path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 665 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java
index dde081e520..3ef5af0774 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common;
-import java.util.*;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
-import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
-import gregtech.api.enums.*;
+import gregtech.api.enums.ConfigCategories;
+import gregtech.api.enums.Dyes;
+import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values;
+import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
+import gregtech.api.enums.OreDictNames;
+import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
+import gregtech.api.enums.SubTag;
+import gregtech.api.enums.TC_Aspects;
+import gregtech.api.enums.ToolDictNames;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.metatileentity.IMetaTileEntity;
import gregtech.api.metatileentity.BaseMetaTileEntity;
import gregtech.api.objects.ItemData;
import gregtech.api.objects.MaterialStack;
-import gregtech.api.util.*;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Log;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeRegistrator;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
import gregtech.common.GT_Proxy.OreDictEventContainer;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils;
@@ -22,274 +27,219 @@ import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.enums.GregtechOrePrefixes.GT_Materials;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.util.GregtechOreDictUnificator;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.util.GregtechRecipeRegistrator;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.items.MetaGeneratedGregtechItems;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
+import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader;
+import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer;
+import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
+ //Store Some MetaTileEntity Data here, why not?
+ public static final IMetaTileEntity[] METATILEENTITIES = new IMetaTileEntity[GregTech_API.MAXIMUM_METATILE_IDS];
- // Dunno
- public static class GregtechOreDictEventContainer {
- public final OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent mEvent;
- public final GregtechOrePrefixes mPrefix;
- public final GT_Materials mMaterial;
- public final String mModID;
- public GregtechOreDictEventContainer(final OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent aEvent,
- final GregtechOrePrefixes aPrefix, final GT_Materials aMaterial, final String aModID) {
- this.mEvent = aEvent;
- this.mPrefix = aPrefix;
- this.mMaterial = aMaterial;
- this.mModID = aModID == null || aModID.equals("UNKNOWN") ? null : aModID;
- }
- }
- // Store Some MetaTileEntity Data here, why not?
- public static final IMetaTileEntity[] METATILEENTITIES = new IMetaTileEntity[GregTech_API.MAXIMUM_METATILE_IDS];
- public static List<Runnable> GT_BlockIconload = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
- public static List<Runnable> GT_ItemIconload = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
+ public static List<Runnable> GT_BlockIconload = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
+ public static List<Runnable> GT_ItemIconload = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
- public static IIconRegister sBlockIcons, sItemIcons;
- // Silly Vars
- private static final Collection<String> mIgnoredItems = new HashSet<String>(
- Arrays.asList(new String[] {
- "itemGhastTear", "itemFlint", "itemClay", "itemBucketSaltWater", "itemBucketFreshWater",
- "itemBucketWater", "itemRock", "itemReed", "itemArrow", "itemSaw", "itemKnife", "itemHammer",
- "itemChisel", "itemRubber", "itemEssence", "itemIlluminatedPanel", "itemSkull", "itemRawRubber",
- "itemBacon", "itemJetpackAccelerator", "itemLazurite", "itemIridium", "itemTear", "itemClaw",
- "itemFertilizer", "itemTar", "itemSlimeball", "itemCoke", "itemBeeswax", "itemBeeQueen",
- "itemForcicium", "itemForcillium", "itemRoyalJelly", "itemHoneydew", "itemHoney", "itemPollen",
- "itemReedTypha", "itemSulfuricAcid", "itemPotash", "itemCompressedCarbon", "itemBitumen",
- "itemBioFuel", "itemCokeSugar", "itemCokeCactus", "itemCharcoalSugar", "itemCharcoalCactus",
- "itemSludge", "itemEnrichedAlloy", "itemQuicksilver", "itemMercury", "itemOsmium",
- "itemUltimateCircuit", "itemEnergizedStar", "itemAntimatterMolecule", "itemAntimatterGlob",
- "itemCoal", "itemBoat", "itemHerbalMedicineCake", "itemCakeSponge", "itemFishandPumpkinCakeSponge",
- "itemSoulCleaver", "itemInstantCake", "itemWhippingCream", "itemGlisteningWhippingCream",
- "itemCleaver", "itemHerbalMedicineWhippingCream", "itemStrangeWhippingCream", "itemBlazeCleaver",
- "itemBakedCakeSponge", "itemMagmaCake", "itemGlisteningCake", "itemOgreCleaver",
- "itemFishandPumpkinCake", "itemMagmaWhippingCream", "itemMultimeter", "itemSuperconductor"
- }));
- private static final Collection<String> mIgnoredNames = new HashSet<String>(
- Arrays.asList(new String[] {
- "grubBee", "chainLink", "candyCane", "bRedString", "bVial", "bFlask", "anorthositeSmooth",
- "migmatiteSmooth", "slateSmooth", "travertineSmooth", "limestoneSmooth", "orthogneissSmooth",
- "marbleSmooth", "honeyDrop", "lumpClay", "honeyEqualssugar", "flourEqualswheat",
- "bluestoneInsulated", "blockWaterstone", "blockSand", "blockTorch", "blockPumpkin",
- "blockClothRock", "blockStainedHardenedClay", "blockQuartzPillar", "blockQuartzChiselled",
- "blockSpawner", "blockCloth", "mobHead", "mobEgg", "enderFlower", "enderChest", "clayHardened",
- "dayGemMaterial", "nightGemMaterial", "snowLayer", "bPlaceholder", "hardenedClay",
- "eternalLifeEssence", "sandstone", "wheatRice", "transdimBlock", "bambooBasket", "lexicaBotania",
- "livingwoodTwig", "redstoneCrystal", "pestleAndMortar", "glowstone", "whiteStone", "stoneSlab",
- "transdimBlock", "clayBowl", "clayPlate", "ceramicBowl", "ceramicPlate", "ovenRack", "clayCup",
- "ceramicCup", "batteryBox", "transmutationStone", "torchRedstoneActive", "coal", "charcoal",
- "cloth", "cobblestoneSlab", "stoneBrickSlab", "cobblestoneWall", "stoneBrickWall",
- "cobblestoneStair", "stoneBrickStair", "blockCloud", "blockDirt", "blockTyrian", "blockCarpet",
- "blockFft", "blockLavastone", "blockHolystone", "blockConcrete", "sunnariumPart",
- "brSmallMachineCyaniteProcessor", "meteoriteCoal", "blockCobble", "pressOreProcessor",
- "crusherOreProcessor", "grinderOreProcessor", "blockRubber", "blockHoney", "blockHoneydew",
- "blockPeat", "blockRadioactive", "blockSlime", "blockCocoa", "blockSugarCane", "blockLeather",
- "blockClayBrick", "solarPanelHV", "cableRedNet", "stoneBowl", "crafterWood", "taintedSoil",
- "brickXyEngineering", "breederUranium", "wireMill", "chunkLazurite", "aluminumNatural",
- "aluminiumNatural", "naturalAluminum", "naturalAluminium", "antimatterMilligram", "antimatterGram",
- "strangeMatter", "coalGenerator", "electricFurnace", "unfinishedTank", "valvePart", "aquaRegia",
- "leatherSeal", "leatherSlimeSeal", "hambone", "slimeball", "clay", "enrichedUranium", "camoPaste",
- "antiBlock", "burntQuartz", "salmonRaw", "blockHopper", "blockEnderObsidian", "blockIcestone",
- "blockMagicWood", "blockEnderCore", "blockHeeEndium", "oreHeeEndPowder", "oreHeeStardust",
- "oreHeeIgneousRock", "oreHeeInstabilityOrb", "crystalPureFluix", "shardNether", "gemFluorite",
- "stickObsidian", "caveCrystal", "shardCrystal", "dyeCrystal", "shardFire", "shardWater", "shardAir",
- "shardEarth", "ingotRefinedIron", "blockMarble", "ingotUnstable"
- }));
- private static final Collection<String> mInvalidNames = new HashSet<String>(
- Arrays.asList(new String[] {
- "diamondShard", "redstoneRoot", "obsidianStick", "bloodstoneOre", "universalCable", "bronzeTube",
- "ironTube", "netherTube", "obbyTube", "infiniteBattery", "eliteBattery", "advancedBattery",
- "10kEUStore", "blueDye", "MonazitOre", "quartzCrystal", "whiteLuminiteCrystal", "darkStoneIngot",
- "invisiumIngot", "demoniteOrb", "enderGem", "starconiumGem", "osmoniumIngot", "tapaziteGem",
- "zectiumIngot", "foolsRubyGem", "rubyGem", "meteoriteGem", "adamiteShard", "sapphireGem",
- "copperIngot", "ironStick", "goldStick", "diamondStick", "reinforcedStick", "draconicStick",
- "emeraldStick", "copperStick", "tinStick", "silverStick", "bronzeStick", "steelStick", "leadStick",
- "manyullynStick", "arditeStick", "cobaltStick", "aluminiumStick", "alumiteStick", "oilsandsOre",
- "copperWire", "superconductorWire", "sulfuricAcid", "conveyorBelt", "ironWire", "aluminumWire",
- "aluminiumWire", "silverWire", "tinWire", "dustSiliconSmall", "AluminumOre", "plateHeavyT2",
- "blockWool", "alloyPlateEnergizedHardened", "gasWood", "alloyPlateEnergized", "SilverOre",
- "LeadOre", "TinOre", "CopperOre", "silverOre", "leadOre", "tinOre", "copperOre", "bauxiteOre",
- "HSLivingmetalIngot", "oilMoving", "oilStill", "oilBucket", "petroleumOre", "dieselFuel",
- "diamondNugget", "planks", "wood", "stick", "sticks", "naquadah", "obsidianRod", "stoneRod",
- "thaumiumRod", "steelRod", "netherrackRod", "woodRod", "ironRod", "cactusRod", "flintRod",
- "copperRod", "cobaltRod", "alumiteRod", "blueslimeRod", "arditeRod", "manyullynRod", "bronzeRod",
- "boneRod", "slimeRod", "redalloyBundled", "bluestoneBundled", "infusedteslatiteInsulated",
- "redalloyInsulated", "infusedteslatiteBundled"
- }));
- public static boolean mOreDictActivated = false;
- public static boolean mSortToTheEnd = true;
- public final static HashSet<ItemStack> mRegisteredOres = new HashSet<ItemStack>(10000);
- public final static Collection<GregtechOreDictEventContainer> mEvents = new HashSet<GregtechOreDictEventContainer>();
- public final static Collection<OreDictEventContainer> mEventsFake = new HashSet<OreDictEventContainer>();
- /*
- * public static Fluid addFluid(String aName, String aLocalized,
- * GT_Materials aMaterial, int aState, int aTemperatureK) { return
- * addFluid(aName, aLocalized, aMaterial, aState, aTemperatureK, null, null,
- * 0); }
- *
- * public static Fluid addFluid(String aName, String aLocalized,
- * GT_Materials aMaterial, int aState, int aTemperatureK, ItemStack
- * aFullContainer, ItemStack aEmptyContainer, int aFluidAmount) { return
- * addFluid(aName, aName.toLowerCase(), aLocalized, aMaterial, null, aState,
- * aTemperatureK, aFullContainer, aEmptyContainer, aFluidAmount); }
- *
- * public static Fluid addFluid(String aName, String aTexture, String
- * aLocalized, GT_Materials aMaterial, short[] aRGBa, int aState, int
- * aTemperatureK, ItemStack aFullContainer, ItemStack aEmptyContainer, int
- * aFluidAmount) { aName = aName.toLowerCase(); Fluid rFluid = new
- * GregtechFluid(aName, aTexture, aRGBa != null ? aRGBa :
- * Dyes._NULL.getRGBA());
- * GT_LanguageManager.addStringLocalization(rFluid.getUnlocalizedName(),
- * aLocalized == null ? aName : aLocalized); if
- * (FluidRegistry.registerFluid(rFluid)) { switch (aState) { case 0:
- * rFluid.setGaseous(false); rFluid.setViscosity(10000); break; case 1: case
- * 4: rFluid.setGaseous(false); rFluid.setViscosity(1000); break; case 2:
- * rFluid.setGaseous(true); rFluid.setDensity(-100);
- * rFluid.setViscosity(200); break; case 3: rFluid.setGaseous(true);
- * rFluid.setDensity(55536); rFluid.setViscosity(10);
- * rFluid.setLuminosity(15); } } else { rFluid =
- * FluidRegistry.getFluid(aName); } if (rFluid.getTemperature() == new
- * Fluid("test").getTemperature()) { rFluid.setTemperature(aTemperatureK); }
- * if (aMaterial != null) { switch (aState) { case 0: aMaterial.mSolid =
- * rFluid; break; case 1: aMaterial.mFluid = rFluid; break; case 2:
- * aMaterial.mGas = rFluid; break; case 3: aMaterial.mPlasma = rFluid;
- * break; case 4: aMaterial.mStandardMoltenFluid = rFluid; } } if
- * ((aFullContainer != null) && (aEmptyContainer != null) &&
- * (!FluidContainerRegistry.registerFluidContainer(new FluidStack(rFluid,
- * aFluidAmount), aFullContainer, aEmptyContainer))) {
- * GT_Values.RA.addFluidCannerRecipe(aFullContainer,
- * GT_Utility.getContainerItem(aFullContainer, false), null, new
- * FluidStack(rFluid, aFluidAmount)); } return rFluid; }
- */
+ public static IIconRegister sBlockIcons, sItemIcons;
- /**
- * This gives you a new BaseMetaTileEntity. As some Interfaces are not
- * always loaded (Buildcraft, Univeral Electricity) I have to use Invocation
- * at the Constructor of the BaseMetaTileEntity
- */
- private static Class<BaseMetaTileEntity> sBaseMetaTileEntityClass = null;
+ //Silly Vars
+ private static final Collection<String> mIgnoredItems = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"itemGhastTear", "itemFlint", "itemClay", "itemBucketSaltWater",
+ "itemBucketFreshWater", "itemBucketWater", "itemRock", "itemReed", "itemArrow", "itemSaw", "itemKnife", "itemHammer", "itemChisel", "itemRubber",
+ "itemEssence", "itemIlluminatedPanel", "itemSkull", "itemRawRubber", "itemBacon", "itemJetpackAccelerator", "itemLazurite", "itemIridium",
+ "itemTear", "itemClaw", "itemFertilizer", "itemTar", "itemSlimeball", "itemCoke", "itemBeeswax", "itemBeeQueen", "itemForcicium", "itemForcillium",
+ "itemRoyalJelly", "itemHoneydew", "itemHoney", "itemPollen", "itemReedTypha", "itemSulfuricAcid", "itemPotash", "itemCompressedCarbon",
+ "itemBitumen", "itemBioFuel", "itemCokeSugar", "itemCokeCactus", "itemCharcoalSugar", "itemCharcoalCactus", "itemSludge", "itemEnrichedAlloy",
+ "itemQuicksilver", "itemMercury", "itemOsmium", "itemUltimateCircuit", "itemEnergizedStar", "itemAntimatterMolecule", "itemAntimatterGlob",
+ "itemCoal", "itemBoat", "itemHerbalMedicineCake", "itemCakeSponge", "itemFishandPumpkinCakeSponge", "itemSoulCleaver", "itemInstantCake",
+ "itemWhippingCream", "itemGlisteningWhippingCream", "itemCleaver", "itemHerbalMedicineWhippingCream", "itemStrangeWhippingCream",
+ "itemBlazeCleaver", "itemBakedCakeSponge", "itemMagmaCake", "itemGlisteningCake", "itemOgreCleaver", "itemFishandPumpkinCake",
+ "itemMagmaWhippingCream", "itemMultimeter", "itemSuperconductor"}));
+ private static final Collection<String> mIgnoredNames = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"grubBee", "chainLink", "candyCane", "bRedString", "bVial",
+ "bFlask", "anorthositeSmooth", "migmatiteSmooth", "slateSmooth", "travertineSmooth", "limestoneSmooth", "orthogneissSmooth", "marbleSmooth",
+ "honeyDrop", "lumpClay", "honeyEqualssugar", "flourEqualswheat", "bluestoneInsulated", "blockWaterstone", "blockSand", "blockTorch",
+ "blockPumpkin", "blockClothRock", "blockStainedHardenedClay", "blockQuartzPillar", "blockQuartzChiselled", "blockSpawner", "blockCloth", "mobHead",
+ "mobEgg", "enderFlower", "enderChest", "clayHardened", "dayGemMaterial", "nightGemMaterial", "snowLayer", "bPlaceholder", "hardenedClay",
+ "eternalLifeEssence", "sandstone", "wheatRice", "transdimBlock", "bambooBasket", "lexicaBotania", "livingwoodTwig", "redstoneCrystal",
+ "pestleAndMortar", "glowstone", "whiteStone", "stoneSlab", "transdimBlock", "clayBowl", "clayPlate", "ceramicBowl", "ceramicPlate", "ovenRack",
+ "clayCup", "ceramicCup", "batteryBox", "transmutationStone", "torchRedstoneActive", "coal", "charcoal", "cloth", "cobblestoneSlab",
+ "stoneBrickSlab", "cobblestoneWall", "stoneBrickWall", "cobblestoneStair", "stoneBrickStair", "blockCloud", "blockDirt", "blockTyrian",
+ "blockCarpet", "blockFft", "blockLavastone", "blockHolystone", "blockConcrete", "sunnariumPart", "brSmallMachineCyaniteProcessor", "meteoriteCoal",
+ "blockCobble", "pressOreProcessor", "crusherOreProcessor", "grinderOreProcessor", "blockRubber", "blockHoney", "blockHoneydew", "blockPeat",
+ "blockRadioactive", "blockSlime", "blockCocoa", "blockSugarCane", "blockLeather", "blockClayBrick", "solarPanelHV", "cableRedNet", "stoneBowl",
+ "crafterWood", "taintedSoil", "brickXyEngineering", "breederUranium", "wireMill", "chunkLazurite", "aluminumNatural", "aluminiumNatural",
+ "naturalAluminum", "naturalAluminium", "antimatterMilligram", "antimatterGram", "strangeMatter", "coalGenerator", "electricFurnace",
+ "unfinishedTank", "valvePart", "aquaRegia", "leatherSeal", "leatherSlimeSeal", "hambone", "slimeball", "clay", "enrichedUranium", "camoPaste",
+ "antiBlock", "burntQuartz", "salmonRaw", "blockHopper", "blockEnderObsidian", "blockIcestone", "blockMagicWood", "blockEnderCore", "blockHeeEndium",
+ "oreHeeEndPowder", "oreHeeStardust", "oreHeeIgneousRock", "oreHeeInstabilityOrb", "crystalPureFluix", "shardNether", "gemFluorite",
+ "stickObsidian", "caveCrystal", "shardCrystal", "dyeCrystal","shardFire","shardWater","shardAir","shardEarth","ingotRefinedIron","blockMarble","ingotUnstable"}));
+ private static final Collection<String> mInvalidNames = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"diamondShard", "redstoneRoot", "obsidianStick", "bloodstoneOre",
+ "universalCable", "bronzeTube", "ironTube", "netherTube", "obbyTube", "infiniteBattery", "eliteBattery", "advancedBattery", "10kEUStore",
+ "blueDye", "MonazitOre", "quartzCrystal", "whiteLuminiteCrystal", "darkStoneIngot", "invisiumIngot", "demoniteOrb", "enderGem", "starconiumGem",
+ "osmoniumIngot", "tapaziteGem", "zectiumIngot", "foolsRubyGem", "rubyGem", "meteoriteGem", "adamiteShard", "sapphireGem", "copperIngot",
+ "ironStick", "goldStick", "diamondStick", "reinforcedStick", "draconicStick", "emeraldStick", "copperStick", "tinStick", "silverStick",
+ "bronzeStick", "steelStick", "leadStick", "manyullynStick", "arditeStick", "cobaltStick", "aluminiumStick", "alumiteStick", "oilsandsOre",
+ "copperWire", "superconductorWire", "sulfuricAcid", "conveyorBelt", "ironWire", "aluminumWire", "aluminiumWire", "silverWire", "tinWire",
+ "dustSiliconSmall", "AluminumOre", "plateHeavyT2", "blockWool", "alloyPlateEnergizedHardened", "gasWood", "alloyPlateEnergized", "SilverOre",
+ "LeadOre", "TinOre", "CopperOre", "silverOre", "leadOre", "tinOre", "copperOre", "bauxiteOre", "HSLivingmetalIngot", "oilMoving", "oilStill",
+ "oilBucket", "petroleumOre", "dieselFuel", "diamondNugget", "planks", "wood", "stick", "sticks", "naquadah", "obsidianRod", "stoneRod",
+ "thaumiumRod", "steelRod", "netherrackRod", "woodRod", "ironRod", "cactusRod", "flintRod", "copperRod", "cobaltRod", "alumiteRod", "blueslimeRod",
+ "arditeRod", "manyullynRod", "bronzeRod", "boneRod", "slimeRod", "redalloyBundled", "bluestoneBundled", "infusedteslatiteInsulated",
+ "redalloyInsulated", "infusedteslatiteBundled"}));
+ public static boolean mOreDictActivated = false;
+ public static boolean mSortToTheEnd = true;
+ public final static HashSet<ItemStack> mRegisteredOres = new HashSet<ItemStack>(10000);
+ public final static Collection<GregtechOreDictEventContainer> mEvents = new HashSet<GregtechOreDictEventContainer>();
+ public final static Collection<OreDictEventContainer> mEventsFake = new HashSet<OreDictEventContainer>();
- public static void activateOreDictHandler() {
- Meta_GT_Proxy.mOreDictActivated = true;
- GregtechOreDictEventContainer tEvent;
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mEvents.size() == 0) {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Found nothing to iterate over for use in material addition.");
- }
- for (final Iterator<GregtechOreDictEventContainer> i$ = Meta_GT_Proxy.mEvents.iterator(); i$
- .hasNext(); Meta_GT_Proxy.registerRecipes(tEvent)) {
- tEvent = i$.next();
- }
- OreDictEventContainer tEvent2;
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mEventsFake.size() == 0) {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Found nothing to iterate over for use in GT material addition.");
- }
- for (final Iterator<OreDictEventContainer> i$ = Meta_GT_Proxy.mEventsFake.iterator(); i$
- .hasNext(); Meta_GT_Proxy.registerRecipes(tEvent2)) {
- tEvent2 = i$.next();
+ public Meta_GT_Proxy() {
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("GT_PROXY - initialized.");
+ for (String tOreName : OreDictionary.getOreNames()) {
+ ItemStack tOreStack;
+ for (Iterator<?> i$ = OreDictionary.getOres(tOreName).iterator(); i$.hasNext(); registerOre(new OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent(tOreName, tOreStack))) {
+ tOreStack = (ItemStack) i$.next();
+ }
- public static boolean areWeUsingGregtech5uExperimental() {
- final int version = GregTech_API.VERSION;
- if (version == 508 || version == 507) {
- return false;
- }
- else if (version == 509) {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
+ /*public static Fluid addFluid(String aName, String aLocalized, GT_Materials aMaterial, int aState, int aTemperatureK) {
+ return addFluid(aName, aLocalized, aMaterial, aState, aTemperatureK, null, null, 0);
- public static BaseMetaTileEntity constructBaseMetaTileEntity() {
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.sBaseMetaTileEntityClass == null) {
- try {
- return (Meta_GT_Proxy.sBaseMetaTileEntityClass = BaseMetaTileEntity.class).newInstance();
- }
- catch (final Throwable e) {
- /* Do nothing */}
- }
- try {
- return Meta_GT_Proxy.sBaseMetaTileEntityClass.newInstance();
- }
- catch (final Throwable e) {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Fatal Error ocurred while initializing TileEntities, crashing Minecraft.");
- e.printStackTrace(GT_Log.err);
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
+ public static Fluid addFluid(String aName, String aLocalized, GT_Materials aMaterial, int aState, int aTemperatureK, ItemStack aFullContainer,
+ ItemStack aEmptyContainer, int aFluidAmount) {
+ return addFluid(aName, aName.toLowerCase(), aLocalized, aMaterial, null, aState, aTemperatureK, aFullContainer, aEmptyContainer, aFluidAmount);
+ public static Fluid addFluid(String aName, String aTexture, String aLocalized, GT_Materials aMaterial, short[] aRGBa, int aState, int aTemperatureK,
+ ItemStack aFullContainer, ItemStack aEmptyContainer, int aFluidAmount) {
+ aName = aName.toLowerCase();
+ Fluid rFluid = new GregtechFluid(aName, aTexture, aRGBa != null ? aRGBa : Dyes._NULL.getRGBA());
+ GT_LanguageManager.addStringLocalization(rFluid.getUnlocalizedName(), aLocalized == null ? aName : aLocalized);
+ if (FluidRegistry.registerFluid(rFluid)) {
+ switch (aState) {
+ case 0:
+ rFluid.setGaseous(false);
+ rFluid.setViscosity(10000);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 4:
+ rFluid.setGaseous(false);
+ rFluid.setViscosity(1000);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ rFluid.setGaseous(true);
+ rFluid.setDensity(-100);
+ rFluid.setViscosity(200);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ rFluid.setGaseous(true);
+ rFluid.setDensity(55536);
+ rFluid.setViscosity(10);
+ rFluid.setLuminosity(15);
+ }
+ } else {
+ rFluid = FluidRegistry.getFluid(aName);
+ }
+ if (rFluid.getTemperature() == new Fluid("test").getTemperature()) {
+ rFluid.setTemperature(aTemperatureK);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial != null) {
+ switch (aState) {
+ case 0:
+ aMaterial.mSolid = rFluid;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ aMaterial.mFluid = rFluid;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ aMaterial.mGas = rFluid;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ aMaterial.mPlasma = rFluid;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ aMaterial.mStandardMoltenFluid = rFluid;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((aFullContainer != null) && (aEmptyContainer != null)
+ && (!FluidContainerRegistry.registerFluidContainer(new FluidStack(rFluid, aFluidAmount), aFullContainer, aEmptyContainer))) {
+ GT_Values.RA.addFluidCannerRecipe(aFullContainer, GT_Utility.getContainerItem(aFullContainer, false), null, new FluidStack(rFluid, aFluidAmount));
+ }
+ return rFluid;
+ }*/
- public static void registerOre2(final OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent aEvent) {
- final ModContainer tContainer = Loader.instance().activeModContainer();
+ public static void registerOre2(OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent aEvent) {
+ ModContainer tContainer = Loader.instance().activeModContainer();
String aMod = tContainer == null ? "UNKNOWN" : tContainer.getModId();
String aOriginalMod = aMod;
if (GregtechOreDictUnificator.isRegisteringOres()) {
- }
- else if (aMod.equals(CORE.MODID)) {
+ } else if (aMod.equals(CORE.MODID)) {
aMod = "UNKNOWN";
- if (aEvent == null || aEvent.Ore == null || aEvent.Ore.getItem() == null || aEvent.Name == null
- || aEvent.Name.isEmpty() || aEvent.Name.replaceAll("_", "").length() - aEvent.Name.length() == 9) {
+ if ((aEvent == null) || (aEvent.Ore == null) || (aEvent.Ore.getItem() == null) || (aEvent.Name == null) || (aEvent.Name.isEmpty())
+ || (aEvent.Name.replaceAll("_", "").length() - aEvent.Name.length() == 9)) {
if (aOriginalMod.equals(CORE.MODID)) {
aOriginalMod = "UNKNOWN";
- GT_Log.ore.println(aOriginalMod
+ GT_Log.ore
+ .println(aOriginalMod
+ " did something very bad! The registration is too invalid to even be shown properly. This happens only if you register null, invalid Items, empty Strings or even nonexisting Events to the OreDict.");
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(aOriginalMod
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ aOriginalMod
+ " did something very bad! The registration is too invalid to even be shown properly. This happens only if you register null, invalid Items, empty Strings or even nonexisting Events to the OreDict.");
try {
aEvent.Ore.stackSize = 1;
String tModToName = aMod + " -> " + aEvent.Name;
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mOreDictActivated || GregTech_API.sPostloadStarted
- || Meta_GT_Proxy.mSortToTheEnd && GregTech_API.sLoadFinished) {
+ if ((mOreDictActivated) || (GregTech_API.sPostloadStarted) || ((mSortToTheEnd) && (GregTech_API.sLoadFinished))) {
tModToName = aOriginalMod + " --Late--> " + aEvent.Name;
- if (aEvent.Ore.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock || GT_Utility.getBlockFromStack(aEvent.Ore) != Blocks.air) {
+ if (((aEvent.Ore.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock)) || (GT_Utility.getBlockFromStack(aEvent.Ore) != Blocks.air)) {
- Meta_GT_Proxy.mRegisteredOres.add(aEvent.Ore);
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mIgnoredNames.contains(aEvent.Name)) {
+ mRegisteredOres.add(aEvent.Ore);
+ if (mIgnoredNames.contains(aEvent.Name)) {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is getting ignored via hardcode.");
- if (aEvent.Name.contains("|") || aEvent.Name.contains("*") || aEvent.Name.contains(":")
- || aEvent.Name.contains(".") || aEvent.Name.contains("$")) {
+ if ((aEvent.Name.contains("|")) || (aEvent.Name.contains("*")) || (aEvent.Name.contains(":")) || (aEvent.Name.contains("."))
+ || (aEvent.Name.contains("$"))) {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is using a private Prefix and is therefor getting ignored properly.");
if (aEvent.Name.contains(" ")) {
- GT_Log.ore.println(
- tModToName + " is getting re-registered because the OreDict Name containing invalid spaces.");
- GregtechOreDictUnificator.registerOre(aEvent.Name.replaceAll(" ", ""),
- GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
+ GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is getting re-registered because the OreDict Name containing invalid spaces.");
+ GregtechOreDictUnificator.registerOre(aEvent.Name.replaceAll(" ", ""), GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
aEvent.Ore.setStackDisplayName("Invalid OreDictionary Tag");
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mInvalidNames.contains(aEvent.Name)) {
+ if (mInvalidNames.contains(aEvent.Name)) {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is wrongly registered and therefor getting ignored.");
- final GregtechOrePrefixes aPrefix = GregtechOrePrefixes.getOrePrefix(aEvent.Name);
- GT_Materials aMaterial = GT_Materials._NULL;
+ GregtechOrePrefixes aPrefix = GregtechOrePrefixes.getOrePrefix(aEvent.Name);
+ GT_Materials aMaterial = GT_Materials._NULL;
if (aPrefix == null) {
if (aEvent.Name.toLowerCase().equals(aEvent.Name)) {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is invalid due to being solely lowercased.");
@@ -302,129 +252,101 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
if (Character.isUpperCase(aEvent.Name.charAt(0))) {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is invalid due to the first character being uppercased.");
- }
- else {
+ } else {
if (aPrefix.mDontUnificateActively) {
if (aPrefix != aPrefix.mPrefixInto) {
- final String tNewName = aEvent.Name.replaceFirst(aPrefix.toString(),
- aPrefix.mPrefixInto.toString());
+ String tNewName = aEvent.Name.replaceFirst(aPrefix.toString(), aPrefix.mPrefixInto.toString());
if (!GregtechOreDictUnificator.isRegisteringOres()) {
- GT_Log.ore.println(
- tModToName + " uses a depricated Prefix, and is getting re-registered as " + tNewName);
+ GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses a depricated Prefix, and is getting re-registered as " + tNewName);
GregtechOreDictUnificator.registerOre(tNewName, aEvent.Ore);
- final String tName = aEvent.Name.replaceFirst(aPrefix.toString(), "");
+ String tName = aEvent.Name.replaceFirst(aPrefix.toString(), "");
if (tName.length() > 0) {
- final char firstChar = tName.charAt(0);
+ char firstChar = tName.charAt(0);
if (Character.isUpperCase(firstChar) || Character.isLowerCase(firstChar) || firstChar == '_') {
if (aPrefix.mIsMaterialBased) {
aMaterial = GT_Materials.get(tName);
if (aMaterial != aMaterial.mMaterialInto) {
GregtechOreDictUnificator.registerOre(aPrefix, aMaterial.mMaterialInto, aEvent.Ore);
if (!GregtechOreDictUnificator.isRegisteringOres()) {
- GT_Log.ore.println(
- tModToName + " uses a deprecated Material and is getting re-registered as "
- + aPrefix.get(aMaterial.mMaterialInto));
+ GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses a deprecated Material and is getting re-registered as "
+ + aPrefix.get(aMaterial.mMaterialInto));
if (!aPrefix.isIgnored(aMaterial)) {
- aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
+ aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
if (aMaterial != GT_Materials._NULL) {
GT_Materials tReRegisteredMaterial;
- for (final Iterator<?> i$ = aMaterial.mOreReRegistrations.iterator(); i$
- .hasNext(); GregtechOreDictUnificator.registerOre(aPrefix,
- tReRegisteredMaterial, aEvent.Ore)) {
+ for (Iterator<?> i$ = aMaterial.mOreReRegistrations.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); GregtechOreDictUnificator.registerOre(aPrefix,
+ tReRegisteredMaterial, aEvent.Ore)) {
tReRegisteredMaterial = (GT_Materials) i$.next();
- aMaterial.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
- switch (aPrefix) {
- case gem:
- break;
- case plate:
- break;
- case stick:
- if (!GregtechRecipeRegistrator.sRodMaterialList.contains(aMaterial)) {
- GregtechRecipeRegistrator.sRodMaterialList.add(aMaterial);
- }
- break;
- case dust:
- break;
- case ingot:
- break;
+ aMaterial.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
+ switch (aPrefix) {
+ case gem:
+ break;
+ case plate:
+ break;
+ case stick:
+ if (!GregtechRecipeRegistrator.sRodMaterialList.contains(aMaterial)) {
+ GregtechRecipeRegistrator.sRodMaterialList.add(aMaterial);
+ }
+ break;
+ case dust:
+ break;
+ case ingot:
+ break;
if (aPrefix.mIsUnificatable && !aMaterial.mUnificatable) {
- }
- else {
- for (final Dyes tDye : Dyes.VALUES) {
+ } else {
+ for (Dyes tDye : Dyes.VALUES) {
if (aEvent.Name.endsWith(tDye.name().replaceFirst("dye", ""))) {
- GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName
- + " Oh man, why the fuck would anyone need a OreDictified Color for this, that is even too much for GregTech... do not report this, this is just a random Comment about how ridiculous this is.");
+ GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " Oh man, why the fuck would anyone need a OreDictified Color for this, that is even too much for GregTech... do not report this, this is just a random Comment about how ridiculous this is.");
- // System.out.println("Material Name:
- // "+aEvent.Name+ " !!!Unknown Material
- // detected!!! Please report to GregTech
- // Intergalactical for additional compatiblity.
- // This is not an Error, an Issue nor a Lag
- // Source, it is just an Information, which you
- // should pass to me.");
- // GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses an
- // unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.");
+ // System.out.println("Material Name: "+aEvent.Name+ " !!!Unknown Material detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, an Issue nor a Lag Source, it is just an Information, which you should pass to me.");
+ // GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.");
- }
- else {
- aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
+ } else {
+ aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
- }
- else if (aPrefix.mIsSelfReferencing) {
- aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
- }
- else {
+ } else if (aPrefix.mIsSelfReferencing) {
+ aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
+ } else {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses a Prefix as full OreDict Name, and is therefor invalid.");
aEvent.Ore.setStackDisplayName("Invalid OreDictionary Tag");
- final GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre = new GregtechOreDictEventContainer(aEvent, aPrefix, aMaterial,
- aMod);
- if (!Meta_GT_Proxy.mOreDictActivated || !GregTech_API.sUnificationEntriesRegistered) {
- Meta_GT_Proxy.mEvents.add(tOre);
+ GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre = new GregtechOreDictEventContainer(aEvent, aPrefix, aMaterial, aMod);
+ if ((!mOreDictActivated) || (!GregTech_API.sUnificationEntriesRegistered)) {
+ mEvents.add(tOre);
+ } else {
+ mEvents.clear();
- else {
- Meta_GT_Proxy.mEvents.clear();
+ if (mOreDictActivated) {
+ registerRecipes(tOre);
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mOreDictActivated) {
- Meta_GT_Proxy.registerRecipes(tOre);
- }
- }
- catch (final Throwable e) {
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
- private static final void registerRecipes(final GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre) {
- if (tOre.mEvent.Ore == null || tOre.mEvent.Ore.getItem() == null) {
+ private static final void registerRecipes(GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre) {
+ if ((tOre.mEvent.Ore == null) || (tOre.mEvent.Ore.getItem() == null)) {
if (tOre.mEvent.Ore.stackSize != 1) {
@@ -432,25 +354,16 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
if (tOre.mPrefix != null) {
if (!tOre.mPrefix.isIgnored(tOre.mMaterial)) {
- tOre.mPrefix.processOre(tOre.mMaterial == null ? GT_Materials._NULL : tOre.mMaterial, tOre.mEvent.Name,
- tOre.mModID, GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- tOre.mEvent.Ore
- }));
+ tOre.mPrefix.processOre((GT_Materials) (tOre.mMaterial == null ? GT_Materials._NULL : tOre.mMaterial), tOre.mEvent.Name, tOre.mModID,
+ GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{tOre.mEvent.Ore}));
- }
- else {
- // System.out.println("Thingy Name: "+ aOre.mEvent.Name+ "
- // !!!Unknown 'Thingy' detected!!! This Object seems to probably not
- // follow a valid OreDictionary Convention, or I missed a
- // Convention. Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for
- // additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, an Issue nor a Lag
- // Source, it is just an Information, which you should pass to
- // me.");
+ } else {
+ // System.out.println("Thingy Name: "+ aOre.mEvent.Name+ " !!!Unknown 'Thingy' detected!!! This Object seems to probably not follow a valid OreDictionary Convention, or I missed a Convention. Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, an Issue nor a Lag Source, it is just an Information, which you should pass to me.");
- private static final void registerRecipes(final OreDictEventContainer aOre) {
- if (aOre.mEvent.Ore == null || aOre.mEvent.Ore.getItem() == null) {
+ private static final void registerRecipes(OreDictEventContainer aOre) {
+ if ((aOre.mEvent.Ore == null) || (aOre.mEvent.Ore.getItem() == null)) {
if (aOre.mEvent.Ore.stackSize != 1) {
@@ -458,56 +371,40 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
if (aOre.mPrefix != null) {
if (!aOre.mPrefix.isIgnored(aOre.mMaterial)) {
- aOre.mPrefix.processOre(aOre.mMaterial == null ? Materials._NULL : aOre.mMaterial, aOre.mEvent.Name,
- aOre.mModID, GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aOre.mEvent.Ore
- }));
+ aOre.mPrefix.processOre(aOre.mMaterial == null ? Materials._NULL : aOre.mMaterial, aOre.mEvent.Name, aOre.mModID,
+ GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aOre.mEvent.Ore}));
- }
- else {
- // System.out.println("Thingy Name: "+ aOre.mEvent.Name+ "
- // !!!Unknown 'Thingy' detected!!! This Object seems to probably not
- // follow a valid OreDictionary Convention, or I missed a
- // Convention. Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for
- // additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, an Issue nor a Lag
- // Source, it is just an Information, which you should pass to
- // me.");
+ } else {
+ // System.out.println("Thingy Name: "+ aOre.mEvent.Name+ " !!!Unknown 'Thingy' detected!!! This Object seems to probably not follow a valid OreDictionary Convention, or I missed a Convention. Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, an Issue nor a Lag Source, it is just an Information, which you should pass to me.");
public static void registerUnificationEntries() {
- for (final GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre : Meta_GT_Proxy.mEvents) {
- if (!(tOre.mEvent.Ore.getItem() instanceof MetaGeneratedGregtechItems) && tOre.mPrefix != null
- && tOre.mPrefix.mIsUnificatable && tOre.mMaterial != null) {
+ for (GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre : mEvents) {
+ if ((!(tOre.mEvent.Ore.getItem() instanceof MetaGeneratedGregtechItems)) && (tOre.mPrefix != null) && (tOre.mPrefix.mIsUnificatable)
+ && (tOre.mMaterial != null)) {
if (GregtechOreDictUnificator.isBlacklisted(tOre.mEvent.Ore)) {
GregtechOreDictUnificator.addAssociation(tOre.mPrefix, tOre.mMaterial, tOre.mEvent.Ore, true);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
GregtechOreDictUnificator.addAssociation(tOre.mPrefix, tOre.mMaterial, tOre.mEvent.Ore, false);
- GregtechOreDictUnificator.set(tOre.mPrefix, tOre.mMaterial, tOre.mEvent.Ore,
- tOre.mModID != null && GregTech_API.sUnification.get(
- ConfigCategories.specialunificationtargets + "." + tOre.mModID, tOre.mEvent.Name,
- false),
- true);
+ GregtechOreDictUnificator.set(tOre.mPrefix, tOre.mMaterial, tOre.mEvent.Ore, (tOre.mModID != null) && (GregTech_API.sUnification.get(ConfigCategories.specialunificationtargets + "." + tOre.mModID, tOre.mEvent.Name, false)), true);
- for (final GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre : Meta_GT_Proxy.mEvents) {
- if (tOre.mEvent.Ore.getItem() instanceof MetaGeneratedGregtechItems && tOre.mPrefix != null
- && tOre.mPrefix.mIsUnificatable && tOre.mMaterial != null) {
+ for (GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre : mEvents) {
+ if (((tOre.mEvent.Ore.getItem() instanceof MetaGeneratedGregtechItems)) && (tOre.mPrefix != null) && (tOre.mPrefix.mIsUnificatable)
+ && (tOre.mMaterial != null)) {
if (GregtechOreDictUnificator.isBlacklisted(tOre.mEvent.Ore)) {
GregtechOreDictUnificator.addAssociation(tOre.mPrefix, tOre.mMaterial, tOre.mEvent.Ore, true);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
GregtechOreDictUnificator.addAssociation(tOre.mPrefix, tOre.mMaterial, tOre.mEvent.Ore, false);
- GregtechOreDictUnificator.set(tOre.mPrefix, tOre.mMaterial, tOre.mEvent.Ore,
- tOre.mModID != null && GregTech_API.sUnification.get(
- ConfigCategories.specialunificationtargets + "." + tOre.mModID, tOre.mEvent.Name,
- false),
- true);
+ GregtechOreDictUnificator.set(tOre.mPrefix, tOre.mMaterial, tOre.mEvent.Ore, (tOre.mModID != null) &&
+ (GregTech_API.sUnification.get(ConfigCategories.specialunificationtargets + "." + tOre.mModID, tOre.mEvent.Name, false)), true);
@@ -516,44 +413,85 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
- public Meta_GT_Proxy() {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("GT_PROXY - initialized.");
- for (final String tOreName : OreDictionary.getOreNames()) {
- ItemStack tOreStack;
- for (final Iterator<?> i$ = OreDictionary.getOres(tOreName).iterator(); i$.hasNext(); this
- .registerOre(new OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent(tOreName, tOreStack))) {
- tOreStack = (ItemStack) i$.next();
- }
+ public static void activateOreDictHandler() {
+ mOreDictActivated = true;
+ GregtechOreDictEventContainer tEvent;
+ if (mEvents.size() == 0){
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Found nothing to iterate over for use in material addition.");
+ }
+ for (Iterator<GregtechOreDictEventContainer> i$ = mEvents.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); registerRecipes(tEvent)) {
+ tEvent = (GregtechOreDictEventContainer) i$.next();
+ }
+ OreDictEventContainer tEvent2;
+ if (mEventsFake.size() == 0){
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Found nothing to iterate over for use in GT material addition.");
+ }
+ for (Iterator<OreDictEventContainer> i$ = mEventsFake.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); registerRecipes(tEvent2)) {
+ tEvent2 = (OreDictEventContainer) i$.next();
+ //Dunno
+ public static class GregtechOreDictEventContainer {
+ public final OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent mEvent;
+ public final GregtechOrePrefixes mPrefix;
+ public final GT_Materials mMaterial;
+ public final String mModID;
+ public GregtechOreDictEventContainer(OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent aEvent, GregtechOrePrefixes aPrefix, GT_Materials aMaterial, String aModID) {
+ this.mEvent = aEvent;
+ this.mPrefix = aPrefix;
+ this.mMaterial = aMaterial;
+ this.mModID = ((aModID == null) || (aModID.equals("UNKNOWN")) ? null : aModID);
+ }
+ }
+ public static boolean areWeUsingGregtech5uExperimental(){
+ int version = GregTech_API.VERSION;
+ if (version == 508 || version == 507){
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (version == 509){
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
- public void registerOre(final OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent aEvent) {
- final ModContainer tContainer = Loader.instance().activeModContainer();
+ public void registerOre(OreDictionary.OreRegisterEvent aEvent) {
+ ModContainer tContainer = Loader.instance().activeModContainer();
String aMod = tContainer == null ? "UNKNOWN" : tContainer.getModId();
String aOriginalMod = aMod;
if (GT_OreDictUnificator.isRegisteringOres()) {
aMod = "gregtech";
- }
- else if (aMod.equals("gregtech")) {
+ } else if (aMod.equals("gregtech")) {
aMod = "UNKNOWN";
- if (aEvent == null || aEvent.Ore == null || aEvent.Ore.getItem() == null || aEvent.Name == null
- || aEvent.Name.isEmpty() || aEvent.Name.replaceAll("_", "").length() - aEvent.Name.length() == 9) {
+ if ((aEvent == null) || (aEvent.Ore == null) || (aEvent.Ore.getItem() == null) || (aEvent.Name == null) || (aEvent.Name.isEmpty())
+ || (aEvent.Name.replaceAll("_", "").length() - aEvent.Name.length() == 9)) {
if (aOriginalMod.equals("gregtech")) {
aOriginalMod = "UNKNOWN";
- GT_Log.ore.println(aOriginalMod
+ GT_Log.ore
+ .println(aOriginalMod
+ " did something very bad! The registration is too invalid to even be shown properly. This happens only if you register null, invalid Items, empty Strings or even nonexisting Events to the OreDict.");
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(aOriginalMod
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ aOriginalMod
+ " did something very bad! The registration is too invalid to even be shown properly. This happens only if you register null, invalid Items, empty Strings or even nonexisting Events to the OreDict.");
try {
aEvent.Ore.stackSize = 1;
if (true || aEvent.Ore.getUnlocalizedName().startsWith("item.oreberry")) {
- if (aOriginalMod.toLowerCase().contains("xycraft") || aOriginalMod.toLowerCase().contains("tconstruct")
- || aOriginalMod.toLowerCase().contains("natura")
- && !aOriginalMod.toLowerCase().contains("natural")) {
+ if ((aOriginalMod.toLowerCase().contains("xycraft")) || (aOriginalMod.toLowerCase().contains("tconstruct"))
+ || ((aOriginalMod.toLowerCase().contains("natura")) && (!aOriginalMod.toLowerCase().contains("natural")))) {
if (GT_Values.D1) {
GT_Log.ore.println(aMod + " -> " + aEvent.Name + " is getting ignored, because of racism. :P");
@@ -561,15 +499,14 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
String tModToName = aMod + " -> " + aEvent.Name;
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mOreDictActivated || GregTech_API.sPostloadStarted
- || Meta_GT_Proxy.mSortToTheEnd && GregTech_API.sLoadFinished) {
+ if ((mOreDictActivated) || (GregTech_API.sPostloadStarted) || ((mSortToTheEnd) && (GregTech_API.sLoadFinished))) {
tModToName = aOriginalMod + " --Late--> " + aEvent.Name;
- if (aEvent.Ore.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock || GT_Utility.getBlockFromStack(aEvent.Ore) != Blocks.air) {
+ if (((aEvent.Ore.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock)) || (GT_Utility.getBlockFromStack(aEvent.Ore) != Blocks.air)) {
- Meta_GT_Proxy.mRegisteredOres.add(aEvent.Ore);
- if (aEvent.Name.startsWith("item") && Meta_GT_Proxy.mIgnoredItems.contains(aEvent.Name)) {
+ mRegisteredOres.add(aEvent.Ore);
+ if ((aEvent.Name.startsWith("item")) && (mIgnoredItems.contains(aEvent.Name))) {
if (aEvent.Name.equals("itemCopperWire")) {
GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingWireCopper, aEvent.Ore);
@@ -579,7 +516,7 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mIgnoredNames.contains(aEvent.Name)) {
+ if (mIgnoredNames.contains(aEvent.Name)) {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is getting ignored via hardcode.");
@@ -591,8 +528,8 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("stoneCobble", aEvent.Ore);
- if (aEvent.Name.contains("|") || aEvent.Name.contains("*") || aEvent.Name.contains(":")
- || aEvent.Name.contains(".") || aEvent.Name.contains("$")) {
+ if ((aEvent.Name.contains("|")) || (aEvent.Name.contains("*")) || (aEvent.Name.contains(":")) || (aEvent.Name.contains("."))
+ || (aEvent.Name.contains("$"))) {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is using a private Prefix and is therefor getting ignored properly.");
@@ -646,24 +583,19 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
if (aEvent.Name.contains(" ")) {
- GT_Log.ore.println(
- tModToName + " is getting re-registered because the OreDict Name containing invalid spaces.");
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(aEvent.Name.replaceAll(" ", ""),
- GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
+ GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is getting re-registered because the OreDict Name containing invalid spaces.");
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(aEvent.Name.replaceAll(" ", ""), GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
aEvent.Ore.setStackDisplayName("Invalid OreDictionary Tag");
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mInvalidNames.contains(aEvent.Name)) {
+ if (mInvalidNames.contains(aEvent.Name)) {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is wrongly registered and therefor getting ignored.");
- final OrePrefixes aPrefix = OrePrefixes.getOrePrefix(aEvent.Name);
+ OrePrefixes aPrefix = OrePrefixes.getOrePrefix(aEvent.Name);
Materials aMaterial = Materials._NULL;
- if (aPrefix == OrePrefixes.nugget && aMod.equals("Thaumcraft")
- && aEvent.Ore.getItem().getUnlocalizedName().contains("ItemResource")) {
+ if ((aPrefix == OrePrefixes.nugget) && (aMod.equals("Thaumcraft")) && (aEvent.Ore.getItem().getUnlocalizedName().contains("ItemResource"))) {
if (aPrefix == null) {
@@ -678,354 +610,326 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
if (Character.isUpperCase(aEvent.Name.charAt(0))) {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " is invalid due to the first character being uppercased.");
- }
- else {
+ } else {
if (aPrefix.mDontUnificateActively) {
if (aPrefix != aPrefix.mPrefixInto) {
- final String tNewName = aEvent.Name.replaceFirst(aPrefix.toString(),
- aPrefix.mPrefixInto.toString());
+ String tNewName = aEvent.Name.replaceFirst(aPrefix.toString(), aPrefix.mPrefixInto.toString());
if (!GT_OreDictUnificator.isRegisteringOres()) {
- GT_Log.ore.println(
- tModToName + " uses a depricated Prefix, and is getting re-registered as " + tNewName);
+ GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses a depricated Prefix, and is getting re-registered as " + tNewName);
GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(tNewName, aEvent.Ore);
- final String tName = aEvent.Name.replaceFirst(aPrefix.toString(), "");
+ String tName = aEvent.Name.replaceFirst(aPrefix.toString(), "");
if (tName.length() > 0) {
- final char firstChar = tName.charAt(0);
+ char firstChar = tName.charAt(0);
if (Character.isUpperCase(firstChar) || Character.isLowerCase(firstChar) || firstChar == '_') {
if (aPrefix.mIsMaterialBased) {
aMaterial = Materials.get(tName);
if (aMaterial != aMaterial.mMaterialInto) {
GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(aPrefix, aMaterial.mMaterialInto, aEvent.Ore);
if (!GT_OreDictUnificator.isRegisteringOres()) {
- GT_Log.ore.println(
- tModToName + " uses a deprecated Material and is getting re-registered as "
- + aPrefix.get(aMaterial.mMaterialInto));
+ GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses a deprecated Material and is getting re-registered as "
+ + aPrefix.get(aMaterial.mMaterialInto));
if (!aPrefix.isIgnored(aMaterial)) {
- aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
+ aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
if (aMaterial != Materials._NULL) {
Materials tReRegisteredMaterial;
- for (final Iterator i$ = aMaterial.mOreReRegistrations.iterator(); i$
- .hasNext(); GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(aPrefix, tReRegisteredMaterial,
- aEvent.Ore)) {
+ for (Iterator i$ = aMaterial.mOreReRegistrations.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(aPrefix,
+ tReRegisteredMaterial, aEvent.Ore)) {
tReRegisteredMaterial = (Materials) i$.next();
- aMaterial.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
- if (GregTech_API.sThaumcraftCompat != null && aPrefix.doGenerateItem(aMaterial)
- && !aPrefix.isIgnored(aMaterial)) {
- final long tAmount = aPrefix.mMaterialAmount < 0L ? 3628800L
- : aPrefix.mMaterialAmount;
- final List<TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack> tAspects = new ArrayList();
+ aMaterial.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
+ if ((GregTech_API.sThaumcraftCompat != null) && (aPrefix.doGenerateItem(aMaterial)) && (!aPrefix.isIgnored(aMaterial))) {
+ long tAmount = aPrefix.mMaterialAmount < 0L ? 3628800L : aPrefix.mMaterialAmount;
+ List<TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack> tAspects = new ArrayList();
TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack tAspect;
- for (final Iterator i$ = aPrefix.mAspects.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); tAspect
- .addToAspectList(tAspects)) {
+ for (Iterator i$ = aPrefix.mAspects.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); tAspect.addToAspectList(tAspects)) {
tAspect = (TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack) i$.next();
tAspect = null;
- for (final Iterator i$ = aMaterial.mAspects.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); tAspect
- .copy(tAspect.mAmount * tAmount / 3628800L).addToAspectList(tAspects)) {
+ for (Iterator i$ = aMaterial.mAspects.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); tAspect.copy(tAspect.mAmount * tAmount / 3628800L)
+ .addToAspectList(tAspects)) {
tAspect = (TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack) i$.next();
- GregTech_API.sThaumcraftCompat
- .registerThaumcraftAspectsToItem(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }), tAspects, aEvent.Name);
+ GregTech_API.sThaumcraftCompat.registerThaumcraftAspectsToItem(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}),
+ tAspects, aEvent.Name);
switch (aPrefix) {
- case crystal:
- if (aMaterial == Materials.CertusQuartz || aMaterial == Materials.NetherQuartz
- || aMaterial == Materials.Fluix) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.gem, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- case gem:
- switch (aMaterial) {
- case Lapis:
- case Sodalite:
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBlue, aEvent.Ore);
- break;
- case Lazurite:
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeCyan, aEvent.Ore);
- break;
- case InfusedAir:
- case InfusedWater:
- case InfusedFire:
- case InfusedEarth:
- case InfusedOrder:
- case InfusedEntropy:
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(
- aMaterial.name().replaceFirst("Infused", "shard"), aEvent.Ore);
- break;
- case Chocolate:
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBrown, aEvent.Ore);
- break;
- case CertusQuartz:
- case NetherQuartz:
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.item.get(aMaterial),
- aEvent.Ore);
- case Fluix:
- case Quartz:
- case Quartzite:
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.crystal, aMaterial,
- aEvent.Ore);
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingQuartz,
- aEvent.Ore);
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case cableGt01:
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Tin) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingWireTin, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.AnyCopper) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingWireCopper,
- aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Gold) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingWireGold, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.AnyIron) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingWireIron, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- case lens:
- if (aMaterial.contains(SubTag.TRANSPARENT) && aMaterial.mColor != Dyes._NULL) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(
- "craftingLens"
- + aMaterial.mColor.toString().replaceFirst("dye", ""),
- aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- case plate:
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Plastic || aMaterial == Materials.Rubber) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.sheet, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Silicon) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.item, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Wood) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.addToBlacklist(aEvent.Ore);
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.plank, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- case cell:
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Empty) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.addToBlacklist(aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- case gearGt:
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.gear, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
+ case crystal:
+ if ((aMaterial == Materials.CertusQuartz) || (aMaterial == Materials.NetherQuartz) || (aMaterial == Materials.Fluix)) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.gem, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case gem:
+ switch (aMaterial) {
+ case Lapis:
+ case Sodalite:
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBlue, aEvent.Ore);
- case stick:
- if (!GT_RecipeRegistrator.sRodMaterialList.contains(aMaterial)) {
- GT_RecipeRegistrator.sRodMaterialList.add(aMaterial);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Wood) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.addToBlacklist(aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Tin || aMaterial == Materials.Lead
- || aMaterial == Materials.SolderingAlloy) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(ToolDictNames.craftingToolSolderingMetal,
- aEvent.Ore);
- }
+ case Lazurite:
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeCyan, aEvent.Ore);
- case dust:
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Salt) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("itemSalt", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Wood) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("pulpWood", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Wheat) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("foodFlour", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Lapis) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBlue, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Lazurite) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeCyan, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Sodalite) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBlue, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Cocoa) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBrown, aEvent.Ore);
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("foodCocoapowder", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Coffee) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBrown, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.BrownLimonite) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBrown, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.YellowLimonite) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeYellow, aEvent.Ore);
- }
+ case InfusedAir:
+ case InfusedWater:
+ case InfusedFire:
+ case InfusedEarth:
+ case InfusedOrder:
+ case InfusedEntropy:
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(aMaterial.name().replaceFirst("Infused", "shard"), aEvent.Ore);
- case ingot:
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Rubber) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("itemRubber", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.FierySteel) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("fieryIngot", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.IronWood) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("ironwood", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Steeleaf) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("steeleaf", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Knightmetal) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("knightmetal", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (aMaterial == Materials.Brass && aEvent.Ore.getItemDamage() == 2
- && aEvent.Ore.getUnlocalizedName().equals("item.ingotBrass")
- && new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 0).getUnlocalizedName()
- .contains("red")) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.set(OrePrefixes.ingot, Materials.RedAlloy,
- new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 0));
- GT_OreDictUnificator.set(OrePrefixes.ingot, Materials.BlueAlloy,
- new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 1));
- GT_OreDictUnificator.set(OrePrefixes.ingot, Materials.Brass,
- new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 2));
- GT_Values.RA.addCutterRecipe(new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 3),
- new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 16, 4), null, 400, 8);
- }
+ case Chocolate:
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBrown, aEvent.Ore);
+ case CertusQuartz:
+ case NetherQuartz:
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.item.get(aMaterial), aEvent.Ore);
+ case Fluix:
+ case Quartz:
+ case Quartzite:
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.crystal, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingQuartz, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case cableGt01:
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Tin) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingWireTin, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.AnyCopper) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingWireCopper, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Gold) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingWireGold, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.AnyIron) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OreDictNames.craftingWireIron, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case lens:
+ if ((aMaterial.contains(SubTag.TRANSPARENT)) && (aMaterial.mColor != Dyes._NULL)) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("craftingLens" + aMaterial.mColor.toString().replaceFirst("dye", ""), aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case plate:
+ if ((aMaterial == Materials.Plastic) || (aMaterial == Materials.Rubber)) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.sheet, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Silicon) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.item, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Wood) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.addToBlacklist(aEvent.Ore);
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.plank, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case cell:
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Empty) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.addToBlacklist(aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case gearGt:
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.gear, aMaterial, aEvent.Ore);
+ break;
+ case stick:
+ if (!GT_RecipeRegistrator.sRodMaterialList.contains(aMaterial)) {
+ GT_RecipeRegistrator.sRodMaterialList.add(aMaterial);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Wood) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.addToBlacklist(aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if ((aMaterial == Materials.Tin) || (aMaterial == Materials.Lead) || (aMaterial == Materials.SolderingAlloy)) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(ToolDictNames.craftingToolSolderingMetal, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case dust:
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Salt) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("itemSalt", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Wood) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("pulpWood", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Wheat) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("foodFlour", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Lapis) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBlue, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Lazurite) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeCyan, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Sodalite) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBlue, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Cocoa) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBrown, aEvent.Ore);
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("foodCocoapowder", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Coffee) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBrown, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.BrownLimonite) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeBrown, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.YellowLimonite) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(Dyes.dyeYellow, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ingot:
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Rubber) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("itemRubber", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.FierySteel) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("fieryIngot", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.IronWood) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("ironwood", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Steeleaf) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("steeleaf", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (aMaterial == Materials.Knightmetal) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("knightmetal", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if ((aMaterial == Materials.Brass) && (aEvent.Ore.getItemDamage() == 2)
+ && (aEvent.Ore.getUnlocalizedName().equals("item.ingotBrass"))
+ && (new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 0).getUnlocalizedName().contains("red"))) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.set(OrePrefixes.ingot, Materials.RedAlloy, new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 0));
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.set(OrePrefixes.ingot, Materials.BlueAlloy, new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 1));
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.set(OrePrefixes.ingot, Materials.Brass, new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 2));
+ GT_Values.RA.addCutterRecipe(new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 1, 3), new ItemStack(aEvent.Ore.getItem(), 16, 4),
+ null, 400, 8);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
if (aPrefix.mIsUnificatable && !aMaterial.mUnificatable) {
- }
- else {
- for (final Dyes tDye : Dyes.VALUES) {
+ } else {
+ for (Dyes tDye : Dyes.VALUES) {
if (aEvent.Name.endsWith(tDye.name().replaceFirst("dye", ""))) {
- GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName
- + " Oh man, why the fuck would anyone need a OreDictified Color for this, that is even too much for GregTech... do not report this, this is just a random Comment about how ridiculous this is.");
+ GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " Oh man, why the fuck would anyone need a OreDictified Color for this, that is even too much for GregTech... do not report this, this is just a random Comment about how ridiculous this is.");
- // System.out.println("Material Name:
- // "+aEvent.Name+ " !!!Unknown Material
- // detected!!! Please report to GregTech
- // Intergalactical for additional compatiblity.
- // This is not an Error, an Issue nor a Lag
- // Source, it is just an Information, which you
- // should pass to me.");
- // GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses an
- // unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.");
+ // System.out.println("Material Name: "+aEvent.Name+ " !!!Unknown Material detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, an Issue nor a Lag Source, it is just an Information, which you should pass to me.");
+ // GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.");
- }
- else {
- aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
+ } else {
+ aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
- }
- else if (aPrefix.mIsSelfReferencing) {
- aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[] {
- aEvent.Ore
- }));
- }
- else {
+ } else if (aPrefix.mIsSelfReferencing) {
+ aPrefix.add(GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{aEvent.Ore}));
+ } else {
GT_Log.ore.println(tModToName + " uses a Prefix as full OreDict Name, and is therefor invalid.");
aEvent.Ore.setStackDisplayName("Invalid OreDictionary Tag");
switch (aPrefix) {
- case dye:
- if (GT_Utility.isStringValid(tName)) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.dye, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- case stoneSmooth:
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("stone", aEvent.Ore);
- break;
- case stoneCobble:
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("cobblestone", aEvent.Ore);
- break;
- case plank:
- if (tName.equals("Wood")) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.addItemData(aEvent.Ore,
- new ItemData(Materials.Wood, 3628800L, new MaterialStack[0]));
- }
- break;
- case slab:
- if (tName.equals("Wood")) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.addItemData(aEvent.Ore,
- new ItemData(Materials.Wood, 1814400L, new MaterialStack[0]));
- }
- break;
- case sheet:
- if (tName.equals("Plastic")) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.plate, Materials.Plastic, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (tName.equals("Rubber")) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.plate, Materials.Rubber, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- case crafting:
- if (tName.equals("ToolSolderingMetal")) {
- GregTech_API.registerSolderingMetal(aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (tName.equals("IndustrialDiamond")) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.addToBlacklist(aEvent.Ore);
- }
- if (tName.equals("WireCopper")) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.wire, Materials.Copper, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- case wood:
- if (tName.equals("Rubber")) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("logRubber", aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- case food:
- if (tName.equals("Cocoapowder")) {
- GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.Cocoa, aEvent.Ore);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ case dye:
+ if (GT_Utility.isStringValid(tName)) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.dye, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case stoneSmooth:
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("stone", aEvent.Ore);
+ break;
+ case stoneCobble:
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("cobblestone", aEvent.Ore);
+ break;
+ case plank:
+ if (tName.equals("Wood")) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.addItemData(aEvent.Ore, new ItemData(Materials.Wood, 3628800L, new MaterialStack[0]));
+ }
+ break;
+ case slab:
+ if (tName.equals("Wood")) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.addItemData(aEvent.Ore, new ItemData(Materials.Wood, 1814400L, new MaterialStack[0]));
+ }
+ break;
+ case sheet:
+ if (tName.equals("Plastic")) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.plate, Materials.Plastic, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (tName.equals("Rubber")) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.plate, Materials.Rubber, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case crafting:
+ if (tName.equals("ToolSolderingMetal")) {
+ GregTech_API.registerSolderingMetal(aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (tName.equals("IndustrialDiamond")) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.addToBlacklist(aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ if (tName.equals("WireCopper")) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.wire, Materials.Copper, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case wood:
+ if (tName.equals("Rubber")) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("logRubber", aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ case food:
+ if (tName.equals("Cocoapowder")) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(OrePrefixes.dust, Materials.Cocoa, aEvent.Ore);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
- // GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre = new
- // GregtechOreDictEventContainer(aEvent, aPrefix, aMaterial, aMod);
- final OreDictEventContainer tOreFake = new OreDictEventContainer(aEvent, aPrefix, aMaterial, aMod);
- if (!Meta_GT_Proxy.mOreDictActivated || !GregTech_API.sUnificationEntriesRegistered) {
- Meta_GT_Proxy.mEventsFake.add(tOreFake);
+ //GregtechOreDictEventContainer tOre = new GregtechOreDictEventContainer(aEvent, aPrefix, aMaterial, aMod);
+ OreDictEventContainer tOreFake = new OreDictEventContainer(aEvent, aPrefix, aMaterial, aMod);
+ if ((!mOreDictActivated) || (!GregTech_API.sUnificationEntriesRegistered)) {
+ mEventsFake.add(tOreFake);
+ } else {
+ mEventsFake.clear();
- else {
- Meta_GT_Proxy.mEventsFake.clear();
+ if (mOreDictActivated) {
+ registerRecipes(tOreFake);
- if (Meta_GT_Proxy.mOreDictActivated) {
- Meta_GT_Proxy.registerRecipes(tOreFake);
- }
- }
- catch (final Throwable e) {
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ /**
+ * This gives you a new BaseMetaTileEntity. As some Interfaces are not always loaded (Buildcraft, Univeral Electricity) I have to use Invocation at the Constructor of the BaseMetaTileEntity
+ */
+ private static Class<BaseMetaTileEntity> sBaseMetaTileEntityClass = null;
+ public static BaseMetaTileEntity constructBaseMetaTileEntity() {
+ if (sBaseMetaTileEntityClass == null) {
+ try {
+ return (BaseMetaTileEntity) (sBaseMetaTileEntityClass = BaseMetaTileEntity.class).newInstance();
+ } catch (Throwable e) {/*Do nothing*/}
+ }
+ try {
+ return (BaseMetaTileEntity) (sBaseMetaTileEntityClass.newInstance());
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Fatal Error ocurred while initializing TileEntities, crashing Minecraft.");
+ e.printStackTrace(GT_Log.err);
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }