path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/recipes/GregtechRecipeAdder.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/recipes/GregtechRecipeAdder.java')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/recipes/GregtechRecipeAdder.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/recipes/GregtechRecipeAdder.java
index 6374a5f36a..bf752c2c79 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/recipes/GregtechRecipeAdder.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/recipes/GregtechRecipeAdder.java
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.recipes;
import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
+import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
import gregtech.api.util.Recipe_GT;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.util.item.UtilsItems;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.item.ItemUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.interfaces.internal.IGregtech_RecipeAdder;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.recipes.machines.RECIPEHANDLER_CokeOven;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.recipes.machines.RECIPEHANDLER_MatterFabricator;
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
public class GregtechRecipeAdder implements IGregtech_RecipeAdder {
public boolean addCokeOvenRecipe(ItemStack aInput1, ItemStack aInput2, FluidStack aFluidInput, FluidStack aFluidOutput, ItemStack aOutput, int aDuration, int aEUt) {
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ public class GregtechRecipeAdder implements IGregtech_RecipeAdder {
return false;
public boolean addMatterFabricatorRecipe(FluidStack aFluidInput, FluidStack aFluidOutput, int aDuration, int aEUt) {
try {
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ public class GregtechRecipeAdder implements IGregtech_RecipeAdder {
} catch (NullPointerException e){e.getStackTrace();}
//RECIPEHANDLER_MatterFabricator.debug4(aFluidInput, aFluidOutput, aDuration, aEUt);
if (aFluidInput == null){
//Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sMatterFabRecipes.addRecipe(true, null, new FluidStack[]{aFluidOutput}, aDuration, aEUt, 0);
@@ -107,13 +108,13 @@ public class GregtechRecipeAdder implements IGregtech_RecipeAdder {
public boolean addFuel(ItemStack aInput1, ItemStack aOutput1, int aEU, int aType) {
- if (aInput1 == null) {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Fuel Input is Invalid.");
- return false;
- }
- //new GregtechRecipe(aInput1, aOutput1, GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("fuel_" + aType, aInput1, aEU), aType);
- return true;
- }
+ if (aInput1 == null) {
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Fuel Input is Invalid.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //new GregtechRecipe(aInput1, aOutput1, GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("fuel_" + aType, aInput1, aEU), aType);
+ return true;
+ }
public boolean addDehydratorRecipe(ItemStack aItemA, ItemStack aItemB, FluidStack aFluid, ItemStack[] aOutputItems, FluidStack aOutputFluid, int aDuration, int aEUt) {
@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ public class GregtechRecipeAdder implements IGregtech_RecipeAdder {
return false;
public boolean addDehydratorRecipe(ItemStack aItemA, ItemStack aItemB, ItemStack[] aOutputItems, int aDuration, int aEUt) {
if ((aItemA == null) || (aItemB == null) || (aOutputItems == null)) {
@@ -145,20 +146,9 @@ public class GregtechRecipeAdder implements IGregtech_RecipeAdder {
RECIPEHANDLER_Dehydrator.debug5(aItemA, aItemB, null, null, aOutputItems, aDuration, aEUt);
return true;
- @Override
- public boolean addDehydratorRecipe(ItemStack aInput, FluidStack aFluid, ItemStack[] aOutput, int aDuration, int aEUt) {
- if ((aInput == null) || (aFluid == null) || (aOutput == null)) {
- return false;
- }
- if ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("dehydrator", aInput, aDuration)) <= 0) {
- return false;
- }
- Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sChemicalDehydratorRecipes.addRecipe(true, new ItemStack[]{aInput}, aOutput, null, new FluidStack[]{aFluid}, null, aDuration, aEUt, 0);
- RECIPEHANDLER_Dehydrator.debug5(aInput, null, aFluid, null, aOutput, aDuration, aEUt);
- return true;
- }
public boolean addDehydratorRecipe(FluidStack aFluid, FluidStack aOutputFluid, ItemStack[] aOutputItems, int aDuration, int aEUt){
if ((aFluid == null) || (aOutputFluid == null || aOutputItems == null)) {
@@ -171,64 +161,105 @@ public class GregtechRecipeAdder implements IGregtech_RecipeAdder {
RECIPEHANDLER_Dehydrator.debug5(null, null, aFluid, aOutputFluid, aOutputItems, aDuration, aEUt);
return true;
- public boolean addDehydratorRecipe(ItemStack[] aInput, FluidStack aFluidInput, FluidStack aFluidOutput, ItemStack[] aOutputItems, int[] aChances, int aDuration, int aEUt) {
+ public boolean addDehydratorRecipe(ItemStack aInput, FluidStack aFluid, ItemStack[] aOutput, int aDuration, int aEUt) {
Utils.LOG_INFO("Trying to add a Dehydrator recipe.");
- if (aInput[0] != null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe requires input: "+aInput[0].getDisplayName()+" x"+aInput[0].stackSize);
- }
- if (aInput[1] != null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe requires input: "+aInput[1].getDisplayName()+" x"+aInput[1].stackSize);
- }
- if (aFluidInput != null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe requires input: "+aFluidInput.getFluid().getName()+" "+aFluidInput.amount+"mbst");
- }
- if (((aInput[0] == null) && (aFluidInput == null)) || ((aOutputItems == null) && (aFluidOutput == null))) {
- return false;
- }
- if ((aOutputItems != null) && ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("dehydrator", aOutputItems[0], aDuration)) <= 0)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (aOutputItems != null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe will output: "+UtilsItems.getArrayStackNames(aOutputItems));
- }
- if ((aFluidOutput != null) && ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("dehydrator", aFluidOutput.getFluid().getName(), aDuration)) <= 0)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (aFluidOutput != null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe will output: "+aFluidOutput.getFluid().getName());
- }
- if (aInput[1] == null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Dehydrator recipe only has a single input item.");
- Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sChemicalDehydratorRecipes.addRecipe(true, aInput, aOutputItems, null, aChances, new FluidStack[]{aFluidInput}, new FluidStack[]{aFluidOutput}, aDuration, aEUt, 0);
- }
- else {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Dehydrator recipe has two input items.");
- Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sChemicalDehydratorRecipes.addRecipe(true, aInput, aOutputItems, null, aChances, new FluidStack[]{aFluidInput}, new FluidStack[]{aFluidOutput}, aDuration, aEUt, 0);
- }
- return true;
- }
+ try{
+ if ((aInput == null) || (aFluid == null) || (aOutput == null)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("dehydrator", aInput, aDuration)) <= 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sChemicalDehydratorRecipes.addRecipe(true, new ItemStack[]{aInput}, aOutput, null, new FluidStack[]{aFluid}, null, aDuration, aEUt, 0);
+ //RECIPEHANDLER_Dehydrator.debug5(aInput, null, aFluid, null, aOutput, aDuration, aEUt);
+ return true;
+ }catch (NullPointerException e){Utils.LOG_INFO("FAILED TO LOAD RECIPES - NULL POINTER SOMEWHERE");return false;}
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean addDehydratorRecipe(ItemStack[] aInput, FluidStack aFluidInput, FluidStack aFluidOutput, ItemStack[] aOutputItems, int[] aChances, int aDuration, int aEUt) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException{
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Trying to add a Dehydrator recipe.");
+ try{
+ if (aInput[0] != null){
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe requires input: "+aInput[0].getDisplayName()+" x"+aInput[0].stackSize);
+ }
+ if (aInput.length > 1){
+ if (aInput[1] != null){
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe requires input: "+aInput[1].getDisplayName()+" x"+aInput[1].stackSize);
+ }
+ }
+ if (aFluidInput != null){
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe requires input: "+aFluidInput.getFluid().getName()+" "+aFluidInput.amount+"mbst");
+ }
+ if (((aInput[0] == null) && (aFluidInput == null)) || ((aOutputItems == null) && (aFluidOutput == null))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((aOutputItems != null) && ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("dehydrator", aOutputItems[0], aDuration)) <= 0)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (aOutputItems != null){
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe will output: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(aOutputItems));
+ }
+ if ((aFluidOutput != null) && ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("dehydrator", aFluidOutput.getFluid().getName(), aDuration)) <= 0)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (aFluidOutput != null){
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe will output: "+aFluidOutput.getFluid().getName());
+ }
+ if (aInput.length == 1){
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Dehydrator recipe only has a single input item.");
+ Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sChemicalDehydratorRecipes.addRecipe(true, aInput, aOutputItems, null, aChances, new FluidStack[]{aFluidInput}, new FluidStack[]{aFluidOutput}, aDuration, aEUt, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Dehydrator recipe has two input items.");
+ Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sChemicalDehydratorRecipes.addRecipe(true, aInput, aOutputItems, null, aChances, new FluidStack[]{aFluidInput}, new FluidStack[]{aFluidOutput}, aDuration, aEUt, 0);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }catch (NullPointerException e){Utils.LOG_INFO("FAILED TO LOAD RECIPES - NULL POINTER SOMEWHERE");return false;}
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean addBlastSmelterRecipe(ItemStack[] aInput, FluidStack aOutput, int aChance, int aDuration, int aEUt) {
+ if ((aInput == null) || (aOutput == null)) {
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Fail - Input or Output was null.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (aOutput.isFluidEqual(Materials.PhasedGold.getMolten(1))) {
+ aOutput = Materials.VibrantAlloy.getMolten(aOutput.amount);
+ }
+ if (aOutput.isFluidEqual(Materials.PhasedIron.getMolten(1))) {
+ aOutput = Materials.PulsatingIron.getMolten(aOutput.amount);
+ }
+ if ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("blastsmelter", aOutput.getFluid().getName(), aDuration)) <= 0) {
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("Recipe did not register.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int das=0;das<aInput.length;das++){
+ if (aInput[das] != null)
+ Utils.LOG_INFO("tMaterial["+das+"]: "+aInput[das].getDisplayName()+", Amount: "+aInput[das].stackSize);
+ }
+ Recipe_GT.Gregtech_Recipe_Map.sAlloyBlastSmelterRecipes.addRecipe(true, aInput, new ItemStack[]{null}, null, new int[]{aChance}, null, new FluidStack[]{aOutput}, aDuration, aEUt, 0);
+ return true;
+ }