path: root/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui')
6 files changed, 811 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1af597c05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench.java
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.gui.automation;
+import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_ContainerMetaTile_Machine;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_Slot_Holo;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_Slot_Output;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
+import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.tileentities.automation.GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricAutoWorkbench;
+import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.basic.GT_MetaTileEntity_CropHarvestor;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.inventory.ICrafting;
+import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+public class GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench extends GT_ContainerMetaTile_Machine {
+ public int mMode;
+ public int mThroughPut;
+ public GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench(InventoryPlayer aInventoryPlayer, IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity) {
+ super(aInventoryPlayer, aTileEntity);
+ }
+ public void addSlots(InventoryPlayer aInventoryPlayer) {
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 0, 8, 5));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 1, 26, 5));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 2, 44, 5));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 3, 8, 23));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 4, 26, 23));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 5, 44, 23));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 6, 8, 41));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 7, 26, 41));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 8, 44, 41));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 9, 8, 60));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 10, 26, 60));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 11, 44, 60));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 12, 62, 60));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 13, 80, 60));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 14, 98, 60));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 15, 116, 60));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 16, 134, 60));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 17, 152, 60));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Output(mTileEntity, 18, 152, 41));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 19, 64, 6, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 20, 81, 6, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 21, 98, 6, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 22, 64, 23, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 23, 81, 23, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 24, 98, 23, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 25, 64, 40, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 26, 81, 40, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 27, 98, 40, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 28, 152, 5, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 29, 121, 41, false, false, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 29, 121, 5, false, false, 1));
+ }
+ public ItemStack slotClick(int aSlotIndex, int aMouseclick, int aShifthold, EntityPlayer aPlayer) {
+ if (aSlotIndex < 18) return super.slotClick(aSlotIndex, aMouseclick, aShifthold, aPlayer);
+ Slot tSlot = (Slot)inventorySlots.get(aSlotIndex);
+ if (tSlot != null) {
+ if (mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity() == null) return null;
+ if (aSlotIndex > 18 && aSlotIndex < 28) {
+ ItemStack tStack = aPlayer.inventory.getItemStack();
+ if (tStack != null) {
+ tStack = GT_Utility.copy(1, tStack);
+ }
+ tSlot.putStack(tStack);
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (aSlotIndex == 28) return null;
+ if (aSlotIndex == 29) {
+ if (aMouseclick == 0) {
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricAutoWorkbench)mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).switchModeForward();
+ } else {
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricAutoWorkbench)mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).switchModeBackward();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (aSlotIndex == 30) {
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricAutoWorkbench)mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).switchThrough();
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ return super.slotClick(aSlotIndex, aMouseclick, aShifthold, aPlayer);
+ }
+ public int getSlotCount() {
+ return 19;
+ }
+ public int getShiftClickSlotCount() {
+ return 9;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void detectAndSendChanges() {
+ super.detectAndSendChanges();
+ if (mTileEntity.isClientSide() || mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity() == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mMode = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricAutoWorkbench) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).mMode;
+ mThroughPut = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricAutoWorkbench) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).mThroughPut;
+ for (Object crafter : this.crafters) {
+ ICrafting var1 = (ICrafting) crafter;
+ var1.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 103, this.mMode);
+ var1.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 104, this.mThroughPut);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void addCraftingToCrafters(ICrafting par1ICrafting) {
+ super.addCraftingToCrafters(par1ICrafting);
+ }
+ @Override
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ public void updateProgressBar(int par1, int par2) {
+ super.updateProgressBar(par1, par2);
+ switch (par1) {
+ case 103:
+ this.mMode = par2;
+ break;
+ case 104:
+ this.mThroughPut = par2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e8f509dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager.java
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.gui.automation;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_ContainerMetaTile_Machine;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_Slot_Holo;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
+import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.tileentities.automation.GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.inventory.ICrafting;
+import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
+public class GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager extends GT_ContainerMetaTile_Machine {
+ public int[] mTargetDirections = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ public int[] mRangeDirections = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0};
+ public int mTargetInOut;
+ public int mTargetEnergy;
+ public GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager(InventoryPlayer aInventoryPlayer, IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity) {
+ super(aInventoryPlayer, aTileEntity);
+ }
+ public void addSlots(InventoryPlayer aInventoryPlayer) {
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 0, 155, 5));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 1, 155, 23));
+ addSlotToContainer(new Slot(mTileEntity, 2, 155, 41));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 3, 5, 5, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 4, 5, 23, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 5, 5, 41, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 6, 61, 5, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 7, 61, 23, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 8, 61, 41, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 9, 80, 5, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 10, 80, 23, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 11, 80, 41, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 12, 136, 5, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 13, 136, 23, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 14, 136, 41, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 24, 5, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 24, 23, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 24, 41, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 42, 5, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 42, 23, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 42, 41, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 99, 5, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 99, 23, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 99, 41, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 117, 5, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 117, 23, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 117, 41, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 24, 60, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 42, 60, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 99, 60, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 117, 60, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 5, 60, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 61, 60, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 80, 60, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 15, 136, 60, false, true, 1));
+ }
+ public ItemStack slotClick(int aSlotIndex, int aMouseclick, int aShifthold, EntityPlayer aPlayer) {
+ if (aSlotIndex < 3 || aSlotIndex >= getAllSlotCount())
+ return super.slotClick(aSlotIndex, aMouseclick, aShifthold, aPlayer);
+ Slot tSlot = (Slot) inventorySlots.get(aSlotIndex);
+ if (tSlot != null) {
+ if (mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity() == null)
+ return null;
+ if (aSlotIndex < 15) {
+ ItemStack tStack = aPlayer.inventory.getItemStack();
+ if (tStack != null) {
+ tStack = GT_Utility.copy(tStack);
+ if (aMouseclick != 0) {
+ tStack.setItemDamage(OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE);
+ }
+ tSlot.putStack(tStack);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (tSlot.getStack() != null) {
+ if (aMouseclick == 0) {
+ tSlot.getStack().stackSize -= (aShifthold == 1 ? 8 : 1);
+ if (tSlot.getStack().stackSize <= 0) {
+ tSlot.putStack(null);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tSlot.getStack().stackSize += (aShifthold == 1 ? 8 : 1);
+ if (tSlot.getStack().stackSize > tSlot.getStack().getMaxStackSize()) {
+ tSlot.getStack().stackSize = tSlot.getStack().getMaxStackSize();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ else if (aSlotIndex >= 27 && aSlotIndex <= 30) {
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).iterateRangeDirection(aSlotIndex - 27);
+ }
+ else if (aSlotIndex >= 31 && aSlotIndex <= 34) {
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).switchRangeEnergy(aSlotIndex - 31);
+ }
+ else if (aSlotIndex % 3 == 0) {
+ if (aMouseclick != 0)
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).switchSlot1InOut((aSlotIndex - 15) / 3);
+ else
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).iterateSlot1Direction((aSlotIndex - 15) / 3);
+ }
+ else if (aSlotIndex % 3 == 1) {
+ if (aMouseclick != 0)
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).switchSlot2InOut((aSlotIndex - 16) / 3);
+ else
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).iterateSlot2Direction((aSlotIndex - 16) / 3);
+ }
+ else if (aSlotIndex % 3 == 2) {
+ if (aMouseclick != 0)
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).switchSlot3InOut((aSlotIndex - 17) / 3);
+ else
+ ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).iterateSlot3Direction((aSlotIndex - 17) / 3);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void detectAndSendChanges() {
+ super.detectAndSendChanges();
+ if (mTileEntity.isClientSide() || mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity() == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mTargetDirections = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ mRangeDirections = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0};
+ mRangeDirections[0] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getRangeDirection(0);
+ mRangeDirections[1] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getRangeDirection(1);
+ mRangeDirections[2] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getRangeDirection(2);
+ mRangeDirections[3] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getRangeDirection(3);
+ mTargetDirections[0] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot1Direction(0);
+ mTargetDirections[1] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot2Direction(0);
+ mTargetDirections[2] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot3Direction(0);
+ mTargetDirections[3] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot1Direction(1);
+ mTargetDirections[4] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot2Direction(1);
+ mTargetDirections[5] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot3Direction(1);
+ mTargetDirections[6] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot1Direction(2);
+ mTargetDirections[7] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot2Direction(2);
+ mTargetDirections[8] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot3Direction(2);
+ mTargetDirections[9] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot1Direction(3);
+ mTargetDirections[10] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot2Direction(3);
+ mTargetDirections[11] = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot3Direction(3);
+ mTargetInOut = 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot1InOut(0) ? 1 << 0 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot2InOut(0) ? 1 << 1 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot3InOut(0) ? 1 << 2 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot1InOut(1) ? 1 << 3 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot2InOut(1) ? 1 << 4 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot3InOut(1) ? 1 << 5 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot1InOut(2) ? 1 << 6 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot2InOut(2) ? 1 << 7 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot3InOut(2) ? 1 << 8 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot1InOut(3) ? 1 << 9 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot2InOut(3) ? 1 << 10 : 0;
+ mTargetInOut |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getSlot3InOut(3) ? 1 << 11 : 0;
+ mTargetEnergy = 0;
+ mTargetEnergy |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getRangeEnergy(0) ? 1 << 0 : 0;
+ mTargetEnergy |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getRangeEnergy(1) ? 1 << 1 : 0;
+ mTargetEnergy |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getRangeEnergy(2) ? 1 << 2 : 0;
+ mTargetEnergy |= ((GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricInventoryManager) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getRangeEnergy(3) ? 1 << 3 : 0;
+ Iterator var2 = this.crafters.iterator();
+ while (var2.hasNext()) {
+ ICrafting var1 = (ICrafting) var2.next();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ var1.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 100 + i, mTargetDirections[i]);
+ var1.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 113, mTargetInOut);
+ var1.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 114, mTargetEnergy);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ var1.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 115 + i, mRangeDirections[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void addCraftingToCrafters(ICrafting par1ICrafting) {
+ super.addCraftingToCrafters(par1ICrafting);
+ }
+ @Override
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ public void updateProgressBar(int par1, int par2) {
+ super.updateProgressBar(par1, par2);
+ switch (par1) {
+ case 100 :
+ mTargetDirections[0] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 101 :
+ mTargetDirections[1] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 102 :
+ mTargetDirections[2] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 103 :
+ mTargetDirections[3] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 104 :
+ mTargetDirections[4] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 105 :
+ mTargetDirections[5] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 106 :
+ mTargetDirections[6] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 107 :
+ mTargetDirections[7] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 108 :
+ mTargetDirections[8] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 109 :
+ mTargetDirections[9] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 110 :
+ mTargetDirections[10] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 111 :
+ mTargetDirections[11] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 113 :
+ mTargetInOut = par2;
+ break;
+ case 114 :
+ mTargetEnergy = par2;
+ break;
+ case 115 :
+ mRangeDirections[0] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 116 :
+ mRangeDirections[1] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 117 :
+ mRangeDirections[2] = par2;
+ break;
+ case 118 :
+ mRangeDirections[3] = par2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public int getSlotCount() {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ public int getShiftClickSlotCount() {
+ return 3;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_GUIContainer_ElectricAutoWorkbench.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_GUIContainer_ElectricAutoWorkbench.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d381c0e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_GUIContainer_ElectricAutoWorkbench.java
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.gui.automation;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_GUIContainerMetaTile_Machine;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.gui.basic.GT_Container_CropHarvestor;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
+public class GT_GUIContainer_ElectricAutoWorkbench extends GT_GUIContainerMetaTile_Machine {
+ private static final String[] mModeText = new String[] {"Normal Crafting Table", "???", "1x1", "2x2", "3x3", "Unifier", "Dust", "???", "Hammer?", "Circle"};
+ public GT_GUIContainer_ElectricAutoWorkbench(InventoryPlayer aInventoryPlayer, IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity) {
+ super(new GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench(aInventoryPlayer, aTileEntity), CORE.RES_PATH_GUI + "ElectricAutoWorkbench.png");
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int par1, int par2) {
+ drawTooltip(par1, par2);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float par1, int par2, int par3) {
+ super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(par1, par2, par3);
+ int x = (width - xSize) / 2;
+ int y = (height - ySize) / 2;
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 0, 0, xSize, ySize);
+ if (mContainer != null) {
+ int tMode = ((GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench)mContainer).mMode;
+ if (tMode != 0) drawTexturedModalRect(x + 120, y + 40, tMode*18, 166, 18, 18);
+ tMode = ((GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench)mContainer).mThroughPut;
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 120, y + 4, tMode*18, 184, 18, 18);
+ }
+ }
+ private void drawTooltip(final int x2, final int y2) {
+ final int xStart = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2;
+ final int yStart = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2;
+ final int x3 = x2 - xStart;
+ final int y3 = y2 - yStart + 5;
+ List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
+ String[] mModeText = new String[] {"Normal Crafting Table", "???", "1x1", "2x2", "3x3", "Unifier", "Dust", "???", "Hammer?", "Circle"};
+ if (y3 >= 45 && y3 <= 62) {
+ if (x3 >= 120 && x3 <= 137) {
+ list.add("Mode: "+mModeText[((GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench) mContainer).mMode]);
+ /*switch (((GT_Container_ElectricAutoWorkbench) mContainer).mMode) {
+ case 0:
+ list.add("Mode: ");
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ if (!list.isEmpty())
+ drawHoveringText(list, x3, y3, fontRendererObj);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_GUIContainer_ElectricInventoryManager.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_GUIContainer_ElectricInventoryManager.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf57d3faf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/automation/GT_GUIContainer_ElectricInventoryManager.java
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.gui.automation;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_GUIContainerMetaTile_Machine;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
+public class GT_GUIContainer_ElectricInventoryManager extends GT_GUIContainerMetaTile_Machine {
+ public GT_GUIContainer_ElectricInventoryManager(InventoryPlayer aInventoryPlayer, IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity) {
+ super(new GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager(aInventoryPlayer, aTileEntity), CORE.RES_PATH_GUI + "InventoryManager.png");
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int par1, int par2) {
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float par1, int par2, int par3) {
+ super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(par1, par2, par3);
+ int x = (width - xSize) / 2;
+ int y = (height - ySize) / 2;
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 0, 0, xSize, ySize);
+ if (mContainer != null) {
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 4, y + 4, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mRangeDirections[0]*18, 202, 18, 54);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 60, y + 4, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mRangeDirections[1]*18, 202, 18, 54);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 79, y + 4, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mRangeDirections[2]*18, 202, 18, 54);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 135, y + 4, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mRangeDirections[3]*18, 202, 18, 54);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 23, y + 59, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mRangeDirections[0]*18+126, 166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 41, y + 59, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mRangeDirections[1]*18+126, 166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 98, y + 59, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mRangeDirections[2]*18+126, 166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 116, y + 59, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mRangeDirections[3]*18+126, 166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 4, y + 59, 108, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetEnergy & 1)!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 60, y + 59, 108, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetEnergy & 2)!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 79, y + 59, 108, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetEnergy & 4)!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 135, y + 59, 108, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetEnergy & 8)!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ int i = -1;
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 23, y + 4, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 23, y + 22, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 23, y + 40, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 41, y + 4, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 41, y + 22, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 41, y + 40, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 98, y + 4, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 98, y + 22, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 98, y + 40, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 116, y + 4, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 116, y + 22, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 116, y + 40, ((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetDirections[++i]*18, (((GT_Container_ElectricInventoryManager)mContainer).mTargetInOut&(1<<i))!=0?184:166, 18, 18);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/basic/GT_Container_CropHarvestor.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/basic/GT_Container_CropHarvestor.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d56efdf0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/basic/GT_Container_CropHarvestor.java
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.gui.basic;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_ContainerMetaTile_Machine;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_Slot_Holo;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
+import gregtech.common.tileentities.boilers.GT_MetaTileEntity_Boiler;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.slots.SlotNoInput;
+import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.basic.GT_MetaTileEntity_CropHarvestor;
+import ic2.core.item.DamageHandler;
+import ic2.core.item.ItemIC2;
+import ic2.core.util.StackUtil;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.inventory.ICrafting;
+import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
+import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot;
+import net.minecraft.item.Item;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+public class GT_Container_CropHarvestor extends GT_ContainerMetaTile_Machine {
+ public boolean mModeAlternative = false;
+ public int mWaterAmount = 0;
+ public int mWaterRealAmount = 0;
+ public GT_Container_CropHarvestor(InventoryPlayer aInventoryPlayer, IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity) {
+ super(aInventoryPlayer, aTileEntity);
+ }
+ public void addSlots(InventoryPlayer aInventoryPlayer) {
+ int aSlot = 1;
+ addSlotToContainer(new GT_Slot_Holo(mTileEntity, 0, 48, 64, false, true, 1));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotWeedEx(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 8, 14));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotWeedEx(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 26, 14));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotFertilizer(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 8, 32));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotFertilizer(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 26, 32));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotFertilizer(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 8, 50));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotFertilizer(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 26, 50));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 61, 7));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 79, 7));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 97, 7));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 115, 7));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 133, 7));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 151, 7));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 61, 25));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 79, 25));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 97, 25));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 115, 25));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 133, 25));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 151, 25));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 61, 43));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 79, 43));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 97, 43));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 115, 43));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 133, 43));
+ addSlotToContainer(new SlotNoInput(mTileEntity, aSlot++, 151, 43));
+ }
+ public ItemStack slotClick(int aSlotIndex, int aMouseclick, int aShifthold, EntityPlayer aPlayer) {
+ GT_MetaTileEntity_CropHarvestor machine = (GT_MetaTileEntity_CropHarvestor) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity();
+ if (aSlotIndex == 0) {
+ machine.mModeAlternative = !machine.mModeAlternative;
+ return null;
+ }
+ Slot tSlot = (Slot)inventorySlots.get(aSlotIndex);
+ if (tSlot != null) {
+ /*if (mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity() == null) return null;
+ GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricBufferSmall mte = (GT_MetaTileEntity_ElectricBufferSmall)mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity();
+ if (aSlotIndex == 1) {
+ mte.bOutput = !mte.bOutput;
+ if (aPlayer.worldObj.isRemote)
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, new ChatComponentTranslation("metatileentity.status.energy_out." + mte.bOutput));
+ return null;
+ } else if (aSlotIndex == 2) {
+ mte.bRedstoneIfFull = !mte.bRedstoneIfFull;
+ if (aPlayer.worldObj.isRemote)
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, new ChatComponentTranslation("metatileentity.status.redstone_if_full." + mte.bRedstoneIfFull));
+ return null;
+ } else if (aSlotIndex == 3) {
+ mte.bInvert = !mte.bInvert;
+ if (aPlayer.worldObj.isRemote)
+ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, new ChatComponentTranslation("metatileentity.status.redstone_invert." + mte.bInvert));
+ return null;
+ }*/
+ }
+ return super.slotClick(aSlotIndex, aMouseclick, aShifthold, aPlayer);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getSlotCount() {
+ return 24;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getSlotStartIndex() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getShiftClickSlotCount() {
+ return 6;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void detectAndSendChanges() {
+ super.detectAndSendChanges();
+ if (mTileEntity.isClientSide() || mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity() == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // GT_MetaTileEntity_Boiler.getCapacity() is used for both water and steam capacity.
+ int capacity = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_CropHarvestor) this.mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getCapacity();
+ mModeAlternative = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_CropHarvestor) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).mModeAlternative;
+ mWaterRealAmount = ((GT_MetaTileEntity_CropHarvestor) mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity()).getFluidAmount();
+ this.mWaterAmount = Math.min(54, Math.max(0, this.mWaterRealAmount * 54 / (capacity - 100)));
+ for (Object crafter : this.crafters) {
+ ICrafting var1 = (ICrafting) crafter;
+ var1.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 102, mModeAlternative ? 1 : 0);
+ var1.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 103, this.mWaterAmount);
+ var1.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 104, this.mWaterRealAmount);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void addCraftingToCrafters(ICrafting par1ICrafting) {
+ super.addCraftingToCrafters(par1ICrafting);
+ }
+ @Override
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ public void updateProgressBar(int par1, int par2) {
+ super.updateProgressBar(par1, par2);
+ switch (par1) {
+ case 102:
+ mModeAlternative = (par2 != 0);
+ break;
+ case 103:
+ this.mWaterAmount = par2;
+ break;
+ case 104:
+ this.mWaterRealAmount = par2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class SlotWeedEx extends Slot {
+ public SlotWeedEx(final IInventory inventory, final int slot, final int x, final int y) {
+ super(inventory, slot, x, y);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public synchronized boolean isItemValid(final ItemStack itemstack) {
+ return isWeedEx(itemstack);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getSlotStackLimit() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ private static boolean isWeedEx(ItemStack aStack) {
+ if (aStack != null && aStack.getItem() instanceof ItemIC2) {
+ if (aStack.getItem().getUnlocalizedName().equals("ic2.itemWeedEx")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public class SlotFertilizer extends Slot {
+ public SlotFertilizer(final IInventory inventory, final int slot, final int x, final int y) {
+ super(inventory, slot, x, y);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public synchronized boolean isItemValid(final ItemStack aStack) {
+ if (aStack != null && aStack.getItem() instanceof ItemIC2) {
+ if (aStack.getItem().getUnlocalizedName().equals("ic2.itemFertilizer")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getSlotStackLimit() {
+ return 64;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/basic/GT_GUIContainer_CropHarvestor.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/basic/GT_GUIContainer_CropHarvestor.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff2894f94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/api/gui/basic/GT_GUIContainer_CropHarvestor.java
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.gui.basic;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gregtech.api.gui.GT_GUIContainerMetaTile_Machine;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
+import gregtech.common.gui.GT_Container_Boiler;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
+public class GT_GUIContainer_CropHarvestor extends GT_GUIContainerMetaTile_Machine {
+ private final String mLocalName;
+ public GT_GUIContainer_CropHarvestor(InventoryPlayer aInventoryPlayer, IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity, String aLocalName) {
+ super(new GT_Container_CropHarvestor(aInventoryPlayer, aTileEntity), CORE.RES_PATH_GUI + "CropHarvestor.png");
+ mLocalName = aLocalName;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int par1, int par2) {
+ drawTooltip(par1, par2);
+ //fontRendererObj.drawString("Crop Manager ("+this.mContainer.mTileEntity.getInputVoltage()+"v)", 8, 4, 4210752);
+ //fontRendererObj.drawString(mLocalName, 70, 69, 4210752);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float par1, int par2, int par3) {
+ super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(par1, par2, par3);
+ int x = (width - xSize) / 2;
+ int y = (height - ySize) / 2;
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 0, 0, xSize, ySize);
+ if (((GT_Container_CropHarvestor) mContainer).mModeAlternative) {
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 48, y + 64, 177, 37, 16, 16);
+ }
+ int tScale = ((GT_Container_CropHarvestor) this.mContainer).mWaterAmount;
+ if (tScale > 0) {
+ drawTexturedModalRect(x + 47, y + 61 - tScale, 204, 54 - tScale, 10, tScale);
+ };
+ }
+ private void drawTooltip(int x2, int y2) {
+ int xStart = (width - xSize) / 2;
+ int yStart = (height - ySize) / 2;
+ int x = x2 - xStart;
+ int y = y2 - yStart + 5;
+ List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (y >= 68 && y <= 85) {
+ if (x >= 47 && x <= 64) {
+ if (((GT_Container_CropHarvestor) mContainer).mModeAlternative) {
+ list.add("Disable Hydration/Fertilizing/Weed-EX");
+ }
+ else {
+ list.add("Enable Hydration/Fertilizing/Weed-EX");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (y >= 12 && y <= 66) {
+ if (x >= 47 && x <= 56) {
+ int aWater = ((GT_Container_CropHarvestor) mContainer).mWaterRealAmount;
+ list.add("Water: "+aWater+"L / "+((GT_Container_CropHarvestor) mContainer).mTileEntity.getMetaTileEntity().getCapacity()+"L");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!list.isEmpty())
+ drawHoveringText(list, x, y, fontRendererObj);
+ }