path: root/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/GTplusplus.java
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/GTplusplus.java')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 519 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/GTplusplus.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/GTplusplus.java
index 48f8139c12..e3272e21ea 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/GTplusplus.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/GTplusplus.java
@@ -3,11 +3,6 @@ package gtPlusPlus;
import static gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableAnimatedTurbines;
import static gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE.ConfigSwitches.enableCustomCapes;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashMap;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.SidedProxy;
@@ -53,537 +48,505 @@ import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.loaders.GT_Material_Loader;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.loaders.RecipeGen_BlastSmelterGT_GTNH;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.loaders.RecipeGen_MultisUsingFluidInsteadOfCells;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.thaumcraft.commands.CommandDumpAspects;
+import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
+import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
@MCVersion(value = "1.7.10")
-@Mod(modid = CORE.MODID, name = CORE.name, version = CORE.VERSION, dependencies = "required-after:Forge; after:TConstruct; after:PlayerAPI; after:dreamcraft; after:IC2; after:ihl; after:psychedelicraft; required-after:gregtech; after:Forestry; after:MagicBees; after:CoFHCore; after:Growthcraft; after:Railcraft; after:CompactWindmills; after:ForbiddenMagic; after:MorePlanet; after:PneumaticCraft; after:ExtraUtilities; after:Thaumcraft; after:rftools; after:simplyjetpacks; after:BigReactors; after:EnderIO; after:tectech; after:GTRedtech; after:beyondrealitycore; after:OpenBlocks; after:IC2NuclearControl; after:TGregworks; after:StevesCarts; after:xreliquary;")
+ modid = CORE.MODID,
+ name = CORE.name,
+ version = CORE.VERSION,
+ dependencies =
+ "required-after:Forge; after:TConstruct; after:PlayerAPI; after:dreamcraft; after:IC2; after:ihl; after:psychedelicraft; required-after:gregtech; after:Forestry; after:MagicBees; after:CoFHCore; after:Growthcraft; after:Railcraft; after:CompactWindmills; after:ForbiddenMagic; after:MorePlanet; after:PneumaticCraft; after:ExtraUtilities; after:Thaumcraft; after:rftools; after:simplyjetpacks; after:BigReactors; after:EnderIO; after:tectech; after:GTRedtech; after:beyondrealitycore; after:OpenBlocks; after:IC2NuclearControl; after:TGregworks; after:StevesCarts; after:xreliquary;")
public class GTplusplus implements ActionListener {
- public static enum INIT_PHASE {
- protected boolean mIsPhaseActive = false;
- private final INIT_PHASE mPrev;
- private INIT_PHASE(INIT_PHASE aPreviousPhase) {
- mPrev = aPreviousPhase;
- }
- public synchronized final boolean isPhaseActive() {
- return mIsPhaseActive;
- }
- public synchronized final void setPhaseActive(boolean aIsPhaseActive) {
- if (mPrev != null && mPrev.isPhaseActive()) {
- mPrev.setPhaseActive(false);
- }
- mIsPhaseActive = aIsPhaseActive;
- if (CURRENT_LOAD_PHASE != this) {
- }
- }
- }
- // Mod Instance
- @Mod.Instance(CORE.MODID)
- public static GTplusplus instance;
- // Material Loader
- public static GT_Material_Loader mGregMatLoader;
- // GT_Proxy instance
- protected static Meta_GT_Proxy mGregProxy;
- // GT++ Proxy Instances
- @SidedProxy(clientSide = "gtPlusPlus.core.proxy.ClientProxy", serverSide = "gtPlusPlus.core.proxy.ServerProxy")
- public static CommonProxy proxy;
- // Loads Textures
- @SideOnly(value = Side.CLIENT)
- public static void loadTextures() {
- Logger.INFO("Loading some textures on the client.");
- // Tools
- Logger.WARNING(
- "Processing texture: "
- + TexturesGtTools.SKOOKUM_CHOOCHER.getTextureFile().getResourcePath()
- );
- Logger.WARNING(
- "Processing texture: "
- + TexturesGtTools.ANGLE_GRINDER.getTextureFile().getResourcePath()
- );
- Logger.WARNING(
- "Processing texture: "
- + TexturesGtTools.ELECTRIC_SNIPS.getTextureFile().getResourcePath()
- );
- Logger.WARNING(
- "Processing texture: "
- + TexturesGtTools.ELECTRIC_LIGHTER.getTextureFile().getResourcePath()
- );
- Logger.WARNING(
- "Processing texture: "
- + TexturesGtTools.ELECTRIC_BUTCHER_KNIFE.getTextureFile().getResourcePath()
- );
- // Blocks
- Logger.WARNING(
- "Processing texture: "
- + TexturesGtBlock.Casing_Machine_Dimensional.getTextureFile().getResourcePath()
- );
- }
- public GTplusplus() {
- super();
- INIT_PHASE.SUPER.setPhaseActive(true);
- }
- // Pre-Init
- @Mod.EventHandler
- public void preInit(final FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
- INIT_PHASE.PRE_INIT.setPhaseActive(true);
- Logger.INFO(
- "Loading " + CORE.name + " " + CORE.VERSION + " on Gregtech "
- + Utils.getGregtechVersionAsString()
- );
- // Load all class objects within the plugin package.
- Core_Manager.veryEarlyInit();
- PacketHandler.init();
- if (!Utils.isServer()) {
- enableCustomCapes = true;
- }
- // Give this a go mate.
- // initAnalytics();
- setupMaterialBlacklist();
- // setupMaterialWhitelist();
- // Handle GT++ Config
- ConfigHandler.handleConfigFile(event);
- // Check for Dev
- CORE.DEVENV = (Boolean) Launch.blackboard.get(
- "fml.deobfuscatedEnvironment"
- );
- // Utils.LOG_INFO("User's Country: " + CORE.USER_COUNTRY);
- Utils.registerEvent(new LoginEventHandler());
- Utils.registerEvent(new MissingMappingsEvent());
- Utils.registerEvent(new MobMentality());
- Logger.INFO("Login Handler Initialized");
- proxy.preInit(event);
- Logger.INFO("Setting up our own GT_Proxy.");
- Meta_GT_Proxy.preInit();
- Core_Manager.preInit();
- GTPP_ChunkManager.init();
- }
- // Init
- @Mod.EventHandler
- public void init(final FMLInitializationEvent event) {
- INIT_PHASE.INIT.setPhaseActive(true);
- proxy.init(event);
- proxy.registerNetworkStuff();
- Meta_GT_Proxy.init();
- Core_Manager.init();
- NEI_IMC_Sender.IMCSender();
- // Used by foreign players to generate .lang files for translation.
- if (CORE.ConfigSwitches.dumpItemAndBlockData) {
- LocaleUtils.generateFakeLocaleFile();
- }
- }
- // Post-Init
- @Mod.EventHandler
- public void postInit(final FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {
- INIT_PHASE.POST_INIT.setPhaseActive(true);
- proxy.postInit(event);
- HazmatUtils.init();
- BookHandler.runLater();
- Meta_GT_Proxy.postInit();
- Core_Manager.postInit();
- // SprinklerHandler.registerModFerts();
- ItemGiantEgg.postInit(ModItems.itemBigEgg);
- BlockEventHandler.init();
- GTPP_Recipe.reInit();
- Logger.INFO(
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
- );
- Logger.INFO(
- "| Recipes succesfully Loaded: "
- + RegistrationHandler.recipesSuccess + " | Failed: "
- + RegistrationHandler.recipesFailed + " |"
- );
- Logger.INFO(
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
- );
- Logger.INFO(
- "Finally, we are finished. Have some cripsy bacon as a reward."
- );
- // Log free GT++ Meta IDs
- if (CORE.DEVENV) {
- // 750 - 999 are reserved for Alkalus.
- for (int i=750; i<1000;i++) {
- if (gregtech.api.GregTech_API.METATILEENTITIES[i] == null) {
- Logger.INFO("MetaID "+i+" is free.");
- }
- }
- // 30000 - 31999 are reserved for Alkalus.
- for (int i=30000; i<32000;i++) {
- if (gregtech.api.GregTech_API.METATILEENTITIES[i] == null) {
- Logger.INFO("MetaID "+i+" is free.");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @EventHandler
- public synchronized void serverStarting(
- final FMLServerStartingEvent event
- ) {
- INIT_PHASE.SERVER_START.setPhaseActive(true);
- event.registerServerCommand(new CommandMath());
- event.registerServerCommand(new CommandEnableDebugWhileRunning());
- event.registerServerCommand(new CommandDebugChunks());
- if (LoadedMods.Thaumcraft) {
- event.registerServerCommand(new CommandDumpAspects());
- }
- Core_Manager.serverStart();
- INIT_PHASE.STARTED.setPhaseActive(true);
- }
- @Mod.EventHandler
- public synchronized void serverStopping(
- final FMLServerStoppingEvent event
- ) {
- Core_Manager.serverStop();
- }
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent arg0) {
- }
- /**
- * This {@link EventHandler} is called after the
- * {@link FMLPostInitializationEvent} stages of all loaded mods executes
- * successfully. {@link #onLoadComplete(FMLLoadCompleteEvent)} exists to
- * inject recipe generation after Gregtech and all other mods are entirely
- * loaded and initialized.
- *
- * @param event
- * - The {@link EventHandler} object passed through from FML to
- * {@link #GTplusplus()}'s {@link #instance}.
- */
- @Mod.EventHandler
- public void onLoadComplete(FMLLoadCompleteEvent event) {
- proxy.onLoadComplete(event);
- generateGregtechRecipeMaps();
- // Check our maps are untouched
- GTPP_Recipe.checkRecipeModifications();
- Logger.INFO("Passed verification checks.");
- }
- @Mod.EventHandler
- public void onIDChangingEvent(FMLModIdMappingEvent aEvent) {
- GTPP_Recipe.reInit();
- }
- public static void tryPatchTurbineTextures() {
- if (enableAnimatedTurbines) {
- BlockIcons h = Textures.BlockIcons.GAS_TURBINE_SIDE_ACTIVE;
- BlockIcons h2 = Textures.BlockIcons.STEAM_TURBINE_SIDE_ACTIVE;
- try {
- Logger.INFO(
- "Trying to patch GT textures to make Turbines animated."
- );
- IIcon aIcon = TexturesGtBlock.Overlay_Machine_Turbine_Active.getIcon();
- if (ReflectionUtils.setField(h, "mIcon", aIcon)) {
- Logger.INFO("Patched Gas Turbine Icon.");
- }
- if (ReflectionUtils.setField(h2, "mIcon", aIcon)) {
- Logger.INFO("Patched Steam Turbine Icon.");
- }
- }
- catch (Throwable e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- protected void generateGregtechRecipeMaps() {
- int[] mValidCount = new int[]{
- 0, 0, 0
- };
- int[] mInvalidCount = new int[]{
- 0, 0, 0, 0
- };
- int[] mOriginalCount = new int[]{
- 0, 0, 0
- };
- RecipeGen_BlastSmelterGT_GTNH.generateGTNHBlastSmelterRecipesFromEBFList();
- FishPondFakeRecipe.generateFishPondRecipes();
- //GregtechMiniRaFusion.generateSlowFusionrecipes();
- SemiFluidFuelHandler.generateFuels();
- GregtechMTE_ChemicalPlant.generateRecipes();
- mInvalidCount[0] = RecipeGen_MultisUsingFluidInsteadOfCells.generateRecipesNotUsingCells(
- GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sCentrifugeRecipes, GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockCentrifugeRecipes_GT
- );
- mInvalidCount[1] = RecipeGen_MultisUsingFluidInsteadOfCells.generateRecipesNotUsingCells(
- GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sElectrolyzerRecipes, GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipes_GT
- );
- mInvalidCount[2] = RecipeGen_MultisUsingFluidInsteadOfCells.generateRecipesNotUsingCells(
- GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sVacuumRecipes, GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sAdvFreezerRecipes_GT
- );
- mInvalidCount[3] = RecipeGen_MultisUsingFluidInsteadOfCells.generateRecipesNotUsingCells(
- GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sMixerRecipes, GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockMixerRecipes_GT
- );
- /*
- //Large Centrifuge generation
- mOriginalCount[0] = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sCentrifugeRecipes.mRecipeList.size();
- for (GT_Recipe x : GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sCentrifugeRecipes.mRecipeList) {
- if (x != null) {
- if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(x.mInputs, x.mOutputs)) {
- if (CORE.RA.addMultiblockCentrifugeRecipe(x.mInputs, x.mFluidInputs, x.mFluidOutputs, x.mOutputs, x.mChances, x.mDuration, x.mEUt, x.mSpecialValue)) {
- mValidCount[0]++;
- }
- else {
- mInvalidCount[0]++;
- }
- }
- else {
- Logger.INFO("[Recipe] Error generating Large Centrifuge recipe.");
- Logger.INFO("Inputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mInputs));
- Logger.INFO("Fluid Inputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mFluidInputs));
- Logger.INFO("Outputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mOutputs));
- Logger.INFO("Fluid Outputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mFluidOutputs));
- }
- }
- else {
- mInvalidCount[0]++;
- }
- }
- if (GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockCentrifugeRecipes_GT.mRecipeList.size() < 1) {
- for (GT_Recipe a : GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockCentrifugeRecipes_GT.mRecipeList) {
- GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockCentrifugeRecipes_GT.add(a);
- }
- }
- //Large Electrolyzer generation
- mOriginalCount[1] = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sElectrolyzerRecipes.mRecipeList.size();
- for (GT_Recipe x : GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sElectrolyzerRecipes.mRecipeList) {
- if (x != null) {
- if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(x.mInputs, x.mOutputs)) {
- if (CORE.RA.addMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipe(x.mInputs, x.mFluidInputs, x.mFluidOutputs, x.mOutputs, x.mChances, x.mDuration, x.mEUt, x.mSpecialValue)) {
- mValidCount[1]++;
- }
- else {
- mInvalidCount[1]++;
- }
- }
- else {
- Logger.INFO("[Recipe] Error generating Large Electrolyzer recipe.");
- Logger.INFO("Inputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mInputs));
- Logger.INFO("Fluid Inputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mFluidInputs));
- Logger.INFO("Outputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mOutputs));
- Logger.INFO("Fluid Outputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mFluidOutputs));
- }
- }
- else {
- mInvalidCount[1]++;
- }
- }
- if (GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipes_GT.mRecipeList.size() < 1) {
- for (GT_Recipe a : GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipes_GT.mRecipeList) {
- GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipes_GT.add(a);
- }
- }
- //Advanced Vacuum Freezer generation
- mOriginalCount[2] = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sVacuumRecipes.mRecipeList.size();
- for (GT_Recipe x : GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sVacuumRecipes.mRecipeList) {
- if (x != null && RecipeUtils.doesGregtechRecipeHaveEqualCells(x)) {
- if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(x.mInputs, x.mOutputs)) {
- if (CORE.RA.addAdvancedFreezerRecipe(x.mInputs, x.mFluidInputs, x.mFluidOutputs, x.mOutputs, x.mChances, x.mDuration, x.mEUt, x.mSpecialValue)) {
- mValidCount[2]++;
- }
- }
- else {
- mInvalidCount[2]++;
- }
- }
- else {
- mInvalidCount[2]++;
- }
- }
- //Redo plasma recipes in Adv. Vac.
- //Meta_GT_Proxy.generatePlasmaRecipesForAdvVacFreezer();
- String[] machineName = new String[] {"Centrifuge", "Electrolyzer", "Vacuum Freezer"};
- for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
- Logger.INFO("[Recipe] Generated "+mValidCount[i]+" recipes for the Industrial "+machineName[i]+". The original machine can process "+mOriginalCount[i]+" recipes, meaning "+mInvalidCount[i]+" are invalid for this Multiblock's processing in some way.");
- }*/
- }
- protected void dumpGtRecipeMap(final GT_Recipe_Map r) {
- final Collection<GT_Recipe> x = r.mRecipeList;
- Logger.INFO("Dumping " + r.mUnlocalizedName + " Recipes for Debug.");
- for (final GT_Recipe newBo : x) {
- Logger.INFO("========================");
- Logger.INFO(
- "Dumping Input: "
- + ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(newBo.mInputs)
- );
- Logger.INFO(
- "Dumping Inputs " + ItemUtils.getFluidArrayStackNames(
- newBo.mFluidInputs
- )
- );
- Logger.INFO("Dumping Duration: " + newBo.mDuration);
- Logger.INFO("Dumping EU/t: " + newBo.mEUt);
- Logger.INFO(
- "Dumping Output: "
- + ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(newBo.mOutputs)
- );
- Logger.INFO(
- "Dumping Output: " + ItemUtils.getFluidArrayStackNames(
- newBo.mFluidOutputs
- )
- );
- Logger.INFO("========================");
- }
- }
- private static final boolean setupMaterialBlacklist() {
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials._NULL);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Clay);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Phosphorus);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Steel);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Bronze);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Hydrogen);
- // Infused TC stuff
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.InfusedAir);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.InfusedEarth);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.InfusedFire);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.InfusedWater);
- // EIO Materials
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.SoulSand);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.EnderPearl);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.EnderEye);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Redstone);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Glowstone);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Soularium);
- Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.PhasedIron);
- if (Material.invalidMaterials.size() > 0) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private void setupMaterialWhitelist() {
- mGregMatLoader = new GT_Material_Loader();
- // Non GTNH Materials
- if (!CORE.GTNH) {
- // Mithril - Random Dungeon Loot
- mGregMatLoader.enableMaterial(Materials.Mithril);
- }
- // Force - Alloying
- mGregMatLoader.enableMaterial(Materials.Force);
- }
- private static final HashMap<String, Item> sMissingItemMappings = new HashMap<String, Item>();
- private static final HashMap<String, Block> sMissingBlockMappings = new HashMap<String, Block>();
- private static void processMissingMappings() {
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:Ammonium", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellAmmonium"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:Hydroxide", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellHydroxide"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:BerylliumHydroxide", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellmiscutils:BerylliumHydroxide"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:Bromine", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellBromine"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:Krypton", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellKrypton"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:itemCellZirconiumTetrafluoride", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "ZirconiumTetrafluoride"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:Li2BeF4", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellLithiumTetrafluoroberyllate"));
- // Cryolite
- sMissingBlockMappings.put("miscutils:oreCryolite", GameRegistry.findBlock(CORE.MODID, "oreCryoliteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:itemDustTinyCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustTinyCryoliteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:itemDustSmallCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustSmallCryoliteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:itemDustCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustCryoliteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:dustPureCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "dustPureCryoliteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:dustImpureCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "dustImpureCryoliteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:crushedCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedCryoliteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:crushedPurifiedCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedPurifiedCryoliteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:crushedCentrifugedCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedCentrifugedCryoliteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:oreCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "oreCryoliteF"));
- // Fluorite
- sMissingBlockMappings.put("miscutils:oreFluorite", GameRegistry.findBlock(CORE.MODID, "oreFluoriteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:itemDustTinyFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustTinyFluoriteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:itemDustSmallFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustSmallFluoriteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:itemDustFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustFluoriteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:dustPureFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "dustPureFluoriteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:dustImpureFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "dustImpureFluoriteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:crushedFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedFluoriteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:crushedPurifiedFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedPurifiedFluoriteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:crushedCentrifugedFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedCentrifugedFluoriteF"));
- sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:oreFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "oreFluoriteF"));
- }
+ public static enum INIT_PHASE {
+ SUPER(null),
+ protected boolean mIsPhaseActive = false;
+ private final INIT_PHASE mPrev;
+ private INIT_PHASE(INIT_PHASE aPreviousPhase) {
+ mPrev = aPreviousPhase;
+ }
+ public final synchronized boolean isPhaseActive() {
+ return mIsPhaseActive;
+ }
+ public final synchronized void setPhaseActive(boolean aIsPhaseActive) {
+ if (mPrev != null && mPrev.isPhaseActive()) {
+ mPrev.setPhaseActive(false);
+ }
+ mIsPhaseActive = aIsPhaseActive;
+ if (CURRENT_LOAD_PHASE != this) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Mod Instance
+ @Mod.Instance(CORE.MODID)
+ public static GTplusplus instance;
+ // Material Loader
+ public static GT_Material_Loader mGregMatLoader;
+ // GT_Proxy instance
+ protected static Meta_GT_Proxy mGregProxy;
+ // GT++ Proxy Instances
+ @SidedProxy(clientSide = "gtPlusPlus.core.proxy.ClientProxy", serverSide = "gtPlusPlus.core.proxy.ServerProxy")
+ public static CommonProxy proxy;
+ // Loads Textures
+ @SideOnly(value = Side.CLIENT)
+ public static void loadTextures() {
+ Logger.INFO("Loading some textures on the client.");
+ // Tools
+ Logger.WARNING("Processing texture: "
+ + TexturesGtTools.SKOOKUM_CHOOCHER.getTextureFile().getResourcePath());
+ Logger.WARNING("Processing texture: "
+ + TexturesGtTools.ANGLE_GRINDER.getTextureFile().getResourcePath());
+ Logger.WARNING("Processing texture: "
+ + TexturesGtTools.ELECTRIC_SNIPS.getTextureFile().getResourcePath());
+ Logger.WARNING("Processing texture: "
+ + TexturesGtTools.ELECTRIC_LIGHTER.getTextureFile().getResourcePath());
+ Logger.WARNING("Processing texture: "
+ + TexturesGtTools.ELECTRIC_BUTCHER_KNIFE.getTextureFile().getResourcePath());
+ // Blocks
+ Logger.WARNING("Processing texture: "
+ + TexturesGtBlock.Casing_Machine_Dimensional.getTextureFile().getResourcePath());
+ }
+ public GTplusplus() {
+ super();
+ INIT_PHASE.SUPER.setPhaseActive(true);
+ }
+ // Pre-Init
+ @Mod.EventHandler
+ public void preInit(final FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
+ INIT_PHASE.PRE_INIT.setPhaseActive(true);
+ Logger.INFO("Loading " + CORE.name + " " + CORE.VERSION + " on Gregtech " + Utils.getGregtechVersionAsString());
+ // Load all class objects within the plugin package.
+ Core_Manager.veryEarlyInit();
+ PacketHandler.init();
+ if (!Utils.isServer()) {
+ enableCustomCapes = true;
+ }
+ // Give this a go mate.
+ // initAnalytics();
+ setupMaterialBlacklist();
+ // setupMaterialWhitelist();
+ // Handle GT++ Config
+ ConfigHandler.handleConfigFile(event);
+ // Check for Dev
+ CORE.DEVENV = (Boolean) Launch.blackboard.get("fml.deobfuscatedEnvironment");
+ // Utils.LOG_INFO("User's Country: " + CORE.USER_COUNTRY);
+ Utils.registerEvent(new LoginEventHandler());
+ Utils.registerEvent(new MissingMappingsEvent());
+ Utils.registerEvent(new MobMentality());
+ Logger.INFO("Login Handler Initialized");
+ proxy.preInit(event);
+ Logger.INFO("Setting up our own GT_Proxy.");
+ Meta_GT_Proxy.preInit();
+ Core_Manager.preInit();
+ GTPP_ChunkManager.init();
+ }
+ // Init
+ @Mod.EventHandler
+ public void init(final FMLInitializationEvent event) {
+ INIT_PHASE.INIT.setPhaseActive(true);
+ proxy.init(event);
+ proxy.registerNetworkStuff();
+ Meta_GT_Proxy.init();
+ Core_Manager.init();
+ NEI_IMC_Sender.IMCSender();
+ // Used by foreign players to generate .lang files for translation.
+ if (CORE.ConfigSwitches.dumpItemAndBlockData) {
+ LocaleUtils.generateFakeLocaleFile();
+ }
+ }
+ // Post-Init
+ @Mod.EventHandler
+ public void postInit(final FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {
+ INIT_PHASE.POST_INIT.setPhaseActive(true);
+ proxy.postInit(event);
+ HazmatUtils.init();
+ BookHandler.runLater();
+ Meta_GT_Proxy.postInit();
+ Core_Manager.postInit();
+ // SprinklerHandler.registerModFerts();
+ ItemGiantEgg.postInit(ModItems.itemBigEgg);
+ BlockEventHandler.init();
+ GTPP_Recipe.reInit();
+ Logger.INFO("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
+ Logger.INFO("| Recipes succesfully Loaded: "
+ + RegistrationHandler.recipesSuccess + " | Failed: "
+ + RegistrationHandler.recipesFailed + " |");
+ Logger.INFO("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
+ Logger.INFO("Finally, we are finished. Have some cripsy bacon as a reward.");
+ // Log free GT++ Meta IDs
+ if (CORE.DEVENV) {
+ // 750 - 999 are reserved for Alkalus.
+ for (int i = 750; i < 1000; i++) {
+ if (gregtech.api.GregTech_API.METATILEENTITIES[i] == null) {
+ Logger.INFO("MetaID " + i + " is free.");
+ }
+ }
+ // 30000 - 31999 are reserved for Alkalus.
+ for (int i = 30000; i < 32000; i++) {
+ if (gregtech.api.GregTech_API.METATILEENTITIES[i] == null) {
+ Logger.INFO("MetaID " + i + " is free.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @EventHandler
+ public synchronized void serverStarting(final FMLServerStartingEvent event) {
+ INIT_PHASE.SERVER_START.setPhaseActive(true);
+ event.registerServerCommand(new CommandMath());
+ event.registerServerCommand(new CommandEnableDebugWhileRunning());
+ event.registerServerCommand(new CommandDebugChunks());
+ if (LoadedMods.Thaumcraft) {
+ event.registerServerCommand(new CommandDumpAspects());
+ }
+ Core_Manager.serverStart();
+ INIT_PHASE.STARTED.setPhaseActive(true);
+ }
+ @Mod.EventHandler
+ public synchronized void serverStopping(final FMLServerStoppingEvent event) {
+ Core_Manager.serverStop();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent arg0) {}
+ /**
+ * This {@link EventHandler} is called after the
+ * {@link FMLPostInitializationEvent} stages of all loaded mods executes
+ * successfully. {@link #onLoadComplete(FMLLoadCompleteEvent)} exists to
+ * inject recipe generation after Gregtech and all other mods are entirely
+ * loaded and initialized.
+ *
+ * @param event
+ * - The {@link EventHandler} object passed through from FML to
+ * {@link #GTplusplus()}'s {@link #instance}.
+ */
+ @Mod.EventHandler
+ public void onLoadComplete(FMLLoadCompleteEvent event) {
+ proxy.onLoadComplete(event);
+ generateGregtechRecipeMaps();
+ // Check our maps are untouched
+ GTPP_Recipe.checkRecipeModifications();
+ Logger.INFO("Passed verification checks.");
+ }
+ @Mod.EventHandler
+ public void onIDChangingEvent(FMLModIdMappingEvent aEvent) {
+ GTPP_Recipe.reInit();
+ }
+ public static void tryPatchTurbineTextures() {
+ if (enableAnimatedTurbines) {
+ BlockIcons h = Textures.BlockIcons.GAS_TURBINE_SIDE_ACTIVE;
+ BlockIcons h2 = Textures.BlockIcons.STEAM_TURBINE_SIDE_ACTIVE;
+ try {
+ Logger.INFO("Trying to patch GT textures to make Turbines animated.");
+ IIcon aIcon = TexturesGtBlock.Overlay_Machine_Turbine_Active.getIcon();
+ if (ReflectionUtils.setField(h, "mIcon", aIcon)) {
+ Logger.INFO("Patched Gas Turbine Icon.");
+ }
+ if (ReflectionUtils.setField(h2, "mIcon", aIcon)) {
+ Logger.INFO("Patched Steam Turbine Icon.");
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void generateGregtechRecipeMaps() {
+ int[] mValidCount = new int[] {0, 0, 0};
+ int[] mInvalidCount = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ int[] mOriginalCount = new int[] {0, 0, 0};
+ RecipeGen_BlastSmelterGT_GTNH.generateGTNHBlastSmelterRecipesFromEBFList();
+ FishPondFakeRecipe.generateFishPondRecipes();
+ // GregtechMiniRaFusion.generateSlowFusionrecipes();
+ SemiFluidFuelHandler.generateFuels();
+ GregtechMTE_ChemicalPlant.generateRecipes();
+ mInvalidCount[0] = RecipeGen_MultisUsingFluidInsteadOfCells.generateRecipesNotUsingCells(
+ GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sCentrifugeRecipes,
+ GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockCentrifugeRecipes_GT);
+ mInvalidCount[1] = RecipeGen_MultisUsingFluidInsteadOfCells.generateRecipesNotUsingCells(
+ GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sElectrolyzerRecipes,
+ GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipes_GT);
+ mInvalidCount[2] = RecipeGen_MultisUsingFluidInsteadOfCells.generateRecipesNotUsingCells(
+ GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sVacuumRecipes, GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sAdvFreezerRecipes_GT);
+ mInvalidCount[3] = RecipeGen_MultisUsingFluidInsteadOfCells.generateRecipesNotUsingCells(
+ GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sMixerRecipes, GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockMixerRecipes_GT);
+ /*
+ //Large Centrifuge generation
+ mOriginalCount[0] = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sCentrifugeRecipes.mRecipeList.size();
+ for (GT_Recipe x : GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sCentrifugeRecipes.mRecipeList) {
+ if (x != null) {
+ if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(x.mInputs, x.mOutputs)) {
+ if (CORE.RA.addMultiblockCentrifugeRecipe(x.mInputs, x.mFluidInputs, x.mFluidOutputs, x.mOutputs, x.mChances, x.mDuration, x.mEUt, x.mSpecialValue)) {
+ mValidCount[0]++;
+ }
+ else {
+ mInvalidCount[0]++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Logger.INFO("[Recipe] Error generating Large Centrifuge recipe.");
+ Logger.INFO("Inputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mInputs));
+ Logger.INFO("Fluid Inputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mFluidInputs));
+ Logger.INFO("Outputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mOutputs));
+ Logger.INFO("Fluid Outputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mFluidOutputs));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mInvalidCount[0]++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockCentrifugeRecipes_GT.mRecipeList.size() < 1) {
+ for (GT_Recipe a : GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockCentrifugeRecipes_GT.mRecipeList) {
+ GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockCentrifugeRecipes_GT.add(a);
+ }
+ }
+ //Large Electrolyzer generation
+ mOriginalCount[1] = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sElectrolyzerRecipes.mRecipeList.size();
+ for (GT_Recipe x : GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sElectrolyzerRecipes.mRecipeList) {
+ if (x != null) {
+ if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(x.mInputs, x.mOutputs)) {
+ if (CORE.RA.addMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipe(x.mInputs, x.mFluidInputs, x.mFluidOutputs, x.mOutputs, x.mChances, x.mDuration, x.mEUt, x.mSpecialValue)) {
+ mValidCount[1]++;
+ }
+ else {
+ mInvalidCount[1]++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Logger.INFO("[Recipe] Error generating Large Electrolyzer recipe.");
+ Logger.INFO("Inputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mInputs));
+ Logger.INFO("Fluid Inputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mFluidInputs));
+ Logger.INFO("Outputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mOutputs));
+ Logger.INFO("Fluid Outputs: "+ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(x.mFluidOutputs));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mInvalidCount[1]++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipes_GT.mRecipeList.size() < 1) {
+ for (GT_Recipe a : GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipes_GT.mRecipeList) {
+ GTPP_Recipe.GTPP_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockElectrolyzerRecipes_GT.add(a);
+ }
+ }
+ //Advanced Vacuum Freezer generation
+ mOriginalCount[2] = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sVacuumRecipes.mRecipeList.size();
+ for (GT_Recipe x : GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sVacuumRecipes.mRecipeList) {
+ if (x != null && RecipeUtils.doesGregtechRecipeHaveEqualCells(x)) {
+ if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(x.mInputs, x.mOutputs)) {
+ if (CORE.RA.addAdvancedFreezerRecipe(x.mInputs, x.mFluidInputs, x.mFluidOutputs, x.mOutputs, x.mChances, x.mDuration, x.mEUt, x.mSpecialValue)) {
+ mValidCount[2]++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mInvalidCount[2]++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mInvalidCount[2]++;
+ }
+ }
+ //Redo plasma recipes in Adv. Vac.
+ //Meta_GT_Proxy.generatePlasmaRecipesForAdvVacFreezer();
+ String[] machineName = new String[] {"Centrifuge", "Electrolyzer", "Vacuum Freezer"};
+ for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
+ Logger.INFO("[Recipe] Generated "+mValidCount[i]+" recipes for the Industrial "+machineName[i]+". The original machine can process "+mOriginalCount[i]+" recipes, meaning "+mInvalidCount[i]+" are invalid for this Multiblock's processing in some way.");
+ }*/
+ }
+ protected void dumpGtRecipeMap(final GT_Recipe_Map r) {
+ final Collection<GT_Recipe> x = r.mRecipeList;
+ Logger.INFO("Dumping " + r.mUnlocalizedName + " Recipes for Debug.");
+ for (final GT_Recipe newBo : x) {
+ Logger.INFO("========================");
+ Logger.INFO("Dumping Input: " + ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(newBo.mInputs));
+ Logger.INFO("Dumping Inputs " + ItemUtils.getFluidArrayStackNames(newBo.mFluidInputs));
+ Logger.INFO("Dumping Duration: " + newBo.mDuration);
+ Logger.INFO("Dumping EU/t: " + newBo.mEUt);
+ Logger.INFO("Dumping Output: " + ItemUtils.getArrayStackNames(newBo.mOutputs));
+ Logger.INFO("Dumping Output: " + ItemUtils.getFluidArrayStackNames(newBo.mFluidOutputs));
+ Logger.INFO("========================");
+ }
+ }
+ private static final boolean setupMaterialBlacklist() {
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials._NULL);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Clay);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Phosphorus);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Steel);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Bronze);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Hydrogen);
+ // Infused TC stuff
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.InfusedAir);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.InfusedEarth);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.InfusedFire);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.InfusedWater);
+ // EIO Materials
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.SoulSand);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.EnderPearl);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.EnderEye);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Redstone);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Glowstone);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.Soularium);
+ Material.invalidMaterials.put(Materials.PhasedIron);
+ if (Material.invalidMaterials.size() > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private void setupMaterialWhitelist() {
+ mGregMatLoader = new GT_Material_Loader();
+ // Non GTNH Materials
+ if (!CORE.GTNH) {
+ // Mithril - Random Dungeon Loot
+ mGregMatLoader.enableMaterial(Materials.Mithril);
+ }
+ // Force - Alloying
+ mGregMatLoader.enableMaterial(Materials.Force);
+ }
+ private static final HashMap<String, Item> sMissingItemMappings = new HashMap<String, Item>();
+ private static final HashMap<String, Block> sMissingBlockMappings = new HashMap<String, Block>();
+ private static void processMissingMappings() {
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:Ammonium", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellAmmonium"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:Hydroxide", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellHydroxide"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:BerylliumHydroxide",
+ GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellmiscutils:BerylliumHydroxide"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:Bromine", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellBromine"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:Krypton", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellKrypton"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:itemCellZirconiumTetrafluoride",
+ GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "ZirconiumTetrafluoride"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:Li2BeF4", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemCellLithiumTetrafluoroberyllate"));
+ // Cryolite
+ sMissingBlockMappings.put("miscutils:oreCryolite", GameRegistry.findBlock(CORE.MODID, "oreCryoliteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:itemDustTinyCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustTinyCryoliteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:itemDustSmallCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustSmallCryoliteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:itemDustCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustCryoliteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:dustPureCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "dustPureCryoliteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:dustImpureCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "dustImpureCryoliteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:crushedCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedCryoliteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:crushedPurifiedCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedPurifiedCryoliteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:crushedCentrifugedCryolite",
+ GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedCentrifugedCryoliteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:oreCryolite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "oreCryoliteF"));
+ // Fluorite
+ sMissingBlockMappings.put("miscutils:oreFluorite", GameRegistry.findBlock(CORE.MODID, "oreFluoriteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:itemDustTinyFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustTinyFluoriteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:itemDustSmallFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustSmallFluoriteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:itemDustFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "itemDustFluoriteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:dustPureFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "dustPureFluoriteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:dustImpureFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "dustImpureFluoriteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:crushedFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedFluoriteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:crushedPurifiedFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedPurifiedFluoriteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put(
+ "miscutils:crushedCentrifugedFluorite",
+ GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "crushedCentrifugedFluoriteF"));
+ sMissingItemMappings.put("miscutils:oreFluorite", GameRegistry.findItem(CORE.MODID, "oreFluoriteF"));
+ }
public void missingMapping(FMLMissingMappingsEvent event) {
- processMissingMappings();
- for (FMLMissingMappingsEvent.MissingMapping mapping : event.get()) {
- if (mapping.type == GameRegistry.Type.ITEM) {
- Item aReplacement = sMissingItemMappings.get(mapping.name);
- if (aReplacement != null) {
- remap(aReplacement, mapping);
- }
- else {
- //Logger.INFO("Unable to remap: "+mapping.name+", item has no replacement mapping.");
- }
- }
- else if (mapping.type == GameRegistry.Type.BLOCK) {
- Block aReplacement = sMissingBlockMappings.get(mapping.name);
- if (aReplacement != null) {
- remap(aReplacement, mapping);
- }
- else {
- //Logger.INFO("Unable to remap: "+mapping.name+", block has no replacement mapping.");
- }
- }
- }
+ processMissingMappings();
+ for (FMLMissingMappingsEvent.MissingMapping mapping : event.get()) {
+ if (mapping.type == GameRegistry.Type.ITEM) {
+ Item aReplacement = sMissingItemMappings.get(mapping.name);
+ if (aReplacement != null) {
+ remap(aReplacement, mapping);
+ } else {
+ // Logger.INFO("Unable to remap: "+mapping.name+", item has no replacement mapping.");
+ }
+ } else if (mapping.type == GameRegistry.Type.BLOCK) {
+ Block aReplacement = sMissingBlockMappings.get(mapping.name);
+ if (aReplacement != null) {
+ remap(aReplacement, mapping);
+ } else {
+ // Logger.INFO("Unable to remap: "+mapping.name+", block has no replacement mapping.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
private static void remap(Item item, FMLMissingMappingsEvent.MissingMapping mapping) {
Logger.INFO("Remapping item " + mapping.name + " to " + CORE.MODID + ":" + item.getUnlocalizedName());
private static void remap(Block block, FMLMissingMappingsEvent.MissingMapping mapping) {
Logger.INFO("Remapping block " + mapping.name + " to " + CORE.MODID + ":" + block.getUnlocalizedName());