path: root/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_User.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_User.xml')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_User.xml b/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_User.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44ae7ad95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_User.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ Custom recipes that will not be over written by Ender IO are added here.
+ To change an existing recipe, just add the recipe to this file using the same recipe group and recipe name as found in
+ the core file.
+ Adding new Recipes:
+ For more details of how to add a new recipe please see the documentation at the top of SAGMillRecipes_Core.xml.
+ Adding a new recipe to a new group:
+ <recipeGroup name="CrazyPantsGroup" >
+ <recipe name="SolarToGlass" energyCost="120" >
+ <input>
+ <itemStack modID="EnderIO" itemName="enderIO:blockSolarPanel" />
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <itemStack modID="minecraft" itemName="glass" />
+ </output>
+ </recipe>
+ </recipeGroup>
+ Removing Recipes:
+ To disable all recipes within a group, in this example Forestry, include the following in this file:
+ <recipeGroup name="Forestry" enabled="false" />
+ Disable all recipes in the group 'Vanilla':
+ <recipeGroup name="Vanilla" enabled="false" />
+ To disable individual recipes, simply provide an invalid recipe for them:
+ <recipeGroup name="Applied Energistics" >
+ <recipe name="CertusQuartzOre" />
+ </recipeGroup>
+ Disable the glass recipes in the group 'Vanilla':
+ <recipeGroup name="Vanilla" >
+ <recipe name="Glass" />
+ </recipeGroup>
+ Modifying Recipes:
+ Modify a core recipe definition, in this case, make glass give diamonds:
+ <recipeGroup name="Vanilla" >
+ <recipe name="Glass" energyCost="120" >
+ <input>
+ <itemStack modID="minecraft" itemName="glass" />
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <itemStack modID="minecraft" itemName="diamond" />
+ </output>
+ </recipe>
+ </recipeGroup>
+ Add this block to change the default TE obsidian -> dust recipe to the railcraft recipe.
+ <recipeGroup name="Thermal Expansion" >
+ <recipe name="Obsidian" energyCost="400" >
+ <input>
+ <itemStack modID="minecraft" itemName="obsidian" />
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <itemStack modID="Railcraft" itemName="tile.railcraft.cube" itemMeta="4" number="1" />
+ <itemStack oreDictionary="dustObsidian" number="1" chance="0.15" />
+ <itemStack oreDictionary="dustObsidian" number="1" chance="0.025" />
+ </output>
+ </recipe>
+ </recipeGroup>
+ Grinding Balls:
+ Adding a new grinding ball:
+ <grindingBalls>
+ <grindingBall id="Diamond" grindingMultiplier="1.5" chanceMultiplier="2" powerMultiplier="0.5" durationRF="50000" >
+ <itemStack modID="minecraft" itemName="diamond" />
+ </grindingBall>
+ </grindingBalls>
+ Removing an existing grinding ball:
+ <grindingBalls>
+ <grindingBall id="Flint" remove="true" />
+ </grindingBalls>
+ Modifying the excludes list: (removing glowstone, adding sand)
+ <grindingBalls>
+ <excludes>
+ <itemStack modID="minecraft" itemName="glowstone" remove="true" />
+ <itemStack modID="minecraft" itemName="sand" />
+ </excludes>
+ </grindingBalls>