path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-07-17+ Added a fix for beds when sleeping above Y >= 127.Alkalus
2018-07-13+ Added a Base Class to help with Dev/ASM functionality.Alkalus
2018-05-27+ Added a custom ItemEntity for the Large Chicken Eggs, they now hatch in world.Alkalus
2018-05-13+ Added a recipe to turn Ethylbenzene into Styrene and Hydrogen.Jordan Byrne
2018-05-13+ Added Turbine Animations.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-27$ Organized imports.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-23Fix NPE in Preloader_GT_OreDict caused by improper use of string formattingDavid Vierra
2018-02-23$ Fixed weird loop lag from Itemutils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict().Jordan Byrne
2018-02-22+ Added config for the Large Extruder.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-22% Minor project cleanup.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-21$ Tree Farmer Work.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-04+ Added more casings for multiblocks.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-04+ Added recipes for the Cutting Factory.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-04$ More GT ASM.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-04$ More improvements to the GT ASM.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-04$ Fixed Field injection ASM doing double injections.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-04+ Added Super Chests.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-01$ Small Fixes.Jordan Byrne
2018-01-31$ Finished ASM for getDrops() GT fix.Jordan Byrne
2018-01-29% Improved tooltip for Fluorite Ore.Jordan Byrne
2018-01-25$ Further fixes to Pollution and Multiblocks, revision of 7ddb7f5e8ed9fe60b73...Jordan Byrne
2017-12-20- Disabled some logging.Draknyte1
2017-12-20+ Added support for GTNH Trinium.Draknyte1
2017-11-27- Removed Mekanism changes if RedTech is loaded.Alkalus
2017-11-06% Redid every Mekanism recipe that required Osmium.Alkalus
2017-11-06+ Added Mekanism support, now it's Osmium and Circuits are useless for Gregte...Alkalus
2017-11-06$ Another NPE catch on the ASM.Alkalus
2017-11-06+ Added raisin juice.Alkalus
2017-11-06% Hopefully greatly improved the structure check for the Industrial sifter.Alkalus
2017-11-05$ Hopefully fixed the ASM OreDict hack.Alkalus
2017-10-08$ Tried to improve the handling of Old circuit config in core mod.Alkalus
2017-10-08+ Added a sorting index of 10000 to the PreLoader module.Alkalus
2017-10-08$ Fixed Core Mod Not loading outside of Dev. environment.Alkalus
2017-10-08+ Added support for the new circuit components added since original implement...Alkalus
2017-09-12+ Created the Project Table.Alkalus
2017-08-12+ Added Lava Filter recipe.Draknyte1
2017-08-09% Rewrote the Preloader mod to now be a dummy mod.Draknyte1
2017-08-08+ Added a new mod component for GT++, titled Preloader. This enables me to do...Draknyte1