path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/nei/GT_NEI_Dehydrator.java
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/gtPlusPlus/nei/GT_NEI_Dehydrator.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 864 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/nei/GT_NEI_Dehydrator.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/nei/GT_NEI_Dehydrator.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a7d4fae64..0000000000
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/nei/GT_NEI_Dehydrator.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,864 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.nei;
-import java.awt.Point;
-import java.awt.Rectangle;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInterModComms;
-import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;
-import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values;
-import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
-import gregtech.api.gui.GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine;
-import gregtech.api.objects.ItemData;
-import gregtech.api.util.*;
-import gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map;
-import codechicken.lib.gui.GuiDraw;
-import codechicken.nei.PositionedStack;
-import codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager;
-import codechicken.nei.guihook.IContainerInputHandler;
-import codechicken.nei.guihook.IContainerTooltipHandler;
-import codechicken.nei.recipe.*;
-import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry;
-import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
-public class GT_NEI_Dehydrator
-extends TemplateRecipeHandler {
- public static final int sOffsetX = 5;
- public static final int sOffsetY = 11;
- static {
- GuiContainerManager.addInputHandler(new GT_RectHandler());
- GuiContainerManager.addTooltipHandler(new GT_RectHandler());
- }
- protected final GT_Recipe_Map mRecipeMap;
- public GT_NEI_Dehydrator() {
- this.mRecipeMap = GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sChemicalDehydratorRecipes;
- this.transferRects.add(new TemplateRecipeHandler.RecipeTransferRect(new Rectangle(65, 13, 36, 18), this.getOverlayIdentifier(), new Object[0]));
- if (!NEI_GT_Config.sIsAdded) {
- FMLInterModComms.sendRuntimeMessage(GT_Values.GT, "NEIPlugins", "register-crafting-handler", "gregtechplusplus@" + this.getRecipeName() + "@" + this.getOverlayIdentifier());
- GuiCraftingRecipe.craftinghandlers.add(this);
- GuiUsageRecipe.usagehandlers.add(this);
- }
- }
- public static void drawText(final int aX, final int aY, final String aString, final int aColor) {
- Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRenderer.drawString(aString, aX, aY, aColor);
- }
- @Override
- public TemplateRecipeHandler newInstance() {
- return new GT_NEI_Dehydrator();
- }
- @Override
- public void loadCraftingRecipes(final String outputId, final Object... results) {
- if (outputId.equals(this.getOverlayIdentifier())) {
- for (final GT_Recipe tRecipe : this.mRecipeMap.mRecipeList) {
- if (!tRecipe.mHidden) {
- this.arecipes.add(new CachedDefaultRecipe(tRecipe));
- }
- }
- } else {
- super.loadCraftingRecipes(outputId, results);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void loadCraftingRecipes(final ItemStack aResult) {
- final ItemData tPrefixMaterial = GT_OreDictUnificator.getAssociation(aResult);
- final ArrayList<ItemStack> tResults = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
- tResults.add(aResult);
- tResults.add(GT_OreDictUnificator.get(true, aResult));
- if ((tPrefixMaterial != null) && (!tPrefixMaterial.mBlackListed) && (!tPrefixMaterial.mPrefix.mFamiliarPrefixes.isEmpty())) {
- for (final OrePrefixes tPrefix : tPrefixMaterial.mPrefix.mFamiliarPrefixes) {
- tResults.add(GT_OreDictUnificator.get(tPrefix, tPrefixMaterial.mMaterial.mMaterial, 1L));
- }
- }
- final FluidStack tFluid = GT_Utility.getFluidForFilledItem(aResult, true);
- if (tFluid != null) {
- tResults.add(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(tFluid, false));
- for (final FluidContainerRegistry.FluidContainerData tData : FluidContainerRegistry.getRegisteredFluidContainerData()) {
- if (tData.fluid.isFluidEqual(tFluid)) {
- tResults.add(GT_Utility.copy(new Object[]{tData.filledContainer}));
- }
- }
- }
- for (final GT_Recipe tRecipe : this.mRecipeMap.mRecipeList) {
- if (!tRecipe.mHidden) {
- final CachedDefaultRecipe tNEIRecipe = new CachedDefaultRecipe(tRecipe);
- for (final ItemStack tStack : tResults) {
- if (tNEIRecipe.contains(tNEIRecipe.mOutputs, tStack)) {
- this.arecipes.add(tNEIRecipe);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void loadUsageRecipes(final ItemStack aInput) {
- final ItemData tPrefixMaterial = GT_OreDictUnificator.getAssociation(aInput);
- final ArrayList<ItemStack> tInputs = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
- tInputs.add(aInput);
- tInputs.add(GT_OreDictUnificator.get(false, aInput));
- if ((tPrefixMaterial != null) && (!tPrefixMaterial.mPrefix.mFamiliarPrefixes.isEmpty())) {
- for (final OrePrefixes tPrefix : tPrefixMaterial.mPrefix.mFamiliarPrefixes) {
- tInputs.add(GT_OreDictUnificator.get(tPrefix, tPrefixMaterial.mMaterial.mMaterial, 1L));
- }
- }
- final FluidStack tFluid = GT_Utility.getFluidForFilledItem(aInput, true);
- if (tFluid != null) {
- tInputs.add(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(tFluid, false));
- for (final FluidContainerRegistry.FluidContainerData tData : FluidContainerRegistry.getRegisteredFluidContainerData()) {
- if (tData.fluid.isFluidEqual(tFluid)) {
- tInputs.add(GT_Utility.copy(new Object[]{tData.filledContainer}));
- }
- }
- }
- for (final GT_Recipe tRecipe : this.mRecipeMap.mRecipeList) {
- if (!tRecipe.mHidden) {
- final CachedDefaultRecipe tNEIRecipe = new CachedDefaultRecipe(tRecipe);
- for (final ItemStack tStack : tInputs) {
- if (tNEIRecipe.contains(tNEIRecipe.mInputs, tStack)) {
- this.arecipes.add(tNEIRecipe);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public String getOverlayIdentifier() {
- return this.mRecipeMap.mNEIName;
- }
- @Override
- public void drawBackground(final int recipe) {
- GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
- GuiDraw.changeTexture(this.getGuiTexture());
- GuiDraw.drawTexturedModalRect(-4, -8, 1, 3, 174, 78);
- }
- @Override
- public int recipiesPerPage() {
- return 1;
- }
- @Override
- public String getRecipeName() {
- return GT_LanguageManager.getTranslation(this.mRecipeMap.mUnlocalizedName);
- }
- @Override
- public String getGuiTexture() {
- // return "gregtech:textures/gui/" + this.mRecipeMap.mUnlocalizedName + ".png";
- return this.mRecipeMap.mNEIGUIPath;
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> handleItemTooltip(final GuiRecipe gui, final ItemStack aStack, final List<String> currenttip, final int aRecipeIndex) {
- final TemplateRecipeHandler.CachedRecipe tObject = this.arecipes.get(aRecipeIndex);
- if ((tObject instanceof CachedDefaultRecipe)) {
- final CachedDefaultRecipe tRecipe = (CachedDefaultRecipe) tObject;
- for (final PositionedStack tStack : tRecipe.mOutputs) {
- if (aStack == tStack.item) {
- if ((!(tStack instanceof FixedPositionedStack)) || (((FixedPositionedStack) tStack).mChance <= 0) || (((FixedPositionedStack) tStack).mChance == 10000)) {
- break;
- }
- currenttip.add("Chance: " + (((FixedPositionedStack) tStack).mChance / 100) + "." + ((((FixedPositionedStack) tStack).mChance % 100) < 10 ? "0" + (((FixedPositionedStack) tStack).mChance % 100) : Integer.valueOf(((FixedPositionedStack) tStack).mChance % 100)) + "%");
- break;
- }
- }
- for (final PositionedStack tStack : tRecipe.mInputs) {
- if (aStack == tStack.item) {
- if ((gregtech.api.enums.ItemList.Display_Fluid.isStackEqual(tStack.item, true, true)) ||
- (tStack.item.stackSize != 0)) {
- break;
- }
- currenttip.add("Does not get consumed in the process");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return currenttip;
- }
- @Override
- public void drawExtras(final int aRecipeIndex) {
- final int tEUt = ((CachedDefaultRecipe) this.arecipes.get(aRecipeIndex)).mRecipe.mEUt;
- final int tDuration = ((CachedDefaultRecipe) this.arecipes.get(aRecipeIndex)).mRecipe.mDuration;
- if (tEUt != 0) {
- drawText(10, 73, "Total: " + (tDuration * tEUt) + " EU", -16777216);
- drawText(10, 83, "Usage: " + tEUt + " EU/t", -16777216);
- if (this.mRecipeMap.mShowVoltageAmperageInNEI) {
- drawText(10, 93, "Voltage: " + (tEUt / this.mRecipeMap.mAmperage) + " EU", -16777216);
- drawText(10, 103, "Amperage: " + this.mRecipeMap.mAmperage, -16777216);
- } else {
- drawText(10, 93, "Voltage: unspecified", -16777216);
- drawText(10, 103, "Amperage: unspecified", -16777216);
- }
- }
- if (tDuration > 0) {
- drawText(10, 113, "Time: " + (tDuration < 20 ? "< 1" : Integer.valueOf(tDuration / 20)) + " secs", -16777216);
- }
- if ((GT_Utility.isStringValid(this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePre)) || (GT_Utility.isStringValid(this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePost))) {
- drawText(10, 123, this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePre + (((CachedDefaultRecipe) this.arecipes.get(aRecipeIndex)).mRecipe.mSpecialValue * this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValueMultiplier) + this.mRecipeMap.mNEISpecialValuePost, -16777216);
- }
- }
- public static class GT_RectHandler
- implements IContainerInputHandler, IContainerTooltipHandler {
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(final GuiContainer gui, final int mousex, final int mousey, final int button) {
- if (this.canHandle(gui)) {
- if (button == 0) {
- return this.transferRect(gui, false);
- }
- if (button == 1) {
- return this.transferRect(gui, true);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean lastKeyTyped(final GuiContainer gui, final char keyChar, final int keyCode) {
- return false;
- }
- public boolean canHandle(final GuiContainer gui) {
- return (((gui instanceof GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine)) && (GT_Utility.isStringValid(((GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine) gui).mNEI)) /*|| ((gui instanceof GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor)) && (GT_Utility.isStringValid(((GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor) gui).mNEI))*/);
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> handleTooltip(final GuiContainer gui, final int mousex, final int mousey, final List<String> currenttip) {
- if ((this.canHandle(gui)) && (currenttip.isEmpty())) {
- if ((gui instanceof GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine) && new Rectangle(65, 13, 36, 18).contains(new Point(GuiDraw.getMousePosition().x - ((GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine) gui).getLeft() - codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui)[0], GuiDraw.getMousePosition().y - ((GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine) gui).getTop() - codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui)[1]))) {
- currenttip.add("Recipes");
- } /*else if (gui instanceof GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor && new Rectangle(145, 0, 24, 24).contains(new Point(GuiDraw.getMousePosition().x - ((GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor) gui).getLeft() - codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui)[0], GuiDraw.getMousePosition().y - ((GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor) gui).getTop() - codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui)[1]))) {
- currenttip.add("Recipes");
- }*/
- }
- return currenttip;
- }
- private boolean transferRect(final GuiContainer gui, final boolean usage) {
- if (gui instanceof GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine) {
- return (this.canHandle(gui)) && (new Rectangle(65, 13, 36, 18).contains(new Point(GuiDraw.getMousePosition().x - ((GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine) gui).getLeft() - codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui)[0], GuiDraw.getMousePosition().y - ((GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine) gui).getTop() - codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui)[1]))) && (usage ? GuiUsageRecipe.openRecipeGui(((GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine) gui).mNEI, new Object[0]) : GuiCraftingRecipe.openRecipeGui(((GT_GUIContainer_BasicMachine) gui).mNEI, new Object[0]));
- } /*else if (gui instanceof GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor) {
- return (canHandle(gui)) && (new Rectangle(145, 0, 24, 24).contains(new Point(GuiDraw.getMousePosition().x - ((GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor) gui).getLeft() - codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui)[0], GuiDraw.getMousePosition().y - ((GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor) gui).getTop() - codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui)[1]))) && (usage ? GuiUsageRecipe.openRecipeGui(((GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor) gui).mNEI, new Object[0]) : GuiCraftingRecipe.openRecipeGui(((GT_GUIContainer_FusionReactor) gui).mNEI, new Object[0]));
- }*/
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> handleItemDisplayName(final GuiContainer gui, final ItemStack itemstack, final List<String> currenttip) {
- return currenttip;
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> handleItemTooltip(final GuiContainer gui, final ItemStack itemstack, final int mousex, final int mousey, final List<String> currenttip) {
- return currenttip;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyTyped(final GuiContainer gui, final char keyChar, final int keyCode) {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public void onKeyTyped(final GuiContainer gui, final char keyChar, final int keyID) {
- }
- @Override
- public void onMouseClicked(final GuiContainer gui, final int mousex, final int mousey, final int button) {
- }
- @Override
- public void onMouseUp(final GuiContainer gui, final int mousex, final int mousey, final int button) {
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseScrolled(final GuiContainer gui, final int mousex, final int mousey, final int scrolled) {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public void onMouseScrolled(final GuiContainer gui, final int mousex, final int mousey, final int scrolled) {
- }
- @Override
- public void onMouseDragged(final GuiContainer gui, final int mousex, final int mousey, final int button, final long heldTime) {
- }
- }
- public class FixedPositionedStack
- extends PositionedStack {
- public final int mChance;
- public boolean permutated = false;
- public FixedPositionedStack(final Object object, final int x, final int y) {
- this(object, x, y, 0);
- }
- public FixedPositionedStack(final Object object, final int x, final int y, final int aChance) {
- super(object, x, y, true);
- this.mChance = aChance;
- }
- @Override
- public void generatePermutations() {
- if (this.permutated) {
- return;
- }
- final ArrayList<ItemStack> tDisplayStacks = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
- for (final ItemStack tStack : this.items) {
- if (GT_Utility.isStackValid(tStack)) {
- if (tStack.getItemDamage() == 32767) {
- final List<ItemStack> permutations = codechicken.nei.ItemList.itemMap.get(tStack.getItem());
- if (!permutations.isEmpty()) {
- ItemStack stack;
- for (final Iterator<ItemStack> i$ = permutations.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); tDisplayStacks.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(tStack.stackSize, new Object[]{stack}))) {
- stack = i$.next();
- }
- } else {
- final ItemStack base = new ItemStack(tStack.getItem(), tStack.stackSize);
- base.stackTagCompound = tStack.stackTagCompound;
- tDisplayStacks.add(base);
- }
- } else {
- tDisplayStacks.add(GT_Utility.copy(new Object[]{tStack}));
- }
- }
- }
- this.items = (tDisplayStacks.toArray(new ItemStack[0]));
- if (this.items.length == 0) {
- this.items = new ItemStack[]{new ItemStack(Blocks.fire)};
- }
- this.permutated = true;
- this.setPermutationToRender(0);
- }
- }
- public class CachedDefaultRecipe
- extends TemplateRecipeHandler.CachedRecipe {
- public final GT_Recipe mRecipe;
- public final List<PositionedStack> mOutputs = new ArrayList<PositionedStack>();
- public final List<PositionedStack> mInputs = new ArrayList<PositionedStack>();
- public CachedDefaultRecipe(final GT_Recipe aRecipe) {
- super();
- this.mRecipe = aRecipe;
- int tStartIndex = 0;
- switch (GT_NEI_Dehydrator.this.mRecipeMap.mUsualInputCount) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 3:
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 5));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 5));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 23));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 23));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 5:
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 5));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 5));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 5));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 23));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 23));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 6:
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 5));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 5));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 5));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 23));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 23));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 23));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 7:
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, -4));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, -4));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, -4));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 32));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 8:
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, -4));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, -4));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, -4));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 32));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 32));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- default:
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, -4));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, -4));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, -4));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 14));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 12, 32));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 30, 32));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getRepresentativeInput(tStartIndex), 48, 32));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- }
- if (aRecipe.mSpecialItems != null) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.mSpecialItems, 120, 52));
- }
- tStartIndex = 0;
- switch (GT_NEI_Dehydrator.this.mRecipeMap.mUsualOutputCount) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 3:
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 5, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 5, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 23, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 23, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 5:
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 5, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 5, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, 5, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 23, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 23, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 6:
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 5, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 5, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, 5, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 23, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 23, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, 23, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 7:
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, -4, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, -4, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, -4, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 32, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- case 8:
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, -4, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, -4, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, -4, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 32, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 32, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- break;
- default:
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, -4, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, -4, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, -4, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, 14, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 102, 32, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 120, 32, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- if (aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex) != null) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(aRecipe.getOutput(tStartIndex), 138, 32, aRecipe.getOutputChance(tStartIndex)));
- }
- tStartIndex++;
- }
- //New fluid display behaviour when 3 fluid inputs are detected. (Basically a mix of the code below for outputs an the code above for 9 input slots.)
- if (aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length > 2) {
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs[0] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[0].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[0], true), 12, 5));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs[1] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[1].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[1], true), 30, 5));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length > 2) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[2] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[2].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[2], true), 48, 5));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length > 3) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[3] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[3].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[3], true), 12, 23));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length > 4) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[4] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[4].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[4], true), 30, 23));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length > 5) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[5] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[5].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[5], true), 48, 23));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length > 6) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[6] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[6].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[6], true), 12, 41));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length > 7) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[7] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[7].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[7], true), 30, 41));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length > 8) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[8] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[8].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[8], true), 48, 41));
- }
- }
- //Returns to old behaviour if fluid inputs < 3
- else if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length > 0) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[0] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[0].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[0], true), 48, 52));
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length == 2) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[1] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidInputs[1].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mInputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidInputs[1], true), 30, 52));
- }
- }
- if (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs.length > 1) {
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[0] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[0].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[0], true), 102, 5));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[1] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[1].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[1], true), 120, 5));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs.length > 2) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[2] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[2].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[2], true), 138, 5));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs.length > 3) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[3] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[3].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[3], true), 102, 23));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs.length > 4) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[4] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[4].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[4], true), 120, 23));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs.length > 5) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[5] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[5].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[5], true), 138, 23));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs.length > 6) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[6] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[6].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[6], true), 102, 41));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs.length > 7) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[7] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[7].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[7], true), 120, 41));
- }
- if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs.length > 8) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[8] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[8].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[8], true), 138, 41));
- }
- } else if ((aRecipe.mFluidOutputs.length > 0) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[0] != null) && (aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[0].getFluid() != null)) {
- this.mOutputs.add(new FixedPositionedStack(GT_Utility.getFluidDisplayStack(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs[0], true), 102, 5));
- }
- }
- @Override
- public List<PositionedStack> getIngredients() {
- return this.getCycledIngredients(GT_NEI_Dehydrator.this.cycleticks / 10, this.mInputs);
- }
- @Override
- public PositionedStack getResult() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public List<PositionedStack> getOtherStacks() {
- return this.mOutputs;
- }
- }