path: root/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/registration/gregtech/GregtechConduits.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/registration/gregtech/GregtechConduits.java')
1 files changed, 728 insertions, 730 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/registration/gregtech/GregtechConduits.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/registration/gregtech/GregtechConduits.java
index 0b615b9c3d..22d3cd9608 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/registration/gregtech/GregtechConduits.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/registration/gregtech/GregtechConduits.java
@@ -56,92 +56,92 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
try {
Class<GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid> aPipeEntity = GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid.class;
Constructor<GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid> constructor = aPipeEntity.getConstructor(
- int.class,
- String.class,
- String.class,
- float.class,
- Materials.class,
- int.class,
- int.class,
- boolean.class,
- int.class);
+ int.class,
+ String.class,
+ String.class,
+ float.class,
+ Materials.class,
+ int.class,
+ int.class,
+ boolean.class,
+ int.class);
if (constructor != null) {
Logger.INFO("Generating Hexadecuple pipes.");
- constructor,
- Materials.Copper,
- MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Copper),
- "Copper",
- BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
- 60,
- 1000,
- true);
+ constructor,
+ Materials.Copper,
+ MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Copper),
+ "Copper",
+ BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
+ 60,
+ 1000,
+ true);
- constructor,
- Materials.Bronze,
- MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Bronze),
- "Bronze",
- BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
- 120,
- 2000,
- true);
+ constructor,
+ Materials.Bronze,
+ MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Bronze),
+ "Bronze",
+ BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
+ 120,
+ 2000,
+ true);
- constructor,
- Materials.Steel,
- MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Steel),
- "Steel",
- BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
- 240,
- 2500,
- true);
+ constructor,
+ Materials.Steel,
+ MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Steel),
+ "Steel",
+ BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
+ 240,
+ 2500,
+ true);
- constructor,
- Materials.StainlessSteel,
- MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.StainlessSteel),
- "Stainless Steel",
- BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
- 360,
- 3000,
- true);
+ constructor,
+ Materials.StainlessSteel,
+ MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.StainlessSteel),
+ "Stainless Steel",
+ BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
+ 360,
+ 3000,
+ true);
- constructor,
- Materials.Titanium,
- MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Titanium),
- "Titanium",
- BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
- 480,
- 5000,
- true);
+ constructor,
+ Materials.Titanium,
+ MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Titanium),
+ "Titanium",
+ BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
+ 480,
+ 5000,
+ true);
- constructor,
- Materials.TungstenSteel,
- MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.TungstenSteel),
- "Tungsten Steel",
- BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
- 600,
- 7500,
- true);
+ constructor,
+ Materials.TungstenSteel,
+ MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.TungstenSteel),
+ "Tungsten Steel",
+ BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
+ 600,
+ 7500,
+ true);
- constructor,
- Materials.Plastic,
- MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Plastic),
- "Plastic",
- BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
- 360,
- 350,
- true);
+ constructor,
+ Materials.Plastic,
+ MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(Materials.Plastic),
+ "Plastic",
+ BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
+ 360,
+ 350,
+ true);
Materials aPTFE = Materials.get("Polytetrafluoroethylene");
if (aPTFE != null) {
- constructor,
- aPTFE,
- MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(aPTFE),
- "PTFE",
- BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
- 480,
- 600,
- true);
+ constructor,
+ aPTFE,
+ MaterialUtils.getMaterialName(aPTFE),
+ "PTFE",
+ BasePipeHexadecupleID++,
+ 480,
+ 600,
+ true);
} else {
Logger.INFO("Failed during Hexadecuple pipe generation.");
@@ -163,20 +163,20 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
private static void generateFluidMultiPipes(Constructor<GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid> aClazz, Materials aMaterial,
- String name, String displayName, int startID, int transferRatePerSec, int heatCapacity, boolean gasProof) {
+ String name, String displayName, int startID, int transferRatePerSec, int heatCapacity, boolean gasProof) {
GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid aPipe;
final int transferRatePerTick = transferRatePerSec / 20;
try {
aPipe = aClazz.newInstance(
- startID,
- "GT_Pipe_" + name + "_Hexadecuple",
- "Hexadecuple " + displayName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 1.0F,
- aMaterial,
- transferRatePerTick,
- heatCapacity,
- gasProof,
- 16);
+ startID,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + name + "_Hexadecuple",
+ "Hexadecuple " + displayName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 1.0F,
+ aMaterial,
+ transferRatePerTick,
+ heatCapacity,
+ gasProof,
+ 16);
if (aPipe == null) {
Logger.INFO("Failed to Generate " + aMaterial + " Hexadecuple pipes.");
} else {
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("pipeHexadecuple" + aMaterial, aPipe.getStackForm(1L));
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException
- | InvocationTargetException e) {
+ | InvocationTargetException e) {
Logger.INFO("Failed to Generate " + aMaterial + " Hexadecuple pipes. [Ecx]");
@@ -222,16 +222,16 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
generateGTFluidPipes(Materials.Lead, BasePipeID + 70, 350, 1200, true);
- GT_Materials.TriniumNaquadahCarbonite,
- 30500,
- 20,
- 250000,
- true);
+ GT_Materials.TriniumNaquadahCarbonite,
+ 30500,
+ 20,
+ 250000,
+ true);
private static void wireFactory(final String Material, final int Voltage, final int ID, final long insulatedLoss,
- final long uninsulatedLoss, final long Amps, final short[] rgb) {
+ final long uninsulatedLoss, final long Amps, final short[] rgb) {
final Materials T = Materials.get(Material);
int V = GT_Utility.getTier(Voltage);
if (V == -1) {
@@ -243,195 +243,195 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
private static void makeWires(final Materials aMaterial, final int aStartID, final long aLossInsulated,
- final long aLoss, final long aAmperage, final long aVoltage, final boolean aInsulatable,
- final boolean aAutoInsulated, final short[] aRGB) {
+ final long aLoss, final long aAmperage, final long aVoltage, final boolean aInsulatable,
+ final boolean aAutoInsulated, final short[] aRGB) {
Logger.WARNING("Gregtech5u Content | Registered " + aMaterial.mName + " as a new material for Wire & Cable.");
- OrePrefixes.wireGt01,
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt01,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 0,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".01",
+ "1x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
+ 0.125F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 0,
- "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".01",
- "1x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
- 0.125F,
- aMaterial,
- aLoss,
- 1L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLoss,
+ 1L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt02,
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt02,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 1,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".02",
+ "2x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
+ 0.25F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 1,
- "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".02",
- "2x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
- 0.25F,
- aMaterial,
- aLoss,
- 2L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLoss,
+ 2L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt04,
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt04,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 2,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".04",
+ "4x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
+ 0.375F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 2,
- "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".04",
- "4x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
- 0.375F,
- aMaterial,
- aLoss,
- 4L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLoss,
+ 4L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt08,
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt08,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 3,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".08",
+ "8x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
+ 0.50F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 3,
- "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".08",
- "8x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
- 0.50F,
- aMaterial,
- aLoss,
- 8L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLoss,
+ 8L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt12,
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt12,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 4,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".12",
+ "12x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
+ 0.625F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 4,
- "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".12",
- "12x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
- 0.625F,
- aMaterial,
- aLoss,
- 12L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLoss,
+ 12L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt16,
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt16,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 5,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".16",
+ "16x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
+ 0.75F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 5,
- "wire." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".16",
- "16x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Wire",
- 0.75F,
- aMaterial,
- aLoss,
- 16L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLoss,
+ 16L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
if (aInsulatable) {
- OrePrefixes.cableGt01,
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt01,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 6,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".01",
+ "1x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
+ 0.25F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 6,
- "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".01",
- "1x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
- 0.25F,
- aMaterial,
- aLossInsulated,
- 1L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 1L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt02,
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt02,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 7,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".02",
+ "2x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
+ 0.375F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 7,
- "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".02",
- "2x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
- 0.375F,
- aMaterial,
- aLossInsulated,
- 2L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 2L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt04,
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt04,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 8,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".04",
+ "4x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
+ 0.5F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 8,
- "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".04",
- "4x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
- 0.5F,
- aMaterial,
- aLossInsulated,
- 4L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 4L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt08,
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt08,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 9,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".08",
+ "8x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
+ 0.625F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 9,
- "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".08",
- "8x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
- 0.625F,
- aMaterial,
- aLossInsulated,
- 8L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 8L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt12,
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt12,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 10,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".12",
+ "12x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
+ 0.75F,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 10,
- "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".12",
- "12x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
- 0.75F,
- aMaterial,
- aLossInsulated,
- 12L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 12L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt16,
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt16,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 11,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".16",
+ "16x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
+ 0.875f,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 11,
- "cable." + aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase() + ".16",
- "16x " + aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName + " Cable",
- 0.875f,
- aMaterial,
- aLossInsulated,
- 16L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 16L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aRGB).getStackForm(1L));
private static void customWireFactory(final Material Material, final int Voltage, final int ID,
- final long insulatedLoss, final long uninsulatedLoss, final long Amps) {
+ final long insulatedLoss, final long uninsulatedLoss, final long Amps) {
int V = GT_Utility.getTier(Voltage);
if (V == -1) {
Logger.ERROR("Failed to set voltage on " + Material + ". Invalid voltage of " + Voltage + "V set.");
@@ -442,185 +442,196 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
private static void makeCustomWires(final Material aMaterial, final int aStartID, final long aLossInsulated,
- final long aLoss, final long aAmperage, final long aVoltage, final boolean aInsulatable,
- final boolean aAutoInsulated) {
+ final long aLoss, final long aAmperage, final long aVoltage, final boolean aInsulatable,
+ final boolean aAutoInsulated) {
- "Gregtech5u Content | Registered " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
- + " as a new material for Wire & Cable.");
+ "Gregtech5u Content | Registered " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " as a new material for Wire & Cable.");
- OrePrefixes.wireGt01,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 0,
- "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".01",
- "1x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
- 0.125F,
- aLoss,
- 1L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt01,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 0,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".01",
+ "1x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
+ 0.125F,
+ aLoss,
+ 1L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt02,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 1,
- "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".02",
- "2x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
- 0.25F,
- aLoss,
- 2L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt02,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 1,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".02",
+ "2x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
+ 0.25F,
+ aLoss,
+ 2L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt04,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 2,
- "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".04",
- "4x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
- 0.375F,
- aLoss,
- 4L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt04,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 2,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".04",
+ "4x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
+ 0.375F,
+ aLoss,
+ 4L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt08,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 3,
- "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".08",
- "8x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
- 0.50F,
- aLoss,
- 8L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt08,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 3,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".08",
+ "8x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
+ 0.50F,
+ aLoss,
+ 8L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt12,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 4,
- "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".12",
- "12x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
- 0.625F,
- aLoss,
- 12L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt12,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 4,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".12",
+ "12x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
+ 0.625F,
+ aLoss,
+ 12L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.wireGt16,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 5,
- "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".16",
- "16x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
- 0.75F,
- aLoss,
- 16L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- false,
- !aAutoInsulated,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.wireGt16,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 5,
+ "wire." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".16",
+ "16x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Wire",
+ 0.75F,
+ aLoss,
+ 16L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ false,
+ !aAutoInsulated,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
if (aInsulatable) {
- OrePrefixes.cableGt01,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 6,
- "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".01",
- "1x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
- 0.25F,
- aLossInsulated,
- 1L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt01,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 6,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".01",
+ "1x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
+ 0.25F,
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 1L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt02,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 7,
- "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".02",
- "2x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
- 0.375F,
- aLossInsulated,
- 2L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt02,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 7,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".02",
+ "2x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
+ 0.375F,
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 2L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt04,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 8,
- "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".04",
- "4x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
- 0.5F,
- aLossInsulated,
- 4L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt04,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 8,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".04",
+ "4x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
+ 0.5F,
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 4L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt08,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 9,
- "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".08",
- "8x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
- 0.625F,
- aLossInsulated,
- 8L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt08,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 9,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".08",
+ "8x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
+ 0.625F,
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 8L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt12,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 10,
- "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".12",
- "12x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
- 0.75F,
- aLossInsulated,
- 12L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt12,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 10,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".12",
+ "12x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
+ 0.75F,
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 12L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.cableGt16,
- aMaterial,
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
- aStartID + 11,
- "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName().toLowerCase() + ".16",
- "16x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
- 0.875f,
- aLossInsulated,
- 16L * aAmperage,
- aVoltage,
- true,
- false,
- aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.cableGt16,
+ aMaterial,
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntity_Cable(
+ aStartID + 11,
+ "cable." + aMaterial.getLocalizedName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ".16",
+ "16x " + aMaterial.getLocalizedName() + " Cable",
+ 0.875f,
+ aLossInsulated,
+ 16L * aAmperage,
+ aVoltage,
+ true,
+ false,
+ aMaterial.getRGBA()).getStackForm(1L));
private static void superConductorFactory(final GT_Materials Material, final int Voltage, final int ID,
- final long insulatedLoss, final long uninsulatedLoss, final long Amps) {
+ final long insulatedLoss, final long uninsulatedLoss, final long Amps) {
final GT_Materials T = Material;
int V = 0;
if (Voltage == 8) {
@@ -651,70 +662,70 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
private static void generateGTFluidPipes(final Materials material, final int startID, final int transferRatePerSec,
- final int heatResistance, final boolean isGasProof) {
+ final int heatResistance, final boolean isGasProof) {
final int transferRatePerTick = transferRatePerSec / 20;
final long mass = material.getMass();
final long voltage = material.mMeltingPoint >= 2800 ? 64 : 16;
- OrePrefixes.pipeTiny.get(material),
- new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
- startID,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Tiny",
- "Tiny " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.25F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 2,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeTiny.get(material),
+ new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
+ startID,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Tiny",
+ "Tiny " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.25F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 2,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.pipeSmall.get(material),
- new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
- startID + 1,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Small",
- "Small " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.375F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 4,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeSmall.get(material),
+ new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
+ startID + 1,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Small",
+ "Small " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.375F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 4,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.pipeMedium.get(material),
- new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
- startID + 2,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "",
- "" + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.5F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 12,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeMedium.get(material),
+ new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
+ startID + 2,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "",
+ "" + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.5F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 12,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.pipeLarge.get(material),
- new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
- startID + 3,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Large",
- "Large " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.75F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 24,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeLarge.get(material),
+ new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
+ startID + 3,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Large",
+ "Large " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.75F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 24,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.pipeHuge.get(material),
- new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
- startID + 4,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Huge",
- "Huge " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.875F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 48,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeHuge.get(material),
+ new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Fluid(
+ startID + 4,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Huge",
+ "Huge " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.875F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 48,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
// generatePipeRecipes(material.mDefaultLocalName, mass, voltage);
private static void generateNonGTFluidPipes(final GT_Materials material, final Material myMaterial,
- final int startID, final int transferRatePerSec, final int heatResistance, final boolean isGasProof) {
+ final int startID, final int transferRatePerSec, final int heatResistance, final boolean isGasProof) {
final int transferRatePerTick = transferRatePerSec / 20;
long mass;
if (myMaterial != null) {
@@ -726,67 +737,68 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
int tVoltageMultiplier = (material.mBlastFurnaceTemp >= 2800) ? 64 : 16;
- OrePrefixes.pipeTiny.get(material),
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
- startID,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Tiny",
- "Tiny " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.25F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 2,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeTiny.get(material),
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
+ startID,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Tiny",
+ "Tiny " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.25F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 2,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.pipeSmall.get(material),
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
- startID + 1,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Small",
- "Small " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.375F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 4,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeSmall.get(material),
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
+ startID + 1,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Small",
+ "Small " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.375F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 4,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.pipeMedium.get(material),
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
- startID + 2,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "",
- "" + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.5F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 12,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeMedium.get(material),
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
+ startID + 2,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "",
+ "" + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.5F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 12,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.pipeLarge.get(material),
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
- startID + 3,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Large",
- "Large " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.75F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 24,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeLarge.get(material),
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
+ startID + 3,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Large",
+ "Large " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.75F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 24,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
- OrePrefixes.pipeHuge.get(material),
- new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
- startID + 4,
- "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Huge",
- "Huge " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
- 0.875F,
- material,
- transferRatePerTick * 48,
- heatResistance,
- isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
+ OrePrefixes.pipeHuge.get(material),
+ new GregtechMetaPipeEntityFluid(
+ startID + 4,
+ "GT_Pipe_" + material.mDefaultLocalName + "_Huge",
+ "Huge " + material.mDefaultLocalName + " Fluid Pipe",
+ 0.875F,
+ material,
+ transferRatePerTick * 48,
+ heatResistance,
+ isGasProof).getStackForm(1L));
// generatePipeRecipes(material.mDefaultLocalName, mass, tVoltageMultiplier);
public static void generatePipeRecipes(final String materialName, final long Mass, final long vMulti) {
- String output = materialName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + materialName.substring(1);
+ String output = materialName.substring(0, 1)
+ .toUpperCase() + materialName.substring(1);
output = Utils.sanitizeString(output);
if (output.equals("VoidMetal")) {
@@ -806,130 +818,125 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
// Check all pipes are not null
- "Generated pipeTiny from " + materialName
- + "? "
- + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Tiny" + output, 1) != null) ? true
- : false));
+ "Generated pipeTiny from " + materialName
+ + "? "
+ + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Tiny" + output, 1) != null) ? true : false));
- "Generated pipeSmall from " + materialName
- + "? "
- + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Small" + output, 1) != null) ? true
- : false));
+ "Generated pipeSmall from " + materialName
+ + "? "
+ + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Small" + output, 1) != null) ? true : false));
- "Generated pipeNormal from " + materialName
- + "? "
- + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Medium" + output, 1) != null) ? true
- : false));
+ "Generated pipeNormal from " + materialName
+ + "? "
+ + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Medium" + output, 1) != null) ? true : false));
- "Generated pipeLarge from " + materialName
- + "? "
- + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Large" + output, 1) != null) ? true
- : false));
+ "Generated pipeLarge from " + materialName
+ + "? "
+ + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Large" + output, 1) != null) ? true : false));
- "Generated pipeHuge from " + materialName
- + "? "
- + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Huge" + output, 1) != null) ? true
- : false));
+ "Generated pipeHuge from " + materialName
+ + "? "
+ + ((ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Huge" + output, 1) != null) ? true : false));
int eut = 120;
eut = (int) (8 * vMulti);
// Add the Three Shaped Recipes First
- pipePlate,
- "craftingToolWrench",
- pipePlate,
- pipePlate,
- null,
- pipePlate,
- pipePlate,
- "craftingToolHardHammer",
- pipePlate,
- ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Small" + output, 6));
+ pipePlate,
+ "craftingToolWrench",
+ pipePlate,
+ pipePlate,
+ null,
+ pipePlate,
+ pipePlate,
+ "craftingToolHardHammer",
+ pipePlate,
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Small" + output, 6));
- pipePlate,
- pipePlate,
- pipePlate,
- "craftingToolWrench",
- null,
- "craftingToolHardHammer",
- pipePlate,
- pipePlate,
- pipePlate,
- ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Medium" + output, 2));
+ pipePlate,
+ pipePlate,
+ pipePlate,
+ "craftingToolWrench",
+ null,
+ "craftingToolHardHammer",
+ pipePlate,
+ pipePlate,
+ pipePlate,
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Medium" + output, 2));
- pipePlate,
- "craftingToolHardHammer",
- pipePlate,
- pipePlate,
- null,
- pipePlate,
- pipePlate,
- "craftingToolWrench",
- pipePlate,
- ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Large" + output, 1));
+ pipePlate,
+ "craftingToolHardHammer",
+ pipePlate,
+ pipePlate,
+ null,
+ pipePlate,
+ pipePlate,
+ "craftingToolWrench",
+ pipePlate,
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Large" + output, 1));
if (pipeIngot != null && ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(pipeIngot)) {
// 1 Clay Plate = 1 Clay Dust = 2 Clay Ball
int inputMultiplier = materialName.equals("Clay") ? 2 : 1;
- ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 1 * inputMultiplier),
- ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Tiny.get(0),
- ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("pipe" + "Tiny" + output, 2),
- 5,
- eut);
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 1 * inputMultiplier),
+ ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Tiny.get(0),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("pipe" + "Tiny" + output, 2),
+ 5,
+ eut);
- ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 1 * inputMultiplier),
- ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Small.get(0),
- ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Small" + output, 1),
- 10,
- eut);
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 1 * inputMultiplier),
+ ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Small.get(0),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Small" + output, 1),
+ 10,
+ eut);
- ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 3 * inputMultiplier),
- ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Medium.get(0),
- ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Medium" + output, 1),
- 1 * 20,
- eut);
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 3 * inputMultiplier),
+ ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Medium.get(0),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Medium" + output, 1),
+ 1 * 20,
+ eut);
- ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 6 * inputMultiplier),
- ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Large.get(0),
- ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Large" + output, 1),
- 2 * 20,
- eut);
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 6 * inputMultiplier),
+ ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Large.get(0),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Large" + output, 1),
+ 2 * 20,
+ eut);
- ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 12 * inputMultiplier),
- ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Huge.get(0),
- ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Huge" + output, 1),
- 4 * 20,
- eut);
+ ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(pipeIngot, 12 * inputMultiplier),
+ ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Pipe_Huge.get(0),
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Huge" + output, 1),
+ 4 * 20,
+ eut);
if ((eut < 512) && !output.equals("Void")) {
try {
final ItemStack pipePlateDouble = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("plateDouble" + output, 1)
- .copy();
+ .copy();
if (pipePlateDouble != null) {
- pipePlateDouble,
- "craftingToolHardHammer",
- pipePlateDouble,
- pipePlateDouble,
- null,
- pipePlateDouble,
- pipePlateDouble,
- "craftingToolWrench",
- pipePlateDouble,
- ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Huge" + output, 1));
+ pipePlateDouble,
+ "craftingToolHardHammer",
+ pipePlateDouble,
+ pipePlateDouble,
+ null,
+ pipePlateDouble,
+ pipePlateDouble,
+ "craftingToolWrench",
+ pipePlateDouble,
+ ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("pipe" + "Huge" + output, 1));
} else {
- "Failed to add a recipe for " + materialName
- + " Huge pipes. Double plates probably do not exist.");
+ "Failed to add a recipe for " + materialName
+ + " Huge pipes. Double plates probably do not exist.");
} catch (Throwable t) {
@@ -973,131 +980,122 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
// Adds manual crafting recipe
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aPlate, aWire01 })) {
- RecipeUtils.addShapedRecipe(
- aPlate,
- CI.craftingToolWireCutter,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- aWire01);
+ RecipeUtils
+ .addShapedRecipe(aPlate, CI.craftingToolWireCutter, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, aWire01);
// Wire mill
- if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(
- new ItemStack[] { aIngot, aWire01, aWire02, aWire04, aWire08, aWire12, aWire16 })) {
+ if (ItemUtils
+ .checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aIngot, aWire01, aWire02, aWire04, aWire08, aWire12, aWire16 })) {
- aMaterial.getIngot(1),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(1),
- aMaterial.getWire01(2),
- 100,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getIngot(1),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(1),
+ aMaterial.getWire01(2),
+ 100,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getIngot(1),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(2),
- aMaterial.getWire02(1),
- 150,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getIngot(1),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(2),
+ aMaterial.getWire02(1),
+ 150,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getIngot(2),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(4),
- aMaterial.getWire04(1),
- 200,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getIngot(2),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(4),
+ aMaterial.getWire04(1),
+ 200,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getIngot(4),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(8),
- aMaterial.getWire08(1),
- 250,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getIngot(4),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(8),
+ aMaterial.getWire08(1),
+ 250,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getIngot(6),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(12),
- aMaterial.getWire12(1),
- 300,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getIngot(6),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(12),
+ aMaterial.getWire12(1),
+ 300,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getIngot(8),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(16),
- aMaterial.getWire16(1),
- 350,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getIngot(8),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(16),
+ aMaterial.getWire16(1),
+ 350,
+ 4);
if (ItemUtils
- .checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aRod, aWire01, aWire02, aWire04, aWire08, aWire12, aWire16 })) {
+ .checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aRod, aWire01, aWire02, aWire04, aWire08, aWire12, aWire16 })) {
- aMaterial.getRod(1),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(1),
- aMaterial.getWire01(1),
- 50,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getRod(1),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(1),
+ aMaterial.getWire01(1),
+ 50,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getRod(2),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(2),
- aMaterial.getWire02(1),
- 100,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getRod(2),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(2),
+ aMaterial.getWire02(1),
+ 100,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getRod(4),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(4),
- aMaterial.getWire04(1),
- 150,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getRod(4),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(4),
+ aMaterial.getWire04(1),
+ 150,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getRod(8),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(8),
- aMaterial.getWire08(1),
- 200,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getRod(8),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(8),
+ aMaterial.getWire08(1),
+ 200,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getRod(12),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(12),
- aMaterial.getWire12(1),
- 250,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getRod(12),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(12),
+ aMaterial.getWire12(1),
+ 250,
+ 4);
- aMaterial.getRod(16),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(16),
- aMaterial.getWire16(1),
- 300,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getRod(16),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(16),
+ aMaterial.getWire16(1),
+ 300,
+ 4);
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aIngot, aFineWire })) {
- aMaterial.getIngot(1),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(3),
- aMaterial.getFineWire(8),
- 100,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getIngot(1),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(3),
+ aMaterial.getFineWire(8),
+ 100,
+ 4);
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aRod, aFineWire })) {
- aMaterial.getRod(1),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(3),
- aMaterial.getFineWire(4),
- 50,
- 4);
+ aMaterial.getRod(1),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(3),
+ aMaterial.getFineWire(4),
+ 50,
+ 4);
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aWire01, aFineWire })) {
- aMaterial.getWire01(1),
- GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(1),
- aMaterial.getFineWire(4),
- 200,
- 8);
+ aMaterial.getWire01(1),
+ GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(1),
+ aMaterial.getFineWire(4),
+ 200,
+ 8);
// Extruder
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aIngot, aWire01 })) {
- .addExtruderRecipe(aIngot, ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Wire.get(0), aMaterial.getWire01(2), 196, 96);
+ .addExtruderRecipe(aIngot, ItemList.Shape_Extruder_Wire.get(0), aMaterial.getWire01(2), 196, 96);
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aCable01, aWire01 })) {
@@ -1168,75 +1166,75 @@ public class GregtechConduits {
// 1x -> 8x
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aWire01, aWire08 })) {
- new ItemStack[] { aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01 },
- aWire08);
+ new ItemStack[] { aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01, aWire01 },
+ aWire08);
// Wire to Cable
// 1x
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aWire01, aCable01 })) {
- aWire01,
- CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
- FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 144),
- aCable01,
- 100,
- 8);
+ aWire01,
+ CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
+ FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 144),
+ aCable01,
+ 100,
+ 8);
// 2x
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aWire02, aCable02 })) {
- aWire02,
- CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
- FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 144),
- aCable02,
- 100,
- 8);
+ aWire02,
+ CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
+ FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 144),
+ aCable02,
+ 100,
+ 8);
// 4x
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aWire04, aCable04 })) {
- aWire04,
- CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
- FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 288),
- aCable04,
- 100,
- 8);
+ aWire04,
+ CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
+ FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 288),
+ aCable04,
+ 100,
+ 8);
// 8x
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aWire08, aCable08 })) {
- aWire08,
- CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
- FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 432),
- aCable08,
- 100,
- 8);
+ aWire08,
+ CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
+ FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 432),
+ aCable08,
+ 100,
+ 8);
// 12x
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aWire12, aCable12 })) {
- aWire12,
- CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
- FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 576),
- aCable12,
- 100,
- 8);
+ aWire12,
+ CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
+ FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 576),
+ aCable12,
+ 100,
+ 8);
// 16x
if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] { aWire16, aCable16 })) {
- aWire16,
- CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
- FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 720),
- aCable16,
- 100,
- 8);
+ aWire16,
+ CI.getNumberedCircuit(24),
+ FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten.rubber", 720),
+ aCable16,
+ 100,
+ 8);
// Assemble small wires into bigger wires