path: root/src/main/java/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/multi/MTEForgeOfGods.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/multi/MTEForgeOfGods.java')
1 files changed, 3059 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/multi/MTEForgeOfGods.java b/src/main/java/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/multi/MTEForgeOfGods.java
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/tectech/thing/metaTileEntity/multi/MTEForgeOfGods.java
@@ -0,0 +1,3059 @@
+package tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi;
+import static com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.StructureUtility.ofBlock;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.Mods.Avaritia;
+import static gregtech.api.metatileentity.BaseTileEntity.TOOLTIP_DELAY;
+import static gregtech.api.util.GTModHandler.getModItem;
+import static gregtech.api.util.GTRecipeBuilder.SECONDS;
+import static gregtech.api.util.GTUtility.formatNumbers;
+import static java.lang.Math.floor;
+import static java.lang.Math.log;
+import static java.lang.Math.max;
+import static net.minecraft.util.StatCollector.translateToLocal;
+import static tectech.loader.recipe.Godforge.godforgeUpgradeMats;
+import static tectech.thing.casing.TTCasingsContainer.GodforgeCasings;
+import static tectech.thing.casing.TTCasingsContainer.forgeOfGodsRenderBlock;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.allowModuleConnection;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.calculateEnergyDiscountForModules;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.calculateFuelConsumption;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.calculateMaxFuelFactor;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.calculateMaxHeatForModules;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.calculateMaxParallelForModules;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.calculateProcessingVoltageForModules;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.calculateSpeedBonusForModules;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.calculateStartupFuelConsumption;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.queryMilestoneStats;
+import static tectech.util.GodforgeMath.setMiscModuleParameters;
+import static tectech.util.TTUtility.toExponentForm;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
+import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
+import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import com.google.common.math.LongMath;
+import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.constructable.IConstructable;
+import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.constructable.ISurvivalConstructable;
+import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.IStructureDefinition;
+import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.ISurvivalBuildEnvironment;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.ModularUITextures;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.IDrawable;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.ItemDrawable;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.Text;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.UITexture;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.forge.ItemStackHandler;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.math.Alignment;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.math.Color;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.math.MainAxisAlignment;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.math.Pos2d;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.math.Size;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.ModularWindow;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.UIBuildContext;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.widget.IWidgetBuilder;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.widget.Widget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.ButtonWidget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.DrawableWidget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.DynamicPositionedColumn;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.FakeSyncWidget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.FluidNameHolderWidget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.MultiChildWidget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.ProgressBar;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.Scrollable;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.SlotGroup;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.TextWidget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.textfield.NumericWidget;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
+import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
+import gregtech.api.enums.MaterialsUEVplus;
+import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
+import gregtech.api.enums.Textures;
+import gregtech.api.gui.modularui.GTUITextures;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.IHatchElement;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.ITexture;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.metatileentity.IMetaTileEntity;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
+import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.MTEHatchInput;
+import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.MTEHatchInputBus;
+import gregtech.api.render.TextureFactory;
+import gregtech.api.util.GTOreDictUnificator;
+import gregtech.api.util.HatchElementBuilder;
+import gregtech.api.util.IGTHatchAdder;
+import gregtech.api.util.MultiblockTooltipBuilder;
+import gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.MTEHatchInputBusME;
+import gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.MTEHatchInputME;
+import gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.MTEHatchOutputBusME;
+import tectech.TecTech;
+import tectech.thing.block.BlockGodforgeGlass;
+import tectech.thing.block.TileEntityForgeOfGods;
+import tectech.thing.gui.TecTechUITextures;
+import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.base.TTMultiblockBase;
+import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.godforge_modules.MTEBaseModule;
+import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.godforge_modules.MTEExoticModule;
+import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.godforge_modules.MTEMoltenModule;
+import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.godforge_modules.MTEPlasmaModule;
+import tectech.thing.metaTileEntity.multi.godforge_modules.MTESmeltingModule;
+import tectech.util.CommonValues;
+public class MTEForgeOfGods extends TTMultiblockBase implements IConstructable, ISurvivalConstructable {
+ private static Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon ScreenON;
+ private int fuelConsumptionFactor = 1;
+ private int selectedFuelType = 0;
+ private int internalBattery = 0;
+ private int maxBatteryCharge = 100;
+ private int gravitonShardsAvailable = 0;
+ private int gravitonShardsSpent = 0;
+ private int ringAmount = 1;
+ private int stellarFuelAmount = 0;
+ private int neededStartupFuel = 0;
+ private long fuelConsumption = 0;
+ private long totalRecipesProcessed = 0;
+ private long totalFuelConsumed = 0;
+ private float totalExtensionsBuilt = 0;
+ private float powerMilestonePercentage = 0;
+ private float recipeMilestonePercentage = 0;
+ private float fuelMilestonePercentage = 0;
+ private float structureMilestonePercentage = 0;
+ private float invertedPowerMilestonePercentage = 0;
+ private float invertedRecipeMilestonePercentage = 0;
+ private float invertedFuelMilestonePercentage = 0;
+ private float invertedStructureMilestonePercentage = 0;
+ private BigInteger totalPowerConsumed = BigInteger.ZERO;
+ private boolean batteryCharging = false;
+ private boolean inversion = false;
+ private boolean gravitonShardEjection = false;
+ private boolean noFormatting = false;
+ private boolean isRenderActive = false;
+ public ArrayList<MTEBaseModule> moduleHatches = new ArrayList<>();
+ protected ItemStackHandler inputSlotHandler = new ItemStackHandler(16);
+ private static final int FUEL_CONFIG_WINDOW_ID = 9;
+ private static final int UPGRADE_TREE_WINDOW_ID = 10;
+ private static final int INDIVIDUAL_UPGRADE_WINDOW_ID = 11;
+ private static final int BATTERY_CONFIG_WINDOW_ID = 12;
+ private static final int MILESTONE_WINDOW_ID = 13;
+ private static final int INDIVIDUAL_MILESTONE_WINDOW_ID = 14;
+ private static final int MANUAL_INSERTION_WINDOW_ID = 15;
+ private static final int GENERAL_INFO_WINDOW_ID = 16;
+ private static final int TEXTURE_INDEX = 960;
+ private static final int[] FIRST_SPLIT_UPGRADES = new int[] { 12, 13, 14 };
+ private static final Integer[] UPGRADE_MATERIAL_ID_CONVERSION = { 0, 5, 7, 11, 26, 29, 30 };
+ private static final long POWER_MILESTONE_CONSTANT = LongMath.pow(10, 15);
+ private static final long RECIPE_MILESTONE_CONSTANT = LongMath.pow(10, 7);
+ private static final long FUEL_MILESTONE_CONSTANT = 10_000;
+ private static final long RECIPE_MILESTONE_T7_CONSTANT = RECIPE_MILESTONE_CONSTANT * LongMath.pow(6, 6);
+ private static final long FUEL_MILESTONE_T7_CONSTANT = FUEL_MILESTONE_CONSTANT * LongMath.pow(3, 6);
+ private static final BigInteger POWER_MILESTONE_T7_CONSTANT = BigInteger.valueOf(POWER_MILESTONE_CONSTANT)
+ .multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(LongMath.pow(9, 6)));
+ private static final double POWER_LOG_CONSTANT = Math.log(9);
+ private static final double RECIPE_LOG_CONSTANT = Math.log(6);
+ private static final double FUEL_LOG_CONSTANT = Math.log(3);
+ protected static final String STRUCTURE_PIECE_MAIN = "main";
+ protected static final String STRUCTURE_PIECE_SHAFT = "beam_shaft";
+ protected static final String STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING = "first_ring";
+ protected static final String STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING_AIR = "first_ring_air";
+ protected static final String STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING = "second_ring";
+ protected static final String STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING_AIR = "second_ring_air";
+ protected static final String STRUCTURE_PIECE_THIRD_RING = "third_ring";
+ protected static final String STRUCTURE_PIECE_THIRD_RING_AIR = "third_ring_air";
+ private static final String SCANNER_INFO_BAR = EnumChatFormatting.BLUE
+ + "--------------------------------------------";
+ private static final String TOOLTIP_BAR = EnumChatFormatting.AQUA
+ + "--------------------------------------------------------------------------";
+ private static final ItemStack STELLAR_FUEL = Avaritia.isModLoaded() ? getModItem(Avaritia.ID, "Resource", 1, 8)
+ : GTOreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.block, Materials.CosmicNeutronium, 1);
+ private final boolean debugMode = true;
+ public int survivalConstruct(ItemStack stackSize, int elementBudget, ISurvivalBuildEnvironment env) {
+ if (mMachine) return -1;
+ int realBudget = elementBudget >= 1000 ? elementBudget : Math.min(1000, elementBudget * 5);
+ // 1000 blocks max per placement.
+ int built = survivialBuildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_MAIN, stackSize, 63, 14, 1, realBudget, env, false, true);
+ if (stackSize.stackSize > 1) {
+ built += survivialBuildPiece(
+ stackSize,
+ 55,
+ 11,
+ -67,
+ realBudget,
+ env,
+ false,
+ true);
+ }
+ if (stackSize.stackSize > 2) {
+ built += survivialBuildPiece(
+ stackSize,
+ 47,
+ 13,
+ -76,
+ realBudget,
+ env,
+ false,
+ true);
+ }
+ return built;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public IStructureDefinition<MTEForgeOfGods> getStructure_EM() {
+ }
+ public static final IStructureDefinition<MTEForgeOfGods> STRUCTURE_DEFINITION = IStructureDefinition
+ .<MTEForgeOfGods>builder()
+ .addShape(STRUCTURE_PIECE_MAIN, ForgeOfGodsStructureString.MAIN_STRUCTURE)
+ .addShape(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SHAFT, ForgeOfGodsStructureString.BEAM_SHAFT)
+ .addShape(STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING, ForgeOfGodsStructureString.FIRST_RING)
+ .addShape(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING, ForgeOfGodsRingsStructureString.SECOND_RING)
+ .addShape(STRUCTURE_PIECE_THIRD_RING, ForgeOfGodsRingsStructureString.THIRD_RING)
+ .addShape(STRUCTURE_PIECE_THIRD_RING_AIR, ForgeOfGodsRingsStructureString.THIRD_RING_AIR)
+ .addElement('A', classicHatches(TEXTURE_INDEX + 3, 1, GodforgeCasings, 3))
+ .addElement('B', ofBlock(GodforgeCasings, 0))
+ .addElement('C', ofBlock(GodforgeCasings, 1))
+ .addElement('D', ofBlock(GodforgeCasings, 2))
+ .addElement('E', ofBlock(GodforgeCasings, 3))
+ .addElement('F', ofBlock(GodforgeCasings, 4))
+ .addElement('G', ofBlock(GodforgeCasings, 5))
+ .addElement('H', ofBlock(BlockGodforgeGlass.INSTANCE, 0))
+ .addElement('I', ofBlock(GodforgeCasings, 7))
+ .addElement(
+ 'J',
+ HatchElementBuilder.<MTEForgeOfGods>builder()
+ .atLeast(moduleElement.Module)
+ .casingIndex(TEXTURE_INDEX)
+ .dot(3)
+ .buildAndChain(GodforgeCasings, 0))
+ .addElement('K', ofBlock(GodforgeCasings, 6))
+ .addElement('L', ofBlock(Blocks.air, 0))
+ .build();
+ public MTEForgeOfGods(int aID, String aName, String aNameRegional) {
+ super(aID, aName, aNameRegional);
+ }
+ public MTEForgeOfGods(String aName) {
+ super(aName);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public IMetaTileEntity newMetaEntity(IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity) {
+ return new MTEForgeOfGods(mName);
+ }
+ @Override
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ public void registerIcons(IIconRegister aBlockIconRegister) {
+ ScreenON = new Textures.BlockIcons.CustomIcon("iconsets/GODFORGE_CONTROLLER");
+ super.registerIcons(aBlockIconRegister);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ITexture[] getTexture(IGregTechTileEntity aBaseMetaTileEntity, ForgeDirection side, ForgeDirection facing,
+ int colorIndex, boolean aActive, boolean aRedstone) {
+ if (side == facing) {
+ return new ITexture[] { Textures.BlockIcons.getCasingTextureForId(TEXTURE_INDEX + 1),
+ TextureFactory.builder()
+ .addIcon(ScreenON)
+ .extFacing()
+ .build(),
+ TextureFactory.builder()
+ .addIcon(ScreenON)
+ .extFacing()
+ .glow()
+ .build() };
+ }
+ return new ITexture[] { Textures.BlockIcons.getCasingTextureForId(TEXTURE_INDEX + 1) };
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void construct(ItemStack stackSize, boolean hintsOnly) {
+ structureBuild_EM(STRUCTURE_PIECE_MAIN, 63, 14, 1, stackSize, hintsOnly);
+ if (stackSize.stackSize > 1) {
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING, stackSize, hintsOnly, 55, 11, -67);
+ }
+ if (stackSize.stackSize > 2) {
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_THIRD_RING, stackSize, hintsOnly, 47, 13, -76);
+ }
+ }
+ private final ArrayList<FluidStack> validFuelList = new ArrayList<>() {
+ {
+ add(MaterialsUEVplus.DimensionallyTranscendentResidue.getFluid(1));
+ add(MaterialsUEVplus.RawStarMatter.getFluid(1));
+ add(MaterialsUEVplus.MagnetohydrodynamicallyConstrainedStarMatter.getMolten(1));
+ }
+ };
+ @Override
+ public boolean checkMachine_EM(IGregTechTileEntity iGregTechTileEntity, ItemStack itemStack) {
+ moduleHatches.clear();
+ // Check structure of multi
+ if (isRenderActive) {
+ if (!structureCheck_EM(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SHAFT, 63, 14, 1)
+ || !structureCheck_EM(STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING_AIR, 63, 14, -59)) {
+ destroyRenderer();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (!structureCheck_EM(STRUCTURE_PIECE_MAIN, 63, 14, 1)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (internalBattery != 0 && !isRenderActive) {
+ createRenderer();
+ }
+ // Check there is 1 input bus
+ if (mInputBusses.size() != 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check there is 1 me output bus
+ {
+ if (mOutputBusses.size() != 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!(mOutputBusses.get(0) instanceof MTEHatchOutputBusME)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure there are no energy hatches
+ {
+ if (mEnergyHatches.size() > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (mExoticEnergyHatches.size() > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure there is 1 input hatch
+ if (mInputHatches.size() != 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (isUpgradeActive(26)) {
+ if (checkPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING, 55, 11, -67)) {
+ ringAmount = 2;
+ }
+ if (isRenderActive && ringAmount >= 2 && !checkPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING_AIR, 55, 11, -67)) {
+ destroyRenderer();
+ }
+ }
+ if (isUpgradeActive(29)) {
+ if (checkPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_THIRD_RING, 47, 13, -76)) {
+ ringAmount = 3;
+ }
+ if (isRenderActive && ringAmount == 3 && !checkPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_THIRD_RING_AIR, 47, 13, -76)) {
+ destroyRenderer();
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ int ticker = 0;
+ @Override
+ public void onPostTick(IGregTechTileEntity aBaseMetaTileEntity, long aTick) {
+ super.onPostTick(aBaseMetaTileEntity, aTick);
+ if (aBaseMetaTileEntity.isServerSide()) {
+ ticker++;
+ // Check and drain fuel
+ if (ticker % (5 * SECONDS) == 0) {
+ ticker = 0;
+ startRecipeProcessing();
+ FluidStack[] fluidInHatch = null;
+ boolean fuelDrained = false;
+ if (mInputHatches != null && mInputHatches.size() != 0) {
+ fluidInHatch = this.getStoredFluids()
+ .toArray(new FluidStack[0]);
+ }
+ int maxModuleCount = 8;
+ if (upgrades[26]) {
+ maxModuleCount += 4;
+ }
+ if (upgrades[29]) {
+ maxModuleCount += 4;
+ }
+ if (mInputBusses.size() != 0) {
+ if (internalBattery == 0) {
+ MTEHatchInputBus inputBus = mInputBusses.get(0);
+ ItemStack[] inputBusInventory = inputBus.getRealInventory();
+ if (inputBusInventory != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < inputBusInventory.length; i++) {
+ ItemStack itemStack = inputBusInventory[i];
+ if (itemStack != null && itemStack.isItemEqual(STELLAR_FUEL)) {
+ int stacksize = itemStack.stackSize;
+ if (inputBus instanceof MTEHatchInputBusME meBus) {
+ ItemStack realItem = meBus.getRealInventory()[i + 16];
+ if (realItem == null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ stacksize = realItem.stackSize;
+ }
+ inputBus.decrStackSize(i, stacksize);
+ stellarFuelAmount += stacksize;
+ inputBus.updateSlots();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ neededStartupFuel = calculateStartupFuelConsumption(this);
+ if (stellarFuelAmount >= neededStartupFuel) {
+ stellarFuelAmount -= neededStartupFuel;
+ increaseBattery(neededStartupFuel);
+ createRenderer();
+ }
+ } else {
+ fuelConsumption = (long) calculateFuelConsumption(this) * 5 * (batteryCharging ? 2 : 1);
+ if (fluidInHatch != null && fuelConsumption < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
+ for (FluidStack fluid : fluidInHatch) {
+ if (fluid.isFluidEqual(validFuelList.get(selectedFuelType))) {
+ FluidStack fluidNeeded = new FluidStack(
+ validFuelList.get(selectedFuelType),
+ (int) fuelConsumption);
+ FluidStack fluidReal;
+ if (mInputHatches.get(0) instanceof MTEHatchInputME meHatch) {
+ fluidReal = meHatch.drain(ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, fluidNeeded, true);
+ } else {
+ fluidReal = mInputHatches.get(0)
+ .drain(fluidNeeded.amount, true);
+ }
+ if (fluidReal == null || fluidReal.amount < fluidNeeded.amount) {
+ reduceBattery(fuelConsumptionFactor);
+ } else {
+ totalFuelConsumed += getFuelFactor();
+ if (batteryCharging) {
+ increaseBattery(fuelConsumptionFactor);
+ }
+ }
+ fuelDrained = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fuelDrained) {
+ reduceBattery(fuelConsumptionFactor);
+ }
+ } else {
+ reduceBattery(fuelConsumptionFactor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ determineCompositionMilestoneLevel();
+ checkInversionStatus();
+ determineMilestoneProgress();
+ if (!debugMode) {
+ determineGravitonShardAmount();
+ }
+ if (upgrades[30] && gravitonShardEjection) {
+ ejectGravitonShards();
+ }
+ // Do module calculations and checks
+ if (moduleHatches.size() > 0 && internalBattery > 0 && moduleHatches.size() <= maxModuleCount) {
+ for (MTEBaseModule module : moduleHatches) {
+ if (allowModuleConnection(module, this)) {
+ module.connect();
+ calculateMaxHeatForModules(module, this);
+ calculateSpeedBonusForModules(module, this);
+ calculateMaxParallelForModules(module, this);
+ calculateEnergyDiscountForModules(module, this);
+ setMiscModuleParameters(module, this);
+ queryMilestoneStats(module, this);
+ if (!upgrades[28]) {
+ calculateProcessingVoltageForModules(module, this);
+ }
+ } else {
+ module.disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (moduleHatches.size() > maxModuleCount) {
+ for (MTEBaseModule module : moduleHatches) {
+ module.disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ if (mEfficiency < 0) mEfficiency = 0;
+ endRecipeProcessing();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean addModuleToMachineList(IGregTechTileEntity tileEntity, int baseCasingIndex) {
+ if (tileEntity == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ IMetaTileEntity metaTileEntity = tileEntity.getMetaTileEntity();
+ if (metaTileEntity == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (metaTileEntity instanceof MTEBaseModule) {
+ return moduleHatches.add((MTEBaseModule) metaTileEntity);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public enum moduleElement implements IHatchElement<MTEForgeOfGods> {
+ Module(MTEForgeOfGods::addModuleToMachineList, MTEBaseModule.class) {
+ @Override
+ public long count(MTEForgeOfGods tileEntity) {
+ return tileEntity.moduleHatches.size();
+ }
+ };
+ private final List<Class<? extends IMetaTileEntity>> mteClasses;
+ private final IGTHatchAdder<MTEForgeOfGods> adder;
+ @SafeVarargs
+ moduleElement(IGTHatchAdder<MTEForgeOfGods> adder, Class<? extends IMetaTileEntity>... mteClasses) {
+ this.mteClasses = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(mteClasses));
+ this.adder = adder;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<? extends Class<? extends IMetaTileEntity>> mteClasses() {
+ return mteClasses;
+ }
+ public IGTHatchAdder<? super MTEForgeOfGods> adder() {
+ return adder;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createRenderer() {
+ IGregTechTileEntity gregTechTileEntity = this.getBaseMetaTileEntity();
+ int x = gregTechTileEntity.getXCoord();
+ int y = gregTechTileEntity.getYCoord();
+ int z = gregTechTileEntity.getZCoord();
+ double xOffset = 122 * getExtendedFacing().getRelativeBackInWorld().offsetX;
+ double zOffset = 122 * getExtendedFacing().getRelativeBackInWorld().offsetZ;
+ double yOffset = 122 * getExtendedFacing().getRelativeBackInWorld().offsetY;
+ this.getBaseMetaTileEntity()
+ .getWorld()
+ .setBlock((int) (x + xOffset), (int) (y + yOffset), (int) (z + zOffset), Blocks.air);
+ this.getBaseMetaTileEntity()
+ .getWorld()
+ .setBlock((int) (x + xOffset), (int) (y + yOffset), (int) (z + zOffset), forgeOfGodsRenderBlock);
+ TileEntityForgeOfGods rendererTileEntity = (TileEntityForgeOfGods) this.getBaseMetaTileEntity()
+ .getWorld()
+ .getTileEntity((int) (x + xOffset), (int) (y + yOffset), (int) (z + zOffset));
+ rendererTileEntity.setRenderSize(20);
+ rendererTileEntity.setRenderRotationSpeed(5);
+ switch (ringAmount) {
+ case 2 -> {
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING_AIR, null, false, 63, 14, -59);
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING_AIR, null, false, 55, 11, -67);
+ }
+ case 3 -> {
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING_AIR, null, false, 63, 14, -59);
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING_AIR, null, false, 55, 11, -67);
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_THIRD_RING_AIR, null, false, 47, 13, -76);
+ }
+ default -> {
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING_AIR, null, false, 63, 14, -59);
+ }
+ }
+ isRenderActive = true;
+ }
+ private void destroyRenderer() {
+ IGregTechTileEntity gregTechTileEntity = this.getBaseMetaTileEntity();
+ int x = gregTechTileEntity.getXCoord();
+ int y = gregTechTileEntity.getYCoord();
+ int z = gregTechTileEntity.getZCoord();
+ double xOffset = 122 * getExtendedFacing().getRelativeBackInWorld().offsetX;
+ double zOffset = 122 * getExtendedFacing().getRelativeBackInWorld().offsetZ;
+ double yOffset = 122 * getExtendedFacing().getRelativeBackInWorld().offsetY;
+ this.getBaseMetaTileEntity()
+ .getWorld()
+ .setBlock((int) (x + xOffset), (int) (y + yOffset), (int) (z + zOffset), Blocks.air);
+ switch (ringAmount) {
+ case 2 -> {
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING, null, false, 63, 14, -59);
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING, null, false, 55, 11, -67);
+ }
+ case 3 -> {
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING, null, false, 63, 14, -59);
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_SECOND_RING, null, false, 55, 11, -67);
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_THIRD_RING, null, false, 47, 13, -76);
+ }
+ default -> {
+ buildPiece(STRUCTURE_PIECE_FIRST_RING, null, false, 63, 14, -59);
+ }
+ }
+ isRenderActive = false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onBlockDestroyed() {
+ super.onBlockDestroyed();
+ destroyRenderer();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] getInfoData() {
+ ArrayList<String> str = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(super.getInfoData()));
+ str.add(SCANNER_INFO_BAR);
+ str.add("Number of Rings: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + ringAmount);
+ str.add("Total Upgrades Unlocked: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + getTotalActiveUpgrades());
+ str.add("Connected Modules: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + moduleHatches.size());
+ str.add(SCANNER_INFO_BAR);
+ return str.toArray(new String[0]);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onRemoval() {
+ if (moduleHatches != null && moduleHatches.size() > 0) {
+ for (MTEBaseModule module : moduleHatches) {
+ module.disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ super.onRemoval();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void addUIWidgets(ModularWindow.Builder builder, UIBuildContext buildContext) {
+ if (doesBindPlayerInventory()) {
+ builder.widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_SCREEN_BLUE)
+ .setPos(4, 4)
+ .setSize(190, 85));
+ } else {
+ builder.widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_SCREEN_BLUE_NO_INVENTORY)
+ .setPos(4, 4)
+ .setSize(190, 171));
+ }
+ buildContext.addSyncedWindow(UPGRADE_TREE_WINDOW_ID, this::createUpgradeTreeWindow);
+ buildContext.addSyncedWindow(INDIVIDUAL_UPGRADE_WINDOW_ID, this::createIndividualUpgradeWindow);
+ buildContext.addSyncedWindow(FUEL_CONFIG_WINDOW_ID, this::createFuelConfigWindow);
+ buildContext.addSyncedWindow(BATTERY_CONFIG_WINDOW_ID, this::createBatteryWindow);
+ buildContext.addSyncedWindow(MILESTONE_WINDOW_ID, this::createMilestoneWindow);
+ buildContext.addSyncedWindow(INDIVIDUAL_MILESTONE_WINDOW_ID, this::createIndividualMilestoneWindow);
+ buildContext.addSyncedWindow(MANUAL_INSERTION_WINDOW_ID, this::createManualInsertionWindow);
+ buildContext.addSyncedWindow(GENERAL_INFO_WINDOW_ID, this::createGeneralInfoWindow);
+ builder.widget(
+ new ButtonWidget().setOnClick(
+ (clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (!widget.isClient()) widget.getContext()
+ .openSyncedWindow(UPGRADE_TREE_WINDOW_ID);
+ })
+ .setSize(16, 16)
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ List<UITexture> button = new ArrayList<>();
+ button.add(TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_CELESTIAL_32x32);
+ button.add(TecTechUITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_ARROW_BLUE_UP);
+ return button.toArray(new IDrawable[0]);
+ })
+ .addTooltip("Path of Celestial Transcendence")
+ .setPos(174, 167)
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY))
+ .widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_HEAT_SINK_SMALL)
+ .setPos(174, 183)
+ .setSize(16, 6))
+ .widget(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (!widget.isClient()) {
+ widget.getContext()
+ .openSyncedWindow(FUEL_CONFIG_WINDOW_ID);
+ }
+ })
+ .setSize(16, 16)
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ List<UITexture> button = new ArrayList<>();
+ button.add(TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_CELESTIAL_32x32);
+ button.add(TecTechUITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_HEAT_ON);
+ return button.toArray(new IDrawable[0]);
+ })
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.button.fuelconfig.tooltip"))
+ .setPos(174, 110)
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(this::storedFuel)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE)
+ .setPos(6, 8)
+ .setSize(74, 34))
+ .widget(createPowerSwitchButton())
+ .widget(createBatteryButton(builder))
+ .widget(createEjectionSwitch(builder))
+ .widget(new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> getBaseMetaTileEntity().isAllowedToWork(), val -> {
+ if (val) {
+ getBaseMetaTileEntity().enableWorking();
+ } else {
+ getBaseMetaTileEntity().disableWorking();
+ }
+ }))
+ .widget(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (!widget.isClient()) {
+ checkMachine_EM(this.getBaseMetaTileEntity(), null);
+ }
+ })
+ .setSize(16, 16)
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ List<UITexture> button = new ArrayList<>();
+ button.add(TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_CELESTIAL_32x32);
+ button.add(TecTechUITextures.OVERLAY_CYCLIC_BLUE);
+ return button.toArray(new IDrawable[0]);
+ })
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.button.structurecheck.tooltip"))
+ .setPos(8, 91)
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY))
+ .widget(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (!widget.isClient()) {
+ widget.getContext()
+ .openSyncedWindow(MILESTONE_WINDOW_ID);
+ }
+ })
+ .setSize(16, 16)
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ List<UITexture> button = new ArrayList<>();
+ button.add(TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_CELESTIAL_32x32);
+ button.add(TecTechUITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_FLAG);
+ return button.toArray(new IDrawable[0]);
+ })
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.button.milestones.tooltip"))
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY)
+ .setPos(174, 91))
+ .widget(
+ new ButtonWidget().setOnClick(
+ (clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (!widget.isClient()) widget.getContext()
+ .openSyncedWindow(GENERAL_INFO_WINDOW_ID);
+ })
+ .setSize(18, 18)
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.clickhere"))
+ .setPos(172, 67)
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void addGregTechLogo(ModularWindow.Builder builder) {
+ builder.widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_GODFORGE_LOGO)
+ .setSize(18, 18)
+ .setPos(172, 67));
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected ButtonWidget createPowerSwitchButton() {
+ Widget button = new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ TecTech.proxy.playSound(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), "fx_click");
+ if (getBaseMetaTileEntity().isAllowedToWork()) {
+ getBaseMetaTileEntity().disableWorking();
+ } else {
+ getBaseMetaTileEntity().enableWorking();
+ }
+ })
+ .setPlayClickSound(false)
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ List<UITexture> ret = new ArrayList<>();
+ ret.add(TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_CELESTIAL_32x32);
+ if (getBaseMetaTileEntity().isAllowedToWork()) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ return ret.toArray(new IDrawable[0]);
+ })
+ .setPos(174, doesBindPlayerInventory() ? 148 : 172)
+ .setSize(16, 16);
+ button.addTooltip("Power Switch")
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY);
+ return (ButtonWidget) button;
+ }
+ protected ButtonWidget createEjectionSwitch(IWidgetBuilder<?> builder) {
+ Widget button = new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (upgrades[30]) {
+ gravitonShardEjection = !gravitonShardEjection;
+ }
+ })
+ .setPlayClickSound(upgrades[30])
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ List<UITexture> ret = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (!upgrades[30]) {
+ return ret.toArray(new IDrawable[0]);
+ }
+ if (gravitonShardEjection) {
+ ret.add(TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_CELESTIAL_32x32);
+ ret.add(TecTechUITextures.OVERLAY_EJECTION_ON);
+ } else {
+ ret.add(TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_CELESTIAL_32x32);
+ ret.add(TecTechUITextures.OVERLAY_EJECTION_LOCKED);
+ }
+ return ret.toArray(new IDrawable[0]);
+ })
+ .attachSyncer(
+ new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> gravitonShardEjection, val -> gravitonShardEjection = val),
+ builder)
+ .setPos(26, 91)
+ .setSize(16, 16)
+ .attachSyncer(new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> upgrades[30], val -> upgrades[30] = val), builder);
+ if (upgrades[30]) {
+ button.addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.button.ejection.tooltip"));
+ button.setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY);
+ }
+ return (ButtonWidget) button;
+ }
+ protected Widget createBatteryButton(IWidgetBuilder<?> builder) {
+ Widget button = new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ TecTech.proxy.playSound(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), "fx_click");
+ if (clickData.mouseButton == 0) {
+ batteryCharging = !batteryCharging;
+ } else if (clickData.mouseButton == 1 && !widget.isClient() && upgrades[8]) {
+ widget.getContext()
+ .openSyncedWindow(BATTERY_CONFIG_WINDOW_ID);
+ }
+ })
+ .setPlayClickSound(false)
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ List<UITexture> ret = new ArrayList<>();
+ ret.add(TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_CELESTIAL_32x32);
+ if (batteryCharging) {
+ ret.add(TecTechUITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATTERY_ON);
+ } else {
+ ret.add(TecTechUITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATTERY_OFF);
+ }
+ return ret.toArray(new IDrawable[0]);
+ })
+ .setPos(174, 129)
+ .setSize(16, 16);
+ button.addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.button.battery.tooltip.01"))
+ .addTooltip(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + translateToLocal("fog.button.battery.tooltip.02"))
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY)
+ .attachSyncer(
+ new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> batteryCharging, val -> batteryCharging = val),
+ builder);
+ return button;
+ }
+ protected ModularWindow createBatteryWindow(final EntityPlayer player) {
+ final int WIDTH = 78;
+ final int HEIGHT = 52;
+ final int PARENT_WIDTH = getGUIWidth();
+ final int PARENT_HEIGHT = getGUIHeight();
+ ModularWindow.Builder builder = ModularWindow.builder(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+ builder.setBackground(GTUITextures.BACKGROUND_SINGLEBLOCK_DEFAULT);
+ builder.setGuiTint(getGUIColorization());
+ builder.setDraggable(true);
+ builder.setPos(
+ (size, window) -> Alignment.Center.getAlignedPos(size, new Size(PARENT_WIDTH, PARENT_HEIGHT))
+ .add(
+ Alignment.BottomRight.getAlignedPos(new Size(PARENT_WIDTH, PARENT_HEIGHT), new Size(WIDTH, HEIGHT))
+ .add(WIDTH - 3, 0)
+ .subtract(0, 10)));
+ builder.widget(
+ TextWidget.localised("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.batteryinfo")
+ .setPos(3, 4)
+ .setSize(74, 20))
+ .widget(
+ new NumericWidget().setSetter(val -> maxBatteryCharge = (int) val)
+ .setGetter(() -> maxBatteryCharge)
+ .setBounds(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
+ .setDefaultValue(100)
+ .setScrollValues(1, 4, 64)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setTextColor(Color.WHITE.normal)
+ .setSize(70, 18)
+ .setPos(4, 25)
+ .setBackground(GTUITextures.BACKGROUND_TEXT_FIELD));
+ return builder.build();
+ }
+ protected ModularWindow createFuelConfigWindow(final EntityPlayer player) {
+ final int WIDTH = 78;
+ final int HEIGHT = 130;
+ final int PARENT_WIDTH = getGUIWidth();
+ final int PARENT_HEIGHT = getGUIHeight();
+ ModularWindow.Builder builder = ModularWindow.builder(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+ builder.setBackground(GTUITextures.BACKGROUND_SINGLEBLOCK_DEFAULT);
+ builder.setGuiTint(getGUIColorization());
+ builder.setDraggable(true);
+ builder.setPos(
+ (size, window) -> Alignment.Center.getAlignedPos(size, new Size(PARENT_WIDTH, PARENT_HEIGHT))
+ .add(
+ Alignment.TopRight.getAlignedPos(new Size(PARENT_WIDTH, PARENT_HEIGHT), new Size(WIDTH, HEIGHT))
+ .add(WIDTH - 3, 0)));
+ builder.widget(
+ TextWidget.localised("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelconsumption")
+ .setPos(3, 2)
+ .setSize(74, 34))
+ .widget(
+ new NumericWidget().setSetter(val -> fuelConsumptionFactor = (int) val)
+ .setGetter(() -> fuelConsumptionFactor)
+ .setBounds(1, calculateMaxFuelFactor(this))
+ .setDefaultValue(1)
+ .setScrollValues(1, 4, 64)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setTextColor(Color.WHITE.normal)
+ .setSize(70, 18)
+ .setPos(4, 35)
+ .setBackground(GTUITextures.BACKGROUND_TEXT_FIELD))
+ .widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(ModularUITextures.ICON_INFO)
+ .setPos(64, 24)
+ .setSize(10, 10)
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelinfo.0"))
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelinfo.1"))
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelinfo.2"))
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelinfo.3"))
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelinfo.4"))
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelinfo.5"))
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.localised("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fueltype")
+ .setPos(3, 57)
+ .setSize(74, 24))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.localised("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelusage")
+ .setPos(3, 100)
+ .setSize(74, 20))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(this::fuelUsage)
+ .setPos(3, 115)
+ .setSize(74, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new MultiChildWidget().addChild(
+ new FluidNameHolderWidget(
+ () -> MaterialsUEVplus.DimensionallyTranscendentResidue.getFluid(1)
+ .getUnlocalizedName()
+ .substring(6),
+ (String) -> MaterialsUEVplus.DimensionallyTranscendentResidue.getFluid(1)
+ .getUnlocalizedName()) {
+ @Override
+ public void buildTooltip(List<Text> tooltip) {
+ FluidStack fluid = createFluidStack();
+ addFluidNameInfo(tooltip, fluid);
+ addAdditionalFluidInfo(tooltip, fluid);
+ }
+ }.setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY)
+ .setPos(1, 1)
+ .setSize(16, 16))
+ .addChild(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ TecTech.proxy.playSound(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), "fx_click");
+ selectedFuelType = 0;
+ })
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ if (selectedFuelType == 0) {
+ return new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.SLOT_OUTLINE_GREEN };
+ } else {
+ return new IDrawable[] {};
+ }
+ })
+ .setSize(18, 18)
+ .attachSyncer(new FakeSyncWidget.IntegerSyncer(this::getFuelType, this::setFuelType), builder))
+ .setPos(6, 82)
+ .setSize(18, 18))
+ .widget(
+ new MultiChildWidget().addChild(
+ new FluidNameHolderWidget(
+ () -> MaterialsUEVplus.RawStarMatter.getFluid(1)
+ .getUnlocalizedName()
+ .substring(6),
+ (String) -> MaterialsUEVplus.RawStarMatter.getFluid(1)
+ .getUnlocalizedName()) {
+ @Override
+ public void buildTooltip(List<Text> tooltip) {
+ FluidStack fluid = createFluidStack();
+ addFluidNameInfo(tooltip, fluid);
+ addAdditionalFluidInfo(tooltip, fluid);
+ }
+ }.setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY)
+ .setPos(1, 1)
+ .setSize(16, 16))
+ .addChild(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ TecTech.proxy.playSound(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), "fx_click");
+ selectedFuelType = 1;
+ })
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ if (selectedFuelType == 1) {
+ return new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.SLOT_OUTLINE_GREEN };
+ } else {
+ return new IDrawable[] {};
+ }
+ })
+ .setSize(18, 18))
+ .setPos(29, 82)
+ .setSize(18, 18)
+ .attachSyncer(new FakeSyncWidget.IntegerSyncer(this::getFuelType, this::setFuelType), builder))
+ .widget(
+ new MultiChildWidget().addChild(
+ new FluidNameHolderWidget(
+ () -> MaterialsUEVplus.MagnetohydrodynamicallyConstrainedStarMatter.getMolten(1)
+ .getUnlocalizedName()
+ .substring(6),
+ (String) -> MaterialsUEVplus.MagnetohydrodynamicallyConstrainedStarMatter.getMolten(1)
+ .getUnlocalizedName()) {
+ @Override
+ public void buildTooltip(List<Text> tooltip) {
+ FluidStack fluid = createFluidStack();
+ addFluidNameInfo(tooltip, fluid);
+ addAdditionalFluidInfo(tooltip, fluid);
+ }
+ }.setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY)
+ .setPos(1, 1)
+ .setSize(16, 16))
+ .addChild(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ TecTech.proxy.playSound(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), "fx_click");
+ selectedFuelType = 2;
+ })
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ if (selectedFuelType == 2) {
+ return new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.SLOT_OUTLINE_GREEN };
+ } else {
+ return new IDrawable[] {};
+ }
+ })
+ .setSize(18, 18))
+ .setPos(52, 82)
+ .setSize(18, 18)
+ .attachSyncer(new FakeSyncWidget.IntegerSyncer(this::getFuelType, this::setFuelType), builder));
+ return builder.build();
+ }
+ private final int[] milestoneProgress = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ protected ModularWindow createMilestoneWindow(final EntityPlayer player) {
+ final int WIDTH = 400;
+ final int HEIGHT = 300;
+ ModularWindow.Builder builder = ModularWindow.builder(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+ builder.setBackground(TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_SPACE);
+ builder.setGuiTint(getGUIColorization());
+ builder.setDraggable(true);
+ builder.widget(createMilestoneButton(0, 80, 100, new Pos2d(62, 24)));
+ builder.widget(createMilestoneButton(1, 70, 98, new Pos2d(263, 25)));
+ builder.widget(createMilestoneButton(2, 100, 100, new Pos2d(52, 169)));
+ builder.widget(createMilestoneButton(3, 100, 100, new Pos2d(248, 169)));
+ builder.widget(
+ TextWidget.localised("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.powermilestone")
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setPos(77, 45)
+ .setSize(50, 30));
+ builder.widget(
+ TextWidget.localised("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.recipemilestone")
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setPos(268, 45)
+ .setSize(60, 30));
+ builder.widget(
+ TextWidget.localised("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelmilestone")
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setPos(77, 190)
+ .setSize(50, 30));
+ builder.widget(
+ TextWidget.localised("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.purchasablemilestone")
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setPos(268, 190)
+ .setSize(60, 30));
+ builder.widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.PROGRESSBAR_GODFORGE_MILESTONE_BACKGROUND)
+ .setPos(37, 70)
+ .setSize(130, 7))
+ .widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.PROGRESSBAR_GODFORGE_MILESTONE_BACKGROUND)
+ .setPos(233, 70)
+ .setSize(130, 7))
+ .widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.PROGRESSBAR_GODFORGE_MILESTONE_BACKGROUND)
+ .setPos(37, 215)
+ .setSize(130, 7))
+ .widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.PROGRESSBAR_GODFORGE_MILESTONE_BACKGROUND)
+ .setPos(233, 215)
+ .setSize(130, 7));
+ builder.widget(
+ new ProgressBar().setProgress(() -> powerMilestonePercentage)
+ .setDirection(ProgressBar.Direction.RIGHT)
+ .setSynced(true, false)
+ .setSize(130, 7)
+ .setPos(37, 70))
+ .widget(
+ new ProgressBar().setProgress(() -> recipeMilestonePercentage)
+ .setDirection(ProgressBar.Direction.RIGHT)
+ .setSynced(true, false)
+ .setSize(130, 7)
+ .setPos(233, 70))
+ .widget(
+ new ProgressBar().setProgress(() -> fuelMilestonePercentage)
+ .setDirection(ProgressBar.Direction.RIGHT)
+ .setSynced(true, false)
+ .setSize(130, 7)
+ .setPos(37, 215))
+ .widget(
+ new ProgressBar().setProgress(() -> structureMilestonePercentage)
+ .setDirection(ProgressBar.Direction.RIGHT)
+ .setSynced(true, false)
+ .setSize(130, 7)
+ .setPos(233, 215))
+ .widget(
+ new ProgressBar().setProgress(() -> invertedPowerMilestonePercentage)
+ .setDirection(ProgressBar.Direction.LEFT)
+ .setSynced(true, false)
+ .setSize(130, 7)
+ .setPos(37, 70))
+ .widget(
+ new ProgressBar().setProgress(() -> invertedRecipeMilestonePercentage)
+ .setDirection(ProgressBar.Direction.LEFT)
+ .setSynced(true, false)
+ .setSize(130, 7)
+ .setPos(233, 70))
+ .widget(
+ new ProgressBar().setProgress(() -> invertedFuelMilestonePercentage)
+ .setDirection(ProgressBar.Direction.LEFT)
+ .setSynced(true, false)
+ .setSize(130, 7)
+ .setPos(37, 215))
+ .widget(
+ new ProgressBar().setProgress(() -> invertedStructureMilestonePercentage)
+ .setDirection(ProgressBar.Direction.LEFT)
+ .setSynced(true, false)
+ .setSize(130, 7)
+ .setPos(233, 215))
+ .widget(
+ ButtonWidget.closeWindowButton(true)
+ .setPos(382, 6));
+ return builder.build();
+ }
+ protected ModularWindow createIndividualMilestoneWindow(final EntityPlayer player) {
+ final int WIDTH = 150;
+ final int HEIGHT = 150;
+ int symbol_width;
+ int symbol_height;
+ String milestoneType;
+ ModularWindow.Builder builder = ModularWindow.builder(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+ UITexture symbol;
+ switch (currentMilestoneID) {
+ case 1 -> {
+ symbol_width = 54;
+ symbol_height = 75;
+ milestoneType = "recipe";
+ }
+ case 2 -> {
+ symbol_width = 75;
+ symbol_height = 75;
+ milestoneType = "fuel";
+ }
+ case 3 -> {
+ symbol_width = 75;
+ symbol_height = 75;
+ milestoneType = "purchasable";
+ }
+ default -> {
+ symbol_width = 60;
+ symbol_height = 75;
+ milestoneType = "power";
+ }
+ }
+ builder.setBackground(TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_GLOW_WHITE);
+ builder.setDraggable(true);
+ builder.widget(
+ ButtonWidget.closeWindowButton(true)
+ .setPos(134, 4))
+ .widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(symbol)
+ .setSize(symbol_width, symbol_height)
+ .setPos((WIDTH - symbol_width) / 2, (HEIGHT - symbol_height) / 2))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.localised("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG." + milestoneType + "milestone")
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setPos(0, 8)
+ .setSize(150, 15))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(this::inversionStatusText)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.AQUA)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setScale(0.8f)
+ .setPos(0, 120)
+ .setSize(150, 15))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(() -> totalMilestoneProgress(currentMilestoneID))
+ .setScale(0.7f)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setPos(5, 30)
+ .setSize(140, 30))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(() -> currentMilestone(currentMilestoneID))
+ .setScale(0.7f)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setPos(5, 50)
+ .setSize(140, 30))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(() -> milestoneProgressText(currentMilestoneID, true))
+ .setScale(0.7f)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE)
+ .setSize(140, 30)
+ .setPos(5, 70))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(() -> gravitonShardAmountText(currentMilestoneID))
+ .setScale(0.7f)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE)
+ .setSize(140, 30)
+ .setPos(5, 90))
+ .widget(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ TecTech.proxy.playSound(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), "fx_click");
+ if (clickData.mouseButton == 0) {
+ noFormatting = !noFormatting;
+ }
+ })
+ .setSize(10, 10)
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.button.formatting.tooltip"))
+ .setBackground(TecTechUITextures.OVERLAY_CYCLIC_BLUE)
+ .setPos(5, 135)
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY)
+ .attachSyncer(
+ new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> noFormatting, val -> noFormatting = val),
+ builder));
+ return builder.build();
+ }
+ private int currentMilestoneID = 0;
+ private Widget createMilestoneButton(int milestoneID, int width, int height, Pos2d pos) {
+ return new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ currentMilestoneID = milestoneID;
+ if (!widget.isClient()) {
+ widget.getContext()
+ }
+ })
+ .setSize(width, height)
+ .setBackground(() -> switch (milestoneID) {
+ case 1 -> new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_GODFORGE_MILESTONE_CONVERSION_GLOW };
+ case 2 -> new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_GODFORGE_MILESTONE_CATALYST_GLOW };
+ case 3 -> new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_GODFORGE_MILESTONE_COMPOSITION_GLOW };
+ default -> new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_GODFORGE_MILESTONE_CHARGE_GLOW };
+ })
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.milestoneinfo"))
+ .setPos(pos)
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY);
+ }
+ private int currentUpgradeID = 0;
+ private int currentColorCode = 0;
+ private int currentMilestoneBG = 0;
+ private int gravitonShardCost = 0;
+ private int[] prereqUpgrades = new int[] {};
+ private int[] followupUpgrades = new int[] {};
+ private boolean allPrereqRequired = false;
+ private boolean isUpradeSplitStart = false;
+ private boolean doesCurrentUpgradeRequireExtraMats = false;
+ private boolean[] upgrades = new boolean[31];
+ private boolean[] materialPaidUpgrades = new boolean[7];
+ protected ModularWindow createUpgradeTreeWindow(final EntityPlayer player) {
+ final Scrollable scrollable = new Scrollable().setVerticalScroll();
+ final int PARENT_WIDTH = 300;
+ final int PARENT_HEIGHT = 300;
+ ModularWindow.Builder builder = ModularWindow.builder(PARENT_WIDTH, PARENT_HEIGHT);
+ scrollable
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ new int[] {},
+ false,
+ new int[] { 1 },
+ false,
+ true,
+ 0,
+ new Pos2d(126, 56),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 0 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 2, 3 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 1,
+ new Pos2d(126, 116),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ new int[] { 1 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 4, 5 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 1,
+ new Pos2d(96, 176),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ new int[] { 1 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 5, 6 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 1,
+ new Pos2d(156, 176),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ new int[] { 2 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 8 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 1,
+ new Pos2d(66, 236),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 5,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ new int[] { 2, 3 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 7 },
+ false,
+ true,
+ 1,
+ new Pos2d(126, 236),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 6,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 3 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 10 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 1,
+ new Pos2d(186, 236),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 7,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ new int[] { 5 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 8, 9, 10 },
+ false,
+ true,
+ 2,
+ new Pos2d(126, 296),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 8,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ new int[] { 4, 7 },
+ true,
+ new int[] { 11 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 2,
+ new Pos2d(56, 356),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 9,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ new int[] { 7 },
+ false,
+ new int[] {},
+ false,
+ false,
+ 2,
+ new Pos2d(126, 356),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 10,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 6, 7 },
+ true,
+ new int[] { 11 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 2,
+ new Pos2d(196, 356),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 11,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ new int[] { 8, 10 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 12, 13, 14 },
+ false,
+ true,
+ 2,
+ new Pos2d(126, 416),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 12,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ new int[] { 11 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 17 },
+ true,
+ false,
+ 3,
+ new Pos2d(66, 476),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 13,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 11 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 18 },
+ true,
+ false,
+ 3,
+ new Pos2d(126, 476),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 14,
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ new int[] { 11 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 15, 19 },
+ true,
+ false,
+ 3,
+ new Pos2d(186, 476),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 15,
+ 3,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 14 },
+ false,
+ new int[] {},
+ false,
+ false,
+ 4,
+ new Pos2d(246, 496),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 16,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 17 },
+ false,
+ new int[] {},
+ false,
+ false,
+ 4,
+ new Pos2d(6, 556),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 17,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ new int[] { 12 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 16, 20 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 3,
+ new Pos2d(66, 536),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 18,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 13 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 21 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 3,
+ new Pos2d(126, 536),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 19,
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ new int[] { 14 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 22 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 3,
+ new Pos2d(186, 536),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 20,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ new int[] { 17 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 23 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 3,
+ new Pos2d(66, 596),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 21,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 18 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 23 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 3,
+ new Pos2d(126, 596),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 22,
+ 3,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 19 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 23 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 3,
+ new Pos2d(186, 596),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 23,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ new int[] { 20, 21, 22 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 24 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 4,
+ new Pos2d(126, 656),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 24,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 23 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 25 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 5,
+ new Pos2d(126, 718),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 25,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ new int[] { 24 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 26 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 6,
+ new Pos2d(36, 758),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 26,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ new int[] { 25 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 27 },
+ false,
+ true,
+ 7,
+ new Pos2d(36, 848),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 27,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ new int[] { 26 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 28 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 8,
+ new Pos2d(126, 888),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 28,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ new int[] { 27 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 29 },
+ false,
+ false,
+ 9,
+ new Pos2d(216, 848),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 29,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ new int[] { 28 },
+ false,
+ new int[] { 30 },
+ false,
+ true,
+ 10,
+ new Pos2d(216, 758),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ createUpgradeBox(
+ 30,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ new int[] { 29 },
+ false,
+ new int[] {},
+ false,
+ true,
+ 12,
+ new Pos2d(126, 798),
+ scrollable))
+ .widget(new TextWidget("").setPos(0, 945));
+ builder.widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_STAR)
+ .setPos(0, 0)
+ .setSize(300, 300))
+ .widget(
+ scrollable.setSize(292, 292)
+ .setPos(4, 4))
+ .widget(
+ ButtonWidget.closeWindowButton(true)
+ .setPos(282, 4));
+ if (debugMode) {
+ builder.widget(new MultiChildWidget().addChild(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ upgrades = new boolean[31];
+ materialPaidUpgrades = new boolean[7];
+ })
+ .setSize(40, 15)
+ .setBackground(GTUITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD)
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.debug.resetbutton.tooltip"))
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY))
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("fog.debug.resetbutton.text")).setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setScale(0.57f)
+ .setMaxWidth(36)
+ .setPos(3, 3))
+ .addChild(
+ new NumericWidget().setSetter(val -> gravitonShardsAvailable = (int) val)
+ .setGetter(() -> gravitonShardsAvailable)
+ .setBounds(0, 112)
+ .setDefaultValue(0)
+ .setScrollValues(1, 4, 64)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setTextColor(Color.WHITE.normal)
+ .setSize(25, 18)
+ .setPos(4, 16)
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.debug.gravitonshardsetter.tooltip"))
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY)
+ .setBackground(GTUITextures.BACKGROUND_TEXT_FIELD))
+ .addChild(
+ new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> Arrays.fill(upgrades, true))
+ .setSize(40, 15)
+ .setBackground(GTUITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD)
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.debug.unlockall.text"))
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY)
+ .setPos(0, 35))
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("fog.debug.unlockall.text")).setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setScale(0.57f)
+ .setMaxWidth(36)
+ .setPos(3, 38))
+ .setPos(4, 4));
+ }
+ return builder.build();
+ }
+ protected ModularWindow createIndividualUpgradeWindow(final EntityPlayer player) {
+ UITexture background;
+ UITexture overlay;
+ UITexture milestoneSymbol;
+ float widthRatio;
+ switch (currentColorCode) {
+ case 1 -> {
+ background = TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_GLOW_PURPLE;
+ overlay = TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_OVERLAY_PURPLE;
+ }
+ case 2 -> {
+ background = TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_GLOW_ORANGE;
+ overlay = TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_OVERLAY_ORANGE;
+ }
+ case 3 -> {
+ background = TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_GLOW_GREEN;
+ overlay = TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_OVERLAY_GREEN;
+ }
+ default -> {
+ background = TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_GLOW_BLUE;
+ overlay = TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_OVERLAY_BLUE;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (currentMilestoneBG) {
+ case 1 -> {
+ widthRatio = 0.72f;
+ }
+ case 2 -> {
+ widthRatio = 1f;
+ }
+ case 3 -> {
+ widthRatio = 1f;
+ }
+ default -> {
+ milestoneSymbol = TecTechUITextures.PICTURE_GODFORGE_MILESTONE_CHARGE;
+ widthRatio = 0.8f;
+ }
+ }
+ int WIDTH = 250;
+ int HEIGHT = 250;
+ int LORE_POS = 110;
+ if (currentUpgradeID == 0 || currentUpgradeID == 30) {
+ WIDTH = 300;
+ HEIGHT = 300;
+ LORE_POS = 85;
+ }
+ ModularWindow.Builder builder = ModularWindow.builder(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ .setBackground(background)
+ .widget(
+ ButtonWidget.closeWindowButton(true)
+ .setPos(WIDTH - 15, 3))
+ .widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(milestoneSymbol)
+ .setPos((int) ((1 - widthRatio / 2) * WIDTH / 2), HEIGHT / 4)
+ .setSize((int) (WIDTH / 2 * widthRatio), HEIGHT / 2))
+ .widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(overlay)
+ .setPos(WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 4)
+ .setSize(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2))
+ .widget(
+ new MultiChildWidget()
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("fog.upgrade.tt." + (currentUpgradeID)))
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setSize(WIDTH - 15, 30)
+ .setPos(9, 5))
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("fog.upgrade.text." + (currentUpgradeID)))
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE)
+ .setSize(WIDTH - 15, LORE_POS - 30)
+ .setPos(9, 30))
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(
+ EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + translateToLocal("fog.upgrade.lore." + (currentUpgradeID)))
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setDefaultColor(0xbbbdbd)
+ .setSize(WIDTH - 15, (int) (HEIGHT * 0.9) - LORE_POS)
+ .setPos(9, LORE_POS))
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.shardcost") + " "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.BLUE
+ + gravitonShardCost).setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setScale(0.7f)
+ .setMaxWidth(70)
+ .setDefaultColor(0x9c9c9c)
+ .setPos(11, HEIGHT - 25))
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.availableshards"))
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setScale(0.7f)
+ .setMaxWidth(90)
+ .setDefaultColor(0x9c9c9c)
+ .setPos(WIDTH - 87, HEIGHT - 25))
+ .addChild(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(this::gravitonShardAmount)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setScale(0.7f)
+ .setMaxWidth(90)
+ .setDefaultColor(0x9c9c9c)
+ .setPos(WIDTH - 27, HEIGHT - 18)))
+ .setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ .widget(new MultiChildWidget().addChild(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ int unlockedPrereqUpgrades = 0;
+ int unlockedFollowupUpgrades = 0;
+ int unlockedSplitUpgrades = 0;
+ if (!upgrades[currentUpgradeID]) {
+ for (int prereqUpgrade : prereqUpgrades) {
+ if (upgrades[prereqUpgrade]) {
+ unlockedPrereqUpgrades++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!doesCurrentUpgradeRequireExtraMats
+ || materialPaidUpgrades[Arrays.asList(UPGRADE_MATERIAL_ID_CONVERSION)
+ .indexOf(currentUpgradeID)]) {
+ if (allPrereqRequired) {
+ if (unlockedPrereqUpgrades == prereqUpgrades.length
+ && gravitonShardsAvailable >= gravitonShardCost) {
+ gravitonShardsAvailable -= gravitonShardCost;
+ gravitonShardsSpent += gravitonShardCost;
+ upgrades[currentUpgradeID] = true;
+ }
+ } else if (unlockedPrereqUpgrades > 0 || prereqUpgrades.length == 0) {
+ if (isUpradeSplitStart) {
+ for (int splitUpgrade : FIRST_SPLIT_UPGRADES) {
+ if (upgrades[splitUpgrade]) {
+ unlockedSplitUpgrades++;
+ }
+ }
+ unlockedSplitUpgrades -= (ringAmount - 1);
+ }
+ if (unlockedSplitUpgrades <= 0 && gravitonShardsAvailable >= gravitonShardCost) {
+ gravitonShardsAvailable -= gravitonShardCost;
+ gravitonShardsSpent += gravitonShardCost;
+ upgrades[currentUpgradeID] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int followupUpgrade : followupUpgrades) {
+ if (upgrades[followupUpgrade]) {
+ unlockedFollowupUpgrades++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unlockedFollowupUpgrades == 0) {
+ gravitonShardsAvailable += gravitonShardCost;
+ gravitonShardsSpent -= gravitonShardCost;
+ upgrades[currentUpgradeID] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .setSize(40, 15)
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ if (upgrades[currentUpgradeID]) {
+ return new IDrawable[] { GTUITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD_PRESSED };
+ } else {
+ return new IDrawable[] { GTUITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD };
+ }
+ })
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.upgrade.confirm"))
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY))
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("fog.upgrade.confirm")).setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setScale(0.7f)
+ .setMaxWidth(36)
+ .setPos(3, 5))
+ .setPos(WIDTH / 2 - 21, (int) (HEIGHT * 0.9)));
+ .contains(currentUpgradeID)) {
+ builder.widget(createMaterialInputButton(currentUpgradeID, WIDTH / 2 - 40, (int) (HEIGHT * 0.9), builder));
+ }
+ return builder.build();
+ }
+ private Widget createMaterialInputButton(int upgradeID, int xCoord, int yCoord, IWidgetBuilder<?> builder) {
+ return new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (!widget.isClient() && doesCurrentUpgradeRequireExtraMats) {
+ widget.getContext()
+ widget.getContext()
+ widget.getContext()
+ }
+ })
+ .setPlayClickSound(doesCurrentUpgradeRequireExtraMats)
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ if (doesCurrentUpgradeRequireExtraMats) {
+ if (materialPaidUpgrades[Arrays.asList(UPGRADE_MATERIAL_ID_CONVERSION)
+ .indexOf(upgradeID)]) {
+ return new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_BOXED_CHECKMARK_18x18 };
+ } else {
+ return new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_BOXED_EXCLAMATION_POINT_18x18 };
+ }
+ } else {
+ return new IDrawable[] { GTUITextures.TRANSPARENT };
+ }
+ })
+ .setPos(xCoord, yCoord)
+ .setSize(15, 15)
+ .dynamicTooltip(this::upgradeMaterialRequirements)
+ .addTooltip(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + translateToLocal("fog.button.materialrequirements.tooltip.clickhere"))
+ .attachSyncer(
+ new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(
+ () -> materialPaidUpgrades[Arrays.asList(UPGRADE_MATERIAL_ID_CONVERSION)
+ .indexOf(upgradeID)],
+ val -> materialPaidUpgrades[Arrays.asList(UPGRADE_MATERIAL_ID_CONVERSION)
+ .indexOf(upgradeID)] = val),
+ builder);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param upgradeID ID of the upgrade
+ * @param colorCode Number deciding which colored background to use, 0 for blue, 1 for purple, 2 for
+ * orange and 3 for green
+ * @param milestone Number deciding which milestone symbol to display in the background, 0 for charge,
+ * 1 for conversion, 2 for catalyst and 3 for composition
+ * @param prerequisiteUpgradeIDs IDs of the prior upgrades directly connected to the current one
+ * @param requireAllPrerequisites Decides how many connected prerequisite upgrades have to be unlocked to be able to
+ * unlock this one. True means ALL, False means AT LEAST ONE
+ * @param followingUpgradeIDs IDs of the following upgrades directly connected to the current one
+ * @param isStartOfSplit Whether this upgrade is one of the initial split upgrades
+ * @param requiresExtraMaterials Whether this upgrade requires materials other than graviton shards to unlock
+ * @param shardCost How many graviton shards are needed to unlock this upgrade
+ * @param pos Position of the upgrade inside the scrollableWidget
+ */
+ private Widget createUpgradeBox(int upgradeID, int colorCode, int milestone, int[] prerequisiteUpgradeIDs,
+ boolean requireAllPrerequisites, int[] followingUpgradeIDs, boolean isStartOfSplit,
+ boolean requiresExtraMaterials, int shardCost, Pos2d pos, IWidgetBuilder<?> builder) {
+ return new MultiChildWidget().addChild(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ currentUpgradeID = upgradeID;
+ currentColorCode = colorCode;
+ currentMilestoneBG = milestone;
+ gravitonShardCost = shardCost;
+ prereqUpgrades = prerequisiteUpgradeIDs;
+ allPrereqRequired = requireAllPrerequisites;
+ followupUpgrades = followingUpgradeIDs;
+ isUpradeSplitStart = isStartOfSplit;
+ doesCurrentUpgradeRequireExtraMats = requiresExtraMaterials;
+ if (!widget.isClient()) widget.getContext()
+ })
+ .setSize(40, 15)
+ .setBackground(() -> {
+ if (upgrades[upgradeID]) {
+ return new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_SPACE_PRESSED_32x16 };
+ } else {
+ return new IDrawable[] { TecTechUITextures.BUTTON_SPACE_32x16 };
+ }
+ })
+ .addTooltip(translateToLocal("fog.upgrade.tt." + upgradeID))
+ .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY))
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("fog.upgrade.tt.short." + upgradeID)).setScale(0.8f)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setSize(34, 9)
+ .setPos(3, 4))
+ .setPos(pos)
+ .attachSyncer(
+ new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> upgrades[upgradeID], val -> upgrades[upgradeID] = val),
+ builder);
+ }
+ protected ModularWindow createManualInsertionWindow(final EntityPlayer player) {
+ ItemStack[] inputs = godforgeUpgradeMats.get(currentUpgradeID);
+ final int WIDTH = 189;
+ final int HEIGHT = 106;
+ final int PARENT_WIDTH = getGUIWidth();
+ final int PARENT_HEIGHT = getGUIHeight();
+ final MultiChildWidget columns = new MultiChildWidget();
+ final DynamicPositionedColumn column1 = new DynamicPositionedColumn();
+ final DynamicPositionedColumn column2 = new DynamicPositionedColumn();
+ final DynamicPositionedColumn column3 = new DynamicPositionedColumn();
+ final DynamicPositionedColumn column4 = new DynamicPositionedColumn();
+ final DynamicPositionedColumn column5 = new DynamicPositionedColumn();
+ final DynamicPositionedColumn column6 = new DynamicPositionedColumn();
+ List<DynamicPositionedColumn> columnList = Arrays.asList(column1, column2, column3, column4, column5, column6);
+ ModularWindow.Builder builder = ModularWindow.builder(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+ builder.setBackground(GTUITextures.BACKGROUND_SINGLEBLOCK_DEFAULT);
+ builder.setGuiTint(getGUIColorization());
+ builder.setDraggable(true);
+ builder.setPos(
+ (size, window) -> Alignment.Center.getAlignedPos(size, new Size(PARENT_WIDTH, PARENT_HEIGHT))
+ .add(Alignment.TopRight.getAlignedPos(new Size(PARENT_WIDTH, PARENT_HEIGHT), new Size(WIDTH, HEIGHT)))
+ .subtract(5, 0)
+ .add(0, 4));
+ builder.widget(
+ SlotGroup.ofItemHandler(inputSlotHandler, 4)
+ .startFromSlot(0)
+ .endAtSlot(15)
+ .phantom(false)
+ .background(getGUITextureSet().getItemSlot())
+ .build()
+ .setPos(112, 6));
+ builder.widget(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (!widget.isClient()) {
+ widget.getWindow()
+ .closeWindow();
+ widget.getContext()
+ .openSyncedWindow(UPGRADE_TREE_WINDOW_ID);
+ widget.getContext()
+ }
+ })
+ .setBackground(ModularUITextures.VANILLA_BACKGROUND, new Text("x"))
+ .setPos(179, 0)
+ .setSize(10, 10));
+ builder.widget(new MultiChildWidget().addChild(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (!widget.isClient()) {
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> list = new ArrayList<>(inputSlotHandler.getStacks());
+ list.removeIf(Objects::isNull);
+ int foundInputs = 0;
+ int[] foundInputIndices = new int[inputs.length];
+ for (ItemStack inputStack : list) {
+ for (ItemStack requiredStack : inputs) {
+ if (ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(requiredStack, inputStack)) {
+ foundInputIndices[foundInputs] = inputSlotHandler.getStacks()
+ .indexOf(inputStack);
+ foundInputs++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundInputs == inputs.length) {
+ for (int index : foundInputIndices) {
+ inputSlotHandler.extractItem(index, inputSlotHandler.getStackInSlot(index).stackSize, false);
+ }
+ materialPaidUpgrades[Arrays.asList(UPGRADE_MATERIAL_ID_CONVERSION)
+ .indexOf(currentUpgradeID)] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .setPlayClickSound(true)
+ .setBackground(GTUITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD)
+ .setSize(179, 18))
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.consumeUpgradeMats"))
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.Center)
+ .setScale(0.75f)
+ .setPos(0, 1)
+ .setSize(179, 18))
+ .setPos(5, 82)
+ .setSize(179, 16));
+ int uniqueItems = inputs.length;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ int index = i;
+ int cleanDiv4 = index / 4;
+ if (i < uniqueItems) {
+ builder.widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(GTUITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD_PRESSED)
+ .setPos(5 + cleanDiv4 * 36, 6 + index % 4 * 18)
+ .setSize(18, 18));
+ columnList.get(cleanDiv4)
+ .addChild(
+ new ItemDrawable().setItem(inputs[index])
+ .asWidget()
+ .dynamicTooltip(() -> {
+ List<String> tooltip = new ArrayList<>();
+ tooltip.add(inputs[index] != null ? inputs[index].getDisplayName() : "");
+ return tooltip;
+ })
+ .setSize(16, 16));
+ columnList.get(cleanDiv4 + 3)
+ .addChild(
+ new TextWidget("x" + inputs[i].stackSize).setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setScale(0.8f)
+ .setSize(18, 8));
+ } else {
+ builder.widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(GTUITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD_DISABLED)
+ .setPos(5 + cleanDiv4 * 36, 6 + index % 4 * 18)
+ .setSize(18, 18));
+ }
+ }
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (DynamicPositionedColumn column : columnList) {
+ int spacing = 2;
+ int xCord = 1 + counter * 36;
+ int yCord = 1;
+ if (counter > 2) {
+ spacing = 10;
+ xCord = 19 + (counter - 3) * 36;
+ yCord = 5;
+ }
+ columns.addChild(
+ column.setSpace(spacing)
+ .setAlignment(MainAxisAlignment.SPACE_BETWEEN)
+ .setSize(16, 72)
+ .setPos(xCord, yCord));
+ counter++;
+ }
+ builder.widget(
+ columns.setSize(108, 72)
+ .setPos(5, 6));
+ return builder.build();
+ }
+ protected ModularWindow createGeneralInfoWindow(final EntityPlayer player) {
+ final Scrollable scrollable = new Scrollable().setVerticalScroll();
+ final int WIDTH = 300;
+ final int HEIGHT = 300;
+ ModularWindow.Builder builder = ModularWindow.builder(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+ builder.setDraggable(true);
+ scrollable.widget(
+ new TextWidget(EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.introduction"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.TopCenter)
+ .setPos(7, 13)
+ .setSize(280, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.introductioninfotext"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setPos(7, 30)
+ .setSize(280, 50))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(
+ EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.tableofcontents"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.AQUA)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setPos(7, 80)
+ .setSize(150, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> scrollable.setVerticalScrollOffset(150))
+ .setBackground(
+ new Text(EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuel"))
+ .alignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .color(0x55ffff))
+ .setPos(7, 95)
+ .setSize(150, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> scrollable.setVerticalScrollOffset(434))
+ .setBackground(
+ new Text(
+ EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.modules"))
+ .alignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .color(0x55ffff))
+ .setPos(7, 110)
+ .setSize(150, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> scrollable.setVerticalScrollOffset(1088))
+ .setBackground(
+ new Text(
+ EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.upgrades"))
+ .alignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .color(0x55ffff))
+ .setPos(7, 125)
+ .setSize(150, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> scrollable.setVerticalScrollOffset(1412))
+ .setBackground(
+ new Text(
+ EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.milestones"))
+ .alignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .color(0x55ffff))
+ .setPos(7, 140)
+ .setSize(150, 15))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(this::inversionHeaderText)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setPos(7, 155)
+ .setSize(150, 15))
+ .widget(new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (inversion) {
+ scrollable.setVerticalScrollOffset(1766);
+ }
+ })
+ .setPlayClickSound(inversion)
+ .setPos(7, 155)
+ .setSize(150, 15)
+ .attachSyncer(new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> inversion, (val) -> inversion = val), scrollable))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(
+ EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "§N" + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuel"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.TopCenter)
+ .setPos(127, 160)
+ .setSize(40, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelinfotext"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setPos(7, 177)
+ .setSize(280, 250))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(
+ EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "§N" + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.modules"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.TopCenter)
+ .setPos(7, 440)
+ .setSize(280, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.moduleinfotext"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setPos(7, 461)
+ .setSize(280, 620))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(
+ EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "§N" + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.upgrades"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.TopCenter)
+ .setPos(7, 1098)
+ .setSize(280, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.upgradeinfotext"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setPos(7, 1115)
+ .setSize(280, 290))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(
+ EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "§N" + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.milestones"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.TopCenter)
+ .setPos(7, 1422)
+ .setSize(280, 15))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.milestoneinfotext"))
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setPos(7, 1439)
+ .setSize(280, 320))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(this::inversionHeaderText)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.TopCenter)
+ .setPos(7, 1776)
+ .setSize(280, 15))
+ .widget(
+ TextWidget.dynamicText(this::inversionInfoText)
+ .setDefaultColor(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD)
+ .setTextAlignment(Alignment.CenterLeft)
+ .setPos(7, 1793)
+ .setSize(280, 160))
+ .widget(
+ new TextWidget("").setPos(7, 1965)
+ .setSize(10, 10));
+ builder.widget(
+ new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(TecTechUITextures.BACKGROUND_GLOW_WHITE)
+ .setPos(0, 0)
+ .setSize(300, 300))
+ .widget(
+ scrollable.setSize(292, 292)
+ .setPos(4, 4))
+ .widget(
+ ButtonWidget.closeWindowButton(true)
+ .setPos(284, 4));
+ return builder.build();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public MultiblockTooltipBuilder createTooltip() {
+ final MultiblockTooltipBuilder tt = new MultiblockTooltipBuilder();
+ tt.addMachineType("Stellar Forge")
+ .addInfo(EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + "Also known as Godforge or Gorge for short.")
+ .addInfo(TOOLTIP_BAR)
+ .addInfo("Controller block for the Godforge, a massive structure harnessing the thermal,")
+ .addInfo("gravitational and kinetic energy of a stabilised neutron star for material processing.")
+ .addInfo(
+ "This multiblock can house " + EnumChatFormatting.RED
+ + "up to 16 modules "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "which utilize the star to energize materials")
+ .addInfo("to varying degrees, ranging from regular smelting to matter degeneration.")
+ .addInfo(TOOLTIP_BAR)
+ .addInfo(
+ "This multiblock has an " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
+ + "extensive upgrade tree "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "which influences all of its functions,")
+ .addInfo(
+ "such as " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
+ + "unlocking new module types, increasing heat levels "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "and "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
+ + "granting")
+ .addInfo(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "various processing speed bonuses. "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "These upgrades can be unlocked by reaching")
+ .addInfo("certain milestones and/or spending materials.")
+ .addInfo(TOOLTIP_BAR)
+ .addInfo(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN
+ + "Clicking on the logo in the controller gui opens an extensive information window,")
+ .addInfo("explaining everything there is to know about this multiblock.")
+ .addInfo(TOOLTIP_BAR)
+ .beginStructureBlock(126, 29, 186, false)
+ .addStructureInfo("The structure is too complex! See schematic for details.")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ "Total blocks needed for the structure with " + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE
+ + "1"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN
+ + "2"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA
+ + "3"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + " rings:")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "3943"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN
+ + "7279"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA
+ + "11005"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + " Transcendentally Amplified Magnetic Confinement Casing")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "2819"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN
+ + "4831"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA
+ + "6567"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + " Singularity Reinforced Stellar Shielding Casing")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "272"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN
+ + "512"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA
+ + "824"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + " Celestial Matter Guidance Casing")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "130"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN
+ + "144"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA
+ + "158"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + " Boundless Gravitationally Severed Structure Casing")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "9"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN
+ + "54"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA
+ + "155"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + " Spatially Transcendent Gravitational Lens Block")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "345"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN
+ + "357"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA
+ + "397"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE
+ + " Remote"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN
+ + "Medial"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + "/"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA
+ + "Central"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + " Graviton Flow Modulator")
+ .addStructureInfo(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "36" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " Stellar Energy Siphon Casing")
+ .addStructureInfo("--------------------------------------------")
+ .addStructureInfo("Requires " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + 1 + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " Input Hatch")
+ .addStructureInfo("Requires " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + 1 + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " Output Bus")
+ .addStructureInfo("Requires " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + 1 + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " Input Bus")
+ .addStructureInfo("--------------------------------------------")
+ .toolTipFinisher(CommonValues.GODFORGE_MARK);
+ return tt;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean energyFlowOnRunningTick(ItemStack aStack, boolean allowProduction) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] getStructureDescription(ItemStack stackSize) {
+ return new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + translateToLocal("tt.keyphrase.Hint_Details") + ":",
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.hint.0"),
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.hint.1") };
+ }
+ public int getFuelType() {
+ return selectedFuelType;
+ }
+ private void setFuelType(int fuelType) {
+ selectedFuelType = fuelType;
+ }
+ public int getFuelFactor() {
+ return fuelConsumptionFactor;
+ }
+ public boolean isUpgradeActive(int upgradeID) {
+ return upgrades[upgradeID];
+ }
+ public int getRingAmount() {
+ return ringAmount;
+ }
+ public int getTotalActiveUpgrades() {
+ int totalUpgrades = 0;
+ for (boolean upgrade : upgrades) {
+ if (upgrade) {
+ totalUpgrades++;
+ }
+ }
+ return totalUpgrades;
+ }
+ private Text fuelUsage() {
+ return new Text(fuelConsumption + " L/5s");
+ }
+ private Text gravitonShardAmount() {
+ EnumChatFormatting enoughGravitonShards = EnumChatFormatting.RED;
+ if (gravitonShardsAvailable >= gravitonShardCost) {
+ enoughGravitonShards = EnumChatFormatting.GREEN;
+ }
+ return new Text(enoughGravitonShards + Integer.toString(gravitonShardsAvailable));
+ }
+ private Text storedFuel() {
+ if (internalBattery == 0) {
+ return new Text(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.storedstartupfuel") + " "
+ + stellarFuelAmount
+ + "/"
+ + neededStartupFuel);
+ }
+ return new Text(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.storedfuel") + " "
+ + internalBattery
+ + "/"
+ + maxBatteryCharge);
+ }
+ private void checkInversionStatus() {
+ int inversionChecker = 0;
+ for (int progress : milestoneProgress) {
+ if (progress < 7) {
+ break;
+ }
+ inversionChecker++;
+ }
+ inversion = inversionChecker == 4;
+ }
+ private Text inversionStatusText() {
+ String inversionStatus = "";
+ if (inversion) {
+ inversionStatus = EnumChatFormatting.BOLD
+ + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.inversionactive");
+ }
+ return new Text(inversionStatus);
+ }
+ private void determineCompositionMilestoneLevel() {
+ int[] uniqueModuleCount = new int[5];
+ int smelting = 0;
+ int molten = 0;
+ int plasma = 0;
+ int exotic = 0;
+ int exoticMagmatter = 0;
+ for (MTEBaseModule module : moduleHatches) {
+ if (module instanceof MTESmeltingModule) {
+ uniqueModuleCount[0] = 1;
+ smelting++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (module instanceof MTEMoltenModule) {
+ uniqueModuleCount[1] = 1;
+ molten++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (module instanceof MTEPlasmaModule) {
+ uniqueModuleCount[2] = 1;
+ plasma++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (module instanceof MTEExoticModule) {
+ if (!((MTEExoticModule) module).isMagmatterModeOn()) {
+ uniqueModuleCount[3] = 1;
+ exotic++;
+ } else {
+ uniqueModuleCount[4] = 1;
+ exoticMagmatter++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ totalExtensionsBuilt = Arrays.stream(uniqueModuleCount)
+ .sum() + ringAmount
+ - 1;
+ if (inversion) {
+ totalExtensionsBuilt += (smelting - 1
+ + (molten - 1) * 2
+ + (plasma - 1) * 3
+ + (exotic - 1) * 4
+ + (exoticMagmatter - 1) * 5) / 5f;
+ }
+ milestoneProgress[3] = (int) Math.floor(totalExtensionsBuilt);
+ }
+ private void determineMilestoneProgress() {
+ int closestRelevantSeven;
+ float rawProgress;
+ float actualProgress;
+ if (milestoneProgress[0] < 7) {
+ powerMilestonePercentage = (float) max(
+ (log((totalPowerConsumed.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(POWER_MILESTONE_CONSTANT))).longValue())
+ 0) / 7;
+ milestoneProgress[0] = (int) floor(powerMilestonePercentage * 7);
+ }
+ if (inversion) {
+ rawProgress = (totalPowerConsumed.divide(POWER_MILESTONE_T7_CONSTANT)
+ .floatValue() - 1) / 7;
+ closestRelevantSeven = (int) floor(rawProgress);
+ actualProgress = rawProgress - closestRelevantSeven;
+ milestoneProgress[0] = 7 + (int) floor(rawProgress * 7);
+ if (closestRelevantSeven % 2 == 0) {
+ invertedPowerMilestonePercentage = actualProgress;
+ powerMilestonePercentage = 1 - invertedPowerMilestonePercentage;
+ } else {
+ powerMilestonePercentage = actualProgress;
+ invertedPowerMilestonePercentage = 1 - powerMilestonePercentage;
+ }
+ }
+ if (milestoneProgress[1] < 7) {
+ recipeMilestonePercentage = (float) max(
+ (log(totalRecipesProcessed * 1f / RECIPE_MILESTONE_CONSTANT) / RECIPE_LOG_CONSTANT + 1),
+ 0) / 7;
+ milestoneProgress[1] = (int) floor(recipeMilestonePercentage * 7);
+ }
+ if (inversion) {
+ rawProgress = (((float) totalRecipesProcessed / RECIPE_MILESTONE_T7_CONSTANT) - 1) / 7;
+ closestRelevantSeven = (int) floor(rawProgress);
+ actualProgress = rawProgress - closestRelevantSeven;
+ milestoneProgress[1] = 7 + (int) floor(rawProgress * 7);
+ if (closestRelevantSeven % 2 == 0) {
+ invertedRecipeMilestonePercentage = actualProgress;
+ recipeMilestonePercentage = 1 - invertedRecipeMilestonePercentage;
+ } else {
+ recipeMilestonePercentage = actualProgress;
+ invertedRecipeMilestonePercentage = 1 - recipeMilestonePercentage;
+ }
+ }
+ if (milestoneProgress[2] < 7) {
+ fuelMilestonePercentage = (float) max(
+ (log(totalFuelConsumed * 1f / FUEL_MILESTONE_CONSTANT) / FUEL_LOG_CONSTANT + 1),
+ 0) / 7;
+ milestoneProgress[2] = (int) floor(fuelMilestonePercentage * 7);
+ }
+ if (inversion) {
+ rawProgress = (((float) totalFuelConsumed / FUEL_MILESTONE_T7_CONSTANT) - 1) / 7;
+ closestRelevantSeven = (int) floor(rawProgress);
+ actualProgress = rawProgress - closestRelevantSeven;
+ milestoneProgress[2] = 7 + (int) floor(rawProgress * 7);
+ if ((closestRelevantSeven % 2) == 0) {
+ invertedFuelMilestonePercentage = actualProgress;
+ fuelMilestonePercentage = 1 - invertedFuelMilestonePercentage;
+ } else {
+ fuelMilestonePercentage = actualProgress;
+ invertedFuelMilestonePercentage = 1 - fuelMilestonePercentage;
+ }
+ }
+ if (milestoneProgress[3] <= 7) {
+ structureMilestonePercentage = totalExtensionsBuilt / 7f;
+ }
+ if (inversion) {
+ rawProgress = (totalExtensionsBuilt - 7) / 7f;
+ closestRelevantSeven = (int) floor(rawProgress);
+ actualProgress = rawProgress - closestRelevantSeven;
+ if ((closestRelevantSeven % 2) == 0) {
+ invertedStructureMilestonePercentage = actualProgress;
+ structureMilestonePercentage = 1 - invertedStructureMilestonePercentage;
+ } else {
+ structureMilestonePercentage = actualProgress;
+ invertedStructureMilestonePercentage = 1 - structureMilestonePercentage;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void determineGravitonShardAmount() {
+ int sum = 0;
+ for (int progress : milestoneProgress) {
+ if (!inversion) {
+ progress = Math.min(progress, 7);
+ }
+ sum += progress * (progress + 1) / 2;
+ }
+ gravitonShardsAvailable = sum - gravitonShardsSpent;
+ }
+ private void ejectGravitonShards() {
+ if (mOutputBusses.size() == 1) {
+ while (gravitonShardsAvailable >= 64) {
+ addOutput(GTOreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.gem, MaterialsUEVplus.GravitonShard, 64));
+ gravitonShardsAvailable -= 64;
+ }
+ addOutput(
+ GTOreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.gem, MaterialsUEVplus.GravitonShard, gravitonShardsAvailable));
+ gravitonShardsAvailable = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private Text gravitonShardAmountText(int milestoneID) {
+ int sum;
+ int progress = milestoneProgress[milestoneID];
+ if (!inversion) {
+ progress = Math.min(progress, 7);
+ }
+ sum = progress * (progress + 1) / 2;
+ return new Text(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.shardgain") + ": " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + sum);
+ }
+ private Text totalMilestoneProgress(int milestoneID) {
+ long progress;
+ BigInteger bigProgress;
+ String suffix;
+ switch (milestoneID) {
+ case 1 -> {
+ suffix = translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.recipes");
+ progress = totalRecipesProcessed;
+ }
+ case 2 -> {
+ suffix = translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelconsumed");
+ progress = totalFuelConsumed;
+ }
+ case 3 -> {
+ suffix = translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.extensions");
+ progress = milestoneProgress[3];
+ }
+ default -> {
+ suffix = translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.power");
+ bigProgress = totalPowerConsumed;
+ if (!noFormatting && (totalPowerConsumed.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(1_000L)) > 0)) {
+ return new Text(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.totalprogress") + ": "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + toExponentForm(bigProgress)
+ + " "
+ + suffix);
+ } else {
+ return new Text(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.totalprogress") + ": "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + bigProgress
+ + " "
+ + suffix);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!noFormatting) {
+ return new Text(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.totalprogress") + ": "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + formatNumbers(progress)
+ + " "
+ + suffix);
+ } else {
+ return new Text(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.totalprogress") + ": "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + progress
+ + " "
+ + suffix);
+ }
+ }
+ private Text currentMilestone(int milestoneID) {
+ return new Text(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.milestoneprogress") + ": "
+ + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
+ + milestoneProgress[milestoneID]);
+ }
+ private Text milestoneProgressText(int milestoneID, boolean formatting) {
+ long max;
+ BigInteger bigMax;
+ String suffix;
+ String progressText = translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.progress");
+ Text done = new Text(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.milestonecomplete"));
+ if (noFormatting) {
+ formatting = false;
+ done = new Text(
+ translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.milestonecomplete") + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_RED
+ + "?");
+ }
+ switch (milestoneID) {
+ case 0:
+ if (milestoneProgress[0] < 7 || inversion) {
+ suffix = translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.power");
+ if (inversion) {
+ bigMax = POWER_MILESTONE_T7_CONSTANT.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(milestoneProgress[0] - 5));
+ } else {
+ bigMax = BigInteger.valueOf(LongMath.pow(9, milestoneProgress[0]))
+ .multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(LongMath.pow(10, 15)));
+ }
+ if (formatting && (totalPowerConsumed.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(1_000L)) > 0)) {
+ return new Text(
+ progressText + ": " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + toExponentForm(bigMax) + " " + suffix);
+ } else {
+ return new Text(progressText + ": " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + bigMax + " " + suffix);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return done;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ if (milestoneProgress[1] < 7 || inversion) {
+ suffix = translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.recipes");
+ if (inversion) {
+ max = RECIPE_MILESTONE_T7_CONSTANT * (milestoneProgress[1] - 5);
+ } else {
+ max = LongMath.pow(6, milestoneProgress[1]) * LongMath.pow(10, 7);
+ }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ return done;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ if (milestoneProgress[2] < 7 || inversion) {
+ suffix = translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.fuelconsumed");
+ if (inversion) {
+ max = FUEL_MILESTONE_T7_CONSTANT * (milestoneProgress[2] - 5);
+ } else {
+ max = LongMath.pow(3, milestoneProgress[2]) * LongMath.pow(10, 4);
+ }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ return done;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ if (milestoneProgress[3] < 7 || inversion) {
+ suffix = translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.extensions");
+ max = milestoneProgress[3] + 1;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ return done;
+ }
+ default:
+ return new Text("Error");
+ }
+ if (formatting) {
+ return new Text(progressText + ": " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + formatNumbers(max) + " " + suffix);
+ } else {
+ return new Text(progressText + ": " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + max + " " + suffix);
+ }
+ }
+ private Text inversionHeaderText() {
+ return inversion
+ ? new Text(
+ EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "§k2"
+ + EnumChatFormatting.RESET
+ + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE
+ + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD
+ + translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.inversion")
+ + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD
+ + "§k2")
+ : new Text("");
+ }
+ private Text inversionInfoText() {
+ return inversion ? new Text(translateToLocal("gt.blockmachines.multimachine.FOG.inversioninfotext"))
+ : new Text("");
+ }
+ private List<String> upgradeMaterialRequirements() {
+ if (materialPaidUpgrades[Arrays.asList(UPGRADE_MATERIAL_ID_CONVERSION)
+ .indexOf(currentUpgradeID)]) {
+ return ImmutableList.of(translateToLocal("fog.button.materialrequirementsmet.tooltip"));
+ }
+ return ImmutableList.of(translateToLocal("fog.button.materialrequirements.tooltip"));
+ }
+ private void increaseBattery(int amount) {
+ if ((internalBattery + amount) <= maxBatteryCharge) {
+ internalBattery += amount;
+ } else {
+ internalBattery = maxBatteryCharge;
+ batteryCharging = false;
+ }
+ }
+ public void reduceBattery(int amount) {
+ if (internalBattery - amount <= 0) {
+ internalBattery = 0;
+ if (moduleHatches.size() > 0) {
+ for (MTEBaseModule module : moduleHatches) {
+ module.disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ destroyRenderer();
+ } else {
+ internalBattery -= amount;
+ totalFuelConsumed += amount;
+ }
+ }
+ public int getBatteryCharge() {
+ return internalBattery;
+ }
+ public int getMaxBatteryCharge() {
+ return maxBatteryCharge;
+ }
+ public void addTotalPowerConsumed(BigInteger amount) {
+ totalPowerConsumed = totalPowerConsumed.add(amount);
+ }
+ public void addTotalRecipesProcessed(long amount) {
+ totalRecipesProcessed += amount;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setHatchRecipeMap(MTEHatchInput hatch) {}
+ @Override
+ public void setItemNBT(NBTTagCompound NBT) {
+ NBT.setInteger("selectedFuelType", selectedFuelType);
+ NBT.setInteger("fuelConsumptionFactor", fuelConsumptionFactor);
+ NBT.setInteger("internalBattery", internalBattery);
+ NBT.setBoolean("batteryCharging", batteryCharging);
+ NBT.setInteger("batterySize", maxBatteryCharge);
+ NBT.setInteger("gravitonShardsAvailable", gravitonShardsAvailable);
+ NBT.setInteger("gravitonShardsSpent", gravitonShardsSpent);
+ NBT.setByteArray("totalPowerConsumed", totalPowerConsumed.toByteArray());
+ NBT.setLong("totalRecipesProcessed", totalRecipesProcessed);
+ NBT.setLong("totalFuelConsumed", totalFuelConsumed);
+ NBT.setInteger("starFuelStored", stellarFuelAmount);
+ NBT.setBoolean("gravitonShardEjection", gravitonShardEjection);
+ // Store booleanArrays of all upgrades
+ NBTTagCompound upgradeBooleanArrayNBTTag = new NBTTagCompound();
+ int upgradeIndex = 0;
+ for (Boolean upgrade : upgrades) {
+ upgradeBooleanArrayNBTTag.setBoolean("upgrade" + upgradeIndex, upgrade);
+ upgradeIndex++;
+ }
+ NBT.setTag("upgrades", upgradeBooleanArrayNBTTag);
+ NBTTagCompound upgradeMaterialBooleanArrayNBTTag = new NBTTagCompound();
+ int upgradeMaterialIndex = 0;
+ for (Boolean upgrade : materialPaidUpgrades) {
+ upgradeBooleanArrayNBTTag.setBoolean("upgradeMaterial" + upgradeMaterialIndex, upgrade);
+ upgradeMaterialIndex++;
+ }
+ NBT.setTag("upgradeMaterials", upgradeMaterialBooleanArrayNBTTag);
+ super.saveNBTData(NBT);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound NBT) {
+ NBT.setInteger("selectedFuelType", selectedFuelType);
+ NBT.setInteger("fuelConsumptionFactor", fuelConsumptionFactor);
+ NBT.setInteger("internalBattery", internalBattery);
+ NBT.setBoolean("batteryCharging", batteryCharging);
+ NBT.setInteger("batterySize", maxBatteryCharge);
+ NBT.setInteger("gravitonShardsAvailable", gravitonShardsAvailable);
+ NBT.setInteger("gravitonShardsSpent", gravitonShardsSpent);
+ NBT.setByteArray("totalPowerConsumed", totalPowerConsumed.toByteArray());
+ NBT.setLong("totalRecipesProcessed", totalRecipesProcessed);
+ NBT.setLong("totalFuelConsumed", totalFuelConsumed);
+ NBT.setInteger("starFuelStored", stellarFuelAmount);
+ NBT.setBoolean("gravitonShardEjection", gravitonShardEjection);
+ NBT.setBoolean("isRenderActive", isRenderActive);
+ NBT.setInteger("ringAmount", ringAmount);
+ // Store booleanArray of all upgrades
+ NBTTagCompound upgradeBooleanArrayNBTTag = new NBTTagCompound();
+ int upgradeIndex = 0;
+ for (boolean upgrade : upgrades) {
+ upgradeBooleanArrayNBTTag.setBoolean("upgrade" + upgradeIndex, upgrade);
+ upgradeIndex++;
+ }
+ NBT.setTag("upgrades", upgradeBooleanArrayNBTTag);
+ NBTTagCompound upgradeMaterialBooleanArrayNBTTag = new NBTTagCompound();
+ int upgradeMaterialIndex = 0;
+ for (boolean upgrade : materialPaidUpgrades) {
+ upgradeMaterialBooleanArrayNBTTag.setBoolean("upgradeMaterial" + upgradeMaterialIndex, upgrade);
+ upgradeMaterialIndex++;
+ }
+ NBT.setTag("upgradeMaterials", upgradeMaterialBooleanArrayNBTTag);
+ super.saveNBTData(NBT);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound NBT) {
+ selectedFuelType = NBT.getInteger("selectedFuelType");
+ fuelConsumptionFactor = NBT.getInteger("fuelConsumptionFactor");
+ internalBattery = NBT.getInteger("internalBattery");
+ batteryCharging = NBT.getBoolean("batteryCharging");
+ maxBatteryCharge = NBT.getInteger("batterySize");
+ gravitonShardsAvailable = NBT.getInteger("gravitonShardsAvailable");
+ gravitonShardsSpent = NBT.getInteger("gravitonShardsSpent");
+ totalPowerConsumed = new BigInteger(NBT.getByteArray("totalPowerConsumed"));
+ totalRecipesProcessed = NBT.getLong("totalRecipesProcessed");
+ totalFuelConsumed = NBT.getLong("totalFuelConsumed");
+ stellarFuelAmount = NBT.getInteger("starFuelStored");
+ gravitonShardEjection = NBT.getBoolean("gravitonShardEjection");
+ isRenderActive = NBT.getBoolean("isRenderActive");
+ ringAmount = NBT.getInteger("ringAmount");
+ NBTTagCompound tempBooleanTag = NBT.getCompoundTag("upgrades");
+ for (int upgradeIndex = 0; upgradeIndex < 31; upgradeIndex++) {
+ boolean upgrade = tempBooleanTag.getBoolean("upgrade" + upgradeIndex);
+ upgrades[upgradeIndex] = upgrade;
+ }
+ tempBooleanTag = NBT.getCompoundTag("upgradeMaterials");
+ for (int upgradeIndex = 0; upgradeIndex < 7; upgradeIndex++) {
+ boolean upgrade = tempBooleanTag.getBoolean("upgradeMaterial" + upgradeIndex);
+ materialPaidUpgrades[upgradeIndex] = upgrade;
+ }
+ super.loadNBTData(NBT);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean getDefaultHasMaintenanceChecks() {
+ return false;
+ }