path: root/gradle.properties
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Diffstat (limited to 'gradle.properties')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/gradle.properties b/gradle.properties
index dbd43421de..b856d83dff 100644
--- a/gradle.properties
+++ b/gradle.properties
@@ -1,77 +1,101 @@
+# ExampleMod tag to use as Blowdryer (Spotless, etc.) settings version, leave empty to disable.
+# LOCAL to test local config updates.
+gtnh.settings.blowdryerTag = 0.2.0
+# Human-readable mod name, available for mcmod.info population.
modName = BartWorks
-# This is a case-sensitive string to identify your mod. Convention is to use lower case.
+# Case-sensitive identifier string, available for mcmod.info population and used for automatic mixin JSON generation.
+# Conventionally lowercase.
modId = bartworks
+# Root package of the mod, used to find various classes in other properties,
+# mcmod.info substitution, enabling assertions in run tasks, etc.
modGroup = com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks
-# WHY is there no version field?
-# The build script relies on git to provide a version via tags. It is super easy and will enable you to always know the
-# code base or your binary. Check out this tutorial: https://blog.mattclemente.com/2017/10/13/versioning-with-git-tags/
+# Whether to use modGroup as the maven publishing group.
+# Due to a history of using JitPack, the default is com.github.GTNewHorizons for all mods.
+useModGroupForPublishing = false
-# Will update your build.gradle automatically whenever an update is available
+# Updates your build.gradle and settings.gradle automatically whenever an update is available.
autoUpdateBuildScript = false
+# Version of Minecraft to target
minecraftVersion = 1.7.10
+# Version of Minecraft Forge to target
forgeVersion =
-# Specify a MCP channel and mappings version for dependency deobfuscation and the deobfParams task.
+# Specify an MCP channel for dependency deobfuscation and the deobfParams task.
channel = stable
+# Specify an MCP mappings version for dependency deobfuscation and the deobfParams task.
mappingsVersion = 12
-# Define other MCP mappings for dependency deobfuscation
+# Defines other MCP mappings for dependency deobfuscation.
remoteMappings = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MinecraftForge/FML/1.7.10/conf/
-# Select a username for testing your mod with breakpoints. You may leave this empty for a random username each time you
-# restart Minecraft in development. Choose this dependent on your mod:
-# Do you need consistent player progressing (for example Thaumcraft)? -> Select a name
-# Do you need to test how your custom blocks interacts with a player that is not the owner? -> leave name empty
+# Select a default username for testing your mod. You can always override this per-run by running
+# `./gradlew runClient --username=AnotherPlayer`, or configuring this command in your IDE.
developmentEnvironmentUserName = Developer
-# Enables using modern java syntax (up to version 17) via Jabel, while still targeting JVM 8.
+# Enables using modern Java syntax (up to version 17) via Jabel, while still targeting JVM 8.
# See https://github.com/bsideup/jabel for details on how this works.
enableModernJavaSyntax = true
-# Enables injecting missing generics into the decompiled source code for a better coding experience
-# Turns most publicly visible List, Map, etc. into proper List<Type>, Map<K, V> types
+# Enables injecting missing generics into the decompiled source code for a better coding experience.
+# Turns most publicly visible List, Map, etc. into proper List<E>, Map<K, V> types.
enableGenericInjection = true
-# Generate a class with String fields for the mod id, name, version and group name named with the fields below
+# Generate a class with a String field for the mod version named as defined below.
+# If generateGradleTokenClass is empty or not missing, no such class will be generated.
+# If gradleTokenVersion is empty or missing, the field will not be present in the class.
generateGradleTokenClass = com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks.API.API_REFERENCE
+# Name of the token containing the project's current version to generate/replace.
+gradleTokenVersion = VERSION
+# [DEPRECATED] Mod ID replacement token.
gradleTokenModId =
+# [DEPRECATED] Mod name replacement token.
gradleTokenModName =
-gradleTokenVersion = VERSION
-gradleTokenGroupName =
-# Multiple source files can be defined here by providing a comma-seperated list: Class1.java,Class2.java,Class3.java
+# Multiple source files can be defined here by providing a comma-separated list: Class1.java,Class2.java,Class3.java
# public static final String VERSION = "GRADLETOKEN_VERSION";
# The string's content will be replaced with your mod's version when compiled. You should use this to specify your mod's
-# version in @Mod([...], version = VERSION, [...])
-# Leave these properties empty to skip individual token replacements
+# version in @Mod([...], version = VERSION, [...]).
+# Leave these properties empty to skip individual token replacements.
replaceGradleTokenInFile =
# In case your mod provides an API for other mods to implement you may declare its package here. Otherwise, you can
# leave this property empty.
-# Example value: apiPackage = api + modGroup = com.myname.mymodid -> com.myname.mymodid.api
+# Example value: (apiPackage = api) + (modGroup = com.myname.mymodid) -> com.myname.mymodid.api
apiPackage =
# Specify the configuration file for Forge's access transformers here. It must be placed into /src/main/resources/META-INF/
-# There can be multiple files in a comma-separated list.
-# Example value: mymodid_at.cfg,nei_at.cfg
+# There can be multiple files in a space-separated list.
+# Example value: mymodid_at.cfg nei_at.cfg
accessTransformersFile =
# Provides setup for Mixins if enabled. If you don't know what mixins are: Keep it disabled!
usesMixins = false
-# Adds some debug arguments like verbose output and export
+# Adds some debug arguments like verbose output and class export.
usesMixinDebug = false
# Specify the location of your implementation of IMixinConfigPlugin. Leave it empty otherwise.
mixinPlugin =
# Specify the package that contains all of your Mixins. You may only place Mixins in this package or the build will fail!
mixinsPackage =
# Specify the core mod entry class if you use a core mod. This class must implement IFMLLoadingPlugin!
# This parameter is for legacy compatibility only
-# Example value: coreModClass = asm.FMLPlugin + modGroup = com.myname.mymodid -> com.myname.mymodid.asm.FMLPlugin
+# Example value: (coreModClass = asm.FMLPlugin) + (modGroup = com.myname.mymodid) -> com.myname.mymodid.asm.FMLPlugin
coreModClass = ASM.BWCorePlugin
# If your project is only a consolidation of mixins or a core mod and does NOT contain a 'normal' mod ( = some class
# that is annotated with @Mod) you want this to be true. When in doubt: leave it on false!
containsMixinsAndOrCoreModOnly = false
@@ -79,28 +103,32 @@ containsMixinsAndOrCoreModOnly = false
# Enables Mixins even if this mod doesn't use them, useful if one of the dependencies uses mixins.
forceEnableMixins = true
-# If enabled, you may use 'shadowCompile' for dependencies. They will be integrated in your jar. It is your
-# responsibility check the licence and request permission for distribution, if required.
+# If enabled, you may use 'shadowCompile' for dependencies. They will be integrated into your jar. It is your
+# responsibility to check the license and request permission for distribution if required.
usesShadowedDependencies = false
-# If disabled, won't remove unused classes from shaded dependencies. Some libraries use reflection to access
+# If disabled, won't remove unused classes from shadowed dependencies. Some libraries use reflection to access
# their own classes, making the minimization unreliable.
minimizeShadowedDependencies = true
# If disabled, won't rename the shadowed classes.
relocateShadowedDependencies = true
-# Adds the GTNH maven, CurseMaven, IC2/Player maven, and some more well-known 1.7.10 repositories
+# Adds the GTNH maven, CurseMaven, IC2/Player maven, and some more well-known 1.7.10 repositories.
includeWellKnownRepositories = true
# Change these to your Maven coordinates if you want to publish to a custom Maven repository instead of the default GTNH Maven.
-# Authenticate with the MAVEN_USERNAME and MAVEN_PASSWORD environment variables.
+# Authenticate with the MAVEN_USER and MAVEN_PASSWORD environment variables.
# If you need a more complex setup disable maven publishing here and add a publishing repository to addon.gradle.
usesMavenPublishing = true
-# mavenPublishUrl = http://jenkins.usrv.eu:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases
-# Publishing to modrinth requires you to set the MODRINTH_TOKEN environment variable to your current modrinth API token.
+# Maven repository to publish the mod to.
+# mavenPublishUrl = https://nexus.gtnewhorizons.com/repository/releases/
+# Publishing to Modrinth requires you to set the MODRINTH_TOKEN environment variable to your current Modrinth API token.
# The project's ID on Modrinth. Can be either the slug or the ID.
-# Leave this empty if you don't want to publish on Modrinth.
+# Leave this empty if you don't want to publish to Modrinth.
modrinthProjectId =
# The project's relations on Modrinth. You can use this to refer to other projects on Modrinth.
@@ -112,9 +140,8 @@ modrinthProjectId =
# Note: GTNH Mixins is automatically set as a required dependency if usesMixins = true
modrinthRelations =
# Publishing to CurseForge requires you to set the CURSEFORGE_TOKEN environment variable to one of your CurseForge API tokens.
# The project's numeric ID on CurseForge. You can find this in the About Project box.
# Leave this empty if you don't want to publish on CurseForge.
curseForgeProjectId =
@@ -124,26 +151,41 @@ curseForgeProjectId =
# Where type can be one of [requiredDependency, embeddedLibrary, optionalDependency, tool, incompatible],
# and the name is the CurseForge project slug of the other mod.
# Example: requiredDependency:railcraft;embeddedLibrary:cofhlib;incompatible:buildcraft
-# Note: GTNH Mixins is automatically set as a required dependency if usesMixins = true
+# Note: UniMixins is automatically set as a required dependency if usesMixins = true.
curseForgeRelations =
-# Optional parameter to customize the produced artifacts. Use this to preserver artifact naming when migrating older
+# Optional parameter to customize the produced artifacts. Use this to preserve artifact naming when migrating older
# projects. New projects should not use this parameter.
# customArchiveBaseName =
-# Optional parameter to prevent the source code from being published
-# noPublishedSources =
+# Optional parameter to have the build automatically fail if an illegal version is used.
+# This can be useful if you e.g. only want to allow versions in the form of '1.1.xxx'.
+# The check is ONLY performed if the version is a git tag.
+# Note: the specified string must be escaped, so e.g. 1\\.1\\.\\d+ instead of 1\.1\.\d+
+# versionPattern =
+# Uncomment to prevent the source code from being published.
+# noPublishedSources = true
-# Uncomment this to disable spotless checks
+# Uncomment this to disable Spotless checks.
# This should only be uncommented to keep it easier to sync with upstream/other forks.
# That is, if there is no other active fork/upstream, NEVER change this.
# disableSpotless = true
-# Override the IDEA build type. Valid value is "" (leave blank, do not override), "idea" (force use native IDEA build), "gradle"
+# Uncomment this to disable Checkstyle checks (currently wildcard import check).
+# disableCheckstyle = true
+# Override the IDEA build type. Valid values are: "" (leave blank, do not override), "idea" (force use native IDEA build), "gradle"
# (force use delegated build).
# This is meant to be set in $HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties.
-# e.g. add "systemProp.org.gradle.project.ideaOverrideBuildType=idea" will override the build type to be always native build.
+# e.g. add "systemProp.org.gradle.project.ideaOverrideBuildType=idea" will override the build type to be native build.
# WARNING: If you do use this option, it will overwrite whatever you have in your existing projects. This might not be what you want!
# Usually there is no need to uncomment this here as other developers do not necessarily use the same build type as you.
# ideaOverrideBuildType = idea
+# Whether IDEA should run spotless checks when pressing the Build button.
+# This is meant to be set in $HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties.
+# ideaCheckSpotlessOnBuild = true
+# Non-GTNH properties
+gradleTokenGroupName =