path: root/src/Java/miscutil/core/tileentities
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-19+More classes stolen from GT to implement my own items on a metaitem.Draknyte1
2016-06-18~More RefactoringDraknyte1
2016-06-17~Changed the way compatability is handled.Draknyte1
2016-06-16~Changed Fuel Rods to Utilise NBT data instead of private instance variables.Draknyte1
2016-06-16Done a lot of work on the NFHG.Draknyte1
2016-06-14~Refactored quite a few classes around, for cleaner code structure.Draknyte1
2016-06-14+Updated Lang FileDraknyte1
2016-05-30+Further work on Helium GeneratorDraknyte1
2016-05-30+Cleaned up Helium Generator GUIDraknyte1
2016-05-30+Helium Generator, Initial CommitDraknyte1
2016-02-27Pushing more things to Git which weren't there.Draknyte1
2016-02-20AntiGriefer Block basic implementation added.Draknyte1
2016-01-20Initial CommitDraknyte1