path: root/src/Java/miscutil/core/item/base
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-08-01+ Initial work on the Sinter Furnace and Multiblock debugging tools.Draknyte1
2016-07-31% Tweaks to recipe handling for null cases which weren't actually null.Draknyte1
2016-07-31+ Added long Rods for all MaterialsDraknyte1
2016-07-30+ Materials handler now generates blocks and frames from each metal.Draknyte1
2016-07-29+ Added a Material creation backend.Draknyte1
2016-07-29+ Added Frameboxes with Colours and Names.Draknyte1
2016-07-27+ Added Base classes for meta blocks.Draknyte1
2016-07-27% Changed Handling of Item loading significantly.Draknyte1
2016-07-27+ Added plate handler for item generation.Draknyte1
2016-07-27+ Added Raisin ToastDraknyte1
2016-07-27+ Added Food and Hot foodsDraknyte1
2016-07-27+ Added a Plate Bender Recipe for Staballoy.Draknyte1
2016-07-24$ Fixed the missing LuV Rocket Engine Recipe.Draknyte1
2016-07-22+ Added a dust handler - Staballoy is now added.Draknyte1
2016-07-18+ Added Custom spawn eggs.Draknyte1
2016-07-09+ Added Rotor Components for the new IC2 Rotors.Draknyte1
2016-07-09+ Added in a IC2 Kinetic gearbox rotor made from Iridium.Draknyte1
2016-07-02+ Bumped Build versionDraknyte1
2016-07-02%Renamed xmod handlers.Draknyte1
2016-06-19+More classes stolen from GT to implement my own items on a metaitem.Draknyte1
2016-06-02~Changed Coke Oven RecipesDraknyte1
2016-05-30+Cleaned up Helium Generator GUIDraknyte1
2016-05-30+Helium Generator, Initial CommitDraknyte1
2016-04-03Finally, Got everything working how I want. Only thing left to do is the anti...Draknyte1