path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-03-22Remove mOreDictCache and mDustCache from ItemUtilsDavid Vierra
2018-03-20$ Fixed another instance of things being cached when invalid.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-20$ Moved Item & Block generation earlier into Pre-Init, before recipes are han...Jordan Byrne
2018-03-20+ Added Buffered Dynamos for all Tiers.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-03$ Small fixes to Yellorium ore component additions.Jordan Byrne
2018-03-02$ Findbugs cleanup.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-27$ Organized imports.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-27$ PMD Cleanup.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-26$ Findbugs Fixes.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-23$ Actually fixed the issue with OreDictGrabber failing.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-23$ Fixed weird loop lag from Itemutils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict().Jordan Byrne
2018-02-22+ Added config for the Large Extruder.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-22$ Should Fix #174.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-22+ Added a debug item for linking blocks.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-22% Minor project cleanup.Jordan Byrne