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
- super.loadNBTData(aNBT);
- mSeparate = aNBT.getBoolean("mSeparate");
+ public void loadNBTData(final NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
+ super.loadNBTData(aNBT);
+ mSeparate = aNBT.getBoolean("mSeparate");
- public final void onScrewdriverRightClick(byte aSide, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ) {
- mSeparate = !mSeparate;
- GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.machines.separatebus") +" "+mSeparate);
+ public final void onScrewdriverRightClick(byte aSide, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ) {
+ mSeparate = !mSeparate;
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.machines.separatebus") + " " + mSeparate);
+ @Override
public int getMaxEfficiency(ItemStack aStack) {
return 10000;
+ @Override
public int getPollutionPerTick(ItemStack aStack) {
return 0;
+ @Override
public int getDamageToComponent(ItemStack aStack) {
return 0;
+ @Override
public boolean explodesOnComponentBreak(ItemStack aStack) {
return false;
@@ -390,26 +408,26 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_ProcessingArray extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBl
return new String[]{
- StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.Progress")+": "+
- EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + Integer.toString(mProgresstime/20) + EnumChatFormatting.RESET +" s / "+
- EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + Integer.toString(mMaxProgresstime/20) + EnumChatFormatting.RESET +" s",
- StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.energy")+": "+
- EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + Long.toString(storedEnergy) + EnumChatFormatting.RESET +" EU / "+
- EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + Long.toString(maxEnergy) + EnumChatFormatting.RESET +" EU",
- StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.usage")+": "+
- EnumChatFormatting.RED + Integer.toString(-mEUt) + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " EU/t",
- StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.mei")+": "+
- EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+Long.toString(getMaxInputVoltage())+EnumChatFormatting.RESET+ " EU/t(*2A) "+StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.machines.tier")+": "+
- EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+VN[GT_Utility.getTier(getMaxInputVoltage())]+ EnumChatFormatting.RESET,
- StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.problems")+": "+
- EnumChatFormatting.RED+ (getIdealStatus() - getRepairStatus())+EnumChatFormatting.RESET+
- " "+StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.efficiency")+": "+
- EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+Float.toString(mEfficiency / 100.0F)+EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " %",
- StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.PA.machinetier")+": "+
- EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+tTier+EnumChatFormatting.RESET+
- " "+StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.PA.discount")+": "+
- EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+(1<<mMult)+EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " x",
- StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.PA.parallel")+": "+EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+((mInventory[1] != null) ? (mInventory[1].stackSize<<mMult) : 0)+EnumChatFormatting.RESET
+ StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.Progress") + ": " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + mProgresstime / 20 + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " s / " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + mMaxProgresstime / 20 + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " s",
+ StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.energy") + ": " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + storedEnergy + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " EU / " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + maxEnergy + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " EU",
+ StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.usage") + ": " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED + -mEUt + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " EU/t",
+ StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.mei") + ": " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + getMaxInputVoltage() + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " EU/t(*2A) " + StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.machines.tier") + ": " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + VN[GT_Utility.getTier(getMaxInputVoltage())] + EnumChatFormatting.RESET,
+ StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.problems") + ": " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED + (getIdealStatus() - getRepairStatus()) + EnumChatFormatting.RESET +
+ " " + StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.multiblock.efficiency") + ": " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + mEfficiency / 100.0F + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " %",
+ StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.PA.machinetier") + ": " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + tTier + EnumChatFormatting.RESET +
+ " " + StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.PA.discount") + ": " +
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + (1 << mMult) + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " x",
+ StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.PA.parallel") + ": " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + ((mInventory[1] != null) ? (mInventory[1].stackSize << mMult) : 0) + EnumChatFormatting.RESET
diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY.png b/src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY.png
index bc1dd3f5f0..da0ce84a35 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY.png
+++ b/src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_ACTIVE.png b/src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_ACTIVE.png
index b57178136f..89277c79d6 100644
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+++ b/src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_ACTIVE.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a8ad42dd8
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1227d5a7fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/assets/gregtech/textures/blocks/iconsets/OVERLAY_FRONT_PROCESSING_ARRAY_GLOW.png
Binary files differ