path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/common/WorldgenGTOreLayer.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/common/WorldgenGTOreLayer.java')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/WorldgenGTOreLayer.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/WorldgenGTOreLayer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8f57ef1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/WorldgenGTOreLayer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+package gregtech.common;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.GTValues.debugOrevein;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.GTValues.oreveinPlacerOres;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.GTValues.oreveinPlacerOresMultiplier;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Random;
+import net.minecraft.block.Block;
+import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
+import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
+import net.minecraft.world.World;
+import net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderEnd;
+import net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderHell;
+import net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderSurface;
+import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider;
+import galacticgreg.api.enums.DimensionDef;
+import gregtech.api.GregTechAPI;
+import gregtech.api.util.GTLog;
+import gregtech.api.world.GTWorldgen;
+import gregtech.common.blocks.TileEntityOres;
+public class WorldgenGTOreLayer extends GTWorldgen {
+ public static ArrayList<WorldgenGTOreLayer> sList = new ArrayList<>();
+ public static int sWeight = 0;
+ public final short mMinY;
+ public final short mMaxY;
+ public final short mWeight;
+ public final short mDensity;
+ public final short mSize;
+ public final short mPrimaryMeta;
+ public final short mSecondaryMeta;
+ public final short mBetweenMeta;
+ public final short mSporadicMeta;
+ public final String mRestrictBiome;
+ public final boolean mOverworld;
+ public final boolean mNether;
+ public final boolean mEnd;
+ public final boolean mEndAsteroid;
+ public final boolean twilightForest;
+ public static final int WRONG_BIOME = 0;
+ public static final int WRONG_DIMENSION = 1;
+ public static final int NO_ORE_IN_BOTTOM_LAYER = 2;
+ public static final int NO_OVERLAP = 3;
+ public static final int ORE_PLACED = 4;
+ public static final int NO_OVERLAP_AIR_BLOCK = 5;
+ public final String aTextWorldgen = "worldgen.";
+ public Class[] mAllowedProviders;
+ public WorldgenGTOreLayer(OreMixBuilder mix) {
+ super(mix.oreMixName, sList, mix.enabledByDefault);
+ this.mOverworld = mix.dimsEnabled.getOrDefault(OreMixBuilder.OW, false);
+ this.mNether = mix.dimsEnabled.getOrDefault(OreMixBuilder.NETHER, false);
+ this.mEnd = mix.dimsEnabled.getOrDefault(OreMixBuilder.THE_END, false);
+ this.mEndAsteroid = mix.dimsEnabled
+ .getOrDefault(DimensionDef.EndAsteroids.modDimensionDef.getDimensionName(), false);
+ this.twilightForest = mix.dimsEnabled.getOrDefault(OreMixBuilder.TWILIGHT_FOREST, false);
+ this.mMinY = ((short) mix.minY);
+ short mMaxY = ((short) mix.maxY);
+ if (mMaxY < (this.mMinY + 9)) {
+ GTLog.out.println("Oremix " + this.mWorldGenName + " has invalid Min/Max heights!");
+ mMaxY = (short) (this.mMinY + 9);
+ }
+ this.mMaxY = mMaxY;
+ this.mWeight = (short) mix.weight;
+ this.mDensity = (short) mix.density;
+ this.mSize = (short) Math.max(1, mix.size);
+ this.mPrimaryMeta = (short) mix.primary.mMetaItemSubID;
+ this.mSecondaryMeta = (short) mix.secondary.mMetaItemSubID;
+ this.mBetweenMeta = (short) mix.between.mMetaItemSubID;
+ this.mSporadicMeta = (short) mix.sporadic.mMetaItemSubID;
+ this.mRestrictBiome = "None";
+ if (this.mEnabled) {
+ sWeight += this.mWeight;
+ }
+ List<Class> allowedProviders = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (this.mNether) {
+ allowedProviders.add(WorldProviderHell.class);
+ }
+ if (this.mOverworld) {
+ allowedProviders.add(WorldProviderSurface.class);
+ }
+ if (this.mEnd) {
+ allowedProviders.add(WorldProviderEnd.class);
+ }
+ mAllowedProviders = allowedProviders.toArray(new Class[allowedProviders.size()]);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int executeWorldgenChunkified(World aWorld, Random aRandom, String aBiome, int aDimensionType, int aChunkX,
+ int aChunkZ, int aSeedX, int aSeedZ, IChunkProvider aChunkGenerator, IChunkProvider aChunkProvider) {
+ if (mWorldGenName.equals("NoOresInVein")) {
+ if (debugOrevein) GTLog.out.println(" NoOresInVein");
+ // Return a special empty orevein
+ return ORE_PLACED;
+ }
+ if (!isGenerationAllowed(aWorld, mAllowedProviders)) {
+ // The following code can be used for debugging, but it spams in logs
+ // if (debugOrevein) { GTLog.out.println( "Wrong dimension" ); }
+ }
+ if (!this.mRestrictBiome.equals("None") && !(this.mRestrictBiome.equals(aBiome))) {
+ return WRONG_BIOME;
+ }
+ // For optimal performance, this should be done upstream. Meh
+ String tDimensionName = aWorld.provider.getDimensionName();
+ boolean isUnderdark = tDimensionName.equals("Underdark");
+ int[] placeCount = new int[4];
+ int tMinY = mMinY + aRandom.nextInt(mMaxY - mMinY - 5);
+ // Determine West/East ends of orevein
+ int wXVein = aSeedX - aRandom.nextInt(mSize); // West side
+ int eXVein = aSeedX + 16 + aRandom.nextInt(mSize);
+ // Limit Orevein to only blocks present in current chunk
+ int wX = Math.max(wXVein, aChunkX + 2); // Bias placement by 2 blocks to prevent worldgen cascade.
+ int eX = Math.min(eXVein, aChunkX + 2 + 16);
+ // Get a block at the center of the chunk and the bottom of the orevein.
+ Block tBlock = aWorld.getBlock(aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9);
+ if (wX >= eX) { // No overlap between orevein and this chunk exists in X
+ if (tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, Blocks.stone)
+ || tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, Blocks.netherrack)
+ || tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, Blocks.end_stone)
+ || tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, GregTechAPI.sBlockGranites)
+ || tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, GregTechAPI.sBlockStones)) {
+ // Didn't reach, but could have placed. Save orevein for future use.
+ return NO_OVERLAP;
+ } else {
+ // Didn't reach, but couldn't place in test spot anywys, try for another orevein
+ }
+ }
+ // Determine North/Sound ends of orevein
+ int nZVein = aSeedZ - aRandom.nextInt(mSize);
+ int sZVein = aSeedZ + 16 + aRandom.nextInt(mSize);
+ int nZ = Math.max(nZVein, aChunkZ + 2); // Bias placement by 2 blocks to prevent worldgen cascade.
+ int sZ = Math.min(sZVein, aChunkZ + 2 + 16);
+ if (nZ >= sZ) { // No overlap between orevein and this chunk exists in Z
+ if (tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, Blocks.stone)
+ || tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, Blocks.netherrack)
+ || tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, Blocks.end_stone)
+ || tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, GregTechAPI.sBlockGranites)
+ || tBlock.isReplaceableOreGen(aWorld, aChunkX + 7, tMinY, aChunkZ + 9, GregTechAPI.sBlockStones)) {
+ // Didn't reach, but could have placed. Save orevein for future use.
+ return NO_OVERLAP;
+ } else {
+ // Didn't reach, but couldn't place in test spot anywys, try for another orevein
+ }
+ }
+ if (debugOrevein) {
+ GTLog.out.print(
+ "Trying Orevein:" + this.mWorldGenName
+ + " Dimension="
+ + tDimensionName
+ + " mX="
+ + aChunkX / 16
+ + " mZ="
+ + aChunkZ / 16
+ + " oreseedX="
+ + aSeedX / 16
+ + " oreseedZ="
+ + aSeedZ / 16
+ + " cY="
+ + tMinY);
+ }
+ // Adjust the density down the more chunks we are away from the oreseed. The 5 chunks surrounding the seed
+ // should always be max density due to truncation of Math.sqrt().
+ int localDensity = Math.max(
+ 1,
+ this.mDensity / ((int) Math
+ .sqrt(2 + Math.pow(aChunkX / 16 - aSeedX / 16, 2) + Math.pow(aChunkZ / 16 - aSeedZ / 16, 2))));
+ // To allow for early exit due to no ore placed in the bottom layer (probably because we are in the sky), unroll
+ // 1 pass through the loop
+ // Now we do bottom-level-first oregen, and work our way upwards.
+ // Layer -1 Secondary and Sporadic
+ int level = tMinY - 1; // Dunno why, but the first layer is actually played one below tMinY. Go figure.
+ for (int tX = wX; tX < eX; tX++) {
+ int placeX = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(wXVein - tX), MathHelper.abs_int(eXVein - tX)) / localDensity);
+ for (int tZ = nZ; tZ < sZ; tZ++) {
+ int placeZ = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(sZVein - tZ), MathHelper.abs_int(nZVein - tZ)) / localDensity);
+ if (((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0)) && (this.mSecondaryMeta > 0)) {
+ if (TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSecondaryMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[1]++;
+ }
+ } else
+ if ((aRandom.nextInt(7) == 0) && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSporadicMeta > 0)) { // Sporadics are reduce by 1/7 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSporadicMeta, false, isUnderdark))
+ placeCount[3]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((placeCount[1] + placeCount[3]) == 0) {
+ if (debugOrevein) GTLog.out.println(" No ore in bottom layer");
+ return NO_ORE_IN_BOTTOM_LAYER; // Exit early, didn't place anything in the bottom layer
+ }
+ // Layers 0 & 1 Secondary and Sporadic
+ for (level = tMinY; level < (tMinY + 2); level++) {
+ for (int tX = wX; tX < eX; tX++) {
+ int placeX = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(wXVein - tX), MathHelper.abs_int(eXVein - tX)) / localDensity);
+ for (int tZ = nZ; tZ < sZ; tZ++) {
+ int placeZ = Math.max(
+ 1,
+ Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(sZVein - tZ), MathHelper.abs_int(nZVein - tZ)) / localDensity);
+ if (((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSecondaryMeta > 0)) {
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSecondaryMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[1]++;
+ }
+ } else if ((aRandom.nextInt(7) == 0)
+ && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSporadicMeta > 0)) { // Sporadics are reduce by 1/7 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSporadicMeta, false, isUnderdark))
+ placeCount[3]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Layer 2 is Secondary, in-between, and sporadic
+ for (int tX = wX; tX < eX; tX++) {
+ int placeX = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(wXVein - tX), MathHelper.abs_int(eXVein - tX)) / localDensity);
+ for (int tZ = nZ; tZ < sZ; tZ++) {
+ int placeZ = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(sZVein - tZ), MathHelper.abs_int(nZVein - tZ)) / localDensity);
+ if ((aRandom.nextInt(2) == 0) && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mBetweenMeta > 0)) { // Between are reduce by 1/2 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mBetweenMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[2]++;
+ }
+ } else if (((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSecondaryMeta > 0)) {
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSecondaryMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[1]++;
+ }
+ } else
+ if ((aRandom.nextInt(7) == 0) && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSporadicMeta > 0)) { // Sporadics are reduce by 1/7 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSporadicMeta, false, isUnderdark))
+ placeCount[3]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ level++; // Increment level to next layer
+ // Layer 3 is In-between, and sporadic
+ for (int tX = wX; tX < eX; tX++) {
+ int placeX = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(wXVein - tX), MathHelper.abs_int(eXVein - tX)) / localDensity);
+ for (int tZ = nZ; tZ < sZ; tZ++) {
+ int placeZ = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(sZVein - tZ), MathHelper.abs_int(nZVein - tZ)) / localDensity);
+ if ((aRandom.nextInt(2) == 0) && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mBetweenMeta > 0)) { // Between are reduce by 1/2 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mBetweenMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[2]++;
+ }
+ } else
+ if ((aRandom.nextInt(7) == 0) && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSporadicMeta > 0)) { // Sporadics are reduce by 1/7 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSporadicMeta, false, isUnderdark))
+ placeCount[3]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ level++; // Increment level to next layer
+ // Layer 4 is In-between, Primary and sporadic
+ for (int tX = wX; tX < eX; tX++) {
+ int placeX = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(wXVein - tX), MathHelper.abs_int(eXVein - tX)) / localDensity);
+ for (int tZ = nZ; tZ < sZ; tZ++) {
+ int placeZ = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(sZVein - tZ), MathHelper.abs_int(nZVein - tZ)) / localDensity);
+ if ((aRandom.nextInt(2) == 0) && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mBetweenMeta > 0)) { // Between are reduce by 1/2 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mBetweenMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[2]++;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0)) && (this.mPrimaryMeta > 0)) {
+ if (TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mPrimaryMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[1]++;
+ }
+ } else if ((aRandom.nextInt(7) == 0)
+ && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSporadicMeta > 0)) { // Sporadics are reduce by 1/7 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSporadicMeta, false, isUnderdark))
+ placeCount[3]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ level++; // Increment level to next layer
+ // Layer 5 is In-between, Primary and sporadic
+ for (int tX = wX; tX < eX; tX++) {
+ int placeX = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(wXVein - tX), MathHelper.abs_int(eXVein - tX)) / localDensity);
+ for (int tZ = nZ; tZ < sZ; tZ++) {
+ int placeZ = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(sZVein - tZ), MathHelper.abs_int(nZVein - tZ)) / localDensity);
+ if ((aRandom.nextInt(2) == 0) && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mBetweenMeta > 0)) { // Between are reduce by 1/2 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mBetweenMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[2]++;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0)) && (this.mPrimaryMeta > 0)) {
+ if (TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mPrimaryMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[1]++;
+ }
+ } else if ((aRandom.nextInt(7) == 0)
+ && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSporadicMeta > 0)) { // Sporadics are reduce by 1/7 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSporadicMeta, false, isUnderdark))
+ placeCount[3]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ level++; // Increment level to next layer
+ // Layer 6 is Primary and sporadic
+ for (int tX = wX; tX < eX; tX++) {
+ int placeX = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(wXVein - tX), MathHelper.abs_int(eXVein - tX)) / localDensity);
+ for (int tZ = nZ; tZ < sZ; tZ++) {
+ int placeZ = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(sZVein - tZ), MathHelper.abs_int(nZVein - tZ)) / localDensity);
+ if (((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0)) && (this.mPrimaryMeta > 0)) {
+ if (TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mPrimaryMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[1]++;
+ }
+ } else
+ if ((aRandom.nextInt(7) == 0) && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSporadicMeta > 0)) { // Sporadics are reduce by 1/7 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSporadicMeta, false, isUnderdark))
+ placeCount[3]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ level++; // Increment level to next layer
+ // Layer 7 is Primary and sporadic
+ for (int tX = wX; tX < eX; tX++) {
+ int placeX = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(wXVein - tX), MathHelper.abs_int(eXVein - tX)) / localDensity);
+ for (int tZ = nZ; tZ < sZ; tZ++) {
+ int placeZ = Math
+ .max(1, Math.max(MathHelper.abs_int(sZVein - tZ), MathHelper.abs_int(nZVein - tZ)) / localDensity);
+ if (((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0)) && (this.mPrimaryMeta > 0)) {
+ if (TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mPrimaryMeta, false, isUnderdark)) {
+ placeCount[1]++;
+ }
+ } else
+ if ((aRandom.nextInt(7) == 0) && ((aRandom.nextInt(placeZ) == 0) || (aRandom.nextInt(placeX) == 0))
+ && (this.mSporadicMeta > 0)) { // Sporadics are reduce by 1/7 to compensate
+ if (TileEntityOres
+ .setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, level, tZ, this.mSporadicMeta, false, isUnderdark))
+ placeCount[3]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Place small ores for the vein
+ if (oreveinPlacerOres) {
+ int nSmallOres = (eX - wX) * (sZ - nZ) * this.mDensity / 10 * oreveinPlacerOresMultiplier;
+ // Small ores are placed in the whole chunk in which the vein appears.
+ for (int nSmallOresCount = 0; nSmallOresCount < nSmallOres; nSmallOresCount++) {
+ int tX = aRandom.nextInt(16) + aChunkX + 2;
+ int tZ = aRandom.nextInt(16) + aChunkZ + 2;
+ int tY = aRandom.nextInt(160) + 10; // Y height can vary from 10 to 170 for small ores.
+ if (this.mPrimaryMeta > 0)
+ TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, tY, tZ, this.mPrimaryMeta, true, isUnderdark);
+ tX = aRandom.nextInt(16) + aChunkX + 2;
+ tZ = aRandom.nextInt(16) + aChunkZ + 2;
+ tY = aRandom.nextInt(160) + 10; // Y height can vary from 10 to 170 for small ores.
+ if (this.mSecondaryMeta > 0)
+ TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, tY, tZ, this.mSecondaryMeta, true, isUnderdark);
+ tX = aRandom.nextInt(16) + aChunkX + 2;
+ tZ = aRandom.nextInt(16) + aChunkZ + 2;
+ tY = aRandom.nextInt(160) + 10; // Y height can vary from 10 to 170 for small ores.
+ if (this.mBetweenMeta > 0)
+ TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, tY, tZ, this.mBetweenMeta, true, isUnderdark);
+ tX = aRandom.nextInt(16) + aChunkX + 2;
+ tZ = aRandom.nextInt(16) + aChunkZ + 2;
+ tY = aRandom.nextInt(190) + 10; // Y height can vary from 10 to 200 for small ores.
+ if (this.mSporadicMeta > 0)
+ TileEntityOres.setOreBlock(aWorld, tX, tY, tZ, this.mSporadicMeta, true, isUnderdark);
+ }
+ }
+ if (debugOrevein) {
+ GTLog.out.println(
+ " wXVein" + wXVein
+ + " eXVein"
+ + eXVein
+ + " nZVein"
+ + nZVein
+ + " sZVein"
+ + sZVein
+ + " locDen="
+ + localDensity
+ + " Den="
+ + this.mDensity
+ + " Sec="
+ + placeCount[1]
+ + " Spo="
+ + placeCount[3]
+ + " Bet="
+ + placeCount[2]
+ + " Pri="
+ + placeCount[0]);
+ }
+ // Something (at least the bottom layer must have 1 block) must have been placed, return true
+ return ORE_PLACED;
+ }