path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod')
13 files changed, 900 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Muffler_Adv.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Muffler_Adv.java
index 8c0c47bea2..2832941bdd 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Muffler_Adv.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Muffler_Adv.java
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Muffler_Adv extends GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch
try {
- Integer a1 = (int) StaticFields59.getFieldFromGregtechProxy(false, "mPollutionSmogLimit");
+ Integer a1 = (int) StaticFields59.getFieldFromGregtechProxy("mPollutionSmogLimit");
if (a1 != null && a1 > 0) {
mPollutionSmogLimit = a1;
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid.java
index 929dee22e4..8a29dc5db2 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid.java
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations;
-import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
-import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
-import gregtech.GT_Mod;
import gregtech.api.enums.Dyes;
-import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
import gregtech.api.enums.SubTag;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.ITexture;
@@ -12,10 +8,9 @@ import gregtech.api.interfaces.metatileentity.IMetaTileEntity;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid;
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_RenderedTexture;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.enums.GregtechOrePrefixes.GT_Materials;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.StaticFields59;
+import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
public class GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid extends GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid {
@@ -23,7 +18,7 @@ public class GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid extends GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid {
public static final boolean mGt6Pipe;
static {
- Boolean aGt6 = (Boolean) StaticFields59.getFieldFromGregtechProxy(false, "gt6Pipe");
+ Boolean aGt6 = (Boolean) StaticFields59.getFieldFromGregtechProxy("gt6Pipe");
if (aGt6 != null) {
mGt6Pipe = aGt6;
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java
index 7505c2a808..77f3a31020 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/Meta_GT_Proxy.java
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.minecraft.FormattedTooltipString;
import gtPlusPlus.core.handler.AchievementHandler;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.ELEMENT;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.FluidUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.MaterialUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.metatileentity.BaseCustomTileEntity;
@@ -91,8 +92,10 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
throw new RuntimeException("");
- //Gotta set it here so that we don't try call gregtech too early.
- StaticFields59.mGT6StylePipes = (boolean) StaticFields59.getFieldFromGregtechProxy(true, "gt6Pipe");
+ //Gotta set it here so that we don't try call gregtech too early.
+ //Must set on the correct side
+ StaticFields59.mGT6StylePipes = (boolean) StaticFields59.getFieldFromGregtechProxy("gt6Pipe");
GT_Log.out.println("GT++ Mod: Registering the BaseMetaTileEntity.");
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(tBaseMetaTileEntity.getClass(), "BaseMetaTileEntity_GTPP");
@@ -376,7 +379,7 @@ public class Meta_GT_Proxy {
* @deprecated Use {@link StaticFields59#getFieldFromGregtechProxy(boolean,String)} instead
public static Object getFieldFromGregtechProxy(boolean client, String fieldName) {
- return StaticFields59.getFieldFromGregtechProxy(client, fieldName);
+ return StaticFields59.getFieldFromGregtechProxy(fieldName);
public void setCustomGregtechTooltip(String aNbtTagName, FormattedTooltipString aData) {
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/StaticFields59.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/StaticFields59.java
index 2a3fd5e77c..99563b60ef 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/StaticFields59.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/StaticFields59.java
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map;
import gregtech.common.GT_Proxy;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.reflect.ProxyFinder;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.reflect.ReflectionUtils;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
@@ -183,6 +184,11 @@ public class StaticFields59 {
return null;
+ public static Object getFieldFromGregtechProxy(String fieldName) {
+ return getFieldFromGregtechProxy(Utils.isServer() ? false : true, fieldName);
+ }
public static Object getFieldFromGregtechProxy(boolean client, String fieldName) {
Object proxyGT;
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/helpers/TreeFarmHelper.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/helpers/TreeFarmHelper.java
index 3c60ae664e..624058f356 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/helpers/TreeFarmHelper.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/helpers/TreeFarmHelper.java
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ public class TreeFarmHelper {
if(blockHumus != null){
return blockHumus;
- else if (ReflectionUtils.doesClassExist("forestry.core.blocks.BlockSoil")){
+ else if (isHumusLoaded){
final Class<?> humusClass = ReflectionUtils.getClass("forestry.core.blocks.BlockSoil");
final ItemStack humusStack = ItemUtils.getCorrectStacktype("Forestry:soil", 1);
if (humusClass != null){
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/helpers/treefarm/TreeGenerator.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/helpers/treefarm/TreeGenerator.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7437bf19da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/helpers/treefarm/TreeGenerator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.helpers.treefarm;
+import java.util.Random;
+import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.data.AutoMap;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import net.minecraft.block.Block;
+import net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling;
+import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraft.util.Direction;
+import net.minecraft.world.World;
+import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenAbstractTree;
+import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
+public class TreeGenerator {
+ public static AutoMap<ItemStack> generateOutput(int aTreeSize){
+ AutoMap<ItemStack> aOutputMap = new AutoMap<ItemStack>();
+ return aOutputMap;
+ }
+ public class FakeWorldGenerator extends WorldGenAbstractTree
+ {
+ /** The minimum height of a generated tree. */
+ private final int minTreeHeight;
+ /** True if this tree should grow Vines. */
+ private final boolean vinesGrow;
+ /** The metadata value of the wood to use in tree generation. */
+ private final int metaWood;
+ /** The metadata value of the leaves to use in tree generation. */
+ private final int metaLeaves;
+ private boolean hasGenerated = false;
+ private AutoMap<ItemStack> aOutputsFromGenerator = new AutoMap<ItemStack>();
+ public FakeWorldGenerator()
+ {
+ this(4, 0, 0, false);
+ }
+ public FakeWorldGenerator(int aMinHeight, int aWoodMeta, int aLeafMeta, boolean aVines)
+ {
+ super(false);
+ this.minTreeHeight = aMinHeight;
+ this.metaWood = aWoodMeta;
+ this.metaLeaves = aLeafMeta;
+ this.vinesGrow = aVines;
+ }
+ public AutoMap<ItemStack> getOutputFromTree(){
+ if (!hasGenerated) {
+ generate(null, CORE.RANDOM, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ return aOutputsFromGenerator;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean generate(World aWorld, Random aRand, int aWorldX, int aWorldRealY, int aWorldZ){
+ //Only Generate Once - This object is Cached
+ if (hasGenerated) {
+ return hasGenerated;
+ }
+ //Set some static values
+ //Dummy Value
+ int aWorldY = 10;
+ int l = CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(3) + this.minTreeHeight;
+ boolean flag = true;
+ if (aWorldY >= 1 && aWorldY + l + 1 <= 256)
+ {
+ byte b0;
+ int k1;
+ Block block;
+ for (int i1 = aWorldY; i1 <= aWorldY + 1 + l; ++i1)
+ {
+ b0 = 1;
+ if (i1 == aWorldY)
+ {
+ b0 = 0;
+ }
+ if (i1 >= aWorldY + 1 + l - 2)
+ {
+ b0 = 2;
+ }
+ for (int j1 = aWorldX - b0; j1 <= aWorldX + b0 && flag; ++j1)
+ {
+ for (k1 = aWorldZ - b0; k1 <= aWorldZ + b0 && flag; ++k1)
+ {
+ if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < 256)
+ {
+ block = aWorld.getBlock(j1, i1, k1);
+ if (!this.isReplaceable(aWorld, j1, i1, k1))
+ {
+ flag = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ flag = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!flag)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Block block2 = aWorld.getBlock(aWorldX, aWorldY - 1, aWorldZ);
+ boolean isSoil = block2.canSustainPlant(aWorld, aWorldX, aWorldY - 1, aWorldZ, ForgeDirection.UP, (BlockSapling)Blocks.sapling);
+ if (isSoil && aWorldY < 256 - l - 1)
+ {
+ block2.onPlantGrow(aWorld, aWorldX, aWorldY - 1, aWorldZ, aWorldX, aWorldY, aWorldZ);
+ b0 = 3;
+ byte b1 = 0;
+ int l1;
+ int i2;
+ int j2;
+ int i3;
+ for (k1 = aWorldY - b0 + l; k1 <= aWorldY + l; ++k1)
+ {
+ i3 = k1 - (aWorldY + l);
+ l1 = b1 + 1 - i3 / 2;
+ for (i2 = aWorldX - l1; i2 <= aWorldX + l1; ++i2)
+ {
+ j2 = i2 - aWorldX;
+ for (int k2 = aWorldZ - l1; k2 <= aWorldZ + l1; ++k2)
+ {
+ int l2 = k2 - aWorldZ;
+ if (Math.abs(j2) != l1 || Math.abs(l2) != l1 || CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(2) != 0 && i3 != 0)
+ {
+ Block block1 = aWorld.getBlock(i2, k1, k2);
+ if (block1.isAir(aWorld, i2, k1, k2) || block1.isLeaves(aWorld, i2, k1, k2))
+ {
+ this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, i2, k1, k2, Blocks.leaves, this.metaLeaves);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (k1 = 0; k1 < l; ++k1)
+ {
+ block = aWorld.getBlock(aWorldX, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ);
+ if (block.isAir(aWorld, aWorldX, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ) || block.isLeaves(aWorld, aWorldX, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ))
+ {
+ this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, aWorldX, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ, Blocks.log, this.metaWood);
+ if (this.vinesGrow && k1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(3) > 0 && aWorld.isAirBlock(aWorldX - 1, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ))
+ {
+ this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, aWorldX - 1, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ, Blocks.vine, 8);
+ }
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(3) > 0 && aWorld.isAirBlock(aWorldX + 1, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ))
+ {
+ this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, aWorldX + 1, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ, Blocks.vine, 2);
+ }
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(3) > 0 && aWorld.isAirBlock(aWorldX, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ - 1))
+ {
+ this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, aWorldX, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ - 1, Blocks.vine, 1);
+ }
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(3) > 0 && aWorld.isAirBlock(aWorldX, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ + 1))
+ {
+ this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, aWorldX, aWorldY + k1, aWorldZ + 1, Blocks.vine, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.vinesGrow)
+ {
+ for (k1 = aWorldY - 3 + l; k1 <= aWorldY + l; ++k1)
+ {
+ i3 = k1 - (aWorldY + l);
+ l1 = 2 - i3 / 2;
+ for (i2 = aWorldX - l1; i2 <= aWorldX + l1; ++i2)
+ {
+ for (j2 = aWorldZ - l1; j2 <= aWorldZ + l1; ++j2)
+ {
+ if (aWorld.getBlock(i2, k1, j2).isLeaves(aWorld, i2, k1, j2))
+ {
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(4) == 0 && aWorld.getBlock(i2 - 1, k1, j2).isAir(aWorld, i2 - 1, k1, j2))
+ {
+ this.growVines(aWorld, i2 - 1, k1, j2, 8);
+ }
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(4) == 0 && aWorld.getBlock(i2 + 1, k1, j2).isAir(aWorld, i2 + 1, k1, j2))
+ {
+ this.growVines(aWorld, i2 + 1, k1, j2, 2);
+ }
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(4) == 0 && aWorld.getBlock(i2, k1, j2 - 1).isAir(aWorld, i2, k1, j2 - 1))
+ {
+ this.growVines(aWorld, i2, k1, j2 - 1, 1);
+ }
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(4) == 0 && aWorld.getBlock(i2, k1, j2 + 1).isAir(aWorld, i2, k1, j2 + 1))
+ {
+ this.growVines(aWorld, i2, k1, j2 + 1, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(5) == 0 && l > 5)
+ {
+ for (k1 = 0; k1 < 2; ++k1)
+ {
+ for (i3 = 0; i3 < 4; ++i3)
+ {
+ if (CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(4 - k1) == 0)
+ {
+ l1 = CORE.RANDOM.nextInt(3);
+ this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, aWorldX + Direction.offsetX[Direction.rotateOpposite[i3]], aWorldY + l - 5 + k1, aWorldZ + Direction.offsetZ[Direction.rotateOpposite[i3]], Blocks.cocoa, l1 << 2 | i3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hasGenerated = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Grows vines downward from the given block for a given length. Args: World, x, starty, z, vine-length
+ */
+ private void growVines(World aWorld, int aX, int aY, int aZ, int aMeta)
+ {
+ this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, aX, aY, aZ, Blocks.vine, aMeta);
+ int i1 = 4;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ --aY;
+ if (!aWorld.getBlock(aX, aY, aZ).isAir(aWorld, aX, aY, aZ) || i1 <= 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, aX, aY, aZ, Blocks.vine, aMeta);
+ --i1;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(World aWorld, int aX, int aY, int aZ, Block aBlock, int aMeta) {
+ super.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(aWorld, aX, aY, aZ, aBlock, aMeta);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/items/behaviours/Behaviour_Choocher.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/items/behaviours/Behaviour_Choocher.java
index c74a31055d..f82e0e5cb0 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/items/behaviours/Behaviour_Choocher.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/items/behaviours/Behaviour_Choocher.java
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ import gregtech.api.items.GT_MetaBase_Item;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_LanguageManager;
import gregtech.common.items.behaviors.Behaviour_None;
import gregtech.common.items.behaviors.Behaviour_Wrench;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.NBTUtils;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.PlayerUtils;
public class Behaviour_Choocher
extends Behaviour_None {
@@ -30,30 +33,47 @@ extends Behaviour_None {
if (aWorld.isRemote) {
return false;
+ boolean inWrenchMode;
+ if (NBTUtils.hasKey(aStack, "aMode")) {
+ inWrenchMode = NBTUtils.getBoolean(aStack, "aMode");
+ }
+ else {
+ aStack.getTagCompound().setBoolean("aMode", true);
+ inWrenchMode = true;
+ }
if (aPlayer.isSneaking()){
- if (this.isWrench){
- this.isWrench = false;
- return false;
- }
- this.isWrench = true;
- return false;
+ boolean aModeNew = Utils.invertBoolean(inWrenchMode);
+ aStack.getTagCompound().setBoolean("aMode", aModeNew);
+ PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "Mode: "+(aModeNew ? "Wrench" : "Hammer"));
+ return true;
- else if (!aPlayer.isSneaking()){
- if (this.isWrench){
- this.wrench.onItemUseFirst(aItem, aStack, aPlayer, aWorld, aSide, aSide, aSide, aSide, hitZ, hitZ, hitZ);
- return false;
+ else {
+ if (inWrenchMode){
+ return this.wrench.onItemUseFirst(aItem, aStack, aPlayer, aWorld, aSide, aSide, aSide, aSide, hitZ, hitZ, hitZ);
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.prospecting.onItemUseFirst(aItem, aStack, aPlayer, aWorld, aX, aY, aZ, aSide, hitX, hitY, hitZ);
- this.prospecting.onItemUseFirst(aItem, aStack, aPlayer, aWorld, aX, aY, aZ, aSide, hitX, hitY, hitZ);
- return false;
- return false;
public List<String> getAdditionalToolTips(final GT_MetaBase_Item aItem, final List<String> aList, final ItemStack aStack) {
+ boolean inWrenchMode;
+ if (NBTUtils.hasKey(aStack, "aMode")) {
+ inWrenchMode = NBTUtils.getBoolean(aStack, "aMode");
+ }
+ else {
+ NBTUtils.setBoolean(aStack, "aMode", true);
+ aStack.getTagCompound().setBoolean("aMode", true);
+ inWrenchMode = true;
+ }
- if (this.isWrench){
+ if (inWrenchMode){
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/items/behaviours/Behaviour_Electric_Lighter.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/items/behaviours/Behaviour_Electric_Lighter.java
index 278b556733..64676fa907 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/items/behaviours/Behaviour_Electric_Lighter.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/items/behaviours/Behaviour_Electric_Lighter.java
@@ -7,9 +7,15 @@ import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
import gregtech.api.items.GT_MetaBase_Item;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_LanguageManager;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
-import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility.ItemNBT;
import gregtech.common.items.behaviors.Behaviour_None;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.entity.projectile.EntityLightningAttack;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.entity.projectile.EntityThrowableBomb;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.NBTUtils;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.PlayerUtils;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.sys.KeyboardUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.helpers.ChargingHelper;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.items.MetaGeneratedGregtechTools;
import ic2.api.item.IElectricItemManager;
@@ -19,15 +25,12 @@ import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
+import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
public class Behaviour_Electric_Lighter extends Behaviour_None {
- private final ItemStack mLighter;
- private final long mFuelAmount;
private final String mTooltip = GT_LanguageManager.addStringLocalization("gt.behaviour.lighter.tooltip",
"Can light things on Fire");
private final String mTooltipUses = GT_LanguageManager.addStringLocalization("gt.behaviour.lighter.uses",
@@ -35,9 +38,8 @@ public class Behaviour_Electric_Lighter extends Behaviour_None {
private final String mTooltipUnstackable = GT_LanguageManager.addStringLocalization("gt.behaviour.unstackable",
"Not usable when stacked!");
- public Behaviour_Electric_Lighter(ItemStack aFullLighter, long aFuelAmount) {
- this.mLighter = aFullLighter;
- this.mFuelAmount = aFuelAmount;
+ public Behaviour_Electric_Lighter() {
public boolean onLeftClickEntity(GT_MetaBase_Item aItem, ItemStack aStack, EntityPlayer aPlayer, Entity aEntity) {
@@ -60,30 +62,97 @@ public class Behaviour_Electric_Lighter extends Behaviour_None {
public boolean onItemUse(GT_MetaBase_Item aItem, ItemStack aStack, EntityPlayer aPlayer, World aWorld, int aX,
int aY, int aZ, int aSide, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) {
+ if (!aWorld.isRemote && aStack.stackSize == 1) {
+ if (aPlayer.isSneaking()) {
+ Logger.INFO("Changing Mode");
+ boolean aCurrentMode = NBTUtils.getBoolean(aStack, "aFireballMod");
+ Logger.INFO("Is currently in Fireball mode? "+aCurrentMode);
+ boolean aNewMode = Utils.invertBoolean(aCurrentMode);
+ Logger.INFO("Is now set to Fireball mode? "+aNewMode);
+ aStack.getTagCompound().setBoolean("aFireballMod", aNewMode);
+ //NBTUtils.setBoolean(aStack, "aFireballMode", aNewMode);
+ PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "Current Mode: "+EnumChatFormatting.RED+(aNewMode ? "Projectile" : "Fire Starter"));
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean aCurrentMode = NBTUtils.getBoolean(aStack, "aFireballMod");
+ if (aCurrentMode) {
+ //Shoot Lightning Attack
+ aWorld.playSoundAtEntity(aPlayer, "random.bow", 0.5F, 0.4F / (CORE.RANDOM.nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F));
+ if (!aWorld.isRemote) {
+ aWorld.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningAttack(aWorld, aPlayer, hitX, hitY, hitZ));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //Lights Fires Mode
+ Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter a");
+ boolean rOutput = false;
+ ForgeDirection tDirection = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide);
+ aX += tDirection.offsetX;
+ aY += tDirection.offsetY;
+ aZ += tDirection.offsetZ;
+ if (GT_Utility.isBlockAir(aWorld, aX, aY, aZ) && aPlayer.canPlayerEdit(aX, aY, aZ, aSide, aStack)) {
+ Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter b");
+ if (this.prepare(aStack) || aPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
+ Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter c");
+ GT_Utility.sendSoundToPlayers(aWorld, (String) GregTech_API.sSoundList.get(6), 1.0F, 1.0F, aX, aY,
+ aZ);
+ aWorld.setBlock(aX, aY, aZ, Blocks.fire);
+ rOutput = true;
+ // ItemNBT.setLighterFuel(aStack, tFuelAmount);
+ return rOutput;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter z");
return false;
public boolean onItemUseFirst(GT_MetaBase_Item aItem, ItemStack aStack, EntityPlayer aPlayer, World aWorld, int aX,
int aY, int aZ, int aSide, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) {
- if (!aWorld.isRemote && aStack.stackSize == 1) {
- Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter a");
- boolean rOutput = false;
- ForgeDirection tDirection = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide);
- aX += tDirection.offsetX;
- aY += tDirection.offsetY;
- aZ += tDirection.offsetZ;
- if (GT_Utility.isBlockAir(aWorld, aX, aY, aZ) && aPlayer.canPlayerEdit(aX, aY, aZ, aSide, aStack)) {
- Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter b");
- if (this.prepare(aStack) || aPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
- Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter c");
- GT_Utility.sendSoundToPlayers(aWorld, (String) GregTech_API.sSoundList.get(6), 1.0F, 1.0F, aX, aY,
- aZ);
- aWorld.setBlock(aX, aY, aZ, Blocks.fire);
- rOutput = true;
- // ItemNBT.setLighterFuel(aStack, tFuelAmount);
- return rOutput;
- }
+ if (!aWorld.isRemote && aStack.stackSize == 1) {
+ if (aPlayer.isSneaking()) {
+ Logger.INFO("Changing Mode");
+ boolean aCurrentMode = NBTUtils.getBoolean(aStack, "aFireballMod");
+ Logger.INFO("Is currently in Fireball mode? "+aCurrentMode);
+ boolean aNewMode = Utils.invertBoolean(aCurrentMode);
+ Logger.INFO("Is now set to Fireball mode? "+aNewMode);
+ aStack.getTagCompound().setBoolean("aFireballMod", aNewMode);
+ //NBTUtils.setBoolean(aStack, "aFireballMode", aNewMode);
+ PlayerUtils.messagePlayer(aPlayer, "Current Mode: "+EnumChatFormatting.RED+(aNewMode ? "Projectile" : "Fire Starter"));
+ else {
+ boolean aCurrentMode = NBTUtils.getBoolean(aStack, "aFireballMod");
+ if (aCurrentMode) {
+ //Shoot Lightning Attack
+ aWorld.playSoundAtEntity(aPlayer, "random.bow", 0.5F, 0.4F / (CORE.RANDOM.nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F));
+ if (!aWorld.isRemote) {
+ aWorld.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningAttack(aWorld, aPlayer, hitX, hitY, hitZ));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //Lights Fires Mode
+ Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter a");
+ boolean rOutput = false;
+ ForgeDirection tDirection = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aSide);
+ aX += tDirection.offsetX;
+ aY += tDirection.offsetY;
+ aZ += tDirection.offsetZ;
+ if (GT_Utility.isBlockAir(aWorld, aX, aY, aZ) && aPlayer.canPlayerEdit(aX, aY, aZ, aSide, aStack)) {
+ Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter b");
+ if (this.prepare(aStack) || aPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
+ Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter c");
+ GT_Utility.sendSoundToPlayers(aWorld, (String) GregTech_API.sSoundList.get(6), 1.0F, 1.0F, aX, aY,
+ aZ);
+ aWorld.setBlock(aX, aY, aZ, Blocks.fire);
+ rOutput = true;
+ // ItemNBT.setLighterFuel(aStack, tFuelAmount);
+ return rOutput;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
Logger.WARNING("Preparing Lighter z");
return false;
@@ -138,6 +207,17 @@ public class Behaviour_Electric_Lighter extends Behaviour_None {
NBTTagCompound tNBT = aStack.getTagCompound();
aList.add(this.mTooltipUses + " " + aUses);
+ boolean aCurrentMode;
+ if (NBTUtils.hasKey(aStack, "aFireballMode")) {
+ aCurrentMode = NBTUtils.getBoolean(aStack, "aFireballMod");
+ }
+ else {
+ aStack.getTagCompound().setBoolean("aFireballMod", false);
+ aCurrentMode = false;
+ }
+ aList.add("Current Mode: "+EnumChatFormatting.RED+(aCurrentMode ? "Projectile" : "Fire Starter"));
return aList;
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/production/bedrock/GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/production/bedrock/GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase.java
index 9ac67cf874..fb4884e278 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/production/bedrock/GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/production/bedrock/GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase.java
@@ -3,14 +3,7 @@ package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.multi.production.b
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
-import net.minecraft.block.Block;
-import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
-import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
-import net.minecraft.item.Item;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
-import net.minecraft.world.ChunkPosition;
+import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values;
import gregtech.api.enums.Textures;
import gregtech.api.gui.GT_GUIContainer_MultiMachine;
@@ -22,16 +15,28 @@ import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockB
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_RenderedTexture;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
+import gregtech.common.GT_Worldgen_GT_Ore_Layer;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
+import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.data.AutoMap;
+import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.data.Pair;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.minecraft.BlockPos;
import gtPlusPlus.core.block.ModBlocks;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.ELEMENT;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.Material;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.material.ORES;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.math.MathUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.FluidUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.MiningUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.enums.GregtechItemList;
+import net.minecraft.block.Block;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
+import net.minecraft.world.ChunkPosition;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
+import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase {
@@ -41,7 +46,7 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
private static final Block miningPipeTipBlock;
private final ArrayList<ChunkPosition> oreBlockPositions;
- protected double mProductionModifier = 100;
+ protected double mProductionModifier = 0;
private Block casingBlock;
private int casingMeta;
@@ -113,70 +118,46 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
public void saveNBTData(final NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
aNBT.setDouble("mProductionModifier", mProductionModifier);
- for (int g = 0; g < 5; g++) {
- aNBT.setBoolean("isPickingPipes" + g, this.isPickingPipes[g]);
- }
public void loadNBTData(final NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
this.mProductionModifier = aNBT.getDouble("mProductionModifier");
- for (int g = 0; g < 5; g++) {
- this.isPickingPipes[g] = aNBT.getBoolean("isPickingPipes" + g);
- }
public boolean checkRecipe(final ItemStack aStack) {
- this.setElectricityStats();
+ //this.setElectricityStats();
boolean[] didWork = new boolean[5];
- final int oldYHead = this.yHead[0];
- if (!this.checkPipesAndSetYHead() || !this.isEnergyEnough()) {
- this.stopMachine();
+ if (!this.tryConsumeDrillingFluid()) {
+ Logger.INFO("No drilling Fluid.");
return false;
- if (this.yHead[0] != oldYHead) {
- this.oreBlockPositions.clear();
+ if (MathUtils.isNumberEven((int) this.mProductionModifier)) {
+ if (!this.tryConsumePyrotheum()) {
+ Logger.INFO("No tryConsumePyrotheum Fluid.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ mProductionModifier++;
+ }
- for (int g = 0; g < 5; g++) {
- if (this.isPickingPipes[g]) {
- if (this.tryPickPipe(g)) {
- this.mOutputItems = new ItemStack[] { GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L,
- new Object[] { GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase.miningPipe }) };
- didWork[g] = true;
- continue;
- }
- this.isPickingPipes[g] = false;
- this.stopMachine();
- didWork[g] = false;
+ else {
+ if (!this.tryConsumeCryotheum()) {
+ Logger.INFO("No tryConsumeCryotheum Fluid.");
+ return false;
else {
- this.putMiningPipesFromInputsInController();
- if (!this.tryConsumeDrillingFluid()) {
- return false;
- }
- if (this.oreBlockPositions.isEmpty()) {
- // Hit bedrock Either retract pipe or Dig!
- if (!this.tryLowerPipe(g)) {
- // Mining Head is too high, we best retract.
- if (!mMiningHeads.isEmpty() && mMiningHeads.containsKey(g) && mMiningHeads.get(g).yPos >= 6) {
- for (int r = 0; r < 5; r++) {
- this.isPickingPipes[r] = true;
- }
- didWork[g] = this.isPickingPipes[g];
- }
- // Full Power!
- else {
- didWork[g] = true;
- }
- }
- }
+ mProductionModifier++;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ process();
+ didWork[i] = true;
+ }
// Fail recipe handling if one pipe didn't handle properly, to try again
// next run.
@@ -186,7 +167,11 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
return false;
- // Logger.INFO("[Bedrock Miner] Success? [x]");
+ this.mEUt = 8000;
+ this.mMaxProgresstime = 1;
+ this.mEfficiencyIncrease = 10000;
return true;
@@ -228,13 +213,15 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
private void setElectricityStats() {
//this.mEfficiency = this.getCurrentEfficiency((ItemStack) null);
this.mEfficiencyIncrease = 10000;
- final int overclock = 1 << GT_Utility.getTier(this.getMaxInputVoltage()) - 1;
- this.mEUt = -12 * overclock * overclock;
+ final int overclock = 8 << GT_Utility.getTier(this.getMaxInputVoltage());
+ //this.mEUt = -12 * overclock * overclock;
+ Logger.INFO("Trying to set EU to "+(12 * overclock * overclock));
int mCombinedAvgTime = 0;
for (int g = 0; g < 5; g++) {
mCombinedAvgTime += (this.isPickingPipes[g] ? 80 : this.getBaseProgressTime()) / overclock;
- this.mMaxProgresstime = (mCombinedAvgTime / 5);
+ Logger.INFO("Trying to set Max Time to "+(mCombinedAvgTime));
+ //this.mMaxProgresstime = (mCombinedAvgTime / 5);
@@ -282,16 +269,16 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
boolean g = (this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getWorld().getTotalWorldTime() % 2 == 0);
consumed = (g ? tryConsumePyrotheum() : tryConsumeCryotheum());
if (consumed) {
- increaseProduction(g ? 2 : 1);
+ //increaseProduction(g ? 2 : 1);
else {
- lowerProduction(g ? 5 : 3);
+ //lowerProduction(g ? 5 : 3);
return consumed;
private boolean tryConsumePyrotheum() {
- return this.depleteInput(FluidUtils.getFluidStack("pyrotheum", 2));
+ return this.depleteInput(FluidUtils.getFluidStack("pyrotheum", 4));
private boolean tryConsumeCryotheum() {
@@ -382,11 +369,11 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
boolean didWork[] = new boolean[3];
- if (this.checkBlockAndMeta(this.xCenter[pipe], this.yHead[pipe] - 1, this.zCenter[pipe], Blocks.bedrock,
+ /*if (this.checkBlockAndMeta(this.xCenter[pipe], this.yHead[pipe] - 1, this.zCenter[pipe], Blocks.bedrock,
32767)) {
// Logger.INFO("[Bedrock Miner] Pipe "+pipe+" is at Bedrock.");
return false;
- }
+ }*/
didWork[0] = this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getWorld().setBlock(this.xCenter[pipe], this.yHead[pipe] - 1,
this.zCenter[pipe], GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase.miningPipeTipBlock);
if (didWork[0]) {
@@ -425,7 +412,72 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
public boolean checkMachine(final IGregTechTileEntity aBaseMetaTileEntity, final ItemStack aStack) {
- for (int xOff = -1 + this.back.offsetX; xOff <= 1 + this.back.offsetX; ++xOff) {
+ int xDir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aBaseMetaTileEntity.getBackFacing()).offsetX;
+ int zDir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aBaseMetaTileEntity.getBackFacing()).offsetZ;
+ int tAmount = 0;
+ if (!aBaseMetaTileEntity.getAirOffset(xDir, 0, zDir)) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ Block aCasing = Block.getBlockFromItem(getCasingBlockItem().getItem());
+ for (int i = -1; i < 2; ++i) {
+ for (int j = -1; j < 2; ++j) {
+ for (int h = -1; h < 2; ++h) {
+ if (h != 0 || (xDir + i != 0 || zDir + j != 0) && (i != 0 || j != 0)) {
+ IGregTechTileEntity tTileEntity = aBaseMetaTileEntity.getIGregTechTileEntityOffset(xDir + i,
+ h, zDir + j);
+ Block aBlock = aBaseMetaTileEntity.getBlockOffset(xDir + i, h, zDir + j);
+ int aMeta = aBaseMetaTileEntity.getMetaIDOffset(xDir + i, h, zDir + j);
+ if (!this.addToMachineList(tTileEntity, 48)) {
+ if (aBlock != aCasing) {
+ Logger.INFO("Found Bad Casing");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (aMeta != 3) {
+ Logger.INFO("Found Bad Meta");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ ++tAmount;
+ /*if (!isValidBlockForStructure(tTileEntity, 48, true, aBlock, aMeta, sBlockCasings4, 0)) {
+ Logger.INFO("Bad centrifuge casing");
+ return false;
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tAmount >= 10;
+ }
+ /*for (int xOff = -1 + this.back.offsetX; xOff <= 1 + this.back.offsetX; ++xOff) {
for (int zOff = -1 + this.back.offsetZ; zOff <= 1 + this.back.offsetZ; ++zOff) {
if (xOff != 0 || zOff != 0) {
final Block tBlock = aBaseMetaTileEntity.getBlockOffset(xOff, 0, zOff);
@@ -436,7 +488,7 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
&& !this.addInputToMachineList(tTileEntity, this.casingTextureIndex)
&& !this.addOutputToMachineList(tTileEntity, this.casingTextureIndex)
&& !this.addEnergyInputToMachineList(tTileEntity, this.casingTextureIndex)) {
- Logger.INFO("[Bedrock Miner] Found bad blosck in Structure.");
+ Logger.INFO("[Bedrock Miner] Found bad block in Structure.");
if (tBlock != null) {
//Logger.INFO("[Bedrock Miner] Found "+(new ItemStack(tBlock, tBlock.getDamageValue(aBaseMetaTileEntity.getWorld(), xOff, 0, zOff))).getDisplayName()+", expected "+this.getCasingBlockItem().get(0L, new Object[0]).getDisplayName());
@@ -466,12 +518,12 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
Logger.INFO("[Bedrock Miner] Built.");
- return true;
+ return true;*/
private void updateCoordinates() {
this.xDrill = this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getXCoord();
- this.yDrill = this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getYCoord();
+ this.yDrill = this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getYCoord()-1;
this.zDrill = this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getZCoord();
this.back = ForgeDirection.getOrientation((int) this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getBackFacing());
@@ -495,7 +547,7 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
private boolean checkPipesAndSetYHead() {
for (int g = 0; g < 5; g++) {
- this.yHead[g] = this.yDrill - 1;
+ this.yHead[g] = this.yDrill -5;
// Logger.INFO("[Bedrock Miner] Set yHead["+g+"] to
// "+this.yHead[g]+".");
while (this.checkBlockAndMeta(this.xCenter[g], this.yHead[g], this.zCenter[g],
@@ -504,7 +556,7 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
if (this.checkBlockAndMeta(this.xCenter[g], this.yHead[g], this.zCenter[g],
GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase.miningPipeTipBlock, 32767)
- || ++this.yHead[g] == this.yDrill) {
+ || ++this.yHead[g] == this.yDrill || GT_Utility.isBlockAir(this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getWorld(), this.xCenter[g], this.yHead[g], this.zCenter[g])) {
this.getBaseMetaTileEntity().getWorld().setBlock(this.xCenter[g], this.yHead[g], this.zCenter[g],
@@ -595,4 +647,288 @@ public abstract class GregtechMetaTileEntity_BedrockMiningPlatformBase extends G
miningPipeBlock = ModBlocks.blockFakeMiningPipe;
miningPipeTipBlock = ModBlocks.blockFakeMiningHead;
+ private AutoMap<ItemStack> mOutputs;
+ public void process() {
+ ItemStack aOutput = generateOutputWithchance();
+ if (aOutput != null) {
+ this.addOutput(aOutput);
+ Logger.INFO("Mined some "+aOutput.getDisplayName());
+ }
+ this.updateSlots();
+ }
+ public ItemStack generateOutputWithchance() {
+ int aChance = MathUtils.randInt(0, 7500);
+ if (aChance < 100) {
+ return generateOutput();
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public ItemStack generateOutput() {
+ AutoMap<ItemStack> aData = generateOreForOutput();
+ int aMax = aData.size()-1;
+ return aData.get(MathUtils.randInt(0, aMax));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Here we generate valid ores and also a basic loot set
+ */
+ public AutoMap<ItemStack> generateOreForOutput() {
+ if (mOutputs != null) {
+ return mOutputs;
+ }
+ AutoMap<GT_Worldgen_GT_Ore_Layer> aOverWorldOres = MiningUtils.getOresForDim(0);
+ AutoMap<GT_Worldgen_GT_Ore_Layer> aNetherOres = MiningUtils.getOresForDim(-1);
+ AutoMap<GT_Worldgen_GT_Ore_Layer> aEndOres = MiningUtils.getOresForDim(1);
+ AutoMap<ItemStack> aTempMap = new AutoMap<ItemStack>();
+ Block tOreBlock = GregTech_API.sBlockOres1;
+ Logger.INFO("Ore Map contains "+aTempMap.size()+" values. [Initial]");
+ for (GT_Worldgen_GT_Ore_Layer layer : aOverWorldOres) {
+ if (layer.mEnabled) {
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack1 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mPrimaryMeta, 1);
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack2 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mSecondaryMeta, 1);
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack3 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mBetweenMeta, 1);
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack4 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mSporadicMeta, 1);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack1);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack2);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack3);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack4);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack1);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack2);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack3);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack4);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack1);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack2);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack3);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack4);
+ }
+ }
+ Logger.INFO("Ore Map contains "+aTempMap.size()+" values. [Overworld]");
+ for (GT_Worldgen_GT_Ore_Layer layer : aNetherOres) {
+ if (layer.mEnabled) {
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack1 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mPrimaryMeta, 1);
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack2 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mSecondaryMeta, 1);
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack3 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mBetweenMeta, 1);
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack4 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mSporadicMeta, 1);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack1);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack2);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack3);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack4);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack1);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack2);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack3);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack4);
+ }
+ }
+ Logger.INFO("Ore Map contains "+aTempMap.size()+" values. [Nether]");
+ for (GT_Worldgen_GT_Ore_Layer layer : aEndOres) {
+ if (layer.mEnabled) {
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack1 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mPrimaryMeta, 1);
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack2 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mSecondaryMeta, 1);
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack3 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mBetweenMeta, 1);
+ ItemStack aTempOreStack4 = ItemUtils.simpleMetaStack(tOreBlock, layer.mSporadicMeta, 1);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack1);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack2);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack3);
+ aTempMap.put(aTempOreStack4);
+ }
+ }
+ Logger.INFO("Ore Map contains "+aTempMap.size()+" values. [End]");
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().IRON, 200, aTempMap);
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().COPPER, 175, aTempMap);
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().TIN, 150, aTempMap);
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().GOLD, 150, aTempMap);
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().SILVER, 110, aTempMap);
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().NICKEL, 40, aTempMap);
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().ZINC, 40, aTempMap);
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().LEAD, 40, aTempMap);
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().ALUMINIUM, 30, aTempMap);
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.getInstance().THORIUM, 20, aTempMap);
+ Logger.INFO("Ore Map contains "+aTempMap.size()+" values. [Extra Common Ores]");
+ AutoMap<Pair<String, Integer>> mMixedOreData = new AutoMap<Pair<String, Integer>>();
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreRuby", 30));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreSapphire", 25));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreEmerald", 25));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreLapis", 40));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreRedstone", 40));
+ if (LoadedMods.Thaumcraft || (OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist("oreAmber") && OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist("oreCinnabar"))) {
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreAmber", 20));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreCinnabar", 20));
+ }
+ if (LoadedMods.Railcraft || OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist("oreSaltpeter")) {
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreSaltpeter", 10));
+ }
+ if (LoadedMods.IndustrialCraft2 || OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist("oreUranium")) {
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreUranium", 10));
+ }
+ if (OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist("oreSulfur")) {
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreSulfur", 15));
+ }
+ if (OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist("oreSilicon")) {
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreSilicon", 15));
+ }
+ if (OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist("oreApatite")) {
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreApatite", 25));
+ }
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreFirestone", 2));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreBismuth", 20));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreLithium", 20));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreManganese", 20));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreBeryllium", 20));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreCoal", 75));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreLignite", 75));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreSalt", 15));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreCalcite", 15));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreBauxite", 20));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreAlmandine", 15));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreGraphite", 25));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreGlauconite", 15));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("orePyrolusite", 15));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreGrossular", 15));
+ mMixedOreData.put(new Pair<String, Integer>("oreTantalite", 15));
+ for (Pair<String, Integer> g : mMixedOreData) {
+ for (int i=0; i<g.getValue();i++) {
+ aTempMap.put(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict(g.getKey(), 1));
+ }
+ }
+ Logger.INFO("Ore Map contains "+aTempMap.size()+" values. [Extra Mixed Ores]");
+ addOreTypeToMap(ELEMENT.STANDALONE.RUNITE, 2, aTempMap);
+ Logger.INFO("Ore Map contains "+aTempMap.size()+" values. [OSRS Ores]");
+ AutoMap<Material> aMyOreMaterials = new AutoMap<Material>();
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.CROCROITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.GEIKIELITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.NICHROMITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.TITANITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.ZIMBABWEITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.ZIRCONILITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.GADOLINITE_CE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.GADOLINITE_Y);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.LEPERSONNITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.SAMARSKITE_Y);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.SAMARSKITE_YB);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.XENOTIME);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.YTTRIAITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.YTTRIALITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.YTTROCERITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.ZIRCON);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.POLYCRASE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.ZIRCOPHYLLITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.ZIRKELITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.LANTHANITE_LA);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.LANTHANITE_CE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.LANTHANITE_ND);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.AGARDITE_Y);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.AGARDITE_CD);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.AGARDITE_LA);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.AGARDITE_ND);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.HIBONITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.CERITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.FLUORCAPHITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.FLORENCITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.CRYOLITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.LAUTARITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.LAFOSSAITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.DEMICHELEITE_BR);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.COMANCHEITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.PERROUDITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.HONEAITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.ALBURNITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.MIESSIITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.KASHINITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.IRARSITE);
+ aMyOreMaterials.add(ORES.RADIOBARITE);
+ for (Material aOreType : aMyOreMaterials) {
+ addOreTypeToMap(aOreType, 4, aTempMap);
+ }
+ else {
+ addOreTypeToMap(aOreType, 7, aTempMap);
+ }
+ }
+ //Cleanup Map
+ Logger.INFO("Ore Map contains "+aTempMap.size()+" values. [GT++]");
+ AutoMap<ItemStack> aCleanUp = new AutoMap<ItemStack>();
+ for (ItemStack verify : aTempMap) {
+ if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(verify)) {
+ aCleanUp.put(verify);
+ }
+ }
+ Logger.INFO("Cleanup Map contains "+aCleanUp.size()+" values.");
+ for (ItemStack remove : aCleanUp) {
+ aTempMap.remove(remove);
+ }
+ //Generate Massive Map
+ AutoMap<ItemStack> aFinalMap = new AutoMap<ItemStack>();
+ for (ItemStack aTempItem : aTempMap) {
+ int aTempMulti = MathUtils.randInt(20, 50);
+ for (int i=0;i<aTempMulti;i++) {
+ aFinalMap.put(aTempItem.copy());
+ }
+ }
+ Logger.INFO("Final Ore Map contains "+aFinalMap.size()+" values.");
+ mOutputs = aFinalMap;
+ return mOutputs;
+ }
+ private static void addOreTypeToMap(Material aMaterial, int aAmount, AutoMap<ItemStack> aMap) {
+ for (int i=0; i<aAmount;i++) {
+ aMap.add(aMaterial.getOre(1));
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tools/TOOL_Gregtech_ElectricButcherKnife.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tools/TOOL_Gregtech_ElectricButcherKnife.java
index ff4be9dd93..7aa7529817 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tools/TOOL_Gregtech_ElectricButcherKnife.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tools/TOOL_Gregtech_ElectricButcherKnife.java
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import gregtech.common.items.behaviors.Behaviour_None;
import gregtech.common.tools.GT_Tool;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.blocks.textures.TexturesGtTools;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
+import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityIronGolem;
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ extends GT_Tool {
public int getToolDamagePerBlockBreak() {
- return 50;
+ return 100;
@@ -49,12 +50,12 @@ extends GT_Tool {
public int getToolDamagePerContainerCraft() {
- return 400;
+ return 100;
public int getToolDamagePerEntityAttack() {
- return 100;
+ return 200;
@@ -112,40 +113,9 @@ extends GT_Tool {
- public boolean isWeapon() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
public boolean isMinableBlock(final Block aBlock, final byte aMetaData) {
final String tTool = aBlock.getHarvestTool(aMetaData);
- return (tTool != null) && (tTool.equals("sword") || tTool.equals("file"));
- }
- @Override
- public int convertBlockDrops(final List<ItemStack> aDrops, final ItemStack aStack, final EntityPlayer aPlayer, final Block aBlock, final int aX, final int aY, final int aZ, final byte aMetaData, final int aFortune, final boolean aSilkTouch, final BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent aEvent) {
- int rConversions = 0;
- /*GT_Recipe tRecipe = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sHammerRecipes.findRecipe(null, true, 2147483647L, null, new ItemStack[]{new ItemStack(aBlock, 1, aMetaData)});
- if ((tRecipe == null) || (aBlock.hasTileEntity(aMetaData))) {
- for (final ItemStack tDrop : aDrops) {
- tRecipe = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sHammerRecipes.findRecipe(null, true, 2147483647L, null, new ItemStack[]{GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{tDrop})});
- if (tRecipe != null) {
- final ItemStack tHammeringOutput = tRecipe.getOutput(0);
- if (tHammeringOutput != null) {
- rConversions += tDrop.stackSize;
- tDrop.stackSize *= tHammeringOutput.stackSize;
- tHammeringOutput.stackSize = tDrop.stackSize;
- GT_Utility.setStack(tDrop, tHammeringOutput);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- aDrops.clear();
- aDrops.add(tRecipe.getOutput(0));
- rConversions++;
- }*/
- return rConversions;
+ return (tTool != null) && (tTool.equals("sword") || tTool.equals("knife"));
@@ -193,5 +163,30 @@ extends GT_Tool {
public boolean isGrafter() {
return false;
+ @Override
+ public int getHurtResistanceTime(int aOriginalHurtResistance, Entity aEntity) {
+ return aOriginalHurtResistance * 2;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isWeapon() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isMiningTool() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Enchantment[] getEnchantments(ItemStack aStack) {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int[] getEnchantmentLevels(ItemStack aStack) {
+ return new int[]{(4 + GT_MetaGenerated_Tool.getPrimaryMaterial(aStack).mToolQuality) / 2};
+ }
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tools/TOOL_Gregtech_ElectricLighter.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tools/TOOL_Gregtech_ElectricLighter.java
index cf6f33cc36..36e1161e83 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tools/TOOL_Gregtech_ElectricLighter.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tools/TOOL_Gregtech_ElectricLighter.java
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
import gregtech.api.enums.Textures.ItemIcons;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.IIconContainer;
import gregtech.api.items.GT_MetaGenerated_Tool;
-import gregtech.common.items.behaviors.Behaviour_None;
import gregtech.common.tools.GT_Tool;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.blocks.textures.TexturesGtTools;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.items.behaviours.Behaviour_Electric_Lighter;
@@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ import net.minecraft.stats.AchievementList;
import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent;
-import net.minecraftforge.event.world.BlockEvent;
public class TOOL_Gregtech_ElectricLighter
extends GT_Tool {
@@ -119,36 +117,9 @@ extends GT_Tool {
public boolean isMinableBlock(final Block aBlock, final byte aMetaData) {
- final String tTool = aBlock.getHarvestTool(aMetaData);
- return (tTool != null) && (tTool.equals("sword") || tTool.equals("file"));
+ return false;
- @Override
- public int convertBlockDrops(final List<ItemStack> aDrops, final ItemStack aStack, final EntityPlayer aPlayer, final Block aBlock, final int aX, final int aY, final int aZ, final byte aMetaData, final int aFortune, final boolean aSilkTouch, final BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent aEvent) {
- int rConversions = 0;
- /*GT_Recipe tRecipe = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sHammerRecipes.findRecipe(null, true, 2147483647L, null, new ItemStack[]{new ItemStack(aBlock, 1, aMetaData)});
- if ((tRecipe == null) || (aBlock.hasTileEntity(aMetaData))) {
- for (final ItemStack tDrop : aDrops) {
- tRecipe = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sHammerRecipes.findRecipe(null, true, 2147483647L, null, new ItemStack[]{GT_Utility.copyAmount(1L, new Object[]{tDrop})});
- if (tRecipe != null) {
- final ItemStack tHammeringOutput = tRecipe.getOutput(0);
- if (tHammeringOutput != null) {
- rConversions += tDrop.stackSize;
- tDrop.stackSize *= tHammeringOutput.stackSize;
- tHammeringOutput.stackSize = tDrop.stackSize;
- GT_Utility.setStack(tDrop, tHammeringOutput);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- aDrops.clear();
- aDrops.add(tRecipe.getOutput(0));
- rConversions++;
- }*/
- return rConversions;
- }
public ItemStack getBrokenItem(final ItemStack aStack) {
return null;
@@ -164,10 +135,7 @@ extends GT_Tool {
return !aIsToolHead
? GT_MetaGenerated_Tool.getPrimaryMaterial(aStack).mRGBa
: Materials.Silver.mRGBa;
- }
+ }
public void onToolCrafted(final ItemStack aStack, final EntityPlayer aPlayer) {
@@ -182,12 +150,12 @@ extends GT_Tool {
public IChatComponent getDeathMessage(final EntityLivingBase aPlayer, final EntityLivingBase aEntity) {
- return new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.RED + aEntity.getCommandSenderName() + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + " has been Ground out of existence by " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + aPlayer.getCommandSenderName() + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE);
+ return new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.RED + aEntity.getCommandSenderName() + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + " has been prodded out of existence by " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + aPlayer.getCommandSenderName() + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE);
public void onStatsAddedToTool(final GT_MetaGenerated_Tool aItem, final int aID) {
- aItem.addItemBehavior(aID, new Behaviour_Electric_Lighter(null, 32000));
+ aItem.addItemBehavior(aID, new Behaviour_Electric_Lighter());
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_Ore.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_Ore.java
index 15627a827f..1cb999241a 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_Ore.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_Ore.java
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class RecipeGen_Ore extends RecipeGen_Base {
//If Fourth Output has no solid output, try the Fifth (If it exists)
if (!bonusB.hasSolidForm() && material.getComposites().size() >= 5 && material.getComposites().get(4) != null) {
bonusB = material.getComposites().get(4).getStackMaterial();
- //If Fifth Output has no solid output, default out to Chrome.
+ //If Fifth Output has no solid output, default out to Stone dust.
if (!bonusB.hasSolidForm()) {
allFailed = true;
bonusB = mStone;
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ public class RecipeGen_Ore extends RecipeGen_Base {
//Default out if it's made of fluids or some shit.
if (bonusA == null) {
- bonusA = tVoltageMultiplier <= 100 ? material : mStone;
+ bonusA = tVoltageMultiplier > 100 ? material : mStone;
//Default out if it's made of fluids or some shit.
if (allFailed || bonusB == null) {
- bonusB = tVoltageMultiplier <= 100 ? material : mStone;
+ bonusB = tVoltageMultiplier > 100 ? material : mStone;
AutoMap<Pair<Integer, Material>> componentMap = new AutoMap<Pair<Integer, Material>>();
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/thaumcraft/HANDLER_Thaumcraft.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/thaumcraft/HANDLER_Thaumcraft.java
index 35e608b0ca..8cdfb2afb6 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/thaumcraft/HANDLER_Thaumcraft.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/thaumcraft/HANDLER_Thaumcraft.java
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ public class HANDLER_Thaumcraft {
//sThaumcraftCompat = (IThaumcraftCompat) GT_Utility.callConstructor("gtPlusPlus.xmod.thaumcraft.aspect.GTPP_AspectCompat", 0, null, GT_Values.D1, new Object[0]);
- sThaumcraftCompat = new GTPP_AspectCompat();
+ //sThaumcraftCompat = new GTPP_AspectCompat();
- if (!sItemsToGetAspects.isEmpty() && false) {
+ /*if (!sItemsToGetAspects.isEmpty() && false) {
for (Pair<ItemStack, GTPP_AspectStack[]> j : sItemsToGetAspects) {
if (j .getKey() != null && (j.getValue() != null && j.getValue().length > 0)) {
List<GTPP_AspectStack> list = Arrays.asList(j.getValue());
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public class HANDLER_Thaumcraft {
- }
+ }*/