path: root/src
diff options
authorAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-08-06 17:07:32 +1000
committerAlkalus <draknyte1@hotmail.com>2017-08-06 17:07:32 +1000
commit3e342a56584b3ea5775cfc2de276ecdde1996848 (patch)
tree96e6173b9be9f6241b20a8abc9d1a9db8cb56dce /src
parent86dc642d75b0f2fb5397c162bbe8df56d13c01ea (diff)
$ Made the RTG buffer it's last recipe to NBT.
% More RTG Texture tweaking.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 125 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/reflect/ReflectionUtils.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/reflect/ReflectionUtils.java
index bb1b7fb7ee..fb8c37db4d 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/reflect/ReflectionUtils.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/reflect/ReflectionUtils.java
@@ -97,51 +97,76 @@ public class ReflectionUtils {
//System. out.println(ste[ste.length-depth].getClassName()+"#"+ste[ste.length-depth].getMethodName());
return ste[depth].getMethodName();
- /**
- * Allows to change the state of an immutable instance. Huh?!?
- */
+ /**
+ * Allows to change the state of an immutable instance. Huh?!?
+ */
public static void setFieldValue(Class clazz, String fieldName, Object newValue) throws Exception {
- Field nameField = getField(clazz, fieldName);
- setValue(clazz, nameField, newValue);
- }
- /**
- * Allows to change the state of final statics. Huh?!?
- */
- public static void setDefault(Class clazz, String fieldName, Object newValue) throws Exception {
- Field staticField = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
- setValue(null, staticField, newValue);
- }
- /**
- *
- * Set the value of a field reflectively.
- */
- protected static void setValue(Object owner, Field field, Object value) throws Exception {
- makeModifiable(field);
- field.set(owner, value);
- }
+ Field nameField = getField(clazz, fieldName);
+ setValue(clazz, nameField, newValue);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allows to change the state of final statics. Huh?!?
+ */
+ public static void setDefault(Class clazz, String fieldName, Object newValue) throws Exception {
+ Field staticField = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
+ setValue(null, staticField, newValue);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Set the value of a field reflectively.
+ */
+ protected static void setValue(Object owner, Field field, Object value) throws Exception {
+ makeModifiable(field);
+ field.set(owner, value);
+ }
* Force the field to be modifiable and accessible.
protected static void makeModifiable(Field nameField) throws Exception {
- nameField.setAccessible(true);
- int modifiers = nameField.getModifiers();
- Field modifierField = nameField.getClass().getDeclaredField("modifiers");
- modifiers = modifiers & ~Modifier.FINAL;
- modifierField.setAccessible(true);
- modifierField.setInt(nameField, modifiers);
+ nameField.setAccessible(true);
+ int modifiers = nameField.getModifiers();
+ Field modifierField = nameField.getClass().getDeclaredField("modifiers");
+ modifiers = modifiers & ~Modifier.FINAL;
+ modifierField.setAccessible(true);
+ modifierField.setInt(nameField, modifiers);
public static void setFinalStatic(Field field, Object newValue) throws Exception {
- field.setAccessible(true);
- Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
- modifiersField.setAccessible(true);
- modifiersField.setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
- field.set(null, newValue);
- }
+ field.setAccessible(true);
+ Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
+ modifiersField.setAccessible(true);
+ modifiersField.setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
+ field.set(null, newValue);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allows to change the state of an immutable instance. Huh?!?
+ */
+ public static void setByte(Class clazz, String fieldName, Byte newValue) throws Exception {
+ /*Field nameField = getField(clazz, fieldName);
+ nameField.setAccessible(true);
+ int modifiers = nameField.getModifiers();
+ Field modifierField = nameField.getClass().getDeclaredField("modifiers");
+ modifiers = modifiers & ~Modifier.FINAL;
+ modifierField.setAccessible(true);
+ modifierField.set(nameField, modifiers);
+ nameField.set(clazz, newValue);*/
+ final Field fieldA = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
+ fieldA.setAccessible( true );
+ fieldA.setInt(clazz, newValue );
+ }
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/generators/GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/generators/GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG.java
index a297be6fbe..de7299a18e 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/generators/GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/generators/GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG.java
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.enums.GregtechItemList;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
+import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator {
@@ -57,6 +58,19 @@ public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator
aNBT.setInteger("mVoltage", this.mVoltage);
aNBT.setInteger("mDaysRemaining", this.mDaysRemaining);
aNBT.setInteger("mDayTick", this.mDayTick);
+ if (this.mCurrentRecipe != null){
+ final NBTTagList list = new NBTTagList();
+ final ItemStack stack = this.mCurrentRecipe.mInputs[0];
+ if(stack != null){
+ final NBTTagCompound data = new NBTTagCompound();
+ stack.writeToNBT(data);
+ data.setInteger("mSlot", 0);
+ list.appendTag(data);
+ }
+ aNBT.setTag("mRecipeItem", list);
+ }
@@ -67,6 +81,18 @@ public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator
this.mVoltage = aNBT.getInteger("mVoltage");
this.mDaysRemaining = aNBT.getInteger("mDaysRemaining");
this.mDayTick = aNBT.getInteger("mDayTick");
+ final NBTTagList list = aNBT.getTagList("mRecipeItem", 10);
+ ItemStack[] inventory = new ItemStack[1];
+ for(int i = 0;i<list.tagCount();i++){
+ final NBTTagCompound data = list.getCompoundTagAt(i);
+ final int slot = data.getInteger("mSlot");
+ if((slot >= 0) && (slot < 1)){
+ inventory[slot] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(data);
+ }
+ }
+ this.mCurrentRecipe = getRecipes().findRecipe(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), false, 9223372036854775807L, null, new ItemStack[] { inventory[0] });
public void onPostTick(IGregTechTileEntity aBaseMetaTileEntity, long aTick) {
@@ -143,6 +169,23 @@ public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator
public GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG(int aID, String aName, String aNameRegional, int aTier) {
super(aID, aName, aNameRegional, aTier, "Requires RTG Pellets", new ITexture[0]);
+ private byte getTier(){
+ int voltage = this.mVoltage;
+ if (voltage >= 512){
+ return 4;
+ }
+ else if (voltage >= 128){
+ return 3;
+ }
+ else if (voltage >= 32){
+ return 2;
+ }
+ else if (voltage >= 8){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
public GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG(String aName, int aTier, String aDescription,
ITexture[][][] aTextures) {
@@ -172,7 +215,8 @@ public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator
public ITexture[] getFront(byte aColor) {
return new ITexture[] { super.getFront(aColor)[0],
- new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP) };
+ new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP),
+ new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAY_FRONT_ASSEMBLY_LINE) };
public ITexture[] getBack(byte aColor) {
@@ -187,16 +231,21 @@ public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator
public ITexture[] getTop(byte aColor) {
return new ITexture[] { super.getTop(aColor)[0],
+ new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP),
new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_FLUID_SIDE) };
public ITexture[] getSides(byte aColor) {
- return new ITexture[]{new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP_ACTIVE) ,gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAYS_ENERGY_OUT_MULTI[this.mTier]};
+ return new ITexture[]{
+ gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.MACHINE_CASINGS[this.mTier][(0)],
+ new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP_ACTIVE),
+ gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAYS_ENERGY_OUT_MULTI[getTier()]};
public ITexture[] getFrontActive(byte aColor) {
return new ITexture[] { super.getFrontActive(aColor)[0],
- new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP_ACTIVE) };
+ new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP_ACTIVE),
+ new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAY_FRONT_ASSEMBLY_LINE_ACTIVE) };
public ITexture[] getBackActive(byte aColor) {
@@ -211,11 +260,15 @@ public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator
public ITexture[] getTopActive(byte aColor) {
return new ITexture[] { super.getTopActive(aColor)[0],
+ new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP_ACTIVE),
new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_FLUID_SIDE_ACTIVE) };
public ITexture[] getSidesActive(byte aColor) {
- return new ITexture[]{new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP_ACTIVE) ,gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAYS_ENERGY_OUT_MULTI[this.mTier]};
+ return new ITexture[]{
+ gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.MACHINE_CASINGS[this.mTier][(0)],
+ new GT_RenderedTexture(Textures.BlockIcons.NAQUADAH_REACTOR_SOLID_TOP_ACTIVE),
+ gregtech.api.enums.Textures.BlockIcons.OVERLAYS_ENERGY_OUT_MULTI[getTier()]};
public int getPollution() {
@@ -232,10 +285,10 @@ public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator
int voltage = tFuel.mEUt;
this.mVoltage = voltage;
int sfsf = this.mTier;
- this.mDaysRemaining = tFuel.mSpecialValue*365;
+ //this.mDaysRemaining = tFuel.mSpecialValue*365;
//Do some voodoo.
- int mTier2;
+ byte mTier2 = 0;
//mTier2 = ReflectionUtils.getField(this.getClass(), "mTier");
try {
if (this.mCurrentRecipe.mInputs[0] == GregtechItemList.Pellet_RTG_AM241.get(1)){
@@ -253,7 +306,7 @@ public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator
else {
mTier2 = 0;
- ReflectionUtils.setFieldValue(this.getClass(), "mTier", mTier2);
+ ReflectionUtils.setByte(super.getClass(), "mTier", (byte) mTier2);
//ReflectionUtils.setFinalStatic(mTier2, GT_Values.V[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
Utils.LOG_INFO("Failed setting mTier.");
@@ -265,6 +318,7 @@ public class GregtechMetaTileEntity_RTG extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicGenerator
mTicksToBurnFor = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Utils.LOG_INFO("Fuel went over Int limit, setting to MAX_VALUE.");
+ this.mDaysRemaining = MathUtils.roundToClosestInt(mTicksToBurnFor/20/60/3);
return (int) (mTicksToBurnFor * getEfficiency() / 100L);
//return (int) (tFuel.mSpecialValue * 365L * getEfficiency() / 100L);
//return tFuel.mEUt;