path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/TextureSet.java
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/TextureSet.java')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/TextureSet.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/TextureSet.java
index faca880a0b..38a96bb4ac 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/TextureSet.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/TextureSet.java
@@ -1,184 +1,184 @@
-package gregtech.api.enums;
-import gregtech.api.interfaces.IIconContainer;
-public class TextureSet {
- public static final TextureSet
- SET_NONE = new TextureSet("NONE"),
- SET_DULL = new TextureSet("DULL"),
- SET_RUBY = new TextureSet("RUBY"),
- SET_OPAL = new TextureSet("OPAL"),
- SET_LEAF = new TextureSet("LEAF"),
- SET_WOOD = new TextureSet("WOOD"),
- SET_SAND = new TextureSet("SAND"),
- SET_FINE = new TextureSet("FINE"),
- SET_FIERY = new TextureSet("FIERY"),
- SET_FLUID = new TextureSet("FLUID"),
- SET_ROUGH = new TextureSet("ROUGH"),
- SET_PAPER = new TextureSet("PAPER"),
- SET_GLASS = new TextureSet("GLASS"),
- SET_FLINT = new TextureSet("FLINT"),
- SET_LAPIS = new TextureSet("LAPIS"),
- SET_SHINY = new TextureSet("SHINY"),
- SET_SHARDS = new TextureSet("SHARDS"),
- SET_POWDER = new TextureSet("POWDER"),
- SET_QUARTZ = new TextureSet("QUARTZ"),
- SET_EMERALD = new TextureSet("EMERALD"),
- SET_DIAMOND = new TextureSet("DIAMOND"),
- SET_LIGNITE = new TextureSet("LIGNITE"),
- SET_MAGNETIC = new TextureSet("MAGNETIC"),
- SET_METALLIC = new TextureSet("METALLIC"),
- /**
- * For the Indices of OrePrefixes you need to look into the OrePrefix Enum.
- */
- public static final short
- INDEX_wire = 69,
- INDEX_foil = 70,
- INDEX_block1 = 71,
- INDEX_block2 = 72,
- INDEX_block3 = 73,
- INDEX_block4 = 74,
- INDEX_block5 = 75,
- INDEX_block6 = 76;
- public final IIconContainer[] mTextures = new IIconContainer[128];
- public final String mSetName;
- private final static String aTextMatIconDir = "materialicons/";
- private final static String aTextVoidDir = "/void";
- public TextureSet(String aSetName) {
- mSetName = aSetName;
- mTextures[0] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dustTiny");
- mTextures[1] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dustSmall");
- mTextures[2] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dust");
- mTextures[3] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dustImpure");
- mTextures[4] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dustPure");
- mTextures[5] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crushed");
- mTextures[6] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crushedPurified");
- mTextures[7] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crushedCentrifuged");
- mTextures[8] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gem");
- mTextures[9] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/nugget");
- mTextures[10] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/casingSmall");
- mTextures[11] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingot");
- mTextures[12] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotHot");
- mTextures[13] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotDouble");
- mTextures[14] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotTriple");
- mTextures[15] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotQuadruple");
- mTextures[16] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotQuintuple");
- mTextures[17] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plate");
- mTextures[18] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateDouble");
- mTextures[19] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateTriple");
- mTextures[20] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateQuadruple");
- mTextures[21] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateQuintuple");
- mTextures[22] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateDense");
- mTextures[23] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/stick");
- mTextures[24] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/lens");
- mTextures[25] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/round");
- mTextures[26] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/bolt");
- mTextures[27] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/screw");
- mTextures[28] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ring");
- mTextures[29] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/foil");
- mTextures[30] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/cell");
- mTextures[31] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/cellPlasma");
- mTextures[32] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadSword");
- mTextures[33] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadPickaxe");
- mTextures[34] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadShovel");
- mTextures[35] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadAxe");
- mTextures[36] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadHoe");
- mTextures[37] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadHammer");
- mTextures[38] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadFile");
- mTextures[39] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadSaw");
- mTextures[40] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadDrill");
- mTextures[41] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadChainsaw");
- mTextures[42] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadWrench");
- mTextures[43] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadUniversalSpade");
- mTextures[44] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadSense");
- mTextures[45] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadPlow");
- mTextures[46] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadArrow");
- mTextures[47] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadScrewdriver");
- mTextures[48] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadBuzzSaw");
- mTextures[49] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadSoldering");
- mTextures[50] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[51] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/wireFine");
- mTextures[52] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gearGtSmall");
- mTextures[53] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/rotor");
- mTextures[54] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/stickLong");
- mTextures[55] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/springSmall");
- mTextures[56] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/spring");
- mTextures[57] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/arrowGtWood");
- mTextures[58] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/arrowGtPlastic");
- mTextures[59] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gemChipped");
- mTextures[60] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gemFlawed");
- mTextures[61] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gemFlawless");
- mTextures[62] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gemExquisite");
- mTextures[63] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gearGt");
- mTextures[64] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[65] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[66] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[67] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/oreSmall");
- mTextures[68] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ore");
- mTextures[69] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/wire");
- mTextures[70] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/foil");
- mTextures[71] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block1");
- mTextures[72] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block2");
- mTextures[73] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block3");
- mTextures[74] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block4");
- mTextures[75] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block5");
- mTextures[76] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block6");
- mTextures[77] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeSide");
- mTextures[78] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeTiny");
- mTextures[79] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeSmall");
- mTextures[80] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeMedium");
- mTextures[81] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeLarge");
- mTextures[82] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeHuge");
- mTextures[83] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/frameGt");
- mTextures[84] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeQuadruple");
- mTextures[85] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeNonuple");
- mTextures[86] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[87] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[88] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[89] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[90] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[91] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[92] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[93] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[94] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[95] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[96] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crateGtDust");
- mTextures[97] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crateGtIngot");
- mTextures[98] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crateGtGem");
- mTextures[99] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crateGtPlate");
- mTextures[100] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/turbineBlade");
- mTextures[101] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[102] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[103] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[104] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[105] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[106] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[107] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[108] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[109] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[110] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[111] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[112] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[113] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[114] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[115] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[116] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[117] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[118] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[119] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[120] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[121] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[122] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[123] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[124] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[125] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
- mTextures[126] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/handleMallet");
- mTextures[127] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadMallet");
- }
+package gregtech.api.enums;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.IIconContainer;
+public class TextureSet {
+ public static final TextureSet
+ SET_NONE = new TextureSet("NONE"),
+ SET_DULL = new TextureSet("DULL"),
+ SET_RUBY = new TextureSet("RUBY"),
+ SET_OPAL = new TextureSet("OPAL"),
+ SET_LEAF = new TextureSet("LEAF"),
+ SET_WOOD = new TextureSet("WOOD"),
+ SET_SAND = new TextureSet("SAND"),
+ SET_FINE = new TextureSet("FINE"),
+ SET_FIERY = new TextureSet("FIERY"),
+ SET_FLUID = new TextureSet("FLUID"),
+ SET_ROUGH = new TextureSet("ROUGH"),
+ SET_PAPER = new TextureSet("PAPER"),
+ SET_GLASS = new TextureSet("GLASS"),
+ SET_FLINT = new TextureSet("FLINT"),
+ SET_LAPIS = new TextureSet("LAPIS"),
+ SET_SHINY = new TextureSet("SHINY"),
+ SET_SHARDS = new TextureSet("SHARDS"),
+ SET_POWDER = new TextureSet("POWDER"),
+ SET_QUARTZ = new TextureSet("QUARTZ"),
+ SET_EMERALD = new TextureSet("EMERALD"),
+ SET_DIAMOND = new TextureSet("DIAMOND"),
+ SET_LIGNITE = new TextureSet("LIGNITE"),
+ SET_MAGNETIC = new TextureSet("MAGNETIC"),
+ SET_METALLIC = new TextureSet("METALLIC"),
+ /**
+ * For the Indices of OrePrefixes you need to look into the OrePrefix Enum.
+ */
+ public static final short
+ INDEX_wire = 69,
+ INDEX_foil = 70,
+ INDEX_block1 = 71,
+ INDEX_block2 = 72,
+ INDEX_block3 = 73,
+ INDEX_block4 = 74,
+ INDEX_block5 = 75,
+ INDEX_block6 = 76;
+ public final IIconContainer[] mTextures = new IIconContainer[128];
+ public final String mSetName;
+ private final static String aTextMatIconDir = "materialicons/";
+ private final static String aTextVoidDir = "/void";
+ public TextureSet(String aSetName) {
+ mSetName = aSetName;
+ mTextures[0] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dustTiny");
+ mTextures[1] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dustSmall");
+ mTextures[2] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dust");
+ mTextures[3] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dustImpure");
+ mTextures[4] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/dustPure");
+ mTextures[5] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crushed");
+ mTextures[6] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crushedPurified");
+ mTextures[7] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crushedCentrifuged");
+ mTextures[8] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gem");
+ mTextures[9] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/nugget");
+ mTextures[10] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/casingSmall");
+ mTextures[11] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingot");
+ mTextures[12] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotHot");
+ mTextures[13] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotDouble");
+ mTextures[14] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotTriple");
+ mTextures[15] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotQuadruple");
+ mTextures[16] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ingotQuintuple");
+ mTextures[17] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plate");
+ mTextures[18] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateDouble");
+ mTextures[19] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateTriple");
+ mTextures[20] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateQuadruple");
+ mTextures[21] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateQuintuple");
+ mTextures[22] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/plateDense");
+ mTextures[23] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/stick");
+ mTextures[24] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/lens");
+ mTextures[25] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/round");
+ mTextures[26] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/bolt");
+ mTextures[27] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/screw");
+ mTextures[28] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ring");
+ mTextures[29] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/foil");
+ mTextures[30] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/cell");
+ mTextures[31] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/cellPlasma");
+ mTextures[32] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadSword");
+ mTextures[33] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadPickaxe");
+ mTextures[34] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadShovel");
+ mTextures[35] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadAxe");
+ mTextures[36] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadHoe");
+ mTextures[37] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadHammer");
+ mTextures[38] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadFile");
+ mTextures[39] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadSaw");
+ mTextures[40] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadDrill");
+ mTextures[41] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadChainsaw");
+ mTextures[42] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadWrench");
+ mTextures[43] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadUniversalSpade");
+ mTextures[44] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadSense");
+ mTextures[45] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadPlow");
+ mTextures[46] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadArrow");
+ mTextures[47] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadScrewdriver");
+ mTextures[48] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadBuzzSaw");
+ mTextures[49] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadSoldering");
+ mTextures[50] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[51] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/wireFine");
+ mTextures[52] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gearGtSmall");
+ mTextures[53] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/rotor");
+ mTextures[54] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/stickLong");
+ mTextures[55] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/springSmall");
+ mTextures[56] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/spring");
+ mTextures[57] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/arrowGtWood");
+ mTextures[58] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/arrowGtPlastic");
+ mTextures[59] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gemChipped");
+ mTextures[60] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gemFlawed");
+ mTextures[61] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gemFlawless");
+ mTextures[62] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gemExquisite");
+ mTextures[63] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/gearGt");
+ mTextures[64] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[65] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[66] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[67] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/oreSmall");
+ mTextures[68] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/ore");
+ mTextures[69] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/wire");
+ mTextures[70] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/foil");
+ mTextures[71] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block1");
+ mTextures[72] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block2");
+ mTextures[73] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block3");
+ mTextures[74] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block4");
+ mTextures[75] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block5");
+ mTextures[76] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/block6");
+ mTextures[77] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeSide");
+ mTextures[78] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeTiny");
+ mTextures[79] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeSmall");
+ mTextures[80] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeMedium");
+ mTextures[81] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeLarge");
+ mTextures[82] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeHuge");
+ mTextures[83] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/frameGt");
+ mTextures[84] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeQuadruple");
+ mTextures[85] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/pipeNonuple");
+ mTextures[86] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[87] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[88] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[89] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[90] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[91] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[92] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[93] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[94] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[95] = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[96] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crateGtDust");
+ mTextures[97] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crateGtIngot");
+ mTextures[98] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crateGtGem");
+ mTextures[99] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/crateGtPlate");
+ mTextures[100] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/turbineBlade");
+ mTextures[101] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[102] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[103] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[104] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[105] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[106] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[107] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[108] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[109] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[110] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[111] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[112] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[113] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[114] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[115] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[116] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[117] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[118] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[119] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[120] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[121] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[122] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[123] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[124] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[125] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + aTextVoidDir);
+ mTextures[126] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/handleMallet");
+ mTextures[127] = new Textures.ItemIcons.CustomIcon(aTextMatIconDir + mSetName + "/toolHeadMallet");
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file