Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
* move kekztech to a single root dir
* move detrav to a single root dir
* move gtnh-lanthanides to a single root dir
* move tectech and delete some gross reflection in gt++
* remove more reflection inside gt5u
* delete more reflection in gt++
* fix imports
* move bartworks and bwcrossmod
* fix proxies
* move galactigreg and ggfab
* move gtneioreplugin
* try to fix gt++ bee loader
* apply the rename rules to BW
* apply rename rules to bwcrossmod
* apply rename rules to detrav scanner mod
* apply rename rules to galacticgreg
* apply rename rules to ggfab
* apply rename rules to goodgenerator
* apply rename rules to gtnh-lanthanides
* apply rename rules to gt++
* apply rename rules to kekztech
* apply rename rules to kubatech
* apply rename rules to tectech
* apply rename rules to gt
apply the rename rules to gt
* fix tt import
* fix mui hopefully
* fix coremod except intergalactic
* rename assline recipe class
* fix a class name i stumbled on
* rename StructureUtility to GTStructureUtility to prevent conflict with structurelib
* temporary rename of GTTooltipDataCache to old name
* fix gt client/server proxy names
* Remove isValidMetaTileEntity and filterValidMetaTileEntities
* Remove calclavia oredict
* Remove unused GT_GUIColorOverride constructor
* Remove getItemGridPositions
* Remove unused tool classes
* Remove unused GT_Runnable_Sound constructors
* Remove unused cover constructors
* Remove getBasicOutput()
* Remove unused GT_MetaTileEntity_GasTurbine constructors
* Remove ImplosionCompressorRecipes#addImplosionRecipe
* Remove mOutputItem1 & mOutputItem2
* Remove GT_MetaTileEntity_Miner#moveOneDown & #getFakePlayer
* Remove unused GT_Worldgen_GT_Ore_Layer constructor
* Remove GT_ModReference
* Remove deprecated BaseMetaTileEntity#receiveMetaTileEntityData
* Remove deprecated cover variables
* Remove deprecated GT_CoverBehaviorBase#isCoverPlaceable
* Remove unused variables from GT_MachineRecipeLoader
* Remove #getCalcificationOutput
* Remove IC2_Fuel_Can_Empty and IC2_Fuel_Can_Filled
* Remove deprecated #polluteEnvironment()
* Remove FluidDisplaySlotWidget
* Fix Missing null/empty checks on boilers base class
Would cause a deadlock on empty boilers unable to start,
as it tried to transfer null or empty FuildStack.
* Fix Sound coordinates so it can be centered on block
* WIP Lava Boiler Improuvements
* :spotlessapply
* Add GUI slot block background textures
* Restrict ash slot to remove items only (disallow inserting items there)
* Finalize GUI and Obsidian Production mechanic
* Fix still output Obisidian from cooled Lava even when no more Lava available
* Lava Boiler Textures: Improves GUI and TOP
- Fluid slot now has Steam themed textures
- Item slot block background gets a smaller icon that hides behind
actual item blocks
- Boiler TOP is now a drain texture instead of pump
* Add null check
* Update dependencies
* Update buildscript, apply spotless
* add(api/enums): particle and sound effect enumerations
- Adds new GregTech API enumerations:
- `ParticleFX`: Enumerates known EntityFX particles.
- `SoundResource`: Enumerates known sounds with, id and ResourceLocation.
- Refactors code to use the new enumerations instead of string literals.
- Uses `ParticleFX` and `onRandomDisplayTick` to improve or implement
new particle effects for these machines:
- BBF: Adds random flames in front of the firebox.
- Steam machines: Changes pressure-exhaust particles to white vapour,
rather than dark smoke.
- Magic Energy Absorber: Adds random effect, of absorbed magical purple
particles, by the EnderDragon Egg siphon.
- Forge Hammer: Adds sparse random sparks, ejected from the main face.
git and diff tools will complain if text file does not end with a newline.
Fixed all text files in the repository with Linux bash shell:
git ls-files -z |
while IFS= read -rd '' f; do
mime="$(file --brief --mime "$f")";
if [ -z "${mime##text/*}" ]; then
tail -c1 "$f" |
read -r _ || printf '\n' >>"$f";