path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/common/config/Gregtech.java
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diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/config/Gregtech.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/config/Gregtech.java
index a293b6cba7..e852a6b022 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/config/Gregtech.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/config/Gregtech.java
@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ public class Gregtech {
@Config.Comment("Ore drop behavior section")
public static final OreDropBehavior oreDropBehavior = new OreDropBehavior();
- @Config.Comment("Pollution section")
- public static final Pollution pollution = new Pollution();
public static class Debug {
@@ -558,128 +555,4 @@ public class Gregtech {
public GTProxy.OreDropSystem setting = GTProxy.OreDropSystem.FortuneItem;
- @Config.LangKey("GT5U.gui.config.gregtech.pollution")
- public static class Pollution {
- @Config.Comment("if true, enables pollution in the game.")
- @Config.DefaultBoolean(true)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public boolean pollution;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the threshold starting from which you can see fog.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(550_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionSmogLimit;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the threshold starting from which players get poison effect.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(750_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionPoisonLimit;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the threshold starting from which vegetation starts to be killed.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(1_000_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionVegetationLimit;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the threshold starting from which if it rains, will turn cobblestone into gravel and gravel into sand.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(2_000_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionSourRainLimit;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released by an explosion.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(100_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionOnExplosion;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the bricked blast furnace.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(200)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionPrimitveBlastFurnacePerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the charcoal pile igniter.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(100)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionCharcoalPitPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the EBF.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(400)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionEBFPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the large combustion engine.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(480)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionLargeCombustionEnginePerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the extreme combustion engine.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(3_840)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionExtremeCombustionEnginePerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the implosion compressor.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(10_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionImplosionCompressorPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the large bronze boiler.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(1_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionLargeBronzeBoilerPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the large steel boiler.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(2_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionLargeSteelBoilerPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the large titanium boiler.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(3_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionLargeTitaniumBoilerPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the large tungstensteel boiler.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(4_000)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionLargeTungstenSteelBoilerPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution reduction obtained with each increment of the circuit when throttling large boilers.")
- @Config.DefaultFloat(1.0f / 24.0f) // divided by 24 because there are 24 circuit configs.
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public float pollutionReleasedByThrottle;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the large gas turbine.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(300)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionLargeGasTurbinePerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the multi smelter.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(400)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionMultiSmelterPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the pyrolyse oven.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(300)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionPyrolyseOvenPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the small coil boiler.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(20)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionSmallCoalBoilerPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the high pressure lava boiler.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(20)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionHighPressureLavaBoilerPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the high pressure coil boiler.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(30)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionHighPressureCoalBoilerPerSecond;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the base diesel generator.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(40)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionBaseDieselGeneratorPerSecond;
- // reading double as strings, not perfect, but better than nothing
- @Config.Comment({
- "Pollution released by tier, with the following formula: PollutionBaseDieselGeneratorPerSecond * PollutionDieselGeneratorReleasedByTier[Tier]",
- "The first entry has meaning as it is here to since machine tier with array index: LV is 1, etc." })
- @Config.DefaultDoubleList({ 0.1, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8 })
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public double[] pollutionDieselGeneratorReleasedByTier;
- @Config.Comment("Controls the pollution released per second by the base gas turbine.")
- @Config.DefaultInt(40)
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public int pollutionBaseGasTurbinePerSecond;
- // reading double as strings, not perfect, but better than nothing
- @Config.Comment({
- "Pollution released by tier, with the following formula: PollutionBaseGasTurbinePerSecond * PollutionGasTurbineReleasedByTier[Tier]",
- "The first entry has meaning as it is here to since machine tier with array index: LV is 1, etc." })
- @Config.DefaultDoubleList({ 0.1, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 })
- @Config.RequiresMcRestart
- public double[] pollutionGasTurbineReleasedByTier;
- }