path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-08-18+ Added Forming Press mode to the Large Bending Machine. Closes #347.Alkalus
2018-07-21+ Added generic token type items to use for various trades.Alkalus
2018-07-18+ Basework for a GT++ based Hand Pump.Alkalus
2018-07-01% More work on Villagers.Alkalus
2018-05-22$ Fixed some TF recipes.Jordan Byrne
2018-05-22$ Fixed more invalid recipes for furnaces, blast furnaces & extruders.Jordan Byrne
2018-05-14+ Added better processing for LFTR Molten Salts.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-19+ Added some default aspects to all material & ore items.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-15+ Added additional processes for obtaining Radon.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-14+ Added Radium-226 & Decayed form.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-06+ Added temp recipes for the Cyclotron and it's casings.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-04+ Added dusts that can decay.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-03+ Added Foil base item for future item generation.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-02$ Findbugs cleanup.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-27$ Organized imports.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-27$ PMD Cleanup.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-23$ Fixes bad Air Filter names.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-23$ Actually fixed the issue with OreDictGrabber failing.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-22% Minor project cleanup.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-21+ Added localization for en_US for basically every item and block.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-21$ Tree Farmer Work.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-19$ Tree farmer work.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-01$ Fixes #207.Jordan Byrne
2018-01-31$ Minor fixes.Jordan Byrne
2018-01-31+ Added tooltips for Everglades blocks.Jordan Byrne
2018-01-29+ Added Trinium Titanium Cable/wires.Jordan Byrne
2018-01-29% Improved tooltip for Fluorite Ore.Jordan Byrne
2018-01-08+ Added an interface to make tooltips on tile entities more flexible.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-29+ Added more new ore veins.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-29+ Add Gadolinium, Samarium, Ytterbium & Lanthanum if they do not exist.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-29+ Added dehydrator recipes for denser ore types.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-28+ Added 3 new batteries.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-24+ More Ore Work.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-22+ More additions for new dimension content, mostly ores.Draknyte1
2017-12-20- Disabled some logging.Draknyte1
2017-12-13$ Further bee work.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-10% Major Refactor of the base GT++ class.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-03$ Fixed Ammonium Tetrafluoroberyllate recipe.Jordan Byrne
2017-11-28+ Added formulas to EIO ingots.Alkalus
2017-11-27+ Added Formulae to more chemical materials.Alkalus
2017-11-26+ Added Xp Converter crafting recipe.Alkalus
2017-11-26$ Fixed Large Sifter, Tree Farm & Power Sub-Station not forming on SMP.Alkalus
2017-11-24+ Added a simple block that can convert liquid xp to mob essence and back.Alkalus
2017-11-20+ Added the Upgraded Arcane Alembic.$ Fixed the Upgraded Alchemy Furnace GUI.Alkalus
2017-10-07$ Fixed custom IC2 cells. (HF, SO2, etc)Alkalus
2017-10-06$ .08 compliance fixes.Alkalus
2017-09-28+ Added Base Tile Entity Class.Alkalus
2017-09-25% More Sulfuric Potion changes.Alkalus
2017-09-22% Small changes.Alkalus
2017-09-22+ More work on Trade Table.Alkalus