path: root/build.gradle
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-27Merge branch 'GT-NH-Mod' into GTNH-Mod-SmallOresbartimaeusnek
2018-05-03New jenkins sourceNamikon
2018-04-25version bumpbartimaeusnek
2018-04-24added Sheetexport featurebartimaeusnek
2018-02-12+added gradlew automationLOKKO12
2018-01-26Fixed it. upgrade to V1.0.5LOKKO12
2018-01-22- removed GT6 supportLOKKO12
2017-03-31Update mod version to 1.0.4GWYOG
2016-11-10Update mod version to 1.0.3GWYOG
2016-11-10Update the comment info in build.gradleGWYOG
2016-11-07Update mod version to 1.0.2GWYOG
2016-11-04Update mod version to 1.0.1GWYOG
2016-11-04Remove the dependencies in build.gradle and add commentsGWYOG
2016-11-04Pre-release 1.0.0GWYOG