path: root/gradle.properties
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gradle.properties')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gradle.properties b/gradle.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b59d9e5e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+modName = GT++
+# This is a case-sensitive string to identify your mod. Convention is to use lower case.
+modId = miscutils
+modGroup = gtPlusPlus
+# WHY is there no version field?
+# The build script relies on git to provide a version via tags. It is super easy and will enable you to always know the
+# code base or your binary. Check out this tutorial: https://blog.mattclemente.com/2017/10/13/versioning-with-git-tags/
+# Will update your build.gradle automatically whenever an update is available
+autoUpdateBuildScript = false
+minecraftVersion = 1.7.10
+forgeVersion =
+# Select a username for testing your mod with breakpoints. You may leave this empty for a random user name each time you
+# restart Minecraft in development. Choose this dependent on your mod:
+# Do you need consistent player progressing (for example Thaumcraft)? -> Select a name
+# Do you need to test how your custom blocks interacts with a player that is not the owner? -> leave name empty
+developmentEnvironmentUserName = "Developer"
+# Define a source file of your project with:
+# public static final String VERSION = "GRADLETOKEN_VERSION";
+# The string's content will be replaced with your mods version when compiled. You should use this to specify your mod's
+# version in @Mod([...], version = VERSION, [...])
+# Leave these properties empty to skip individual token replacements
+replaceGradleTokenInFile = CORE.java
+gradleTokenModId =
+gradleTokenModName =
+gradleTokenVersion = GRADLETOKEN_VERSION
+gradleTokenGroupName =
+# In case your mod provides an API for other mods to implement you may declare its package here. Otherwise you can
+# leave this property empty.
+# Example value: apiPackage = api + modGroup = com.myname.mymodid -> com.myname.mymodid.api
+apiPackage =
+# Specify the configuration file for Forge's access transformers here. I must be placed into /src/main/resources/META-INF/
+# Example value: mymodid_at.cfg
+accessTransformersFile =
+# Provides setup for Mixins if enabled. If you don't know what mixins are: Keep it disabled!
+usesMixins = false
+# Specify the location of your implementation of IMixinConfigPlugin. Leave it empty otherwise.
+mixinPlugin =
+# Specify the package that contains all of your Mixins. You may only place Mixins in this package or the build will fail!
+mixinsPackage =
+# Specify the core mod entry class if you use a core mod. This class must implement IFMLLoadingPlugin!
+# This parameter is for legacy compatability only
+# Example value: coreModClass = asm.FMLPlugin + modGroup = com.myname.mymodid -> com.myname.mymodid.asm.FMLPlugin
+coreModClass = preloader.asm.Preloader_FMLLoadingPlugin
+# If your project is only a consolidation of mixins or a core mod and does NOT contain a 'normal' mod ( = some class
+# that is annotated with @Mod) you want this to be true. When in doubt: leave it on false!
+containsMixinsAndOrCoreModOnly = false
+# If enabled, you may use 'shadowImplementation' for dependencies. They will be integrated in your jar. It is your
+# responsibility check the licence and request permission for distribution, if required.
+usesShadowedDependencies = false
+# Optional parameter to customize the produced artifacts. Use this to preserver artifact naming when migrating older
+# projects. New projects should not use this parameter.
+customArchiveBaseName = GT-PlusPlus