path: root/src/main/java/gtnhlanth/common/item/MaskList.java
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1 files changed, 86 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtnhlanth/common/item/MaskList.java b/src/main/java/gtnhlanth/common/item/MaskList.java
index 594180da22..ea132ca3ee 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gtnhlanth/common/item/MaskList.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gtnhlanth/common/item/MaskList.java
@@ -13,60 +13,94 @@ public enum MaskList {
// Use Dyes._NULL to indicate a wafer's lack of a dedicated lens instead of null, if the wafer's mask is to be
// generated
// Ignore last argument if using all wafers
- ERROR("error", "ERROR", 0, "", null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null),
- BLANK1("blank1", "T1 Blank", 0, "VISIBLE", null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null),
- BLANK2("blank2", "T2 Blank", 0, "UV", null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null),
- BLANK3("blank3", "T3 Blank", 0, "X-RAY", null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null),
+ // tcTargetItem specifies the target item used for non-wafer mask+TC recipes, e.g. crystal chips, set to null for
+ // wafer masks
+ ERROR("error", "ERROR", 0, "", null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null),
+ BLANK1("blank1", "T1 Blank", 0, "VISIBLE", null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null),
+ BLANK2("blank2", "T2 Blank", 0, "UV", null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null),
+ BLANK3("blank3", "T3 Blank", 0, "X-RAY", null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null),
+ CBLANK("cblank", "Crystal", 0, "X-RAY", null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null), // Better at resolving smaller
+ // features, in theory
ILC("ilc", "Integrated Logic Circuit", 100, "", BLANK1, Dyes.dyeRed, TierEU.RECIPE_MV, 0.5e-3f, 4e-3f, 35, 1,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_ILC.get(1)),
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_ILC.get(1), null),
RAM("ram", "Random Access Memory", 200, "", BLANK1, Dyes.dyeCyan, TierEU.RECIPE_MV, 2e-3f, 4e-3f, 40, 2,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_Ram.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer),
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_Ram.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer),
NAND("nand", "NAND", 200, "", BLANK2, Dyes._NULL, TierEU.RECIPE_HV, 7e-3f, 12e-3f, 40, 1,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_NAND.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer), // NAND uses only Ender Pearl lens, don't
- // ask me why
- NOR("nor", "NOR", 100, "", BLANK2, Dyes._NULL, TierEU.RECIPE_LuV, 8e-3f, 10e-3f, 40, 1,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_NOR.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2), // Same as
- // above,
- // but with
- // ender
- // eye
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_NAND.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer), // NAND uses only Ender Pearl lens,
+ // don't
+ // ask me why
+ NOR("nor", "NOR", 100, "", BLANK2, Dyes._NULL, TierEU.RECIPE_HV, 8e-3f, 10e-3f, 40, 1,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_NOR.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2), // Same
+ // as
+ // above,
+ // but with
+ // ender
+ // eye
CPU("cpu", "Central Processing Unit", 10, "", BLANK2, Dyes.dyeWhite, TierEU.RECIPE_MV, 6e-3f, 12e-3f, 45, 2,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_CPU.get(1)),
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_CPU.get(1), null),
+ PrCPU("prcpu", "Prepared Central Processing Unit", 0, "", CPU, null, TierEU.RECIPE_EV, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null),
SOC("soc", "SoC", 150, "", BLANK2, Dyes.dyeYellow, TierEU.RECIPE_EV, 3e-3f, 10e-3f, 45, 2,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_SoC.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2),
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_SoC.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2),
ASOC("asoc", "Advanced SoC", 120, "", BLANK2, Dyes.dyeGreen, TierEU.RECIPE_EV, 100e-3f, 200e-3f, 50, 2,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_SoC2.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2),
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_SoC2.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2),
PIC("pic", "Power IC", 100, "", BLANK2, Dyes.dyeBlue, TierEU.RECIPE_HV, 5e-3f, 10e-3f, 50, 4,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_PIC.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer),
- HPIC("hpic", "High Power IC", 80, "", BLANK3, null, TierEU.RECIPE_IV, 100e-3f, 200e-3f, 50, 6,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_HPIC.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer), // Different, made in chemical reactor.
- // Figure out something for
- // this later?
- NCPU("ncpu", "NanoCPU", 60, "", BLANK2, null, TierEU.RECIPE_EV, 5e-3f, 10e-3f, 50, 4,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_NanoCPU.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer), // Same as above
- QBIT("qbit", "QBit", 50, "", BLANK2, null, TierEU.RECIPE_EV, 3e-3f, 10e-3f, 50, 4,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_QuantumCPU.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer), // ^
- UHPIC("uhpic", "Ultra High Power IC", 60, "", BLANK3, null, TierEU.RECIPE_LuV, 200e-3f, 400e-3f, 50, 8,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_UHPIC.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2), // You
- // get
- // the
- // gist
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_PIC.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer),
+ PrPIC("prpic", "Prepared Power IC", 0, "", PIC, null, TierEU.RECIPE_IV, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null), // Made in CR from
+ // PIC
+ HPIC("hpic", "High Power IC", 80, "", PrPIC, Dyes.dyeBlue, TierEU.RECIPE_IV, 100e-3f, 200e-3f, 50, 6,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_HPIC.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer),
+ PrHPIC("prhpic", "Prepared High Power IC", 0, "", HPIC, null, TierEU.RECIPE_LuV, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null), // Made in
+ // CR from
+ // HPIC
+ NCPU("ncpu", "NanoCPU", 60, "", PrCPU, Dyes.dyeWhite, TierEU.RECIPE_EV, 5e-3f, 10e-3f, 50, 4,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_NanoCPU.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer),
+ PrNCPU("prncpu", "Prepared NanoCPU", 0, "", NCPU, null, TierEU.RECIPE_EV, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null),
+ QBIT("qbit", "QBit", 50, "", PrNCPU, Dyes.dyeWhite, TierEU.RECIPE_EV, 3e-3f, 10e-3f, 50, 4,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_QuantumCPU.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer), // ^
+ UHPIC("uhpic", "Ultra High Power IC", 60, "", PrHPIC, Dyes.dyeBlue, TierEU.RECIPE_LuV, 190e-3f, 400e-3f, 50, 8,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_UHPIC.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2),
SSOC("ssoc", "Simple SoC", 150, "", BLANK1, Dyes.dyeOrange, TierEU.RECIPE_MV, 2e-3f, 4e-3f, 25, 1,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_Simple_SoC.get(1)),
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_Simple_SoC.get(1), null),
ULPIC("ulpic", "Ultra Low Power IC", 200, "", BLANK1, Dyes.dyeGreen, TierEU.RECIPE_LV, 2e-3f, 4e-3f, 30, 1,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_ULPIC.get(1)), // Can use green for this as well as asoc, given
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_ULPIC.get(1), null), // Can use green for this as well as asoc, given
// the latter uses a different base mask
LPIC("lpic", "Low Power IC", 150, "", BLANK1, Dyes.dyeYellow, TierEU.RECIPE_MV, 2e-3f, 4e-3f, 30, 2,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_LPIC.get(1)), // Same as above, except for yellow
- NPIC("npic", "Nano Power IC", 70, "", BLANK3, Dyes.dyeRed, TierEU.RECIPE_LuV, 1, 3000, 50, 4,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_NPIC.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_LPIC.get(1), null), // Same as above, except for yellow
+ NPIC("npic", "Nano Power IC", 70, "", BLANK2, Dyes.dyeRed, TierEU.RECIPE_LuV, 1, 4, 50, 4,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_NPIC.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2,
ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer3), // Same
- PPIC("ppic", "PPIC", 50, "", BLANK3, null, TierEU.RECIPE_ZPM, 1.5f, 10, 50, 6, ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_PPIC.get(1),
- ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer3), // CR
- // recipe
- QPIC("qpic", "QPIC", 50, "", BLANK3, Dyes.dyeBlue, TierEU.RECIPE_UV, 5, 9, 50, 6,
- ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_QPIC.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2,
- ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer3, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer4); // Different base mask to PIC
+ PrNPIC("prnpic", "Prepared Nano Power IC", 0, "", NPIC, null, TierEU.RECIPE_ZPM, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null), // Made in
+ // CR from
+ // NPIC
+ PPIC("ppic", "PPIC", 50, "", PrNPIC, Dyes.dyeRed, TierEU.RECIPE_ZPM, 1.5f, 10, 50, 6,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_PPIC.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer3),
+ QPIC("qpic", "QPIC", 50, "", BLANK3, Dyes.dyeBlue, TierEU.RECIPE_UV, 3.2f, 9, 50, 6,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Wafer_QPIC.get(1), null, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer2,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer3, ItemList.Circuit_Silicon_Wafer4), // Different base mask to PIC
+ CCPU("ccpu", "Crystal Central Processing Unit", 100, "", CBLANK, Dyes.dyeGreen, 10_000, 1, 3, 50, 6,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Chip_CrystalCPU.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Parts_Crystal_Chip_Elite.get(1)), // For producing
+ // Crystal CPUs from
+ // Engraved CCs
+ CSOC("csoc", "Crystal SoC", 100, "", CBLANK, Dyes.dyeBlue, 40_000, 2, 7, 50, 8,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Chip_CrystalSoC.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Chip_CrystalCPU.get(1)),
+ ACC("acc", "Advanced Crystal Chip", 100, "", CBLANK, Dyes.dyeLime, 80_000, 3, 9, 55, 12,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Chip_CrystalSoC2.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Chip_CrystalSoC.get(1)),
+ LCC("lcc", "Living Crystal Chip", 75, "", CBLANK, Dyes.dyeWhite, 160_000, 5, 12, 60, 16,
+ ItemList.Circuit_Parts_Crystal_Chip_Wetware.get(1), ItemList.Circuit_Chip_CrystalSoC2.get(1))
+ ;
String name;
String englishName;
@@ -85,17 +119,19 @@ public enum MaskList {
float minFocus;
int baselineAmount;
+ ItemStack tcTargetItem;
ItemStack producedItem;
ItemList[] forbiddenWafers;
- MaskList(String name, String englishName, int maxDamage, String spectrum, MaskList precursor, Dyes lensColour,
+ MaskList(String name, String englishName, int maxUses, String spectrum, MaskList precursor, Dyes lensColour,
long engraverEUt, float minEnergy, float maxEnergy, float minFocus, int baselineAmount, ItemStack producedItem,
- ItemList... forbiddenWafers) {
+ ItemStack tcTargetItem, ItemList... forbiddenWafers) {
this.name = name;
this.englishName = englishName;
this.spectrum = spectrum;
- this.maxDamage = maxDamage;
+ this.maxDamage = maxUses - 1; // 0-durability masks still function, so e.g. maxUses = 100 corresponds to
+ // durability levels 0-99
this.precursor = precursor;
this.lensColour = lensColour;
this.engraverEUt = engraverEUt;
@@ -103,6 +139,7 @@ public enum MaskList {
this.minEnergy = minEnergy;
this.maxEnergy = maxEnergy;
this.baselineAmount = baselineAmount;
+ this.tcTargetItem = tcTargetItem;
this.producedItem = producedItem;
this.forbiddenWafers = forbiddenWafers;
@@ -151,6 +188,10 @@ public enum MaskList {
return this.baselineAmount;
+ public ItemStack getTCTargetItem() {
+ return this.tcTargetItem;
+ }
public ItemStack getProducedItem() {
return this.producedItem;