path: root/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/MaterialsList.java
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diff --git a/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/MaterialsList.java b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/MaterialsList.java
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index 0000000000..e798f2d44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/MaterialsList.java
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+package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner;
+import static Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.BundleHelper.getI18n;
+import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components.ReactorItem;
+import java.text.DecimalFormat;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.SortedMap;
+import java.util.SortedSet;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+ * Represents a list of materials (such as for an IndustrialCraft2 Nuclear Reactor and components).
+ * @author Brian McCloud
+ */
+public final class MaterialsList {
+ private final SortedMap<String, Double> materials = new TreeMap<>();
+ private static boolean useGTRecipes = false;
+ private static boolean useUfcForCoolantCells = false;
+ private static boolean expandAdvancedAlloy = false;
+ private static String gtVersion = "none";
+ // pre-load localized material names as constants to make code more readable.
+ public static final String ALUMINIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.Aluminium");
+ public static final String BERYLLIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.Beryllium");
+ public static final String BRONZE = getI18n("MaterialName.Bronze");
+ public static final String CALLISTOICEDUST = getI18n("MaterialName.CallistoIceDust");
+ public static final String CESIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.CesiumFuel");
+ public static final String COAL = getI18n("MaterialName.Coal");
+ public static final String COAXIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.CoaxiumFuel");
+ public static final String COPPER = getI18n("MaterialName.Copper");
+ public static final String DIAMOND = getI18n("MaterialName.Diamond");
+ public static final String DISTILLED_WATER = getI18n("MaterialName.DistilledWater");
+ // Since GT 5.09 allows different materials for making the "empty cell" (steel, tin, or PTFE), it is treated as a primitive material for GT recipes instead of a crafted item that can be further broken down.
+ public static final String EMPTY_CELL = getI18n("MaterialName.EmptyCell");
+ public static final String ENRICHEDNAQUADAH = getI18n("MaterialName.EnrichedNaquadah");
+ public static final String FLUXEDELECTRUM = getI18n("MaterialName.FluxedElectrum");//too long
+ public static final String GOLD = getI18n("MaterialName.Gold");
+ public static final String GRAPHITE = getI18n("MaterialName.Graphite");
+ public static final String GLASS = getI18n("MaterialName.Glass");
+ public static final String GLOWSTONE = getI18n("MaterialName.GlowstoneDust");
+ public static final String HELIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.Helium");
+ public static final String IRIDIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.Iridium");
+ public static final String IRON = getI18n("MaterialName.Iron");
+ public static final String LAPIS = getI18n("MaterialName.LapisLazuli");
+ public static final String LEAD = getI18n("MaterialName.Lead");
+ public static final String LEDOXDUST = getI18n("MaterialName.LedoxDust");
+ public static final String MOX = getI18n("MaterialName.MoxFuel");
+ public static final String NAQUADRIA = getI18n("MaterialName.Naquadria");
+ public static final String PLATINUM = getI18n("MaterialName.Platinum");
+ public static final String POTASSIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.Potassium");
+ public static final String REDSTONE = getI18n("MaterialName.Redstone");
+ public static final String REINFORCEDGLASS = getI18n("MaterialName.ReinforcedGlass");//alt recipes
+ public static final String RUBBER = getI18n("MaterialName.Rubber");
+ public static final String SODIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.Sodium");
+ public static final String THORIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.Thorium");
+ public static final String TIBERIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.Tiberium");
+ public static final String TIN = getI18n("MaterialName.Tin");
+ public static final String TUNGSTEN = getI18n("MaterialName.Tungsten");
+ public static final String URANIUM = getI18n("MaterialName.UraniumFuel");
+ // Special materials lists for items that may expand differently.
+ public static MaterialsList basicCircuit = new MaterialsList(IRON, 2, REDSTONE, 2, COPPER, 6, RUBBER);
+ public static MaterialsList advancedCircuit = new MaterialsList(basicCircuit, 4, REDSTONE, 2, LAPIS, 2, GLOWSTONE);
+ public static MaterialsList alloy = new MaterialsList(getI18n("MaterialName.AdvancedAlloy"));
+ public static MaterialsList coolantCell = new MaterialsList(1.0 / 3, TIN, DISTILLED_WATER, LAPIS);
+ public static MaterialsList iridiumPlate = new MaterialsList(4, IRIDIUM, 4, alloy, DIAMOND);
+ // some materials lists for crafted items that are part of reactor components without themselves being reactor components.
+ public static final MaterialsList TIN_ITEM_CASING = new MaterialsList(0.5, TIN);
+ public static final MaterialsList COIL = new MaterialsList(IRON, 8.0 / 3, COPPER);
+ public static final MaterialsList ELECTRIC_MOTOR = new MaterialsList(IRON, 2, COIL, 2, TIN_ITEM_CASING);
+ public static final MaterialsList IRON_BARS = new MaterialsList(6.0 / 16, IRON);
+ public static final MaterialsList GLASS_PANE = new MaterialsList(6.0 / 16, GLASS);
+ public static final MaterialsList TIN_ALLOY = new MaterialsList(0.5, TIN, 0.5, IRON);
+ private static Map<String, MaterialsList> componentMaterialsMap = buildComponentMaterialsMap();
+ /**
+ * Creates an empty materials list.
+ */
+ public MaterialsList() {
+ // fields are initialized when declared, so no code is needed in this constructor.
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a materials list with the specified items in it.
+ * @param materials the materials to add, which can be strings that each represent a single material or other MaterialsList objects, and either can be preceded by a number as a count.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other object types are passed as arguments.
+ */
+ public MaterialsList(Object... materials) {
+ add(materials);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the specified items to this materials list.
+ * @param materials the materials to add, which can be strings that each represent a single material or other MaterialsList objects, and either can be preceded by a number as a count.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other object types are passed as arguments.
+ */
+ public void add(Object... materials) {
+ double itemCount = 1;
+ for (Object material : materials) {
+ if (material instanceof String) {
+ final String materialName = (String)material;
+ if (this.materials.containsKey(materialName)) {
+ this.materials.put(materialName, this.materials.get(materialName) + itemCount);
+ } else {
+ this.materials.put(materialName, itemCount);
+ }
+ itemCount = 1;
+ } else if (material instanceof Number) {
+ itemCount = ((Number)material).doubleValue();
+ } else if (material instanceof MaterialsList) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entrySet : ((MaterialsList)material).materials.entrySet()) {
+ if (this.materials.containsKey(entrySet.getKey())) {
+ this.materials.put(entrySet.getKey(), this.materials.get(entrySet.getKey()) + itemCount * entrySet.getValue());
+ } else {
+ this.materials.put(entrySet.getKey(), itemCount * entrySet.getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ itemCount = 1;
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid material type: " + material.getClass().getName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(1000);
+ DecimalFormat materialDecimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(getI18n("UI.MaterialDecimalFormat"));
+ for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entrySet : materials.entrySet()) {
+ double count = entrySet.getValue();
+ String formattedNumber = materialDecimalFormat.format(count);
+ result.append(String.format("%s %s\n", formattedNumber, entrySet.getKey())); //NOI18N
+ }
+ return result.toString();
+ }
+ public String buildComparisonString(MaterialsList rhs, boolean alwaysDiff) {
+ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(1000);
+ SortedSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<>(materials.keySet());
+ keys.addAll(rhs.materials.keySet());
+ DecimalFormat comparisonDecimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(getI18n("Comparison.CompareDecimalFormat"));
+ DecimalFormat simpleDecimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(getI18n("Comparison.SimpleDecimalFormat"));
+ for (String key : keys) {
+ double left = 0;
+ if (materials.containsKey(key)) {
+ left = materials.get(key);
+ }
+ double right = 0;
+ if (rhs.materials.containsKey(key)) {
+ right = rhs.materials.get(key);
+ }
+ String color = "orange";
+ if (left < right) {
+ color = "green";
+ } else if (left > right) {
+ color = "red";
+ }
+ if (alwaysDiff || left != right) {
+ result.append(String.format(getI18n("Comparison.MaterialsEntry"), color,
+ comparisonDecimalFormat.format(left - right), key,
+ simpleDecimalFormat.format(left),
+ simpleDecimalFormat.format(right)));
+ }
+ }
+ return result.toString();
+ }
+ public static void setUseUfcForCoolantCells(boolean value) {
+ useUfcForCoolantCells = value;
+ if (value) {
+ coolantCell = new MaterialsList(4, TIN_ITEM_CASING, GLASS_PANE, DISTILLED_WATER, LAPIS);
+ } else {
+ coolantCell = new MaterialsList(1.0 / 3, TIN, DISTILLED_WATER, LAPIS);
+ }
+ componentMaterialsMap = buildComponentMaterialsMap();
+ }
+ public static void setExpandAdvancedAlloy(boolean value) {
+ expandAdvancedAlloy = value;
+ if (value) {
+ alloy = new MaterialsList(3.0 / 2, IRON, 3.0 / 2, BRONZE, 3.0 / 2, TIN);
+ } else {
+ alloy = new MaterialsList(getI18n("MaterialName.AdvancedAlloy"));
+ }
+ iridiumPlate = new MaterialsList(4, IRIDIUM, 4, alloy, DIAMOND);
+ componentMaterialsMap = buildComponentMaterialsMap();
+ }
+ public static void setGTVersion(String value) {
+ gtVersion = value;
+ if ("5.08".equals(value) || "5.09".equals(value)) {
+ coolantCell = new MaterialsList(EMPTY_CELL, DISTILLED_WATER, LAPIS);
+ alloy = new MaterialsList(getI18n("MaterialName.AdvancedAlloy"));
+ basicCircuit = new MaterialsList(getI18n("MaterialName.BasicCircuit"));
+ advancedCircuit = new MaterialsList(getI18n("MaterialName.AdvancedCircuit"));
+ } else {
+ basicCircuit = new MaterialsList(IRON, 2, REDSTONE, 2, COPPER, 6, RUBBER);
+ advancedCircuit = new MaterialsList(basicCircuit, 4, REDSTONE, 2, LAPIS, 2, GLOWSTONE);
+ if (useUfcForCoolantCells) {
+ coolantCell = new MaterialsList(4, TIN_ITEM_CASING, GLASS_PANE, DISTILLED_WATER, LAPIS);
+ } else {
+ coolantCell = new MaterialsList(1.0 / 3, TIN, DISTILLED_WATER, LAPIS);
+ }
+ if (expandAdvancedAlloy) {
+ alloy = new MaterialsList(3.0 / 2, IRON, 3.0 / 2, BRONZE, 3.0 / 2, TIN);
+ } else {
+ alloy = new MaterialsList(getI18n("MaterialName.AdvancedAlloy"));
+ }
+ }
+ iridiumPlate = new MaterialsList(4, IRIDIUM, 4, alloy, DIAMOND);
+ componentMaterialsMap = buildComponentMaterialsMap();
+ }
+ public static MaterialsList getMaterialsForComponent(ReactorItem component) {
+ return componentMaterialsMap.get(component.baseName);
+ }
+ private static Map<String, MaterialsList> buildComponentMaterialsMap() {
+ Map<String, MaterialsList> result = new HashMap<>(63);//result.put+2? Added 14, but I can't really tell if that's right
+ result.put("fuelRodUranium", new MaterialsList(IRON, URANIUM));
+ result.put("dualFuelRodUranium", new MaterialsList(IRON, 2, result.get("fuelRodUranium")));
+ result.put("quadFuelRodUranium", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 2, COPPER, 4, result.get("fuelRodUranium")));
+ result.put("fuelRodMox", new MaterialsList(IRON, MOX));
+ result.put("dualFuelRodMox", new MaterialsList(IRON, 2, result.get("fuelRodMox")));
+ result.put("quadFuelRodMox", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 2, COPPER, 4, result.get("fuelRodMox")));
+ if ("5.09".equals(gtVersion)) {
+ result.put("neutronReflector", new MaterialsList(6, TIN_ALLOY, 2, GRAPHITE, BERYLLIUM));
+ result.put("thickNeutronReflector", new MaterialsList(4, result.get("neutronReflector"), 2, BERYLLIUM));
+ } else {
+ result.put("neutronReflector", new MaterialsList(COPPER, 4, TIN, 4, COAL));
+ result.put("thickNeutronReflector", new MaterialsList(4, result.get("neutronReflector"), 5, COPPER));
+ }
+ if ("5.08".equals(gtVersion) || "5.09".equals(gtVersion)) {
+ result.put("heatVent", new MaterialsList(4, ALUMINIUM, 4, IRON_BARS));
+ } else {
+ result.put("heatVent", new MaterialsList(ELECTRIC_MOTOR, 4, IRON, 4, IRON_BARS));
+ }
+ result.put("advancedHeatVent", new MaterialsList(2, result.get("heatVent"), 6, IRON_BARS, DIAMOND));
+ result.put("reactorHeatVent", new MaterialsList(result.get("heatVent"), 8, COPPER));
+ result.put("componentHeatVent", new MaterialsList(result.get("heatVent"), 4, TIN, 4, IRON_BARS));
+ result.put("overclockedHeatVent", new MaterialsList(result.get("reactorHeatVent"), 4, GOLD));
+ result.put("coolantCell10k", new MaterialsList(coolantCell, 4, TIN));
+ result.put("coolantCell30k", new MaterialsList(3, result.get("coolantCell10k"), 6, TIN));
+ result.put("coolantCell60k", new MaterialsList(2, result.get("coolantCell30k"), 6, TIN, IRON));
+ result.put("heatExchanger", new MaterialsList(basicCircuit, 3, TIN, 5, COPPER));
+ result.put("advancedHeatExchanger", new MaterialsList(2, result.get("heatExchanger"), 2, basicCircuit, COPPER, 4, LAPIS));
+ result.put("coreHeatExchanger", new MaterialsList(result.get("heatExchanger"), 8, COPPER));
+ result.put("componentHeatExchanger", new MaterialsList(result.get("heatExchanger"), 4, GOLD));
+ result.put("reactorPlating", new MaterialsList(LEAD, alloy));
+ result.put("heatCapacityReactorPlating", new MaterialsList(result.get("reactorPlating"), 8, COPPER));
+ if ("5.08".equals(gtVersion) || "5.09".equals(gtVersion)) {
+ result.put("containmentReactorPlating", new MaterialsList(result.get("reactorPlating"), LEAD));
+ } else {
+ result.put("containmentReactorPlating", new MaterialsList(result.get("reactorPlating"), 2, alloy));
+ }
+ result.put("rshCondensator", new MaterialsList(result.get("heatVent"), result.get("heatExchanger"), 7, REDSTONE));
+ result.put("lzhCondensator", new MaterialsList(2, result.get("rshCondensator"), result.get("reactorHeatVent"), result.get("coreHeatExchanger"), 9, LAPIS, 4, REDSTONE));
+ result.put("fuelRodThorium", new MaterialsList(IRON, 3, THORIUM));
+ result.put("dualFuelRodThorium", new MaterialsList(IRON, 2, result.get("fuelRodThorium")));
+ result.put("quadFuelRodThorium", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 2, COPPER, 4, result.get("fuelRodThorium")));
+ result.put("coolantCellHelium60k", new MaterialsList(EMPTY_CELL, HELIUM, 4, TIN));
+ result.put("coolantCellHelium180k", new MaterialsList(3, result.get("coolantCellHelium60k"), 6, TIN));
+ result.put("coolantCellHelium360k", new MaterialsList(2, result.get("coolantCellHelium180k"), 6, TIN, 9, COPPER));
+ result.put("coolantCellNak60k", new MaterialsList(result.get("coolantCell10k"), 4, TIN, 2, POTASSIUM, 2, SODIUM));
+ result.put("coolantCellNak180k", new MaterialsList(3, result.get("coolantCellNak60k"), 6, TIN));
+ result.put("coolantCellNak360k", new MaterialsList(2, result.get("coolantCellNak180k"), 6, TIN, 9, COPPER));
+ result.put("iridiumNeutronReflector", new MaterialsList(6, result.get("thickNeutronReflector"), 18, COPPER, iridiumPlate));
+ result.put("fuelRodNaquadah", new MaterialsList(IRON, 3, ENRICHEDNAQUADAH));
+ result.put("dualFuelRodNaquadah", new MaterialsList(IRON, 2, result.get("fuelRodNaquadah")));
+ result.put("quadFuelRodNaquadah", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 2, COPPER, 4, result.get("fuelRodNaquadah")));
+ result.put("fuelRodCoaxium", new MaterialsList(4, IRIDIUM, 36, DIAMOND, 3, COAXIUM));
+ result.put("dualFuelRodCoaxium", new MaterialsList(IRON, 2, result.get("fuelRodCoaxium")));
+ result.put("quadFuelRodCoaxium", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 2, COPPER, 4, result.get("fuelRodCoaxium")));
+ result.put("fuelRodCesium", new MaterialsList(IRON, 3, CESIUM));
+ result.put("dualFuelRodCesium", new MaterialsList(IRON, 2, result.get("fuelRodCesium")));
+ result.put("quadFuelRodCesium", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 2, COPPER, 4, result.get("fuelRodCesium")));
+ result.put("fuelRodNaquadahGTNH", new MaterialsList(4, IRON, 4, TUNGSTEN, 1, PLATINUM, 3, ENRICHEDNAQUADAH));
+ result.put("dualFuelRodNaquadahGTNH", new MaterialsList(IRON, TUNGSTEN, 2, result.get("fuelRodNaquadahGTNH")));
+ result.put("quadFuelRodNaquadahGTNH", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 3, TUNGSTEN, 4, result.get("fuelRodNaquadahGTNH")));
+ result.put("fuelRodNaquadria", new MaterialsList(4, IRON, 4, TUNGSTEN, 1, PLATINUM, 3, NAQUADRIA));
+ result.put("dualFuelRodNaquadria", new MaterialsList(IRON, TUNGSTEN, 2, result.get("fuelRodNaquadria")));
+ result.put("quadFuelRodNaquadria", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 3, TUNGSTEN, 4, result.get("fuelRodNaquadria")));
+ result.put("fuelRodTiberium", new MaterialsList(4, IRON, 4, TUNGSTEN, 1, PLATINUM, 3, TIBERIUM));
+ result.put("dualFuelRodTiberium", new MaterialsList(IRON, TUNGSTEN, 2, result.get("fuelRodTiberium")));
+ result.put("quadFuelRodTiberium", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 3, TUNGSTEN, 4, result.get("fuelRodTiberium")));
+ result.put("fuelRodTheCore", new MaterialsList(96, IRON, 96, TUNGSTEN, 128, TIBERIUM, 32, result.get("fuelRodNaquadah")));
+ result.put("coolantCellSpace180k", new MaterialsList(0.5, CALLISTOICEDUST, 0.5, LEDOXDUST, 1000, DISTILLED_WATER, LAPIS, REINFORCEDGLASS, 2, IRON, 2, TUNGSTEN));
+ result.put("coolantCellSpace360k", new MaterialsList(1.5, IRON, 1.5, TUNGSTEN, 2, result.get("coolantCellSpace180k")));
+ result.put("coolantCellSpace540k", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 3, TUNGSTEN, 3, result.get("coolantCellSpace180k")));
+ result.put("coolantCellSpace1080k", new MaterialsList(3, IRON, 3, TUNGSTEN, 9, FLUXEDELECTRUM, 3, result.get("coolantCellSpace540k")));
+ return result;
+ }