path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/GT_Mod.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/GT_Mod.java')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/GT_Mod.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/GT_Mod.java
index 2a3dffc3ce..2a778cf2df 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/GT_Mod.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/GT_Mod.java
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
@@ -111,6 +113,7 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
public static GT_Achievements achievements;
private final String aTextGeneral = "general";
private final String aTextIC2 = "ic2_";
+ public static final Logger GT_FML_LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger("GregTech GTNH");
static {
if ((509 != GregTech_API.VERSION) || (509 != GT_ModHandler.VERSION) || (509 != GT_OreDictUnificator.VERSION) || (509 != GT_Recipe.VERSION) || (509 != GT_Utility.VERSION) || (509 != GT_RecipeRegistrator.VERSION) || (509 != Element.VERSION) || (509 != Materials.VERSION) || (509 != OrePrefixes.VERSION)) {
@@ -150,7 +153,9 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
for (Runnable tRunnable : GregTech_API.sBeforeGTPreload) {
- } catch (Throwable e) {e.printStackTrace(GT_Log.err);}
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ e.printStackTrace(GT_Log.err);
+ }
File tFile = new File(new File(aEvent.getModConfigurationDirectory(), "GregTech"), "GregTech.cfg");
Configuration tMainConfig = new Configuration(tFile);
@@ -241,15 +246,19 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
GT_Values.oreveinMaxPlacementAttempts = tMainConfig.get(aTextGeneral, "oreveinMaxPlacementAttempts_8",8).getInt(8);
//GT_Values.oreveinMaxSize = tMainConfig.get(aTextGeneral, "oreveinMaxSize_64",64).getInt(64);
GT_Values.ticksBetweenSounds = tMainConfig.get("machines", "TicksBetweenSounds", 30).getInt(30);
+ GT_Values.cleanroomGlass= (float) tMainConfig.get("machines","ReinforcedGlassPercentageForCleanroom",5D).getDouble(5D);
GregTech_API.TICKS_FOR_LAG_AVERAGING = tMainConfig.get(aTextGeneral, "TicksForLagAveragingWithScanner", 25).getInt(25);
GregTech_API.MILLISECOND_THRESHOLD_UNTIL_LAG_WARNING = tMainConfig.get(aTextGeneral, "MillisecondsPassedInGTTileEntityUntilLagWarning", 100).getInt(100);
if (tMainConfig.get(aTextGeneral, "disable_STDOUT", false).getBoolean(false)) {
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.info("Disableing Console Messages.");
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.exit();
- }
- if (tMainConfig.get(aTextGeneral, "disable_STDERR", false).getBoolean(false)) {
+ /*if (tMainConfig.get(aTextGeneral, "disable_STDERR", false).getBoolean(false)) {
+ System.err.close();
+ }*/
GregTech_API.sMachineExplosions = tMainConfig.get("machines", "machines_explosion_damage", true).getBoolean(false);
GregTech_API.sMachineFlammable = tMainConfig.get("machines", "machines_flammable", true).getBoolean(false);
GregTech_API.sMachineNonWrenchExplosions = tMainConfig.get("machines", "explosions_on_nonwrenching", true).getBoolean(false);
@@ -406,7 +415,7 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(GT_Entity_Arrow.class, "GT_Entity_Arrow", 1, GT_Values.GT, 160, 1, true);
EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(GT_Entity_Arrow_Potion.class, "GT_Entity_Arrow_Potion", 2, GT_Values.GT, 160, 1, true);
- System.out.println("preReader");
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.info("preReader");
List<String> oreTags = new ArrayList<String>();
File globalDir = new File("scripts");
@@ -441,7 +450,7 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
hit = hit.substring(2);
meta = Integer.parseInt(hit);
- }catch(Exception e){System.out.println("parseError: "+hit);}
+ }catch(Exception e){GT_FML_LOGGER.info("parseError: "+hit);}
int prefix = meta/1000;
int material = meta % 1000;
@@ -454,7 +463,7 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
tag += GregTech_API.sGeneratedMaterials[material].mName;
if(!oreTags.contains(tag)) oreTags.add(tag);
- }else if(material>0){System.out.println("MaterialDisabled: "+material+" "+m.group(1));}
+ }else if(material>0){GT_FML_LOGGER.info("MaterialDisabled: "+material+" "+m.group(1));}
@@ -469,10 +478,10 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
if(StringUtils.startsWithAny(test, preS)){
- System.out.println("oretag: "+test);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.info("oretag: "+test);
- System.out.println("reenableMetaItems");
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.info("reenableMetaItems");
for(String reEnable : mMTTags){
OrePrefixes tPrefix = OrePrefixes.getOrePrefix(reEnable);
@@ -508,8 +517,8 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
- }else{System.out.println("noMaterial "+reEnable);}
- }else{System.out.println("noPrefix "+reEnable);}}
+ }else{GT_FML_LOGGER.info("noMaterial "+reEnable);}
+ }else{GT_FML_LOGGER.info("noPrefix "+reEnable);}}
new GT_Loader_OreProcessing().run();
new GT_Loader_OreDictionary().run();
@@ -723,9 +732,9 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
Map<IRecipeInput, RecipeOutput> aThermalCentrifugeRecipeList = GT_ModHandler.getThermalCentrifugeRecipeList();
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: Activating OreDictionary Handler, this can take some time, as it scans the whole OreDictionary");
- FMLLog.info("If your Log stops here, you were too impatient. Wait a bit more next time, before killing Minecraft with the Task Manager.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.info("If your Log stops here, you were too impatient. Wait a bit more next time, before killing Minecraft with the Task Manager.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.info("Congratulations, you have been waiting long enough. Have a Cake.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.info("Congratulations, you have been waiting long enough. Have a Cake.", new Object[0]);
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: List of Lists of Tool Recipes: "+GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_list.toString());
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: Vanilla Recipe List -> Outputs null or stackSize <=0: " + GT_ModHandler.sVanillaRecipeList_warntOutput.toString());
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: Single Non Block Damagable Recipe List -> Outputs null or stackSize <=0: " + GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_warntOutput.toString());
@@ -1131,21 +1140,21 @@ public class GT_Mod implements IGT_Mod {
for (ItemStack tOutput : tStacks) {
if (gregtechproxy.mRegisteredOres.contains(tOutput)) {
- FMLLog.severe("GT-ERR-01: @ " + tOutput.getUnlocalizedName() + " " + tOutput.getDisplayName(), new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("A Recipe used an OreDict Item as Output directly, without copying it before!!! This is a typical CallByReference/CallByValue Error", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("Said Item will be renamed to make the invalid Recipe visible, so that you can report it properly.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("Please check all Recipes outputting this Item, and report the Recipes to their Owner.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("The Owner of the ==>RECIPE<==, NOT the Owner of the Item, which has been mentioned above!!!", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("And ONLY Recipes which are ==>OUTPUTTING<== the Item, sorry but I don't want failed Bug Reports.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("GregTech just reports this Error to you, so you can report it to the Mod causing the Problem.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("Even though I make that Bug visible, I can not and will not fix that for you, that's for the causing Mod to fix.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("And speaking of failed Reports:", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("Both IC2 and GregTech CANNOT be the CAUSE of this Problem, so don't report it to either of them.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("I REPEAT, BOTH, IC2 and GregTech CANNOT be the source of THIS BUG. NO MATTER WHAT.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("Asking in the IC2 Forums, which Mod is causing that, won't help anyone, since it is not possible to determine, which Mod it is.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("If it would be possible, then I would have had added the Mod which is causing it to the Message already. But it is not possible.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("Sorry, but this Error is serious enough to justify this Wall-O-Text and the partially allcapsed Language.", new Object[0]);
- FMLLog.severe("Also it is a Ban Reason on the IC2-Forums to post this seriously.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("GT-ERR-01: @ " + tOutput.getUnlocalizedName() + " " + tOutput.getDisplayName(), new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("A Recipe used an OreDict Item as Output directly, without copying it before!!! This is a typical CallByReference/CallByValue Error", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("Said Item will be renamed to make the invalid Recipe visible, so that you can report it properly.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("Please check all Recipes outputting this Item, and report the Recipes to their Owner.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("The Owner of the ==>RECIPE<==, NOT the Owner of the Item, which has been mentioned above!!!", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("And ONLY Recipes which are ==>OUTPUTTING<== the Item, sorry but I don't want failed Bug Reports.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("GregTech just reports this Error to you, so you can report it to the Mod causing the Problem.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("Even though I make that Bug visible, I can not and will not fix that for you, that's for the causing Mod to fix.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("And speaking of failed Reports:", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("Both IC2 and GregTech CANNOT be the CAUSE of this Problem, so don't report it to either of them.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("I REPEAT, BOTH, IC2 and GregTech CANNOT be the source of THIS BUG. NO MATTER WHAT.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("Asking in the IC2 Forums, which Mod is causing that, won't help anyone, since it is not possible to determine, which Mod it is.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("If it would be possible, then I would have had added the Mod which is causing it to the Message already. But it is not possible.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("Sorry, but this Error is serious enough to justify this Wall-O-Text and the partially allcapsed Language.", new Object[0]);
+ GT_FML_LOGGER.error("Also it is a Ban Reason on the IC2-Forums to post this seriously.", new Object[0]);
tOutput.setStackDisplayName("ERROR! PLEASE CHECK YOUR LOG FOR 'GT-ERR-01'!");
} else {