path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/recipe
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-04-17+ Added new sifting recipe for Rare Earth, allowing more lanthanides to be ob...Alkalus
2019-03-14+ Added recycling recipe for broken bomb casts.Alkalus
2019-03-14+ Added Bombs.Alkalus
2019-03-14% Made Control Cores Optional, they will still lock to the Core's tier if pre...Alkalus
2019-03-14- Removed recipe for crafting XP Convertor.Alkalus
2019-03-14+ Added crafting recipe for Biocomposite Collector.Alkalus
2019-03-14+ Added Biocomposite Collector.Alkalus
2019-03-13% Mild improvements to BTF_Inventory.java.Alkalus
2019-03-08+ Added Fuel Rod Reprocessing for Krypton attainment.Alkalus
2019-03-08+ Added some AgriChem. (You can now use Raw waste as a fuel source)Alkalus
2019-03-01$ Final fixes to TiCon reflective integration. Now to just tweak the added co...Alkalus
2019-02-28+ Added dehydrator recipe for tanned leather.Alkalus
2019-02-28+ Added some new dummy items for Assembly Line research, so as not to conflic...Alkalus
2019-02-28+ Uploaded missing Hemp crop textures.Alkalus
2019-02-28+ Added a new debug tool.Alkalus
2019-02-14+ Added recipes for the Large Arc Furnace and Casings.Alkalus
2019-02-06$ Hopefully fixed a crash concerning Assembly Line recipes.Alkalus
2019-02-05+ Added recipe for Nano Healer.Alkalus
2019-02-05+ Added shapeless recipes for Tumbaga and Potin dust.Alkalus
2019-02-05+ Added recipes for ULV generators.Alkalus
2019-02-05+ Added Charge Packs, which can be worn in the Bauble belt slot.Alkalus
2019-02-01+ Added a mild tweak for OB graves, so that they are now immune to TC Hungry ...Alkalus
2019-01-31+ Added a config option for control cores. Someone should definitely test thi...Alkalus
2019-01-29+ Added Super Busses.Alkalus
2019-01-26+ Added recipes for Auto-Doors.Alkalus
2019-01-25+ Added recipes to obtain Astral Titanium, Celestial Tungsten Advanced Nitino...Alkalus
2019-01-15+ Added recipes for the control cores and the respective module for multiblocks.Alkalus
2019-01-13+ Added Xp conversion brewing recipes.Alkalus
2019-01-09+ Added 118 Ions and all Base Particles.Alkalus
2019-01-07+ Added several new Materials and Alloys. (Nitinol 60, Adv. Nitinol, Hypogen,...Alkalus
2019-01-06+ Added a new Alloy.Alkalus
2018-12-24% Nerfed Radon Production from Radium within GTNH.Alkalus
2018-12-24+ Added a config option to adjust the Turbine Rotor removal cut-off point.Alkalus
2018-11-01+ Added new Radioactive ore.Alkalus
2018-10-27% Made dusts use various material textures instead of just the default.Alkalus
2018-10-27% Material logging changed.Alkalus
2018-10-26+ Added recipes to obtain Selenium, Ruthenium, Rhenium, Thallium & Hafnium.Alkalus
2018-10-26+ Added a roasting recipe for obtaining small quantities of Germanium.Alkalus
2018-10-26% More .08 Compatibility.Alkalus
2018-10-26% Updated 5.08 compatibility.Alkalus
2018-10-22- Removed Circuit Nerf for GTNH, Most recipes now have increased circuit cost...Alkalus
2018-09-15+ Added custom doors.Alkalus
2018-09-12+ Added total luminosity to all Tinkers Construct fluids via ASM.Alkalus
2018-08-31$ Massive Improvements to the Grindle.Alkalus
2018-08-23+ Added recipe for Large Mixer controller, closes #355.Alkalus
2018-08-23- Removed EIO fuels being registered when in GTNH.Alkalus
2018-08-23% Made Substation Redox cells more expensive. Closes #331.Alkalus
2018-07-21+ Gave Tokens icons.Alkalus
2018-07-21+ Added generic token type items to use for various trades.Alkalus
2018-07-21$ Small Pump fix that allowed mis-use when right clicking.Alkalus