path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
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1 files changed, 88 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
index 6b6be32107..b5922dde53 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
@@ -85,8 +85,17 @@ public class Material {
public static AutoMap<Materials> invalidMaterials = new AutoMap<Materials>();
+ public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final MaterialStack... inputs){
+ this(materialName, defaultState, null, inputs);
+ }
+ public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final short[] rgba, final MaterialStack... inputs){
+ this(materialName, defaultState, null, 0, rgba, -1, -1, -1, -1, false, "", 0, false, false, inputs);
+ }
- public Material(String materialName, MaterialState defaultState, short[] rgba, int radiationLevel, MaterialStack[] materialStacks) {
+ public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final short[] rgba, int radiationLevel, MaterialStack... materialStacks) {
this(materialName, defaultState, null, 0, rgba, -1, -1, -1, -1, false, "", radiationLevel, false, materialStacks);
@@ -94,8 +103,8 @@ public class Material {
this(materialName, defaultState, null, 0, rgba, j, k, l, m, false, "", radiationLevel, false, materialStacks);
- public Material(String materialName, MaterialState defaultState, final TextureSet set, short[] rgba, int j, int k, int l, int m, int radiationLevel, MaterialStack[] materialStacks){
- this(materialName, defaultState, set, 0, rgba, j, k, l, m, false, "", radiationLevel, false, materialStacks);
+ public Material(String materialName, MaterialState defaultState, final TextureSet set, short[] rgba, int meltingPoint, int boilingPoint, int protons, int neutrons, int radiationLevel, MaterialStack[] materialStacks){
+ this(materialName, defaultState, set, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, false, "", radiationLevel, false, materialStacks);
public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState,final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final MaterialStack... inputs){
@@ -228,7 +237,7 @@ public class Material {
int hashSize = MathUtils.howManyPlaces(aValueForGen);
String a = String.valueOf(aValueForGen);
- String b = null;
+ String b = "";
if (hashSize < 9) {
int aSecondHash = this.materialState.hashCode();
@@ -370,9 +379,6 @@ public class Material {
byte aAverage = MathUtils.getByteAverage(aDataSet);
- if (aAverage > Byte.MAX_VALUE || aAverage < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
- aAverage = 0;
- }
if (aAverage > 0) {
Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is radioactive due to trace elements. Level: "+aAverage+".");
this.isRadioactive = true;
@@ -463,32 +469,31 @@ public class Material {
if (generateFluid){
- final Materials isValid = Materials.get(this.getLocalizedName());
- if (FluidUtils.getFluidStack(localizedName, 1) != null){
- this.vMoltenFluid = FluidUtils.getFluidStack(localizedName, 1).getFluid();
- }
- else if (isValid == null || isValid == Materials._NULL){
- queueFluidGeneration();
+ final Materials isValid = Materials.get(this.getLocalizedName());
+ FluidStack aTest = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(localizedName, 1);
+ if (aTest != null){
+ this.vMoltenFluid = aTest.getFluid();
else {
- if (isValid.mFluid != null){
- this.vMoltenFluid = isValid.mFluid;
- }
- else if (isValid.mGas != null){
- this.vMoltenFluid = isValid.mGas;
- }
- else {
+ if (isValid == null || isValid == Materials._NULL){
+ else {
+ FluidStack aTest2 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(localizedName, 1);
+ if (aTest2 != null){
+ this.vMoltenFluid = aTest2.getFluid();
+ }
+ else {
+ queueFluidGeneration();
+ }
+ }
this.vPlasma = this.generatePlasma();
else {
this.vMoltenFluid = null;
this.vPlasma = null;
String ratio = "";
if (this.vSmallestRatio != null) {
for (int hu=0;hu<this.vSmallestRatio.length;hu++){
@@ -523,11 +528,6 @@ public class Material {
- public Material(String string, MaterialState solid, TextureSet setShiny, int i, short[] s, int j, int k, int l,
- int m, boolean b, String string2, int n) {
- // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
- }
public final TextureSet getTextureSet() {
synchronized(this) {
return textureSet;
@@ -860,10 +860,9 @@ public class Material {
ItemStack a1 = getOre(1);
Item a2 = a1.getItem();
Block a3 = Block.getBlockFromItem(a2);
- //Logger.DEBUG_MATERIALS("[Invalid Ore] Is a1 valid? "+(a1 != null));
- //Logger.DEBUG_MATERIALS("[Invalid Ore] Is a2 valid? "+(a2 != null));
- //Logger.DEBUG_MATERIALS("[Invalid Ore] Is a3 valid? "+(a3 != null));
+ if (a3 != null) {
+ return a3;
+ }
Block x = Block.getBlockFromItem(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("ore"+Utils.sanitizeString(this.unlocalizedName), stacksize).getItem());
if (x != null){
@@ -1095,96 +1094,41 @@ public class Material {
if (this.materialState == MaterialState.ORE){
return null;
+ Fluid aGTBaseFluid = null;
- final Materials isValid = Materials.get(this.getLocalizedName());
- //Logger.MATERIALS("Is "+this.getLocalizedName()+" a Gregtech material? "+(isValid != null && isValid != Materials._NULL)+" | Found "+isValid.mDefaultLocalName);
- if (isValid != Materials._NULL){
- for (Materials m : invalidMaterials.values()){
- if (isValid == m){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Trying to generate a fluid for blacklisted material: "+m.mDefaultLocalName);
- FluidStack a1 = m.getFluid(1);
- FluidStack a2 = m.getGas(1);
- FluidStack a3 = m.getMolten(1);
- FluidStack a4 = m.getSolid(1);
- FluidStack a5 = m.getPlasma(1);
- if (a1 != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Fluid.");
- return a1.getFluid();
- }
- if (a2 != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Gas.");
- return a2.getFluid();
- }
- if (a3 != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Molten.");
- return a3.getFluid();
- }
- if (a4 != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Solid.");
- return a4.getFluid();
- }
- if (a5 != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Plasma.");
- return a5.getFluid();
- }
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using null.");
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- if (this.materialState == MaterialState.SOLID){
- if (isValid.mFluid != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mFluid.");
- return isValid.mFluid;
- }
- else if (isValid.mStandardMoltenFluid != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mStandardMoltenFluid.");
- return isValid.mStandardMoltenFluid;
- }
- }
- else if (this.materialState == MaterialState.GAS){
- if (isValid.mGas != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mGas.");
- return isValid.mGas;
- }
- }
- else if (this.materialState == MaterialState.LIQUID || this.materialState == MaterialState.PURE_LIQUID){
- if (isValid.mFluid != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mFluid.");
- return isValid.mFluid;
- }
- else if (isValid.mGas != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mGas.");
- return isValid.mGas;
- }
- else if (isValid.mStandardMoltenFluid != null){
- Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mStandardMoltenFluid.");
- return isValid.mStandardMoltenFluid;
- }
- }
+ // Clean up Internal Fluid Generation
+ final Materials n1 = MaterialUtils.getMaterial(this.getLocalizedName(), Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
+ final Materials n2 = MaterialUtils.getMaterial(this.getUnlocalizedName(), Utils.sanitizeString(this.getUnlocalizedName()));
- FluidStack aTest1 = FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten."+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()), 1);
- FluidStack aTest2 = FluidUtils.getFluidStack("fluid."+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()), 1);
- FluidStack aTest3 = FluidUtils.getFluidStack(Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()), 1);
+ FluidStack f1 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(n1, 1);
+ FluidStack f2 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(n2, 1);
+ FluidStack f3 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(Utils.sanitizeString(this.getUnlocalizedName(), new char[] {'-', '_'}), 1);
+ FluidStack f4 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName(), new char[] {'-', '_'}), 1);
- if (aTest1 != null) {
- Logger.MATERIALS("Found FluidRegistry entry for "+"molten."+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
- return aTest1.getFluid();
+ if (f1 != null) {
+ aGTBaseFluid = f1.getFluid();
+ }
+ else if (f2 != null) {
+ aGTBaseFluid = f2.getFluid();
- if (aTest2 != null) {
- Logger.MATERIALS("Found FluidRegistry entry for "+"fluid."+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
- return aTest2.getFluid();
+ else if (f3 != null) {
+ aGTBaseFluid = f3.getFluid();
- if (aTest3 != null) {
- Logger.MATERIALS("Found FluidRegistry entry for "+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
- return aTest3.getFluid();
+ else if (f4 != null) {
+ aGTBaseFluid = f4.getFluid();
ItemStack aFullCell = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cell"+this.getUnlocalizedName(), 1);
+ ItemStack aFullCell2 = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cell"+this.getLocalizedName(), 1);
+ ItemStack aFullCell3 = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cell"+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getUnlocalizedName(), new char[] {'-', '_'}), 1);
+ ItemStack aFullCell4 = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cell"+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName(), new char[] {'-', '_'}), 1);
Logger.MATERIALS("Generating our own fluid.");
- //Generate a Cell if we need to
- if (aFullCell == null){
+ //Generate a Cell if we need to, but first validate all four searches are invalid
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] {aFullCell, aFullCell2, aFullCell3, aFullCell4})){
if (this.vGenerateCells){
Item g = new BaseItemCell(this);
aFullCell = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(g);
@@ -1194,7 +1138,29 @@ public class Material {
Logger.MATERIALS("Did not generate a cell for "+this.getUnlocalizedName());
+ else {
+ // One cell we searched for was valid, let's register it.
+ if (aFullCell != null) {
+ this.registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes.CELL, aFullCell);
+ }
+ else if (aFullCell2 != null) {
+ this.registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes.CELL, aFullCell2);
+ }
+ else if (aFullCell3 != null) {
+ this.registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes.CELL, aFullCell3);
+ }
+ else if (aFullCell4 != null) {
+ this.registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes.CELL, aFullCell4);
+ }
+ }
+ // We found a GT fluid, let's use it.
+ // Good chance we registered the cell from this material too.
+ if (aGTBaseFluid != null) {
+ return aGTBaseFluid;
+ }
+ // This fluid does not exist at all, time to generate it.
if (this.materialState == MaterialState.SOLID){
return FluidUtils.addGTFluid(
@@ -1334,7 +1300,17 @@ public class Material {
+ public boolean registerComponentForMaterial(FluidStack aStack) {
+ return registerComponentForMaterial(this, aStack);
+ }
+ private static boolean registerComponentForMaterial(Material componentMaterial, FluidStack aStack) {
+ if (componentMaterial != null && aStack != null && componentMaterial.vMoltenFluid == null) {
+ componentMaterial.vMoltenFluid = aStack.getFluid();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
public boolean registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes aPrefix, ItemStack aStack) {
return registerComponentForMaterial(this, aPrefix.getGtOrePrefix(), aStack);