path: root/src/Java/binnie/craftgui/genetics/machine/WindowSequencer.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/binnie/craftgui/genetics/machine/WindowSequencer.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/binnie/craftgui/genetics/machine/WindowSequencer.java b/src/Java/binnie/craftgui/genetics/machine/WindowSequencer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e2f580b53..0000000000
--- a/src/Java/binnie/craftgui/genetics/machine/WindowSequencer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-package binnie.craftgui.genetics.machine;
-import binnie.core.AbstractMod;
-import binnie.craftgui.controls.ControlText;
-import binnie.craftgui.core.IWidget;
-import binnie.craftgui.core.geometry.CraftGUIUtil;
-import binnie.craftgui.core.geometry.IArea;
-import binnie.craftgui.core.geometry.Position;
-import binnie.craftgui.core.geometry.TextJustification;
-import binnie.craftgui.minecraft.GUIIcon;
-import binnie.craftgui.minecraft.Window;
-import binnie.craftgui.minecraft.control.ControlEnergyBar;
-import binnie.craftgui.minecraft.control.ControlErrorState;
-import binnie.craftgui.minecraft.control.ControlIconDisplay;
-import binnie.craftgui.minecraft.control.ControlPlayerInventory;
-import binnie.craftgui.minecraft.control.ControlSlot;
-import binnie.craftgui.minecraft.control.ControlSlotArray;
-import binnie.craftgui.minecraft.control.ControlSlotCharge;
-import binnie.craftgui.resource.Texture;
-import binnie.craftgui.resource.minecraft.StandardTexture;
-import binnie.extrabees.core.ExtraBeeTexture;
-import binnie.genetics.Genetics;
-import binnie.genetics.machine.Sequencer;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
-import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
-public class WindowSequencer
- extends WindowMachine
- public static Window create(EntityPlayer player, IInventory inventory, Side side)
- {
- return new WindowSequencer(player, inventory, side);
- }
- public WindowSequencer(EntityPlayer player, IInventory inventory, Side side)
- {
- super(226, 224, player, inventory, side);
- }
- static Texture ProgressBase = new StandardTexture(64, 114, 98, 9, ExtraBeeTexture.GUIProgress.getTexture());
- static Texture Progress = new StandardTexture(64, 123, 98, 9, ExtraBeeTexture.GUIProgress.getTexture());
- ControlText slotText;
- public void recieveGuiNBT(Side side, EntityPlayer player, String name, NBTTagCompound action)
- {
- if ((side == Side.CLIENT) && (name.equals("username"))) {
- this.slotText.setValue("§8Genes will be sequenced by " + action.getString("username"));
- }
- super.recieveGuiNBT(side, player, name, action);
- }
- public void initialiseClient()
- {
- setTitle("Sequencer");
- int x = 16;
- int y = 32;
- CraftGUIUtil.horizontalGrid(x, y, TextJustification.MiddleCenter, 2.0F, new IWidget[] { new ControlSlotArray(this, 0, 0, 2, 2).create(Sequencer.slotReserve), new ControlIconDisplay(this, 0.0F, 0.0F, GUIIcon.ArrowRight.getIcon()), new ControlSequencerProgress(this, 0, 0), new ControlIconDisplay(this, 0.0F, 0.0F, GUIIcon.ArrowRight.getIcon()), new ControlSlot(this, 0.0F, 0.0F).assign(6) });
- ControlSlot slotTarget = new ControlSlot(this, x + 96, y + 16);
- slotTarget.assign(5);
- x = 34;
- y = 92;
- this.slotText = new ControlText(this, new IArea(0.0F, y, w(), 12.0F), "§8Userless. Will not save sequences", TextJustification.MiddleCenter);
- y += 20;
- ControlSlot slotDye = new ControlSlot(this, x, y);
- slotDye.assign(0);
- x += 20;
- new ControlSlotCharge(this, x, y, 0).setColour(16750848);
- x += 32;
- new ControlEnergyBar(this, x, y, 60, 16, Position.Left);
- x += 92;
- ControlErrorState errorState = new ControlErrorState(this, x, y + 1);
- new ControlPlayerInventory(this);
- }
- public String getTitle()
- {
- return "Incubator";
- }
- protected AbstractMod getMod()
- {
- return Genetics.instance;
- }
- protected String getName()
- {
- return "Sequencer";
- }